IRC log for #oe on 20080729

00:06.19khemthesing: ping
00:08.36thesingkhem: pong
00:09.47khemthesing: I did not try BB_POLICY stuff though
00:10.04khemI thought this should have worked
00:10.48thesingI didn't do a clean build. But I don't think this matters.
00:11.30thesingi.e. I did a normal build switched the BB_POLICY stuff on, and tried to build sth.
00:11.33khemcircular dependency is happening because earlier glibc was built before gcc-cross and there was no dep for cross-gcc on glibc instead it used glibc-intermediate
00:12.07khembut now glibc is build prior to gcc-cross so there is a dep for cross-gcc on glibc
00:12.51khemI guess this change is confusing bitbake RP might tell more
00:13.05khembut a clean build should work
00:13.29thesingI think there is a whitelist somewhere to solve such stuff.
00:13.46khemhmmm yeah let me look for it
00:13.56thesinga clean build only works until glibc is changed. then it will fail again.
00:19.21thesingok time for bed. Bye
00:19.29khemthesing: good night !
00:19.35khemare u in europe
00:20.29khemso if I use BB_STAMP_POLICY="whitelist" I should see the problem. I will try it out thx
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03:45.23SargunHow do I update my OE repos?
03:48.34Sargunmtn: warning: protocol error while processing peer 'received network error: remote public key hash '549ba2d291b2bd57cb5ed3fec1c6627e9aa4b567' is unknown'
03:48.34Sargunmtn: bytes in | bytes out | revs in
03:48.34Sargunmtn:      104 |       347 |       0
03:48.34Sargunmtn: error: processing failure while talking to peer, disconnecting
03:53.30SargunWhy did you guys choose Monotone?
03:57.22khemSargun: what is your update command
03:57.50SargunI deleted it and ran:
03:57.56Sargunthat seems to be working
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04:02.00rsalvetiyou could clone from the git server
04:02.11rsalvetiI guess it's getting everything from monotone
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04:04.19Sargunthis is oging to take a while:
04:04.20Sargunmtn:    1.5 M |     1.1 M |  260/3001 |  66/745
04:04.37Sargunafter 10 minutes
04:05.42khemSargun: your database snapshot might be old
04:06.18khemSargun: you can download the latest db and that might reduce the number of changesets it needs to pull
04:07.15SargunWhy does monotone use a huge big blob?
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07:58.42Genesisguten tag josch|nsn
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08:30.17methrilhrw thanks for the poky tip
08:30.26methrilit worked
08:31.13methrilnow i have other things not working (gsmd and some keymap's ) but poky it's better with icons :)
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08:50.06RPmorning all
08:50.36XorAyo RP
08:51.58pb__florian: good morning
08:52.16florianhi all
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09:12.20XorAhmm, If I was a microSD card where would I hide
09:12.44RPXorA: Easy, In the last place you'll look
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09:14.47josch|nsnhehe this is the reason why i NEVER EVER remove the microSD card from any of my embedded devices - they get lost immediately
09:17.52XorAfound some in old Neo phones
09:28.56hrwone of my neos still has that 128M card which openmoko put in package
09:29.04XorAtrouble with moving house, everything is in the wrong place
09:29.09XorAincluding my bathroom :-(
09:30.50josch|nsnXorA: you scare me - i move in a month too :D
09:31.14XorAI keep wandering to where the stairs should be, and I find myself in my spare bedroom
09:31.26XorAthen I remeber Im in a flat now
09:31.31hrwjosch|nsn: I am moving in september
09:31.45josch|nsnthe 128MB card from my neo was one of the first that i never saw again...
09:31.49XorAhrw: bigger place?
09:33.54josch|nsni hope my new internet provider will not be a crappy one with max 16MBit/s and stuff
09:33.58josch|nsndinner time!
09:34.32hrwXorA: much
09:34.41hrwjosch|nsn: argh!
09:34.59hrwdo not like when people say what kind of net they have...
09:35.17hrwhere 3Mbps/512kbps costs me nearly 50 euro...
09:35.32hrwbut at new flat 10Mbps/1Mbps would be <30 eur
09:36.34XorAhrw: nice
09:36.41XorAhrw: 10/1.3 is 18GBp
09:36.46XorAhrw: for me
09:37.07hrw~change 18 gbp to pln
09:37.22florianXorA: that's quite good, not that easy to get much up here
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09:37.45hrw21.8383 gbp for me
09:37.47XorAflorian: ADSL2+ so if I was nearer exchange it could get to 24M
09:38.03florianXorA: nice
09:38.19methrilin Spain we're not as lucky as you
09:38.27XorApay another 2 GBP and I can switch some download for upload and get 2.4M up
09:38.29florianIn fact  that was the first thing I checked searching for a house ;)
09:38.48XorAchose this flat so he could get the same ISP :-D
09:39.03hrw149 pln (36.6 gbp, 46,4 eur) for 20/2
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09:49.30hrwXorA: how goes mdev usage?
09:50.06XorAhrw: phone boots are works
09:50.18XorAhrw: lost automounting SD at the moment though
09:52.58XorAhrw: and I had to return to using detect-tsdevice
09:53.08hrwXorA: tried to use mdev for populating and udev for hotplug?
09:53.29XorAhrw: thats what I am doing, but mmc is cold plugged
09:53.36XorAhrw: so gets handled by mdev
09:54.06hrwa yes..
09:54.06XorAhrw: same with touchscreen
09:54.27XorAhrw: mdev can run scripts though, just need to write one
09:55.06XorAhrw: mdev.conf
09:55.08hrwXorA: "udevadm trigger --system-match=block"?
09:55.50XorAhrw: I was kind of hoping to do away with udev altogether, its seems to be really slow at what it does
09:56.43hrwXorA: openmoko boot is slow anyway
09:57.10XorAhrw: thats why we want more speed
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10:02.55hrwXorA: merged poky changes?
10:04.11XorAhrw: no, is that just the first boot taring of /dev?
10:04.38hrwthats just udev... we also have some improvements in initscripts etc
10:04.50hrw1s here, 2s there etc
10:07.12XorAhrw: current discussion with OM is for the official distro to not use initscripts
10:08.14hrwone big linuxrc?
10:09.16hrwwhat if I would like to install distcc?
10:09.26hrwor other thing with initscript?
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10:11.45XorAhrw: we are making a phone, not a general purpose linux device, its upto the community to make it that
10:12.24broonieYou can always arrange things so that init scripts are run but all the init scripts in the standard image are merged into oneÂ.
10:13.18XorAbroonie: or that :-)
10:13.49XorAat the moment I am interested in using busybox as much as possible to save on flash reads which we found are expensive
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10:33.48pb__out of interest, what is your current boot time?
10:34.00pb__also working on boot time improvements for another product
10:35.09hrwpb__: month ago openmoko had 2m53s
10:44.02RPWe've been improving boot time in poky too - down to about 20 seconds on the zoom
10:45.02hrwbtw - someone played with ubifs?
10:45.13pb__ok, great.  is that 20 seconds to X and all applications running?
10:48.11RPpb_: 20 seconds to the X desktop finishing loading
10:48.46RPThere is background work that happens afterwards like dropbear starting etc
10:48.58pb__do you know what the time is from power on to linuxrc/init starting to run?  That's where I am focussing my efforts at the moment.
10:49.18hrwpb__: kernel time?
10:49.24RPI think that was about 7 seconds when I measures 20
10:49.40pb__right, thanks
10:49.47RPI've cut that to about 4 now
10:50.00pb__ah, very good
10:50.16pb__I think ours is somewhere around 5-6 so there is probably scope for improvement :-)
10:50.46pb__our main offenders seem to be usb and jffs2
10:50.50RPIt was doing stuff with dhcp and USB RNDIS which I got rid of
10:50.52pb__no surprise about the latter I guess
10:51.02RPAlso, I'm optiing for boot from mmc which helps a lot
10:51.12pb__ah right, I see
10:51.21pb__I don't have that luxury, I must boot from nand.
10:51.46hrwpb__: yaffs or ubifs then?
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10:52.00lardmanhrw: ping
10:52.03RPhrw: From the above I'd suspect jffs2 ;-)
10:52.08hrwpong lardman
10:52.13pb__yaffs doesn't compress, so that's no good
10:52.26RPpb_: You have lzo compression enabled?
10:52.28diego_at_workjffs2 is really slow
10:52.34lardmanhrw: Do you know who was after me re Octave?
10:52.40pb__I don't know much about ubifs but it might be worth a try
10:52.53pb__RP: I think we're using zlib rather than lzo but I'm not certain offhand
10:53.04hrwlardman: will check logs in ~20m
10:53.20RPpb__: lzo is tons faster, I know because I wrote it for that exact reason ;-)
10:53.36pb__ah, excellent :-)
10:53.45hrwlardman: frikker was the person
10:53.51diego_at_workon gp2x yaffs improved boot time versus jffs2
10:54.00lardmanhrw: thanks
10:54.03lardmanfrikker: ping
10:54.03pb__there's also the jffs2 "central summary" patches which I've been meaning to try, although annoyingly there is no offline summarizer for that.
10:55.06pb__also considering changing to a read-only filesystem for the rootfs, since we never actually need to write to it in a production environment.
10:55.27pb__I'm not sure whether there are any existing read-only, compressed filesystems that will perform well on nand though
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10:55.35RPpb__: As an idea of the speedup lzo decreaed the boot time of the n800 by about 25%
10:55.45pb__excellent, I'll have to try that
10:56.59pb__first though I need to fix my lirc problems
10:57.02pb__stabs samsung
10:57.40pb__bbiab, heading to the hardware lab for a while
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11:12.49woglindehi diego
11:12.53woglindehm right
11:13.04woglindeaeh *g*
11:13.13woglindesorry but I had to fix libstdc++
11:13.30woglindeotherwise I didnt had a compiler
11:14.11diego_at_workat the end i've tried some fix, that did'nt work
11:15.18diego_at_workand just gone with this:
11:15.39diego_at_work(it works, but it's not a solution)
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11:41.34pb_labright, phew, lirc working now
11:41.44pb_labstabs samsung, SLOB, crazy kernel h4x0rs
11:42.25woglindehi pb
11:42.46pb_labhi woglinde
11:42.49woglindehm isnt infrared dead?
11:43.03woglindehm besides remote control
11:43.27pb_labRP: by the way, would lzo be a win for zImage decompression as well?
11:43.50pb_labit occurs to me that we probably have about 0.5 second or so spent on that.
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11:46.46woglindehi piroko
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11:50.57pirokowoglinde: Mornin
11:54.35pb__hm, drat, loading usb-ohci-hcd as a module doesn't seem to be a win
11:54.41pb__stabs usb
11:54.54pb__I wonder what it's doing in there.
11:54.57woglindepb ultra secret projekt?
11:56.14pb__me?  no, not really secret, just trying to make the boot time faster on our devices.
11:56.41woglindehm what is it now?
11:57.30hrwpb__: but you can load module and do something at that time...
11:57.43hrwpb__: or load module after starting user stuff?
11:57.45pb__about 1.64 seconds from kernel boot to rootfs mounted, then a second or two of unknown delay (might be our scripts), then about another second of usb-related delay
11:58.28pb__hrw: well, yes, that's what I hoped.  but it doesn't seem to work that way.
11:58.44woglindepb yes sys-rc and the shell scripts consume a lot
11:59.29pb__I need to abolish sysvinit
11:59.39woglindehm you could try minit
12:00.09woglindedont which services you start *g*
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12:00.21pb__none, really
12:00.26woglindehi otavio
12:00.33pb__I think we're probably going to end up writing our own custom /sbin/init
12:00.47woglindethats probably the best
12:02.04pb__it looks like jffs2 mount is currently taking almost exactly 1 second so that should be another obvious candidate for improvement
12:02.52pb__not sure what to do about the other 0.6 seconds of kernel boot time, there don't seem to be any obvious single things there that are consuming a lot of time.
12:02.57hrw~curse networkmanager crap
12:02.58ibotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, networkmanager crap !
12:03.34pb__oh, mtd bad block scan of course, that takes 0.13 seconds.
12:03.55pb__in theory I guess I could delay the bad block scan for everything except the rootfs partition until later in boot-up.
12:04.41pb__probably only gonna save me about 0.07 seconds though, I'm not sure it will be worth the effort.
12:05.11RPpb__: Yes, lzo fo kernel image decompression would be a win
12:05.35woglindemorning rp
12:05.59RPIt doesn't quite quite as good compression but its about 10 times faster at decompression
12:06.01RPhi woglinde
12:06.41pb__ok, great, I'll give that a try as well
12:07.15pb__we have a bit of a delicate balance in that our kernel partition is basically full, so any reduction in compression means we will probably have to boot something else out to a module.  and, given insmod slowness, that would offset the gains from faster unzipping.
12:07.43pb__on the other hand if lzo is 10x faster than zlib then it will probably be a net win even in that case.
12:07.57hrwargh... who invented NM should be shot
12:08.08woglindehrw seems you have a good day
12:08.50hrwwoglinde: my c7x0 has my home wifi in wpa-supplicant config file so 'ifup wlan0' is able to connect to wifi network.
12:09.24hrwwoglinde: but, if NM is running then it require network password to be entered and this pass is too hard to remember to enter it each time when I reflash image
12:10.00woglindemake tatoo out of it
12:12.02hrwmaybe I do not understand use of NM but I prefer to have it removed from all my devices
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12:13.43hrwXorA: on my c7x0 with mmc card plugged I have working /dev/mmcblk* entries after reset with dev.tar trick
12:13.54pirokohrw: It is meant to look useful but instead generally piss you off
12:14.08hrwXorA: but I cant test it with cf and sd inserted - lost all cf cards
12:14.38XorAhrw: you re-run udev trigger?
12:14.49hrwpiroko: for people who change ethernet<>wifi<>gsm often it maybe is useful..
12:15.19hrwXorA: yes - but only for some subsystems
12:15.54RPhrw: I've yet to be convinced its working 100% right :/
12:16.15hrwRP: I know ;]
12:16.28hrwhm.. alix have 2gb cf...
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12:16.38woglindehi ant
12:16.48ant|workhi woglinde
12:16.59ant|workmorning channel
12:17.11ant|workhrw: sweet to see your c7x0 is ON
12:17.44hrwant|work: and even works with 2.6.26
12:17.50ant|workhrw: I'm eagerly waiting your udev_124 fixes
12:18.02ant|worknew prob of today: no /dev/dsp
12:18.06hrw55% battery is max for current battery
12:18.23ant|workmine is almost dead too
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12:19.30ant|workhrw: ah, I have /dev/dsp
12:19.50ant|workoss_audio: failed to open audio device /dev/dsp
12:19.57ant|workmust be a new bug then
12:20.15ant|work(I was testing flite_time)
12:20.16hrwant|work: 16 usd for new battery at amazon
12:21.15hrwafter reboot with sd and cf both have proper dev entries
12:22.06ant|workhave you seen my logs on #4118 ?
12:22.16ant|workmtd and mmc are the slowest!
12:22.29ant|workon c7x0
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12:27.09hrwant|work: my sd cards are 1.9-1.94 MB/s according to "hdparm -tT"
12:28.11ant|workuh, I thought we could reach more than this...
12:28.12pb__RP: hm, yes, lzop seems to compress about 10% worse than gzip, so it does indeed tip our kernel over the edge.
12:28.31pb__tries to find something else to modularise
12:29.37pb__I guess that might be a problem for our rootfs as well actually, that partition is pretty full
12:30.05hrwant|work: you have c7x0 or cxx00?
12:30.07ant|workhrw: your results confirm these
12:30.22frikkerlardman|lunch: ping :)
12:30.28ant|workI have both but I'm working only on c7x0 atm
12:30.54hrwant|work: pxa25x is slow when it comes to sd
12:31.04ant|workah, even...
12:31.56ant|workhrw: CF slot is a bit better but it's too precious (BT)
12:32.33ant|workI think I somewhere read SD is 4bits while CF is 8bits
12:32.53ant|workbut the difference is risible
12:32.59hrwant|work: mmc is 1bit, sd is 1 or 4 bits, mmc+ is 1/4/8 bits
12:33.06hrwsomething like that
12:33.15hrwpxa25x is 1bit iirc, pxa27x can do 4 bits
12:33.32ant|workso, it's the worst
12:34.30ant|workhrw: yeah, I reckon Zaurus is a bit outdated in this domain...
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12:36.07hrwpb__: did you tried to disable calibration of delay loop? on my c760 is takes 0.2s
12:37.37hrwhmm.. c760 is quite fast.. 9.28s to init... 5.03s is mount of rootfs
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12:38.33ant|workhrw: did you identify the race condition?
12:38.44ant|workif one exist?
12:39.23ant|workis talking about udevsettle (/etc/init.d/udev)
12:39.43ant|worktoday udevadm settle
12:45.06RPpb__: Like everything its a compromise. If you do write a kernel decompression patch I'd be interested though :)
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12:46.10hrwRP: sound modules do not register on c760
12:46.49hrwRP: modules loads, appear in dmesg and lsmod but /proc/asounds/cards is empty
12:46.51hrwelo mickeyl
12:47.22mickeylhi hrw
12:47.25mickeylmoin folks
12:47.53ant|workhrw: I have 0 [Corgi       ]: WM8731 - Corgi
12:48.30brooniehrw: Is this with mainline?
12:48.49brooniehrw: Mainline needs a patch to register the I2C bus.
12:48.56ant|workhrw: cat /proc/asound/card0/id  -> Corgi
12:49.33hrwbroonie: and I just wrote that patch part for corgi
12:49.35hrwant|work: 2.6.26?
12:49.47ant|workhrw: cat /proc/asound/card0/oss_mixer  -> all values are zero
12:50.12ant|workhrw: 2.6.24
12:50.33hrwant|work: 2.6.26 has some bugs here
12:50.36hrw-> lunch
12:56.36CIA-2403mickeyl * ra65bd305... 10/ (1 conf/distro/include/ depend generic feed-configs package
12:58.36brooniehrw: Oh, I've already written that (it's blocked on rmk but I thought it was in OE already)
12:59.39CIA-2403 <> 07master * r347a8fdaba depend generic feed-configs package
12:59.41CIA-2403 <> * r347a8fdaba depend generic feed-configs package
13:00.52hrwbroonie: there is for poodle and spitz
13:01.07broonieOh, right. My submitted version had all three.
13:04.11hrwnow it needs to charge before will boot...
13:04.16hrw~curse zaurus batteries
13:04.17ibotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, zaurus batteries !
13:05.22mickeyli need a suggestion
13:05.23hrwtime to refresh friendshop with US guys
13:05.28stephankIf that were to happen, I think the chemicals would kill the fleas :o
13:05.35mickeyli found out why my dbus stuff only runs on 2nd boot
13:05.39mickeyland subsequent boots
13:05.47hrwmickeyl: you start too early?
13:05.50mickeylno, because we don't run dbus
13:05.58mickeylon first boot, that is
13:06.06mickeylbecause ipkg reconfigure installes the initscript
13:06.13mickeylbecause we are not doing offline postinst for dbus
13:06.14alphaonemickeyl: Ts, ts ;-)
13:06.18hrwmickeyl: poky has fix for it
13:06.29hrwmickeyl: today I pushed change to update-rc.d class
13:06.30mickeyltell me
13:06.51hrwso update-rc.d stuff is at top of postinsts so image contain links before flashing...
13:06.54mickeyl(yes, alphaone actually found out and it was worth the whole night)
13:06.57hrwso you have all inits
13:07.11alphaonemickeyl: :-)
13:07.12mickeyllet me try
13:07.19mickeylhrw: pushed already?
13:07.32hrwmickeyl: r4976
13:07.46alphaoneCool stuff.
13:07.54alphaoneEverything coming together now.
13:08.13mickeyl"pushed in poky" !?
13:08.18mickeylnot pushed in OE, right
13:08.42mickeylsince we're in #oe this was kind of misleading :D
13:08.58ant|workmickeyl: one more (navit_svn): binding_dbus:plugin_init:enter 1  \  binding_dbus:plugin_init:Failed to open connection to session message bus: Did not receive a reply.
13:09.03woglindedidnt see hrw commits for a while
13:09.20hrwwoglinde: it was some time when last time I build image from OE
13:09.24ant|workmickeyl: it does not receive gps data
13:09.38hrwwoglinde: I am waiting for git in OE land
13:09.43hrwfinal git
13:09.47mickeylhrw: ok. then i will push that change from yours
13:09.53hrwmickeyl: thx
13:09.53woglindehrw I thought it
13:10.02hrw~curse zaurus batteries again
13:10.03ibotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, zaurus batteries again !
13:13.03stephank;a=commitdiff;h=850eec5890105d0faaa0f6cb381142aec6bf022d <- this commit is breaking my build. INITRAMFS_IMAGE is set in my kernel bb file, but do_compile is not actually depending on INITRAMFS_TASK.
13:15.34stephankcan't find what's causing it though. Looks fine?
13:26.22RPmickeyl: btw, are you ok with the emails I drafted?
13:26.34RPis determined to move this forwards...
13:27.00mickeyllet me check now
13:28.04mickeylfine w/ me
13:28.06mickeylwell written
13:31.55RPmickeyl: thanks. I'll send them out shortly :)
13:32.17*** join/#oe birunko (n=birunko@
13:32.38Croftonrp hurry up
13:33.45RPCrofton: heh :)
13:33.56CIA-2403mickeyl * rbd558b4e... 10/ (1 classes/update-rc.d.bbclass):
13:33.56CIA-24make sure update-rc is always executed in an offline postinst (from poky r4976)
13:33.56CIA-24(Note: This fixes (among other things) dbus not being started on first boot)
13:34.34*** join/#oe Sup3rkiddo (n=sudharsh@unaffiliated/sudharsh)
13:35.53hrwdo we have some kind of flag "this is first boot"?
13:36.08CIA-2403 <> * r5f04f6a67f
13:36.08CIA-24make sure update-rc is always executed in an offline postinst (from poky r4976)
13:36.08CIA-24(Note: This fixes (among other things) dbus not being started on first boot)
13:36.16CIA-2403 <> 07master * r5f04f6a67f
13:36.17CIA-24make sure update-rc is always executed in an offline postinst (from poky r4976)
13:36.17CIA-24(Note: This fixes (among other things) dbus not being started on first boot)
13:36.28hrwI have one postinst which should not be called on first boot (as it was done during build time) but should be on upgrades...
13:37.27mickeyli'm afraid not
13:37.29mickeylfamiliar had that
13:37.40mickeylwe can do that in bootmisc
13:37.49mickeylcreate a .firstbootdone
13:38.00mickeylthen check for it
13:38.03hrwI can do "touch /tmp/firstboot in opkg-configure script and remove that on end of that script"
13:38.23mickeylor that. but it may be interesting also for non postinst
13:38.32pirokoI always get so excited when someone uses the touch command
13:38.47RPhrw: postinstalls done at build time should not run again
13:39.29hrwRP: during build time it use native tool to parse big xml. then on device (when you update package) it should parse that xml...
13:39.40hrwRP: package is shared-mime-info to be exact
13:39.54hrwparsing 1MB xml on device hurts
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13:39.58RPhrw: So just let the instal complete on the build syste,
13:40.13RPIt shouldn't then run at first boot if its already run
13:40.23hrw~lart me
13:40.23ibotgets a hotmal account and SPAMs hrw
13:41.00hrwit will be generated on host *each* time...
13:41.03hrw~lart me
13:41.03ibotfrags hrw with his BFG9000
13:41.35methrilat first run you make a ts calibration
13:41.48hrwmethril: what for? you can ship it precalculated
13:42.03ant|workhrw: it's a bit wrong on c7x0 btw
13:42.17ant|workright-top corner
13:42.29hrwant|work: feel free to send patch
13:42.41ant|workis C860 == C760?
13:42.53methrili'm going to try a patch for the gsmd
13:43.04hrwant|work: yes
13:43.07ibotextra, extra, read all about it, boxer is Sharp SL-C860, or a dog. in reality, this is an SL-C760 with a different case color. please don't support stupid marketing tricks.
13:43.45ant|workhrw: strange that nobody have seen this before then
13:43.55ant|workit's as always only me
13:44.53ant|workhrw: I would need an OE-controlled robot to exactly touch the ts, though!
13:45.38woglindeant thats life
13:46.42ant|workwoglinde: and more you live and more you rant!
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14:15.31pb__hi mickeyl
14:15.46mickeylhi pb__
14:15.52mickeyli have got an interesting report
14:16.09mickeyldidn't confirm yet
14:16.13mickeyl"Workaround for screenshot error: "cannot be converted to ISO-8859-1 encoding""
14:16.21mickeylThe screen capture porgram (gpe-scap) fails to open /lib/,
14:16.21mickeylso I solved with:
14:16.21mickeylln -s /lib/
14:16.30mickeylsounds strange to me
14:16.33mickeylwhat do you think?
14:17.26pb__that does sound very strange
14:17.56pb__nothing has any business trying to open /lib/, and I can't think why the iconv code would want to.
14:18.27pb__let me know if and when you can confirm that.
14:18.56pb__I failed again to get qemu working last night, so if the thing doesn't solve your problem I will have to find a different way to investigate.
14:22.26mickeyli just don't understand why though
14:22.54*** join/#oe CosmicPenguin (n=nobody@
14:23.38pb__crazy stuff
14:23.44pb__what version of glibc are you using?
14:24.16mickeylroot@om-gta02:~# opkg info libc6
14:24.16mickeylPackage: libc6
14:24.16mickeylVersion: 2.6.1-r9
14:24.34pb__and can you capture the output of "strace -f gpe-scap 2>&1 | grep open" for me?
14:28.42pb__actually, maybe a better idea, just run ldd on /usr/lib/gconv/ and see what it says
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14:47.31pb__doh, stupid X crashed on me there
14:47.57mickeylwhich package provides ldd?
14:48.13mickeylah, never mind
14:48.15mickeylit's ldd (sic!)
14:49.52mickeylroot@om-gta02:/var/volatile/tmp/usr/bin# ./ldd /usr/lib/gconv/
14:50.12pb__well, that all seems in order
14:50.16mickeyl(with the link in place)
14:50.36pb__can you remove the link and check again?  I don't think it should make any difference, but... you never know.
14:50.49*** join/#oe NineX (
14:51.14mickeylwere are up to something
14:51.15mickeylroot@om-gta02:/var/volatile/tmp/usr/bin# ./ldd /usr/lib/gconv/
14:51.22pb__oh ho
14:51.30pb__well, that's no good
14:51.46pb__try "readelf -a" on, see if it actually has a DT_NEEDED for
14:51.53pb__if yes, your gconv modules have been mis-linked somehow
14:52.14pb__need to check the glibc do_compile log to find out why
14:52.41mickeylhmm, which package is readelf in?
14:53.08hrwuse objdump
14:53.08pb__yeah, but probably easiest to run readelf on your build host
14:53.18pb__it's a generic program, the i386 version can read arm binaries
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14:53.24pb__at least, to the extent that we need here
14:55.44pb__yah, there it is
14:55.46pb__0x00000001 (NEEDED)                     Shared library: []
14:55.49pb__boo, hiss
14:56.25pb__can you find the corresponding final link line in the glibc compile log?
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14:57.02mickeylle me try
14:58.33mickeyl ?
14:59.52pb__hm, no, that looks like the final link for itself
14:59.56pb__you want the final link for
15:00.15mickeyloh, that
15:00.23mickeylhmm, let me upload the whole log.do_compile
15:00.36pb__good idea
15:06.18pb__not scared of 11mb files
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15:08.41mwesteris terrified of any file so large that emacs warns before loading it :-D
15:09.53pirokomwester: A real editor wouldn't warn you. It would just take it like a man
15:10.09piroko*cough cough* VIM *cough cough*
15:10.41pb__you must have some puny version of emacs, mine doesn't warn about that
15:11.06pb__are you sure you didn't install the ladies' edition by mistake?
15:12.05pb__mickeyl: well, hm, that final link seems to be in order as well
15:12.24pb__it refers to /local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/, which I guess you'd expect, but doesn't seem to have any other extraneous references
15:13.25mickeylso if you don't have any idea... i guess we're out of 'em then ? :)
15:13.44pb__do you still have that build tree on hand?
15:13.45mickeyl~lart toolchain issues
15:13.45ibotjudo chops toolchain issues
15:13.51mickeylpb__: ya, the complete build tree is here
15:14.02pb__if so, maybe you could try re-running that final link manually and inspecting the resulting to see if it has the same issue
15:14.17mickeylcan you cut me the line of out the log?
15:14.30pb__ccache arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv4t -mtune=arm920t   -shared -static-libgcc  -Wl,-dynamic-linker=/lib/ -Wl,-z,defs -B/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/csu/ -Wl, -Wl,-z,combreloc -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,--hash-style=both  -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi -L/loca
15:14.30pb__l/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/math -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/elf -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/dlfcn -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/nss -L
15:14.30pb__/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/nis -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/rt -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/resolv -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/cr
15:14.35pb__ypt -L/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/nptl -Wl,-rpath-link=/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi:/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/math:/local/pkg/oe/fic-gta02/tmp/work/armv4t-angstrom-linux-gnueabi/glibc-2.6.1-r9/build-arm-angstrom-linu
15:14.43pb__sorry about the wrapping
15:14.45pb__~fishslap xchat
15:14.46ibotACTION slaps xchat up side the head with a wet fish.
15:14.58mickeylthat's ok, thanks
15:15.17mickeylI'm going to search for -o
15:15.20pb__also, maybe use readelf on that file and see what it thinks its soname is
15:15.38pb__remember that it's "-o <long pathname>/"
15:15.53*** join/#oe piroko (
15:16.11pb__ok, that's good
15:16.48pb__so, if you still get the spurious output, I guess that must mean you have a busted linker
15:17.05pb__what linker is angstrom using these days, gold or gnu ld?
15:19.15mickeylit's gone
15:19.49mickeylno idea on the linker
15:19.53mickeyli suspect still gnu ld
15:19.58pb__well, seems like the linker is exonerated anyway
15:20.24mickeylhow complicated would it be to switch to gold?
15:20.26pb__some other agency must be putting it there, though it's hard to imagine what
15:20.37pb__not very, I think the two are basically compatible
15:21.27RPI remember looking at gold, then getting sidetracked by dolt. In the end I upgraded libtool instead
15:21.53khempb__: gold does not support all architectures yet
15:22.11RPI seem to remember arm being one it doesn't support yet :/
15:22.24khempb__: least of all arm that is used commonly by OE community is not supported
15:22.29khemRP: hey
15:22.40RPhi kergoth
15:22.45RPhi khem as well :)
15:22.47khemRP: did you read thesings problem
15:22.54pb__ah, okay, in that case gold is probably not such a good option
15:22.57mickeylok, i'm afraid i will insert that link in my postprocess for the time being
15:23.01RPkhem: er, not sure
15:23.09pb__anyway, I think it's probably irrelevant to the case at hand
15:23.30khempb__: down the lane may be gold is good option. It does speed up linking quite a bit
15:23.38khemand its multithreaded
15:24.21khemRP: BB_STAMP_POLICY = "whitelist"
15:24.25khemand I get this error
15:24.31RPkhem: ah, the circular dependency?
15:24.32khemERROR: Task /home/kraj/work/oe/ (do_setscene) has circular dependency on /home/kraj/work/oe/ (do_setscene)
15:24.37pb__RP: maybe you would like to add arm support to gold rather than changing the override syntax :-}
15:24.40khemRP: yeah
15:25.08RPpb__: Neither are likely to happen with my time constraints at present ;-)
15:25.13pb__heh, oh well
15:25.41RPkhem: Do you understand the problem?
15:25.50khemI am trying to
15:26.12khemRP: what is different when you set policy to whitelist
15:26.19khemw.r.t bitbake
15:26.59RPkhem: It checks the whole dependency tree for timestamp mismatches rather than stoping at .bb file boundaries like the tradntional bitbake
15:27.04khemRP: is there a whitelist somewhere that needs attention ?
15:27.12RPkhem: Its not that simple
15:27.22RPkhem: One second, I'm trying to find something
15:28.42khemeglibc-intial DEPENDS on virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial and linux-libc-headers
15:29.02RPkhem: Basically something in eglibc-initial is depending on something in gcc-cross and something in gcc-cross depends on something is also doing the reverse
15:29.22RPkhem: Does this happen with glibc too?
15:30.07khemRP: yes thesing saw it with glibc 2.6.1
15:30.21RPso why don't I see this with poky? :/
15:30.48RPkhem: Can you dump the task graph for something simple like bitbake busybox?
15:30.56RP(bitbake -g busybox)
15:31.10RPthen share that somewhere
15:31.57khemRP: it would not let me generate that
15:32.01khemdies before
15:32.41RPkhem: ok, can you generate it without the whitelist?
15:33.37khemwill take few mins now that I changed my local.conf
15:35.01pb__go home now
15:35.02pb__later all
15:35.43RPpb__: bfn
15:35.57khembye pb__
15:36.06khem80% done
15:36.22likewisehi khem
15:36.38likewisekhem: I have tried to run the powerpc toolchains, but I ran into libtool problems
15:36.42khemhey likewise long time no see
15:36.50khemlikewise: hmmm
15:37.51khemRP: here is
15:38.13RPkhem: please
15:38.59khemRP: here it is
15:39.49likewisekhem: I have to leave already... I will try to make some time to backtrack...
15:41.14khemlikewise: ok
15:41.21khemRP: "eglibc-initial.do_package_write_ipk" -> "gcc-cross.do_package"
15:41.39RPkhem: I was just about to paste that
15:41.53RPYou need to track that down, that is the problem
15:42.18RPPerhaps eglibc-initial needs PACKAGES = "" ?
15:42.55*** join/#oe enigmaedge (n=root@
15:43.00RPAlso monotone has finished as has parsing so I can reproduce this now
15:43.06khemRP: it means eglibc-initial.do_package_write_ipk needs gcc-cross.do_package ?
15:43.40RPI think that one comes from debian.bbclass
15:44.06RPbut that isn't the real problem
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15:46.00khemRP: I invoke CC in do_stage task for eglibc_initial
15:46.09khemcould that create this ?
15:46.48RPbut why gcc-cross and not gcc-cross-initial :/
15:46.56khemthen how can I push it to use CC that is previously provided by cross-gcc-initial
15:47.16khemyeah thats what I wonder
15:47.26RPwell, I'd like to understand why gcc-cross and not gcc-cross-initial before we go any further
15:47.43khemyeah me too
15:47.48khemI have this DEPENDS = "linux-libc-headers virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial"
15:47.55khemin eglibc-initial bb
15:48.47khemand in I have this PROVIDES = "virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}gcc-initial"
15:49.11khemah there you see
15:50.28khemmy bad I thought there was a spelling error but its not
15:51.28RPIts possible this is a bitbake bug...
15:52.54*** join/#oe Gnutoo (
15:53.00khemRP: hmm
15:53.03RPThere are only a limited number of places places write_ipk is added as a dependency
15:53.14RPWe should work out which one this happens in for starters
15:53.25khemjust few lines above I am seeing "eglibc-initial.do_configure" -> "gcc-cross-initial.do_populate_staging"
15:53.48khemso it does depend on gcc-initial
15:53.54khemfor some tasks
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15:53.55RPYes, which makes me wonder if this gcc-cross comes from somewhere else
15:54.39RPBasically this dependency has to come from debian.bbclass or package_ipk.bbclass
15:55.22RPreads the comment at the top of debian.bbclass. Hmm :/
15:56.25khemhmmm RDEPEND
15:59.09RPIf PACKAGES is empty it should be ignoring all R* variables
15:59.32RPI wonder if bitbake actually knows that though
16:00.09ant|workbbl, bye
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16:03.13RPkhem: RRECOMMENDS = "" in fixes that
16:03.16RPI think
16:03.40RPIt could be argued this is a bitbake bug since it should be ignoring RRECOMMENDS and RDEPENDS if PACKAGES is empty
16:05.47hrwok, there is sound on 2.6.26/corgi now
16:06.30RPkhem: This changes the problem to glibc and gcc-cross conflicting :)
16:08.11RPand poky does show the problem, I didn't see it due to a cache glitch
16:08.48*** join/#oe Robwoerle (
16:09.38RPkhem: Its all down the the RRECOMMENDS = "libgcc" in
16:09.55*** join/#oe greentux (
16:10.02RPhi kergoth`work
16:10.55RPkhem: With whitelist and packaged staging combined, each depends on the other so one can't be installed without breaking the other's dependencies
16:11.20RPits bitbake saying it can't make consistent timestamps for that combination of options
16:12.29Tartarushey khem, ever run the gdb testsuite remotely?
16:13.40CIA-2403koen * rc0550ca4... 10/ (1 packages/linux/ gumstix-kernel: use
16:14.11CIA-2403 <> * r15d99fd3fc gumstix-kernel: use
16:14.17CIA-2403 <> 07master * r15d99fd3fc gumstix-kernel: use
16:14.20hrwbye guys
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16:21.49khemRP: hmmm that change I see
16:21.55khemRP: now it makes sense
16:22.14khemRP: earlier in build order gcc built before glibc
16:22.22woglindehe khem
16:22.45khembut now glibc is building before final cross gcc
16:22.52khemRP have to run to work now
16:22.58khemsee you
16:23.03woglindebye khem
16:23.05khemwoglinde: hi and bye
16:23.13khemwoglinde: catch you laters
16:23.31woglindeI will send my patche for gcc to the ml
16:23.36woglindefor review
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17:05.52Laibschcbrake: ping
17:06.15Laibschwhere is the CSS stuff defined?
17:06.21Laibschfor the wiki?
17:07.20LaibschScheint es wohl zu sein
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17:13.22CIA-2403koen * re886103e... 10/ (1 packages/linux/ gumstix-kernel: set S
17:13.57tharveyis anyone using OE with an ixp4xx based machine?
17:18.54CIA-2403 <> * re9ec9dc3c7 gumstix-kernel: set S
17:18.57mwester:)  Only several thousand people.
17:19.01CIA-2403 <> 07master * re9ec9dc3c7 gumstix-kernel: set S
17:21.30mwesterUnslung and SlugOS are built with OE, and Angstrom runs on the IXP4xx as well.
17:23.02tharveyright, I guess I meant to ask if anyone in the channel right now is using ixp4xx?  Specifically I'm interested in NFS root on ixp4xx which would require NPE firmware being handled outside of the root filesystem
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17:28.59kergoth`workso is there someone, one of the core devs perhaps, that wants to take the oz/oe domains off my hands?
17:29.09kergoth`worki'd like to do it before they're up for renewal, finally
17:29.14Croftonkicks mickey|away
17:29.42Croftonkergoth`work, soon we should have an organization that can hold them
17:29.56Croftonthere is some paperwork that needs completing
17:30.00tharveymwester, also, I'm running into an issue building madwifi-ng regarding ath_hal.o having EABI v4 and xscale-be-elf.hal.o having EABI v0
17:30.07Croftonthis should occur before the renewal date :)
17:32.33kergoth`workwhats the status of the git switch? /me really should subscribe to the lists
17:35.30Crofton|workRP, is working on it
17:35.35Crofton|workhe posted today
17:35.41kergoth`workalso, who do i email an mtn key to, again, mickeyl and koen?
17:35.47Crofton|workI think both
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17:52.50tharveyis there a way to specify extra compiler flags for a specific package in something like a local/machine/distro conf?
17:53.33woglindetharvey hm?
17:54.40tharveycan I specify extra CFLAGS for a package in an upper conf file without having to modify the package recipe?  ie, is there some sort of EXTRA_CFLAGS_<some_package> override?
17:55.07woglindedont know
17:55.25woglindemaybee its working like USE_NLS you could try
17:56.50woglindehm let me try with bitbake shell
17:58.17woglindeno sorry
17:58.39pb_good morning kergoth`work
17:58.47kergoth`workhey pb_
17:59.30tharveywoglinde, ok thx - don't think thats my issue anyway
18:00.23tharveytrying to figure out why madwifi-ng complains when linking the module about the hal's EABI=v0 and the rest of the module's EABI=v4 - my kernel config does define CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT
18:00.55woglindehm I hope madwifi will be histroy with the new atheros driver
18:01.54tharveyno kidding....
18:02.16tharveyath5k is working well in my tests but it doesn't support AP yet
18:03.30pb_tharvey: CONFIG_OABI_COMPAT is just for userspace binaries, it doesn't allow you to mix and match ABIs within the kernel
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18:05.36mwestertharvey:  There should be patches specfiically for something like that in the OE package for the madwifi driver...
18:06.42mwesterThe changes, IIRC, need to be made inside the madwifi sources and makefiles -- but I don't recall why it was not possible or practical to override.
18:06.46thesingmorning all
18:09.20tharveypb_, ah... ok thanks
18:10.32tharveymwester, well the issue is that the binary HAL is build with EABI=v0 (OABI?) but my cross compiler is using EABI - would not the only solution be to have my cross-compiler not use EABI
18:11.04tharveywondering how slugos/unslung solves this
18:11.47mwestertharvey:  IIRC, we had to do something with the HAL binaries to select one (or to hack the elf header up) so that it could link with it.  That stuff should all be in there, in the form of patches that are selected only if building for SlugOS or ixp4xx or something.
18:12.07tharveymwester, ah... you mean WHACKELF?  
18:12.50mwesterAh, yes.  That was one of the things that had to be hacked up.  It removed floating point stuff that was preventing the linking from working, even when the driver used no floating point either.
18:13.38tharveyok... I recall having to use that in the past... I didn't realize that the EABI stuff could simply be 'changed' in the elf header
18:14.18tharveymwester, yes I see them now in the recipe... thanks!
18:14.37mwesterI don't know if it can; someone had to convince me that wackelf was an ok thing to do.
18:17.46tharveyit sounds so dirty heh....
18:17.56tharveyprobably ok to do behind closed doors
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18:19.09tharveymwester, I see the patches for VFP, are you sure the EABI stuff is in the header and can be changed without consequences as well?
18:21.18tharveymwester, looks like wackelf is only for VFP manipulation in elf header
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18:34.18mwestertharvey:  yes, it's for VFP.  I didnt' say that tool would solve your problem, just that there was something similar that illustrated a technique .
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20:11.59cbrakeLaibsch: you find what you need?
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20:30.51tharveymwester, heh... turns out I think all I need is to add '--no-warn-mismatch' to get around the EABI version mismatch issue
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20:40.17mwestertharvey:  :)  That's almost too easy!  Thanks for finding and fixing that, as I'll be needing that as soon as I upgrade SlugOS (I have an atheros card in my DSM-G600).
20:42.28tharveymwester, well actually I haven't found/fixed it completely yet... not sure why it isn't getting picked up by ath_hal/Makefile
20:42.43tharveybut I did find that it tells ld to not gripe about the mismatch
20:42.50CIA-2403 <> * r539c5483d5
20:42.50CIA-24merge of 'a94d96e725d7b1b902a9b09b6c9628a3d59d5cf8'
20:42.50CIA-2403 <> * rd4fa3ae63d (3 files in 2 dirs): firefox 3: add patches from mamona
20:42.50CIA-2403 <> * rccb6a7d7a4 ( firefox 3: fix idl stuff
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20:42.58CIA-2403 <> 07master * r539c5483d5
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20:43.04CIA-2403 <> 07master * rd4fa3ae63d (3 files in 2 dirs): firefox 3: add patches from mamona
20:43.16tharveymwester, I suppose its because OE's not using madwifi-ng's build system to make it... its building it as an out-of-tree kernel module
20:44.00mwesterIs there a better way we should do this, perhaps?
20:45.39tharveynot sure yet... still trying to get OE to pass in the --no-warn-mismatch
20:45.51tharveyto make sure thats all that's needed
20:46.06tharveyand not sure why this isn't an issue for unslung etc
20:46.45tharveyPACKAGE_LDFLAGS += "--no-warn-mismatch" in the recipe isn't working
20:51.24tharveyhm... how do I add LDFLAGS to a recipe?
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21:03.04tharveymwester, ya, its that the toplevel Makefile for madwifi does a '$(MAKE) -C $(KERNELPATH) SUBDIRS=$(shell pwd) modules' which doesn't pass any LDFLAGS
21:08.55khemTartarus: yes I have run the gdb testsuite in cross env
21:09.08TartarusGot the dejagnurc magic around by chance?
21:09.26khemTartarus: hmmm probably not here right now
21:09.30khembut I will have a look
21:09.38TartarusI found an old ref, but it didn't get far, cross-compiled one of the host programs
21:10.18khemTartarus: yeah I think mostly cross gcc one worked but there are some more quirks
21:10.47khemRP: how should be solve that circular dep problem
21:10.53khemRP: /awa
21:11.58khemCurrently I think if we need various utilities from glibc then we need yet another glibc build phase
21:12.24khemlike memusage etc.
21:13.27khemthesing: dropping RRECOMMENDS += "libgcc" from should solve the problem you reported
21:14.24thesingkhem: that's kind of funny
21:14.38khemthesing: I know
21:14.39thesingbut it's also no real option
21:14.58thesingany other ideas?
21:15.00khemor drop BB_STAMP_POLICY for now
21:15.39thesingyeah. But its a neat feature.
21:15.51khemthesing: until we fix it
21:16.01khemthen it can be reintroduced
21:16.25thesingI dont use it. I just wanted to try it and it didn't work ;)
21:16.45khemthesing: I see
21:17.05thesingBut I think I would use it.
21:18.02khemthesing: I think another method to fix it would be to introduce glibc-intermediate step
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21:20.38khemand build glibc after cross-gcc as we did before
21:24.25thesingthere has to be some other way. Doesn't the whitelist stuff help?
21:26.26khemthesing: may be bitbake could do somethign I dont know
21:26.36khemproblem is clear to me
21:26.55khemcurrently cross-gcc depends on glibc
21:27.20khemand by saying RRECOMMEND on libgcc we make glibc depend on cross-gcc
21:27.32khembecause libgcc comes from cross-gcc
21:27.41khemhence the problem
21:28.05thesingDo we know if all images need libgcc?
21:28.25khemthesing: in general nptl glibc will need it
21:28.36khemand linuxthreads is thing of past
21:29.19thesingthe we could add the "RRECOMMEND libgcc if glibc and nptl" to task-base
21:29.44khemhmmm will that solve the problem
21:30.10thesingmaybe we can find some better package that could depend on libgcc
21:30.32khemgcc-intermediate also produces libgcc
21:30.47khembut its a temporary libgcc
21:31.10thesingdoes it differ from the final one?
21:31.51khemit doesnt
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21:32.23khemI could make libgcc provided by both gcc-cross and gcc-cross-intermediate
21:32.35khembut that will create duplicate provides
21:32.47khemI think bitbake will not like it
21:36.44pb_no, that would be a bad idea.  gcc-cross-intermediate shouldn't be generating any packages.
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21:37.04pb_frankly, I think that the original addition of a libgcc RRECOMMEND to glibc was a bad idea, for the reasons I mentioned at the time.
21:38.14pb_I would strongly encourage you to add the libgcc dependency only to the packages that actually need it, i.e. to the packages that are linked with nptl and call pthread_cancel.
21:39.43Croftonmtn is just getting exponentially slower :(
21:41.13khempb_: yeah that would be perfect place
21:41.34khemCrofton: I agree with you
21:42.07khemCrofton: I think it heard about getting replaced by git so it has no motivation to impress us anymore :)
21:43.07khemwe should convert the database quickly to git least it should decide to corrupt that too :=)
21:43.52khemthesing: do you remember which package was needing pthread_cancel
21:44.02khemwhen you did not have libgcc on target
21:45.07khempb_: I dont think we keep nptl'ness global
21:45.16thesingI don't know. I saw this message several times until the boot finished to a kernel panic
21:46.06pb_khem: probably not, but glibc could stash some flag in the staging area
21:46.12khempb_: we poke GLIBC_ADDONS currently to decide if we are compiling nptl
21:47.06khemthesing: do u have log handy ?
21:47.25khemI remember you mentioned it on IRC
21:48.23thesingunfortunatly not.
21:50.24pb_khem: or, alternatively (less intrusively but perhaps less neatly) examine to see if it contains the NPTL banner.
21:52.18pb_i.e. if it says "Native POSIX Threads Library by Ulrich Drepper et al" then it's nptl, if it says "linuxthreads-0.10 by Xavier Leroy" then it's linuxthreads.
21:54.58pb_incidentally, I think you also want to be setting RRECOMMENDS_${PN}, not just RRECOMMENDS.
21:55.16khempb_: yeah
21:55.19pb_the original change, as currently applied to glibc, will mean that all the subpackages also have a recommendation on libgcc
21:55.54khempb_: or may be we can do like debian add the NEEDED for nptl unconditionally in the elf header
21:57.32pb_I'm not sure I follow.  What exactly does debian do there?
21:57.55khemI mean in the mklibs code
21:59.12khemI think its /bin/sh thats needing the pthread_cancel so creating RECOMMEND in busybox will be good
21:59.31pb_really?  I find it hard to believe that /bin/sh is really multithreaded.
22:00.56pb_iirc, neither busybox nor bash links with -lpthread at all
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22:02.38pb_but in principle yes, if some package P requires pthread_cancel then that same package P should be the one to RRECOMMEND (or even RDEPEND) on libgcc.
22:09.03khempb_: its exceptions not threads really I have not verified if its really busybox but provided it starts complaining early enough that is a prime suspect
22:09.29pb_khem: what exceptions do you mean?
22:11.02pb_C++ programs should be getting linked with libgcc anyway, and exception handling in C is pretty much a fringe pursuit.
22:11.29pb_again I would be quite surprised if either busybox or bash was exception-using.
22:11.56pb_right, but unwinding triggered by what?
22:12.24pb_afaik, there is precisely one situation in which you can end up needing the unwinder in an "unexpected" situation, and that's when you call pthread_cancel and nptl needs to dlopen() it.
22:12.51pb_for all other unwinding scenarios you should already have libgcc present as a hard dependency.
22:14.34khemI dont know if it directly uses it but in past I have seen that on arm the wrapped functions were called more often
22:15.26khemthe unwind functions might be called even when exception might be thrown
22:15.39khemnot only when exception is really thrown
22:17.32pb_that sounds bizarre. do you have a test case?
22:18.13pb_what counts as "might be thrown" in this situation?  surely you don't mean that you think the unwinder is called on every function invocation that might possibly throw?
22:20.30khembut I might be confusing sjlj model here
22:20.45khemat least that was the case before
22:20.50pb_yeah, I was about to ask if you were thinking of sjlj-exceptions
22:21.01pb_in the case of sjlj, there is no unwinding anyway so this is all irrelevant
22:21.24pb_but you're right, in that case you do end up calling setjmp for any catch block
22:21.37pb_or, well, __builtin_setjmp anyway
22:22.14pb_so, that's a non-issue in that case.
22:22.41khemhmmm yes unless we are using sjlj which I think for EABI atleast we dont
22:22.53pb_either you're using sjlj, in which case the unwinder doesn't enter into it, or you're using eabi/dwarf exceptions, in which case the unwinder is only triggered when an exception is thrown.
22:23.25pb_no, even for sjlj it is a non issue.  there is no unwinding in sjlj, that's the whole difference between sjlj and dwarf/eabi exception handling.
22:24.29pb_in any case, if this was an issue for sjlj exceptions it would have shown up years ago.
22:25.46pb_but, anyway, you're right that eabi uses eabi exceptions (!) rather than sjlj, so even if it was an issue with sjlj that wouldn't be the cause of the problem at hand.
22:26.55khemhmmm I was think that libgcc needs
22:27.30pb_yes, it usually does
22:27.54pb_that's the whole reason why we (used to) have glibc-intermediate, so that you could build against a correct
22:28.23pb_libgcc1 doesn't have any dependencies but libgcc2 does
22:28.51pb_or, at least, libgcc1 didn't use to.  possibly it does nowadays, I haven't checked.
22:31.28khempb_: yeah right
22:32.01khemit did not need real though
22:32.18khemit needed it to be there but did not really use funcitons from
22:32.59khembut I am thinking about finding the right package to stick in the libgcc RRECOMMEND
22:33.26khemsounds a good solution instead of asking it in glibc
22:33.35pb_like I said earlier, I am fairly convinced that it would be the packages that call pthread_cancel.
22:33.44khemunless some code in glibc is invoking these routines which need libgcc
22:34.00pb_I have yet to be persuaded that there are any other circumstances where libgcc is required but not already present.
22:34.42khemsome code flow inside libc itself that invokes libgcc ? maybe
22:34.50pb_inside nptl, yes
22:35.12pb_see unwind-forceunwind.c for example
22:37.51pb_linuxthreads doesn't have that requirement, mostly because linuxthreads doesn't make any effort to unwind the thread stack when it's cancelled
22:42.42khempb_: is there any other path than pthread_cancel that could reach to this point
22:42.48pb_not that I know of
22:43.07pb_I don't think there is any other operation that will cause an implicit thread cancellation
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22:44.04pb_so, I repeat my assertion from earlier on :-}
22:44.06pb_<pb_> I would strongly encourage you to add the libgcc dependency only to the packages that actually need it, i.e. to the packages that are linked with nptl and call pthread_cancel.
22:44.18pb_zzz now
22:44.29florianpb_: good night
22:44.33khempb_: sleep well
22:44.53pb_if you can find any other concrete examples of packages that genuinely need libgcc and don't link with it explicitly, I will happily change my mind :-)
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22:44.57pb_in that case, send mail to the list
22:44.57khemI will try to find out if thats the only place that can call this
22:44.59pb_night all
22:52.56dcordeshow can I make a "do_configure_prepend() {" function in a recipe $MACHINE specific?
22:53.26dcordesso that it is only ran when I use that $MACHINE
22:57.16dcordesthere is and I have a different machine that uses the same kernel but needs a different defconfig. currently kaiser gets the .config by coyping arch/arm/configs/htckaiser_defconfig in do_configure_prepend
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23:12.17floriangood night

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