irclog2html for #oe on 20051112

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02:24.45CIA-303rwhitby * r0cbb13c9... 10/: nas100d-kernel: updated arch patches and files courtesy of azummo
02:24.49CIA-303rwhitby * rb8c1d365... 10/: nas100d-kernel: PCI fixes from azummo
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03:13.29CIA-303dyoung * rcc19bfba... 10/: nas100d-kernel: Fixup the nas100d cmdline to use ramdisk, and reflect 64MB RAM
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03:40.01CIA-303rwhitby * r74c59e48... 10/: nas100d-kernel: Removed the nslu2 kernel prepend.
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04:38.18CIA-303jbowler * r1a2d11b1... 10/: masqmail: building, untested, no startup script v 0.2.20
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09:50.27RPmorning all
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10:21.24gremlin[it]grrrr months ago i sent a patch to pppd ... still isn't present ... why ?1
10:21.40gremlin[it]and pppd don't compile ;(
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10:35.55RPgremlin[it]: Where was it sent to? bugzilla?
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10:36.30uv1Morning all
10:36.47RPmorning uv1
10:36.48gremlin[it]RP ... i did mooonths ago before bugzilla ...
10:37.03gremlin[it]i'll send to bugzilal now ;)
10:37.08gremlin[it]mornin RP !
10:38.28uv1I have another patch for packages_rpm. Should I prepare it against the original (including the changes of the last patch) or just add it to the bugzilla entry ?
10:38.43RPuv1: Just replace it in the bugzilla
10:39.00uv1RP : ok.
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10:39.58RPuv1: I'm guessing it wasn't applied yet?
10:40.15gremlin[it]the main problem is that pppd try to llok in /usr/lib if libcrypt.* exist ... but i have such library in /usr/lib64 ... and anyway should be better it look on the <oe>/build/tmp/stagin|cross/arm-linux/lib :)
10:40.24uv1Still searching an issue. RPM packaging works now, but ncurses is NOT. spec file contains *.so* for package ncurses-dev, but these files are not in install/ncurses-dev. Who defines, which files are copied for rpm ?
10:40.43uv1RP: I think not, as the yesterdays pull did not contain ?
10:41.02RPuv1: That sounds a reasonable assumption
10:48.17uv1Also I have several " Couldn't find shared library provider for" during ncurses package stage. (x86 machine). Any ideas ?
10:59.52*** join/#oe incinerator (
11:02.26uv1Does bitbake -e nano do not work correctly ? I get a ...
11:02.27uv1# PACKAGES=${PN} ${PN}-doc ${PN}-dev ${PN}-locale
11:02.28uv1PACKAGES="bitbake bitbake-doc bitbake-dev bitbake-locale"
11:02.39uv1when bitbake -e nano is called.
11:03.04uv1Should that not be nano nano-doc nano-dev nano-locale ?
11:04.41zeckecould be? ;)
11:25.27RPNearly every kernel patch is throwing rejected against the current tree :-/
11:26.06koenby RMK or lkml?
11:27.38RPkoen: platform device model changes by rmk
11:27.58koenI see
11:28.04RPeven mainline sharp devices don't compile now although the fix is simple...
11:28.05koenso all the patches have to be redone...
11:28.18RPkoen: yes, all of them :-/
11:28.31RPincluding the ones in his patch system which won't apply now
11:28.46RPand the ones I have queued with people like gregkh...
11:31.18RPI appreciate the changes need to be made. The timing has made this merge window fustrating for me though...
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11:49.34uv1My rpm problem seems not to be an rpm specific problem! The *.so* links in ncurses-dev package (usr/lib/) are dangling and also mentioned in log file, if package_ipk is used. Anyone here to help me ?
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11:53.14koenthe dev packages contains the symlinks for the .so in the libfoo package
11:55.25uv1koen: What is the libfoo package ? I have e.g. the following link in $WORKDIR/ncurses-5.4/install/ncurses-dev/usr/lib ...
11:55.25uv1ls -ls
11:55.25uv10 lrwxrwxrwx  1 sc users 17 Nov 12 12:53 ->
11:55.48uv1... but is not there.
11:56.10koencheck $WORKDIR/ncurses-5.4/install/ncurses/usr/lib
11:56.40uv1koen: Sure, there they are. But rpm spec file requires them in ncurses-dev/usr/lib
11:57.00uv1... if building an rpm *-dev package
11:57.15koenthe library is supposed to be in the ncurses package (obviously)
11:58.18uv1Sure I agree with you. But if you look at e.g. Suse ncurses-dev.rpm or debian ncurses-dev.deb, the libs are in that package as well.
11:58.42koenonly the symlinks, right?
11:58.56uv1Double checking that ...
11:58.57koenotherwise 2 package would provide the same thing without confliction
11:59.09koenmy englush is terrible today
12:00.24uv1koen: Your unfortunately right, So I have to search the rpm build options again ;-)
12:00.39uv1s/Your/You are/ ;-)
12:06.08uv1koen: Do you know, why that links are in -dev package anyway ?
12:09.01zeckeuv1: .so to .so.?.?.?
12:10.15uv1zecke: But if the links and libs are in ncurses, why also in ncurses-dev ? Is that package noct meant to provide the headers and so on ?
12:11.53zeckeuv1: .so is only relevant when linking
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12:12.01zeckeuv1: others are runtime dependant
12:12.19zeckeuv1: e.g I can have and installed
12:12.32zeckeuv1: if I link to ncurses which one should be used?
12:12.46zeckeuv1: this is why there is to point to the 'right' one
12:16.37uv1zecke: So what is your suggestion, if rpm complains 'File not found by glob: /data/scdev2/build-x86-rpm/tmp/work/ncurses-5.4-r8/install/ncurses-dev/usr/lib/lib*.so' ...
12:16.45uv1The lib*.so links are there.
12:17.46zeckeuv1: whell, dunno
12:18.00zeckedon't create a dev package?
12:18.05zecke(not too good though)
12:19.01uv1zecke: Thanks anyway (not building the dev package would not be so good, I think). Will come back, when it is fixed ...
12:19.14uv1And thanks to koen and RP as well
12:19.17uv1see you ...
12:19.25zecketake care
13:11.12*** join/#oe uv1 (
13:13.00uv1Quick question to pathon experts ;-)
13:14.12uv1Can we create a list of full linknames from something like lib*.so ? RPM is not able to work with *.so, but would using a list of all links (in ncurses-dev dir).
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13:26.33uv1mreimer: dir ?
13:26.50uv1mreimer: I just want to see symlinks!
13:27.14mreimer_uv1: no focus-follows-mouse on OS X. I accidentally typed here rather than in my terminal. excuse me
13:27.43uv1mreimer: NP
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13:46.06uv1I have an idea how to fix the RPM stuff, but need some python help.
13:46.31uv1Anyone here who can help ?
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14:55.12uv1Hello again.
14:56.21uv1Just before I checked in a patch to bug 431, which solves some rpm problems (though I believe), that this was not all.
14:56.55uv1Is someone here, who is able to apply that patch to classes/packages_rpm in the repository ?
14:57.13zeckei gues there is some one
14:57.24uv1Hi zecke
14:57.37uv1Another issue (not dependend on RPM ;-))
14:58.13uv1busybox 1.01-r1 does not compile for x86 target. Is that a kown one ?
14:58.27zeckeat least not to me
14:58.57uv1In file included from /data/scdev2/build-x86-rpm/tmp/work/busybox-1.01-r1/busybox-1.01/applets/applets.c:48:
14:58.57uv1| /data/scdev2/build-x86-rpm/tmp/work/busybox-1.01-r1/busybox-1.01/include/applets.h:551: error: `sysctl_main' undeclared here (not in a function)
14:58.58uv1| /data/scdev2/build-x86-rpm/tmp/work/busybox-1.01-r1/busybox-1.01/include/applets.h:551: error: initializer element is notconstant
14:59.16zeckesounds like a gcc4 issue?
14:59.49uv1gcc3.3 ;-(
15:00.07uv1Original Debian one.
15:00.28koen|awayis the gcc in tmp/cross 3.x too?
15:01.14uv1koen|away: No tmp/cross as I made BUILD_TARGET=686 and TARGET_ARCH=686 ;-)
15:01.45uv1koen: Would tmp/cross build for x86 ? Why a crosscompiler here ?
15:02.15koenit should build for any case where build arch != target arch
15:02.40uv1koen: But does it make sence to build cross for x86 if the build box is x86 ?
15:03.44koenif the 'x' is different, yes
15:04.08uv1koen: Ok, will try it.
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15:40.40CroftonIs there a "proper" way to rename files in monontone?
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15:40.52Croftonor should I just copy the file to the new name
15:41.03CroftonI'm changing a version on omniorb
15:47.48koenmonotone mv <file>
15:50.17koenthat renames the file in the database iirc
15:50.36koenso I think you need to 'mv <file>' after that
15:56.57CroftonI think I will keep two copies short yerm
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16:04.34Croftonthat is the way koen
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16:06.53hrwhi zecke
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16:33.43LaibschHi, I was wondering if the changes from that make it possible to dual-boot off an SD-card have made it into OE itself.
16:35.07hrwLaibsch: you mean altboot?
16:35.25Laibschhrw: excatly.  that is the correct term.
16:35.32hrwLaibsch: altboot is in OE
16:35.44hrwI nonstop forget to add it into collie images
16:35.49LaibschCan I dual-boot to an old Sharp ROM now?
16:36.06hrwLaibsch: dont know
16:36.09LaibschI still need Sharp ROM for Japanese input.
16:38.55LaibschWould an image I compiled now be automatically altboot'able?  Or do I need to switch on something somewhere?
16:39.25hrwinstall altboot into it
16:40.50LaibschOK, I will try that.  Thanks hrw.
16:47.44koenhey Bernardo
16:48.02Bernardohi koen
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18:42.06hrw|afksomeone need some ttf fonts? :)
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18:47.20hrw|afkhi [cc]smart
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18:54.40hrw|afkho zecke
19:05.14CIA-303hrw * r785ebdf9... 10/: ttf-gentium: added Gentium TrueType font version 1.01 (license allow to distribute but not to changes)
19:05.19CIA-303hrw * r5aa04677... 10/: ttf-hunkyfonts: Added version 0.3.0
19:05.24CIA-303hrw * r07b0dbe4... 10/: (common for ttf-fonts/ttf-*.bb) updated
19:05.25CIA-3- cleaned SECTION line (removed comment)
19:05.25CIA-3- added OPIE stuff into DEPENDS/RSUGGESTS (still commented)
19:08.57CIA-303hrw * rd9a42f4a... 10/: qpf-hunky(sans|serif): changed License to LGPL
19:10.22hrw|afkenough for now
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19:59.14CIA-303koen * r49ff71b6... 10/: gpe-conf cvs: bump PV
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20:30.39woglindere koen
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20:42.58greentuxgd evening
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21:48.52CIA-303rwhitby * r22943eea... 10/: nas100d-kernel: Added 60-nas100d-ide.patch from azummo
21:51.56RPOnce again, rmk manages to annoy me :-(
21:53.22koen|770what did he do know?
21:57.12RPkoen|770: More patch rejects telling me off for something that was dicussed in a thread on LKML he was cc'd on and appeared to respond to....
22:03.02koensounds like the 'good' old RMK
22:07.50RPI also sent him an email explaing why I was doing something which he has then rejected the patch for without reading...
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22:18.00RPAt least 2.6.15-rc1 appears to run on spitz...
22:18.25alan|homeevening all ! (yeah, i know about ugt, but i'll be gone soon, so it is already late (^^) )
22:18.57alan|homefrom a bootstrap image, i installed e 17 package, but i can'tt even launch a X session.
22:19.08alan|homewhat did i miss ?
22:20.15alan|homecan't i just launch with startx ?
22:20.39RPSo far, the list of platform devices which rmk has broken includes w100fb, scoop, locomo and bits of usb.
22:23.44alan|homeXfbdev... ok. one problem solved.
22:23.48alan|homegot to go.
22:23.52alan|homethanks anyway.
22:24.04alan|homenight RP and others
22:32.37hrw|tvnice quote: I'm a big Bush fan, but I like to see a shaved one occasionally.
22:46.31RPRight, patches requeued. Here we go again :)
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22:47.41hrw|tvbut means that they will go into 2.6.16 not 2.6.15
22:49.32RPhrw|tv: We'll see ;-)
22:50.00hrw|tv2.6.15-rc1 was released so in theory no new things for 2.6.15
22:50.19RPhrw|tv: No new changes. Completely new code is in theory ok
22:50.37hrw|tvnew code can break old things
22:51.00hrw|tvRP: your inssound script linked in 3100/2.6 post
22:51.07RPhrw|tv: depends on the code and this is fairly safe. We're in the calming down phase so this might just make it
22:51.24RPhrw|tv: ok, I'd better remember to to clean temp then :)
22:51.40hrw|tvother question from comments: Any chance that a 2.6 version will be released for the C1000 (Akita)?
22:51.56RPhrw|tv: akita works well and we can release a build
22:51.57hrw|tvwe released only spitz/2.6?
22:52.16hrw|tvRP: first we have to get hosting place
22:52.20RPhrw|tv: There is one in my temp directory - no modules though
22:52.30hrw|tvor you will host it again..
22:52.45RPI don't mind hosting a simple akita build
22:52.59RPI haven't the bandwidth for much more though
22:53.03hrw|tvRP: btw - if modules on cxx00 are same for all then maybe add 'cxx00' arch for them in virtual/kernel and ipkg?
22:53.51hrw|tvbut this will give us two machine archs for each.. spitz+cxx00, akita+cxx00 etc.
22:53.57RPhrw|tv: maybe. It would be nice to combine the builds...
22:54.26RPIf it weren't for the microdrive, it could be the same as c7x0 2.6
22:55.37hrw|tvRP: so only base-files differ now for them?
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22:56.07RPhrw|tv: different fstab, different kernel cmdline (the only kernel difference), different rootfs size
22:57.05hrw|tvso maybe we should think how to create MACHINE, SUBMACHINE in OE.. for cxx00, some ipaq etc.
22:57.29RPhrw|tv: I've been saying this for a long time ;-)
22:58.56hrw|tvok. I added comment to 3100/2.6 post
23:01.31*** join/#oe Zero_Chaos (
23:02.00hrwRP: - that patch should make alsa autoloadable (if installed)
23:02.12BernardoI don't have the uplink, or I'd host the akita build
23:02.14Zero_ChaosI am making a .bb for a program that needs no configuration, bu the make file is hardcoded to CC=gcc. What do I replace that with so that OE can build it properly?
23:02.30hrwZero_Chaos: patch makefile to not set CC
23:02.51Zero_Chaoshrw: so just don't set it at all? and OE just knows what to do?
23:02.59hrwZero_Chaos: makefile will get CC from enviroment (which OE set)
23:03.12Zero_Chaoshrw: sweet, thanks for the help
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23:03.42hrwRP: probably it can be cleaner - some modules depend on other
23:03.55Bernardohrw, RP: I'll check with my isp if my monthly bandwidth includes the data I have on their server reserved web space
23:04.01*** part/#oe Zero_Chaos (
23:04.08BernardoIf not, I can put up to 50Mb there
23:05.00hrwBernardo: we (OZ) have 2 days to move feeds outside of
23:05.02RPhrw: Yes, I think we can be cleaner than that - With SoC 0.6, some of this module order nastiness should go away
23:05.15Bernardo2 days? Why?
23:05.29RPI also probably have some provider webspace thinking about it...
23:05.36hrwBernardo: finally discovered that we are over quota
23:05.48hrw2049M instead of 100M which was allowed
23:06.20Bernardowhat about ibiblio? It has lots of failures, but could be a temporary place
23:06.40hrwkoen already mirrored oz
23:06.57RPHmm. 23% of my data transfer this month was for brozoi images...
23:08.10hrwBernardo: borzoi is sl-c3100
23:08.18ibotit has been said that borzoi is the Sharp SL-C3100, or a dog (see )
23:08.32Bernardothe toy I'd like to have... :)
23:08.38Bernardowell, time to go...
23:08.43hrwBernardo: because its black?
23:09.10Bernardobecause it has a 4Gb hd
23:09.16Bernardomy akita doesn't...
23:09.36RPalthough c7x0 is a smaller neater shape
23:09.52hrwsometimes I want to have simple PDA
23:10.05hrwportrait, does not have to have keyboard even
23:10.32BernardoI do like te keyboard a lot
23:10.34hrwlike ipaq 19xx but with vga (so a bit bigger)
23:10.41Bernardohelps taking notes during meetings
23:11.29hrwBernardo: how to make a note on Z: take Z from pocket, open case, open screen, push on/off, wait till opie show, wait till TS start working, wait till notes app start working, take note.
23:11.36hrwpen+paper is faster ;(
23:12.04RPhrw: suspend/resume isn't that bad! ;-)
23:12.27RPbut yes, I still use a notebook. Mostly as I wipe the Zaurii as frequently :-/
23:12.28Bernardohrw: sit down at meeting. Open z. launch iqnotes. open note. start typing.
23:12.41Bernardohrw: and I type a lot faster than I write
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23:12.59hrwRP: that reminds me one thing: opie alarms not work on my Z (probably I fscked again something)
23:13.09hrwBernardo: s/iqnotes/opie-notes
23:13.33Bernardonotebook - find pen. find pen that still writes. find correct page. start writing, slowly.
23:13.35hrwopie-notes is flat anyway.
23:13.55hrwBernardo: I usually use A4 printouts for notes
23:17.45BernardoI used to do that. with the z, I can now find the notes weeks or months later, with the printouts, I'd usually lose them when I needed them the most
23:19.26Bernardo'night guys
23:19.44hrwcu Bernardo|zzzzz
23:27.32RPhrw: I'm a bit worried about the alarms, especially as I just pushed all that code...
23:28.30hrwI rarely used them so does not notice that before
23:28.56hrwanyway I fscked my Z again - udev does not started recently
23:30.21hrwmaybe soon I will move to 256M / so it will be easier to debug/fix
23:32.58hrwRP: I was suprised when read 2.6.15-rc1 changelog
23:34.10RPhrw: Surprised about what?
23:35.06hrwlot of occurences of two words 'richard purdie' ;)
23:36.04RPhrw: I didn't think I'd done too well this time around. I'm not quite where I wanted to be, patch wise...
23:37.26hrwwhat do you think about pavel machek work?
23:38.08RPhrw: I have mixed feelings about it. He doesn't like getting in and sorting the details, mainly as he is more used to desktops :-/
23:38.25hrwwhen I read 'mtd on collie' thread I reminded that few TCX3106 connectors which I have in drawer
23:39.18RPHe would find a serial lead useful - I couldn't have done my Z work without mine...
23:39.53RPHaving said that, he has one which boots which is more than 2.6 did when I started :)
23:40.49hrwthat posts where you (and other 2.6/Z tester/devels) wrote 'thats first kernel panic which make me happy'
23:42.09RPYes, seeing one was quite something as before that it did nothing :)
23:42.17RPback in 2.6.5/2.6.7 :)
23:42.51hrwok - I'm posting Pavel that I can send him zaurus connector + schematics of cable
23:43.56RPhrw: Better check he can solder first ;-)
23:44.16hrw'So if you want one (and solding does not scary you) send me your postal'
23:44.44hrwmaybe his girlfriend/wife is better on soldering then he is ;)
23:45.43hrwwith nice random sig.. 'Big Brother watching you'
23:46.50RPI'm thought of as odd as my desk has had a soldering iron on it since I was about 12...
23:47.58hrwmy hands start to shake when I get solder iron
23:48.24hrwand I was in electronics school
23:49.17RPI also did welding evening classes so I could stick the kart back together when I broke it...
23:49.46RPI like electronics but have never been properly taught it...
23:50.31hrwI had 3 welding lessons but noone allowed me to weld then
23:51.02hrwit was in 'technical college'
23:51.16hrw'' as I'm not familiar with english systems of education naming
23:51.56RPThat's probably as good a name over here. We used to have tecnical colleges but they're all just colleges now
23:52.09RPtechnical skills don't seem to be encouraged :-(
23:52.55hrwhere in Poland we had primary school, middle school (could be technical college or high school) and then studies
23:53.21hrwfew years ago they changed that into other way
23:53.52RPIn this area we have primary school, middle school, high school then either sixth form (college but at school) or go to a college
23:54.09RPSome areas have no middle schools and people just go from primary to high school
23:54.15hrwhow primary is 6 years (was 8), then grammar/high school (3y), then technical or high (3 or 4) then studies
23:55.36hrwmy dictionary on desktop/zaurus have limited amount of words.. and I dont want to get my paper one - my youngest brother will make better usage of it probably as he is learning english in primary school now
23:55.47RPHere its primary (5 or 7), middle (4), high (3 or 5), 6th form/college (2), then univerity for 3/4/longer
23:55.58hrwheh.. in primary I had russian language
23:57.03RPI was taught french for 5 years and german for 7
23:57.19RPI'm not good at langauges though
23:57.20hrwuniversity or polytechnic for 3-3.5 (engineer or Bachelor) or 5 for Master
23:57.40RP4 for a masters here
23:57.59hrwI had: 4y of russian, 5.5y english
23:58.36hrwsometimes I understand russian, better with english (especially during last 1.5y when was sitting here on #oe :)
23:58.44RPYour 5.5 years of english is much better than all my french/german by a very long way ;-)
23:59.11hrwon Slovakia (last summer) I suprised my GF with fast reading of slovakian with partially understanding
23:59.43hrwRP: in August I read my first english book and does not use dict (some words got from context)

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