irclog2html for #oe on 20050814

00:02.48sliski'm considering installing debian onto the root of my zaurus 5500.  i realize it's best and probably necessary to still use the OZ kernel though.  is there anything else i would need to transport to a debian distro if i were to use one?
00:02.51sliskbtw, i don't like pocket debian's method of vnc'ing to another distro on the same device
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01:34.30emteslisk, you are aware taht debian wont fit right?
01:34.47emteunless the 5500 has over 500 in the flash
01:40.32sliski know how to deal with that, my only concern is what mix of software i'll need
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05:21.11ldcdamn this xorg..... gentoo's multilib includes is messing it up :P
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05:29.21emteheya raster
05:30.57rasterhey emmie
05:31.25emtehow goes it/
05:33.24rasterhave to friggin boot into winfuck
05:33.40ldcraster, never fun to have to do that :)
05:33.41emtetime to install wine?
05:36.25ldc*sob* that compile refused to work too... starting to get irritated on xorg :P
05:37.29ldcthe gentoo-multilib includes is messing up the crosscompilation
05:38.00emtewhy should your host lib have anything to so with your oe bitbake system?
05:38.11ldcand sitting patching makefiles to use the STAGING_INCDIR instead of /usr/include
05:38.46emteyou doing your own version of xorg or using the ones in the packages?
05:39.12ldcwell, it's using /usr/include for all the native-utils that are needed for the compilation...
05:39.32ldcusing one of the premade pkg's
05:39.58emtethen i dount the metafile is wrong, its more likly your enviroment setup
05:40.32emtexorg has been successfully compiled for almost a year
05:40.40ldcin gentoo also?
05:40.52emtethe host is irrespective
05:41.35emtethere are people who use gentoo here, i am not one of them
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05:44.43ldcwell, i dont think there should be anything with the env atleast..
05:46.11ldcany idea of what to look for except for generic include-settings? (if there are any OE specific settings for that)
05:47.37emteyes look at your log files
05:49.09ldcwell, in the buildlog all that i can see is that it's having problems from time to time with builds that's native to the buildsystem... like mkg3states and such
05:51.41ldcand it's quite expected that it's using the systemincludes since when doing the native-compile it does not include any searchpath to the staging-includes...
05:54.35ldccc -I../../../exports/include -o mkg3states  -O2 -fno-strength-reduce -fno-strict-aliasing  -ansi -pedantic -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes                      -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations                     -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Wundef  -I../../../exports/include/X11 -I../../../include/extensions -I../../../programs/Xserver/include -I../../../include/extensions  -I../../.. -I../../../ex
05:54.35ldcports/include  -Dlinux -D__i386__ -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L                                 -D_POSIX_SOURCE -D_XOPEN_SOURCE                          -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_SVID_SOURCE                                 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64  -D_GNU_SOURCE                             -DFUNCPROTO=15 -DNARROWPROTO      mkg3states.c  
05:54.39ldcto be more exact
05:55.06emtewhat is with all the ../../../
05:55.43ldcand ofcourse it's quite understandable that it should use the system includes for those, since it's building a native tool... but then the gentoo-multilib-include stuff messes it up...
05:56.00ldcthat's just relative path's in the xc's buildfolder
05:56.03ldcnothing to worry about
05:56.27emtethey may cause issues
05:57.05emtewe use -02
05:57.17ldcwell, that's the standard build... and those are correct... they just refer to includes that's in the src for xorg... and those are needed.
05:57.32ldcwell, the problem is not with the optimization
05:57.36ldcthe problem is:
05:57.39ldcIn file included from /usr/include/bits/stdio.h:7,
05:57.40ldc/usr/include/gentoo-multilib/amd64/bits/stdio.h:35: error: redefinition of 'vprintf'
05:57.42ldc/usr/include/gentoo-multilib/amd64/bits/stdio.h:35: error: redefinition of 'vprintf'
05:57.47ldc/usr/include/gentoo-multilib/amd64/bits/stdio.h:42: error: redefinition of 'getchar'
05:57.48ldc/usr/include/gentoo-multilib/x86/bits/stdio.h:42: error: previous definition of 'getchar' was here
05:57.50ldc/usr/include/gentoo-multilib/amd64/bits/stdio.h:42: error: redefinition of 'getchar'
05:57.52ldc/usr/include/gentoo-multilib/x86/bits/stdio.h:42: error: previous definition of 'getchar' was here
05:58.27emteyour building on a 32/64/
05:58.51emteyeah... i dunno if you can yet
05:59.30emtethere are issues with it
05:59.41ldcwell, this is the first real issue that i have run into
06:00.12ldcbeen writing .bb's like crazy to get all the dep's for freevo =)
06:00.17emtei cnat remember who else here has a 32/64
06:00.39emtethere are definite issues tho with certain things
06:01.01ldcmm... noticed that
06:03.10emtestupid fkn emacs
06:03.28emteshould be ran over and drowned
06:10.53ljpi feel that way about vi
06:12.38emtenah vi is good
06:12.54emteits this stupid -batch lisp parsing garbage
06:13.13emteautoconf is barfing on it
06:13.29emtebecause emacs isnt processing it
06:13.44emteits just opening up the emacs console and stopping
06:17.30emtei think its a missing file issue, but why am i the only one having it ...
06:35.23_law_hey i am unable to build e-image ( ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for task-enlightenment-x11
06:36.09emtei dount it would build
06:36.21emteunless JustinP has looked at it
06:36.36emteit was based on a set of files over a year old
06:37.08emteand e is not overly usable for most devices
06:37.55_law_emte: ok thanks so iŽll ask JustinP perhabs he can help me
06:38.16emtebe aware its not usable on most devices
06:38.35emteunless you have a system to mimic the otehr two mouse buttons
06:43.34emte_law_, where is the rest of the error?
06:43.46emtewhat you have isnt really useful
06:46.52emteanyway i better lie down before my knee tries to swell
06:48.59ldchmm... about sending in new .bb's...
06:50.59ldcwhere to?
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09:01.18RPmorning all
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09:05.30CoreDump|homehi RP & zap
09:05.35CoreDump|homezecke even
09:17.52RPNoodles: I've added the spitz backlight. Its not working properly though - something wrong with the ssp routines I suspect...
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09:19.25RPmorning koen
09:19.41koenhey RP
09:19.46koengood morning all
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09:24.26CoreDump|homehi koen
09:28.07koenhey CoreDump|home
09:31.10CoreDump|homekoen: I believe we can run into a problem if we try to ship an "e" image in 3.5.4.
09:31.27CoreDump|homeit's rather large
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09:37.33koenCoreDump|home: I bet it has 20MB worth of themes
09:37.40koenbut yes, it will be big
09:37.52CoreDump|homeactually it only comes with the default theme ;)
09:38.08koenI bet it has 20MB worth of theme
09:38.37CoreDump|homeI'll check what we can shave off
09:44.51ldctime to give it a check now then... anyone running OE on a amd64 gentoo-system?
09:45.12koenmaybe JustinP
09:45.28koenI used to run in on amd64/debian
09:45.54ldckoen, ok... i'll see if i manage to catch him a bit later then...
09:46.11koenI just did 'linux32 screen' and worked from there
09:46.45ldcgot some xorg problems that i wanted to check if someone else had... (the native utils for xorg uses /usr/include for some stuff and is causing some problems)
09:48.51ldckoen: hmm... might give that a try
09:49.36ldckoen: thanks for the tip...
09:50.20ldcbtw, submitting new bb files.. any special procedure for that?
09:51.04koenattach them to bugzilla
09:51.52ldchehe... hope it supports big attachments :)
09:52.34ldcbeen adding about everything needed to build a OE freevo dist... and on the final tuning now with getting xorg to compile
09:54.06koenfreevo is usuable nowadays?
09:54.29ldcyep... quite well, thoe i'm waiting for the 2.x version to be marked as stable
09:54.33koene.g you doon't have to edit a zillion python files just to see a picture?
09:54.45ldcbut for TV viewing and movie-viewing and such it
09:54.51ldcit's quite nice
09:55.03koenI looked at freevo ~1.5 years ago
09:55.45ldcwell, just edit one single file and specify the path's for mediafiles etc and have a file that specifies the freq's for the tv-channels and some other small stuff
09:55.49koenyou had to manually fill in the channel list in some undocumented format inside a python file
09:56.04koenso I installed mythtv and that 'worked'
09:56.08ldcwell, it's not that basic anymore...
09:56.26koenunstable as hell, but it does the job
09:56.40ldcwell, i have checked mythtv, but i dont like to have a mysql db running, and also have to manually add all new mediafiles to it's library
09:57.08koenit autoscans a directory now
09:57.15koenwhich is sloooow, but works
09:57.52koenfreevo's design is much nicer
09:58.05koenand it doesn't use a forked version of the nuv codec
09:58.16ldcJust got me a Epia SP13000 board and a CF-IDE adapter... so i'm planning to run the whole OS from a ramdisk and just boot from the CF card, and then have a 200Gb drive to just store mediafiles mounted ro as long as i'm not recording anything...
09:58.30ldcsafe from filesystem corruption in case of a powerfailure
09:59.02koenyou could look at the mythfront-image
09:59.22ldcyep, but i dont want to have another machine running just to watch stuff
09:59.23koenpb_ uses that for his epia
09:59.27koenah, ok
09:59.35ldcjust want a single machine that manages everything regarding this..
10:00.14ldcand also planning to get some small bittorrent client to have on the system with rss-feed monitoring :)
10:00.31koenI heard ctorrent works quite well
10:01.10ldcmm... or just use wget + some small perl/python xml-parser
10:01.42ldcand then use the "official" torrent-client
10:02.28ldcah... ctorrent, the console-based client
10:03.17ldci was thinking about torrentflux first..
10:03.21koenpeople are running that on their linksys devices (wrt54x, nslu2, etc)
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10:05.30koen'morning pb_
10:06.13ldcmm... need to dig into that later on... just need to get xorg running first so i can play movies in something other than the aa video output :)
10:11.05pb_hi koen
10:14.50ldckoen: linux32 wont help on gentoo... might be good to know
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12:38.19zeckemickey|bbq: I'm now having a qt3e.bbclass and uicmoc3,lupdate and lrelease make use of it
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13:16.05koenhey gerwinin
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14:52.03zeckeCoreDump|home: you could try opie-lupdate/lrelease again
14:52.29CoreDump|homezecke: will do today
15:10.27sliskdoes any1 know how to control the backlight on a zaurus 5500 from the command line?  i want to make a script to lower the light level upon boot
15:18.05zeckeslisk: this is the wrong channel to ask
15:18.16zeckeslisk: if you use Opie you could utilise qcop
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15:58.23LaibschHi, recently bitbake fails to compile for me.  Last couple of lines are at
15:58.48Laibschmonotone repository is up-to-date.
15:59.22zeckeLaibsch: gcc3.4.4 seems not compilable with gcc4?
15:59.59LaibschMaybe.  I don't know.  I guess that might be related to my problem? ;-)
16:00.16Laibschzecke: I have no clue what you're getting at.
16:00.40zeckeLaibsch: line one of your log
16:00.43zeckeccache gcc...
16:01.01zeckeit is your host compiler, it is not capable of compiling your cross compiler
16:01.24zeckeLaibsch: do you know what a compiler is?
16:01.50LaibschOE worked fine previously.
16:01.52zeckeLaibsch: do you know the GNU Compiler Collection?
16:02.01zeckeLaibsch: whatever
16:02.03zeckegcc -v
16:02.07zeckegcc --version even
16:02.13zeckeit will say it is 4.0.x
16:02.20LaibschI run Debian testing, maybe gcc got updated?
16:02.32zeckeand gcc 4.0.x can not compile a gcc 3.4.4
16:02.37zeckeLaibsch: that could be
16:02.43zeckeinstall gcc3.3 or gcc3.4
16:02.44LaibschIt says 3.3.5
16:02.49zeckewell then...
16:03.03Laibschgcc version 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-13)
16:03.15zeckethen what about looking at line 210 of friend.c?
16:04.41zeckeLaibsch: alternatively try to stock gcc3.4 using PREFERRED_VERSION
16:05.51zeckeLaibsch: what is bitbake trying to build? gcc-cross? gcc-cross-initial?
16:06.19Laibschline 210 looks strange
16:06.46zeckeLaibsch: corrupt disk?
16:07.08LaibschI do not think so.  Just made an e2fsck the other day.
16:07.09zeckeLaibsch: try cleaning the gcc sources from your DL_DIR (normally sources)
16:07.19zeckeLaibsch: and try rebuilding
16:08.12LaibschI guess that would be ./tmp/work/gcc* ? -> rm -Rf ./tmp/work/gcc*
16:09.11zeckeLaibsch: if you like sticking stuff into someone butt's
16:09.33koenbitbake -b foo -c clean
16:09.39zeckebitbake -b path/to/ -cclean does the same in a sane way...
16:10.00zeckeLaibsch: but for the source directory something like you posted could work
16:11.42LaibschThanks guys.  I'm off for a rebuild.
16:12.13zeckeLaibsch: have fun, and get back to us
16:12.33zeckeLaibsch: oh wait ;)
16:12.39zeckedid you delete the sources already?
16:12.50zeckeyou could have run an integrity check on the tar.gz/bz2
16:12.50LaibschI am in the midst of it.
16:13.02Laibschwhich one?
16:13.12zeckedunno off hand
16:14.10LaibschSomething in the work directory?
16:18.19sliskcould some1 plz tell me what's wrong with this simple program?
16:18.44sliski get a syntax error use the OE arm cross compiler when i don't think i should
16:19.02Laibschmickeyl: morning?
16:19.07ibotwell, ugt is Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
16:19.12Laibschmickeyl: glad you are awake.
16:19.27LaibschThis bot is just too smart :-)
16:19.31zeckeslisk: why not link to libopie2?
16:19.59zeckeslisk: #
16:20.00Laibschanything this bot does not know?
16:20.00zecke#define ZAURUS_FL                                   /dev/fl
16:20.01sliski want a command line utility to change the backlight level without opie
16:20.17mickeylslisk: ipkg install slbl
16:20.31zeckeslisk: but again this is OT here
16:20.34sliskdamn i hate c compilers, syntax checking sucks
16:20.49zeckeslisk: put a string in quotes...
16:20.53slisksry didnt' know where else to go, thought it might be a compiler issue
16:20.57sliskyeah i know
16:21.03zeckeperl sucks as well dev/fl would be zeroo
16:21.12sliski just hate being told the problem is 8 lines away
16:21.41Laibschzecke: I guess what you meant is something along the lines of md5sum ./sources/gcc_savannah.gnu.org_csl-arm-branch_20050603.tar.gz?  That would be 5aa13368781a83718acc25ae3967115c.  I am not sure there is an md5 list of that file up on savannah.
16:22.02zeckeLaibsch: what bitbake does when fetching
16:22.08zeckeLaibsch: it fetches the svn/cvs tree
16:22.12sliskmickeyl: which directory of the feed do i get slbl out of?
16:22.12zeckeLaibsch: and tars them with a date
16:22.34LaibschI am not aware of that.
16:22.39mickeylslisk: no idea.
16:22.46mickeylslisk: probably it hides behind the name slutils
16:22.52mickeylit's in oe at least
16:23.39tubbie|homeyes it is part of slutils, I use slbl for gpe on akita
16:24.01ElCattivomickeyl: morning dude
16:26.54CIA-403mickeyl * ra3f797d9... 10/packages/meta/ add a font to the image to make xtscal work (the e stuff has its own fonts)
16:26.58CIA-403mickeyl * re04b75b6... 10/packages/mrxvt/ (files/fix-compile.patch add mrxvt, a multi-tabbed rxvt
16:27.02CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * rf93280f7... 10/packages/ssmtp/ Update ssmtp u-a priority to be less than postfix's
16:27.06CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r90995c6a... 10/files/device_table-unslung.txt: Expanded Unslung device table to match Linksys firmware 2.3R63
16:27.09CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r9736854d... 10/ (2 files in 2 dirs): add joe to feed
16:27.13CIA-403jbowler 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r7305e533... 10/conf/distro/ucslugc-packages.conf: Add lrzsz
16:27.17CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r8dcbe859... 10/conf/machine/nslu2.conf: Removed the unused variables from nslu2.conf
16:27.21CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r0bfafb15... 10/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Split nslu2_flashimg.bbclass into nslu2-jffs2-image.bbclass and nslu2-ramdisk-image.bbclass
16:27.25CIA-403freyther * r573b5d78... 10/packages/qpe-gaim/ (
16:27.29CIA-403mickeyl * r52518f68... 10/packages/taglib/ (
16:27.29CIA-4add taglib, a library for reading and editing the meta-data of several popular audio formats
16:27.29CIA-4don't be surprised, I had to ditch the original buildsystem and use qmake - it may sound
16:27.30CIA-4a bit perverted, but that way I could get it to work :)
16:27.35CIA-403rw * rdf2cdc81... 10/packages/gstreamer/ (8 files in 5 dirs): gstreamer: bump to gstreamer-0.8.10. apply patch submitted in gnome bug #313322. move patches around a bit.
16:27.40CIA-403mickeyl * re3acd9db... 10/packages/libpng/ (6 files):
16:27.40CIA-4libpng also uses the binconfig scheme
16:27.41CIA-4drop some older libpng versions
16:27.44CIA-403rw * rea8a783e... 10/packages/gstreamer/ (3 files in 2 dirs): gst-plugins: bump to gst-plugins-0.8.8. update try-esd.patch to work with current code.
16:27.48CIA-403mickeyl * r6039c402... 10/packages/e17/ add eclair, the E17 multi media player based on the emotion engine (based on libxine)
16:27.51CIA-403mickeyl * r45a8c36f... 10/packages/e17/ (4 files):
16:27.52CIA-4E17 files
16:27.53CIA-4- remove unnecessary explicit binconfig settings
16:27.55CIA-4- use ${sysconfdir} and ${sbindir} instead of hardcoding paths
16:27.57CIA-403rpurdie * rff70c4ef... 10/packages/linux/ linux-oz-2.6: Cleanup spitz patches - implement touchscreen nicely, merge code back into corgi_lcd, add backlight. Backlight needs investigation as only partially operational.
16:28.01CIA-403rpurdie * r70d32a50... 10/packages/linux/linux-openzaurus-2.6.13-rc5-mm1/defconfig-spitz: linux-oz-2.6: Update Spitz defconfig
16:28.04CIA-403jbowler 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r154b1829... 10/packages/uclibc/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
16:28.06CIA-4Fix uclibc thumb support - with these patches and by disabling the ARM
16:28.08CIA-4specific string asm in uclibc it is possible to run at least some thumb
16:28.10CIA-4executables on ucslugc. The changes can be incorporated into other
16:28.12CIA-4distros by setting thumb-interwork in OVERRIDES - the changes do change
16:28.14CIA-4the way ARM code executes (necessarily). (Changes have also been submitted
16:28.16CIA-4as bug 385 to
16:28.18CIA-403coredump * r3d6e44c7... 10/packages/meta/ e-image: Add missing dependency to 'bash' to meta-e-x11 (aka task-enlightenment-x11)
16:28.21CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * rd4efe752... 10/packages/meta/ Add usbutils
16:28.23CIA-403coredump * r0736c0c5... 10/packages/altboot/ (5 files in 5 dirs): altboot: Fix fsck on loop-images, unb0rking SD, CF and NFS booting of loop-images.
16:28.26CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * rf059cbad... 10/packages/zd1211/zd1211-20050315/Makefile.patch: Fixup patch, minor typo
16:28.29CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * rf27802cb... 10/ (16 files in 5 dirs): Added unslung-binary-kernel.conf distro for NSLU2 Linksys V2.3R63 firmware with NTFS read/write support.
16:28.32CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r878c33f6... 10/conf/distro/openslug-packages.conf: Add usbutils and zd1211
16:28.35CIA-403freyther * r0b2d2dab... 10/ (8 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
16:28.37CIA-4Qt3 Native builds:
16:28.51CIA-403koen * r6b49a965... 10/packages/gnet/ Add gnet 2.0.7
16:28.53CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r407eb029... 10/packages/openslug-init/openslug-init-0.10/initscripts/zleds: Update so that the disk leds aren't switched on/off
16:28.56CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r52d3a2c8... 10/conf/distro/unslung-binary-kernel-packages.conf: Added unslung-binary-kernel-packages.conf
16:29.00CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r28750942... 10/ (7 files in 4 dirs): Added the unslung OVERRIDE for unslung-binary-kernel distro
16:29.02CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r3b73d893... 10/packages/meta/ Added
16:29.05CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r703248fa... 10/packages/openntpd/ Use sysconfdir/localstatedir instead of hardcoded paths. Create homedir in postinst
16:29.08CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * rdda7bbb0... 10/packages/openntpd/ Check if the dir exists first ;-)
16:29.11CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * rc344fe82... 10/packages/openntpd/ Fixup typo
16:29.22*** join/#oe aquadran (i=pablo@scummvm/undead/aquadran)
16:29.48LaibschIs it perhaps a bad idea to have the cache on an NFS mounted partition?
16:29.55ElCattivoCIA-4: use #flood ;)
16:30.05LaibschCould that have caused the problem?
16:30.14ElCattivoLaibsch: it shouldn't
16:32.46koenmickeyl: could you rm -rf tmp and try to build taglic and entrance?
16:33.05mickeylkoen: doing that atm.
16:33.38koenI'm still unable to build e-wm and entrance from scratch
16:33.42mickeyltaglib fix coming up
16:33.54mickeylafter ~60 revisions :)
16:33.54CoreDump|homekoen: did you try the edb fix?
16:34.10koenCoreDump|home: still no joy after chmodding /var/tmp
16:36.33koenI've been able to build the following the past week:
16:38.00LaibschIs bitbake no longer at svn://  I just tried to update my copy since I think that might have created the problem.
16:38.35LaibschThe error I got from "svn up svn://" was "svn: 'svn://' is not a working copy"
16:39.13zeckeLaibsch: up != co
16:40.00LaibschI thought I should up because I already have a working version of bitbake.  Should I just use co nonetheless for updating as well?
16:40.10sliskis there a  fsck.jffs2 anywhere in OE?
16:40.24zeckeslisk: not even outside of OE
16:40.29*** join/#oe aquadran (i=pablo@scummvm/undead/aquadran)
16:40.32zeckeLaibsch: if you have a wc do svn up
16:40.38zeckeLaibsch: if you need a check out do svn up
16:40.48LaibschI see.
16:40.55sliskso if i ever want to fsck my root fs, i need to use another fs?
16:41.39sliskis jffs2 so structured that fsck isn't necessary? *snickers at the absurdity of it*
16:41.41zeckeslisk: jffs2 is a journaled flash file system
16:41.55zeckeslisk: what do you want to corrupt? the inode list?
16:42.02zeckeslisk: the directory tables?
16:42.09zeckeslisk: go and read the jffs2 design paper
16:42.43sliskis it at all possible to corrupt jffs2 to the point where it loses data?
16:42.51CIA-403mickeyl * ra8db6e9f... 10/packages/ (56 files in 11 dirs):
16:42.52CIA-4xine and dependencies:
16:42.52CIA-4- rename to make more consistent with other -x11 and -fb packages
16:42.52CIA-4- include libmodplug pluging
16:42.52CIA-4- make libxine-x11 depend on x11
16:42.52CIA-4- reorder metadata
16:42.54CIA-4- remove missing-in-action MAINTAINER
16:42.56CIA-403mickeyl * rc30e01c5... 10/packages/efl/ emotion depends on virtual/libxine, not libxine
16:42.59CIA-403mickeyl * rc072c35b... 10/packages/e17/ eclair is no longer BROKEN
16:43.03CIA-403mickeyl * rd83e7735... 10/packages/taglib/ taglib: fix SOname and link against stdlibc++
16:43.05koenzecke: fsck.jffs2 does exist, it mostly is a link to /bin/true :)
16:43.06sliskok i take that back of course it is
16:43.29sliskis it at all possible to corrupt jffs2 with an abrupt power failure?
16:43.30zeckeslisk: Jffs2 has no inode list, so it can not be corrupt
16:43.53zeckeslisk: sure it is corrupted
16:44.04koenmickeyl: first draft:
16:44.38mickeyli'd like to release it mid next week
16:44.40sliskso if the power cuts out at the wrong moment, i can lose my whole fs?
16:44.50sliskand there'd be no fsck to recover?
16:45.19pb_jffs2 is fully journalled.  if the power fails during a write, you will lose the contents of that write transaction, but the filesystem will be left in a consistent state.
16:46.36sliskon a related note, is reiserfs fully journalled?  i notice it has a fsck util.  why would it need one?  wouldn't jffs2 need one for the same reason?
16:46.54zeckeslisk: read the jffs2 design please
16:47.01zeckeslisk: you waste our time otherwise
16:47.19zeckeslisk: the internet?
16:47.43sliskthe internet is a big place...
16:47.59NAiLgoogle is your friend
16:48.10zecke~hug google
16:48.10ibotACTION hugs google
16:48.34zeckeslisk: I've found it using jffs2 and design as keywords
16:48.58slisknm found the homepage
16:49.11zeckeslisk: but what corrupts on a normal filesystem?
16:49.30zeckeslisk: Free Block List, Inode Table, Directory Entry List?
16:49.56sliskwould this be the document you're talkign about?
16:50.02zeckeslisk: jffs2 does not have most of them
16:50.07zeckeslisk: so they can not corrupt
16:50.08sliski won't pretend to know every which way soemthing can go wrong
16:50.09zeckeslisk: right
16:50.40zeckeslisk: just look at what fsck.ext2 normally scans ;)
16:50.59zeckeslisk: but there is one way you can annoy jffs2 badly
16:51.05NAiLfill it up
16:51.10zeckeslisk: change your erasesize and flash partition size
16:51.18zeckeslisk: from boot to boot
16:51.34NAiLFilling it up helps too
16:51.46NAiLOnce it's filled, you can't remove stuff either
16:52.11zeckeNAiL: that as well
16:52.19zeckeNAiL: that as well ;)
16:53.08sliskabsolutely fill it up, or is there a minimum amount of space to respect?
16:54.11zeckeslisk: most filesystems have important at fixed blocks
16:54.20kadosI'm going through the OE getting started docs and trying to install a newer version of monotone than is available from debian stable (sarge) ... I've downloaded 0.22 deb but it requires libgcc1 >= 1:4.0.0-7 and sarge comes with 1:3.4.3-13 ... anyone out there that's installed monotone on debian sarge?
16:54.21zeckeslisk: on a flash system you do not want that
16:54.42sliskzecke: how full is too full?
16:54.44kados(I can't use the debian default version of monotone's version .18)
16:54.44zeckekados: sorry no
16:54.51zeckeslisk: 10kb left free
16:55.08zeckekados: I'm scared you will either need to use a static version of monotone
16:55.13zeckekados: or build a package yourself
16:55.44zeckekados: don't use a distri with ancient software packages
16:55.46kadoswell ... I have no idea how to build a package ... how can I use a static version of monotone?
16:55.52kadoszecke: :-)
16:55.59kadoszecke: what distro do you use?
16:56.13zeckekados: Ubuntu Breezy
16:56.27zeckekados: and FreeBSD
16:56.43kadosI've got a FC3 box I could use
16:56.53zeckemaybe that works
16:57.08zeckekados: or did you try that?
16:57.13kadoszecke: that's the package I tried ;-)
16:57.26kadoszecke: it needs a different version of libgcc
16:57.47zeckekados: so that package is for unstable
16:57.48kadoszecke: which I'm sure will need a different version of x etc.
16:57.57*** join/#oe jbowler (n=jbowler@nslu2-linux/jbowler)
16:57.57kadosI could do apt-pinning
16:58.10zeckekados: that leaves building your own package as option
16:58.12kadosbut I'm afraid that will really confuse things since it's gcc I'd be apt-pinning
16:58.13reenoo_kados: and hose your system
16:58.25zeckekados: the contained debian dir should work for stable
16:58.33reenoo_kados: unstable is past the gcc 4 transition
16:59.03reenoo_kados: you can't use C++ apps from unstable on sarge
16:59.19kadosyea ... so I'd better switch machines then
16:59.29kadoscause I need debian stable on this particular machine
16:59.38kadoshow's FC3 work with OE?
16:59.47reenoo_kados: or simply rebuild the package
16:59.54kadosreenoo_: how would I do that?
16:59.54zeckekados: I don't know
17:00.48kadosreenoo_: you mean that I coudl rebuild the package to not need libgcc>= 1:4.0.0-7 ?
17:00.59reenoo_kados: right
17:01.13kadosreenoo_: do I need the source package for that?
17:01.43reenoo_kados: that would be the easiest option, yes
17:01.52kadosreenoo_: I see a 'dsc' file ... is that it?
17:02.14zeckekados: get the monotone-0.22 tar.gz
17:02.28reenoo_kados: .orig.tar.gz .diff.gz .dsc
17:02.33reenoo_zecke: no
17:02.37zeckekados: as I said it contains a good debian/ directory (all you probably need to build package)
17:03.05kadoszecke: ahh ... sorry ... I've never done that before so I didn't know what you meant
17:03.12zeckekados: no problem
17:03.20reenoo_zecke: ah, ok. I didn't know they're maintaining that themselves
17:03.40zeckeI'm stopping to talk now, and let reenoo help you
17:03.41Laibschkados: move into the source dir and say build-package should do the trick.  I just use the static version IIRC.  I am on stable for the server as well.
17:03.46zecketoo many cooks...
17:03.48kadoszecke: thanks for your help!
17:04.59Laibschkados: Can you get the sources from  Then you'd need to create the directory with dpkg -x beforehand.
17:05.02kadosreenoo_: I've got the .dsc, .tar.gz, and the i386.changes from here:
17:05.22kados(as well as the .deb)
17:05.34kadosso ... if I'm to build the package, how do I proceed?
17:05.34reenoo_kados: in that case 'sudo apt-get build-dep monotone' and 'fakroot dpkg-buildpackage' in the toplevel directory of the extracted tarball
17:07.24reenoo_Laibsch: indeed. heh
17:07.30kadosreenoo_: fakeroot command not found
17:07.38kadosreenoo_: I'll try to locate it with apt-cache
17:08.03kadosok ... done
17:08.31kadosdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: texinfo
17:08.32kadosdpkg-buildpackage: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.
17:08.49kadosso I take it I need texinfo ... which must be a new dependency ?
17:09.14reenoo_sounds like it
17:09.40kadoscool ... it seems to be working
17:11.49reenoo_very good
17:12.59Laibschkados: I do not understand why you don't just go for the statically compiled version.
17:13.17LaibschYou'd be up and running by now :-)
17:13.19kadosLaibsch: well ... I didn't know about it I guess
17:13.56zeckeLaibsch: does a statically compiled version 0.22 exist?
17:13.57kadosLaibsch: it's not on the GettingStarted page on the wiki:
17:14.03kadosoops ... lorry
17:14.07kadossorry even ;-)
17:15.04CIA-403coredump * rff06b253... 10/packages/e17/ (5 files in 4 dirs): entrance: Usie gpe-dm to launch X server. Install Xinit.d/* and Sessions/Enlightenment. Update entrance configuration.
17:18.53zeckekados: looks like one of the many problems is solved
17:19.11kadosI just got a refurb sl-6000 and I'm eager to play around in oe
17:19.16kadossee if I can build a ROM
17:19.52kadosI've also got a couple of packages I'd like to maintain ... the CF-XGA card being one ... it's a cf card for doing vga out
17:19.55Laibschzecke: I assume that should be static?  I do not remember but I think that is what I got.
17:20.16kadosLaibsch: shall I add that link to the wiki with an explaination?
17:20.20zeckeLaibsch: wow, I was too stupid to find it
17:21.02koenkados: iirc kdrive supports CF-vga cards out of the box
17:21.25kadoskoen: neat ... thing is, I've already got the CF-XGA card ;-)
17:21.33kadoskoen: and I've got it working on an 5500
17:21.43kadoswith an older version of OZ
17:21.59Laibschkados: I had been thinking about that myself but then rejected the idea for the reason so as not to clutter the already overburdened page (which does not help readability).  I figured the link to the monotone page was enough for anyone to figure out where the statice version is. I guess zecke proved me wrong ;-)
17:22.11kadosLaibsch: :-)
17:22.34LaibschThat must be awesome.
17:23.07koenI'm not sure if that one needs a kernelmodule
17:23.13kadoskoen: sweet!
17:23.52kadoskoen: the source I'm starting from lives at (at the bottom of the page)
17:24.23kadoskoen: I've got permission from IO Data to modify and add it to Open Zaurus
17:24.54kadosreenoo_: ok ... build is done ... I don't see a .deb anywhere ... is there another step?
17:24.58koenah, that's a qt/e driver if I'm correct
17:25.12reenoo_kados: ls ..
17:25.18Laibschkados: look in ../
17:25.49kadosgotcha ... well there was a .deb there already so I didn't notice ... /me checks the timestamp
17:26.22kadosyep ... it's mine ;-) ... thanks for the help everyone ... now to see if it works ;-)
17:26.45kadossweet ... it installed ;-)
17:26.50*** join/#oe hufnus (
17:27.31JustinPCoreDump|bbl: what the hell? entrance woorked *just fine* on its own. Not only that, auth=2 *doesn't work*. I had it set to auth=0 for a reason.
17:27.46JustinPCoreDump|bbl: it also *does not need* gpe-dm. It can handle it itself.
17:29.34kadosyipee ... it's syncing :-)
17:29.57mickeylJustinP: does engage build for you?
17:30.03kadosthanks again ... I'm sure I'll be back soon ;-)
17:30.06JustinPmickeyl: no, it failed one sec, I have a fix
17:30.14mickeylJustinP: ok, cool
17:30.19JustinPmissing e.g
17:30.39mickeylJustinP: while you're at it, remove the bogus -I${includedir} from src/
17:31.05JustinPfor which?
17:31.19mickeylline 13 or so
17:31.30mickeyl-I$(includedir) makes it include local headers
17:31.35mickeylbecause includedir is /usr/include
17:31.58JustinPI'm also very tempted to disapprove coredump's entrance commit. True I was missing a few files but the changes I made were intentional and gpe-dm is absolutely not needed
17:32.12mickeylplease discuss this with him before disapproving
17:32.53mickeylbesides looking odd to depend on a gpe package, gpe-dm is not harmful :)
17:33.05mickeylwho is going to call xtscal btw. if necessary ?
17:33.13JustinPentrance won't work as it is now...unless some images have shadow passwords and others don't. auth=2 *will* break it on at least my machine.
17:33.51JustinPand gpe-dm is, again, not needed to start up X. I added all of those patched ot make entranced workk correctly (which makes it not need gpe-dm).
17:34.07JustinPentrance still needs some love, though, as it has some quitting problems
17:34.13JustinPgpe-dm does *not* fix that either
17:34.30mickeylok, even better
17:34.42mickeylwho is calling xtscal btw.?
17:34.55koenthe Xsession scripts
17:35.04koen+++ packages/e17/entrance/Xinit.d/50-calibrate 8e0e471f05ea57e861d91c2f0d92b02a5902f48d
17:35.07koen@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
17:35.15koen+if ! test -e /etc/pointercal
17:35.20koen+ xtscal
17:35.42JustinPwhich is called by fricking gpe-dm....::sigh::. Of course entrance doesn't have this particular thing built in but it's not that hard to add it.
17:35.55JustinPThis is all why people shouldn't be trying to make a fscking e-image right now
17:36.12mickeylsee it positive, all are excited about that new stuff
17:36.15reenoo_gpe-dm is just a couple of scripts
17:36.39mickeylperhaps it would be appropriate to rename it then, now that it is more versatile?
17:37.10koenexpect for zealotry reasons, why?
17:37.18mickeylfor clarity
17:37.32mickeylif it doesn't contain anything gpe specific, why having a gpe prefix?
17:38.13pb_mickeyl: because "dm" seemed a bit too short
17:38.22JustinPI'm glad people are interested in all this, but aren't *I* supposed to be the maintainer of thes epackages?
17:38.47koenisn't it display-manager?
17:39.25CIA-403mickeyl * rfadeaf2a... 10/packages/e17/ (
17:39.25CIA-4add some more dependencies to ecore-x11 and evas-x11
17:39.25CIA-4(I looked at the actual sources, not at
17:39.50mickeylah right
17:41.31pb_yeah, it stood for "display manager", although that description only applies in a very loose kind of way here.
17:47.00reenoo_oh. and the infamous "Couldn't find shared library provider for" is back
17:47.11mickeylwas it ever gone?
17:47.18pb_no, it's always been with us
17:47.34pb_I've grown quite fond of it over the months.
17:47.36zeckepb_: if you fix you might get an OE account ;)
17:47.39reenoo_it was gone for a while here
17:47.47zeckeif you fix it even..
17:47.50zeckewhere is my mind
17:48.11emtee17 isnt a display manager ...
17:48.18emtejust so you know
17:48.27pb_thanks for the bulletin.
17:48.33JustinPentranced is, however
17:48.34pb_fwiw, glibc isn't a display manager either.
17:48.41*** join/#oe mithro (
17:48.51emteapperently its a display shell ... somewhere between a enviroment and a manager
17:49.20pb_zecke: ah, a tempting offer indeed
17:49.43JustinPemte: you must mean "window manager", not "display manager" thenn
17:50.00emteall three then
17:50.15JustinPe is a window manager, not a display manager
17:50.16emtebetween ecore and evas they manage the display
17:50.29JustinPentranced is the display manager, as is gpe-dm, xdm, kdm, gdm, etc
17:51.07emteenterance is just a pretty intro, not much more
17:51.26JustinPentranceD! is a display manager
17:51.43JustinPenntrance is for is login
17:52.01pb_funky names all these e things
17:52.06emteif you choose to use it, yes
17:53.18emtebut i guess it comes down to what you expect a display manager does i guess
17:54.08emtereminds me, zecke i just ran into your emacs-gettext issue as well
17:55.03emtei think they must have changed soemthing in emacs 0.22
17:55.35emtebecause it launches the emacs shell but doesnt compile the -batch
17:55.45emteso it hangs with the shell open
17:56.21CIA-403justinp * r197281d5... 10/packages/efl/ Stage e.h as well
17:57.40emtemy admin has been buzy with a contract to make changes to the webserver for monotone-hg
17:58.53kados is 404ing ... is there an archive of this channel anywhere else?
17:59.03ibotapt/ibot/jbot/purl all log to<channelname>/ where channelname is html encoded ie: %23debian | lines that start with a space are not shown | some channels have stats at<channelname>.html.gz, or updated "nightly"
18:01.02kadoshmmm ... maybe the wiki should be updated under contacts to include a link with html encoded channelnames ;-)
18:01.36kadosactually ... it's not the wiki but this page:
18:09.12CoreDump|homeholy shit jesus calm down man
18:09.29zeckeCoreDump|home: hey
18:09.36zeckeCoreDump|home: whats up?
18:09.37CoreDump|homehi zecke
18:09.49CoreDump|homei was about to ask JustinP
18:10.14zeckeemte: any fixes or is emacs broken?
18:10.19emtehey zecke you have that url for your patch still handy?
18:10.35emtefixes?  downgrade your system emacs?
18:11.00zeckeemte: sadly not, and my office machine is down
18:11.01emtethey made emacs changed in 0.18
18:11.16emteand it seems they must have made more
18:11.19zeckeemte: it was brute force to remove emacs support
18:11.24kadoskoen: I'm taking a look at that pcmcia.c code you linked to me ... it also supports the Colorgraphic card which I also have ;-)
18:11.27emtei guessing you must have emacs 0.22 as well
18:11.43emtewhich means that everyone will start seeing the issue
18:12.01emtewhen they upgrade
18:12.21emtebut yeah forcibly removing emacs seems the solution for the moment
18:12.51emtewill it break other things tho
18:13.14emtelisp is renowned for its parsing speed ... so it might slow the builds down
18:13.27*** join/#oe [cc]smart (
18:13.35kadosso is it the goal of oe to allow standard distros to run on embedded platforms like the zaurus?
18:13.59emtenot really
18:14.03kadosor is it rather to run distros that have support for standard distros packages
18:14.16emtemore to provice a muti-device build system
18:14.20CoreDump|homeJustinP: I give you the auth=2 thingy, was playing around with the setting as 0 doesn't work for me, but the rest? entrance did *not* work on its own. It *requires* the Xserver file from gpe-dm to be of any use. Where's the point in coding the functions of gpe-dm into entrance when the existing stuff works fine? Just because it's called "gpe"-dm?
18:14.56zeckegpe is the synonym for X anyway ;)
18:15.09koenzecke: and fluff, bloat and !polish
18:15.21kadosemte: so does that mean a build system that can be used to build packages/distros for multiple cpu architectures or is it more than that?
18:15.39kadosemte: I'm very new to low-level programming
18:15.42emtekados, more, but that is part of it
18:16.22emteit brings together all the tools you need to support a device
18:16.50emte"distros" just tend to be a offshoot benificiary
18:17.22emteall the core work is done in OE, they take it and package it in a distro
18:17.27kadoshmmm ... so would the standard distro folks do well to adopt a similar approach (maybe even using oe?)
18:17.52kadosto allow them to build using metadata that's useful for many many architectures and devices, etc.?
18:17.59emtethere are some x86 projects here, yes
18:25.52kadosso actually, openembedded's going to help me with more than  just my zaurus ... I can use it to build custom distros for my Soekris boxes too
18:26.05kadosis there a list of supported architectures?
18:26.15emtefully or partial?
18:26.26emtelook in the machines dir for an idea
18:26.38kados(still syncing here ;-)
18:26.54kadosmonotone:    26.5M |    688.9k |     5778 |    1397 |          224
18:28.26koenkados: use the db snapshot
18:28.59kadoskoen: 's ok ... this will give me time to grok what I'm actually going to do with it ;-)
18:29.10kadoskoen: i still don't really grok _what_ bitbake is
18:29.54koenbitbake is a task executor
18:30.04koenthe OE metadate makes it able to build stuff
18:30.07kadoslike make?
18:30.15koensort of like make
18:30.46kadosso I write some source and bb builds it for devices as specified in the conf file?
18:31.22koenthat's the idea
18:31.42kadosyea ... this rocks!
18:35.34kadosso who works on the .conf file?
18:36.09koenall of us
18:38.52*** join/#oe _alwin_ (
18:39.10zeckewb _alwin_
18:57.31*** join/#oe hufnus (
18:58.18CIA-403mickeyl * ra3dac38e... 10/packages/e17/ (engage/no-local-includes.patch engage: fix dependencies and add no-local-includes patch
19:13.04CIA-403coredump * r0a13f564... 10/packages/e17/ (entrance/config-db.patch entrance: revert auth=2 to auth=0
19:34.31CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * ra609ff1e... 10/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Added wireless-tools to feed
19:44.26*** join/#oe jaiotu (
19:45.35CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r933c360c... 10/packages/meta/ Added zd1211 driver to feed
19:54.03*** join/#oe Laibsch (
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20:03.17CIA-403koen * rca933b7b... 10/ (7 files in 5 dirs): Add asterisk 1.0.9, delete 1.0.9
20:03.37koen~lart me
20:03.48koenadd 1.0.9, delete 1.0.7
20:04.08koenhey RP
20:04.32RPI have the backlight working properly now :)
20:04.34*** join/#oe keturn (n=kevint@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn)
20:04.58koenthe spitz backlight?
20:05.24RPThere was a subtle problem with the chip selects on the ssp interface
20:05.51RPI still can't find a way to avoid big banging though which is most annoying
20:08.38CIA-403jbowler * r5da8bfb1... 10/conf/distro/ucslugc.conf:
20:08.38CIA-4Remove the step to create a UcSlugC binary image (for upslug), thereby
20:08.38CIA-4removing the requirement for linksys firmware - this is a partial fix,
20:08.38CIA-4at present linksys firmware is still required to build an image for
20:08.38CIA-4upslug, so to use UcSlugC after this it will be necessary, for the
20:08.38CIA-4moment, to have an existing OpenSlug or UcSlugC system with reflash.
20:37.33Laibschbitbake fails to build for me since the last couple of days.  Console output is at
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20:39.51koenLaibsch: are both bitbake and OE up to date?
20:40.04Laibschyes, I updated them today.
20:40.14kadosso ... looks like the monotone sync finally finished ... but I'm seeing some warnings:
20:40.16LaibschFor OE I always had a cron job.
20:40.17kadosmonotone: warning: discarding revision data packet 32a48e4b95f3a4d8667381042fae7273a6995559 with unmet dependencies
20:40.22kadoslots of these ... is that a problem?
20:40.33koenkados: no, that's harmless
20:40.34LaibschI only implemented the cronjob for bitbake today and ran a manual update.
20:40.40kadoskoen: cool ... thanks
20:41.26Laibschkoen: What I thought was strange is that there are never any revs written for the monotone update of OE.
20:41.59kadoswhen I check out a local copy of the OE tree ... do I want to be in /stuff/build ?
20:43.51kadosor is that what the /stuff/openembedded dir is for ?
20:46.03koenthe openembedded tree goes into openembedded/
20:46.27emteLaibsch, then your doing it wrong
20:46.32kadoskoen: i ran this: monotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull "org.openembedded.{dev,nslu2-linux,dreambox}"
20:46.37emtewhat command are you using for updating?
20:46.51kadoskoen: now ... from /stuff I run monotone --db=/stuff/oe.db checkout
20:47.01kadoskoen: and it puts it in openembedded?
20:47.06Laibschemte: I use a shell script I coded to get everything going.  I'll paste it.
20:47.12koenit will put it in
20:47.32kadosok ... so kinda like cvs co
20:48.06kadosso I can update the tree with monotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull ; cd /stuff/; monotone update
20:48.12kadosbut that also updates the branch right?
20:48.25kadosseems counterintuitive
20:48.31koenkados: if you are used to cvs take a look at
20:48.37kadoskoen: sweet ... thanks
20:48.55emteyeah you would think monotone update would be smart enough to read the db file ...
20:49.23kadoswell ... I was just thinking it would be nice to be able to update just the tree ... and leave the branch alone
20:49.28koenthe database is the 'server'
20:49.39LaibschThat is what I use for preparing OE.
20:50.01emteLaibsch, yeah thats wrong
20:50.09emtemonotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull ; cd /stuff/; monotone update
20:50.12emteis the u[pdate command
20:50.29emteall three parts
20:50.30koenkados: monotone update will update the working copy, which is by default the branch
20:52.01Laibschemte: If you look at it, I have all three parts.  Just slightly different.
20:52.40emteyour not pulling into your repo ..
20:52.57emteyou have: monotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull
20:53.05emtenot: monotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull
20:53.20emteunless i am missing that part
20:54.53emtei updated probably 4 hours ago and tehre are 31 new revs since then
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20:56.23LaibschOK, I'll put in the and try again.  I'll expect a long update for monotone then since apparently my repo has not changed for ages.
20:58.07LaibschWell, in the daily cronjob there is '~/bin/monotone --db=./oe.db pull "org.openembedded.{dev,dreambox,nslu2-linux}"' so it should not be more than ~18 hours old.
20:58.49LaibschI'll do a manual update nonetheless.
20:59.09reenoo_Laibsch: don't forget a "monotone update" in the working copy
20:59.13emtei hope thats all thats missing from your script
20:59.27emteeverything else looks fine
21:01.39kadosso what happens when oe.db gets over 2 gig? ;-)
21:02.09emteover 2gb?
21:02.13koenif you have a sane FS nothing :)
21:02.19emteyou shouldnt even be near that
21:02.37emte48832 -rw-r--r--   1 biohazard biohazard 49999872 2005-08-14 12:01 oe.db
21:02.50kadosyea ... mine's at 31k
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21:03.18kadosyea ... me too ;-)
21:03.55emtegood luck
21:04.30emtereading the description it seems like they threw it togther and are hoping they miss all the patents
21:04.53kadoswell ignoring patents is in style these days ;-)
21:05.03kadosit's hard to avoid in fact
21:05.07Laibsch~1500 revs in.  Now going to the writing part.
21:05.09emteonly until it catches up to you
21:05.15emteLaibsch, ouch
21:05.25emtehope its bed time for you
21:05.29Laibschemte: I guess it'll take a while, hm?
21:05.38emteits ~2-5min per rev
21:05.49zeckeLaibsch: you could start with an upto date db
21:05.50emteand apperently it does about 1/2 of them
21:06.02kadosso what's exactly happening with revs?
21:06.04LaibschOE just told me it might take while ;-)
21:06.09emteso your looking at 1400 minutes min
21:06.18zeckeLaibsch: wget IIRC
21:06.20kadoswhen it's syncing ... is it just doing difs on each line of oe.db?
21:06.50Laibschzecke: That is where I started from. About two weeks ago.  I guess that URL gets updated frequently?
21:07.07emtei am begining to think you have to cron monotone every hour to make the updates bearable
21:07.21kadosemte: why does it update so often?
21:07.22zeckeLaibsch: right
21:07.30kadosemte: is there that much dev working going on?
21:07.41emtepeople make changes adn submit them
21:08.09emtekados, over 1/2 the channel here are devs and the otehr couple hundred not here
21:08.25LaibschI guess my cronjob should not have had "" around org.openembedded.{dev,dreambox,nslu2-linux} :-(
21:08.28kadosthat's an active project ;-)
21:09.43kadosho hum ... none of the images in the monotone html docs are working ...
21:09.46emtehmm i need some socks
21:18.24Laibschmy monotone repo is on my router.  I run OE on a different computer.  Is it OK to set up a bi-hourly cron job on the router to update via monotone without risking interference if I start a bitbake compile while the update is half-way through?  I hope I was successul in making clear what my question is about.
21:18.56emteunsure on that point myself
21:19.08zeckeLaibsch: you can do monotone pull everytime
21:19.10emtewas just thinking about updating my hg idea
21:19.15zeckeLaibsch: just monotone update after you're done
21:20.04emtesetup monotone to pull every hour and use hg to build from
21:20.31emteyou could jsut setup two monotone repos tho and update your second one local
21:20.33Laibschzecke: What happens if I "monotone update" and start a bitbake build while the update is running?  Is that safe?  I'd only do the pull via cron and update only via the initialization script.
21:20.42kadosso push pull sync is for remove <-> local ... whereas commit update is for local <-> working eh?
21:21.03zeckeLaibsch: if it is through parsing, it should only hit the cache
21:21.11Laibschemte: That is an idea too.  If possible I prefer to keep things central, though.
21:21.12kadosso monotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull ; cd /stuff/; monotone update does both
21:22.08kadosLaibsch: so would you setup a pull every hour and then only update right before or after a compile?
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21:22.41kadossorry ... wrong wording
21:22.49Laibschkados: I can do either way.  Trying to decide what is safest and workable right now.
21:23.20kadosLaibsch: let me know what you decide and why ;-)
21:23.22emteupdate every hour, bitbake pulls from the cache ... so as long as your not updating while it builds the cache you should be okay
21:23.36Laibschzecke: So I guess doing an automatic "monotone update" at a time when one is not 100% sure there is no compilation running/starting is not 100% safe?
21:23.43emtewould be easy enough to make a lock check
21:23.59koenbitbake caches all metadae when it starts
21:24.19zeckeLaibsch: right
21:24.29emtecmon monotone
21:25.02Laibschemte: "so as long as your not updating while it builds the cache you should be okay"-> with a cronjob I cannot guarantee that some odd day I am awake building with bitbake at 4:00 o'clock in the morning :-( :-(
21:25.12emtejust do a pidcheck for monotone before you start bitbake
21:25.24kadoszecke: but doing a 'monotone pull' is always safe right?
21:25.33emteif its running sleep for 10 min and check again
21:25.38zeckekados: yes
21:25.39koenkados: yes
21:25.54emtepretty simple
21:25.56LaibschNa, too much trouble.  I'll pull hourly via cron and update via my initialization script.  That is run on the faster processor anyway.
21:26.37LaibschI was referring to emte's statement about checking pids.
21:27.13emtenot hard ... i've done it for redundancy for servers
21:28.06emteusually to keep mysql from doing soemthing stupid
21:28.42kadoswow ... in just the last couple of hours there have been 963 revs (i just did a pull)
21:28.46emtealtho newer versions seem quite a but more stable
21:28.49kadosdoes that sound right?
21:29.04emtesounds like you added a new branch
21:29.32kadosemte: I did monotone --db=/home/josh/zaurus/stuff/oe.db pull
21:29.52kadosemte: or should I have done sync?
21:29.58emtethen i'd guess it has been longer than a few hours or your reading certs
21:30.02CIA-403rpurdie * rcd1d678b... 10/packages/linux/ (2 files in 2 dirs): linux-oz-2.6: Add wireless extentions to spitz-defconfig. Update spitzssp to fix backlight problems and remove bit banging code (yay\!).
21:30.26kadosemte: well ... it's definitely only been a few hours
21:30.33koenRP: cheers!
21:30.35kadosemte: since I ran monotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull "org.openembedded.{dev,nslu2-linux,dreambox}"
21:31.10kadosemte: and checked out a local copy
21:31.33kadosemte: monotone:     2.4M |    240.3k |     4185 |     963 |           18
21:31.42kadosis where I'm at now
21:31.56emteyou sure your not checking out a new repo then?
21:32.15emtemaybe you were in the wrong dir?
21:32.25koenemte: that is crap
21:32.26kadoscan I C-c safely?
21:32.39emtekoen, ?
21:32.42koen"the wrong dir" doesn't matter when doing monotone pull
21:32.48koenpull == db action
21:33.02emteaha true
21:33.23emte963 revs is a lot for a few hours
21:34.00kadosmaybe my original sync didn't work right?
21:34.17kadosi did have a lot of warnings (but I heard they were harmless)
21:34.28emtekados, you are aware you have two dif --db= ?
21:34.37emteor was the second jsut an example?
21:34.54kadosno ... I wasn't aware
21:35.10kadosahh ... second was just an example ;-)
21:35.30kadosonly one oe.db in /home/josh/zaurus/stuff/oe.db
21:35.30emtethen koen was right
21:35.43kadosright that everything's ok?
21:36.19sliskjust put a check for  lsof | grep "oe.db" in your cron script
21:37.00sliskit can call at to schedule execution for like an hour later
21:37.14kadoswhat happens if I 'update' durring a pull?
21:37.48sliskthat's like crossing the streams, don't try it
21:37.48koenit will update
21:37.57koenor it will say 'database locked'
21:38.11sliskif it's smart...
21:38.33koenand if it updates, it will check out the latest verified revision
21:38.35sliskbut any1 who thinks it's a good idea to have a monolithic 100mb+ configuration file isn't too smart
21:39.28sliskalso, if the subsequent commands are independent of the db update, then you've got too problems to worry about
21:39.44sliskyou need && instead of semicolons in between the commands
21:39.54sliskso if 1 fails the rest doesn't execute and bring about more problems
21:40.14sliski imagine that the metadata files are opened invididual only when they're needed
21:40.29sliskso if you go about building a package, then update it between steps, it could caus problems
21:41.10slisklol too instead of two
21:41.22sliskhow many times have i mocked others for that?
21:41.43sliskgotta get off my type kill tendencies
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21:43.47zeckewb mithro
21:47.44kadoswhat's the difference between:
21:47.45kadospull "org.openembedded.{dev,nslu2-linux,dreambox}"
21:47.58kadospull ""
21:48.12koenthe number of branches you update
21:48.17kadoscould that be the reason I'm getting 963 revs in a few hours?
21:48.47kadosI did the first one when I did my original pull
21:49.03kadosand the second when I wanted to pull the latest stuff (mainly just a test)
21:51.05kadosjosh@sam:~/zaurus/stuff$ monotone --db=/home/josh/zaurus/stuff/oe.db list branches
21:51.16kadosmonotone: fatal: std::runtime_error: failure extracting schema from sqlite_master
21:51.17kadosmonotone: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.
21:52.40zeckekados: read the update manual
21:53.55zeckekados: try monotone db migrate and then try again
21:54.12kadoszecke: I'm still in the middle of a pull
21:56.17zeckekados: monotone is good at blaming itself, when it is not guilty at all
21:57.04kadoszecke: i don't see how db migrate will solve anything ... since I created this db with version .2
21:57.17kadoszecke: unless I'm not understanding something ;-)
21:57.20zeckekados: ah well
21:57.32zeckekados: okay I thought you had some pre existing db
21:57.47CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r8cf91caa... 10/packages/sudo/ ( Fix sudoers permission
21:58.00kadoszecke: I deleted it after uninstalling the debian stable monotone (version .18)
21:58.09kadoszecke: and created a new one with the new .22 version
21:58.30kadoszecke: i wonder if the error is related to the fact that I'm in the middle of a pull
21:58.50zeckekados: I've not seen that before
21:59.00kadosat this rate I'll be spending 90% of my time waiting for pull and update and 10% actually programming ;-)
21:59.06CIA-403koen * ra3d67734... 10/packages/libgpewidget/ Add libgpewidget 0.103, matches cairo 0.5 API and fixes the dateselector widget
22:00.44zeckekados: hehe you might join the anti-motone movement
22:01.03kadosit looks nice but I'm just unfamiliar with it
22:01.08zeckekados: we're open to switch for the better
22:01.27zeckekados: it is slow, no doubt but it's slowness has not prevented me from doing any work
22:01.32emtewe will see
22:01.44emtei am uploading the hg repo to a server now
22:01.48zeckekados: turn on computer, start monotone pull, get breakfast statz hacking
22:01.58emtewith my slow arsed connection its gonna be 40min
22:02.03kadosI'm really unfamiliar with the options for distributed revision control ... but I know it's a real problem finding (or creating) a decent app for it
22:02.35koenbitkeeper is nice and decent
22:02.37kadoswell I guess I must have pulled a new branch by mistake
22:02.44koenbut expensive and closed
22:02.54kadosorigianlly I pulled:
22:02.54kadosmonotone --db=/stuff/oe.db pull
22:03.01kadosthen to 'update' I pulled:
22:03.17kadosoops ... wrong paste above
22:03.37emtei know CoreDump|home will be excited to try it
22:03.44kadosnow: ""
22:03.58kadosseems like the first one should include the second
22:04.00emtewish i could get ahold of blak to setup the cgi
22:04.03zeckeemte: I would clone/pull whatever it as well
22:04.11CoreDump|homeemte: hm?
22:04.43emtewell it took 30 seconds to incorporate the three days of monotone changes into hg :)
22:04.54kadoswhat's hg?
22:05.13koenanother version control system
22:05.37emtequite a bit more flexible for multiplatform devel
22:05.50emteand small
22:06.44zeckemickeyl: hey
22:06.54zeckemickeyl: are you okay witht he qt3e.bbclass?
22:06.57koenhey treke|home
22:08.06mickeylzecke: yeah, it looks ok. I'm just wondering why we need it. Do we have apps using Qt/Embedded 3.x in OE?
22:08.16mickeylpb_: printed circuit board?
22:08.43zeckemickeyl: hacky, hacky opie-l* stuff was linked to it
22:08.47pb_mickeyl:, the printed circuit board design package.
22:08.57treke|homewhy do developers have this fondness for non standard ui's for apps?
22:09.09pb_though, actually, I guess this latest annoyance is caused by the netlister, not actually by PCB itself.
22:09.50mickeylpb_: ah i see. hmm, no screenshots on the site
22:09.57pb_I quite like gschem, and PCB has gotten a lot better than it used to be.
22:09.58mickeyl~lart GUI app websites without screenies
22:10.02emtei use eagle, atleast the devices are decent in it
22:10.20koenmickeyl: missing your daily dose of eye-candy?
22:10.24mickeylkoen: *nod* :)
22:10.27sliskqucs > geda
22:10.30emtewish i couls afford pantheon
22:10.41pb_there's some bad interaction between gschem and gnetlist, though, which causes anything marked as NC in the schematic to end up connected to a "NoConnection" net.
22:11.12koenone big 'noconnection' net
22:11.17pb_yeah, exactly
22:11.28pb_which, obviously, is almost exactly the opposite of what you'd want
22:12.17pb_five seconds with vi sorts it out, of course, but it's irritating to have to remember to do that every time.
22:13.00emtemy biggest problem with the suite was building new devices
22:13.07emtewell trying i should say
22:13.34treke|homealso, this os doesnt grasp that it doesnt need to suspend if it's on external power
22:13.59pb_adding new schematic symbols is pretty easy these days with tragesym.
22:14.05kadosI'm still not getting what's going on here ... I pulled "org.openembedded.{dev,nslu2-linux,dreambox}" ... it took a few hours ... then a few hours later I pulled ... it should only have had a few revs (I think) but instead it had 963 revs does this seem strange to anyone else or am I not understanding something?
22:14.11emtenot if it doesnt exist
22:14.28emtethey would always get mangled somehow
22:14.29kadosalso wondering if there's a safe way to cancel a pull
22:14.33koenkados: strange indeed
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22:14.51kadoskoen: at least I'm not going crazy ;-)
22:15.01kadoskoen: any troubleshooting suggestion?
22:15.08emtethe devices would be to spec and then when i went to use them they would eb way out
22:15.08koennot really
22:15.24koenI'd say go to sleep and check in the morning
22:15.27kadoswell I guess I'll just wait for it to finish
22:15.33kadosthen see what happens next time I run it ;-)
22:16.11kadoshonestly I don't know how a server could be synched twice an hour
22:16.25kadosone sync would surely interupt another
22:16.28emte15536 files ...
22:17.08emteand tahts jsut in dev
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22:17.18kados(because it takes more than just 30 minutes to sync ;-))
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22:18.59emtethats RD's dept no?
22:19.20mickeylkergoth is the only one who has the documents to write it
22:19.30mickeyland RP has no locomo hardware
22:20.02mickeyls/Freyther and Kooi inc/Freyther, Kooi, and Lauer Inc."
22:20.38emtei dont suppose anyone has filed for non-profit organisation status?
22:20.40koenmickeyl: every friday night a complimentary bottle of leffe brun
22:20.49zeckeemte: no that is to be done
22:20.51mickeyl_good_ idea!
22:20.58emtethen you could offer tax receipts for donations
22:21.00mickeylmight be not good for my overweight though
22:21.02zeckeemte: but I would like to see getting non-profit
22:21.18zeckeemte: status and tax exemption
22:21.24hdiHello ppl, I've got an ipaq 3630, which means limited space, so I thought lets install a bootstrap-image and after that (via usb) install the packages that I want. sshing to the ipaq works fine, but now I need a login/password? Is there a default password for the root user? If not, is it possible to do the thing I want to do in an other way?
22:21.30emteyou would need to file in each country
22:22.21zeckehdi: self built version?
22:22.27emtebut corps would be more likly to donate money
22:23.00koenhdi: #familiar or
22:23.01emtewhich could in turn be used to "hire" developers
22:23.33zeckeemte: I would like to see getting the non-profit status in the US
22:23.47zeckeemte: but first we need to see how lives without HP
22:23.48hdizecke: bitbake bootstrap-image
22:23.59emtefrance, has to file for that doesnt he? since he owns it?
22:24.03zeckehdi: if you're not building a debug distro
22:24.17zeckehdi: you do not set a default password, and password less root login via ssh is disabled
22:24.26zeckeemte: I don't think he owns
22:24.42zeckeemte: but france would be a good candidate, but maybe they suprise us anyway
22:25.26hdizecke: is there an 'easy' way to enable a password less login?
22:25.57koenzecke: france is busy with talking to lawyers about's status
22:26.07koenzecke: so we'll see in a week or two
22:26.08zeckehdi: DEBUG_DISTRO="1" could do
22:26.28zeckeemte: but most importantly is to have enough hardware for
22:26.39zeckeemte: and probably a sysadmin doing administration of it
22:26.42emtehdi why dont you just install the gpe or opie image?
22:26.56emtewell you could use taht blackdog thing
22:27.12emtei forget who posted it
22:28.03hdiemte: limited space, a gpe-image leaves me no space to install any additional packages
22:28.11emteunless is doing something i dont know about, that would be powerful enough
22:29.24emtethe gpe image is pretty bare
22:29.37emteor used to be
22:29.55koen'unless is doing something i dont know about'
22:30.00koenwhat crack are you on?
22:30.16emteheavy db work
22:30.29hdiemte: the gpe-image leaves me less than a Mb of space
22:31.03emteperhaps it has a heavy media stream aspect
22:31.09zeckehdi: grep conf/distro for DEBUG
22:31.12zeckehdi: and set that
22:32.14emtei've only saw it do web, light db, ftp/file serving
22:35.50hdizecke: DEBUG not found for the familiar distro, can I just add DEBUG_BUILD = "1" to the conf file?
22:36.21zeckehdi: no that is something else ;)
22:36.29zeckehdi: look at packages/dropbear*/*.bb
22:36.46zeckehdi: a special patch for password less connections is applied...
22:38.54zeckehdi: sorry, I meant DISTRO_TYPE
22:39.09hdipatch -p1 < ${WORKDIR}/allow-nopw.patch
22:39.11zeckehdi: alternatively you provide your own base-passwd and set a default password
22:39.30emteit jumped to 6 hours
22:40.01hdiinformation overflow :-), I'll try the DISTRO_TYPE thingy ;-)
22:41.52hdijust setting DISTRO to familiar-0.8.3 and doing a bitbake bootstrap-image  should do the trick no?
22:42.39CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r97bdaac8... 10/packages/vsftpd/ Fix hardcoded paths mess. Create localstatedir/shared/empty if not exists
22:42.43CIA-403koen * r381f85b2... 10/packages/iptables/ Add iptables 1.3.3
22:42.47CIA-403nail 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r2cd93746... 10/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Add vsftpd to feed
22:42.50CIA-403koen * rf54beea7... 10/packages/iptables/ Install iptables in sbindir instead of bindir
22:46.51zeckegood nite
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22:51.33NAiLAnyone know why this doesn't work:
22:51.34NAiL#CONFFILES = "${sysconfdir}/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf ${sysconfdir}/ssmtp/revaliases"
22:51.41NAiL(Except the #, of course)
22:53.21CIA-403rpurdie * raa755a63... 10/packages/linux/ linux-oz-2.6: Merge spitz ssp driver into corgi
22:53.51zeckeNAiL: use \ for the newline
22:54.16NAiLssmtp.conf \
22:54.19NAiLthen the rest?
22:54.35NAiLIt didn't want to work when I did only the first file either... :(
22:55.16emtewhere is my python book
22:56.07CIA-403rwhitby 07org.oe.nslu2-linux * r53c5b2e8... 10/conf/distro/ (openslug.conf ucslugc.conf): Fixed openslug and ucslugc to use R29 firmware, not the new R63
22:58.02*** join/#oe ljp (n=lpotter@
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23:26.12gerwininIt seems my filesystem is always read-only :(
23:26.47koenhave you been hanging out with the zaurus crowd?
23:26.58koenthose people always want 'ROM's
23:30.40gerwininI just made an image for an mp3player I need :)
23:30.57koenwhat does 'mount / -o remount,rw' say?
23:31.04gerwininLet me check
23:31.39*** join/#oe Timelord0 (n=TL@
23:32.55gerwininmmm can't find / in fstab :
23:33.42gerwininI think there is a problem in there
23:36.02*** join/#oe hufnus (
23:38.39koen'night all
23:46.35emtewell next time i wont be so dumb
23:46.43emtelets blame it on the surgery :P
23:48.25emtewonder what i am missing ...
23:50.36emtehmm ..
23:51.00*** join/#oe qfh (
23:58.13JustinPCoreDump|afk: Sorry about that but I spent hours getting entrance to work..... I understand that it didn't have the session files and needed the Xserver file and such but, I must say again, the e-image is *not ready*.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.