irclog2html for #oe on 20050628

00:07.50*** join/#oe arrase (
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00:17.46arrasei have a prblem, i can't build any package i always have the same error ERROR: /home/arrase/cross-gcc/ipaq/openembedded/packages/ipkg-utils/ depends on itself (eventually)
00:18.20arrasei can't find a fix for this can you help me?
00:34.37*** join/#oe marcan (1337@5f2641eafccbd402.session.tor)
00:41.38arrasei have a prblem, i can't build any package i always have the same error ERROR: /home/arrase/cross-gcc/ipaq/openembedded/packages/ipkg-utils/ depends on itself (eventually)
00:41.46arrasei can't find a fix for this can you help me?
00:43.49*** join/#oe NAiL (~repvik@
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01:32.11arrasei have a prblem, i can't build any package i always have the same error ERROR: /home/arrase/cross-gcc/ipaq/openembedded/packages/ipkg-utils/ depends on itself (eventually)
01:32.13arrasei can't find a fix for this can you help me?
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02:52.00tengulreanybody here!
02:53.52emtesometimes :)
03:04.09tengulreI want learn embedded linux , but i dont known which platform is better and stuff is cheap?
03:07.28emtetry a bit more specific goal
03:07.47subduecheap ... very old models of anything
03:08.10emtewhy or what are you trying to do
03:08.19NAiLGet a LinkSys NSLU2 for $80? :)
03:08.29emtethen figure out what best suits the problem
03:08.34subdueeven a linksys wrt54g for $50
03:11.28tengulreonly for learn!
03:12.45subduelearn .... what?
03:12.58tengulresubdue, learning
03:13.22subduelearn to program, learn linux, learn how things work, ....
03:16.11tengulrethe first!
03:16.38*** join/#oe synth (
03:18.56tengulreanybody known ?
03:25.49emteugly site
03:25.55emteand personally no
03:26.12emtethere are MANY embedded type projects
03:27.02emteOE is the only one that has attempted to streamline and provide a quality universal core development system
03:27.40emteyou dont need OE, but why repeat the work that others have already done for you?
03:28.00emtethere are some 2000+ packages availible through OE
03:29.23NAiLtengulre: I'd start in the other end. Learn linux first, then programming, then start with embedded stuff.
03:30.36emtethe order dores not really matter
03:30.49tengulreNAiL, I agree u!
03:31.11emteyou dont actually need to know how to program to use OE , it definatly helps
03:31.52tengulreemte, what is OE?
03:32.07emteyou enter the channel by mistake?
03:43.39emtenp, but i didnt really know how to awnser that nicely
03:57.45*** join/#oe nslu2-log (dyoung@dyoung.nslu2-linux)
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06:10.48*** join/#oe raster (
06:12.28emtehey there he is
06:13.23emteis the portal info ... i hate to say it but i have questions in the forum for you when you have time :(
06:13.47emtebut i also have some concept images done
06:13.54emtemaybe thats a consolation ...
06:14.02emteuploading em in a few
06:14.23*** join/#oe bluelightning (
06:14.56rasterwont be around for long
06:15.02rasterso faer i have gotten NOTHING done today
06:15.41emteits casual, maybe you will find time next week
06:16.23rasteris where all co-ords start
06:16.31rasterpixesl are orders row by row, topp left to top right
06:16.36rasterand line after line until the bottom
06:16.47rasteras per the usual way any linear frameubffer is done
06:16.58rasteralpha is the upper 8 bites of each 32bit value
06:17.08raster0xff == solid
06:17.13raster0x00 = transparent
06:17.23raster0x80 = partially transparent
06:17.35rasterright now pixels are in non-pre-multilied space
06:17.46rasteri may change to pre-multipied alpha at some time (maybe soon)
06:18.18emtei think i understand most of that
06:22.03*** join/#oe maisheri (
06:22.24rasterposted the reply
06:22.27rasterits there to refer to
06:27.46emtehmm i just remembered why i hate pngs
06:28.16emteanyway the concept images are in News->e17biohazard
06:29.59emteneed to put that white bg back in them ...
06:34.44*** join/#oe hufnus (
06:34.53rasterjust looking
06:34.58rasterlooks ok :)
06:35.14rasteri always thought it was time to change the device ui
06:35.22rasterto not be task oriented but object oriented
06:35.27rasteri dont launch app x
06:35.37rasteri just so "this message from mr X."
06:35.41rasterand it opens so u can read it
06:35.48rasteror i select a "new message" object
06:36.44*** join/#oe Snoogie (
06:39.10rasterbut i do agree witht he menu and 1 app fulls creen thing
06:41.27emteyeah the three defailts will prob be filemanager, messaging or some type and media i'd expect
06:41.41emteor whatever you'd liek to set em as
06:42.12emtehmm why didnt 1 and 2 get whit bgs ...
06:42.27emteanyway  ... like the logo?
06:43.21rasternot bad :)
06:45.36emteaha fixed 1 and 2
06:46.09emtehmm one is missing ...
06:48.50emtethere the media one is back ...
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07:55.47ade|deskmorning all
08:06.48ade|desklol how many times have you typed 'shitdown -h now' ?
08:06.55tengulremorning? afternoon !
08:07.25ade|deskrather than shutdown
08:07.34gints|wrkhey hrw|work
08:07.40*** join/#oe NAiL (~repvik@
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08:11.47hrw|workheh.. my oz 3.5.3 builddir broke ;(
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08:16.18koengood morning all
08:17.08hrw|workhi koen
08:18.05koenhey hrw|work
08:18.25gints|wrkhey koen
08:22.03koenhey gints|wrk
08:31.15*** join/#oe XorA (
08:32.50RPmorning all
08:32.59koenhey RP
08:34.00RPkoen: There's a proper tslib fix in xserver cvs now btw thanks to mallum
08:35.48koenRP: old new ;)
08:36.40koenRP: I have mallum on jabber
08:37.20RPkoen: fair enough :)
08:39.48koenhey BigAl
08:48.57RPhi BigAl
09:01.30RPI think I have one about to start as well...
09:08.15hrw|workRP: sysfs works now ok
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09:08.15hrw|workRP: I did the same as in and all works
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09:49.19koenmoin zecke
09:50.36zeckemickey_away: Qt4 is released
09:52.13zeckemickey_away: heise is always faster than TT...
09:56.43*** join/#oe mithro (
09:56.51RPhrw|work: Excellent - that's, good to know. Do you still see the charging problem?
09:57.23hrw|workRP: not now
10:02.46pb_hi zecke
10:04.34XorAhrw|work: charging problem?
10:05.34hrw|workXorA: connected 99% charged husky to sync/charge usb cable and it goes wild.. charge on/off on/off many times per soecond
10:05.38XorARP: Im stumped with RNDIS OOPS, there dont seem to be any changes in the part of the code that is crashing between 2.6.11 and 2.6.12-mm1
10:05.45XorAhrw|work: oh, I see that, is there a fix?
10:06.30XorAhrw|work: yes, exactly what I get
10:06.50XorAevent/0 taks 100% cpu load
10:07.49RPhrw|work: Is that the right pastebin or is my browser cache doing something silly?
10:08.34hrw|workRP: it is old pastebin
10:08.58RPhrw|work: Sorry, I thought that was tne RNDIS oops :)
10:09.02RPI'm misreading
10:09.31RPI suspect a locking problem with RNDIS
10:09.50XorARP: I cannot see the start of the oops as its off top of screen
10:09.57RPThe reason being after the preempt changes, the kernel is a lot more fragile to them...
10:10.01XorARP: but does occur within a spinlock
10:10.33RPXorA: We really need the full oops :-/
10:10.59RPIts interesting you've seen the charger going mental as well. Any idea how to reproduce the problem?
10:11.15XorARP: plug in sync cable, suspend, resume, it goes mental
10:11.35XorAunoplug usb and plug back in, al is fine again
10:11.40RPIts sync related?
10:11.41XorAall is fine
10:12.01XorARP: no, just happens when I am powering from USB bus
10:12.11XorARP: havent tried it with power brick yet
10:12.17RPAh. I never touch the usb lead
10:14.33XorAactually even with a serial cable I couldnt catch this oops :-(
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10:16.06CIA-903koen 07 * r1.3645 10openembedded/packages/dbus/ ( beat dbus_0.34 into shape some more
10:18.07XorAhrw|work: do you have a combo usb/serial cable?
10:18.57hrw|workXorA: no - but plan to make serial one
10:19.32XorAhrw|work: damn, need a combo one as problem is usb related so cant plug the usb in same time as serial :-(
10:20.26RPXorA: Add some mdelay(1000)'s into the oops code
10:20.33hrw|workXorA: usb is only 3 wires... add them into serial one
10:21.25CIA-903koen 07 * r1.3646 10openembedded/packages/hal/ Add HAL 0.5.2
10:21.38XorAhrw|work: Dont have a spare usb connector and no time to get to maplins :-(
10:25.03RPXorA: No broken device you can pinch one off?
10:25.51XorARP: I threw most of my junk away when I moved into new flat, Ill have to hunt about
10:26.58RPSadly I have seperate leads and no way to easily change that...
10:27.32XorAneed to hide oops in RAM then retrieve on reboot
10:27.39XorAexcept that dont work either :-(
10:27.48XorAas I have to remove battery to reboot
10:27.52RPXorA: Just add massive delays to the opps fuction
10:28.30XorARP: thats what Ill have to do
10:33.26*** join/#oe Timelord (~TL@
10:40.08CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3644.1.1 10openembedded/packages/tslib/tslib/h1940/
10:40.08CIA-9use detect-stylus on h1940
10:40.08CIA-9patch courtesy Arjan Schrijver
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10:42.59Arjanpb_: hi
10:47.06*** join/#oe Timelord0 (~TL@
10:48.09*** join/#oe lardman (~lardman@
10:48.43lardmanI just built a gpe-image, and looking in rootfs/lib/modules I have two different sets of modules
10:49.03lardmanShould I remove all of the files from old kernels before creating a new image?
10:50.31pb_Arjan: hello
10:51.20Arjanpb_: I'd like to add detect-stylus to both gpe-image and opie-image, but atm it's only added to gpe-image... do you have an idea how I would do that? perhaps in h1940.conf?
10:51.37lardmanOkay, let's put it another way - does the data which is placed in the roofs come from ipks or directly from the work directories?
10:52.23hrw|worklardman: ipk
10:52.34lardmanhrw|work: okay, thanks
10:52.38pb_Arjan: I guess it can go in handheld-common.conf, or ipaq-common.conf.
10:52.42CIA-903koen 07 * r1.3646.1.1 10openembedded/packages/hal/ add udev-utils to RRECOMMENDS
10:53.00RPFor some reason my USB lead doesn't seem to want to charge the Zaurus at all :-/
10:53.05pb_Arjan: though actually, if tslib is referring to it, it should be in tslib's RRECOMMENDS.
10:53.09koendetect-stylus depends on X11
10:53.35Arjankoen: so it can't be used with opie... *sigh*
10:53.46pb_well, it depends on libX11.  It will run fine without X.
10:53.47koenonly libx11
10:54.08koenand omne could safely remove the last ~20 lines for a detect-stylus-lite
10:54.32pb_yeah, or (preferably) teach it to dlopen() libx11 when it needs it.
10:54.54Arjanthat would be a good option... I think it's a very nice program
10:55.27Arjanwhen people load ts/kbd modules in the wrong order, the event devices are switched... meaning that the touchscreen won't work :(
10:55.31hrw|workdoes ipkg .151 has another problems with itself?
10:55.32lardmanhrw|work: curiously all of the old kernel module ipks have been placed in deploy/ipk/morgue, yet I still appear to get stuff from them
10:55.43hrw|workroot@c7x0:~# ipkg install /tmp/zbedic_0.9.6-r0_armv5te.ipk
10:55.43hrw|workUpgrading   \ͽ¾å% bedic on root from 0.9.4-r0 to 0.9.6-r0...
10:55.43hrw|workConfiguring zbedic
10:55.56pb_but installing libx11 only costs 150k of flash, so you might be able to just live with it for now.
10:55.58hrw|workthose weird chars after "upgrading"...
10:58.12Arjanpb_: would you like to change the variable in our to "/dev/input/event1"? that would fix it for the moment
10:58.30pb_Arjan: I already checked in the detect-stylus change.
11:00.38Arjanpb_: yes, I saw that... but it seems that isn't enough to get it working in Opie, since detect-stylus isn't included in the opie image
11:01.23pb_Arjan: try adding it to RRECOMMENDS in tslib
11:04.38hrw|workargh... zbedic 0.9.6 has two iconsets.. on for large, one for small screen device and does not handle it during run
11:10.22CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3647.1.2 10openembedded/packages/module-init-tools/ also provide virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}depmod-2.6
11:12.48CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3647.1.1 10openembedded/packages/modutils/ also provide virtual/${TARGET_PREFIX}depmod-2.4
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11:29.01lardmanIs 2.6.12-mm1 or 2.6.12-rc5-mm2 the latest kernel (c7x0)?
11:29.34lardmanThat's what I thought, it looks like rc5-mm2 is slected in preference
11:30.04hrw|workso 2.6.12-rc5-mm2 are newer then 2.6.12-mm1 for ipkg
11:30.17lardmanso I really do need to rm everyhting to do with the old kernel then
11:30.48hrw|workI just removed all kernel*-rc* from tmp/deploy/ipk/
11:31.05hrw|work~lart ipkg for leaks
11:31.57lardmanbb has built the new modules, then stuck them straight in tmp/deploy/ipk/morgue :D
11:32.40pb_that's what happens if version numbers go backwards.
11:32.54pb_actually, I'm slightly surprised that it bothered to build them at all.
11:32.57lardmanfair enough, just not something I'd expected
11:37.08CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3650 10openembedded/classes/kernel.bbclass: depend on the appropriate cross depmod
11:42.21CIA-903hrw 07 * r1.3644.2.1 10openembedded/ (3 files in 3 dirs): zbedic: added missing icons, Back/Forward icons will be taken from OPIE (so have proper size)
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11:57.23CIA-903koen 07 * r1.3648.1.2 10openembedded/packages/ (3 files in 2 dirs):, new file stage libs + headers
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12:37.09CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3653 10openembedded/classes/kernel.bbclass: respect PARALLEL_INSTALL_MODULES when calculating RDEPENDS
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12:41.35ram123when when i enter as root in gpe i get the error ; failed to open connection with system message bus failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket : connection refused
12:41.43ram123how to solve this problem ?
12:42.56lardmanram123: you might well get more responses in #gpe
12:44.38ram123i dont want DHCP support; i dont have a dhcp server in my network; is there anyway i can disable it by editing conf files ?
12:44.46ram123this is during kernel bootup ?
12:45.40koen/etc/network/interfaces or settings-> network setup
12:46.40*** join/#oe dkey (nobody@
12:46.52ram123i configured eth0 and other interfaces to take from static ip. but i get it during kernel bootup and it keeps on sending DHCP requests ...
12:48.34jameywhich interface is it sending DHCP requests on?
12:48.51ram123how to find out ?
12:49.14ram123i think eth0
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12:49.30ram123if i connect a eth0 cable it works ?>
12:50.00ram123is there any way i can disable it ?
12:51.16Twiunthis looks interesting...
12:58.13*** join/#oe Virusmaster (
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13:13.03CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3656 10openembedded/packages/strace/ (strace-4.5.12/quota.patch update strace to 4.5.12, and make it work with the latest glibc
13:15.19[g2]pb_ the latest 2.3.5 with the linux-glibc-headers is working out okay not my build from last night
13:15.49[g2]I've built and tested python and the kernel is 2/3-3/4 done building natively
13:16.20[g2]there's a tiny script that just installs all the ipkgs and does a minor tweak or two
13:16.21pb_I'm running the 2.3.5 glibc on my h5400 now, and it seems to be okay there as well.
13:16.31pb_still haven't tested native building though
13:16.40[g2]I"ll build perl and run its tests next
13:16.47[g2]this is with the native builing
13:17.12[g2]jacques, had runs 2.3.5 before natively with success
13:17.22pb_it might be interesting to try rebuilding glibc itself and running its testsuite.
13:17.30pb_likewise with gcc.
13:17.45[g2]nod very good idea
13:18.25jacquesAFAICT 2.3.5 is >= 2.3.2 in every way
13:18.35koenpb_: any news on eabi support in glibc?
13:20.11pb_not yet
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13:20.55[g2]jacques, does 2.3.5 seem faster to you on the slug ?
13:21.39jacques[g2], it could just be my imagination - my perl builds werent any faster
13:22.11[g2]I've been taking you lead and running "time make ..."
13:22.26[g2]but I didn't have numbers before
13:22.45jacques[g2], I'm still occasionally trying to solve the slug speed problem (is it running at 133MHz or 266MHz)
13:23.09jacquesI found some good dhrystone code (finally) the other day and it's dhrystoning like a 133MHz ARM
13:23.25[g2]what's fascinating to me is the avila board shows 266 Bogomips
13:23.58[g2]can you give me the url ?
13:24.05[g2]I can run it on the avila
13:24.08jacquesI know - I mentioned that here yesterday
13:24.27jacquesthat's what finally got a few ppl to not think I'm just confused
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13:25.33[g2]you spoil me :)
13:25.36emtejacques, there is a good side effect if it is down clocked ...
13:25.48jacquesyou need 21a 21b .h the timers .c and the Makefile
13:25.50emte30-60% more battery life :P
13:26.12jacquesemte, this is on a device which is powered from mains current
13:26.37emtewell it runs cold?
13:26.47emtehey koen
13:26.52koenhey emte
13:27.03jacqueskoen, apparently it runs for about 6 hours on 4 AA NiMH batteries
13:27.13emtetried of moving the repo yet?
13:27.30jacquesI haven;t tried it personally but a few people have
13:29.07zeckemickey_away: now Qt4 is finally there
13:30.37emtealways hate building QT
13:31.46[g2]jacques, how many iterations did you run ?
13:31.49emtesuppose it could be worse .. i could build kde
13:32.37jacques[g2], I had to run about 5,000,000 to get meaningful results
13:32.54[g2]how long does that take ?
13:33.03jacquesnot too long, maybe 10 seconds
13:33.25[g2]I'll try it after the kernel build that's running finishes
13:33.45XorAhmm, another SDIO wireless card claiming linux support
13:33.50[g2]it'd kinda skew the results
13:34.09zecke[g2]: I bet they paid MVista to do the linux port
13:34.13jacquesok I was off - it takes about 20 seconds :-)
13:34.30zecke[g2]: and they didn't do it...
13:34.59[g2]zecke, ? who paid MVista for which port ?
13:35.16zecke[g2]: SDIO WLAN driver ;)
13:35.17RPXorA Is it open source he asks hopefully...
13:35.21zeckedamn that was for XorA
13:35.46XorARP: I am trying to find any info on the linux driver
13:35.52jacques[g2], how much longer til the kernel build finishes?
13:35.58XorARP: I cant even find a binary, but the webpage says it exists
13:36.09XorARP: in IE
13:36.27[g2]jacques, probably a little while I'm at CC      drivers/usb/host/ohci-hcd.o
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13:36.41CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3658 10openembedded/conf/distro/familiar.conf: select devfs naming for udev
13:36.42jacques[g2], I assume you;re timing it?
13:37.02[g2]but of course :)
13:37.33[g2]11313 root        384 S   time make
13:37.54[g2]11315 root        448 S   tee /home/root/kernel_make.log
13:38.24pb_heh, I remember talking to spectec about Linux drivers for their cards something like 18 months ago.
13:38.38pb_I wonder if they have linux drivers for their SDIO cameras these days.  That'd be cute.
13:38.49zeckethat would definately be cute
13:39.02jacques[g2], ok, because I was going to suggest ctrl-Z, but not if you're timing it :-)
13:39.37XorApb_: talks as in "please write drivers" or as in them asking howto?
13:40.22jacquespb_, is there any frequency scaling stuff in arm kernel these days?
13:40.54jacquesI remember overclocking my ipaq with just echo 11 > /proc/cpu/scale  (or whatever it was)
13:41.05zeckejacques: non arm specefic
13:41.42RPjacques: Not for pxa although thatwould be a very nice thing to work on...
13:42.42jacques:-( it's sad when a useful feature disappears
13:43.34jacquesi was overclocking my h2200 and h5550 under wince the other day - they ahve nice apps that test different speeds and tell you which are stable
13:43.46jacquesthen you can set all sorts of rules for scaling
13:45.25koenjacques: have 'fast' do they go?
13:46.01jacqueskoen, the h5550 can go faster than the h2200
13:46.06jacqueslet me check
13:47.08jacquesthe h5550 will do 531/133/265 and 597/100/199
13:47.39koenwhat's the 3rd number?
13:47.48jacquesproc bus
13:48.06jacquesthese are both pxa255 so it's 200MHz by default
13:48.25jacquesthe h2200 will do 597/100/199 but not the faster bus speeds like the h5550
13:48.46jacquestho it will do 472/118/236
13:49.21jacquesthe fastest bus speed setting on the h5550 really increased my SD read speed - from 800ms/MB to 600ms/MB
13:55.04*** join/#oe br1 (
13:55.38br1is bitkeeper already "closed"?
13:55.53br1i get: ERROR-BAD CMD: push_part1 is disabled for this bkd using -x
14:02.28emtestop using X
14:03.37koenbk pull works over here
14:03.47Twiunpb_: it's amazing. I just costed out the price of shipping a tablet from the US... works out more expensive than buying it from the UK
14:04.10br1bk pull works here too
14:04.36pb_Twiun: heh, how times change
14:05.42emtetablets are not very popular in NA apperently   still a laptop market
14:07.20Twiunpb_: yeah, for once they didn't just take the US price and stick GBP in front ;)
14:08.53Twiunpb_: the biggest cost is the UK VAT...
14:09.31XorAVAT sucks
14:10.00Twiunit ain't adding value for *me*
14:10.23XorA~lart VAT for being a way for government to tax you twice
14:11.38Twiunguess that when I actually have some cash I'm gonna have to receive a *gift* from a visitting friend from the US
14:24.06*** join/#oe mallum (
14:25.01CIA-903pb 07 * r1.3659 10openembedded/packages/strace/ (3 files in 3 dirs): add quota patch to strace 4.5.11 as well
14:49.51zeckehrw|gone: bye
14:50.27RPhrw|gone: bye
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14:57.59SirFredGood afternoon.
15:24.26*** join/#oe tigrux (~tigrux@
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15:31.59pb_mickey_away: do you know why you removed soc.patch from module-init-tools 3.2-pre4?
15:33.01mickeylpb_: ah bummer, it didn't apply any more with the latest version and i've been meaning to port it but forgot about it. sorry
15:33.34mickeylbbl, have to do some important paperwork :/
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15:57.34pb_mickey|paperwork: ah, okay.  Is the new version better than the old one in some important way?
16:07.10*** join/#oe cedric (
16:11.01mickey|paperworkpb_: yes. pcmcia restructuring. pcmciautils in conjunction with the latest udev version need exactly this version (or later).
16:13.54*** join/#oe hufnus (
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16:23.53_chronicpb_: i finally got to compile under arm with the right "magic" conf settings. shall i email to you?
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16:28.10jacquespb_, well, [g2]'s 266MHz IXP422 avila board gets 2x the drhystones that the nslu2 does :-\
16:28.32[g2]I mean bummer
16:29.36koenmaybe that's the extra '2'
16:29.41koen420 vs 420
16:30.40pb__chronic: sure,
16:30.45pb_jacques: how odd
16:30.56pb_[g2]: heh
16:32.30[g2]jacques, I'm wondering if the funky power-on with the LED on the NSLU2 is just causing it to glitch at startup
16:32.48[g2]and the DPLL is locked on the wrong freq
16:33.05[g2]it's a total outta-my-butt idea
16:33.34jacquesI can't imagine that the board designers didn't make it run at this speed intentionally
16:33.52jacquesremoving the negatives, I think this must be intentional
16:33.54pb_you're sure that it really is running half as fast, right, not just that the real-time clock is going at double speed or something?
16:34.47jbowler;-) yes  I stop-watch timed it.
16:34.53jbowlerIt's running 133MIPS
16:35.06jacques[g2], what was the wallclock time on your 5,000,000 dhrystone iterations?
16:35.22[g2]yeah... jbowler had that great post about that
16:35.32[g2]jacques, dunno :(
16:35.33jacquesjbowler, are you sure your stopwatch wasn't running at double-speed?  ;-)
16:35.51[g2]yeah... jbowler does run a double speed
16:36.14jbowlerOh dang, wrong stopwatch
16:36.18[g2]I think he's got that extra processor and .... HT
16:37.13jacquesI think I'm thinking ah half-speed
16:37.17jbowlerWell the only other thing that occured to me is if they removed the ARM core and compile/run the ARM instructions on the second NPE.
16:37.17jbowlerCost reduction.
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16:39.08jbowlerkoen: On July 1 when you pull the final do you intend to back merge changes in the monotone db?
16:39.37koenjbowler: mickeyl is going to do that
16:40.01jbowlermickeyl will do the pull, or do a back-merge?
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16:53.21CosmicPenguinhmmm.. uclibc and gcc-cross-4.0 don't seem to be very good friends
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16:57.34CIA-903koen 07 * r1.3652.1.1 10openembedded/packages/gpe-contacts/ fix naming and depends, depends courtesy Florian Boor
17:02.18CIA-903koen 07 * r1.3661 10openembedded/packages/maemo/ fix staging, courtesy Florian Boor
17:07.39hufnusin a monotone pull 'address' 'collection' what should be used for address & collection to retieve the latest, and where is it stored locally?
17:07.59pb_CosmicPenguin: ah, that's a shame.  I think older gccs had a pile of uclibc patches, but none of them would apply to 4.0 and I didn't have the patience to try to fix them up.
17:08.07pb_I was hoping someone who actually cared about uclibc would step up and do that.
17:08.30pb_or, even better, send those patches to the gcc people so we don't have to go on carrying them around in oe indefinitely
17:15.31SirFredbloody hell! I'm beating my own record of inserting/removing my c7x0 battery
17:18.02pb_very good
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17:53.00SirFredCould someone explain me what do this mean in the kernel startup messages?
17:53.12SirFredScanning device for bad blocks
17:53.13SirFredBad eraseblock 5540 at 0x05690000
17:53.13SirFredBad eraseblock 5740 at 0x059b0000
17:53.32woglindesifred bad flashspeicher?
17:53.42woglindeups storage
17:54.01SirFredwoglinde: Could this be a unrecoverable error? I mean, a physical damage?
17:54.14woglindesirfred I think yes
17:56.12pb_SirFred: it just means that your flash has some invalid blocks.
17:56.13CosmicPenguinpb_: yeah, something in libstdc++
17:56.21CosmicPenguinpb_: I figure that andersee will catch it eventually
17:56.23pb_SirFred: that's quite normal, and no cause for alarm
17:56.29pb_CosmicPenguin: righto
17:56.31SirFredpb_: Unrecoverable?
17:56.38SirFredpb_: Physical damage, you mean.
17:56.46woglindepb oh okay
17:57.29pb_SirFred: "unrecoverable" in the sense that there is nothing you can do about it, yes.
17:57.39pb_but, like I say, it is no cause for alarm.
17:58.13SirFredpb_: Well, thanks.
17:59.13pb_SirFred: almost all NAND flash chips have a few invalid blocks.
17:59.35SirFredpb_: I suppose two bad blocks is not a great amount of size, is it?
17:59.40pb_indeed not.
17:59.48SirFredjffs2_get_inode_nodes(): Data CRC failed on node at 0x009cb394: Read 0x5f316d2e, calculated 0x77661043
17:59.57pb_one block is 16k, so you have lost a total of 32768 bytes.
17:59.59SirFredAnd what about that one?  
18:00.27pb_That just indicates that a block of flash contains some scrambled jffs2 data, probably because you rebooted while there was data in the writebuffer.
18:00.35pb_Again, that's harmless: jffs2 will eventually recycle that block.
18:01.04SirFredpb_: Great.
18:04.16SirFredThis is very strange. I think that something on my machine gots corrupted.
18:04.55SirFredThe fact is that qte is trying to allocate room for a pixmap with geometry 38966x38916
18:05.23SirFredI was suspecting that perhaps something got corrupted.
18:11.12*** join/#oe zecke (
18:20.19zeckewoglinde: thanks for that URI
18:20.32zeckewoglinde: bitbake --update-opie-to-qtopia opie-image
18:20.34koennew bitibake plus?
18:20.42zeckewoglinde: would be the right answer
18:20.58zeckewoglinde: or Morons, but time has changed since Sadam is in heaven
18:26.33*** join/#oe Bernardo (~jbbrs@Bernardo.sourcemage)
18:34.00Luke-Jr172f4e97f70e08af3bea06d5ea36a1dfb6724fdd is the monotone key, right? =p
18:36.12Luke-Jris still correct?
18:38.07CIA-903mickeyl 07 * r1.3639.4.5 10openembedded/packages/opie-taskbar/opie-taskbar/qpe.conf: opie-taskbar: adjust qpe.conf also for collie
18:38.08CIA-903mickeyl 07 * r1.3639.4.4 10openembedded/packages/ (8 files in 7 dirs): opie-taskbar/qpe.conf: Bye bye QPF, hello TTF
18:38.11CIA-903mickeyl 07 * r1.3639.4.3 10openembedded/packages/opie-ttf-support/ (files/fontdir add opie-ttf-support metapackage containing a fontdir. to do it the 'right way', we need a script that updates qtfontdir for TTF
18:38.14CIA-903mickeyl 07 * r1.3639.4.2 10openembedded/packages/python/ upgrade python-pyxml to 0.8.4
18:38.17CIA-903mickeyl 07 * r1.3639.4.1 10openembedded/packages/python/ ( add _strptime to python-datetime and adjust dependencies
18:38.50koenmickeyl: cheers
18:39.03mickeylfirst step to eliminate qpf from the planet
18:39.09mickeylnow we have a size problem though
18:39.20mickeylonly 300K left on collie rootfs
18:39.31mickeylneed to remove something
18:39.38koen640k is enough for everybody
18:39.46mickeyljffs2 != everybody
18:39.57zeckemickeyl: hmm
18:40.04zeckemickeyl: I somehow don't like that
18:40.53zeckemickeyl: TTF might look more pretty but we a) can not update the font.dir b) do not use font config yet c) do not really share glyphs d) have less space
18:40.59koenmickeyl: do you have the power to revoke keys at bkbits?
18:41.12zeckemickeyl: a) can be solved by a program from hrw
18:41.26zeckemickeyl: c) can be solved to built freetype into Qt
18:42.00koend) is only an issue on collie
18:42.41mickeyl+ all other 16MB ipaq
18:42.50zeckekoen: gues who has a collie ;)
18:42.53koen16mb ipaqs actually have 16MB
18:42.59mickeylah right
18:43.02mickeylnot 14.5
18:43.22koenwell 16MB - kernel
18:43.31zeckemickeyl: ship happens if you do not use a metric system
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18:44.31koenbut I'm a european engineer :)
18:44.52zeckekoen: something funny happened at the swiss border
18:45.02zeckekoen: we decided to build a bridge across the border
18:45.22zeckekoen: when the bridges met there was one meter diference in the altitude...
18:45.44zeckekoen: germans meassured height from the 'meeres spiegel', swiss did something differently...
18:45.52mickeyli am aware of the issues and I think we shouldn't ship oz 3.5.4 unless we have sorted some of 'em out. On hires models, ttf even takes less space than those large qpf's. For collie we might reconsider it, however hrw told me he's using ttf since long ago and has never experienced any performance problems. that leaves more or less just the space problem on collie.
18:46.21zeckemickeyl: that means Qt did not get slower ;)
18:46.50zeckemickeyl: We've been dancing all day...
18:46.51koendo the qt4 dance
18:46.59zeckemickeyl: and popler got Arthur Painter already
18:47.12zeckemickeyl: I hope Mozilla will get it during the next days as well
18:47.44koenzecke: did you see the mail from zack about obsoleting XAA?
18:47.57zeckekoen: no
18:48.12zeckekoen: got a uri to the xorg ml archive?
18:48.39zeckedamn I should have bought the magnifier as well
18:48.53koenmickeyl: if we cross our fingers kdrive will have a (stable) release after Xorg 7.0
18:49.32mickeyl*crossing fingers*
18:51.12koenzecke: poppler is in OE, but the qt backend is disabled, if someone with QT skills could have a look at that, I'd be very happy
18:51.18*** join/#oe treke|home (
18:52.16zeckekoen: I've written my own poppler-qt at ROAD
18:52.22zeckekoen: the basic version is just crap
18:52.35zeckekoen: building it with Qt2 is simple
18:52.44zeckedamn I really should have bought the magnifier
18:53.38zeckekoen: today (KAA) sounds really nice
18:54.23zeckenow that zack gets paid, I hope he finishes his work
18:54.28zeckeand doesn't stop tomorrow
18:54.48koenand doesn't get distracted as easily as keithp
18:55.11koen"enhanching tslib supp.... SHINY OBJECTS!!!!"
19:00.07Spyrokoen: LOL
19:00.23zeckekoen: Heroin can talk?
19:00.58zeckekoen: that looks nice
19:01.17zeckekoen: I would take the system left to him
19:02.03koenbut that would take so much power I couldn't plugin a fridge anymore
19:02.15*** join/#oe Crofton|laptop (
19:02.53koenmickeyl: do you have a thunder or tiger system?
19:05.38mickeylkoen: thunder i7505
19:06.30koenah, the intel one
19:06.41koenthunder k7 over here
19:07.38koenmore than 4 years old and still being fast :)
19:08.02koen~lart 1.5 year turnaround time
19:09.21koenmickeyl: could you revoke all keys in bkbits on thursday?
19:09.33mickeylkoen: i could do that.
19:10.06mickeyl*sigh* this'll be a pretty busy week
19:11.14koenI realised there's no way to finish my project before thursday, so I'm taking it easy at the moment
19:11.24mickeylwhen are you leaving?
19:11.32koenfriday 6 am
19:11.55koenthursday afternoon we're going to my paren't to save an hour of traveling time
19:13.02*** join/#oe ggilbert (
19:13.37koenhey ggilbert
19:13.41SirFredmickeyl: Hi.
19:14.23SirFredmickeyl: I was looking at fixing the suspend/resume problem in the w100 qte driver.
19:14.40koenany ideas on how to name our monotone identities?, <first letter of firstname><lastname>, <nick>
19:16.59mickeylSirFred: hi. any luck yet?
19:17.03SirFredmickeyl: My idea was to trigger w100 init on some qcop message, you said that QPE/System aboutToSuspend() and QPE/System returnFromSuspend() were used on suspend/resome.
19:17.26mickeylSirFred: there may be a better way than that
19:17.27SirFredmickeyl: Well, my first question is know if those messages are reaching qapplication.
19:17.32SirFredmickeyl: Tell me.
19:17.50mickeylSirFred: I'm leaning more towards a direct call from ODevice to the qtscreen or the qws
19:18.11CosmicPenguinWould it be kosher if I added a FEED_URIS line, but put a '#' before the name of the feed to effectively comment it out?
19:18.23mickeylkoen: i think i'm for <nick>
19:18.23SirFredmickeyl: Something like having ODevice methods to suspend/resume?
19:19.00mickeylSirFred: yep. ODevice_Zaurus already overrides the default suspend/resume, so that'd be the natural place to wake up something
19:19.02mickeylthe problem
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19:19.13mickeylthat won't work when you suspend/resume via button
19:19.15mickeylor apm -s
19:19.23mickeylin that case there's no such message
19:19.26SirFredThat's a big problem.
19:19.58mickeylwhich makes me think it needs to be in the driver
19:20.01SirFredmickeyl: Perhaps we need some kind of direct access from the driver?
19:20.03mickeylnot in userland
19:20.21mickeylRP: what do you think?
19:20.29mickeylthe solution should benefit all GUIs using the w100
19:20.37mickeylso even the qte driver would be too highlevel
19:20.41SirFredmickeyl: You mean the kernel driver.
19:20.54mickeylthe kernel driver will get notified in any case
19:20.57mickeylon resume
19:21.04mickeylso that looks like the really natural place to solve it
19:21.48SirFredmickeyl: I suppose that could work as long as we are not using hardware rotation anymore to rotate the screen. :)
19:21.51Luke-Jrkoen: is still correct?
19:22.01koenLuke-Jr: yes
19:22.12Luke-Jrstrange... :\
19:22.22Luke-JrI get an error trying to pull
19:22.37SirFredmickeyl: Did you receive my today patches?
19:23.18koentry pulling org
19:26.25RPmickeyl: What are you asking here? You want the kernel driver to restore all the accel registers?
19:29.04SirFredRP: Hi.
19:29.17RPhi SirFred
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19:29.51SirFredRP: Now that I read you, I'm not sure if any operation at kernel driver will be enough to avoid the problem.
19:30.08RPThe kernel can't fix this
19:30.14SirFredRP: The problem is actually that suspend/resume freezes the AtiCore functionality.
19:30.28SirFredRP: And you're right, that cannot be fixed at kernel driver.
19:30.46RPSirFred: Can you be specific - when does it freeze?
19:30.48RPat suspend or resume?
19:30.53SirFredRP: At resume.
19:31.10SirFredRP: I'm not sure why, but it start to give timeouts for every operation.
19:31.35RPI'd guess it needs reinitalising
19:31.37SirFredRP: Perhaps the mmapped memory gets corrupted, or something so.
19:31.50SirFredRP: What happens to shared memory on a suspend?
19:32.06RPAll the w100's registers are destroyed. The memory should be preserved...
19:32.14SirFredRP: Well, anyway, the shared memory looses sync with the w100 itself.
19:32.32RPActually, I think we only save the active video memory - not any of the surrounding memory
19:33.11SirFredRP: Perhaps that's the problem, assuming invalid state ( stored in shared memory)
19:33.23SirFredRP: What do you mean with surrounding memory?
19:34.05RPWe save all the memory - I've just checked
19:35.22RPOnce upon a time, w100fb just use to save the active frambebuffer itself
19:35.23SirFredRP: Well, anyway, could be some sort of sync lost.
19:35.38RPSirFred: Every register in the w100 is destroyed over a suspend/resume
19:35.43SirFredRP: Wasn't the shared ram used to store some register value?
19:36.21RPNo. We move all the video memory into main memory to preserve it, then turn off its power
19:37.04SirFredRP: I'm talking about the shared segment used by AtiCore.
19:37.27zeckeOT: FSF moved again, update your license headers
19:37.38RPYes, that does cache values. That's a good point
19:37.52RPYou probably need to tear down everything and start again :-/
19:38.03SirFredRP: That's doable.
19:38.18SirFredRP: But I need to know when the device is resumed.
19:38.26SirFredRP: I don't know how to do that.
19:38.46RPSirFred: Opie should really tell you. It can find out from apm_bios
19:39.04*** join/#oe Pigi (
19:39.14Pigiload /home/pigi/.xchat2/identyfy_and_join
19:39.18PigiCiao all
19:39.40Pigidamn xchat
19:40.44CosmicPenguinBecause I'm too lazy to RTFG, is there a tool to htmlize a Packages file?
19:40.45SirFredmickeyl: Perhaps opie should read apm_bios and get informed of suspend/resume events, ever if they are triggered by the on/off button?
19:41.04koenCosmicPenguin: perl
19:41.20CosmicPenguingood show
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19:44.00mickeyleither that or just with a resume.d script
19:44.13Luke-Jrkoen: org seems to be working... O.o
19:44.55mickeylSirFred: for the time being, let's assume that we call the reinitializing from ODevice in ODevice::suspend()
19:45.11mickeyli'll think about the method how to call that on an arbitrary resume later
19:46.04SirFredmickeyl: Well, that method is supposed to be actually suspending now, isn't it?
19:46.11SirFredmickeyl: Calling apm -suspend or something so?
19:46.35RPmickeyl: Presumably you mean ODevice::resume() ?
19:47.01SirFredRP: Well, if ODevice::suspend() is suspending, on resume, execution will follow at that point.
19:47.17zeckeRP: no the suspend is assumed to be synchronus
19:47.25koenLuke-Jr: collection != branch
19:47.38zeckeRP: prepare_to_sleep; sleep; we're back a life;
19:47.46RPAh, right. I don't understand the workings of this high level stuff :)
19:47.48zeckeArjan: ping
19:47.54Luke-Jrkoen: I was just going off your blog =p
19:48.06Luke-Jrkoen: so I need to have a local copy of all the org stuff just for
19:48.26koensort of
19:48.41SirFredPerhaps using qt_screen at that level ( ODevice) is a little dirty.
19:48.50koena branch is a virtual thing
19:49.08RPOf course how you handle this when something else suspends the device is interesting...
19:49.13koenmerging is just putting the right sha1 hashes in a manifest
19:49.32SirFredRP: :)
19:50.00SirFredRP: I suppose that be on time can not be guarantied.
19:50.42SirFredRP: Well, one thing is suspending and another one is be notified for an extern suspend.
19:51.25SirFredPerhaps ODevice::suspend() could call ODevice::notifySuspend() , that will also be called when an external suspend was detected.
19:52.08RPOr maybe you listen for something like notifyResume() ?
19:52.46SirFredRP: A qcop message?
19:53.13SirFredWell, I have to leave now.
19:53.28SirFredSee you
19:53.38RPSirFred: bye!
19:54.16koenmickeyl: are we going monotone 0.19 or 0.20rc ?
19:54.43mickeyli'll probably try 0.20rtc
19:54.46mickeylrc even
19:57.02koen(for H in `monotone automate heads`;do monotone ancestry_difference $H `cat MT/revision`; done) monotone  automate toposort -@- '| (while read R; do monotone log -r$R --depth=1)
19:57.23koenaccording to the montone devs that should give you all cset comments
20:00.26koen"can I do bk changes -R in monotone" <few seconds of silence> "sure, do: (for H in `monotone automate heads`;do monotone ancestry_difference $H `cat MT/revision`; done) monotone  automate toposort -@- '| (while read R; do monotone log -r$R --depth=1) "
20:00.34koen#monotone is scary :)
20:03.53mickeyl<mickeyl> hehe
20:03.53mickeyl<mickeyl> expoerts
20:03.53mickeyl<mickeyl> i'm sure we don't appear much less scary to outsiders
20:06.11koenbitbake -obscure-option <arcane command> | evil sed script | python foo
20:06.27mickeylheh, yeah
20:07.00koenthanks god we don't have perl devs hanging out here
20:07.38PigiI do like perl :)
20:08.02Pigithat's probably why I do like ipkg ?
20:08.08Pigior better, coding ipkg ?
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20:16.32Bernardohi mickeyl
20:16.37Bernardohow's your c3000?
20:16.39woglindehi bernado
20:17.32Bernardohi woglinde
20:17.59Bernardohow are things
20:19.01mickeylhi. goes fairly well, seldomly used because of the exciting things happening with 2.6 and w100 accel on c7x0
20:20.39koenaccell driver = bigger binary = bloat = !PIM = fluff
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20:20.59zeckekoen: breaking compat
20:21.12koeno  yeah, forgot that one
20:21.16zeckekoen: imaging apps assuming not being accelerated
20:23.39koenxtank :)
20:24.48BernardoI had to go back to sharp's rom on my c1000, as I didn't even have a dialup line to download software... now I've found a open router, and I should have adsl again in another month or two
20:25.19Pigiis there a bb file that can be used to build the whole and only cosscompile ambient ?
20:26.24koenbitbake gcc-cross glibc
20:27.04Pigionly ? Maybe my question was not complete.
20:27.46PigiI would like to avoid recompile all the stuff like gcc and so on that are used for the build of an image
20:28.19Pigithis way I can ASSUME_PROVIDED all the stuff ( I'm not sure I have been clear this time too )
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20:56.52zecke~herring holger
20:56.52ibotACTION whacks holger on the side of the head with a large red herring named alfred
20:57.44zeckeI'm scratching my head from where to get 3.3V for /SHDN... and my MAXIM3232 does not have it...
21:06.37darkschneidermickeyl: no way to make a kernel from recent oe boot on my poodle, can be the image and not the kernel?
21:06.48darkschneider(it stopes just after the splash screen)
21:16.48*** join/#oe obi (
21:19.53mickeyldarkschneider: unlikely, since other people have success with that.
21:20.02mickeyldarkschneider: i recommend you building a kernel with console=tty1
21:20.09mickeyland then have a look at the output
21:20.21mickeylor ttyS0, when you have a serial cable
21:20.28darkschneider(i was reporting my failure :) )
21:21.14darkschneidera fact i noted is that notting much has changed in the kernel since the 3.5.2 release
21:21.30darkschneiderjust a tosa patch and a variable that has been changed
21:21.50*** part/#oe jmau (
21:27.00mickeyl~praise marcan
21:27.00ibotAll hail marcan!
21:27.07mickeylmarcan: I haven't been able to lock up the 5500 any more
21:27.13mickeylwe can consider this issue solved
21:27.33mickeylnow it would be handy if someone could patch it for 5600 and 6000 as well :))
21:27.44koen"case closed" <big red stamp>
21:35.42*** join/#oe reenoo_ (
21:36.26koen'night mickeyl
21:36.26*** join/#oe chouimat|ibook (
21:36.42reenoo_'night mickey|zzZZzz
21:58.56CosmicPenguinSo, we're going to stop submitting stuff to BK on thursday?
21:59.09Pigitime to sleep
21:59.11Piginite all
22:02.47*** part/#oe pH5 (
22:07.11*** join/#oe Crofton|laptop (
22:16.56reenoo_'night all
22:16.58*** join/#oe synth (
22:20.29koen'night all
22:34.25*** join/#oe marcan (1337@7137413ceba0675c.session.tor)
22:36.32ljpdoes tinyx or kdrive do anti-aliased fonts?
22:37.27zeckekdrive has Render, Fixes, Composite extensions as well
22:37.47zeckeljp: some people would even say it will sit your spouse...
22:37.51ljpalpha blending?
22:39.04zeckeljp: I do not see who should prevent when from doing it
22:39.26zeckeljp: ask Lars and Zack ;)
23:02.43*** join/#oe molivier (
23:03.15marcanso now I know why other Z's don't have the 5500 bug
23:03.24marcanthe apm scripts don't even get CALLED
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23:03.46marcanapmd is never notified
23:03.50marcan~lart lineo
23:07.55trekemarcan: well lineo has little to do with the code in oz :p
23:08.13trekeapart from the fact that we work around some apm kernel bugs on the 5500
23:09.37marcantreke: it seems to me that the kernel doesn't even send the events
23:09.41marcanit doesn't seem to be userland
23:10.01marcanin fact, it works if I do a software suspend (apm -s)
23:10.14trekecheck apm
23:10.19trekemake sure it isnt a wrapper
23:10.27marcanit is I think
23:10.31marcanwhich is what I mean
23:10.37marcanit calls apmd and does it right
23:10.57marcando probably it doesn't work with normal on/off-button suspend because the kernel doesn't send the events
23:11.05kergoththe kill signal to apmd exists to work around the bug
23:11.14trekeI dont recall what the work around was clearly :)
23:11.15marcanwait - let me check
23:11.34kergoththe bug is when multiple apps have the apm_bios device open, on the 5500, during a suspend/resume cycle, it never resumes
23:11.42kergothso you cant do the _proper_ method of calling the apm binary to signal the kernel
23:11.55marcankergoth: a single app kills it too
23:12.21marcanrun apmd, suspend using the button. Boom.
23:12.24marcanat least on recent OZs
23:12.45kergothand what do you think is catching the button press?
23:12.50marcanThe kernel.
23:13.23kergoththats only true in console.  in opie, it catches the press and calls the apm binary
23:13.32marcanI was running in console
23:13.33trekechecking the code
23:13.35marcanand it hung nonetheless
23:13.53marcanthe problem with the kernel was it shutting down half the system and then sending the signal to apmd and waiting for a response
23:14.07marcanvery silly of course, since unless apmd was very fast and responded fast enough, it got halted
23:14.21marcanand thus the kernel hangs around waiting for a response that will never get there
23:14.30marcanuntil resume of course, which necer happens because suspend never completes either
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23:14.59kergoththe 2.4 apm and pm in general is a fucking joke
23:15.14marcantry to read the code
23:15.26marcanit is horrid
23:15.29kergothi've been through every line of lineo code in the sharp 2.4 5500 codebase.
23:15.39kergothso yes, i know
23:16.01CosmicPenguinNow, there's a line for your resume
23:16.02marcanI hope we move to 2.6 soon
23:16.05marcanat least for tosa
23:16.14CosmicPenguinI would hire you on the spot
23:16.27kergoth"read the lineo code and left with mind somewhat intact!"
23:16.42*** join/#oe treke (
23:16.43kergoth"(NOTE: in similar circumstances, expects hazard pay)
23:17.57marcanall this also expects the wlan crashes on suspends
23:18.04marcanit doesn't even call the scripts
23:21.38*** join/#oe treke (
23:33.02marcangreat - now the tosa kernel won't compile
23:35.31marcanarm-linux-ld-2.11.2: final link failed: No space left on device
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23:41.23Luke-Jrso... which Monotone branch is equivalent to HEAD? .koen or .dev?
23:41.30*** join/#oe poulpe (
23:43.10Luke-Jrmarcan: 'we' who? SL-Cxx0 are already mostly on 2.6, if you mean "Zaurii images" =p
23:43.34marcanI mean tosa :P
23:43.40marcani.e. get tosa 2.6 ready
23:43.46marcan(wifi, sound, suspend, etc)
23:44.07marcanOnce I get the very basic big bugs of spm on tosa on the embedix kernel fixed, I'm diving straight into getting the 2.6 kernel ready
23:50.55kergothmarcan: a stock 2.4 kernel calls the resume events in the same order as the suspend events
23:51.15kergothso nearly every embedded patch set ends up flipping the resume order
23:57.22gb2kergoth: a lot of older stuff didn't do much on suspend/resume, it was the cross-your-fingers strategy really

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