irclog2html for #oe on 20040914

00:00.24zeckekergoth: I'll need to look into this
00:00.27zeckekergoth: first I need to get my qwertz keyboard going
00:00.41kergothmost of the zauruses need proper kernel keymaps still
00:00.50kergotha lot of the combinations arent mapped
00:01.15zeckekergoth: theoretically you could map any key to be the Alt modifier right?
00:01.24kergothafaik thats correct.
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00:01.43zeckeI wouldn't know how but that would be scancode ->keycode conversion
00:01.48zeckeand we use K_MEDIUMRAW
00:01.52kergothheh, cant load library:
00:02.24mikelpkergoth: /opt/cross/depmod_x86_64/arm-linux-depmod
00:08.18kergothah ha, poodle was setup to use the old modutils-collatoral stuff
00:08.20kergothneed to fix that
00:09.07mikelpkergoth: doing a binary fix is gonna blow up on non-x86 compat build arches
00:09.59kergoththats why i said itd be a modutils-cross in a seperate package repo from upstream.  doesnt need to get pushed, but itd be handy locally on the opteron
00:10.13kergothsetup a packages.local repo with the modified modutils-cross that swipes the binary
00:10.21kergothjust to avoid teh manual crap
00:10.29mikelpconditional patching in oe would be nice too
00:11.04kergothyou can do conditional patching.
00:11.07mikelpif (barfed_upstream)
00:11.08kergothqte does, as do other builds
00:11.15mikelpHmmm, me and my big mouth
00:11.18kergothoh, you mean not just on overrides?
00:11.32kergothSRC_URI_append_x86_64 += "file://heh"
00:11.43mikelpthe patch is true for everything
00:11.54mikelpand that line will blow up when upstream fixes, the patch will reject
00:12.08kergoththen what do you mean by conditional patching? oh, poke into its tree and check?
00:12.14mikelpyeah, evil shit
00:12.28mikelpor don't fail on already applied patch
00:12.36mikelpbut that's nasty, we'll get lazy and leave patches around forever
00:12.52kergoth'could be done easily via another parameter on the url, but yeah, evil
00:13.14mikelpwe could implement the SRC_URI_append_pb's_fault ;)
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00:19.36kergothaha, had a .patches dir in my build dir
00:19.39kergothno wonder patches werent applying
00:19.51kergothi wish calling patcher with no arguments or with --help would stop creating .patches
00:19.54kergoththats really fucking annoying
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00:21.40mikelpgar, the two build are bouncing processors like a bitch, can't be good for cache coherency
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00:27.17zeckekergoth: for my script
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01:42.53kergothhmm, cmdline mtd partition parsing isnt working
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02:43.44kergothfixed commandline partition parsing for the sharpsl nand in 2.6
02:43.45kergothlets see
02:44.27mikelpNope, doesn't exist
02:50.08mikelpaha a mickeyl
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02:50.28noobiecould someone help me with my local.conf, cant seem to get an env variable for OEFILES that works
02:50.42kergothwhats there to understand?
02:50.46kergothpoint it at your packages directory
02:50.51kergothwherever it lies in your filesystem
02:51.11mikelpthe set env scripts isn't doing things it shouldn't ?
02:51.43noobie/home/user/src/packages is where i cloned the packages and ive tried that
02:51.56noobiebit of a noob, trying to dive in
02:52.00kergothyou set it to /home/user/src/packages/*/*.oe
02:52.05kergoth*read* the examples and comments
02:52.11kergothwe put them in there for a reason
02:53.41noobiesorry typo mistake, seems to be working now
02:53.54noobiei read a lot b4 i asked tho.... :-)
02:54.03kergothheh, good
02:54.10noobieif i can get it going u definitely have an idiot proof system
02:54.59mikelpkergoth: mickeyl in charge of the opie cvs tree ?
02:55.47noobieto compile for 860, all i do is change the model from collie right? (sorry if this is another stupid quiestion)
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02:56.22kergothmikelp: mickeyl is one of the opie devs.
02:56.37mikelpHmmm, wtf
02:56.44mikelpIts in the cvs tree, now why didn't it get pulled
03:00.25treke|homeCVSDATE is hardcoded to a few days ago
03:00.42mikelpfucks it up when the file was only added to the tree 6 hours ago
03:01.04treke|homefeel free to bump cvs date for that opie package
03:01.24treke|homeopie is going to be releasing with a new opie release
03:01.29mikelpI'll get more fun out of ragging on mickey about it tomorrow
03:02.08treke|homewe're trying to avoid updating packages unnecessarily before release
03:02.13mikelpIf I'm reading this right though the CVSDATE for opie is set to today
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03:05.30kergothfuck fuck fuck
03:05.32mikelpHmmm, germany is 6 hours ahead
03:05.38kergothmy sl5600's leds are blinking
03:05.43kergothimmediately after hitting fufll reset
03:05.48kergothcant even go into the updater
03:05.51kergoththis cant be good
03:05.59mikelpfubar'ed nand ?
03:06.27kergothmust be
03:06.35kergothi'm fucking around with mtd mapping drivers
03:06.40kergothnothing shouldve done this though
03:06.46kergothunless jffs2 tried to mount mtd1 or something
03:06.59kergothand fucked it up in the process
03:07.16kergothmikelp: any idea wher ei can get a full nand backup image from a 5600?
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03:09.12mikelpgotta be googlable
03:09.21kergothyeah, that involves opening a browser
03:09.23kergothdamn laziness
03:11.09ljptake the battery out
03:13.02kergothi found recovery images for c700 c750 c760 and c860
03:13.03kergothno 5600
03:13.07kergothljp: you have a 5600, right?
03:13.53ljphas qtopia 2.1 on it
03:14.56mikelpI've found a link, but the dude has taken the image down, have to ask for it
03:15.23mikelpgar, fresh cvs pull get the file
03:15.50ljpsoon to have qtopia phone on it
03:16.19kergothmikelp: yeah, i found that too
03:16.29kergothljp: can you go into the diags menu and dump a full nand backup image?
03:16.35kergothljp: do you have a large card to put it on?
03:16.43kergoth64mb, for the full nand contents
03:16.43ljpbiggest here is 64
03:16.50kergothhmm, thatd cut it close
03:19.48treke|homemikelp: What is this fixed opie do anyway?
03:20.45mikelptreke|home: provide distinct 640x480 images
03:21.13mikelpIts cvs fuckage
03:21.24mikelpIt'll work tomorrow
03:22.24ljphow do I get to the maint window?
03:22.58kergothyou mean the diags?
03:23.03kergothdiags is how you do the full nadn backup/restore
03:23.21mikelpSo, CVSDATE is set to 20040913, and the cvs server is making that HEAD cut off before mickey added the files
03:23.32ljpya that
03:23.35kergothmaint menu is how you flash. just hold down ok as you press power, after a full reset
03:23.40kergothlet me look up the combo for diags
03:23.45mikelpD+M ?
03:24.15kergothyep, d+m
03:24.33kergothPress and hold two main keys [D] and [M], and press the reset switch at the same time.
03:24.45kergothCaution: Be careful not to press any other key.  Be sure to press the proper keys to enter the service diag.
03:25.17kergothalright, emailed that guy about the backup image
03:25.52kergoththis pisses me off, finally got the cmdline partitioning working properly for nand, and the ROM chip was being picked up via CFI + physmap
03:25.59kergothwas ready to get down to some other drivers
03:26.36treke|homeI guess you will have to do it on the c700
03:26.39treke|homesuch a shame
03:27.00kergoththe c700 is in my crossfire's trunk
03:27.04kergothat the body shop
03:27.16kergothmy sd card is in the slot of the c700
03:27.18treke|homethe thing isn't done yet?
03:27.27kergothdood, its been in the shop for over a month now
03:27.33kergoththey say i can definately get it back tomorrow
03:27.35treke|homeit probably doesn't take this long to build one of the fuckers
03:27.45kergothbut i take tht with a grain of salt, they've been giving me dates and missing them for weeks
03:27.49kergothso will see
03:28.02mikelpSo, I'm betting CVDATE=20040913 really means 20040913 00:00
03:28.11treke|homeyes it does
03:28.36gb2mike: UTC
03:28.39treke|homesomeone was adding a way to specify the absolute tip of head iirc
03:28.45mikelpgb2: Nope, local to repository
03:28.56treke|homemikelp: should be UTC
03:28.58mikelpunless you actually spec a timezone
03:29.05gb2mike: CVS uses UTC dates
03:29.05kergothwe pass the date as UTC into cvs
03:29.16kergothno idea how it makes use of it
03:30.05mikelpso, unless was say its UTC, its even worse
03:30.41mikelpanyway, immaterial
03:30.48mikelp20040913 00:00 UTC would still not get the file
03:31.12treke|homeset the exact time
03:31.14gb2i could have sworn there was some force as UTC thing that cvs did by default
03:31.18treke|homeor try HEAD as the cvsdate
03:31.47mikelpWait, we can't be setting it to UTC
03:31.53mikelpDATE -> UTC would give 0914
03:31.57gb2date: OE's ${DATE} is utc
03:32.11mikelpI beg to differ
03:32.19gb2i changed it to be UTC
03:32.25gb2unless someone went and fucked it up again
03:33.45gb2DATE := "${@time.strftime('%Y%m%d',time.gmtime())}"
03:33.49gb2that's what's in bk
03:33.53mikelpRight, that's what I've got
03:33.55gb2that should be UTC
03:34.13mikelpRight, which should give us 20040914 now
03:34.53mikelpIts frigging overwritten in openzaurus-3.5.1.conf
03:35.09mikelpopenzaurus-3.5.1.conf:CVSDATE = 20040913
03:35.16gb2that sounds correct
03:35.19gb2pick a date
03:35.22gb2for a versioned release
03:36.05mikelpand then change the .oe to expect a file added after the date
03:36.13mikelpwhee - boom
03:37.08treke|homeso you override it in local.conf
03:37.23mikelpI'm not too pissed, I'm trying to hunt down oz 3.5.1 fuck ups
03:37.26mikelpthis is one of them
03:37.53treke|homehow is this a fuckup in oz?
03:38.31mikelpbecause distro is set to openzaurus-3.5.1
03:38.45treke|homeWhat is the fuckup?
03:38.48mikelpI shouldn't have to override in local.conf to build
03:38.59treke|homeI built with it this morning
03:39.04kergothyou cant override in local.conf anyway.  DISTRO .conf is included after local.conf is
03:39.13mikelpmickey made the change only 7 hrs ago
03:40.42mikelpI hesitate to change the oz-3.5.1 cvdate to 0914, could break other shit
03:41.44ljpok, backing up to 64 mb cf
03:41.52kergothcool, hopefully it fits
03:42.04ljpit didnt complain about no enough space
03:42.10treke|homemikelp: only change the cvs date on the necessary packages
03:42.30mikelpurgh, ugly
03:42.52treke|homechanging the dates on everything for one package is the ugly part :)
03:43.07mikelpwhat's the syntax for that anyway CVSDATE_opie-taskbar = "20040914" ?
03:43.11gb2cvs under unix uses utc dates i think
03:43.18treke|homeyup that's right
03:43.21gb2based on the description of the CVS/Entries file
03:44.02mikelptreke|home: best place for the override, oz-3.5.1.conf  ?
03:44.46gb2> The timezone on the timestamp in CVS/Entries (local or universal) should be the same as the operating system stores for the timestamp of the file itself.
03:45.07gb2and unix uses universal dates
03:45.12mikelpSo you're at the mercy of the cvs server ?
03:45.43gb2assuming the server is not vms or windows
03:45.43gb2you're fine
03:46.34mikelpgb2: so, OE's DATE, specific down to the minute ?
03:47.06gb2DATETIME is though
03:47.18gb2in cvs, if you don't specify a time, it's 00:00
03:47.40mikelpOK, so we'd still get screwed
03:49.22gb2poor design
03:50.02mikelpIts a small corner case
03:50.26mikelpWe set a cvsdate for a distro which is the right thing to do, file get updated, forget to bump date
03:51.56gb2explicit overrides for the user of oz-3.5.1
03:52.06gb2sounds like the right solution
03:52.31mikelpYeah, just my luck to hit it. But that's what trying completely clean builds is all about
03:52.34ljpstill apparently backing up...
03:55.24mikelptreke|home: setting that CVSDATE worked, but its the wrong answer
03:55.45mikelpwe grab too much from opie
03:56.21kergothwe have too many builds from cvs HEAD
03:56.23mikelpAnd you end up with two .tar.gz of the same thing
03:56.32mikelpwith diff cvsdates
03:56.33kergothneed to lock things down and move them forward when someone has actually tested current
03:56.57kergothmikelp: someone has a patch to make our cvs fetcher do a cvs update to get the new tarballs
03:57.04kergothnever got accepted and checked in
03:57.22mikelpand untar, cvs update, retar ?
03:57.31kergothiirc thats how it worked
03:57.38kergothcheck teh oe ml archives
03:57.55mikelpbandwidth is cheap though...
03:59.59mikelpI hate to think how many copies of the same stuff we've got on this drive now
04:00.44kergothheh, yeah, should create a global oe sources dir for downloads, except that oe doesnt use file locking, so if we both try to download the same file at the same time, boom