IRC log for #norganna on 20160721

01:01.17*** join/#norganna Medlir (Medlir@unaffiliated/medlir)
02:11.44*** join/#norganna gemy^^^^ (
03:38.13*** join/#norganna Vettir (
03:51.49*** join/#norganna rob` (
04:08.20*** join/#norganna Katja (
04:54.16ScratchMonkeyccox: I know what you mean about the megalomaniac, but at least git is distributed so you don't have to submit all your changes to HIM. ;)
04:56.16ScratchMonkeyGithub has become the home to almost all open source code now, even MS is using it for .NET core. You could have your own fork of this and the authoritative repo could pull when they show up. Meanwhile everyone else could clone (check out) from your fork.
04:56.53ScratchMonkeyI'm a long-time svn user, just now teaching myself git, it's certainly a learning curve.
05:12.49*** join/#norganna Kinesia (
05:48.56*** join/#norganna Kinesia (
06:16.00*** join/#norganna Andols (
06:24.48*** join/#norganna Kinesia (
06:45.26*** join/#norganna Kinesia (
06:51.29*** join/#norganna DaHedgie (
06:51.55DaHedgieAny word on this still being developed? I haven't seen anything yet
06:52.00DaHedgieAuctioneer addon that is
06:59.11KinesiaThere isn't much word at the moment, but apparently there is some work quietly in the background.
07:01.08DaHedgieRock on, just glad to hear that it's still being developed
07:01.58DaHedgieJust hadn't seen any commits for July and was concerned it might be done
07:02.49DaHedgieI know this definitely isn't easy, especially with the number of changes Blizz did again
07:02.58KinesiaYeah, many of us were. But apparently there is still action on the svn server. I'm hoping someone will make a statement soon.
07:06.38DaHedgieAhh, I'm not familiar with svn and how they work, (which I'll need to I'm sure, I've just started getting into a CS course with edz)
07:06.41norgannaI have fixed up several issues plaguing the dev server today, so hopefully that will clear the way for some of the dev's work to be pushed out and get it into the hands of testers.
07:08.16DaHedgieOutstanding news! Thank you!
07:08.49DaHedgieI've got a lot of experience doing testing (and do software support for my company and use JIRA on a day to day basis reporting issues) so I'd love to help
07:18.17DaHedgieI'll keep an eye out. Very much appreciate the update. Thank you for all your hard work on this
07:31.32AndolsThat is great news norganna :D
07:32.13KinesiaThanks norgana
07:48.00DaHedgieHeading to bed here, getting late. Thanks for the update, hope everyone has a great day
07:50.07*** join/#norganna brykrys (
07:50.07*** join/#norganna brykrys (~chatzilla@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Dev/Brykrys)
07:50.07*** mode/#norganna [+o brykrys] by ChanServ
08:20.49*** join/#norganna gemy^^^^ (
08:44.56gemy^^^^any news ?
08:55.13KinesiaThe development server is working better now, so hopefully things can be fixed now. No specific news other than that.
08:59.09gemy^^^^ok i check every hour :)
09:42.05KinesiaHeh. This is a quiet channel, every hour might be frustrating for you.
11:58.33gemy^^^^no new news
11:58.39gemy^^^^no new olds
15:10.56*** join/#norganna Andols (
16:36.13*** join/#norganna brykrys (~chatzilla@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Dev/Brykrys)
16:36.13*** mode/#norganna [+o brykrys] by ChanServ
17:17.00*** join/#norganna pmarreck (sid4086@gateway/web/
17:17.30pmarreckFYI, just donated $50. Not sure if someone is working on a Legion-compatible version, but it was time I donated anyway :)
17:26.35gemy^^^^they are working on it as read yesterday here
18:00.35*** join/#norganna Yoshimo (~anything@unaffiliated/yoshimo)
18:01.02*** join/#norganna Andols (
19:05.05AndolsI took a look at Astrolabe since it gave me a Lua error.
19:06.22AndolsGetNumDungeonMapLevels() now returns nil if you are outside a dungeon and a table if you are inside
19:09.32Andolsinstead of a number, to atleast remove the error (and i hope make it work as it should) i changed row 1181 to
19:09.36Andolslocal numFloors = { GetNumDungeonMapLevels() }
19:09.42Andols"numFloors = #numFloors"
19:43.47*** join/#norganna healey (
19:44.36healeyHello there, How are you today?
19:45.58healeyI just wanted to ask norganna to please update auctioneer asap. I have been a faithful user of the standard version since like 10+ years now & Love it..
19:47.50healeyBtw Norganna, Thank you very much for making such great addon's like gatherer & Auctioneer too, They have been very useful to me & plan to use them in the near future....
21:11.47AndolsI guess that I'm doing something wrong, but how do I get to the Svn with a client, can't get it to work :/
21:15.57AndolsI have tried to connect to   svn://  svn://
21:16.51Andolswith http the first one tells me to go to the second one and that one gives me some xml error
21:17.58Kinesiayeah, that's weird. What it doesn't tell you is you need to know the directory structure a bit so you actually want and
21:19.09AndolsThat's allot better :)
21:38.57rob`it's funny how wow economies grind to a halt between auctioneer updates
21:39.23rob`really oughta be some built-in tools
23:41.42*** join/#norganna Andols (

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