IRC log for #norganna on 20070530

00:03.42EnchantrixUSeralt click does it.  Thank you
00:03.59EnchantrixUSeranyone know if they are ever going to make a regular search gui for this rather than a list?
00:24.03*** join/#norganna MentalPower (i=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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00:36.20*** join/#norganna BankZ (
00:36.21*** join/#norganna BankZZ (
00:46.10*** join/#norganna Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
01:19.24*** join/#norganna carrotofdoom (
01:20.09carrotofdoomHowdee. new addon user having trouble getting enchantrix to work. any suggestions?
01:33.46*** join/#norganna stinkywinky (
01:34.34stinkywinkybottom scanner has some bugs in the 4.02 release... shutting my profits down:(
01:39.46stinkywinkyI cant start a btmscan and then start a search on inventory anymore... that was a great feature...  Also it doesnt seem to be buying any items based on disenchant value:(
01:43.13stinkywinkyactually, none of its buying behavior seems to be working... I shut off Buying for profit, and just buy vendor and enchantment Items through my settings
01:44.53Prowell|BackCarrot, still need help?
02:27.57*** join/#norganna Cairen1 (
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02:31.24*** join/#norganna carrotofdoom (
02:37.18*** join/#norganna ccox|Work ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:48.56*** join/#norganna ccox|Work ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:50.59*** join/#norganna GomiNoSensei (
02:57.58*** join/#norganna Thorarin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:48.57*** join/#norganna ccox (
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04:53.12*** join/#norganna Kody (n=kody@
04:58.03*** join/#norganna tedrock (
05:03.50*** join/#norganna Javula (
05:04.59Javulaany one here that can help me with a variable
05:05.14Javulafile that is too big
05:05.38Javulai tried the faq
05:06.28Javulaby the way thanks for fixing enchantrix and btm scanner
05:09.29*** join/#norganna tedrock (
05:11.05*** join/#norganna Javula (
05:11.13Javulaok figured out chatzilla
05:11.22Javulaany one around
05:16.48*** join/#norganna Prowell|Back (
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05:20.59*** join/#norganna tedrock (
05:32.11*** join/#norganna tedrock (
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05:54.43Javulaso no one is around tonight
06:00.47ckknightJavula: guess not
06:01.28ccoxnope, nobody home
06:02.01Javulawish i could get some help since i enjoy using the product
06:05.25*** join/#norganna Javula_0085 (
06:10.36*** join/#norganna ckknight (
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06:12.38Javulai left
06:12.42Javulait says
06:15.15ckknightJavula: well, you gotta think about this: what is the incentive for people to help you?
06:16.56Javulai know what you mean ... been thinking of donating now that I have a real job ... i am also the resident expert in my guild and help them out but my problem does not seem to be addressed well in the documentation
06:18.17Javulajust wish there was a way of dealing with a full variable file
06:18.40Javulasince i scan 3 to5 times a day it seems to be really full now
06:31.51*** join/#norganna xlvii (
06:41.54*** join/#norganna Death_0084 (n=Death@
06:42.12Death_0084Hello :)
06:43.38Death_0084I have small question regarding auctioneer. I'am using Auctionner for auction scans, posting etc on my mule char. And on my main char I just need the price info for current item (loot etc)
06:44.32Death_0084is that possible ? As for now Auctioneer and Informant are taking most of my mod memory on my main character and I don't use their full functionality on this character
06:45.41Death_0084is that possible ?
06:57.45ckknightnot that I know of
07:02.06Death_0084thats bad :/ but this is great mod anyway :)
07:11.01*** join/#norganna Calliee (n=Caylie@
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07:18.04*** join/#norganna ckknight (
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07:22.57CIA-32auctioneer: 03ccox * r1927 10enchantrix/EnxCommand.lua: fix command line parsing for more than 2 arguments
07:30.11*** join/#norganna m0oman (
07:36.36*** part/#norganna YourMomsHero (
07:41.00CIA-32auctioneer: 03ccox * r1928 10enchantrix/EnxStorage.lua: fix link parsing for items with enchants on them
07:43.39*** join/#norganna Prowell|Troubled (
07:56.36*** join/#norganna ckknight (
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08:02.24*** join/#norganna zeeg (n=zeeg@
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08:39.59CIA-32auctioneer: 03luke1410 * r1929 10enchantrix/EnxStorage.lua:
08:39.59CIA-32auctioneer: void
08:39.59CIA-32auctioneer: speeding up the pattern matching a bit, by removing unused captures
08:54.44*** join/#norganna m0oman (
09:01.48*** join/#norganna ckknight (
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11:02.50*** join/#norganna Fire_0032 (
11:09.53*** join/#norganna Drool (
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12:00.11*** join/#norganna Prowell (
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12:06.17CIA-32auctioneer: 03norganna * r1930 10/trunk/ (11 files in 6 dirs): Add a new sidebar component with which we will be able to dispense with many of the minimap icons, and add new icons for each of the products without wasting minimap real-estate.
12:07.12CIA-32gatherer: 03norganna * r562 10/trunk/ (. GatherMiniIcon.lua Gatherer.toc): Add external to new sidebar library.
12:11.25*** join/#norganna Legorol (
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12:17.23*** join/#norganna Prowell|Back (
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12:25.04*** join/#norganna Cera (
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12:37.35*** join/#norganna cirdan (
12:37.52cirdanmorning all
12:38.17cirdanso what's up with enchnatrix, it's seperate from auctioneer again/ :)
12:43.40Bleeternot really, we canned it when BC came about. We now have an alpha of it. As Auctioneer's released, we don't think alpha should be mixed with release ;)
12:43.42norgsit was just way broken with all the changes to enchanting
12:52.15*** join/#norganna buttersz (
12:53.01butterszdoes anyone else use gatherer addon for WoW
12:54.28cirdani do
12:54.37butterszwell anyway I have a Version probally not lastest version of gatherer and so far I dont really like the graph Chart its completly diffrent than the old version loved the old version better I understand its in gamma fase still but was just wondering if anyone else felt the same
12:55.10butterszwere you can do search and it shows percentage
12:55.16butterszof what herb you picked where
12:55.33cirdanoh never used it
12:55.46butterszlol it was in old version of gatherer like 2.0
12:56.08butterszhe is has put it back into the new version but i dont like the way it is done so far
12:56.13cirdanenchantrix works pretty well for me btw, but it does seem to get a little confused and throw an error with the new trade skill linking :)
12:56.36butterszright now it just shows Where you picked the herb(Areas) then it gives exact Cordinates to it
12:56.59butterszyea I have never really used Enchantrix
12:57.23butterszI love Auctioneer though
12:57.34butterszits my Number one addon I can't live without
12:57.56butterszwhat server do you play on
12:59.01Bleetercirdan: I think there's a problem too, regarding DE predictions if the item one's looking at has an enchant. We fixed that earlier today.
12:59.23cirdanreally, the DE changes with an enchant?
12:59.33Bleeterthe item I was looking at was looking at was a lvl 20 green mace, predicted 3 small glimmerings
12:59.34cirdannever noticed it before
12:59.46Bleeterthing was
12:59.48cirdanthat must be new with 2.0
12:59.55cirdannever saw that before
12:59.59Bleeterit'd got the enchant id mixed up with an item id
13:00.02cirdanor even heard of it
13:00.28butterszI have not played my Enchanter char in a while I will have to check that out
13:00.36Bleeterby pure coincidence, there was an item that was legit, whose item id # was a legit enchant #... hence, a wild DE prediction ;)
13:00.53Bleetererm, legit item whose enchant id was a legit item
13:01.15Bleeterhell, i'm confuzzling myself now.. hopefully you get the idea ;)
13:01.31butterszyea I belive we got the idea
13:02.18butterszwell guys its been fun going to go play wow some now thx for the short Conversations
13:02.35cirdanso have you guys given any thought to adding an import function to gatherer?
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13:02.54cirdani saw cartographer can do that from a few different sources, including gatherer
13:03.47Bleeterwe're currently working on node sharing
13:04.08cirdani'd love to be able to sync my 2 computer's db :)
13:04.10butterszmy nodes are shared when i pick something and my guild mates or i am in party
13:04.11Bleeterdunno if Esamynn|Away will do full blown imports at all
13:04.39butterszi like that very much node sharing
13:04.39cirdanwell, even importing from another gatherer file would be enough for me :)
13:04.49BleeterI think, but don't quote me, you'd need two accounts to share between computers, though.
13:05.03Bleeteralthough a trial account would probably work just as fine
13:05.03cirdanmost likely
13:05.07Bleeteroops, I didn't say that ;)
13:05.19butterszwell me and my wife play so we have 2 accounts
13:05.29butterszblizzard should do family discounts
13:05.34Bleetermajor problem with import, and sharing, is data integrity
13:05.48cirdanbut putting a file in the gatherer folder and then going into the game and doing /gatherer import gather2.lua
13:05.56cirdanthat would rock
13:05.59Bleeterwas bad enough resetting all mining nodes in outlands, imagine some friend of a friend of a friend injecting bad data
13:06.15butterszthis is true
13:06.20butterszthat could be really bad
13:06.25butterszand i would be pissed
13:06.29butterszif i lost all my data
13:06.31cirdanyeah, how is the reset done? i still have nodes i think
13:06.44Bleeteratm, in gatherer, one at a time
13:07.00Bleeterwhich is why I cleared them all manually while waiting for 2.1.0 to hit
13:07.09butterszIs blizzard changing the nodes up of Mines and stuff because in badlands my garther says one thing and I go to mine and its another
13:07.10cirdandidnt know it could be done
13:07.13Bleeterbring up the report, mark a node, press 'delete'
13:07.26Bleetercan't select multiple nodes atm tho, despite what the UI may lead you to believe
13:07.32Bleeteryou CAN select multiples
13:07.54Bleeterit'll only delete the first one though, and whether it's the first sleected or first in some weird internal list I dunno
13:08.11Bleeterneeds more logic in to track multiples for deletion
13:08.23Bleeterhence, another reason not full release :P
13:08.48butterszas long as it marks it and keeps it thats all i need from gatherer right now hehee
13:09.37butterszwell im out guys just got off work
13:09.45buttersztake work to hard fellows
13:09.54butterszand keep the updates a coming and good luck
13:10.10*** part/#norganna buttersz (
13:26.43*** join/#norganna dinesh-work (n=chatzill@
13:31.39*** join/#norganna Ihaveaquestion (
13:32.36Ihaveaquestionyay! I didn't actually expect people around here. Well realms are down.. :p
13:33.04Ihaveaquestionokay.. the reason I am here: is enchantrix a stand-alone addon?
13:33.18IhaveaquestionI couldn't figure that out looking through the website..
13:39.17norgsit is a standalone addon
13:39.40norgsi guess it depends on what you mean by "standalone"
13:40.09norgsit does need 2 helper addons called "Stubby" and "EnhTooltip"
13:40.36norgsso in that sense, i guess it's not
13:42.04norgsbut if you meant, does it need auctioneer, informant or some other addon in order to work, then no it doesn't
13:42.53*** part/#norganna Ihaveaquestion (
13:45.45*** join/#norganna darky (n=darky@
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14:36.29*** join/#norganna Harshmage (
14:41.35Bleeteri guess that must've answered their question
15:03.04*** join/#norganna zen991 (
15:39.50*** join/#norganna Kody- (n=nope@
15:42.28*** join/#norganna Stadler (
15:47.20*** join/#norganna YourMomsHero (
15:47.57*** join/#norganna Guillotine (n=Guilloti@
16:02.53*** part/#norganna Luke1410 (
16:36.35CIA-32auctioneer: 03norganna * r1931 10nsidebar/ (DongleStub.lua Load.xml SideMain.lua): Add features to nSideBar: Positionable, Fade-out, Configurable row size. Convert to use DongleStub as an embeddable library. Allow priority positioning when requesting a button be added.
16:38.28*** join/#norganna PProvost (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
16:44.05CIA-32auctioneer: 03mentalpower * r1932 10nsidebar/ (DongleStub.lua Load.xml SideMain.lua nSideBar.toc): Added SVN tags to the nSideBar files.
16:51.14CIA-32auctioneer: 03mentalpower * r1933 10!nlog/nLog.lua: Changed CreateFrame("Foo", "") calls in nLog to CreateFrame("Foo", nil) so that they show up in WoW errors as <unnamed>
17:07.51*** join/#norganna Calliee (n=Caylie@
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17:11.20CIA-32auctioneer: 03norganna * r1934 10enchantrix/EnxMiniIcon.lua: Convert Enchantrix to use the new DongleStub version of nSideBar
17:12.51CIA-32gatherer: 03norganna * r563 10/trunk/ (GatherConfig.lua GatherMiniIcon.lua): Convert Gatherer to use the new DongleStub version of nSideBar, and desaturate the icon when minimap display is disabled.
18:17.50*** join/#norganna Recluse (
18:40.30*** join/#norganna zeeg (n=zeeg@
18:42.27*** join/#norganna PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
19:15.53*** join/#norganna TitanX (
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19:53.51*** join/#norganna Irish (
20:02.32*** join/#norganna PProvost_ (i=PProvost@WoWUIDev/WAU/Admin/Pprovost)
21:22.05*** join/#norganna Harshmage (
21:22.39CIA-32auctioneer: 03mentalpower * r1935 10/branches/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Modified the AskPrice regex to ignore any spaces between the stack number and the link.
22:14.07*** join/#norganna zeeg (n=zeeg@
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22:51.26*** join/#norganna zeeg (n=zeeg@
23:03.15*** join/#norganna asdsadas (
23:03.42Zeyshalol got banned from the server after i scanned the market :|
23:12.23Harshmagewhat?  where?
23:13.58Zeyshaon the wow server :|
23:30.02*** join/#norganna Cera (
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23:43.40*** join/#norganna Cairenn (n=Karen@MMOI/Administratrix/Cairenn)
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23:51.26*** join/#norganna bjakyll (
23:51.46bjakyllAnyone has auctioneer old version changed to new but still can't scan?
23:52.09bjakyllAnd mighty ducks or senators? :-d
23:55.24*** join/#norganna Tech-Force (
23:55.34Tech-ForceHi everyone
23:58.23bjakyllWaxzup bjakyll
23:58.31Tech-ForceRien du tout, et toi?
23:58.41bjakyllPas grand chose, merci.

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