irclog2html for #norganna on 20061206

00:01.40*** join/#norganna Miravlix ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:03.36dEofolSO how difficult are these addons to code? I've done C/C++/C# for the past 12 years, easy comparitive?
00:05.26Bleeterif you're a decent programmer, know a bit about objective stuff, and how UI's work, it's not that hard really
00:05.27m0omanon a scale where 1 = easiest and 5 = hardest i'd say 2 for somebody very good a c derivates.
00:05.28m0omanit's just getting into how lua works with wow and how the wow interface works.
00:05.28Bleeteragreed, that's the tough nut.
00:05.29Bleeterthere's no K&R book for WoW LUA ;)
00:05.29m0omancompared to windows gui coding it's very, very easy. compared to mac os x gui coding it's ridiculuously sophisticated.
00:05.30m0omanBleeter: give it time. :p
00:06.05dEofolAre there any good sites to lean the language? and the UI Interface forum
00:06.23Bleeterfor the WoW usage of it, and the official LUA site ( , maybe, can't recall off top of head)
00:06.35m0omanaye. standard lua stuff won't get you too far apart from the basic syntax i guess. half of the world you're living in will be wow specific functions anyway.
00:06.36dEofolok kewl. SO your mods are not compiled I take it, just a scripting language?
00:07.03Bleeterthey're compiled after you select your char, but before you 'zone in'
00:07.23Bleeterhence, if you've got an error message noise happening, you'll hear it go off during the char loader screen hehe
00:07.27dEofolBut the source is still in the interface folder?
00:08.26Imrclythe xml is the hardest part i think
00:08.27m0omanbasically similar to php/cgi/asp at that point - gets compiled when needed/executed.
00:08.27Bleeterthus, you can't change the source on the fly. one needs to 'reloadui' to get it recompiled, but ideally logout and log back in just to be sure ;)
00:08.29dEofolI take it the new patch farked everything up then.
00:08.45Bleeternew patch -> moving from LUA 5.0 to 5.1.1
00:09.06dEofolWhat does LUA stand for?
00:09.07Bleeterthe core important changes are enough to bust most mods
00:09.16m0omanin theory you'll only have to log in if you add/delete files. but wow has some strange ways of acting sometimes.
00:09.40Imrclylua is the coding language like java
00:09.42BleeterLua means 'moon' in Portuguese
00:09.53Bleeterit was started in Brazil
00:10.12dEofolok, cool. I need to look more into this. Thanks all.
00:10.45Imrclythe lua is easy very straightforward almost writes itself its the xml that is anoying
00:12.59Ceralua is not like java and never gets compiled into machine code
00:13.50Imrclyhe was asking what lua meant i was trying to explain that its just a name
00:14.49m0omani think i'll make another wow movie tomorrow.
00:14.57m0omantrying to login to the server.
00:15.03m0omanwith some cool music.
00:15.04dEofollol, I wrote the standards at my company. I'm one of "those" kind of people. lol
00:15.33*** join/#norganna [EoE]Binsniped (
00:15.36BleeterI thought both java and lua shared the 'compilation to bytecode' theory... gah, I guess I need to read up more ;)
00:15.46dEofolThe kind most people hate, because they can't follow standards. :/
00:16.14JpmorganIf I understand this correct Autioneer will not be availble for 2 weeks yet ?
00:16.21m0omanoh i like to follow standards. but mostly at some points it stops to work because some people with too much influence decide to not follow them.
00:16.23Imrclyi don't mind standards as long as i can see what they are
00:16.29m0oman--> browsers are the best examples here.
00:16.42Imrclyopera follows standards
00:16.48Cerathey do, but java goes further and compiles byte code into machine code
00:17.21Imrclyjava translates byte code to machine code thats why you need a java virtual machine
00:17.35m0omanmost of them. not all though. same problems like firefox, ie, safari at some point. even though i blame ie most. and opera i like, but i have no use for it. :/
00:17.39Bleeterah, it's been a while since I've seriously used java (ended working with it professionally around the time 1.2 came out)
00:17.39Imrclydoes not translate*
00:18.11Bleetertwah, but the hotspot thing I seem to recall was an attempt to convert it further to machine code, which happened at runtime.
00:18.33Ceraand java is distributed as byte code typically then gets compiled to machine code, lua is distributed as source and then converted to byte code
00:18.35m0omanso that made it so boggingly slow? ;)
00:18.46Bleetersafari is bork viewing the currnt wowroster layout
00:19.06Bleeterhaven't decided yet which is breaking standards.. can't really be bothered. guild only has 3 mac users.
00:19.41m0omanwell, looking at the wowroster html/css it's surprising it works in most other browser. it's a mess.
00:20.10Bleeteryeah, hence my lack of a desire to investigate ;)
00:20.14m0omansafari is mostly following standards in the way opera does that. but at some points it just needs some major work. especially xhtml.
00:20.29FewynMorisatosigh all these addons sites are dying
00:20.53m0omanthe default wowroster 1.7.1 works on safari though apart from the tabs on the character/talents viewer, you have to scroll down in one first to be able to select another one.
00:20.53*** join/#norganna AnonUser5026 (i=AnonUser@nat/microsoft/x-37225443142035a3)
00:21.02Bleetersigh for all these people hitting up the sites for downloads when no one really has 100% confidence that the 'updated' mods will actually work on live
00:21.40*** join/#norganna rbz (n=roddzurc@
00:21.47m0omani'm not bothering with the mods for 2-3 days. not that there'll be any raiding in the first days.
00:21.58Bleeteryeah, prolly even during the first week
00:21.59m0omani'd be surprised if the servers stayed up longer than 12 hours.
00:22.00CeraI have 100% confidence mine does
00:22.04Imrclysure there will between restarts
00:22.12Bleeterpeople are gunna have learn to live without decursive
00:22.14*** part/#norganna rbz (n=roddzurc@
00:22.18Imrclywhat mod is yours cera?
00:22.31m0omani never used decursive anyway. :p
00:22.34Bleeterand no serious raiders are going to want to go out with what amounts to a bunch of noobs doing decursing ;)
00:22.45*** join/#norganna kimert (n=kimert@
00:22.58Bleeteryeah, then there's the restarts
00:23.22Bleeteralso the new talents and stuff... people are going to need to learn to play (to varying extents) again
00:23.32CeraSpellTips, every site that hosts it is hammered so not going to bothering linking
00:23.53BleeterCera: wossitdothen? :P
00:24.02Imrclyeveryone is going to go 41 points in even though there is no reason to until you hit 70
00:24.05m0omani never managed to finish a mod of my own. :o
00:24.23m0omanoh i'll love running around as a tree!
00:25.11MalivilDistribution of alcohol to minors.
00:25.13Malivil3-5 years.
00:25.22Cerafixes the values on spell tooltips to be accurate
00:25.46m0omannerf gf complaining.
00:27.58Imrclythats cool i quess it works similar to theorycraft
00:28.26*** join/#norganna Ezee (
00:29.40Ceraminus the bloat
00:30.34Imrclytheorycraft is good if you are learning how to get th emost dps or dpm  but after awhile it is anoying
00:30.45Ceraand TC was really a combination of 2 mods that already existed
00:31.26FewynMorisatoNinjas are WAYcooler than Pirates.
00:31.43Imrclyliar they are not
00:32.17BleeterCera: ooh, so, (in at least 1.x) with my hunter's 126AP Hunter's mark, the tooltip for the buff would've actually said that?
00:32.43Bleeter'coz it constantly annoys me that I can't tell if an existing mark is base or improved :/
00:32.52Bleeterand it's not just HM that does it, either.
00:33.08Imrclylots of things do that
00:33.37BleeterI can understand, to some extent, why. My client knows the buff, but has no idea of the talents the player has who put the buff on.
00:33.42*** join/#norganna Harshmage (
00:34.07Bleeterat least, that's the only conclusion I could reach as to why. which is why I piped up when I thought *maybe* there's a mod that 'fixes' this :)
00:34.19FewynMorisatoDid they change the image for the actual mark for hunters?
00:34.26FewynMorisatois it still a big red arrow?
00:34.36Imrclymy mod was destroyed i think do to new ui rules, it allowed you to target based on raid icon,  i will find out as soon as i can log in
00:34.39HarshmageIt should be the new arrow
00:35.00Bleeterwhat's new about it?
00:35.02FewynMorisatowhat does the NEW arrow look like?
00:35.09FewynMorisatoi've yet to see a picture of it
00:35.16Bleeterbtw, the arrow on an imp, or something even smaller, is very amusing
00:35.19FewynMorisatoand i didn't want to level a hunter on ptr
00:35.23HarshmageIt's more....pretty...
00:35.27CeraBleeter, nope, it works for spell tooltips (ie. on your action bars) not buff tooltips
00:35.35*** join/#norganna sysrage (
00:35.40FewynMorisatoGrrr... i don't wanna log onto beta and find out
00:35.40Harshmageyeah...okay, it's not a dumb blockish arrow..
00:35.41sysragehi all
00:35.46Harshmageit has more curves...
00:35.51FewynMorisatoit's not blockish?
00:35.57FewynMorisatohopefully it looks better
00:36.04FewynMorisatoi liked the arrow from Hakkar
00:36.07Bleeternice, well I guess that makes up for the surv tree mass-nerf
00:36.21Bleetercera: ah, k. still useful for 2.x?
00:36.24sysragei'm sure it's been asked 5 billion times tonight, but i gotta ask again. is the developer version of auctioneer semi-stable and works with 2.0?
00:36.32FewynMorisatoit's suppose to sysrage
00:36.44FewynMorisatonot 100% certain untill the servers come up
00:36.49Bleetersysrage: buggy, but work with 2.x, yes
00:36.53sysrageokie. will give it a try. thanks
00:36.56Bleetereven after servers come up, a bucket of work to be done
00:37.23Bleeterenchantrix and beancounter are still to be tested
00:37.37Imrclywhat happens when the servers come up and all the idiots relize their mods are broken
00:37.51FewynMorisatothe servers go down the crapper even more for the ui sites
00:37.52Harshmagebabies will cry
00:37.53sysrageall the mod sites are already taking a hardcore beating. it'll only get worse
00:37.55Bleeterthe servers go down, and use real coders have to wait longer ;)
00:38.37Bleeterfor those who don't know it, here's the URL for the 'alert' you see on the login screen
00:38.48Bleeterthat way, load it in your browser, no need to have game up
00:39.00FewynMorisatohow did you find out about that?
00:39.21CeraBleeter, not only does it work but it's a lot more accurate thanks to 2.0
00:39.23Bleeterthe IP changes occasionally, I use 'ethereal' to look at the packets on port 80 when the game fires up
00:39.42Bleeteri've got it embedded in our guild website
00:39.56FewynMorisatosmart idea
00:39.56Bleeterwhen it 404's, the website sends me a mail to track down the new IP
00:40.02FewynMorisatonice idea
00:40.07Bleeterup until recently, the host was .201
00:40.26Bleetercera: sounds awesome then. I'll have to grab it :)
00:40.28Imrclyaccording to that we have 20 mins
00:40.43FewynMorisatoi'm waiting
00:41.05Imrclythe log in servers will start crying then
00:41.05Ceraposted at 1:36pm though... watch another update soon ><
00:41.12sysrage5 bucks says everybody logs in, then they take servers down again :P
00:41.37FewynMorisatowe'll see :P
00:41.37Bleeteri'm not into giving away my money to IRC strangers :P
00:41.37Bleeterno offence ;)
00:42.03Bleeterand I mean no disrepect to blizz when I say that
00:42.06FewynMorisatoso i bet they break the arenas somehow in the next week
00:42.15FewynMorisatoi really like the arena tho
00:42.22FewynMorisatoi played it a bit on beta and ptr
00:42.30BleeterI've coded for far simpler online multi-state games, and even with simple stuff - realtime operations aren't fun
00:42.51Bleeterie, far more complex than what it would appear on the surface to require
00:42.51FewynMorisato*4:00 PM PST
00:42.52Imrclyi pitty them for the maintance window
00:42.52FewynMorisatoExtended Maintenance Update- At this point in time we still anticipate a 5:00 PM PST time for all realms to be accessible to players. Should we need to extend our maintenance window further, we will post an update.
00:43.14FewynMorisatoi'm just glad we get new talents
00:43.22Bleeteras such, I'd be very suprised if there aren't major probs moving from a test environment to live
00:43.24FewynMorisatoi've got two specs i can't decide between
00:43.35FewynMorisatoyea i agree there Bleeter
00:43.39FewynMorisatoi'm used to this type of thing
00:43.48Imrclyim going to go 0/0/0 for awhile
00:43.49tcgiantI'm actually just tuning all my toons back to the same exact specs of before
00:43.50FewynMorisatoi've moved websites from test enviroments to live servers often
00:43.54tcgiantAS before, rather
00:43.58sysrageno talents FTW
00:43.59FewynMorisatoand it never goes how i expect
00:44.38Bleeteryeah, move the webserver, the static data, the DB, and clone the OS, there's invariably something that goes awry
00:44.54Imrclymostly with the db
00:45.01Bleetermurphy was no fool 'if something can go wrong, it will'
00:45.37Imrclyand oracle mysql and access will make sure it does
00:45.53sysrageaccess? *hurl*
00:46.09sysrageplease.. i just ate
00:46.11Bleeteraccess is NOT a database system :P
00:46.23Bleeteri ate 12 hours ago, and I feel similar ;)
00:46.24Imrclyi work in a helpdesk postion i get to support it
00:46.33tcgiantlawl tech doods
00:46.43Bleeterthe ONLY help access users need.. is a lart so they ditch it
00:46.48tcgiantI hate doing IT work
00:46.55FewynMorisatoACCESS is horrible
00:47.00sysragehah. been awhile since i've seen lart
00:47.06FewynMorisatoi've had clients thinking they could use it instead of mysql
00:47.11FewynMorisatoand ask me how to get it to work
00:47.13Imrclywe have access froms tied to oracle dbs
00:47.17FewynMorisatoi feel like slapping them
00:52.39tcgiantrough draft of term paper due tomorrow
00:54.43Imrclyi have to write a 1000 word paper on the philosophical issues of a brave new world with references
00:54.55tcgiant1000 words, nice
00:54.56FewynMorisatoi have to pvp
00:54.59FewynMorisatoand pvp some more
00:55.04FewynMorisatoand maybe pvp just a tiny bit more
00:55.12tcgiantgonna get me some new pvp rewardy stuff
00:55.24FewynMorisatoi need that gm dagger
00:55.34FewynMorisatofor my dmg gear
00:55.36tcgiantgonna get one of all of the gm weaps I can't use
00:55.45tcgiantactually just a GM longsword
00:55.56Imrclyi want that dagger also
00:55.58tcgiant'cause I think that's the best looking 1h weap in the entire damn game, no fake
00:57.11FewynMorisato3 minutes
00:57.11Imrclyi really want that mageblade
00:57.21FewynMorisatoyour clock is off then
00:57.23tcgiantjust fired the game up
00:57.35tcgiantsomeone borked the arenas and they gotta test it out
00:57.40tcgiantgonna be til 7 pacific
00:57.43tcgiant10pm my time
00:57.56graymousernew estimated time posted: 7pm pst.  beh.
00:58.22graymouserdoh, note to self: must type faster..
00:58.23tcgiantI know
00:58.31tcgiantgonna be ugly
00:58.39tcgiantI hope we get a free day
00:58.41tcgiantor something
00:58.42FewynMorisatoit's my birthday
00:58.43tcgiantI dunno
00:58.47FewynMorisatoGET THE DAMN SERVERS UP
00:58.48tcgianthappy birthday
00:58.54*** join/#norganna AnonUser8543 (n=AnonUser@
00:58.59sysragedefinately won't get a free day
00:59.10FewynMorisatoit's my 21st.... there's plenty of things I could be doing
00:59.23tcgiantthen I hope we get field marshall gearz
00:59.25sysrageso go get drunk
00:59.30FewynMorisatoi rather not
00:59.32tcgiantI needs me some purple mage spikeshoulders
00:59.32FewynMorisatonot my thing
00:59.33Imrclyand you are still sober?
01:00.00tcgiantI'm still sober
01:00.06tcgiantI wish I drank
01:00.38tcgiantI should start
01:01.16Imrclyavoid mixing alcohols you will wish you never started
01:01.39FewynMorisatoi'm not a drinker
01:01.44FewynMorisatoi'll drink socially
01:01.50tcgiantnor am I, don't feel discouraged
01:01.51FewynMorisatobut I don't like to just go out to just drink
01:02.24Imrclyyou get free drinks on your birthday
01:02.37tcgiantyou know what I want? That super archmage armor that Arugal and the dude in the tower in azhara wear
01:02.46tcgiantthe recolored cloth alliance pvp set
01:02.55FewynMorisatoi just want the servers to come back up
01:03.00tcgiantthat too.
01:03.01FewynMorisatoso i can go play pvp with my guild
01:03.24*** join/#norganna TrimbleEpic (n=TrimbleE@
01:03.24tcgiantall I need to win pvp is a dwarf priest to fear ward me
01:03.32tcgiantand to respec so I get ignite back
01:03.40tcgianter, not ignite, impact
01:03.57TrimbleEpicHi everyone
01:03.59FewynMorisatoi'm a dwarf priest
01:04.19TseTseextended 2 more hours
01:04.27tcgiantwelcome to six minutes ago
01:04.39TseTsehey, just passing on the word =)
01:04.39tcgiantother realms don't matter
01:05.55TrimbleEpicwhat are they doing with arena, i thought you had to be 70 to create arena teams.  will arenas be available at 60?
01:06.33Cerascrimmages at 60
01:06.55tcgiantso basically all risk no reward
01:06.57Cerathe ladder is 70
01:07.10tcgiantI suppose we still get honor tokens for it
01:07.19Imrclyi am sure you still get honor points for that new store thing
01:07.29*** join/#norganna juju (
01:07.37Cerahonor points yeah, topkens are only for the old 3 BG's
01:08.04TrimbleEpicoh well.
01:08.05tcgiantbut I am going to take my arcane/fire mega crit build to the arena and ludicrous killing noobs
01:08.29*** part/#norganna TrimbleEpic (n=TrimbleE@
01:08.41tcgiantman once bc hits it's going to be godly dangerous too
01:09.14tcgiantthe moment I proc clearcasting the next thing I hit is going to be turned into a giant ball of burning agony
01:09.15CeraAP POM PYRO is about as skilled as deathcoil
01:09.33tcgiantyou seem to assume I'd do a foolish thing like arcane power
01:09.44tcgiant28/23 arc/fire ftw
01:10.13*** join/#norganna Thorarin (
01:10.13*** mode/#norganna [+o Thorarin] by ChanServ
01:10.26Imrcly0/0/0 ftw
01:10.37Cerathe arena is all about cooldowns
01:10.39Imrclygoing to wait a week to spec
01:10.53TseTse5 destruction locks imo
01:11.20*** join/#norganna norgs|laptop (n=Norganna@
01:11.20*** mode/#norganna [+o norgs|laptop] by ChanServ
01:11.20tcgiantso if my pyroblast doesn't annihilate you, what then, I just sheep you and charge another
01:11.20TseTsestun and aoe hell
01:11.20Cerafights are over in a few seconds and by the time you do another your cooldowns are up
01:11.40tcgiantso it's basically a duel
01:12.31norgs|laptophow slack are blizzard - 6 hours over estimate
01:12.44tcgiantsux don't it
01:12.49norgs|laptopit makes me want to cry
01:13.01tcgiantit makes me not want to do more work on my term paper
01:13.12norgs|laptopi bet they're all tired as heck
01:13.36kimertcan't imagine the stress
01:13.52norgs|laptopthey've been locked in a room for 18 hours
01:13.56tcgiantI'd love to get called in to fix things
01:14.09Imrclyseveral rooms the severs are not all in one building
01:14.26tcgiant"So here's what we've got for you... right now all our servers are down and it looks like we're going to be six hours over. How can we not make seven million people hate us?"
01:14.56tcgianthmmm, give sheltem e't alliance those kickass archmage-recolored pvp shoulders all the cool npc mages have
01:15.02tcgiantthat'll do it
01:15.12Imrclyid take em
01:15.30tcgiantactually just give me plate proficiency
01:15.44tcgiantmagetank hoooooooo
01:15.47norgs|laptopwait... how about another minipet
01:15.58tcgiantunless it's a pet winthegame
01:16.01tcgiantor a grue
01:16.10norgs|laptopnah - a pet moth
01:16.22tcgiantalso norg hi auctioneer has probably saved me like a million gold
01:16.25norgs|laptophow good would a pet moth be.... or a pet fenstrider
01:16.34tcgiantI got a prairie dog
01:16.39tcgiantbought it off the AH one time
01:16.53Imrclyi have alot of minipets
01:17.06norgs|laptopmeh - prairie dogs... standard thunderbluff vendopet
01:17.19tcgiantnot if you're a human mage it ain't a standard pet
01:17.31tcgiantI want a giant rideable combat chicken
01:17.40Imrclylots of mages here huh?
01:17.42tcgianthe is legend
01:17.42norgs|laptopmy priest has a prairie dawg
01:17.52tcgiantmages are leeter
01:18.00tcgiantif this room was full of hunters and rogues I would cry
01:18.39tcgiantI actually play a mage, a druid, a lock, and a hunter but I only raid as a mage
01:19.24tcgiantI'm consistently top 5 damage in MC, using an arcane/fire build too
01:19.25*** part/#norganna Imrcly (
01:19.25TseTsemc *shivers*
01:19.25tcgiantalso I make people play portal roulette
01:19.25norgs|laptopi got a priest main only... but since i've seen tbc, i rolled a lock
01:19.25*** join/#norganna Imrcly (
01:19.26tcgiantmy guild just knocked over our first ragnaros last week
01:19.26TseTsei hope i never go into mc again, honestly
01:19.30TseTseoh, nice
01:19.37DJBlackwingPortal roulette? lol
01:19.39TseTsemy lock's guild just killed nef
01:19.40tcgiantI'm still 3rd lowest dkp in the guild
01:19.45DJBlackwingSummon all 3 on top of each other?
01:19.53tcgiantDJBlackwing: portal to stormforgedarnwindironnassus
01:20.10norgs|laptopgot her to 26 by the time i had to start coding and had to shelve her to do coding
01:20.11TseTsewhat i want to see... is blizzard sneak in MC Heroic mode
01:20.19TseTseand make it insanely hard
01:20.24tcgiantbasically if you ask me for a port I will only ever give it if I either like you lots or you offer to pay, and I never actually charge for them
01:20.56Imrclyi charge 1g for everything
01:21.00tcgiantI hope the guy who wrote archud gets it up to date soon
01:21.25tcgiantImrcly: I charge absurd amounts because I know people will get pissed and bother someone else
01:21.26norgs|laptopso - do any of you guys use gatherer?
01:21.32TseTsehell yea
01:21.40tcgiantI've heard good things but I don't use it personally
01:21.47*** mode/#norganna [+v Cera] by norgs|laptop
01:21.55TseTseive been testin the svn build too
01:21.56tcgiantI do use enchantrix all the time though
01:21.57*** mode/#norganna [+v graymouser] by norgs|laptop
01:22.03*** mode/#norganna [+v Mike-N-Go_] by norgs|laptop
01:22.08*** mode/#norganna [+v Miravlix] by norgs|laptop
01:22.16DJBlackwingI do Norgs
01:22.18*** mode/#norganna [+v TseTse] by norgs|laptop
01:22.21Cerano, not voice!
01:23.00tcgiantI should clear out my addons folder
01:23.08tcgiantall my now-garbage mods
01:23.15norgs|laptopTseTse: Current SVN is almost stable TseTse
01:23.25TseTsevery nice.  how's the main map stuff?
01:23.32TseTsewas lookin stable a few hours ago
01:23.38tcgiantI'm interested to see how the changes to auto-spellcasting will affect gameplay and future mods though
01:23.41norgs|laptopnon-existant... it doesn't error though :)
01:23.49tcgiantgood thing I've got remove curse mapped
01:24.14TseTseoh, i couldnt turn off mining nodes from showing on minimap. im sure you know that
01:24.16norgs|laptopactually... i'm tossing up whether todo main map first or the gui config
01:24.28Ceraimproved error frame is a must have for everyone in 2.0
01:24.44Ceraunless you like being spammed by addon errors
01:24.53TseTsedo whichever you dread doing the most first ;-p
01:24.54tcgiantor "disable all yr old shit"
01:25.12norgs|laptopthat'd be the GUI
01:25.30tcgiantI just hope the latest distro of cosmos is all good as new
01:25.38tcgiant...or I'm gonna be boned
01:25.39*** join/#norganna Aphrodites (
01:25.45Maliviltcgiant: The Alpha is
01:25.49MalivilOr should be
01:25.49norgs|laptopit should be good
01:25.51tcgiantI'll snag it
01:26.01norgs|laptopthey got like a thousand people working on it
01:26.14tcgiantI can't play without mobileframes, popbar, and better keybinding
01:26.28tcgiantand bar options
01:26.35Bleetera couple of realms are up.. can't get to char selection tho :))
01:26.42MalivilMoveAnything! Flexbar
01:26.47Bleeterheya norgs|laptop \o/
01:26.48TseTseall my "must have" addons are now workign except for flexbar and necrosis
01:26.51tcgiantI need a bar mod that doesn't use the standard actionbar slots at all
01:26.56MalivilFlexbar has a 2.0 beta up
01:27.06Aphroditesdidn't work earlier
01:27.10TseTsei heard it didnt have basic command working
01:27.15BleeterCC, Uther and Cenarion
01:27.17Bleeterwere up
01:27.18norgs|laptophmm -  nice
01:27.19Bleeterdown again
01:27.19MalivilIt does, but the formatting is different
01:27.24Maxemusi was trying on the beta and flex2 bugged out
01:27.25norgs|laptopthey're getting closer
01:27.29tcgiantso I can do things like put about five thousand different buttons on my screen at once
01:27.34norgs|laptophi Bleeter
01:28.45tcgiantwell I see cenarius echo isles lightbringer uther and cc but they're all down except echo isles
01:28.55CeraI'm not sure if nurfed is now using custom buttons but tivoli said it doesn't have the 120 button limit anymore so I assume so
01:28.57Imrclymy friends all use discord alot
01:29.05Bleeteryeah, they're bouncing around. i guess very limited live testing at the moment
01:29.05tcgiantdischord is barf
01:29.14TseTsei use nurfed units
01:29.24Maxemusi was using bartender3 since flex is a bit dead atm :)
01:29.32tcgiantoh snap wil wright was on colbert report last night D:
01:29.34norgs|laptopit's funny cause some of them say medium
01:29.38Bleeterup and down like the bleedin' assyrian empire
01:30.13TseTsecolbert and daily show need their own usenet group
01:30.16norgs|laptopprolly getting hammered every time they light up
01:30.31Bleetercould be IP restrictions on the backend
01:30.36Bleeterfor live testing
01:30.42TseTseorly.  lemme see if my server has that group
01:30.55tcgiantdon't bother
01:30.57tcgiantjust made it up
01:31.01tcgiantwho do you use?
01:31.52tcgiantI subscribe to easynews, I don't trust comcast with my bootlegged files
01:31.56TseTsethey have absolutely fantastic usenet out of nyc
01:32.14Maxemusis there an updated watcher, it just gave an error on clicking a npc
01:32.20Imrclyim to lazy to use usenet
01:32.26tcgiantI'm gonna get sick of that "doong" sound
01:32.37norgs|laptopWhat's the error Maxemus
01:32.57TseTsehow can you be too lazy for usenet?  it's the ultimate lazy leeching
01:33.13Maxemus2 secs need to grab it again, since i don't have imp error frame atm
01:33.45Imrclyi don't want to find a good server
01:34.00norgs|laptopthey keep changing stuff... it's been hard to write code when the ground keeps moving
01:35.32tcgiantI love when people pack stuff with the entire directory structure from, like, the root dir of the volume on in
01:35.42tcgiantdigging through directories is super fun
01:36.13Bleeterparticularly with mods, that are supposed to be mac/windows compatible
01:36.36tcgiantdownloading alpha vers of your addons now norg
01:36.38Bleetermakes me always question the abilities of the authors, and thus I think less of the mod
01:36.45tcgiantgonna grab gatherer and have fun with that
01:36.47Bleeterno matter how good they are
01:37.10tcgianthaving it set up to unpack a mod dir is fine by me
01:37.16norgs|laptopI'll be interested to hear how people like the guild/party/raid sharing
01:37.19tcgiantin fact that's the way it should be
01:37.21Maxemusokies the gatherer error is Error: attempt to call global 'GatherMain_Draw' (a nil value)String: Gatherer_WorldMapDisplay:OnClickCount: 1 when hide/show on world map button clicked
01:37.31tcgianthold on going to go kill my roommate
01:37.51Maxemusand the error produced by watcher is Error:  attempt to index field 'scans' (a nil value)AddOn: WatcherFile: Watcher_quest.luaLine: 30Count: 1 when u click a fligh master
01:37.56Maxemusflight master
01:37.59TseTsei just updated too. gonna fly around
01:38.23Maxemusalso occurs when u click a quest giver
01:38.24tcgiantk back
01:38.28Bleeternorgs|laptop: when stuff goes live, I'll be running SVN and taking a look at enchantrix/beancounter
01:38.48norgs|laptopBleeter: cool
01:38.48Bleeterwhere for cases of stuff read 'realms'
01:39.02tcgiantI know nothing about lua code at all
01:39.11tcgiantbut I do know how to break stuff
01:39.20Bleeterme neither, but debugging something is always a great way to learn a new language :)
01:39.39Bleeterand seriously, the code norgs and his mates have, is clean to read
01:39.44Bleeternot like some mod's spaghetti
01:39.45tcgiantthat's good
01:40.08tcgiantyeah, I've tried decompiling flash files before and I've been like "wow, how does this work at all"
01:40.49tcgiantobnoxious and unreadable code is a good sign that a dev is basically throwing in stuff until the program works
01:41.11Maxemusthat ok as long as u clean it up after :)
01:41.14Bleeteryeah, these up and down realms to me smell of ip restrictions, and attempted fix, a check, restart realms, rinse, repeat
01:41.15Imrclylike my code
01:42.06norgs|laptopMaxemus: are you using svn?
01:43.10tcgiantI just keep running cosmos and thumbing the patch button
01:43.11Imrclyim just wondering whats svn?
01:43.18tcgiantwowinterface is timing out
01:43.40Maxemusjust pulled if down from front page
01:43.44tcgianta few more up now
01:43.57tcgiantseeing a lot of fulls
01:45.29purl[subversion] version control software. see it aims to be a better CVS than CVS.
01:45.55Bleetermore realms 'up'.. still can't get in hehe
01:46.08tcgiantguessing you wouldn't stay in
01:46.12Bleeterheh, queue of 1255 on one :)
01:46.46Bleeternone up with any of my toons, tho :(
01:46.48norgs|laptopi'm just testing a change to gatherer at the moment Maxemus
01:46.59Maxemusis the developers section of the DL's connected to the svn ?
01:47.10norgs|laptopi've got a fix for watcher as well, which i need to upload
01:47.38Maxemusauctioneer seems fairly solid :) and ty
01:48.08TseTsenorgs|laptop, earlier i seemed to have "flickering" on my icons in the minimap, particularly with the data from my old files
01:48.08norgs|laptopholy hanna
01:48.22tcgiantarchud needs to work with 2.0.1 D:
01:48.25norgs|laptopyou get into one of these servers and the starting areas are *packed*
01:48.50Cerawhy not go on beta norgs?
01:49.04norgs|laptopwant to try out live :)
01:49.14Bleeternorgs got a beta?
01:49.15TseTsei just tried to log into one of these servers lol
01:49.19Bleeterstabby stab stab
01:49.24TseTseim stuck at "connected"
01:49.27norgs|laptopi'm on the train at the moment = only got about 10 mins left to my station anyhow
01:49.44tcgiantdrathal's hud would be perfect if it just remembered your settings between characters
01:49.49*** join/#norganna Kiyla (n=Kiyla@
01:49.49Bleeteron the train? oops, best stop stabbing you then. you know how these trains ecurity types these days
01:49.55Bleeterthey actually seem to pay attention
01:50.07TseTse2696 queue lol
01:51.33CeraBleeter I don't think that is universal across the world
01:51.55Kiylais there a way to do a mass reset of items?
01:51.58Bleeterdont have passenger trains here, so I guess you're right ;)
01:52.33norgs|laptopnah - our trains are pretty lax
01:53.19Bleeterwhoa, a whole bunch more just came up
01:53.34Bleeterstill none with my chars tho
01:54.27Bleetertip of the day: oceanic realms
01:54.35Bleeterit's midday, no queue ;)
01:54.35TseTseholy... lag
01:55.04Imrclyyay one of my realms is up and full
01:55.13TseTsei got into malganis
01:55.28CeraKiyla, just delete your WTF\Account\[username]\SavedVariables\[addon name].lua file to clear all saved data for that addon
01:56.45tcgiantgonna have to see if I can get a manual ver
01:57.07Maxemuspop bar is in the cosmosui alpha for wow2.0
01:57.39Maxemus'll check if it works
01:57.44tcgiantit says it's incompatible
01:57.56tcgiantsays the same for enchantrix alpha too
01:58.45Imrclyfubars are bubar
01:58.49Kiylai want to find a way to clear just enchanting data... because i use enchantrix and it wont update the prices..
01:58.58*** join/#norganna NivFreak (
01:59.22tcgiantooooh new loading art
01:59.44Bleeterhmmm, no 'addons' byutton on char selection. i must've put them somewhere wrong :/
01:59.55Ceraenchantrix doesn't work in 2.0
02:00.21Bleeternot surpised, I believe it's completely untested
02:00.26NivFreakI didn't notice that all my addons were going to break ;)
02:00.28Bleeterand I've also heard there's a new UI for enchanting
02:00.34Bleeterso doubly unsuprised
02:01.01*** join/#norganna GulakaonMalygos (
02:01.08Maxemusyeah popbar is kinda working :P
02:01.08Kiylawhats the new enchanting UI?
02:01.09Cerayeah, you can filter it for only thing you have mats to do
02:01.21Cerathey should have added that filter to other professions...
02:02.31Bleeterlol everyone naked and unknown when I logged in, very amusing
02:03.10GulakaonMalygosis this where I volunteer to be a guinea pig...I mean, 'beta tester' for the new version of auctioneer?
02:03.17Maxemustcgiant: check your dcc
02:03.24tcgiantI saw that gimme ten seconds
02:03.32tcgiantI forgot why I didn't like dhud :/
02:04.56Bleeterheh, my first attempt to scan the AH was met with 'autioneer isnot loaded'
02:05.23Imrclyretrieving character list hooray
02:05.28tcgiantmax send that again
02:06.14*** join/#norganna Gulaka (
02:12.10*** join/#norganna storfanis (
02:13.29tcgiantenough with the dcc
02:13.39tcgiantwtf my fonts got super dumb
02:13.39*** part/#norganna tcgiant (i=user@
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02:14.06tcgiantdamn trillian
02:14.35tcgiantmax did you get my msg
02:15.13Maxemusu need to register to send priv msg i think unless u have already
02:20.33Maxemusgot it ?
02:20.56*** join/#norganna AnonUser0307 (n=AnonUser@
02:22.46tcgiantgonna have to use archud super b&w ver
02:23.27Imrclyi can't get on my mains server
02:23.40Imrclyit won't get past loading character list
02:24.03Imrclyi want to go to the bedroom so i wont have to talk to your mom or sister
02:26.55*** join/#norganna kporter (n=chatzill@
02:27.40ScratchMonkeyjust pulled code from svn, I see %version% and friends, is there a script that populates those? I didn't see any kind of packaging script eg. in Installer
02:27.49tcgiantthis is rediculous
02:28.00tcgianthay blizz just be happy with something for once
02:28.58ScratchMonkeyyeah, why move up to pentium with a 6502 was good enough for us? ;)
02:29.04tcgiantthe worst part: I screwed up a talent point D:
02:29.36ScratchMonkeymis-click, or just judged it wrong? did you do your tree ahead of time with the calculator?
02:29.41tcgiantso you're saying that in breaking all my addons they actually improved functionality
02:29.48Imrclycan you read my text?
02:30.00tcgiantwell they're using some new font which is 3x harder to read when the UI is zoomed
02:30.01ScratchMonkeyupgrades always break things, it's a rule of nature
02:30.19*** join/#norganna jaws (
02:30.33tcgiantI can't believe I have to disable mobhealth2
02:30.37tcgiantthis is atrocious
02:30.50ScratchMonkeydid the author not upgrade it?
02:30.53jawsguys, I may be retarded, but how do you enable "old addons" i can't remember where the option is
02:31.23Cairennon the character select screen, addons button, but it won't work with this patch
02:31.23ScratchMonkeyi haven't connected to the game, but i'll bet they disabled that to prevent using incompatible LUA, since the fundamental language changed so drastically
02:31.36Cairennmods *must* be updated
02:31.41ScratchMonkeythat's why this is a major version jump, not just an incremental 1.x
02:32.24ScratchMonkeyfortunately they didn't waste programmer hours building in a reverse-compatibility subsystem
02:32.24tcgiantwowinterface is acting like an asshole now too :(
02:32.33Maxemusto many people hitting it tc
02:32.34jawsreally?  On auctioneer's homepage it says it mostly works....they're wrong?
02:32.52Maxemusautioneer seems to be working fine
02:32.58Maxemususing the dev version
02:33.03Cairennno, it's been updated :p
02:33.12jawsreally? not for me....ah, dev version works?
02:33.14Cairennand yeah, we're getting smacked, unfortunately
02:33.20ScratchMonkeyso what's the process for going from a svn export to an installable file? I mostly want to know what I need to do about the %version% constants
02:33.28Bleeternorgs: it'll take me a little while to get going. my enchanter toon is missing gear, and my main (who's got the cash for auctioneer) has no quests in her log
02:33.40Bleeterworking on trying to find out wtf gives with that before getting on to mods
02:33.48tcgiantso wtf I can't disable blizzard's target frames properly
02:34.26jawshey maxemus, where'd you find the dev. version?
02:34.38*** join/#norganna norgs|laptop (n=Norganna@
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02:36.06*** join/#norganna Rawrrr (
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02:36.57Maxemushey tc this might help u
02:37.08Maxemusipopbar its called for PTR/TBC
02:37.28*** join/#norganna norgs|laptop (n=Norganna@
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02:37.31tcgiantyou know what no
02:37.40tcgiantany of those mega action bar ones support keybindings
02:37.58tcgiantI'm done with this, bar options doesn't work and so all my buttons are completely destroyed
02:38.10Maxemusbartender3 is a good one
02:38.18*** join/#norganna AnonUser1629 (
02:38.30Maxemushas keybindings and such
02:38.40Bleeteryup, all my quests on my main are gone :(
02:38.41tcgiantI'm about to scream so I'll try anything
02:38.51Maxemus2 secs grabbing link
02:38.55AnonUser1629can i access the data from the auctioneer program in notepad or something?
02:39.00tcgiantdoes it work
02:39.12tcgiantall my lootlink stuff is gone, atlasloot isn't working any more
02:39.29tcgiantI hate to react in such a fashion but this is some serious bullcrap
02:39.41Maxemusu'll need the files from the bottom of thoose pages
02:39.43tcgiantoh hay I love combing dirs
02:41.47ScratchMonkeyAnonUser1629: yes, it's just a text file
02:41.59AnonUser1629whitch file plz
02:42.05Maxemusah lol don't use that PopBar, it just spat 146 errors at me
02:42.29tcgiantwell it was nice until NOW
02:42.36ScratchMonkeyI'd assume Auctioneer.lua under WTF somewhere, but check the code source to be sure
02:42.56*** join/#norganna Lycanthor (
02:43.02*** join/#norganna hitman_ (
02:45.16tcgiant8/10 connects results in disconnects
02:45.49tcgiantace doesn't work
02:45.52tcgiantmissing some stuff
02:46.07LycanthorHow do I help test?
02:46.15*** join/#norganna TriSec (
02:46.18norgsso you guys are having fun with post 2.0 addons eh?
02:46.20*** join/#norganna fnord___ (
02:46.36norgsHi :)
02:46.39TriSecHaving a hard time switching to 2.0 :'(
02:46.54TriSecCan't seem to find updated mods
02:46.56Bleeternorgs: nah, having fun with post 2.0.1 missing items and empty quest logs :/
02:46.57tcgiantace and bartender won't work, max, says they need some other addons
02:47.12Bleeterfour chars effected so far :'(
02:47.24tcgiantI found sites with updated ones but theyr'e all down
02:47.29TriSecThat's not good Bleeter, I feel your pain...
02:47.40Maxemuswhich tcg?
02:47.54Bleeteri'm loathed to test any addons right now, given my current issues
02:47.56TriSecTHey prob shut them down in fear of crash, too much bandwith
02:48.09Bleeteri'm still hoping it's some latency induced problem
02:48.40*** join/#norganna Kedearian (
02:48.49TriSecHey Ked
02:48.51LycanthorEven WoW's site is having major problems.
02:49.12KedearianI was just checking on the status of my favorite addon, and i'd like to help beta test if you still need people
02:49.29LycanthorIs there an Alpha release of auctioneer available for testing yet? Or is that what you mean by Dec. 19?
02:49.33TriSecI'm up for beta testing too
02:50.18tcgiantwowinterface had them
02:50.45tcgiantok so now about 60% of the time I log in and no icons work and my own character doesn't load
02:50.45LycanthorI saw that. Site is definately down now of course. had some...but not too many good ones (AKA Titan Bar/Auctioneer)
02:50.49Maxemustcgiant : download and then unzip that, then unzip over the top of the 19311 version, this will give u the libs that are missing then replace the one u have in your interface folder
02:51.04Cairennwe're back up, at least at the moment ... sorry guys, the load is just insane =/
02:51.06tcgiantand I STILL CAN'T DISABLE THE [profanity] BLIZZARD PORTRAITS
02:51.27tcgiantwhere the hell did that option gooooooooooo
02:53.14Imrclyits not working is down too: As you know we are bring hammered :) I am going to bring another server online shortly
02:53.37LycanthorHang tight!
02:54.47*** part/#norganna Imrcly (
02:54.51*** join/#norganna Imrcly (
02:54.58LycanthorHey, this just worked:
02:55.05TriSecI miss Panza...
02:55.15Maxemuspanza :'(
02:55.27TriSecPearl....Auctioneer...SCT...titan bar...
02:55.36Imrclymy server....
02:55.42Maxemusperl working, titan working, sct working :)
02:55.52Maxemusauctioneer dev is working too
02:55.57fnord___I'd be happy if my old hunter scripts worked
02:56.04Imrclyi want my server
02:57.07Kedearianfoudn a collecition that works
02:57.18KedearianAethra's TBC... 20 or so addons
02:57.35Kedearianyeah they killed the point of scripts didnt they?
02:57.43Kedearianthey cant call any skills while in combat
02:57.50*** join/#norganna sn0n (n=sn0n@
02:58.15sn0nis there a broken beta even?
02:58.15TriSecwhere at Ked?
02:58.16Maxemusi got a clickheal that works :) clique
02:58.21sn0nthis is where i can make a KILLING in ah
02:58.24sn0nsince noone else has it
02:58.43tcgiantdeleted my whole wtf folder
02:58.58sn0nyour update deleted it?
02:59.06sn0nomg.. id.. :: runs to check ::
02:59.17*** join/#norganna mossy (
02:59.33mossycould you put up that link again my browser restarted
03:00.06Bleeterl/me breathes out as his items re-appear (I wasn't getting the red ?, or anything, previously)
03:00.16DJBlackwingomg lag
03:00.20Bleeter(with the missing quests)
03:00.21sn0n:: cries ::
03:00.42TriSecI'll just do with what I have for now...when things quiet down, I'll be good to go :D
03:00.44*** join/#norganna AlleriaOkin (
03:00.46TriSecSee ya all later
03:01.05BleeterTriSec: cya, take care
03:01.07ScratchMonkeythanks for reminding me, i just went and zipped my wtf tree before starting the new version
03:01.41Imrclystupid retrieving character list for my main
03:01.43sn0nmy last backup was like a month ago
03:01.45Kedearianthats not nice sn0n
03:02.02*** join/#norganna DJBlackwing (
03:02.09sn0nwell.. at least i can get good arse deals on things i do know the price for
03:02.23MentalPowerhey guys
03:02.27Bleeterwhat has that got to do with kicking me?
03:02.30Bleeterheya MP! :D
03:02.54sn0ni need an unstable version
03:03.06Bleeterwell l2r and go get one
03:03.11sn0ni just need scan, and search auctions
03:03.25Maxemussn0n just read the auctioner homepage, downloads, dev section
03:03.31sn0nBleeter, i was referring to a beta version of auctioneer that works
03:03.38sn0noo.. the betas are 'compatible'?
03:04.00Imrclyno they are still writing for the old version
03:04.14Bleeteri'm writing for wow 1.5
03:04.18MentalPowerlol, nice Imrcly :P
03:04.20AnonUser5026as if 1:45 today?
03:04.25AnonUser5026err as of rather
03:04.31Bleeteri figure one day, when retro wow becomes a fashion, i'll be leet
03:04.40sn0nauctioneerpack- 2006-12-05 01:45:44994,267 bytes Alpha
03:04.47sn0n= not working
03:04.51Imrclyalways private servers
03:05.00sn0nlol - works great on TBC
03:05.21Bleeterwhich is a different UI etc. to live, so expect breakage
03:05.52Maxemusnot if the final has been released i.e 2.0.1 since they share the same ui changes i believe
03:06.03AlleriaOkin3.9.0.1111 isn't breaking so much as listed as incompatable
03:06.24Maxemusedit the .toc to 20000 for now :P
03:06.25BleeterMaxemus: in theory yes, in practice no guarntee
03:06.27MentalPowersn0n: it works for me :)
03:06.33sn0n:: tries again ::
03:06.52MaxemusBleeter : true ;)
03:07.01Bleeterstill, it was quite odd first time I tried to scan the AH it told me that I needed to load auctioneer
03:08.14sn0nman.. my old data is soo old :-/
03:08.14MentalPowerBleeter: known bug, feel free to fix it :)
03:09.00sn0nanyone here play on kalecgos?
03:09.06sn0nand has old ah data
03:09.23BleeterI've been away from IRC too long, what's the dang / equiv of a /w ?
03:09.30Bleeter(ie, privmsg of some type)
03:09.40Maxemus. /msg i think
03:09.41Imrclyi might for horde sde
03:09.55Bleetermsg, thx
03:09.59sn0nImrcly, hrmm.. im alliance
03:10.09sn0nquery works too  :-;
03:10.31sn0nquery is raw, i believe /msg is a hack from mIRC days.. ;-)
03:10.58*** join/#norganna Kassah (n=will@
03:11.54sn0nohh wow
03:12.01sn0nhave my old data
03:12.04sn0nit didnt delete
03:12.06sn0nw00t w00t
03:12.40LycanthorDid you just extract into the old directory?
03:12.49Maxemusit should put it in a folder dated from when u installed the patch
03:13.11*** join/#norganna bev (n=bev@
03:13.32sn0ni think manual search is broken.. known bug?
03:13.57MentalPowerhow broken?
03:14.19sn0n\Addons\Auctioneer\Database\AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069: attempt to compare number with string
03:14.21Bleetersvn seems to get 'stuck' 'searching for items...'
03:14.28sn0nthats when selecting 'search'
03:14.50*** join/#norganna AnonUser0198 (
03:15.09Bleeterthat error is thrown if you press the search button after it gets 'stuck' searching
03:15.24sn0nwhen had Weapons : Daggers highlighted, when i use reg search all sections, no filtering, it just dont search
03:15.34Bleeter(ie, try to search again after it gets stuck in an infinite loop)
03:15.51sn0nhows that infinite loop happen? i seem to get that alot
03:15.59sn0ni always thought it was a bug with 'useable' items
03:16.11Maxemusso could u just unload it b4 u search and reload after?
03:16.13sn0nsince thats always when it happened, and i'd have to restart WoW
03:16.28Maxemusauctioner that is
03:16.32Imrclywell my mod still seems to work so i will upload that once the servers unhammer
03:16.46BleeterMaxemus: unloading and reloading has always been hit and miss for fixing the loop with me
03:16.52*** part/#norganna Imrcly (
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03:17.02Maxemusah well was just a guess :)
03:17.03bevhey, i am interested in testing the newest auctioneer
03:17.13bevanything i should know when testing it?
03:17.21MentalPowersn0n: known bug
03:17.25sn0nthnx MentalPower
03:17.28Lycanthorbev: It won't work 100%
03:17.30MentalPowerBleeter: that one's related to sn0n's
03:17.45sn0nbev, : it ownt work. lol
03:17.48Bleetermp: yeah, figured as much... I'm going to switch to my enchanter
03:17.59sn0nchanters are nerfed now too
03:18.06sn0ni have to actually level the twerp now
03:18.12sn0nstupid disenchanting levels
03:18.34BleeterI don't consider it a nerf, I consider it a fix for a problem that was wide open to abuse
03:19.07sn0nbut my lvl one is gonna take FOREVER to lvl
03:19.23Bleeterthe change was announced some time ago
03:19.25sn0nohh yes!!!! i forgot i lvl'd him to 20 a couple weekends ago.. LoL
03:20.01Maxemusdamn only 5 hours to sleep nn guys :)
03:20.36Bleeternn max
03:20.42*** join/#norganna asdpo (
03:25.04tcgiantwell I had to blow up a lot of stuff but my UI works and doesn't generate tons of errors
03:25.24Lycanthor"blow up?"
03:33.42*** join/#norganna Imrcly (
03:40.05tcgiantI relate a lot of stuff to explosions
03:40.11tcgiantso I turned things off
03:40.19Imrclystill can't get on my server
03:40.22tcgiantbut I have almost 400 int right now with no buffs so that makes me happy
03:40.36tcgiantlooks like less mana per int for mages now though :(
03:41.08Imrclyoh that sucks
03:41.31Imrclymy mana pool was just about to break 7000
03:42.20tcgiantyour pool will be about the same
03:42.35*** join/#norganna AnonUser0307 (
03:42.38tcgiantthx to the change of arc mind from mana to int though I have about as much mana now unbuffed as I had buffed
03:42.44*** join/#norganna Duder14 (
03:42.54Imrclyok good
03:44.35*** join/#norganna MentalPower_ (
03:44.35*** mode/#norganna [+o MentalPower_] by ChanServ
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03:47.28tcgiantapparently netherwind shoulders look different now :(
03:47.49MentalPoweryeahm their particle effects are over-accelerated
03:47.54Imrclyim still on magisters
03:47.56tcgianthow so
03:47.58tcgiantI want to see
03:48.05tcgiantlootlink is broken and atlasloot is too
03:49.21Bleeterfrom memory, after each major patch, the ID's for each item change
03:49.31Imrcly[7:40 PM PST - December 5, 2006]
03:49.31ImrclyOur network administrators are continuing to work on the authentication issues affecting a select number of realms. We will provide another update in approximately 30 minutes.
03:49.32Bleetereither way, I'm not suprised
03:49.39MentalPowererr... thats not correct
03:49.43*** part/#norganna oddle (n=destacio@
03:49.45MentalPowerItemID's rarely change
03:49.45Imrclyyay mine is one of those
03:49.51NivFreakI think everything is working for me, except itemizer
03:50.09MentalPowerI would be *really* surprised if itemizer worked :P
03:50.17NivFreakI just disabled it ;)
03:50.19AnonUser0307Any idea what has to be tweaked in the lua files to get them to work with 2.0?
03:50.35Imrclyi was surprised my mod is working since it involves targeting
03:50.42tcgiantMentalPower: you haven't updated it?
03:50.43*** join/#norganna lelandki (
03:50.50BleeterMP: My bad... I seem to recall someone explaining to me why ll and itemizer may not work after a patch, I clearly got everything wrong ;)
03:51.06MentalPowerthats cause the server hasn't seen the items in question
03:51.09NivFreakMentalPower: any hope for it? ;)
03:51.25MentalPowerpotentially causing a DC when one of those items is linked
03:51.26*** join/#norganna Str1der (n=UNIX@
03:51.36MentalPowerNivFreak: once I get the others working, sure
03:52.22*** join/#norganna bnovc (
03:52.45bnovcquite a few more people here than i expected
03:53.00MentalPowerme too :)
03:53.19bnovci just joined to find out what the word norganna was actually ;)
03:53.46bnovci was surprised that other people playing warcraft realized what IRC was and they have exams as posted in the article
03:54.59*** join/#norganna SuperTech (
03:55.37SuperTechI would like to request a beta copy of Auctioneer for patch 2.0 since that is how I make my gold in-game
03:56.48MentalPowerSuperTech: read the topic
03:57.08MentalPowerguys, dev downloads are there for a reason :)
03:57.26MentalPowerthey put less stress on the server than an SVN checkout
03:57.41SuperTechah, 3.9 dated today, danke
03:58.08norgs"I'd hate to have to butt heads against another site though. And feel like we could really help each other out, even allocating server resources to your other projects. Doing it all solo gets a bit overwhelming after a while :)"
03:58.31bnovcMentalPower: how many downloads do you guys get a day? bet it was a hard hit today?
03:58.49norgsThat's what I got from a guy who wants me to join WoWWatcher with his site
03:59.15norgsI've got em worried...
03:59.17MentalPowerbnovc: dunno, norgs would have that info
04:00.43norgsnot really that hard
04:01.00norgsharder, but we didn't have anything for them to download
04:01.51bnovcnorgs: thousands of people hit it?
04:03.46bnovcyou would make quite a bit of money off ads
04:04.36TseTseman, anybody else get really screwd up bags?
04:04.38bnovcwhy don't you think so?
04:04.38norgscause I would never run ads
04:04.48bnovcthats very...moral...of you
04:05.43norgsthat's very...diplomatic...of you :p
04:06.18bnovci think if i had that many hits on any of my individual sites i'd be jumping to ads
04:07.06*** join/#norganna superfro (
04:07.10norgsdepends why you run the site in the first place, i guess
04:07.59norgsi can see that if you build a site to generate money, then sure... but this is my site for my addons, and i don't want it sullied...
04:08.26bnovci figure that if i give away code, then i at least make some money for the time i spent doing it
04:08.50norgsthat's why i have donations
04:09.02bnovci bet you get very few of those
04:09.43norgsthey've paid for every day of hosting that i've had so far
04:09.43bnovcdid you read that the guy who made a new app a day for 30 days that was so popular only made $20 or something
04:09.44norgsthat's all i really care about
04:10.43norgskarmic balance is everything
04:11.02bnovcso did blizzard make quite a few changes to their lua functions or something?
04:11.04norgsyou don't want to piss off karma by earning a lot of money from little effort
04:11.21*** join/#norganna AnonUser8198 (
04:12.08bnovcblizzard doesn't seem to mind pissing off karma by making their game down for an entire day, breaking all addons, not having the expected features, and introducing a lot more bugs ;)
04:13.20norgsahh, but all that negative energy from pissed off customers hating them actually turns into positive energy on their side to balance
04:13.47*** join/#norganna asdasdasd (
04:13.51norgsso by being angry at them, you're actually increasing their good fortune
04:13.54sysragetsetse: i can't eat or drink or anything else from my all in one bags
04:14.08BleeterI think it's more people's faulty expectations of what Blizzard actually does ;)
04:14.30SanpakuWhat's the news on when a beta version of Auctioneer might be up?
04:14.45Bleeterit's the same news as in topic
04:14.49Bleeterand .. posted elsewhere
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04:14.52bnovcBleeter: i was expected maintence but i was thinking about 2 hrs less than the total was
04:14.52Bleeterin numerous places
04:15.08bnovcSanpaku: type /topic
04:15.15Sanpakuis wrapping off my screen -- I dont suppose an answer would be easy?
04:15.17norgsOk, everyone who was waiting... Gatherer Alpha is updated
04:15.27Bleeterpersonally, i'm suprised the realms have been up as long as they have
04:15.31Sanpaku/Topic -- not enough parameters
04:15.46bnovcSanpaku: try /topic #norganna
04:15.48Sanpakunorgs -- where to get it?
04:15.58bnovcBleeter: i figure it would be 2-3 hrs before i could login but that they would be up :)
04:16.17norgsGatherer download page, scroll down the bottom and click on the Gatherer directory link
04:16.27Bleeteryou misunderstand, I'm suprised they haven't been taken down yet for further fixing
04:16.30MentalPowerSanpaku: if you're using the web app, you can drag the topic to see the rest of it
04:16.53SanpakuMental -- not to belabor a point but why not say "perhaps around the 19th"?
04:16.55bnovcBleeter: aren't they planned to be tomorrow for the arenas?
04:17.16Bleeteri'm talking the usual unplanned ones :P
04:17.17MentalPowerSanpaku: it does...
04:17.46bnovcBleeter: maybe they figured its better to have 50% of their customers in bug hell than 100% angry about not being able to play
04:17.53SanpakuMentalPower -- I know -- I finally found out -- I was asking why not jsut say that in the frist place? :}
04:18.15norgsSanpaku: cause that'd be no fun
04:18.44SanpakuIm up to my eyeballs in Blizz strangeness -- cant we all hang together? heheheh
04:18.52norgsgiving people the answers to the questions they ask, without making them go through hell first... what kind of a world would we make for our children?
04:19.07Sanpakutrue true
04:19.30Sanpakunorgs -- there is an alpha for Auctineer?
04:19.33*** join/#norganna AnonUser6540 (
04:20.18MentalPowerSanpaku: topic again :)
04:20.19Bleetermp: ok, ready to start hacking enx. any tips you could give where I should start off, would be appreciated ;-)
04:20.40Imrclyall my bank stuff is gone
04:20.50Bleeteryes, let's spend time in IRC answering questions that have already been answered and advertised
04:20.56Bleeterrather than spending time coding
04:21.03MentalPowerBleeter: I haven't even loaded it, Esamynn did the basic conversion, its now a testing/debugging effort
04:21.37Sanpakuyou have real scheduling problems by saying things like "YES"?
04:21.47BleeterMentalPower: rightio... I seem to recall a switch or something to increase the debug level to the framexml.log. Is my memory that hazy it's wrong on that score as well, or something better?
04:22.05BleeterSanpaku: multiple that single yes out by the number of people asking
04:22.08MentalPowerSanpaku: I coudl've said "yes" but then you would've asked where
04:22.17*** join/#norganna Firador (
04:22.30MentalPowerwich males it two questions that are already answered in the topic
04:22.42SanpakuBleeter -- so far -- one.  Mental -- no mind reading now -- help or dont -- sheesh
04:22.47BerkersJeesh, I LOVE LFG now, but was lost without Auctioneer stuff
04:23.12BleeterSanpaku: there's a reason it's in /topic... we're sick of answering already
04:23.27Bleetersome people are sane enough to read /topic on entering a channel
04:23.31bnovcBerkers: i'm much more lost w/o CT
04:23.31Sanpakuwow -- two whole questions -- answered by "19th" and "yes" -- I can see how onorous that is
04:23.42bnovcBerkers: logged in, got attacked, tried to vanish and realized i didnt have the bar
04:23.51bnovcBerkers: yea
04:23.53MentalPowerdude, you're not the only one in this channel
04:24.06SanpakuMental -- let's take it out of channel
04:24.09BleeterCT have said they weren't going to release until they can confirm the live UI and test it
04:24.21Berkersahh, OK, makes sense
04:24.27Bleeterlike any sane mod author
04:24.29MentalPowerwe devs are a bit busy *trying* to get this stuff out, and you want us to answer questions already asked a zillion times
04:24.31MentalPowercome on!
04:24.33bnovcBleeter: well, they have a released version just not with the parts i care about and i dont like the new version
04:24.45SanpakuWaht about "Not in Channel Please" did I fail to make clear?
04:24.47Bleeterwell, I'm not ct, so i don't care either
04:24.58FiradorWHere can I get auctioneer .... :P ;) Just kidding I think it's the worst thing to say here downloaded already and going to try it right away
04:25.01bnovcBleeter: do you use any others that have similiar functionality?
04:25.16Bleeteri'm not using anything at the moment
04:25.23bnovcBleeter: well, obviously
04:25.32Bleetertrying to work on getting enchantrix done, but being hammered by people who need to learn IRC nettiquette
04:25.36norgsSanpaku: it is our policy to not answer questions that are answered in the topic
04:25.41bnovci think the CT author must run an enormous resolution to find the buff interface reasonable
04:26.00sn0nnetiquette dont exists.. its a utopian myth
04:26.14norgsIt's more work for us, but hoperfully it breeds better netziens
04:26.15Sanpakunorgs -- Is there a reason we're continuing on this topic?
04:26.19Bleeterit used to exist, but not since AOL got connected to the net
04:26.36Sanpakuas I explained, your title wrapped -- big deal
04:26.40sn0nand lets not forget..
04:27.04Sanpakureally like to drop it now
04:27.51BerkersAuctioneer is a kik ass mod... but you only appreciate it fully when ya don't have it! LOL
04:28.03sn0nBerkers, indeed
04:28.08Bleeterhmm, I think it's FrameXML_Debug(flag) that I'd like to use, anyone got suggestions on what the flag actually is? just a switch, or something more complex?
04:28.13norgsBerkers: You testing the alpha
04:28.13*** join/#norganna Mutka (n=Mutka@
04:28.40MentalPowerBleeter: 0/1
04:29.00*** join/#norganna Starman2098 (
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04:29.59Berkersno, didn't know alpha was avail
04:31.03bevits been about 22 hours since the alpha was uploaded..i think its time for an updated version
04:31.05Mutkahow do I get it to try test and report back bugs?
04:31.21Berkersok, I'll go look for it
04:31.22bevplease tell me you are drinking Jolt Cola with shots of expresso, MentalPower
04:31.22sn0nreporting bugs at this point is useless
04:31.25norgsMutka: it's in the channel topic
04:31.28sn0nlooks like they've all been reported
04:31.32norgsreport bugs here
04:31.42MentalPowerbev: mountain dew FTW!
04:32.01norgsI hear that mountain dew is evil shit...
04:32.16Mutkalol sorry didn't see it on the first download page ;)
04:32.44Bleetermp: initial reaction to looking at enchantrix, seem to work, just needs some loving in the UI dept to move the buttons from behind the new options
04:33.00Bleetersomrthing I' pretty confident in being able to do :)
04:33.18MentalPowerbe my guest :)
04:33.28MentalPowerBTW, the relevel() function needs a tweak
04:33.37MentalPowerdetails in the AuctioneerUI.lua file
04:33.41*** topic/#norganna by norgs -> Auctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 release on Dec 19th | Alpha versions: & | | Patience, my young padawan.
04:33.54MentalPowersuccinct :)
04:33.59Bleeterrightio, btw I'm a 203/225 ench, level 60 tho so not too much drama
04:34.18*** join/#norganna Firador (
04:34.22bevi should make /dl/AuctioneerComplete/ my homepage ;p
04:34.23Bleeterjust can't login to the mod author realm, the test char there is only lvl 2 and has no mats to DE anyways ;)
04:34.30*** join/#norganna AnonUser7401 (
04:34.37MentalPowerI'm not on Draka either
04:34.47MentalPowerI'm on my live server (Alleria)
04:34.48bevless irc more coding
04:34.55FiradorAuctioneer Author : Just a question... Was Auctioneer totally functionning or I might get error messages ?
04:34.57MentalPoweryes, I agree :P
04:35.10BleeterThorium Brotherhood here (RP), moved from Khaz'Goroth (Oceanic) for personal reasons
04:35.16MentalPowerFirador: huh?
04:35.17FiradorAuctioneer Author : If there might be errors where should I let you know ?
04:35.18Bleeter<waiting for coffee to brew before coding :P
04:35.32MentalPowerFirador: here
04:35.34norgsReport them here
04:35.51norgsIf it was fully functioning, they would be released
04:35.57*** part/#norganna AnonUser7401 (
04:36.05FiradorI am receiving some errors wait I'll let you know exactly where
04:36.09norgsthe whole process is about you finding bugs so we can fix them :)
04:36.29Mutka;) i like finding bugs that get fixed :p
04:36.57bevby the way, thank you all for working on the various addons, much <333
04:37.25Mutkayep me too
04:37.52bevno errors so far with the alpha, too! :D
04:38.45Berkersok, downloaded the alpha vers, looks ok, but I'll keep checking it
04:39.09TseTseanybody else getting nasty errors with the bags?  any way around it?
04:39.25FiradorOK here goes : When trying to put something on Auction House : I am getting an error message that look like : ( I'm putting the auction through the Post Auction tab ) Error is : ...AddOns\Auctioneer\UserInterface\Auction FramePost.lua:401: Attempt to index global `auction` ( a nil value )
04:39.59FiradorPosted here and to MentalPower in private room
04:40.20MentalPoweryou can't PM if you're not registered :) (I didn't recieve it)
04:40.22*** join/#norganna FuzztheD (
04:40.27Firadorahhh dang it lol
04:40.47FiradorWell I posted it here :P You know what is that error ?
04:40.55*** topic/#norganna by norgs -> Auctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 release on Dec 19th | Alpha versions: & | Post bugs here, Don't PM | | Patience, my young padawan.
04:41.00MentalPowerone sec
04:41.01*** join/#norganna myn (n=myn@
04:42.47bevbleh, stubby is giving me errors now
04:43.19Bleeteri can't believe I mispelled end 3 times in a row :/
04:44.43MentalPowerFirador: fixed [1113]
04:45.01MentalPowerbev: what kind of errors?
04:45.10MentalPowerBleeter: it happens :)
04:45.44FiradorMental : Is this one will be fixed too ? Another one - While doing a search ( normal search ) I'm getting : ...terface\AddOns\Database\AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069 : Attempt to compare nil with string
04:46.11sn0nim so lost without titan and wim
04:46.26MentalPowerfor titan, use fubar
04:46.31MentalPowerI dunno what wim is
04:46.38MentalPowerFirador: nop separate issue
04:46.40sn0nits a chat client in simple words
04:46.47SanpakuYou know -- I Truly hate to ask anythign here but as it's not in your topic, the zip file download crashes zip as an invalid archive file.  Is there someplace to look for that?
04:46.51sn0nturns all /tells into their own lil windows
04:46.53Imrclywim is a need addon
04:47.07sn0nwim is AWESOME
04:47.18MentalPowertry out telltrack
04:47.25sn0ntelltrack url?
04:47.31Imrclywhich ui site?
04:47.38FiradorMental I'll let you work on those problems ;) The 1113 is not there yet :P So I'll check everything tomorrow... if I ever find anything else I'll let you know ;) I LOVE to find bugs :P It's my real life job lol
04:48.01MentalPowerits a cosmos addon thats also released stand-alone
04:48.04Sanpakuokay -- well --  seems to be corrupted -- thanks
04:48.09MentalPowerby AnduinLothar
04:48.17MentalPowerSanpaku: I'll look at it, one sec
04:48.26MentalPowerwhat zip program are you using?
04:48.27bevMentalPower: bliz just said stubby performed an action it didnt allow and i could ignore or disable the addon
04:48.28FiradorIt wasn't 5 minutes ago
04:48.35sn0ntelltrack = negative
04:48.37sn0nwim = need
04:48.41MentalPowerbev: DE'ing?
04:48.49MentalPowerknown issue :)
04:48.55MentalPowerstill engineering the fix
04:49.02Bleeter<working on enchantrix right now ;)
04:49.14sn0nwe should all stop talking.. and let them work on the addons.. LoL
04:49.17sn0n+m ftw
04:49.22SanpakuWInZip 9.x
04:49.23Imrclybreaks ftw
04:49.26MentalPowerbev: sources tell me that right clicking functions as a work around
04:49.33Sanpakuyou didnt encrypt or something?
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04:49.41MentalPowerthat would be silly
04:49.48Sanpakuthat it would.
04:50.10sn0nbest MD since gay doogie hauser
04:50.16Sanpakubut the only thing I can think of is there's a newer version of WInZIp with a better implementation of AES
04:50.28Sanpakuyou getting a clean unzip?
04:50.42FiradorIt was working REALLY fine with my WinRar
04:50.53sn0nuhmm.. winxp compressed folders ftw?
04:51.19FiradorMental : Just to be sure : I'll let you work on those problems ;) The 1113 is not there yet :P So I'll check everything tomorrow... if I ever find anything else I'll let you know ;) I LOVE to find bugs :P It's my real life job lol / And the known problem ... was it for the second problem I reported ?
04:52.01Sanpakucompressed folders was prior to WinZip wasnt it?
04:52.28MentalPowerFirador: I'm looking at the second bug ATM
04:52.40Sanpakuhowever the .exe DL works
04:52.47MentalPowerSanpaku: I used 7-zip to extract it, and it works perfectly
04:53.00FiradorGreat Mental have a good night!!!
04:53.01Sanpakucrashes on mine -- how weird
04:53.07Sanpakuthanks for trying
04:53.11MentalPowerI must admit, I haven't used WinZip in ages
04:53.19Bleetermp: ok, it's working again, with the relevel stuff.. not to just move the buttons a bit, or maybe... reduce the wordage
04:53.21FiradorWINRAR FTW !!!
04:53.29bev7zip :D
04:53.37bev7zip + shell integration holllaaaa
04:53.55*** part/#norganna Firador (
04:54.03MentalPowerBleeter: your choice :)
04:54.15BleeterI know :D
04:54.19BleeterPOWER! POWER! POWER! :P
04:54.27Sanpakulol -- thanks
04:56.39*** join/#norganna Jingoist (
04:57.31JingoistHey. Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for developing these wonderful addons.
04:57.47*** part/#norganna Imrcly (
04:57.48MentalPowerfrom all of us coders, forum helpers and others thanks
04:57.49norgsThanks Jingoist
04:58.05norgsYou tried the alpha versions yet, Jingoist
04:58.15*** join/#norganna AnonUser2195 (
04:58.18JingoistNot yet, but I am downloading it now to take a peek at it.
04:58.41norgsWe need a bunch of people testing them out
04:58.51norgsDo you usually use Gatherer?
04:58.55JingoistI should have submitted this sooner, but I hacked in a bit on 3.8 to list AH deposit fees in the tooltips.
04:58.57JingoistYeah, I do.
04:59.13*** join/#norganna mSoul01 (
04:59.28norgsI'd be really interested in people giving some testing and feedback on Gatherer especially
04:59.43JingoistAlrighty. I'll give the new Gatherer version a test too.
05:00.04norgsEspecially if you can get some people in your guild to test it out as well, and see how the gatherer sharing works for you
05:00.06*** join/#norganna Imrcly (
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05:00.38MentalPowerBleeter: can you also change the slash command handler in enchantrix to match the one in informant?
05:01.03Bleeterum, sure, i'll give it a shot :)
05:02.57Sanpakunorgs -- I can egt the guild to use it -- what feedback do you want?
05:03.45norgsWell, I just really want people to test the guild-sharing / party-sharing components to make sure they work
05:03.55*** join/#norganna AnonUser7468 (i=Anonymou@
05:04.08norgsi can't really test those by myself
05:04.19Sanpakuspam the feedback here?
05:04.48SanpakuNM -- I'll check your site and look for email addys
05:04.49norgsi've done as much testing as i can to make sure it's bug free... but there's nothing like real-world use to discover hidden bugs
05:05.41JingoistNot to rain on the parade, and all, but doesn't GatherBook sort of make guild/party sharing useless? Or is the data there not complete?
05:05.41norgsyeah, just post feedback here
05:05.41Sanpakuthanks all - appreacite the development -- GL
05:05.41JingoistI remember downloading the full load of data at
05:05.49norgsJingoist: I wrote gatherbook
05:06.04Ceragatherbook has been unavailable for over a year
05:06.25norgsplus the data format's completely changed
05:06.30JingoistI mean, I won't deny it's a cool feature.
05:06.33norgsit won't work anymore
05:06.47JingoistSo is old gatherer data going to be incompatible?
05:06.54norgsguild / party sharing will be much better anyhow
05:07.08AnonUser7468so currently do any addons work with 2.0
05:07.14norgsold gatherer data will be "upgraded" eventually
05:07.37norgsfor the time being though, just backup your current file and start with a clean slate
05:07.43JingoistMakes sense. Might be easier just to write a quickie script that converts the data.
05:08.39norgsthe thing is, we don't want to write the converter until we're 100% sure on the new format
05:09.06*** join/#norganna AnonUser6136 (
05:09.11norgsbut the release version will be able to convert any previous gatherer data to the new format
05:09.21*** join/#norganna Whitor (
05:09.33JingoistAh, okay.
05:09.38JingoistThat's more what I was concerned aobut.
05:09.40JingoistAbout, even.
05:09.47JingoistIf the release version does it, then there's no issue.
05:10.31AnonUser6136hello, just wondering if i can download and test auctioneer
05:10.48*** join/#norganna Thiana (
05:11.07ThianaIs there a way to pause an AH scan in the current snapshot?
05:11.37norgsAnonUser6136: You certainly may. Check the channel topic for details.
05:12.03AnonUser6136oh, ic it now, sorry
05:12.06JingoistOoh, bean counter. Is that getting some upgrade love, too?
05:12.48MentalPowerall in due time
05:13.03JingoistWell, of course :)
05:13.19ThianaSo that would be a no? Or my question isnt sufficiently clear?
05:13.28norgsBTW: Do we have any other lua coders in here (other than current devs)
05:13.38Thiananorgs: Myself.
05:13.44norgsThiana: Hi :)
05:13.50norgsYes there is.
05:13.52Thiananorgs: Hi :)
05:13.57JingoistUnfortunately, I know very little about lua.
05:14.05norgsWhy do you want to pause it?
05:15.03*** join/#norganna Electric_Skeptic (
05:15.11norgsMentalPower: Want me to put BottomScanner into svn now?
05:15.16Thiananorgs: I have a personal addon that hooks the Auctioneer scan for items on my watch lists. Since they blocked PlaceAuctionBid to require key input, I want to pause the scan to place the bid manually.
05:15.22MentalPowernorgs: sure
05:15.48norgsThiana: Sure... that's kind of what BottomScanner is going to do
05:15.52norgsit's pretty easy
05:16.03Electric_Skepticis Auctioneer 4.0 the version needed for it to work with the latest patch (today's) of WoW?
05:16.25Thiananorgs: What is BottomScanner? And is it available somewhere so I can see how it's pausing the scan?
05:16.32JingoistDumbass question: Where does Auctioneer store its data?
05:17.20ThianaJingoist, yes
05:17.24Electric_Skepticis Auctioneer 4.0 the version needed for it to work with the latest patch (today's) of WoW?
05:17.27MentalPowerSavedVariables\Auctioneer.lua yes
05:17.38Bleeterto get the barker buttons for enchantrix to fit, i've had to reduce the text. it's now just 'options', and 'barker'
05:17.44MentalPowerElectric_Skeptic: yes, its a developer version with bugs tho
05:17.57Bleeteras a quick and dirty hack. any dev object to the simpler wording?
05:18.03norgsThiana: Just hook into:
05:18.10Electric_Skepticwhen will a 'real' version of Auctioneer be out which works with the latest WoW patch?
05:18.18MentalPowerBleeter: are those constants in the EnxStrings.lua file or are they hardcoded
05:18.27MentalPowerElectric_Skeptic: look at the channel topic
05:18.40Bleeterhardcoded in the XML, it would seem
05:19.21Bleetercan i guess your next request? ;)
05:19.22norgsas long as that returns false, everything pauses
05:19.22Electric_SkepticMentalPower: i did. And you said that version is "a developer version with bugs". I asked about a 'real' version - a non-developer with lots of butgs version.
05:19.22Bleeter'coz all of enchantrix needs localising love
05:19.23Bleeterand I'd rather leave that until after we get this working ;)
05:19.28MentalPowerwell, in reality barker needs localizing, so... right
05:19.29norgsElectric_Skeptic: Your answer is in the channel topic
05:19.39Thiananorgs: Perfect :) Thank you :)
05:19.48Electric_Skepticnorgs: is Auctioneer 4.0 "a developer version with bugs"?
05:20.21Electric_Skepticnorgs: okay, thank you. That answers my questions. MentalPower said it was, so I was asking when a 'real' version would be out.
05:20.30Bleetermp: k, I'll get to work on that command handler, then I'll do a ci and see what you guys think
05:20.31norgs4.0 is the release version of Auctioneer which will be compatible with wow-2.0 and contain as few bugs as is humanly possible\
05:20.49AnonUser6136sorry, i cant find 4.0, only
05:21.22Electric_Skepticnorgs: and previous versions of Auctioneer won't even be able to be loaded by WoW, is that correct? They just show as 'incompatible' in the Add-Ons GUI?
05:21.37norgsAnonUser6136: 3.9 is the development version of what will become 4.0 upon release (on Dec 19th)
05:22.01Electric_Skepticcan we download 3.9 anywhere?
05:22.05norgsElectric_Skeptic: Correct. It is not possible to get them to load without a large amount of recoding.
05:22.16AnonUser6136ok, so then i will post any bugs i find here?
05:22.22norgsElectric_Skeptic: Yes, see the topic for download locations
05:22.33norgsAnonUser6136: Correct
05:22.34*** join/#norganna Brodin (
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05:23.11Electric_Skepticnorgs: thank you VERY much!
05:23.32AnonUser6136ok, thanks for your help, and keep up the good work, if i knew anything about coding, i would be glad to help, but idont
05:23.56norgsTesting and reporting bugs is just as important AnonUser6136
05:23.59JingoistSo, for testing the new Auctioneer and Gatherer. Should I (backup and then) erase all my current data?
05:24.29bevi vote backup, but dont erase
05:24.30norgsJingoist: Yes, that is the recommended procedure
05:25.03*** join/#norganna Sanpaku (
05:25.05norgsYou may try to use the old files, but it may cause more problems.
05:25.14JingoistHell, I may just keep the clean slate. I've been playing a toon on a new server, and the economy on those changes so much in so little time.
05:25.17norgsStill they need to be fixed anyhow, I guess :)
05:25.25*** join/#norganna Imrcly (
05:25.30Electric_Skepticwill 4.0 use the old versions of the *lua files, or will we have to delete them all and start over?
05:25.46SanpakuOld news?  Beancounter and Enchantrix come up as INcompatible --
05:25.50bevw0o new upload in trunk!!
05:26.10norgsthe new versions will (eventually) upgrade the old data
05:26.22WhitorElectric_Skeptic,  why don't you just read the freaking site?
05:26.22Electric_Skepticthanks a lot, norgs
05:26.23BleeterSanpaku: old news
05:26.31norgsthe release versions will have upgrade code in them
05:26.35JingoistI figured the upgrade the old data bits were not high priority, though. :)
05:26.39Sanpakuthis is from a clean Addons and frmo loadup -- and -- Bleeter -- gotcha
05:27.10bevholy crap tons of errors after updating with that latest file
05:27.11norgsThe trouble is the exact data formats are still in a little bit of flux
05:27.39MentalPowerbev: huh?
05:27.44bevi took a screenshot
05:27.45*** join/#norganna AnonUser8523 (
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05:28.46MentalPowernorgs: I found out recently that your use of %1, %2 etc in the tr() and _tr() functions are unnecessary
05:28.59norgsMentalPower: yeah, i know - it sux
05:29.01bevi updated with and got this:
05:29.11MentalPowerWoW's lua uses the 4.0 version of the string.format() function
05:29.20norgsi go to all that trouble, and now it's supported by string.format
05:29.28AnonUser2895saw you are looking for testers for mod - i'm game, but where do i get beta
05:29.32Imrclymy mod has an illegal targeting function
05:29.42MentalPowerAnonUser2895: channel topic
05:29.43*** join/#norganna AnonUser8944 (n=AnonUser@
05:29.48BleeterImrcly: dang :(
05:29.52AnonUser8944hello everyone!
05:30.07bevmy chat is being spammed with error messages
05:30.36MentalPowerbev: thats wierd, can you try using a real SVN client?
05:30.41AnonUser8523saw you are looking for testers for mod - i'm game, but where do i get beta I second that
05:30.43BrodinBev, did you start with a clean slate or kept the old data?
05:30.43MentalPowerBluekul: hey
05:30.47*** join/#norganna AnonUser2529 (
05:31.02norgsAnonUser8523: Hi :)
05:31.04bevold data
05:31.29norgsAnonUser8523: Check out the channel topic for details on testing the alpha version
05:31.34MentalPowerNOTE TO THE ANONS: Can you change your nicks to something else (lower right of the chat applet)
05:31.48norgsMentalPower: hehe :)
05:31.49bevand i dont understand "real SVN client"
05:31.57MentalPowerbev: win or mac?
05:32.08purlTortoiseSVN is a Windows SVN client that allows access to a Subversion repository. (see
05:32.11JingoistAhh, it is nice to have Informant back. :P
05:32.23SanpakuNew version of Gatherer from your website in the title comes up INCOMPATIBLE
05:32.27SanpakuOld news again?
05:32.35MentalPowerSanpaku: it shoudn't
05:32.37*** join/#norganna AnonUser8523 (
05:32.39norgsWhat's the version number Sanpaku
05:32.40JingoistThough I'll have to hack in that bit that gave me a line for AH deposit.
05:32.48Sanpakutwo guild members 0-- same prob -- I'll lool
05:33.04MentalPowerJingoist: that's in the pipe (have it working locally)
05:33.09*** join/#norganna AnonUser8523 (
05:33.16Bluekulumm can i be a tester for thew new version of auctioneer p;ease?
05:33.30MentalPowerBluekul: channel topic
05:33.33norgsTry Gatherer
05:33.37JingoistAh, good. Perhaps you'll do it the Right Way(tm), rather than my ugly way.
05:33.53Sanpakuwhere would I find that? (cringe) -- not on
05:34.01norgsclick the link at the bottom of the page to get to the developer downloads page
05:34.09Bluekulmental power
05:34.18norgs(the Gatherer directory link)
05:35.03Dixeywhen testing will it use my old data? or will it start with clean database?
05:35.06bevok MentalPower, i have it installed
05:35.28Bleeteri think all the ally enchanters on Thorium Brotherhood have just become my friend!
05:35.35bevi have no idea what to do with it now
05:35.42Bleeteri tested it out in trade, with a 'testing a fix for enchantrix, please ignore' and got about 30 tells
05:35.43BrodinDixey: Best to start with a clean slate. Getting errors with old data
05:35.58MentalPowerbev: now, delete your auctioneer addons from your iterface\addons directory, and right click the directory and select "SVN Checkout"
05:36.30MentalPowerbev: the URL you need to input is
05:36.59Bluekulat the download page, that auctioneer  isnt it the same as the latest release of it?
05:37.05*** join/#norganna break19 (
05:37.11JingoistHm. /auctioneer pct-underlow 2  is throwing "Unknown command or keyword: pct"
05:37.26Bluekulso mental power
05:37.31*** join/#norganna CTrip (
05:37.31Bleeterit's days like this that remind me why I truly fear the OSS movement ;)
05:37.34Bluekulwhich one do u download
05:37.47Mutkai posted auctions just fine scanned just fine
05:37.51MentalPowerBluekul: 3.8 is the current "release", but you're looking for the alpha downloads wich are below under "AuctioneerComplete"
05:38.04break19ok, so i grabbed the alphas... enchantrix is showing as incompatible?
05:38.05MentalPower~wtf oss
05:38.11Mutkato bad when i go to feed my pet it turns of stubby and nothing works
05:38.16Bleeteropen source software
05:38.20break19as is beancounter?
05:38.32break19also, open sound system
05:38.36MentalPowerbreak19: known issue, we haven't gotten to those addons yet
05:38.50MentalPowerbreak19: Bleeter is currently working on enchantrix
05:39.03break19mp, kk. just wantin to make sure I wasnt missin somethin :)
05:39.16bevMentalPower: ok its done!
05:39.30MentalPoweryou should now be good to go
05:39.36bevno more errors!
05:39.37MentalPowertru /console reloadui
05:39.56break19MentalPower: so, without beancounter, auctioneer still works ok?
05:40.11MentalPowerbev: from now on all you need to do is right click your addons folder and select "SVN Update"
05:40.11bevso, now, i just right click and svn it to update my files from here on out?
05:40.16MentalPowerbreak19: yup
05:40.20JingoistI tried to search for an item in the AH, and got a red error; auctioneer\database\AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069 -- attempt to compare nil with string
05:40.23break19alrite, good to hear.
05:40.31MentalPowerJingoist: working on it
05:40.54break19now to just find replacement addons for lost functionality of some other addon-groups
05:41.08bevtesting auctioneer is way more fun than testing Firefox
05:41.13JingoistJust throwin' 'em out there as I find 'em
05:41.22JingoistYell at me if I get annoying. :)
05:41.26break19bah, firefox
05:41.30break19camino is better :)
05:41.33bevi helped a dev there fix a printer bug and i fucking hated it..i had to reinstall 2 weeks worth of nightly builds
05:41.44bevnever reporting bugs there again :<
05:41.49norgsbreak19: as if not using webkit
05:41.51*** join/#norganna AnonUser6136 (
05:42.05Bluekulmental power how do i pm you?
05:42.14AnonUser6136ok, im back, got an error
05:42.54norgsBluekul: Post bugs here, or if there's too much data, use and paste the link here
05:43.05break19norgs - oh i know camino is essentially firefox.. but camino is prettier and looks more like a mac browser is supposed to.. and just simply feels nicer :)
05:43.21norgsbreak19: you should be using webkit
05:43.50Bleetermp: what, psecifically, did you need changed in ench command handle?  it looks to me it'd be best suited to a re-write at the time it gets localised (ie, no point changing it twice).
05:44.01*** join/#norganna bev (
05:44.05Bleetermp: if it's something minor that needs changing, then that I can live with and do ;)
05:44.19norgsbreak19: Drosera is awesome and it's element inspection is beautiful
05:44.28Bluekulwith the alpha version, i know it will have bugs, but im not very knowlagable about programs, will it still be ok for me to use?
05:44.29MentalPowerBleeter: just the regex and args at the top 10 lines or so
05:44.48BleeterMP; ah, sweet. easy.
05:44.59MentalPowerespecially the regex
05:45.11AnonUser6136was posting an auction for battlecaller guantlet, addons\auctioneer\userinterface\auction framepost.lua:401: attempt to index global 'auction' (a nil value)
05:45.30JingoistGot same as AnonUSer6136
05:45.37Jingoist(Who sneakily beat me to posting it)
05:46.02BluekulHow do i correctly installe the Alpha version and correctly unistall the other version, please help!
05:46.06DixeyI keep getting a pop up when bidding/buying out asking me if I am sure I want to do that.  don't remember that being there before
05:46.17AnonUser6136and itype so fast with my 2 fingers, lol
05:46.38MentalPowerAnonUser6136: known bug, fixed already
05:46.50BluekulCould some one tell me the steps?
05:46.52JingoistWell, I wasn't running WoW in windowed mode, so I had to switch back and forth.
05:47.09AnonUser6136i wrot it down
05:47.36norgsCan I get a volunteer to write a wiki page about how to get, install and test the alpha versions?
05:47.49MentalPowerBluekul: just overwrite it, as per
05:48.03norgsIt's gonna make the rest of today a lot easier on us devs :)
05:48.10*** join/#norganna jo82103 (
05:48.22AnonUser6136lol, oh im sure it will
05:48.48Bluekullol yes norgs
05:48.48JingoistAttempting to change the Profit column on the search auctions bit from Profit to "Buyout Per" results in UserInterface\ListTemplate.lua:308: attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value)
05:48.54Bluekulthat would help
05:49.06norgsAnonUser6136: Type:  /nick <newnickhere>
05:49.18Jingoist(Same error for all of the list box items, FWIW)
05:49.18break19is gatherer not working properly at all?
05:49.22Bluekulwhich one do i download, 3.8 or 3.9?
05:49.48norgsodis: That's better :)
05:50.08*** join/#norganna gonron (
05:50.08odisthanks, i know who i am now, lol
05:50.30BluekulDo i download 3.9?
05:50.47JingoistSaving and deleting search auction settings appears to work fine.
05:50.53JingoistDoubt that changed much, though :)
05:50.56Dixeytried searching for coarse stone and got message SnapshotDB.lua:1609: attempt to compare number with string - also seems to be continueing to try to search even though i closed out auction window
05:51.01MentalPowernorgs: lol!
05:51.14MentalPowerBluekul: 3.9
05:51.27Sanpaku/gather options command fails -- still old news?
05:51.27BluekulThankyou Mental power
05:51.47break19GatherEvent.lua: 489: attempt to index global "GatherDrops' (a nil value)
05:52.04BluekulMental power are you a dev?
05:52.06MentalPowerSanpaku: I don't think we've gotten that far yet, :)
05:52.15MentalPowerBluekul: you could say that :)
05:52.19Sanpakuwant info on it now?
05:52.33Bluekulhow do i pm ppl!
05:52.49MentalPowerSanpaku: please
05:52.57MentalPowerBluekul: what do you need to PM?
05:53.11MentalPowerYou need to register first
05:53.14Bluekullike you or anyone else
05:53.33MentalPower--/msg nickserv register <password>
05:53.44MentalPowerthen /msg Person MessageHere
05:54.02break19and just got [string "Gatherer_WorldMapDisplay: OnClick"]:9: attempt to call global "GatherMain_Draw" (a nil value)
05:54.02MentalPowerthough I would appreciate it if you didn't PM unless it was extremely urgent
05:54.32SanpakuInterface\Addons\Gatherer\GatherCOmmand   Lua 87 Attempt to index field "DialogFrame"  a nill value
05:54.38Sanpakun i l
05:55.02Bluekulhow do i register?
05:55.06Bleeterwhat was the chan name to create to see the debug foo?
05:55.06JingoistTyping is hard :(
05:55.33Sanpakujsut the chat channel -- is tha what you meant?
05:55.56Bleeterno, debug foo from the mods
05:56.09BleeterI might be getting confused with another set of mods, tho
05:56.27SanpakuIm sorry -- gave you the only message I saw -- and that was....
05:56.32SanpakuInterface\Addons\Gatherer\GatherCOmmand   Lua 87 Attempt to index field "DialogFrame"  a nil value
05:56.35Bleetermp, norgs: is there a chan name for debugging, or am I confused with another package from elsewhere?
05:56.39*** join/#norganna AnonUser8091 (
05:56.52SanpakuCorrection -- Lua 67
05:56.57*** join/#norganna Philip_ (n=chatzill@
05:56.58MentalPowerbreak19: thanks, I'll forward that to norgs for when he returns
05:57.13*** join/#norganna mebanebuzz (
05:57.17Philip_so no auctioneer till the 19th?
05:57.19MentalPowerBleeter: ETTDebug
05:57.24Bleetermp: thx amte :)
05:57.28Bleeterer.. mate
05:57.40MentalPowerBleeter: and its a chat window name, not a channel :)
05:57.50mebanebuzzhow about if I offer to beta or alpha?  I need my time saver :)
05:57.54break19MentalPower: no prob - guess I'll wallow in self-pity and languish my mining and herbalism until the 19th :p
05:57.56gonronso I cannot get Enchantrix to load on the alpha, is this knowm?
05:58.16break19i better go to bed\
05:58.19break19night guys
05:58.28MentalPowernight break19
05:58.29Philip_will all the old list convert?
05:58.38MentalPowereventually, yes
05:58.40Sanpaku/gather report fails too
05:59.34MentalPowerSanpaku: the UI hasn't been converted, for now just ignore it, same issues as break19's
05:59.46MentalPowerthe UI is not re-coded for the new API's
06:00.44Bluekulwhen i download this alpha will it have all my old prices?
06:00.47Imrclyi think i can still use targeting functions if i put them in different .lua files and call them
06:01.05*** part/#norganna Jingoist (
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06:01.17SanpakuBlue -- on Terenas at least, the old prices look like they're going to be useless for a while -- weird pricing in AH
06:01.26MentalPowerImrcly: no, you need to use the secure templates for targetting
06:01.44*** join/#norganna m0oman (
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06:01.53Imrclyok thanks i will see if i can find them
06:02.14JingoistNow I need to go find something to mine. :P
06:02.54Imrclybe cool if there was a mod that helped you find mineral nodes
06:04.02*** join/#norganna starlon (
06:05.03showninIs there a version of auctioneer and gatherer that I can load (even an alpha or beta) that will work with the new patch?  If so which one is it?
06:05.05*** join/#norganna Zxcvb (
06:05.26Zxcvbhow well does the current gatherer for 2.0 work?
06:05.39MentalPowershownin: channel topic
06:05.41Imrclyi wish there was some sort of topic that said something about that when people logged in
06:05.43ScratchMonkeyshownin: did you read the notice on the website?
06:05.55JingoistHm. Drops: Silverleaf (300%)
06:06.07MentalPoweranyone german around?
06:06.10showninI saw the notice and wanted to help test
06:06.11JingoistIt got 3 silverleaf from one herbalism node
06:06.23MentalPower(or that speaks german)
06:06.30Zxcvbgatherer- specifically
06:06.37showninSorry this is my first time to use mIRC
06:07.16JingoistThe new Gatherer features are pretty cool, BTW.
06:08.00Bleetermp: I must be being very stupid. can't get this handler 'fix' happening yet. Clearly, when I said 'easy', I was out of my mind ;)
06:08.08norgsJingoist: What do you like specifically?
06:08.18ZxcvbJingoist: how well does it work?
06:08.42JingoistAside from being broken, the bit that gives you percentages of things found at each node is keen.
06:08.56norgsWhy's that broken?
06:08.57MentalPowernorgs: is the gatherer UI supposed to be usable ATM?
06:09.03norgs300% is right
06:09.07JingoistOh, it is?
06:09.23norgswell, you got 3 from 1 harvest, right?
06:09.32JingoistI figured that would still be 100%, though.
06:09.33norgsso that's 300%
06:09.36MentalPowerBleeter: whats wrong?
06:09.54JingoistAnd /gather options doesn't work, but it sounds like you guys knew that already.
06:10.09norgsJingoist: that's right
06:10.12norgsno options yet
06:10.26MentalPowerquick question, what percentage of fullness would you consider critical?
06:10.47MentalPower75%, 80% 90%
06:10.50norgsMentalPower: nope
06:11.01MentalPowernorgs: thats what I thought
06:11.06norgsit's not meant to be usable (the gatherer ui)
06:11.17Imrclyfor z = 1, 16, 1 do
06:11.23JingoistHm, so if I get only one silverleaf from a node, is it supposed to be 233.33%?
06:11.34norgsat the moment, gatherer is back to basics
06:11.36Imrclythat appears to be invalid usage
06:11.40norgsyou gather, it displays
06:11.46Bleetermp: I got your request to make it the same (or similar), and fix up the regex. I'm suffering from general brain seizure on the regex
06:12.02Bleeterand 'command:match' vs 'command:find'
06:12.06MentalPowerBleeter: just copy/paste from the InfCommand.lua file
06:12.07norgsJingoist: that's the total for all silverleaf nodes
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06:12.19Bleeterand, informant only takes 1 param, enchantrix can take 2 (for precentless)
06:12.39Zxcvbtrunk is the latest, right?
06:12.41JingoistSo, basically, that number means not at all what I thought it was.
06:12.54norgswhat did you think it was?
06:13.01MentalPowerinitial, final, capture1, capture2 = command:find(), vs. capture1, capture2 = command:match()
06:13.04JingoistI would expect it to be the percentage of things found at that particular node.
06:13.11MentalPowerbasically :match strips out the first two vars
06:13.15norgsthat number is no, that would take too much storage
06:13.16Jingoist(Copper ore, coarse stone, etc.)
06:13.24norgsi meant: no, that would take too much storage
06:13.33BluekulWhen do use update the alpha version?
06:13.35Zxcvbis trunk the latest version?
06:13.47MentalPowernorgs: percentage full thats critical, any ideas?
06:13.52MentalPowerZxcvb: yes
06:14.00norgsMentalPower: i dunno 85%?
06:14.27JingoistIs there a bit to allow one to put gather nodes on the 'M' map?
06:14.33Jingoist(Read: not the minimap)
06:14.43norgsJingoist: not completed yet
06:14.55MentalPower85% critical and 75% warning?
06:15.06BluekulWhen does the alpha version get updated?
06:15.13odisi tryed searching for thorium bar in the browse tab, it just kept searching and searching, never found it, went to make something for someone at great forge, came back and when auctioneer loaded it said it was still searching
06:15.28Bleeterodis: known bug
06:15.31MentalPowerBluekul: regularly (manually)
06:15.46JingoistSo the percentage is the average number of a given resource you'll find at any of its nodes?
06:16.02Zxcvbis there a mod that allows older mods to work in 2.0 yet?
06:16.15MentalPowerZxcvb: no, and there won't be one
06:16.23Bluekulok mental, so you gather the known bugs and fix them, and when you update it, i have to download it again? is that correct?
06:16.27odisim jus not coming up with anything thats not nown, lol, by the way, is there a tab missing from the bottom?
06:16.32MentalPowerBluekul: correct
06:16.36JingoistIf that is the case, then I would suggest not noting it as a percentage.
06:16.57norgsso, you'd just like to see that as a number like 3.0?
06:17.04JingoistYeah, I think that makes a lot more sense
06:17.07*** part/#norganna Jingoist (
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06:17.12JingoistGod DAMN it!
06:17.18JingoistI keep pressing the escape button.
06:17.19BluekulRoughly when will the new update begin, and will apha contain all my old price info?
06:17.47norgsbasically that's the number of items you should expect to get per-node anyhow, so that probably will make more sense
06:18.23JingoistYeah, if it were a straight decimal number, rather than a percentage, it would make a lot more sense at first glance.
06:18.37JingoistThe decimals might throw a few less-smart people, but most would figure it out.
06:18.40MentalPowerBluekul: dunno, perhaps later tonight, and yes you'll keep your data
06:19.09Bleetermp: gunna check in, then get back to the handler ;)
06:19.23norgsshould i put an x in front, like   "x 2.25"
06:19.25Bluekulk thankyou mentalpower you have been a big help :) catcha later mate!
06:19.31MentalPowerlater Bluekul
06:19.40*** join/#norganna notMaddox (
06:19.58JingoistYeah, probably.
06:20.00MentalPowerok 70% is warning and 85% is critical for the auctioneer savedvariables fullness meter
06:20.19JingoistIt'll look a bit goofy with the number right justified like it is, but I think it's right to have it right-justified.
06:20.25JingoistEasier to read the numbers when they're lined up.
06:20.30bevhas anyone else reported errors when searching the AH?
06:20.46BluekulOh one more thing, are there any bugs so far that will effect me using auctioneer for basic use?
06:20.47ScratchMonkeykinda clever how you check for a development version in the lua, looking for the "<".. to see the unexpanded macro
06:21.17*** join/#norganna Millville (
06:21.36MentalPowerbev: what kind of errors?
06:21.46*** join/#norganna decai (
06:21.54bevrandom errors when searching for items
06:21.55MentalPowerScratchMonkey: hehe, norgs' idea
06:22.01bevi dont remember them now and im gone
06:22.08MentalPowerbev: I think they're all related, one sec
06:22.41tcgiantHmm, thinking about it, I'd love a mod that would automatically /laugh at the first person to bid/greed a shadowstrike
06:22.48bevi got summoned to strat so i cant do anything now
06:24.09JingoistNow I need to go do this on a character with mining.
06:24.18*** join/#norganna AnonUser5815 (
06:24.23JingoistI'll use the one with a mount. :) That'll make it easier.
06:24.37BleeterMP: checked in the UI changes, feel free to take a peek ;)
06:24.49bevomg changes reload ui!
06:24.53Bleeterback to more coffee and the handler
06:25.30ScratchMonkeyhad you considered using a svn keyword to stick the current rev in the dev version printout? (it lags the real rev since your wc can be changed or you could have a mixed-rev wc)
06:26.23MentalPowerwe use it in enchantrix
06:26.32BluekulBeanCounter, Enchantrix & Itemizer are all not compatable?
06:26.41MentalPowerI haven't been bothered to change auctioneer to use it
06:26.42BluekulWhy does WoW say that?
06:26.44norgsWe really don't care all that much ScratchMonkey :p
06:27.03MentalPowerBluekul: itemizer and beancounter are not compatible yet, correct
06:27.16norgsjust so long as it doesn't say <%version%>
06:27.20Imrclyits got to do with the ui version code honestly
06:27.29ScratchMonkeyyeah, was just looking at it in the svn book and realize it's per-file, so it's not as useful as it could be if it were per-directory
06:27.30BluekulOk what about enchantrix, it says it isnt compatable?
06:27.55Bleetera first cut of an attempt at a compatible version of enchantrix just got sent to the devs for checking
06:28.08Bluekul:) ok
06:28.20MentalPowerBleeter: looks good to me, but I haven't tested it
06:28.22Bleeterbut it's still in a bit of flux ;)
06:28.25*** join/#norganna Thyme41 (
06:28.38MentalPowerI'll update the zip so the masses can test it :)
06:28.52*** join/#norganna Aethelwulf (
06:29.07Bleeteroh my, look at the time... i'm late, must logoff ;)
06:29.37Aethelwulfenhanced tooltip is really buggy in both bc and bts >.<
06:29.39norgsJingoist: Updated gatherer
06:30.28MentalPowerAuctioneer available for DL
06:30.38notMaddoxwhere's that
06:30.45MentalPowerAethelwulf: you sure, no bugs here
06:30.46JingoistI assume with each patch level version I need to erase my data?
06:30.54bevMentalPower: pfft old news
06:30.57MentalPowerJingoist: nop
06:31.00norgsJingoist: nope
06:31.02MentalPowerbev: haha!
06:31.07JingoistAh, keen.
06:31.10Aethelwulfwell that was with
06:31.15MentalPowerMoser: channel topic
06:31.30Moseryea I see that, but the files are still auctioneer-
06:31.31MentalPowerAethelwulf: I haven't changed EnhTT, whats the bug?
06:31.47MentalPowerMoser: scroll down and/or read the red letters :)
06:31.48*** join/#norganna AnonUser8091 (
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06:32.08Moseroh gotcha :)
06:32.13Thyme41I've got a question.
06:32.16Aethelwulfnot sure, it didn't show up in improved error frame
06:32.22MentalPowerThyme41: shoot
06:32.30MentalPowerAethelwulf: orange text in the chatframe?
06:32.42Bleetermp: woot, I think I just nailed the regex ;)
06:32.50TseTseanybody know the script for the petbarframe offhand? =)
06:32.59MentalPowerAethelwulf: can you post a screenshot somewhere?
06:33.16Thyme41I'd really like to be able to use Auctioneer again now that 2.0 is in effect. I have little to no scripting knowledge, is it safe for me to download the alpha if I only use the basic auctioneer scanning and auctioning tools?
06:33.43Aethelwulfsure... I will have to log in to wow to get the screen but for some reason cause of my router I can't dcc send...
06:34.35JingoistRough Stone x 0.71, Copper Ore x0.57
06:34.41ScratchMonkeyThyme41: depends on what you mean by "safe"
06:35.03Thyme41Well, will it crash my UI if I do the wrong thing?
06:35.04ScratchMonkeybackup your data, and never rely on Auctioneer as gospel
06:35.43ScratchMonkeyI don't think crashing the UI is supposed to be possible (although I've had WoW crash from issues in Cosmos some time ago)
06:36.14Thyme41Mmkay, so as long as I have my SV files backed up I shouldn't cause any permanent damage?
06:36.15ScratchMonkeyif you do crash your UI, tell us what you did at the time so we can track it back to Thing To Avoid When Coding
06:36.46ScratchMonkeyI just back up the whole WTF directory, something like "zip -r wow-backup wtf"
06:37.01Aethelwulfyou want .jpg or is .tga fine?
06:37.11ScratchMonkeyI actually do that just before each patch, and date-stamp the zip file name, so today I have
06:37.51TseTsewhre can i get info on /script PetBarFrame:  and how to use it?
06:37.52BluekulWhat are defunct auctions?
06:38.00MentalPowerAethelwulf: whatever ctscreens takes is fine
06:38.24MentalPower(they take pretty much anything)
06:38.47Thyme41That's probably a good idea, I'll make that a habit. Do you guys know of any other addons that have been updated for the 2.0 change?
06:39.13Aethelwulfuploading now
06:39.29BluekulOk, above items it has link: and a random number, is that supposed to do that?
06:39.52MentalPowerBluekul: thats part of the itemLink
06:40.10Bluekulok, how does it work?
06:40.48ScratchMonkeynice tip about ctscreens, looks like they convert stuff to jpeg to be web-friendly
06:40.52MentalPowerits just for display/education/expert users, you can disable it via "/inf show-link off"
06:41.21Bleetermp: before I check in the 'fixed' handler, i'm looking at another area that seems to be a little bugged right now, I shan't checkin until I work out if it's a bug or a feature ;)
06:41.43MentalPowerfeatures are good :)
06:41.47Aethelwulfand before you ask I tried disabling the vBagnon addon and I still got that error
06:41.56AethelwulfMentalPower - posted at
06:42.12MentalPowerAethelwulf: yup saw it, researching
06:42.22MentalPowerwhat version of informant are you running?
06:43.02AethelwulfI think I downloaded the auctioneer complete today so what ever version is in there
06:43.25Bleeternp: in a nutshell, i'm trying to ascertain what the second param is for in a couple of the commands when the help indicates there's only one param
06:43.46AethelwulfMentalPower from the informant .toc file ## Version: (Kangaroo)
06:44.16MentalPowerwhat item where you trying to show?
06:44.23MentalPoweror is it any item?
06:44.34Aethelwulfit does that for any item bandages poisons, my weapons
06:47.10ScratchMonkeythat's interesting. I've had WoW crash twice now with common.mpq reported as corrupt.
06:47.26ScratchMonkeyi didn't reproduce the tooltip bug though
06:47.44MentalPowerI can't repro either
06:48.09ScratchMonkeyi'm using r1112
06:48.28Aethelwulfwell I just downloaded the auctioneer complete 1117 I will try running with that and see if I have the same problem
06:48.50ScratchMonkeycan anyone give me an md5 on common.mpg (us english)?
06:48.59ScratchMonkeympq that is
06:49.59Bleeterdata/common.MPQ ?
06:50.52MentalPowercalculating, one sec
06:50.58Thyme41Should I back that up myself before I launch wow now then?
06:51.10MentalPoweryou shoudn't need to
06:51.30MentalPowerScratchMonkey: you can also try the repair.exe utility
06:51.57ScratchMonkeywaiting for md5summer to get its number, about 1/2 done
06:52.59ScratchMonkey1bdc3fa3122290002da1a752f9d00265 *common.MPQ
06:53.02ScratchMonkeybig file
06:53.03BluekulWhen i attamp to search for "Stormshroud Pants" it does display the results, but a box pops up also,saying "..terface/AddOns/Auctioneer/Database/AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069: attempt to compare nil with string" what the hell does that mean?
06:53.58ScratchMonkeyfile size for common.mpq is 3,838,254,223
06:54.03Bleetermine's still calcing the md5 as well
06:54.10Aethelwulfare been counter and itemizer supposed to be reporting as incompatible?
06:54.17Bleeterfile sizes don't mean squat, particularly on a virtual file system like mpq
06:54.20MentalPowerAethelwulf: yep
06:54.29Bleeterat least, as far as I understand mpq
06:54.43Bluekulmental what does that error mean
06:54.45ScratchMonkeysize should still be consistent, unless that file changes over time
06:54.47Bluekulis it a bug?
06:55.08MentalPowerya, still fixing it
06:55.18Aethelwulfahh that could be the problem
06:55.33Aethelwulfwhen I sawthem reporting as incompatable, I disabled them >.<
06:55.47Aethelwulfplease don't think I am a toolbox now LOL
06:55.55SanpakuOKay -- some of us had their old Gatherer files convert -- others blacked out altogther
06:55.58ScratchMonkeyis there a utility for reading an mpq, like unzip or unrar? that might be useful in checking the file's integrity
06:55.59MentalPowerthat shoudn't matter
06:56.10Sanpakuand some have the circles in colors so faded it's hard to see them
06:56.14MentalPowerSanpaku: the conversion routines aren't robust yet
06:56.30Sanpakujsut save gather*.*?
06:56.58Sanpakushare btw seemed to work fine otherwise
06:57.07MentalPowerI'd suggest that you start fresh for now, till we can polish the conversion functions
06:57.19Sanpakuyeah -- that was slick
06:57.40ScratchMonkeybtw, offtopic, there's a myspace worm sweeping the site, look out if you have an account, it's a password sniffer
06:57.58Sanpakuwe'll keep checking -- only about 5 of us so far but I'll put it on our forums, so I'll have at least 20 on it by tomorrow
06:58.00ScratchMonkeyNOT related to norgana stuff in any way, just that a lot of folk have myspace accounts these days
06:58.10SanpakuScratchMonkey --- thanks
06:58.21Sanpakuand thanks agian guys -- gnight
06:58.51MentalPowerScratchMonkey: 0093959af963066642a132b7ef26358f
06:59.19ScratchMonkeylooks like mine is trash then
06:59.25MentalPowerI'd wait for confirmation tho
06:59.28AethelwulfMentalPower - i disabled every thing and Iam slowly re enableing every thing I had loaded to see which addon caused the problems with enhanced tooltip and informant...
06:59.57MentalPowerAethelwulf: that would be awesome, thanks :)
07:00.01ScratchMonkeyit's ok, his old 386 is smoking right now ;)
07:00.58ScratchMonkeygack, remember when a 386 was a hot CPU? About 1989, when my Sun 386i with the extra-cost 25 MHz chip was bling
07:01.56Thyme41I remember when I was playing DOS games off 5.5" floppies on my old 486.
07:02.14ScratchMonkeyI'm not *quite* old enough to remember when "bugs" were actual insects trapped in the relays :P
07:02.18Thyme41I was the shizzle at Slayter and Charlie. >.>
07:02.39TseTseis there a site where i can lookup /script PetBarFrame  (and learn how to use it?)
07:03.05MentalPowerwhat about the petbarframe?
07:03.10MentalPowerwhat do you wanna know?
07:03.17TseTsejust how to toggle it showing
07:03.35TseTseblizz didnt fix the bug where it vanishes
07:03.58MentalPower--/script PetBarFrame:Show()
07:04.29ScratchMonkeyI just googled PetBarFrame and found a forum post saying it's attached to the main bar, so if you hide the main bar, the pet bar disappears
07:04.32Bleetergah, i was just testing barker out again, and someone's started a freaken argument in trade about some buddy of his who 'got banned for using auctioneer'... how do people with such low IQ even find the keyboard?
07:04.49TseTseoic, k
07:04.53ScratchMonkeyjust follow the drool and see where the puddle is
07:05.01MentalPowerBleeter: lol
07:05.17MentalPowerBleeter: did you 386PC finish computing the MD5?
07:05.19Thyme41Depends on the kind of idiot, it may not be drool you're following.
07:05.34ScratchMonkeylike how you know when their computer chair is level: drool comes out of *both* sides of their mouth!
07:05.41TseTsethink i tried :Show() and it didnt work, so the bug might not be a simple hide/show issue.  i'll try it again next time
07:05.52Bleetermp: heh, nah... P4, running wow and cygwin and... urgh, not many spare cycles at the moment ;)
07:06.09ScratchMonkeyboy, i know what that's like
07:06.10Bleeterdoing the calc in cygwin i think is my downfall haha
07:06.19ScratchMonkeyi need to upgrade to a dual-core so i can compile and play at the same time
07:06.26ScratchMonkeycompiling just lags me out horribly
07:07.21Bluekulman can anyone get onto mod sites, for some reason i cant now
07:07.37ScratchMonkeyjust tried repair.exe and it tells me it doesn't support my version
07:07.43Thyme41Alright I'm installing more addons. I hope I won't have to but I might be back here later tonight if auctioneer gives me trouble. See you all later.
07:08.05*** part/#norganna Thyme41 (
07:08.17Bleeter$ md5sum.exe common.MPQ
07:08.18Bleeterd103b7fd3e7248fba6ef15dea8cb498b *common.MPQ
07:08.37JingoistNo two of them match. :D
07:09.14MentalPowerhmm, well thats no surprise, we all prolly had different update paths
07:09.39ScratchMonkeyah, that sucks that it's not a constant deterministic value
07:09.54Bleeterprobasbly need to unpack the MPQ, and sum the files inside, really
07:10.08MentalPowerthats what the repair.exe does
07:10.20MentalPowerseems that its definition files haven't been updated
07:10.22Bleeterno suprise there
07:10.54Bleeterhmm, seem to recall something on the forums about unsupported version errors, can't recall what specifically tho
07:12.15ScratchMonkeyfound on blizzard site, comparing to the one i have
07:14.05ScratchMonkeyno joy, repair.exe from that zip is dated 9/26
07:15.24*** join/#norganna Curnguz (
07:16.29MentalPowerok, I'm outta time for tonight,
07:16.49MentalPowerand it seems that the "compare number with nil" error goes deeper than I thought
07:16.55MentalPowergnight guys
07:17.20Aethelwulfso far so good...
07:21.41Bleeternn MentalPower|ZZzz
07:23.10Aethelwulffor those interested it was an addon called playerexpbar
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07:28.30Aethelwulfnow to see if I can go get an answer out of the rogues channel on quakenet
07:30.40m0omanwoohoo. patch downloaded in 13 minutes and 12 seconds. \o/
07:37.36GomiSensei|WoWinbah, no shadowstep
07:39.32GomiSensei|WoWin</bullshit angry propaganda>
07:42.14Bleeterupdated EnxCommand.lua checked in
07:42.23bevomhg reload ui
07:42.43Bleeterstill not that happy with it, definately needs lots of loving, but the commands seem to be more usable now ;)
07:46.09GomiSensei|WoWingatherer needs a subversion server
07:53.56MiravlixIf I had a php based control interface for webdav I could host that.
07:55.20GomiSenseiwell, i doubt i'd have ever used svn if not for the tbc and beta stuff
07:55.42GomiSenseibut no discord for at least a month, I may just give up for a while
07:55.58GomiSenseicuz i can't stand ag_unitframes
07:56.14MiravlixAtleast there will be one
07:56.17GomiSenseiand the action button mods are weak
07:56.28MiravlixMy druid is dead due to mod changes and I cant fix it.
07:56.36GomiSenseii'll prolly have to learn lua and code my own
07:56.52MiravlixNaah, thats silly
07:57.01GomiSenseii think I did a good conversion of censusplus, tho
07:57.06MiravlixIts far better to join a existing team
07:57.08GomiSenseimanaged to hack gatherer into working
07:57.32GomiSenseiwell, existing teams don't exist for all the little mods that were already out of development last year
07:57.58*** part/#norganna Aethelwulf (
07:58.10*** join/#norganna Terron (
07:58.36Terronanyone here?
07:58.50*** join/#norganna ScoTTie (i=skotty@unaffiliated/scottie)
07:58.56GomiSenseimy main faves are auctioneer, gatherer, discord, fubar (used to be titan)
07:59.14MiravlixNot a team but it does contain some age old addons I keep alive
07:59.35*** join/#norganna Asadas (
08:00.42GomiSenseiyeah, what i'd prolly do for my mods
08:01.03GomiSenseii discored bagnon tho, it's a pretty nice bag/bank addon
08:01.16GomiSenseithe new vBagnon looks to be shaping up nicely
08:01.23Asadasis there a new bagnon?
08:01.32AsadasCurse and Wowinterface are DEAD
08:01.36GomiSenseibeen using it on tbc for a few months
08:01.36AsadasI cant get shit
08:01.45Asadas<== Not in beta =((
08:01.46GomiSenseiworldofwar is ok
08:01.55Asadasi just tried it like 10 min ago
08:02.08GomiSenseireally?  It's slow, but not unworkable as wowinterface
08:02.13Asadasi can get on
08:02.21GomiSenseithen again, I'm a suppoter
08:02.22Asadasbut not
08:02.50Terroncurse just let me download something
08:03.01Asadasi was runnin reborn UI and the whole UI is crashed
08:03.11GomiSenseii was all happy till i found out no shadowstep rogue talent
08:03.11Terronyeah most of those are
08:03.20Terronnurfed UI did too
08:03.25AsadasDiscord did
08:03.27GomiSenseithere are a few tbc addons that should work ok
08:03.33AsadasNurfed is updated except the bars
08:03.37Terronbongos has a version that works in 2.0
08:03.43Terronand it's pretty much the same as discord
08:03.56Asadasi used discord for the art
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08:04.46GomiSenseidiscord was harder to set up, but a LOT more versatile
08:05.06GomiSenseitrinity is what I settled on out of bartender3, bongos, and trinity
08:05.35*** join/#norganna Bluekul (n=Bluekul@
08:05.49GomiSenseithe BCbeta mods should mostly work on live now
08:05.55Terronyeah, makes sense
08:06.05BluekulHello all i'm back!
08:06.06GomiSenseia bit slow, but...
08:06.58GomiSenseiok, i'm giving up and going to bed
08:07.11BluekulHow come i cant load
08:07.26Terroncause everything is getting hammered
08:07.38Bluekulwhat do you mean?
08:07.46Terroneveryone's addons broke in the patch
08:07.53Terronso they're trying to download new ones / updated versions
08:08.03Terronand the servers just can't handle it
08:08.10Bluekulstupid servers
08:08.17GomiSenseii'm getting stuff from wowinterface
08:08.22MiravlixYou cant even do load out of date addons
08:08.31MiravlixSo they have no choice but to grab new ones
08:08.33GomiSenseithey got an addon that tells you waht got blocked and why
08:09.17GomiSenseithink Imma have to just rename my wtf
08:09.19*** join/#norganna Shane_ (n=chatzill@
08:09.43Asadasim finally browsing curse. its slow. but i am.
08:09.52Bleetera blue sticky said everyone should rename wtf, wds and interface before patching
08:10.01Bleeteror move it out of the tree, etc.
08:10.11Terroneverything worked fine for me
08:10.18Terronhopefully it won't all come crashing down
08:10.25GomiSenseime too, till i moved my bc mods over
08:10.40Bleeteryour operational success by not moving those folders is not proof that it'll work for everyone else
08:10.45Terronoh i agree
08:10.53GomiSenseiIT worked for me (tm)
08:11.26MiravlixtHAT JUST bullshit
08:11.32Miravlixto tell people to remove wtf
08:11.36Miravlixthey loss all settings
08:12.07GomiSenseiit's to cover their asses
08:12.19GomiSenseiso they can say "well, we told you to..."
08:12.44MiravlixFreaking no it's not acceptable that we have to wipe to update
08:12.50Bleeteryes, I pointed that out to them, and ever since they've used the words 'move' or 'rename'
08:12.55GomiSenseiyu don't have to
08:13.01MiravlixIf anything they uncovered there ass by saying so
08:13.26Bleeterno, they've limited the number of support calls to them that are due to people.. like us! :)
08:13.52Bleeterthere's no counting the stupidity of people seeing mod errors and blaming blizzard
08:13.56GomiSenseiyeah, redoing your settings is familar terriotry to most
08:14.13GomiSenseiwhereas deciding which settings are screwing with you are not
08:14.26GomiSenseime, I don't need support
08:14.37GomiSenseior blizz telling me what I should do
08:14.57Bleeteryes, but as the old LFG channel would prove daily, there's far more stupid people playing wow than sane ones ;)
08:14.59GomiSenseilike any tech support in the industry, most frequent advice given... reinstall
08:15.12GomiSenseiall channels prove that
08:15.24GomiSenseiI like the idea of a world wide chat chan
08:15.38m0omanthe problem is, in a bad case scenario moving won't save the wtf folder from being read on a mac. :p
08:15.44GomiSenseidefault jonined
08:16.01GomiSenseipeople use macs?
08:16.14m0omanyes. what else would you use?
08:16.37m0omani don't fancy lego for work. :p
08:16.47Bleeterlinux on a 8 way sparc box! :P
08:16.48Curnguzis there a beta version of auctioneer for 2.0?
08:17.08Bleeterrolling restarts @ 2am PST
08:17.32Curnguzah, i found it
08:17.34MiravlixYou need PC hardware to run Wine and WoW?
08:17.51m0omanyou need x86.
08:18.07m0omanor some compatible derivate of that.
08:18.37m0omanlinux for productive use is just missing so much essential software (which, frankly, isn't exactly the fault of linux) :/
08:18.50Terrondepends what you mean by productive :P
08:18.53MiravlixIt doest
08:19.07MiravlixThe problem is you define productivie to require Microsoft Office
08:19.17m0omani don't use microsoft office.
08:19.18Miravlixand 3 other locked in products
08:19.23GomiSenseiopenoffice does kinda suck
08:19.28Terronyeah it does
08:19.34MiravlixSeems good to me
08:19.38GomiSenseithe windows version, anyways
08:19.51MiravlixWhats wrong with it?
08:20.09GomiSenseibulky, slower than ms version (seriosuly) compatibility issues
08:20.24GomiSenseiagain, I'm talking the windows version
08:20.34GomiSenseii only use linux as a server
08:20.38m0omanjust flash, a common audio sequencer and video editing software. :p
08:20.41GomiSenseinot a desktop
08:20.42Bleetercompatibility with what?
08:20.46Terronlinux version is rough too
08:20.49MiravlixIve never used WIndows
08:20.51Bleeterit's not as if M$'s 'standards' are open
08:20.52Terroncompatibility with MS word docs
08:20.53m0omanwith ms office documents. :P
08:20.57MiravlixWent from OS/2 to Linux
08:21.03Bleeterso everything has to be reverse engineered
08:21.07Miravlix13 years ago I skipped windows entirely
08:21.24GomiSenseinot me, I liked using software
08:21.26BleeterI've made my living in my hometown out of not doing macs or windows
08:21.28GomiSenseithat worked
08:21.29bevi just had the worst scholo run.  1 full set of my gear is 0 durability, and a shaman piece dropped that a lock needed and won from me
08:21.35GomiSenseiwas there ever os/2 doom?
08:21.48GomiSenseiguess it was dos, so yeah
08:22.04m0omannever tried the good old amiga os? that was one hell of an operating system. :p
08:22.06Bleeteri think it ran on os/2, can't recall precisely
08:22.15Bleetermy brother runs doom on his ipod
08:22.21MiravlixMy father bought an IBM PC in 1981
08:22.23m0omancomparable to mac os pre x.
08:22.30Terronthere's a whole site devoted to seeing what doom can run on
08:22.34Bleeteramigaos seriously rocked for it's time
08:22.34MiravlixSo Ive never used all those crap machines
08:22.40MiravlixWe went directly to PCs
08:22.52Bleeterthe rest of the industry took about 15 years to catch up.. there were some severe limitations with it, mind you, but it still rocked
08:23.01GomiSenseihehe, i had macs at school, monocolor noHD floppy machines
08:23.25Bleeteradditionally, amiga had the whole integrated media centre idea down pat back around circa 1987, and everyone was 'wtf you want a computer that plays movies for in your stereo setup?!'
08:23.29GomiSenseiall i remember is dark castle, and macpuke
08:23.41m0omanhm. everbody grows to hate school computers. if it's macs, it's even easier to find something to blame over the incompetent admins.
08:23.55m0omanhaha macpuke ftw. \o/
08:23.56GomiSenseiactually I hacked ther school network
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08:24.13GomiSenseimacpuke makes a puking sound when you eject your floppy
08:24.31GomiSenseiI was dialing LD to bbs'es from the networked modem
08:24.39Bleeterbeing in australia, the bbc micro was very widely used over here. that was actually a great educational machine. could incorporate assembler into basic code, had mutliple hardware interfaces, co-processor capability, networking
08:24.46GomiSenseidownloading porn pics, and posting them on the file servers
08:25.02Bleeterall on a 6502 based machine in around 1980
08:25.26GomiSenseihaha, I'll never forget the day someone found my stash, and then it was on everyone in classes screen when the tracher walked in
08:25.41GomiSenseiit was a day I wasn't there
08:25.43Bleeterproblem with computers nowadays, is that there's no prompt at boot up. people don't actually get to learn about how they work now in school
08:25.57Bleetercomputer studies seems to be about how to make a nice powerpoint presentation, and nothing else
08:25.58MiravlixMy school didnt have computers. :p
08:26.07GomiSenseipeople don't wanna know, it's a tool
08:26.21GomiSenseijust like you don't need to know physics if your laser is working right
08:26.32Bleeteri got suspended for being asked to do an audit of my highschool's network, and discovering a teacher's pirated games and pron
08:27.07MiravlixYeah sure, it wasnt because you stole the software or something other illegally
08:27.21GomiSenseiok, i go sleep now
08:27.30Bleeternah, i was asked to check certain network drives, and just did the lot
08:27.32GomiSenseiL8a kidz
08:27.38MiravlixI dont beleive in I'm oh so innocent stories
08:27.39m0omanimo that's not the point of a modern computer anyway. you get a computer to do what you want with it. not to spend 80% of the time actually trying to figure it out or getting to know how it works. it simply just should work. and that's where windows spectacularly fails. D:
08:27.40Bleeterso I broke the directive
08:28.43Bleeterm0oman: that's true, but it's not what an educational class called 'computer science' or 'computer studies' should teach
08:28.59m0omanwell, yeah.
08:29.07AsadasTheres a jail full of innocent peeps in every town Just go ask em . They all will tell u they are innocent
08:29.18Bleeternot knowing the basics of how any computer bootstraps, a little about the general architecture.. generic stuff, is like giving away driver's licenses and expecting everyone to stay on the road
08:29.26Miravlixm0oman: The technoligy that makes a computer work like a car wont be here for another 30 years
08:29.28m0oman"computer science" at my school taught how to use ms works.
08:29.39Bleeteroh no, i was definately guilty of not following instructions
08:29.47MiravlixSo I think it's bull to expect people to have no computer knowglede and use them
08:30.00Miravlixand we see how botnets can control the net with intimidation
08:30.13MiravlixBecause people really shouldnt be using computers yet
08:30.31m0omanMiravlix: it will never be like a car - just because the line between development, development/use and pure clueless use is so thin at times.
08:31.06MiravlixI think safe computing as safe as car driving with minimal license training is possible
08:31.40Bleetersafe computing? computer, no HD, no cpu, no ram, concrete pit, no power cables, no network
08:31.44m0omani blame >50% of the bots to be ms fault because they don't allow security patches on pirated machines. (i understand why they have that policy, but in the end they just cut themselves with it)
08:32.36m0omanit should be possible after >20 years of extensive gui development. but i don't think there's a full market for it. would more likely be moving towards non sophisticated devices, like set top boxes/tablet pcs/consoles.
08:32.52Bleeteri think that's more due to the inherent flaws way back when (ie, absolutely no concept of security in earlier versions), NT started adressing the issue, and for domestic purposes only kind of started happening with XP. It'll probably take two or three more gens for Windows to be reasonably secure.
08:33.01m0omana general desktop/workstation machine simply is more than the average user needs anyway.
08:33.40MiravlixBlaming windows is pointles
08:33.48MiravlixWhen no one else is able to do better
08:34.17MiravlixWe just dont have the software development technoligy level that is high enough to make safe computers
08:34.22MiravlixBut it will come some day
08:34.28m0omanno it won't. :p
08:34.45m0omansafety always has been and always will be illusion.
08:34.53m0omanit's only good aslong as nobody breaks it.
08:35.08MiravlixYour reading ot many dark scifi books. :p
08:35.19m0omani'm not reading any scifi books. :p
08:40.49Bleetertree of life durid says 'I'm not dancing, I'm having sunlight withdrawls' hehe
08:42.13*** join/#norganna Antari (
08:42.50AsadasGive him a shiny apple and tell him YOU DROPPED THIS
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08:57.28m0omanyay finally my cable line got updated. more upstream ftw. \o/
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09:06.04m0omanonly 3 hours to go, officially. woo.
09:07.53zannyhey folks
09:08.10zannyanyone uses alphas with 2.0 yet ?
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09:13.49JingoistOn typing /auctioneer with Auctioneer, AucCommand.lua:1539, bad argument #2 to format (expected string, got nil)
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09:18.50TrelaIs it cool to report bugs in here?
09:20.07TrelaAucSnapshotDB.lua.  On line 682 it is comparing a string to a number.  I stuck tonumber around them and it fixed the problem.  This is using the latest 3.9 development version.
09:20.39Trela...Damn topic not expanding!  *looks at link*
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09:31.31kerveroshi all
09:36.26*** join/#norganna AucUser (
09:38.49AucUserhi, was wondering what the auctioneer's svn address is, couldn't find it on the webpage
09:41.02AucUserthanks alot norgs
09:42.59Ceradamn it, for some reason I can't scan talents at startup :-/
09:43.20AucUserdo you know if there's a way to read the commit notes?
09:44.13CeraTortoiseSVN -> Show Log
09:44.54AucUserjust curious if a problem i'm having w/ rev 1117 has been adressed in 1118. the conversion destroys my db data
09:45.16Bleeterfrom what I understand, there's no migration code for the DB until release
09:45.24Bleeteras the structure for release is still in a bit of flux
09:45.48AucUserah ok, makes sence
09:45.52norgsthat's correct. the conversion code is waiting for the format to be bedded down
09:47.21Bleeterwow, a guildie here has -3 honor. no previous DK's, and they've just logged in
09:47.33AucUserthanks for explaining
09:49.43MiravlixWhy not make a table with and a engine that reads the table to convert the data, that way it can be eaily updated every time the format change
09:50.06MiravlixCould even contain multiple versions to convert from
09:55.12AucUserThe format of that "table" would be subject to change aswell i guess. The converter would have to guess from which version it has to convert
09:56.01*** join/#norganna SDraconis (n=bolt_85@
09:56.19AucUserBut while your at it, i'd like to see my Actioneer data stored in a sql database :)
09:56.46MiravlixThat sound like using nuclear bombs to kill flys
09:56.51MiravlixMajor overkill
09:57.44AucUserfor the sole purpose of auctioneer? yes
09:58.16m0omanyou'll have a hard time putting wow data into an sql database anyway. :p
09:58.31MiravlixNot really
09:58.59m0omanO_o how would you access the server from within the game?
09:59.13MiravlixBut we might just see a slowdown instead of a speedup
09:59.16Bleeterrecreating the auctioneer to web thing as GPL and getting it working is on my list of things to do
09:59.26AucUsersqlclient.lua (yet to be written) ;)
09:59.48Bleetersending data to an external app is a violation of Blizz's ToS, iirc
10:00.00m0omanwell umm addons are pretty much instanciated to wow itself. :p
10:00.01Bleeteringame, that is
10:00.09m0omanit is.
10:00.14SDraconisso WoWRoster is violating ToS?
10:00.31Bleeterno, it doesn't update in realtime, only when the SV is updated
10:00.37Bleeteror when it's done manually
10:00.45SDraconisvery small line to cross there
10:00.51norgswowroster accesses the addon's files only after the game writes them
10:01.10norgsthere's 2 issues:
10:01.15AucUserwell, i read the ToS during the downtimes, if i read it right you're not allowed to fart during the runtime of Blizzard owned code aswell
10:01.17m0omanwell it's not wowroster itself anyway. it's an additional uploader.
10:01.34Bleeteri've got a g15 keyboard, there's stuff I'd like to see on the LCD display, but blizz won't right it due to security/3rd party issue stuff
10:01.37norgsyou may not have a third-party application interacting with the running game in any fashion
10:02.07norgsyou may not also decompile or reverse engineer game files (this is DMCA)
10:02.08Bleeterafk, drink time
10:02.17m0omani have an activity monitor checking the resources wow eats. :p
10:02.19MiravlixIm outside the US. :)
10:02.30norgssince wowroster does nitehr of these, it's fine
10:02.31Miravlix1: TOS doesnt work legaly for me
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10:02.39norgsMiravlix: where abouts are you Mira?
10:02.50m0omanthe eula/tos don't work for most non us countries anyway.
10:02.55Bleeterwe've got a section in our (C) law that says reverse engineering is fine, if it's so we can write programs that interoperate with close source
10:03.09AucUserif they want they can terminate your account for no reason
10:03.13Bleeterclose source/closed api
10:03.29Bleeterbut yes, blizz owns everything, and they can pretty much do what they like
10:03.36MiravlixEU law protects end users, not companies like in the US
10:04.10MiravlixIt makes it quite different what a company can get away with around here
10:04.10m0omanstill even in eu law they can just delete your account if they feel like it. :p
10:04.23MiravlixThey just lost the lfg gay announcement thing
10:04.38AucUserwell would you really go to court for getting your wow account back? :)
10:04.46norgsthe question is.. the EULA in europe... does is subject you to the legal jurisdiction of california?
10:04.49MiravlixAs an example where they run afoul of EU laws
10:06.09m0omanit doesn't refer to california, just tho the US in general.
10:06.29m0omanPLUS their office in velizy.
10:07.21m0omanchoose your language: English
10:12.09MiravlixSometimes you have to think of the bigger picture, getting a law ruling on a thing like this will protect millions of EU citizens
10:12.10SDraconisso what's known to be broken in the alpha version?
10:15.06MiravlixJust about everything thats why it isnt close to release. :)
10:16.54MiravlixError:  attempt to compare number with nil
10:16.54MiravlixAddOn: Gatherer
10:16.54MiravlixFile: GatherCommand.lua
10:16.56MiravlixLine: 94
10:17.08SDraconisdamn.  I hadn't noticed anything glaring when I tried it.  I'm guessing it's mostly underneath stuff?
10:17.37AntariStubby doesn't like it when I feed my pet :(
10:18.19MiravlixThe 5.0 lua to 5.1 upgrade is pulling a fast one on everyone especially since Blizzard refused to use the COMP option for a few patches
10:19.30MiravlixI just cant figure out why they have this hard line with addon developers
10:20.02MiravlixIt wouldnt hurt them to give us some space and have a patch with overlapping functionality so our old addons wouldnt break until next patch
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10:21.24AntariWell, if they use the comp option, then they have to break all the addons TWICE (once now, and once later when the comp option is removed), and they did give 10+ weeks warning of the changes, and access to the beta server to test addons, etc.
10:21.25SDraconiswtf?  It looks like I have monitor burn-in from my WoW action bar on my LCD...
10:22.30MiravlixAntari: No they idnt give any warning
10:22.46MiravlixThey just tell us your addon will break, hahaha
10:23.01MiravlixWth are we going to do with that, we cant code before we have the new version
10:23.28MiravlixThey need to give us a new version with overlapping functionality where new and old works
10:23.30AntariMiravlix - If you read the UI & Macros forum they were detailing the lua changes for the last 10 weeks... The beta server has been available with the code in the 2.0.1 patch for a month
10:23.37MiravlixSo we can code updates
10:23.46MiravlixCosmos was broken in 2.0.1
10:23.54MiravlixWe didnt KNOW until we loade it on live
10:24.00m0omancosmos still exists? :o
10:24.08norgsThe problem is Antari that we were in the middle of 2 very big upgrades at the time. We've been rushing as much as we can to push them to completion, but unfortunatly we have lost some devs for the last few weeks due to exams
10:24.09AntariDid it load on beta? If it worked on beta, it should have worked on live
10:24.25MiravlixIt worked in beta
10:24.31MiravlixBut they changed things in 2.0.1
10:24.38AntariI understand that, but I'm just saying Blizzard did give warning and access to a test bed
10:24.42MiravlixWe dont get a chance in hell
10:24.49MiravlixNo they didnt
10:24.59MiravlixWe dont get full access until its released on live
10:25.02Miravlixand then its too late
10:25.04m0omanthey changed a lot from the beta servers to the patch that currently is live.
10:25.05norgsThey've been changing things right up to the end... heck, they're still changing things on TBC
10:25.10m0omangood example: durid talents.
10:25.16m0omanthey're a complete mess now.
10:25.24m0omanthey worked fine in the beta.
10:25.27Fzetheres another patch coming post 2.0.1 dec 20 :\ is that going to affect the release of the addons?
10:25.34AntariThat's cause live is an old version of beta :(
10:26.14m0omanthey probably just upgraded the servers with the wrong rc. :p
10:26.30m0omanwouldn't surprise me, especially looking at blizzard qa.
10:26.44SDraconisokay, this is fucked up.  I just tried hooking up the LCD to a different computer and it's still there.  Definite burn-in
10:27.04m0omanhow the hell would you get a burn-in with an lcd? O_O
10:27.12SDraconisthat's why I'm confused!
10:27.17AntariI think their main problem is the beta server doesn't have a 'live' database to test with, it has a nice clean fresh one for beta, and then when they install that patch on the live servers and go to update the DB - BOOM!
10:27.19SDraconisand it's not like I was playing that long
10:27.52SDraconisbut yeah, it still shows up when I hook the screen up to another comp over RGB (it's connected here over DVI)
10:27.55JingoistYou'd think Blizz would understand 3-environment dev bynow
10:28.10MiravlixUltima ONline had a nice idea they copied a live server to the test and updated the code
10:28.10JingoistDev, testing, live
10:28.23MiravlixBlizzards has tons of realms why not copy one to a test
10:28.42m0omanwell their test server was basically a live server anyway. :p
10:28.43AntariIt'd make patch day go a lot smoother if they did
10:28.51MiravlixWould test there backup software too
10:28.53m0omanplayers could spawn their own gold/stuff.
10:33.38m0omani started with uo back then. way before t2a. i think the first 6 months of uo were the most fascinating mmo time i had. being a complete noob just figuring everything out and exploring. \o/
10:34.02Bleeterwith 7 million users, a very delayed expansion pack, hardware issues, and the rest, I think blizz do OK
10:34.31m0omanoh they're doing better than most other mmo people. looking at the problems other mmos had/have to fight with.
10:34.38Bleeteri'm 50/50, but having worked for an online gaming comany, I can udnerstand their position
10:34.49Bleeteruser interests and what users think they need are the enemy
10:35.11m0omanand considering shadowbane having a daily maintenance of 45 mins in the middle of the day.
10:35.12Bleeterand I think they don't do a bad job at all of trying to meet it, sure sometimes they're bad, but we frequently overlook the good
10:35.17MiravlixI dont think there way of handling the addons is okay
10:35.32BleeterI don't think wow was EVER designed to have addons
10:35.34MiravlixIts downright rude the way they deal with people that spend hours on making there game better
10:35.46Bleeterand it's like 2.x is the first release with addons seriously in mind
10:35.50m0omani think contrary. they say it's unsupported, end of story.
10:36.02Bleeterhavne't look hard enough, but wouldn't be suprised if re-written from the ground up to be sane towards addons
10:36.31m0omanbut the lack of communication sure can be a major annoyance.
10:36.45Bleeteryeah, unsupported, then mods turn up in core (modified slightly, of course)
10:38.22m0omanbut i seriously hope the raid interface in 2+ will be any good. ctra is annoying the hell out of me.
10:38.33m0omanbut i doubt blizz will do it better.
10:38.48Bleeterso it's not as if they dislike mod authors, sound more like not enough hours in the day to support mod authors, write the game, deal with customer ingame issues, create new content, etc.
10:39.08MiravlixI dont want support, its fine as is
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10:39.14MiravlixBut I do want consideration
10:39.16Bleeteryeah, ain't seen it, but when I read the note on the MT frame i was 'orly, this should be fun'
10:39.42Bleeterthe consideration is there, it's called the UI and Macro forum
10:39.53MiravlixWhat irks me is that showing us consideration wont hurt Blizzard or cost them money
10:39.59m0omanthey certainly have too little folks to work for them.
10:39.59m0omanespecially in europe they're not finding people and they're in addition not to keen on working on keeping their employees (that's vivendi though)
10:40.01MiravlixIts a simple policy change
10:40.28m0omanwell, saying it's "unsupported" is an easy way out really. :p
10:41.05Bleeterand curses their australian branch
10:41.38Bleeterring aussie wow support, they put you on hold for 30 mins at $3 per min, then tell you they can't help
10:42.04Bleeterso you ring US support, free of charge mind you, but get CD quality music blasted down the phoneline so it's unbearable
10:42.19Bleeterso you either hang up in annoyance, or...
10:42.34Bleeterstay in the queue to be told to ring vivendi australia
10:43.38MiravlixIve had no issues with there email support
10:43.51MiravlixEven had a makr removed from my account when they made a mistake
10:44.23m0omanwell, the original branch, vivendi france is the worst. it's ea, just cheaper and with a french attitude. very annoying, especially towards people they employ.
10:44.56Bleeteryeah, had minor dealings with them when I was working in France
10:45.03m0omanhaving to sue the company you work for for the money they promise you in the work contract ftl.
10:45.12Bleeterwas the only thing that put a cloud on my entire feel for the coutnry
10:45.40m0omanmy entire feel for the country has sunken into oblivion after working there for a few months. :p
10:45.54m0omannever again.
10:46.10Bleetermy expense account certainly offset the smell of marseille ;)
10:46.42m0omaneugh. marseille is the only town that's uglier than paris which i can think of. .p
10:47.14Bleeterheh, that's one reason I liked it. it actually felt like a really old city
10:47.25m0oman(and yes, i've been to dallas before)
10:47.40Bleeteryou should visit Sydney sometime
10:47.42Bleeterthat's ugly
10:47.44m0omanold because of the age or the dirt? :p
10:47.50m0omannever been to australia.
10:47.55m0omanonly new zealand so far.
10:48.25m0omanand the people there didn't enjoy me constantly asking about the location of the bridge to ozziland. :P
10:49.18Bleeterdid you make sheep jokes?
10:49.32Bleeter'czo they hate that too
10:50.03m0omanwell no, i didn't want them to let me starve.
10:51.09Bleeteryay for realm restarts... i wonder what was wrong with the banks
10:53.07*** join/#norganna Daardvark (
10:53.17m0omanthe realm my chars are on isn't even up yet.
10:53.59m0omanand all languages apart from english have disappeared from the realm list.
10:54.29m0omani can just watch guild movies all morning then. \o/
10:58.51Bleeterwow, it appears the UBRS Rend event, although resetting 'properly' (for loose definitions of that term), is thoroughly bugged now
10:59.14BleeterBut one Gyth came in and we had him halfwaydown...another wave of mobs came, and as we killed Gyth and Rend jumpedoff...another wave of mobs came again, so we had 4 dragonkin, 2humaoids, 6 whelps, and Rend to deal with...i sure hope this is a bug"
10:59.23m0omanthose who wipe at rend deserve to have it not reset.
10:59.37Bleeterthe mobs are coming in faster, and aggroing thru the doorway
11:00.13Bleeterthe faster I can deal with, but thru a closed door? hehe
11:00.34Bleeterand the reset won't let you skin 2 gyth's (there's no suprise there), but screws with ML as well
11:00.42Maxemus|Zzzmornin :P
11:00.58Bleeterjust another reason why I'm ignoring the beggar in my guild ;)
11:01.00Bleeterheya max
11:01.47m0omanour guild is dying of drain/tbc atm. going back to the old guild in january i guess. :/
11:01.54Maxemusdo u know if norgs fixed watcher/gatherer bugs i put up last nite?
11:02.06norgsmost of em
11:02.16Maxemusoh hey norgs :)
11:02.21Bleeterpretty much the same here, m0oman
11:02.21norgsdid you try out
11:02.52m0omannow i just have to find someone providing me with the missing splinters for my staff. having only half of them collected ftl. :<
11:03.05m0omanand i was looking forward to the portal.
11:03.07Bleeterpersonally, it's looking increasing like 2.x is based on old 1.9 code, given some of the bugs I'm seeing in the forums
11:03.20Bleeterie, bugs that haven't been since since 1.9
11:03.28Maxemusnorgs: just dlin it now
11:04.09m0omanyou never know their patchways. not even if you work for them.
11:05.35Ceramod sites are too hammered for me to even update my mod!
11:05.55m0omanxsan servers ftw. :P
11:05.59Bleeteri know for the company i used to work for, our patchways were.. as mad as our build system
11:06.30CeraI got it onto CG after about an hour, other sites won't load at all
11:06.31m0omanat least is still working.
11:06.41Bleetercustomers would insist on escrow, and we were 'sure, not as if you need it, we can barely build the thing ourselves'
11:06.50Bleeterheh m0oman
11:07.04*** join/#norganna AnonUser3701 (
11:07.24Bleeter*you need/you can use
11:08.06AnonUser3701hello everyone
11:09.26m0omani should register my nick here to be able to reply to queries i guess. one sec. :p
11:09.31AnonUser3701On the auctioneer website it said the current version of aucyioneer does not work with wow 2.0 .  Is there a beta version that works with 2.0?
11:09.54Bleeterm0oman: heh
11:10.07norgsAnonUser3701: Hi :)
11:10.22norgsYes there is. Check out the channel topic for the url
11:10.50norgsIt is an Alpha version however
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11:11.12norgswhich means there's a few bumps. We're fixing them as quick as we can
11:11.37AnonUser3701so I should d/l and report glitches to help identify them?
11:11.56AnonUser3701no problem
11:11.59norgsjust report the full error message here in the channel
11:12.05Fzeis it safe?
11:12.32AnonUser3701only been using the program a week or so. surprised at how much I missed it when I logged in lasy night
11:12.57norgsFze: Safe? Like is it gonna blow up your computer / steal all your gold and mail it to some anonymous gold seller?
11:13.28norgsheheh... It's got some bugs, but nothing really serious. :)
11:13.36Daardvarki'm more interested in informant - how buggy is that right now? i was hopin to grab the alpha
11:13.43Fzeguess i wont try it :p
11:13.58AnonUser3701all software does when it is first implemented
11:14.11norgsI haven't used it recently (i'm only working on Gatherer at the moment), but I hear it's working
11:14.11Daardvarkbut i looked at alpha release advice and it said that generally, i should be able to debug problems myself - i can only do basic html, i have no idea what wow scripts are like
11:14.39Daardvarksweet ^_^
11:14.40norgsDaardvark: reporting the problems here in channel is fine
11:14.46Daardvarkhow's gatherer coming along?
11:14.47AnonUser3701that alpha is on the d/l page?
11:15.02Fzeyeah you have to click that link on the bottom
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11:15.16Bleetershh, i told you to be quite about that gold thing
11:15.21norgsyup, scroll down to the bottom and click on the directory link - that'll take you to the developer downloads page
11:15.23AnonUser3701thanks.  will give it a shot
11:15.39AnonUser3701have a good day everyone
11:15.45Daardvarkyou too 370
11:16.18Daardvarkhehe, calvin and hobbes are great
11:17.08AnonUser5326hija peeps
11:18.16norgsHi AnonUser5326
11:18.30robaireHello, I'm having a problem with stubby. When I go to disenchant something it says stubby has been blocked
11:18.40AnonUser5326i was wondering if i could help speeding up the auctioneer release .. ?
11:18.56AnonUser5326not a developer .. but a hardcore user
11:19.09norgsrobaire: what version are you using?
11:19.41norgsdo you know the exact version?
11:20.31*** join/#norganna TeRaStIoS (n=JAVA@
11:20.34TeRaStIoS[TeRaStIoS] Kanei Ton Hlio Na Pethenei Apo To Kryo Kyries Kai Kyrioi Mprosta Sas To Thirio
11:20.50norgsthanks matey... TeRaStIoS.
11:22.34norgsrobaire: Did you download it as part of the Auctioneer pack?
11:23.09norgsaccountant: what we need are people who can alpha test and diagnose problems in the lua.
11:23.28robaireyes, part of the pack
11:23.49norgswe welcome all testers of course, but those that can diagnose the problems themselves are quite handy :)
11:24.20accountanti see ..
11:24.47norgsrobaire: and the pack was version 1117?
11:25.15accountanti do have the most updated data on balnazar (eu) Aliance side .. scanned for months about 3, 4 times a day
11:25.55accountantdunno if that is of any help
11:26.00norgsunfortunatly our conversion code is not working yet either so everyone's having to clear their data
11:27.11accountanthehe .. so i have to start all over.. good thing i sold all my banked stuff .. i expected problems with 2.0
11:28.03norgswell, the release version will have working conversion code, but it doesn't work in the current alpha
11:28.27robaireactually, pack was 1117
11:28.30robaireI tried both
11:28.35m0omanjust backup your db until the release version is out. :P
11:28.44norgsrobaire: Ok, I think I know where the problem is.
11:28.53accountanti did .. ofc..
11:28.56norgsI'll have a patch ready in a little bit
11:29.42robairealright, thanks!
11:31.56Daardvarkhow do u learn how to fix problems yourself? do u have any tutorials?
11:32.09accountantwell .. anyway, shame i can't be of any help .. but i like to thank you all for the great addon .. make's my life in wow a lot more easy!
11:32.34Ceranorgs, both enchantrix and auctioneer cause the stubby block
11:33.04robairenorgs, please just say it in here when you put up the fix, I'll be in here. thanks.
11:34.11Bleeternorgs: did we roll a new alpha after I checked in enchantrix?
11:34.20Bleeteror are you waiting on something else?
11:34.40norgsBleeter: What changes did you make to enchantrix?
11:35.00Bleeterupdated the toc, fixed the button positioning, got the command handler working
11:35.24Bleeternot sure if it's technically 2.0.1 compatible now, but it loads and works
11:35.29norgsok, did you fix the disenchant tracking?
11:35.47Bleeternup, first I've heard of it... what's up with it?
11:35.47*** part/#norganna Jingoist (
11:35.59BleeterI asked MP what needed to be done, maybe he wasn't aware
11:36.08Cerawell first off you can't DE anything :p
11:36.17norgsnah - it's ok... i have some changes to make to it... i've already got the code lying aroung
11:36.44norgsessentially the tracking used to work by hooking the click handler of the containeritems
11:37.16norgshowever the containeritem_onclick function is the one actually casts the disenchant spell onclick
11:37.19Bleeterah, i can kinda vaguely see the 'problem' there
11:37.26norgsso when we hook it, it can't cast
11:37.48Bleeterwqouldn't know where to start looking, tho, glad you've got a head start
11:37.50norgsthe only reason that we hook it is because we want a looksee at the item before it's gone
11:38.09norgsso we need to hook the preclick instead
11:38.11Bleeteryeah, so it can go into the stat data for de's
11:38.53Bleetermakes reaonable sense to me... i'll leave you with it, tho, it's getting late here, and my mind went days ago ;)
11:39.00norgsonly problem is that there is no containeritem_preclick function to hook and about 50 bazillion different containeritems with all kinds of funky names lying about the pace
11:39.22Bleeteronce it's reasonable as far as you're concerned, I'll look at fixing up localisation (if that's not something you have lying around)
11:39.42Bleeteror give you more of a hand tomorrow
11:39.48norgsso we hook the containeritem_onenter, then check to see if we've hooked "this", if not, we place the hook
11:39.58norgsand now i'll stop ranting :)
11:40.17norgsnite Bleeter
11:40.31Bleeterno, not going yet
11:40.38Bleeterstill got a mug of hot chokkee to go ;)
11:40.44norgsoh ok then :P
11:41.59Bleetergoddamn it... patchnotes say hunter FD no longer dies at the end of the cast
11:42.07BleeterI say my corpse disproves this
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11:42.41TrelaYou just stand back up!
11:42.46Bleeterno, you die
11:42.49Bleeterjust like before
11:43.12Slacksteranyone knows where all the gathere information are saved .. ?
11:43.17*** part/#norganna Trela (
11:46.47Bleeterin the savedvarialbes folder
11:48.57Slacksterthanks Bleeter
11:49.58Slacksterehh .. where do I find that folder :P
11:51.11Slacksterfound it :D
11:53.11norgsOk, I'm gonna go home now
11:53.42norgsI'll work on that issue on the train and should have a fix ready in about an hour or so.
11:54.12Bleetercya norgs, if I wake up with a nightmare I'll come check it out ;)
11:54.15Bleeternn folks
11:55.01robairethanks norgs
11:58.47SlacksterBleeter ... If I save Gatherer.lua somewhere else .. can i then restore all information in next gathere version .. :P ?
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13:09.13m0omanbah @ trying to get xml data into mysql.
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13:16.33Arrow203How's it going :)
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13:40.58rpzm0oman: i'm planning to do that for part of my uni dissertation soon, going to use ruby :S
13:41.14m0omanpoor bugger.
13:41.30rpzHow are you trying to implement it?
13:41.30m0omani'm having to deal with automatic imports of xml data into mysql, daily.
13:41.37m0omanabout 300mb of data.
13:41.48m0omannot sure. i have php5 and mysql4 at my hands.
13:42.11rpztheres probably some kind of parsing library you could use
13:42.25m0omannone i found that worked properly so far.
13:43.50m0omanand it's pretty rare to find something that doesn't involve massive work by yourself, dealing with poopy xslt.
13:44.27rpzim hoping the rexml thing for ruby will make it nice and easy
13:46.57m0omani don't have ruby available. :<
13:47.08m0omancurrently trying navicat as external solution.
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13:47.34rpzI dont know what that is
13:47.49rpzbut hope it goes well for you :)
13:48.20m0omanhas an xml import function.
13:48.29m0omanbut it doesn't yet want to import. :<
13:49.20rpzIt's not cheap is it!
13:49.59rpzI suppose that's not so bad...
13:50.05m0omanbut it's pretty cool.
13:50.19rpzAre you implementing in a work environment?
13:50.43rpzAh, was gonna suggest some piracy lol
13:51.18m0omani rather avoid... umm... "backup" copies of software.
13:52.54m0omanthe app is missing the good old mac look and feel though. dragging a table onto the desktop should put a dump of it right there.
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14:12.02norgs|laptopNew release of Auctioneer is up
14:12.18norgs|laptopsolves Enchantrix/Stubby errors
14:12.33DWKnightjust got it like seconds after you put it up
14:13.16DWKnightor something like that
14:13.43DWKnighttoday is the day I go through my addons and actually update
14:15.18bnovcare addons completely unable to interface with the file system or use http,ftp,ssh,etc? no external access?
14:15.33norgs|laptopbnovc: That's correct
14:15.56bnovcnorgs|laptop: does blizzard just serializes all the variables that you provide and then bring them back for you?
14:16.40M4XiMuSbeancounter not functional yet?
14:18.13bnovcah, i see so there is WTF/Account/<name>/SavedVariables
14:18.59norgs|laptopbnovc: Yes, we tell blizzard which variables we want to keep between sessions, and they just magically get saved off and reloaded next time
14:19.25norgs|laptopM4XiMuS: I've got no clue
14:19.28bnovcnorgs|laptop: so could you hypothetically load a mod on the fly, make a variable, and unload it to get a file saving done for you?
14:19.45norgs|laptopI'm not  running it at the moment
14:20.03norgs|laptopbnovc: can't unload
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14:20.16bnovcnorgs|laptop: can you reload?
14:20.29norgs|laptopyes, but not without user input
14:20.44M4XiMuSaddons screen says it (beancounter) is imcompatible w/the alpha version you just released  :)
14:20.55M4XiMuSjust fyi
14:21.04M4XiMuSeverything else appears to be working
14:21.09norgs|laptopM4XiMuS: yeah, i didn't even bother installing it
14:21.37bnovcnorgs|laptop: so you can *kind of* get input from the internet by reloading? for example i could stream this irc channel into a lua file and then reload and have it show up in my WoW chat?
14:21.42norgs|laptopi'm just running auctioneer, informant, enchantrix, stubby and enhtooltip at the moment
14:22.00norgs|laptopbnovc: nope
14:22.24bnovcnorgs|laptop: what am i missing
14:23.26norgs|laptopcause when you reload, the file would be saved, but blizzard don't reload the file to see what it's contents are, since theoretically it should be the same as what's already in memory... (at least that's what used to happen)
14:23.53norgs|laptopeven if they did reload the file, it would be what they just wrote, anyhow
14:24.13bnovcand even with user input you can't unload?
14:24.17norgs|laptop(unless you can arrange it to write inbetween save and load)
14:24.32bnovcwhich is a very small time frame
14:24.38norgs|laptopno unloading
14:24.53norgs|laptopnot if it's a load on demand addon
14:25.01bnovcso if you load a mod the variables from that mod are wasting away your memory the whole time?
14:25.16norgs|laptopthen you could pause for a bit before demand loading the addon
14:25.32norgs|laptopbnovc: that's correct
14:25.35bnovcah, i see...
14:25.53bnovcso whatever is streaming from irc could look file timestamps to change and write then
14:26.44bnovcnorgs|laptop: sorry to bother you with this - i was just thinking i might attempt to make an irc client for WoW in the period where i don't want to play until the patch is stable/mods out
14:26.49bnovccouldn't find any good information online
14:27.47norgs|laptopyeah, basically blizzard have mad it as hard as possible for you to do stuff like that
14:28.04bnovcyea, and they have good reason to do it, but it just makes me want to find a way even more
14:28.48bnovci was thinking even if i couldnt write during that pause, i could load mods with new names like every 15 seconds load a new mod for the new chat text, but that would be so memory intense
14:29.42bnovcnorgs|laptop: does what i was mentioning seem possible
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14:29.51bnovcworth the time i would invest trying?
14:31.13norgs|laptopnot really... reloading the UI is a ver painful process
14:31.35norgs|laptopbetter off investing in a second display for your computer
14:31.56bnovcnorgs|laptop: hah i have another computer next to me, i was just going to do it for fun
14:32.22norgs|laptopheheh - well, if you want to try :)
14:32.46bnovcnorgs|laptop: and that would be a large proof of concept - because then i could do almost anything with the internet
14:32.58bnovcnorgs|laptop: could make an aim client, get the weather, etc. :)
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14:33.21starlonthought you said "change the weather" for a second there
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14:33.52Crushararrg don't know if I can go two weeks without my auctioneer... =(
14:33.59bnovcstarlon: that'll be v3
14:34.02YidI know how you feel =]
14:34.19Yidsame thing for gatherer ... it's my best friend
14:34.25norgs|laptopSo go and test out the alpha's
14:34.36Crusharwhere are the alpha downloads?
14:34.38bnovcbetter get going before i get in trouble with my gf :P thanks for the info norgs|laptop
14:34.39Yidthat's what I came to ask about, actually
14:34.43bnovcCrushar: /topic
14:34.57Yiddo you have a svn:: set up or?
14:35.20norgs|laptopAlpha Auctioneer+Enchantrix+Informant are almost release quality, bar a few minor bugs.
14:36.08Crusharnorgs I'm confused... I don't see any alpha download?
14:36.11norgs|laptopYou can just go to the respective download pages and then scroll to the bottom and click the appropriate directory to get to the developer downloads
14:36.19Crusharmaybe I'm just blind as allways
14:36.21Yidbtw, since it's my first time here, I must give kudos for a couple of very excellent apps
14:36.23Crusharahh thanks ;)
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14:37.00Yidhow is lua programming?  I was looking over some basic syntax and it seems pretty straightforward
14:37.11norgs|laptopGatherer is a lot less functional than Auctioneer at the moment
14:37.32Yidtoo early to test?
14:37.40norgs|laptopit still records gathers and shows them on the minimap, but that's about it
14:37.53Crusharenough to satisfy me
14:38.03norgs|laptopand it won't work with your old data yet either :)
14:38.21norgs|laptopheh - yeah
14:38.45Yidbut since the old data is essentially of no use anyway ...
14:38.55norgs|laptopit's ok to play with for now though
14:39.05norgs|laptopyou get to see a few new cool things about it
14:39.27norgs|laptoplike the new tooltips and the new minimap display
14:39.30Yidare you using bug tracking?  how would you like them to be reported?
14:39.39norgs|laptopjust post in here
14:40.30Yidare you doing nightly builds?  should I update daily?
14:40.35CrusharGot the alpha now, well here goes nothing...
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14:42.28norgs|laptopWe're doing releases everytime we fix bugs and have a functioning codebase
14:42.59Yidok, I guess I'll just have to watch the version numbers
14:43.16Yidanything have to be wiped before the install?
14:44.16norgs|laptopI'd backup your Auctioneer.lua and Gatherer.lua out of the way first
14:45.04CrusharHmm in the auctioneer the Broker function does not work yet?
14:47.07norgs|laptopCrushar: you sure? what exactly are you doing (and have you done a scan yet)
14:47.48CrusharWell I have all of my old auctioneer scans and data... it seems to recognize that all
14:48.09norgs|laptopyou'll need to do a new scan
14:48.14Crusharahh ok
14:48.15Crusharthanks ;)
14:48.18norgs|laptopbefore broker will work
14:48.30norgs|laptop(cause all those auctions have expired)
14:48.36Crusharnever would have guessed
14:48.46norgs|laptopyeah, it's been more than 24 hours :p
14:49.11Crusharwith the extra, what? 6 hours of downtime?
14:50.59bnovcnorgs|laptop: were you meaning you have to do ReloadUI() then LoadAddon() to get that pause?
14:51.37bnovcthat would be so incredibly laggy
14:51.42norgs|laptopso you'd have to have a control addon (which does the reload, pause and load) and then the data addon
14:52.10norgs|laptopit'd be nasty, that's for sure
14:52.19bnovcthat would mean every time you get new information the screen probably freezes for a few seconds
14:52.50bnovci'm going to assume that ConsoleExec("comand") is blocked in WoW
14:53.22norgs|laptopah, i got no clue
14:53.36bnovcif they went to the trouble to block file io it would be stupid to allow that
14:53.38norgs|laptopi'd presume so, but i'd also not like to say
14:54.16bnovci was thinking maybe i could run wow as user X that doesnt have write permissions to SavedVariables/addon.lua then run file updater script as user Y who does, then when i reload it wouldnt save over it?!
14:54.36norgs|laptopthat's possible
14:55.00norgs|laptop(assuming wow actually bothers to reload the file for a reloadui
14:55.46bnovcUI UIParentLoadAddOn("AddOnName")   - Loads or Reloads the specified AddOn, and pops up an error message if it fails to load for any reason.
14:55.49bnovc^ maybe?
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14:59.34norgs|laptopnite bnovc
15:03.00Maxemuslo guys
15:03.17Maxemusnow us EU guys have the troubles the US guys had yesterday
15:04.17Maxemusand typically my mains realm is still dead :)
15:04.43Crusharpayback :-p
15:04.51Maxemusback to the beta for me :)
15:08.00Miravlix30 chars talent wiped and I didn't write down there specs
15:13.44Crushargot a bug for you to squash... when I try to auction a red linen bag in the post auctions section it says: "Usage:PickupContaineritem(index,slot)
15:16.26Crusharbut it does work in the normal auction post...
15:16.59Miravlixthere isno problems
15:19.36*** join/#norganna Pioneer11 (n=nobody@
15:19.43Pioneer11Good Morning
15:19.59Pioneer11Anyone knows where gatherer add on is available for the new wow patch?
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15:21.01MiravlixThere was no wow patch, everything is the same old working wow.
15:21.04Crusharit is... but all it does at the moment is add the icons to the map, nothing else
15:21.30Crusharthere is a patch lol
15:21.37Pioneer11Strange... I downloaded the gatherer add on from curse-gamining and now it says it is incompatible
15:21.41MiravlixNope, there is no problems
15:21.45MiravlixAll works fine.
15:21.49Crusharlol what dark age do you live in
15:22.11Pioneer11So, from which website do you recomend to download again the gatherer add on?
15:22.13MiravlixBlizzard didnt pull the all time biggest rape on addon developers, nope nope nope
15:22.14Crushargo to and see for yourself
15:22.17MiravlixIt doesn't exist
15:22.21Miravlixso it cant harm me
15:22.25Crusharoooh ok
15:22.41Crushar*gives miravlix a cookie* keep thinking that
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15:23.40MiravlixI dont have around 300-400 talent points I need to resue. nope nope nope
15:25.42M4XiMuSnorgs... i ran a scan... and now when i search for items on the AH i'm getting a "AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069:attempt to compare number with string" error
15:26.08M4XiMuSand it just stalls on "searching for items..."
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15:27.38M4XiMuSafter reloading wow... and going back to the AH... it'll find items now... but the same error window comes up after it finds items
15:28.17CrusharI got a similar error when doing a search... it says "AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069:attempt to compare nil with string"
15:28.39dgeeI also found that after a scanning I can't look at auction items
15:29.03M4XiMuSif you reload wow you can
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15:29.14M4XiMuSthe same error comes up after the search.
15:29.21CrusharI did reload...
15:29.22dgeePlus, it only finds 43 items to scan each time
15:29.43Crusharhmm my scan worked fine and fount 4990 or so
15:29.52M4XiMuSya my scan was fine as well
15:30.13dgeesorry, i ment 43 pages
15:30.25Crusharmaybe there are only 43 pages of auctions?
15:30.34Crusharmy realm that is super overcrowded only had 100
15:31.05M4XiMuSmost auctions expired...
15:31.16M4XiMuSnot a lot have been put back up yet
15:31.20M4XiMuSnot to normal levels anyways
15:31.34dgeemy realm normally has arouind 100-160 pages
15:31.50norgs|laptopdid you guys clean out your existing db's or levt your old sv files in there?
15:31.59M4XiMuSleft mine
15:32.13norgs|laptopi think that may be the problem
15:32.18moo390manwe only have 50-60 pages normally.
15:32.21dgeei cleaned mine out
15:32.39M4XiMuSso delete your saved variables files?
15:32.50CrusharI do believe I deleted mine?
15:32.56norgs|laptopdgee: you getting the AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069 error too?
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15:34.01norgs|laptopso ok... you do a scan, then what do you search for?
15:34.17M4XiMuSwell, in this case i'm searching for all daggers
15:34.26M4XiMuSso... weapons -> daggers -> search button
15:34.28norgs|laptopok, never mind
15:34.29M4XiMuSno criteria
15:34.31dgeei use the broker command
15:34.38norgs|laptopi've got the error now
15:34.43norgs|laptopthat's all i need
15:35.25M4XiMuSwhat/how is broker used  :x
15:35.44*** join/#norganna Krakula (
15:36.30dgeeits when i use the broker, it stays on searching fir items and shows the item
15:36.32*** join/#norganna fritt (
15:36.45Crusharonce you have completed an AH scan you type /auctioneer broker #
15:36.52M4XiMuSya i see it now
15:36.58M4XiMuShelps if i rtfa
15:36.59Crusharthe # is the amount of silver profit you want to make off of that item
15:37.01M4XiMuSon the how-to
15:37.24dgeeand if you hold ALT and left click on a linked item, it should load in the AH window
15:37.31MiravlixYou cant type /auc stuff
15:37.34MiravlixIts broken
15:40.43*** join/#norganna AnonUser7829 (
15:40.45M4XiMuSanother note
15:41.05M4XiMuSif i search for something specifically... i don't get the error
15:41.36M4XiMuSonly when the search box is left blank and you search an entire category does the AucSnapshotDB.lau error come up.
15:42.10*** join/#norganna Sarah (n=fromsale@
15:42.11AnonUser7829is there an Auctioneer 2.0 beta that I can download now?
15:42.26dgeeread the topic
15:42.50AnonUser7829just woke up
15:44.39frittwow, just am doing my first scan of the morning and there's less than half the normally posted auctions going on
15:45.01frittwithout auctioneer people are lost!
15:45.21AnonUser7829they dont know what to price things at :P
15:45.46dgeei have scanning now everytime cause a terface\AddOns\Auctioneer\Database\AucSnapshotDB.lua:1069: attempt to compare nil with string... even with /reload ui
15:46.29M4XiMuSya he's aware of it dgee
15:47.11dgeeim just being through
15:53.01frittokay, just ran scan and search and no errors at all, only onther mod i'm running atm is ctmod
15:53.45*** join/#norganna d0h (
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15:55.56Crusharctmod has a 2.0 out allready?
15:57.07norgs|laptopok... fixed the aucsnapshot bug - releasing new version now... one sec.
15:57.36Crusharyay! hurrah for norgs
15:57.46*** join/#norganna robaire (
15:58.19norgs|laptopit's days like today where i'm glad i automated the build process
15:58.26norgs|laptopok, it's done.
16:00.40M4XiMuSofftopic question...
16:01.01M4XiMuSis there any way to lock/unlock frames now w/ctmod 2.0?
16:01.13norgs|laptopNow i just gotta work out where this bug is: "Error: Usage: PickupContainerItem(index, slot)"
16:01.14M4XiMuSi don't see it unless i'm overlooking something
16:01.16MiravlixTo hell with it all
16:01.18*** join/#norganna AnonUser6668 (
16:01.22MiravlixI cant even make a macro /charge
16:01.27*** join/#norganna Alieth (
16:01.31frittsry, was afk, yea, got it late last night,
16:01.46norgs|laptopMiravlix:  /cast Charge  ?
16:01.49Crusharyep just downloaded it
16:02.02robairehey, was just wondering if there was a way to get rid of the Link: ######
16:02.03*** join/#norganna AnonUser6668 (
16:02.18Miravlixnorgs: the point is to limit the charge
16:02.24MiravlixSo it doesnt do it all the time
16:02.29MiravlixBut thats INTELIGENCE
16:02.32MiravlixTo cast emotes
16:02.52AnonUser6668I'm looking to test an alpha version for auctioneer for the 2.0 patch
16:03.06AnonUser6668is 4.0 going to be fist to be compatible?
16:03.11norgs|laptoprobaire: yeah  /auc show-link off
16:03.32norgs|laptopor not...
16:04.13AnonUser6668will 3.9 load?
16:04.19norgs|laptopok, so that seems to be broken... the answer is no
16:04.33norgs|laptopAnonUser6668: yes
16:04.38norgs|laptopit works fine
16:04.43AnonUser6668great =)
16:04.44norgs|laptopall but a few bugs
16:05.04norgs|laptopreport any bugs you find back here
16:05.21norgs|laptopand enjoy the auctioneer-free marketplace while it lasts
16:05.33AnonUser6668i sure will =)
16:05.42frittheh, sweet deals on herbs  yep yep
16:11.35*** join/#norganna Priest2 (
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16:13.50dgeehey norgs, i got an long error message after a scan, using the newest you just released
16:14.15dgeewant the chat log dump?
16:14.34norgs|laptopYou should install improved error frame... one sec
16:15.39*** join/#norganna AnonUser5523 (
16:17.30dgeeI do have it installed, I got it with the newest chronos pack
16:17.46*** join/#norganna AnonUser8023 (
16:18.09AnonUser8023hallo ich suche auctioneer für die aktuelle wow version die alte version geht nicht mehr
16:18.15norgs|laptopok, so click that little ! on you minimap and a box pops up, right?
16:18.26norgs|laptopjust copy and paste from there
16:18.48dgeei normally get that for errors, but did not on this error... it wrote straight to chat log
16:18.58*** join/#norganna AnonUser8023 (
16:19.07norgs|laptophmm - weird
16:19.15dgeethats what i thought
16:19.21norgs|laptopso what was the gist of it?
16:19.38dgeei can post the dump to a pm
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16:20.30dgeelooks like it has to do with enchantrix
16:21.10DixeyI don't know if auctioneer is connected, but have a corrupt file now on machine that the repair utility can't fix.  again - may not be auctioneer problem, but it was the only thing different than the other machine i have running wow
16:22.44dgeedixey pm me
16:23.13norgs|laptopIt's happened to several people I know, and no, I don't believe it has to do with auctioneer, as auctioneer  hasn't been present in all the cases.
16:23.25*** join/#norganna dp`Fyx0z (
16:24.10norgs|laptopdgee - were you going to send that to me?
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16:24.38dgeei sent a PM
16:24.41dgeeon here
16:24.59norgs|laptopahh - no... it doesn't let you unless you're registered.
16:25.12norgs|laptoppaste it here
16:25.22dgeewhat me to dump it n here
16:25.22norgs|laptopthen post back the pastey url
16:25.59norgs|laptopno, go to the pastey site and pop it into the text box, submit and then it will give you a url
16:26.02norgs|laptoppost that here
16:26.08dgeeError occured while running hooks for:  EnhTooltip.AddTooltip  Interface\AddOns\Informant\Informant.lua:155: attempt to index global 'baseSplit' (a nil value) Call Chain: (tail call): ?Interface\AddOns\EnhTooltip\Tooltip.lua:1093: in function <Interface\AddOns\EnhTooltip\Tooltip.lua:1054>(tail call): ?[C]: in function `pcall'Interface\AddOns\Stubby\Stubby.lua:272: in function <Interface\AddOns\Stubby\Stubby.lua:250>(tail call): ?Interface\FrameXML\
16:26.31dgeei got it after a scanning
16:28.06*** join/#norganna Anderson (
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16:32.06norgs|laptopOk, new informant and auctioneer fixes coming down the pipeline. Fixes dgee's last bug and the dragging items into the post auctions tab bug.
16:32.32norgs|laptopit will be 1122, up in a few seconds
16:33.01samwisei just downloaded 1122 ;-)
16:33.06norgs|laptopand now i must to bed :P
16:33.18samwisepoor norgs ;-)
16:33.21Deadzeronight norgs
16:33.33norgs|laptopit's almost time for MP to come back online anyhow :)
16:33.49M4XiMuStyvm norgs
16:34.01Deadzeroone last thing to inform you on
16:34.05samwiseso we talk to MP about bugs ;-) good night
16:34.29Crusharthanks so much norgs... I owe you much :)
16:34.50norgs|laptopBTW: MentalPower, when you read this... Fantastic job with the Bid/Buyout prompting... I love it.
16:34.50Deadzerowe all do
16:35.50norgs|laptopOk, nite everyone
16:37.51norgs|laptopand now i'm gone....
16:38.33*** join/#norganna axe (i=amifried@
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16:50.42AnonUser7529I am having problems searching auctions after a scan.
16:50.58AnonUser7529Have error message where do i post
16:51.16*** join/#norganna VIPeace (
16:52.24VIPeaceso auctioneer doesnt work 4 wowpatch 2. :)
16:52.38M4XiMuSalpha works.
16:53.02*** join/#norganna AnonUser7529 (
16:53.05Deadzerostill little buggy for now
16:53.38VIPeaceim stuck in loading char screen
16:53.42VIPeacecant even log in
16:53.50Deadzeroi had that prob last night
16:54.03Deadzerojust wait an hour and relogin then
16:54.06VIPeacei had it never before
16:54.22VIPeacehope so
16:54.31VIPeacewell i really enjoy auctioneer so
16:54.35Deadzerois it locked at the toon selection sreen?
16:54.42VIPeacefeel free to use me for testing or whatever
16:54.57VIPeaceits locked after
16:55.03VIPeacechoosing realm press enter
16:55.15Deadzero for newest alpha
16:55.18VIPeacethen it forwards to server and button Loading char shows up
16:55.20AnonUser7529Interface\addons\auctioneer\Aucfilter.lua:120:attempt to index local 'itemInfo' (a nil value)
16:55.23VIPeacethere it stops
16:55.51AnonUser7529I get that message when i attempt to search auctions after a scan
16:56.25Deadzerodid you update to the newest after 11am EST?
16:57.21VIPeacebtw what kind of influecne was doen from blizz that auctioneer doesnt work?
16:57.26Deadzeroremember ppl this is an alpha, not a final release
16:58.06*** join/#norganna VIPeace (
17:01.30Crusharstill have some bugs to squash... but it works well for the most part
17:01.54samwisemy problems are more with gatherer ;-)
17:02.29VIPeacegatherer is now useless?
17:02.33*** join/#norganna AnonUser7552 (
17:02.41VIPeaceblizz added auto pickup all
17:03.07AnonUser7552So are the alpha versions 2.0 Compatible I take?
17:03.23*** part/#norganna Sheppy (n=Sheppy@
17:03.35VIPeacewith some troubleshooting as far as i am reading here
17:03.43VIPeacebut blizz improved
17:03.54VIPeacemany addosn are now not required due already existing in blizz
17:04.01AnonUser7552It's like I feel naked without these couple of mods
17:04.17rpzis there a working titan/fubar yet?
17:04.18AnonUser7552They don't have anything close to gatherer though do they?
17:04.19VIPeacegatherer, selfbuff, selfheal
17:04.26VIPeaceno clue
17:04.32AnonUser7552Yes, working versions of both Titan and fubar
17:04.33VIPeacejust readed and activated it hehe
17:04.40VIPeacewas only 10 min after server up in
17:04.47VIPeacetru true adds were nice
17:05.03VIPeaceauctioner items and pick up atlas rocked
17:05.07AnonUser7552Though alot of the titan addons are 2.0 friendly yet
17:05.12*** join/#norganna euroboy (
17:05.53TseTsei like fu
17:06.04TseTsedoesnt have all the toys tho
17:06.06rpzi only used titan but heard fu was possibly better
17:06.15TseTseit's more streamlined, simple
17:06.20rpztoys? I want exp/hr
17:06.23VIPeacei only use auctioner and enxchantrix
17:06.25euroboyis there actually an alpha of auctioneer up?
17:06.25rpzand not much else
17:06.26VIPeaceand atlas
17:06.34VIPeaceit is
17:06.38VIPeaceread in topic
17:06.51euroboyi did, and i'm there, but i haven't seen anything but 3.8 and 3.9 under the dev folders
17:06.57euroboybut that doesn't mean much ;)
17:07.24euroboyah.. labelled by colors.
17:07.56euroboyHow is 3.9a working under the 2.1 patch?
17:08.11gheydax420I like it
17:08.16TseTseive been doing nothing but pvp so i havent been testing much =(
17:08.38euroboyI guess it can't be anymore broken than nothing at all :D
17:08.42samwiseeuro , try the 1122 release from svn fixed some more bugs then the current zip-file ;-)
17:08.47euroboywill do, sam <- is that what i need?
17:09.30Crusharthe newest build seems to be working well
17:12.24*** join/#norganna Usul (
17:13.17Deadzerowhen using the broker command, it stil does not let you link to AH items
17:14.38Crusharwhat do you mean?
17:14.51Deadzeroyou use the broker?
17:15.16Crusharyes I do all of the time
17:15.59Deadzerowhen the linked names show in chat log
17:16.26Deadzerodo you use the the ALT left click on them to load the in AH window?
17:16.49Deadzeroi did all the time and it still does not work
17:17.00Crusharumm I never really messed with that... try shift clicking it?
17:20.22Deadzeroshift-click does not work for that, the whole thing of doing the Alt-Click is to have it load from broker info, then make AH search for that item
17:21.28Deadzeroit is a normal in game function that is being blocked by a auctioneer error.. it works fine, if you /reload ui
17:21.39*** join/#norganna AnonUser9935 (n=AnonUser@
17:22.52AnonUser9935i miss auctioneer :o
17:22.53Deadzerowell that is why you should help out all you can
17:22.53AnonUser9935nah, im a leecher
17:24.28euroboyat least he's honest.
17:24.47*** join/#norganna AnonUser7293 (
17:26.26samwisenorg fixed a lot  today, and if MP comes back i'll  ask him to fix some more
17:26.32AnonUser7529still can't use the search auction button but command lines seem to work fine
17:27.05AnonUser7529Just have to remember the command lines
17:27.23euroboysearch auction button works for me
17:27.37AnonUser7529????  GRRRR
17:27.44euroboywell, the BUTTON works, let me see if the returned data is valid
17:28.14euroboyyeah i just did a buyout from the search auctions results.
17:28.31AnonUser7529I'm getting error message about the AucFilter.lus
17:29.11*** join/#norganna bev (
17:29.21AnonUser7529Which one you using Euro
17:30.49euroboyauctioneerpack from here
17:31.24euroboyi'm not sure whether this is the actual svn version referred to by samwise, but i couldn't find any info on direct svn checkouts and i'm supposed to b eworking anyway ;d
17:31.49AnonUser7529That's the one i am using too
17:32.03AnonUser7529U using old DB
17:32.28euroboyI think so.  It just converted on the way in on firstrun
17:32.42euroboysuffice it to say i didn't do anything special to get rid of the old DB
17:35.33*** join/#norganna Chipokatis (
17:35.34euroboyand in case it matters, I don't have any other addons running right now. everything else is unloaded/incompat
17:36.17ChipokatisWell i'm jealous urs working and mine is not
17:37.00euroboyYeah that's pretty lame.  I'm sure it will be sorted.
17:37.28Chipokatisat least it is not a total washout for me
17:38.51TseTsewow, the nurfed that was posted last night is borked
17:39.36TseTsewas working fine all through beta and now the version posted at 8pm is totally nonfunctional
17:45.05*** join/#norganna Blacksabre (i=Anonymou@
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17:49.31moo390manserver shutdown in 14 minutes.
17:49.36moo390manserver shutdown in 5 minutes.
17:49.43moo390manthey must have installed pentiums!
17:51.04samwisethey have a hotfix , servers go down one group after the other
17:51.25*** join/#norganna Allanzin (
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17:55.21moo390manhopefully they fix the enchants.
17:55.22moo390manand druids.
17:55.25moo390manand arenas.
17:55.40ChipokatisThink i fixed my problem.  Beancounter was not compatible so I changed the toc to update it.
17:55.49TseTseand the vanishing pet bar that's been reported in beta 100000s of times for 2 months
17:55.53moo390manand finally change the guild interface (which i doubt will happen since blizzard has never been keen on upgrading guild functinoality)
17:56.08*** join/#norganna Airandra (n=Airandra@
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18:01.46moo390mancan watch more movies while the server is down. \o/
18:01.46moo390man ftw!
18:02.05*** join/#norganna Hiroshi (
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18:06.35AnonUser9093can anyone give me a link to directions on how to convert my old scanned ah info so I don't lose it when I convert my mods to BTS 2.0?
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18:25.07samwisegood morning mental
18:25.28samwisethe svn version of itemizer is it 2.0 compatible?
18:26.21MentalPoweron ice ATM
18:26.40samwisethere are more things to fix i know ;-)
18:26.59samwisell incompatible itemsync too itemizer as well.....
18:27.19samwiseyou can't help with gatherer i suppose?
18:29.34*** join/#norganna aiki (
18:31.01bevhi MentalPower!
18:31.04bevupdates plz
18:31.41MentalPowersamwise: I can, but I'd rather the experts on the material (norgs and Esamynn) do the updates
18:31.53MentalPowerbev: looking thru the issues ATM
18:32.19samwisenorgs sleeping, do you know when esamynn comes back? ;-)
18:33.17MentalPowerEsamynn is busy with schoolwork, same as I, just that I have less schoolwork and can squeeze coding in between it
18:33.53aikiso how stable are the dev releases of auctioneer and gatherer?
18:34.06samwisethank you so much mental for doing this
18:34.21MentalPowerauctioneer is more stable than gatherer
18:34.23hexedyeah finals suck :/
18:34.37samwisegatherer is not usable for me ;)
18:35.08aikiwhere does gatherer store it's data so i can back it before i install the dev release?
18:35.54samwisewow\wtf\account\name\savedvars\gatherer.lua if i remember correctly
18:36.40aikiyeah i found it lol
18:36.55*** join/#norganna Malivil-Sleep (
18:37.30aikii can't survive without auctioneer and gatherer lol
18:37.34aikithanks for these great mods
18:38.03aikiand damn blizzard for breaking them!
18:40.51*** join/#norganna AnonUser4409 (n=AnonUser@
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19:12.46AnonUser3809Hey all had a thought. Can I add a feature(or is there a feature in auctioneer) that let's me scan for a list of item x under a certain price buyout or bid?
19:12.46*** join/#norganna nomad75a (
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19:16.52AlexandriI was wondering, are you fine people of auctioneer still looking for a Dutch localisation?
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19:27.07ChipokatisAnyone else having auctioneer error when opening mailbox
19:28.16*** join/#norganna AnonUser4399 (
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19:32.40VIPeaceauctioneer working more or less=
19:32.44VIPeacewithout tons of bugs?
19:33.15*** join/#norganna VIPeace (
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19:35.48Bleeterg'day folks
19:36.13VIPeacein what state is auctioneer?
19:36.16*** join/#norganna AnonUser1175 (n=AnonUser@
19:36.21VIPeacealpha? gamma? lol ^^
19:36.34Bleeterread /topic
19:36.43Bleeterapart from that, i have no idea. i just woke up.
19:36.55Bleetercompiling a WoW 2.0.1 known bug list, tho
19:37.11Bleeterto my mind, it would appear that whatever they pushed to us as a patch, does NOT match the patchnotes
19:37.36Bleeterso many things meant to be fixed, and are just simply not.
19:37.42VIPeaceok alpha
19:39.34*** join/#norganna DeW (
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19:45.30MentalPowerAlexandri: yup, visit to help in the translations
19:47.23Bleetergmorn MP
19:48.10AlexandriMorning, thanks for the link
19:49.47MentalPowerI should make a wiki page about translation tips, but not till after auctioneer is released
19:51.47*** join/#norganna Xion (
19:51.56Xionhi to all
19:52.05Xionwhere i can download the new auctioneer?
19:52.14Xionfor test it
19:53.29Xionit dont work with the new patch
19:53.49TseTseoh, then i donno
19:53.50Xioni need the auctioneer for 2.0
19:54.00Mike-N-GoMP: How was the transfer to 2.0.1?
19:54.19MentalPowerXion: channel topic
19:54.23MentalPowerMike-N-Go: painful
19:54.57Mike-N-GoOh? Is there any thing I can test for your benefit?
19:55.03Xionah at december?
19:55.09Xionok thx man
19:55.12Xionsee ya
19:55.27Xion'Auctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 release on Dec 19th
19:55.33MentalPowerreading comprehencion FTW
19:55.50Mike-N-GoOk, let me know if there is a beta/alpha I can test for you.
19:56.01MentalPowerXion: what is there after that
19:56.17MentalPowerstarts with "Alpha versions:"
19:56.33ChipokatisYou have to read it to comprehend
19:56.43XionNOTE: These release versions are not yet WoW 2.0 compatable
19:56.43XionSee the bottom section for developer test versions.
19:56.44*** join/#norganna sori (n=x@
19:56.58Xionwhere is the bottom section?
19:56.59Chipokatispeeps try to comprehend without reading.  I'm confused
19:57.01MentalPowerMike-N-Go: sorry, that no wasn't for you. You can test out the alpha versions
19:57.30MentalPowerXion: you do know what bottom means right?
19:57.51Mike-N-GoWow, it is Alpha :)
19:57.52MentalPowerthan you're hopeless, gday
19:58.05Xionsorry :|
19:58.16Mike-N-GoIs it able to use me old data?
19:58.36MentalPowerMike-N-Go: I'd suggest you woudn't (ie clear your SV file)
19:58.45ChipokatisMP I have been using alpha where do I report bugs
19:59.22Mike-N-GoOK, then, the prices will racily change anyways :P
19:59.34Mike-N-GoEverything will go up, practically.
19:59.52Xionoke i have find these
20:00.10ChipokatisDon't want to repeat but after bidding on item, then looking at buyouts it will not let you buyout something you have bid on
20:00.37cronBleeter: fyi blue posted in the general forums saying the patch was changed and the patch notes that was with the preload/patch is incorrect
20:00.44MentalPowerChipokatis: thats a new bug, I'll look into it
20:00.51BleeterMP: norgs pointed out to me last night that enchantrix had another bug, that DE didn't work. he said he was going to try fixing it up. I'm gunna do a pull, make some coffee, and check stuff out ;)
20:00.56MentalPowercron: link?
20:01.10MentalPowerBleeter: I think he fixed it
20:01.15Chipokatisalso the alt+left click won't bring up item in browse
20:01.31bnovcthis is a test of the bot that 0a1b2c4d i just saw and looked cool
20:01.31Bleetercron: the published patch notes ( don't match the patch, either
20:01.51Chipokatissort of freezes the search window
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20:02.12Bleeterlol, someone just bought a level 15 jewelcrafting recipe from a guildie for 200g
20:02.42bnovcis the bot voice/op only?
20:02.56*** join/#norganna Quati (
20:02.57Chipokatisalso had to change the toc of beancounter to 200000
20:03.12MentalPowerbnovc: nop, but it doesn't do regex
20:03.21MentalPoweronly simple substitution
20:03.41MentalPowerChipokatis: the TOC is old for a reason :)
20:03.50MentalPowerwe haven't gotten to beancounter yet
20:04.02bevi never got the pointof beancounter
20:04.10bevof course, i never read the docs, but thats besides the point
20:04.58Chipokatislol what does it do anyway
20:05.10*** join/#norganna Agravaine (
20:05.41QuatiMP - I want to help - so what do you need? Testing 3.9 Auctioneer?
20:05.46MentalPowerChipokatis: it looks at your AH transactions and gives reports of that data
20:06.13bnovcMentalPower: :'(
20:06.14Bleetermmmm coffeeeee
20:06.21MentalPowerQuati: download the alpha, and report bugs here
20:06.45bnovcMentalPower: tried to trick me by naming it purl and using s///
20:06.59MentalPowerits a blootbot
20:07.08purli guess blootbot is an IRC bot written in perl descended from infobot. Hosted on SF. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or,.  I am a blootbot
20:07.21Quatik-will do as soon as the european servers are up again :-(
20:07.22MentalPowerit used to use perl's regex, but it was abused and got diabled
20:07.51bnovcMentalPower: yea, i was just thinking about how many horrible regexs i could see if it could handle :P
20:08.05ChipokatisI was having errors searching auctions after a scan and it seemed to go away after i changed the toc.  If that makes sense
20:08.29MentalPowerChipokatis: what sort of errors?
20:08.58MentalPowercron: thanks
20:09.13Bleetercron: check his follow up, where he says he really has no idea and will get back to everyone
20:09.38Bleeter"I'm in the process of trying to find out what the situation was and what ended up occurring"
20:10.14ChipokatisMp: Aucfilter.lua:120 attempt to index local 'itemInfo'  ???
20:10.27Bleeterwhich gets back to Drysc relying on the patch notes he was given
20:10.36Bleeterthese are the same patch notes that are up as the official list
20:11.01cronWhat a mess...
20:11.04Bleeterthere's a blue post on the same forum, of 2.0.1 patch notes, but that's a different list
20:11.15Bleetermissing a bunch of stuff from the 'official' list
20:11.36Bleeterso it's a patch that doesn't match any known patchnotes
20:12.33MentalPowerand he later confirmed that its going to stay that way till TBC (2.0.2)
20:12.54Bleeterbut given the number of major probs, I'd be suprised
20:13.05MentalPowerhmm... seems that I'm going to have to go, taking some CPR classes
20:13.19samwisecu later
20:13.19Bleeterno probs, i'll catchya later mp
20:13.33Bleeteri'll try stres testing stuff for now ;)
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20:17.24*** join/#norganna jaws (
20:18.29jawsa quick question for somebody in the know
20:18.49jawsanybody experience a hang while searching for items?
20:19.06jawsauctioneer scans properly, but is hanging when i look for anything.
20:19.10Bleeteryes, known bug.
20:19.14jawsis it....k
20:19.19Bleeteri assume you're using the indicated alpha version
20:19.39Bleeteri'm not working in that department at the moment, unsure of it's current status, but yesterday it wsa a known bug ;)
20:19.45jawsyup, sorry, using the alpha released today and 2.01 wow
20:20.01jawsjust wondering....other than that, great job!
20:20.12Bleeterthx, we're getting there ;)
20:20.14jawsbroker's working well as is the auctioneer
20:20.34jawsjust wish I could search the items i've looked for while running broker ;)
20:20.52jawsanyhow, keep up the work
20:20.58Bleeterjust don't go buying stacks of black pearls greater than 5 in size
20:21.25Bleeteryou'll either not be able to get them out of the mail, or lose the remainder (ie, buy 18 only 5 show up)
20:21.37jawsegh, k, good to know.
20:21.38Bleeter(the stack size seems to have been messed up by blizz)
20:21.57jawsdamn, i have to get an item off auction then (8 flasks of mojo)
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20:22.09BleeterI have to get coffee ;)
20:22.25jawsthanks for the answers...i'll hold off on searching then....
20:23.16*** join/#norganna Al`Capone (
20:23.33*** join/#norganna Lethanialist (n=lethania@
20:24.37Lethanialistanyone here to talk to about testing auctioneer 4? i cant live without it for 2 weeks :P
20:26.45samwisenot now, school and bedtime for the devs atm , wait a bit
20:28.02*** join/#norganna ScoTTie (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie)
20:28.38Bleeteror cofefe, in an attetmpt at waking up
20:28.51Lethanialistmeh one of my addons is messing my wow i think
20:28.53Bleeteralthough I'm not really a dev, just some crazy guy who hacks away until some bits start working again
20:29.04Lethanialistit keeps repeating the same sounds over/over again
20:29.05LethanialistUI sounds
20:29.15Lethanialistlike the sound it makes when you go over a button in the menu :(
20:34.21*** join/#norganna Store (n=chatzill@
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20:51.00AnonUser4408hi all, i was wondering if i could get help with an auctioneer issue
20:51.35samwiseyou can, but not now  (see userlist)
20:51.45AnonUser4408everytime i try to put an item in the auction creation screen, i get the error: pickupcontaineritem(index, slot)
20:52.01Bleeterare you using the developer version?
20:52.04AnonUser4408ahhh.... guess i wait for tonight
20:52.07Bleeter(as referred to in /topci)
20:52.25AnonUser4408in fact, i removed all addons but the developer version and still got it
20:52.52Bleeterhmm, i haven't tried posting an auction yet.. currently testing an ingame mechanic for a couple of guildies
20:53.10AnonUser4408i havent seen any others reporting this...
20:53.13Bleeternot that I'm an auctioneer dev, more just a mad temporary hacker. you'll probably need to wait for norgs or mp to get back
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20:53.18Deadzeroyeah... norgs was working on alot of stuff 2day and he needed some ZZZZZZ's
20:53.53AnonUser4408np - if i knew enough about the lua stuff id try to fix it myself...
20:53.57Deadzerothis patch messed with everyone
20:54.16samwiseand the servers are bugged as hell atm
20:54.34Deadzeroon my server i can ride my mount in water
20:54.42AnonUser4408a coupla adays and most of the bs should be gone
20:54.48Lethanialisti just wanted the dev version
20:54.55Lethanialistgotta wait for that too?
20:55.03Deadzeroread topic
20:55.18Deadzeroit is posted on the auctioneer site
20:55.21Lethanialistit says alpha is at that url
20:55.23Lethanialistbut i didnt see alpha
20:55.27Lethanialisti saw 3.9 but not 4...
20:57.25AnonUser4408but the 3.9 version has todays date on it
20:57.40Lethanialistwell i didnt notice that AnonUser4408 :P
20:58.09AnonUser4408sweet - the new alpha version fixed my porblems... thanks guys
20:58.41*** join/#norganna SDraconis (n=bolt_85@
20:59.02Deadzeroversion 4 will not be released until the 19th i belive
20:59.55DeadzeroPatience, my young padawan
20:59.59*** join/#norganna AnonUser3178 (
21:00.21Lethanialista coworker just called from the pc repair shop i work at and said "if youre not gonna come in the next day write a note on the service sheet with a full description of what you did"
21:00.27Lethanialistproblem is i did... someone else musta taken them off :/
21:00.30Lethanialistand now i get balmed
21:01.14Bleeterthat was me... and tell your boss he owes me for international flight tickets, etc. etc.
21:01.22Lethanialistyeah but see
21:01.24Mike-N-GoMP: What all should I clear out of my WoW foler, WDB, WTF, Interface, etc??
21:01.25Lethanialistwhen i get blamed for something
21:01.31Lethanialistthe next day i work, -$1/hour pay
21:01.38Lethanialistand next time im working will be all day
21:01.53BleeterMike-N-Go: move wtf, interface and wdb to somewhere 'safe'
21:02.03Lethanialistwhys that? :X
21:02.05Lethanialisti didnt do that lol
21:02.08Lethanialistand my WoW runs just fine
21:02.23Bleeterwhen auctioneer is made final for 2.0, there'll be a method which will coinvert the 1.x data to 2.x, just there isn't one at the moment and thus it'll wipe your data
21:02.33Lethanialistdoesnt bother me
21:02.39Lethanialisti wipe the data manually when i can remember where the data is saved
21:03.09*** join/#norganna Mike-N-Go (n=Mike@
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21:03.30Mike-N-GoMy client froze, what did you say?
21:03.38Bleeterno p[robs
21:03.39Bleeterwhen auctioneer is made final for 2.0, there'll be a method which will coinvert the 1.x data to 2.x, just there isn't one at the moment and thus it'll wipe your data
21:03.43*** join/#norganna AnonUser1397 (
21:03.55Bleeter(the final data structure for 2.x is in flux still)
21:04.23Mike-N-GoBleeter, speaking to me?
21:04.53Mike-N-GoMP: What folder on the SVN do I use for the current wow?
21:05.07Lethanialistquestion guys
21:05.14Lethanialistwhats the name of the book for first aid max above 150
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21:05.33BleeterMike-N-Go: yeah
21:05.33nataelMein Kampf
21:05.46Lethanialisti have that pdf
21:05.48Lethanialisthow do i import it to wow?
21:05.51Lethanialisti want first aid :(
21:06.00Mike-N-GoAnd do I report bugs here, or where-else?
21:06.00Lethanialist(and if you couldnt tell i was sarcastic, well... wow)
21:06.17*** join/#norganna Legorol (
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21:07.46BleeterMike-N-Go: you can give it a shot reporting bugs here :)
21:07.54Bleeterhopefully someone's looking at the screen ;)
21:08.04Bleeterheya Legorol
21:08.23Legoroli finally found my way here :D
21:08.44Deadzeroor you can post it here
21:08.55Deadzeroand paste the link here
21:10.01BleeterLegorol: heh, yeah, took me a little while to notice it too... irssi, screen and auto-rejoin all channels ftl!
21:10.27*** join/#norganna Uz_ (
21:12.11cronBleeter: i deleted all the mods in my addons folder (except for the blizzard ones) and installed the alpha. ran the DB conversion and it kept the data but yeah i'd back everything up too
21:12.42Mike-N-GoMentalPower: What folder on the SVN do I use for the current wow?
21:12.43*** part/#norganna Uz (
21:15.06Cerasame as for beta
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21:15.42Mike-N-GoWell, night guys!
21:15.54Laurtif u beta auctioneer
21:15.59Laurtwhat could happen
21:16.08Laurtto your game
21:16.11Bleeterok, DE and Sea don't like each other
21:16.19Bleeter(Blizz goes to disable Sea)
21:16.44Bleeterand a whole bunch of other 3rd party stuff, too
21:17.00Laurtnow they made it when u wanna duel some 1
21:17.09Laurtthey disable all mods
21:17.23Lethanialistauctioneer just rebooted me on wow
21:17.27Lethanialistbecause the blizz ui blocked a function xD
21:17.35Laurtwhich ver
21:17.38Laurtu using
21:17.44Laurtis it safe
21:17.48Laurtto use it?
21:17.56Lethanialistunless youre protective of your saved vars folder
21:17.58Lethanialistand interface folder
21:18.00Lethanialistall that good stuff
21:18.07Lethanialisti myself dont mind uninstalling and reinstalling wow multiple times
21:18.29BleeterLegorol: what did it disable?
21:18.43Lethanialistit said uhh
21:18.50Lethanialistauctioneer has been blocked by a function only available to the blizzard ui
21:18.52Lethanialistand then it had a disable button
21:18.56Lethanialistand that was only one i could click
21:19.00Lethanialistand it reloaded wow
21:19.07Lethanialistand i dont mean reload ui
21:19.10Lethanialistit closed and restarted wow lol
21:19.19Laurti really need Auctioneer
21:19.41Laurtit sucks w/o it
21:19.41Laurtand i cannot find any mods that work for ah
21:19.41Laurtfor now
21:19.45Lethanialistyou gotta be kidding me
21:19.48Lethanialistall the chants on my armor are gone
21:19.50Lethanialistand i dont have mats :(
21:19.51Bleeterheh, just put out a call on my trade chan for greens for DE testing, integration for other mods (not ours)... someone's bank's throwing stuff at me
21:20.29Bleeteranyways, they've said they love us all, and thank us greatly
21:21.02Legorolanyone who is in the know: what's the difference between /trunk and /branch/3.9
21:21.07Laurtwill 4.0 be more accurate
21:21.16Laurtthan 3.8?
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21:30.12Bleeterconfirming: DE'ing doesn't seem to work with Cosmos Alpha installed (I only installed it 'coz I know fellow guildies use it, and would come to me if/when there were probs)
21:31.11Lethanialistcosmos or ct? ;o
21:31.23Lethanialisti personally use CT but what does everyone else use
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21:34.37Cerathe thottbot addon blocks DE for sure
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21:35.48BleeterSea collapsed first, taking out other bits and pieces along the way
21:36.11*** join/#norganna Knaledge (
21:36.17Lethanialistwhats a good amt of gold to have at lv26?
21:36.30Knaledgeanyone here able to help me with
21:36.44Cerayeah... I don't care for most of cosmos so I just have a few of the minor things installed
21:36.45Lethanialistlike, to ensure i can get any skills i need maybe some armor and repair items if needed
21:37.07Lethanialistmy guildies brag "ive got 500g" but i only have around 100 :(
21:37.39KnaledgeItem link ids are showing in by default and there is seemingly no way to turn them off
21:37.49Knaledgenot to mention a bunch of auccommand.lua errors
21:37.58Bleeteri made the mistake of telling my guild I do a bit of addon coding, so consequently i'm the guild 'guru' on all things mod-wise
21:38.01Knaledgeand the options/config text now is only partial
21:38.12Bleeterso inevitably they ask me every question about every mod, and expect me to know the answer
21:38.25KnaledgeSo if any devs are on that care about auctioneer functionality, please speak with me for more info
21:39.26BleeterI'm a dev, I'm on, I care about the functionality, but don't deal in the Auctioneer code.
21:39.42Knaledgewell askprice is broken, itemizer is incompatible
21:39.49Lethanialistwhat is itemizer
21:39.51Lethanialistand what is askprice ;P
21:39.56Lethanialistive never used the package until now, i always got auctioneer alone
21:40.01Knaledgealong with informant throwing errors
21:40.08Bleeteryou're using the developer version, Knaledge ?
21:40.08*** join/#norganna fox007 (
21:40.23Knaledgeyes, the only one compatible with 2.0.1
21:40.32Knaledgeobviously, I expect problems, so to speak
21:40.36Bleeterand have downloaded the most recent of the same? (I can't recall, nor quickly see, what's on the website)
21:40.44Knaledgebut I noticed you guys are still updating the current branch so I figured to let you know
21:40.55Bleeteri think itemlink got moved to informant
21:40.56Knaledgethats the latest as per the site
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21:41.14Knaledgebeencounter and itemizer are both incomaptible.
21:41.30Bleeterbeancounter hasn't been touched for updating yet
21:41.34Bleeterstill working on the others
21:41.42croni gotta say auctioneer is working well for me.. posted a load of junk/did an update.. functional for me.. no errors so far with
21:41.44Knaledgethey have to be disabled;; @ Bleeter: auctioneer show-link is borked then or depricated
21:41.51ScratchMonkeyanyone else seeing error 131 with corrupt common.mpq? From the Blizzard forums it's affecting a lot of people
21:41.56Knaledge@Cron: I never said auctioneer is broken
21:42.04Lethanialistauctioneer disabled itself for me
21:42.04KnaledgeI just said major parts of it are not on
21:42.13Knaledgelike beancounter and itemizer
21:42.19Bleeterbroken, deprecated and soon to be thrown out
21:42.21cronKnaledge: neither did i just a general comment ;)
21:42.28fox007if i want to do some testing on the new auctionneer i should use the right with the new version ?
21:42.37Knaledgethat doesnt do it
21:42.47Knaledgeit just says "now showing link informaton" etc.
21:42.55Knaledgedoing it again states that it IS showing info
21:43.03Knaledgeneither change the tooltip, however.
21:43.36Knaledgealso gatherer is a bit muffed up atm
21:43.41MentalPower|Busyok, my class was cancelled, but I have some other stuff to do so I'll be out of touch
21:43.47MentalPower|BusyKnaledge: use /inf show-link
21:43.59Bleeterhmm, so it would seem. the text printed to general is correct, but the tooltip doesn't change
21:43.59MentalPower|Busyalso try /inf show-ilevel
21:44.01Knaledgelots of command.lua errors when you try doing anything with the options gui or even displaying it
21:44.17Knaledgewhat is ilevel, MP?
21:44.20MentalPower|BusyKnaledge: known issue
21:44.23MentalPower|Busyitem level
21:44.30Knaledgeis red a whisper to me?
21:44.48KnaledgeI can't tell on this jiRC
21:44.54MentalPower|BusyKnaledge: this?
21:44.59Knaledgeoh ok
21:45.12Knaledgealright and beancounter and itemizer are also incomaptible
21:45.12MentalPower|Busyits just a targeted public message
21:45.25MentalPower|Busybeancounter hasn't been touched and itemizer is on ice
21:45.30Knaledgeok word :)
21:45.46KnaledgeMP - I now I mentioned this earlier but damn... is there a rolling changelog?
21:45.53Knaledgethe trac link you gave me personally no longer works
21:46.10MentalPower|BusyKnaledge: /scm/
21:46.15MentalPower|Busyinstead og /trac/
21:46.43*** join/#norganna AnonUser1600 (
21:46.55Knaledgeah nice :) Now I can keep up with all these builds and know whats what
21:47.08AnonUser1600I want to test it out
21:47.12KnaledgeI recal you saying the 3.9 branch would resolve the asprce duplicate posting?
21:47.42KnaledgeI could be mistaken
21:48.07*** topic/#norganna by MentalPower|Busy -> Auctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 release on Dec 19th | Alpha versions: & | AnonUsers, please change your name in the lower-right corner of the Java applet | Post bugs here, Don't PM | | Patience, my young padawan.
21:48.19MentalPower|BusyKnaledge: nop, still an issue
21:48.45BleeterMP: Rclick with cosmos doesn't fault out
21:49.00MentalPower|BusyI thought as much
21:49.02Bleeterit would seem their PopupPower, which is a dependency for their Khaos, is causing the prob
21:49.20MentalPower|BusyKhaos requires popuppower now?
21:49.26Knaledgeit does?
21:49.28Knaledgethats lame
21:49.49MentalPower|Busyit is...
21:49.50cronBleeter/MentalPower: wand us to log tickets there or just say them here?
21:49.51KnaledgeI gotta say the cosmos gang did a sort of sloppy job at preparing for the patch
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21:50.21Bleeteri'd rather track down the cause myself, thanks... don't want to create extra work for other mod devs, 'coz then they'd come here doing the same
21:50.25Knaledgeon the other hand, they did do well at throwing it together quickly enough to get most of it up and running.
21:50.34Bleeterie, much better for me to say 'your blah.lua line 239 is causing probs because...'
21:50.34MentalPower|Busycron: here, if you don't get a response then do trac
21:51.07*** join/#norganna AnonUser9702 (n=AnonUser@
21:51.40AnonUser9702Is there an auctioneer addon for 2.0.1 yet?
21:52.14ScratchMonkeyAnonUser9702: yes, see irc topic
21:52.43*** topic/#norganna by MentalPower|Busy -> Auctioneer 4.0 & Gatherer 3.0 release on Dec 19th | Alpha versions: & | Post bugs here, Don't PM | | AnonUsers, please change your name in the lower-right corner of the Java applet | Patience, my young padawan.
21:53.27ScratchMonkeyI've been using an addon called PriceEach, has that functionality ever been adopted into Auctioneer?
21:53.38ScratchMonkeyIt reports the per-item price alongside the item name in the auction list
21:53.44MentalPower|Busynot yet
21:53.46ScratchMonkeyvery handy for spotting deals
21:53.56cronerror: /auctioneer generates an error auccommand.lua line 1542 "bad argument #2 to format (string expected, got nil)"
21:54.25MentalPower|Busycron: known, fixed in my version
21:54.35Bleeterryup, confirming from the addon list selector, khaos requires popuppower
21:54.47Bleeterle sigh
21:54.59Knaledgewhat turns off the name of the item in the norg addons for items?
21:55.05Knaledgeis it an informant comm
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21:55.13Knaledgelike /inf show-icon
21:56.07MentalPower|BusyKnaledge: its part  of informant, but theres no command, same as there was no command to turn it off when it was part of acutioneer
21:56.26Knaledgeah ok
21:56.57cronerror: using search for competition "Userinterface\auctionframesearch.lua line 968 attempt to index global 'filterArgs' (a nil value)"
21:59.03MentalPower|Busycron: found, and just fixed
21:59.28Knaledgealso the /inf embed bug is still present
21:59.38MentalPower|Busyembed bug?
21:59.45Knaledgewhenever you use the embed portion of the informant, and someone posts a link in chat
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22:00.04Knaledgeif you have a tooltop open, it duplicates everything informant inserted into the tooltip
22:00.37MentalPower|Busythats an EnhTT bug, post a trac ticket for it
22:00.50Bleeterfirst, search for duplicates
22:01.03Bleeterwas *just* having a convo with a lvl 1 bank on my realm
22:01.12Bleeterthey were asking me where they should go report that bug lol
22:02.17Bleetercosmos guys gunna grab enchantrix SVN and take a peek
22:02.30Bleeterso, i'll go brew us up some coffee, mp ;)
22:04.06Knaledgethats been an issue for so long though I'm surprised only just now someone is reporting it
22:04.20KnaledgeI honestly always just let it pass my mind as it was so common
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22:04.51Knaledgeit also happens without embed enabled if you have a shift-clicked tooltip open
22:04.59Knaledgeeven with/without embed enabled.
22:05.37Knaledgeso if you shift-click on a tooltip and its hovering in the center of your UI over your playing field, if you link an item yourself it will duplicate all the auctioneer, enchantrix, etc. info
22:05.46MentalPower|Busyin all honesty, embed is such a hack
22:05.56Knaledgethats without embed enabled however.
22:06.07KnaledgeI don't know what it would do with it enabled.
22:06.12KnaledgeI'd imagine much worse
22:06.32Knaledge(forget the shift portion of the clicking above)
22:06.42sysragedamnit. AIOI isn't fixed yet
22:06.42Knaledgejust when you click on an item link and its displayed
22:07.16Knaledgeand never mind about without embed enabled
22:07.31Knaledgeapparently that was fixed as I never played with embed eabled but it used to happen
22:07.39Knaledgenow it apparently only happens WITH embed enabled.
22:07.47Knaledgeso yes, MP, embed is hackish I'd imagine hehe
22:10.51BleeterMP: it's OK, DE'ing doesn't work at all with Cosmos ;)
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22:11.03Bleeterie, I just disabled all our stuff, it still faults out
22:11.05cronjust a general thing the scan didn't update my database after the "conversion" so it looks like wiping is the only way to update the database
22:12.33Zyrexyes, cosmos poop itself when I tried to disenchant
22:13.06sysragezyrex: can't eat or drink from the damn inventory either.. makes me sad
22:13.09crongeneral error: if you tab away during a scan and come back to the browse window your update is locked in a search if you back away from an auctioneer it dosen't clear the update its still "searching for items..."
22:13.39MentalPower|BusyBleeter: tell them to look for PickupContainerItem hooks
22:14.17Knaledge@cron: thats a long standing issue since 3.8 iirc
22:14.26Knaledgeit doesnt even have to be tabbing away
22:14.31cronKnaledge: cool
22:14.38Knaledgeit can be if you accidentally searched for an item during a scan
22:14.43Knaledgeperpetual scanning
22:14.47cronit use to clear tho im sure if you backed away from the auctioneer
22:15.00Knaledgenah not since 3.8.0.x iirc
22:15.17KnaledgeI would hope MP et all know about it
22:15.43MentalPower|Busyactually I didn't
22:15.50Bleetercailenn of THorium Brotherhood apologises for the double-posted bug ticket
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22:16.00MentalPower|Busytrac ticket that one as well please (after checking for dups)
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22:17.15BleeterMP: do I have 'login' access to the website? If so, is it my SVN username? Can't seem to get it happening :/
22:17.53MentalPower|Busyto wich website
22:18.05MentalPower|Busywe still haven't completely integrated the logins :)
22:18.08Bleetersorry, to
22:18.34MentalPower|Busythat one uses its own credential iirc, not linked to anything
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22:22.27Bleeterah, rightio. no great shakes, was going to go through and remove duplicates ;)
22:23.14cronKnaledge: interesting the search button is grayed out. The only way to trigger the error now is to search for an item and walk away/tab off the browse panel it will cause the "searching for items..." error
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22:29.29Bleeterheh, cosmos team just noticed the cascasing disabling of all mods after trying to DE
22:29.44BleeterI'm *so* glad it's not our prob :)
22:31.29sysragei'd give my left nut if they fixed all in one inventory
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22:31.45GomiSenseithere was a working aioi update that did bank too
22:31.51GomiSenseibut bagnon pwns it
22:32.15GomiSenseii'm trying to get a working ace library now
22:34.08Gabberis there a new version of bagnon ?
22:34.14Knaledgeno but onebag works
22:34.31Knaledgegoogle that it works pretty well even though I have AIOI type mods.
22:34.37GomiSenseivbagnon and the old bagnon have working versions
22:34.37Knaledgetoo much cltter
22:35.01Knaledge@cron: are you going to submit a trac for that?
22:35.08cronKnaledge: done
22:37.28Colawleyvbagnon actually isn't that bad of a replacement for aioi once you set it up right
22:37.46Knaledgeyeah Its not that I disagree
22:37.54Knaledgeits that I just dislike all those "super bag" addons
22:38.05Knaledgehonestly, I wish a few addons were still functioning
22:38.09KnaledgeBankItems is one
22:38.09Gabberi didnt find a link to bagnon (cursegaming is down) but here's a link to onegab :
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22:38.15KnaledgeDepositBox another
22:38.20Knaledgeand BarOptions
22:38.33Gabberi miss my discord action bars
22:38.51GPLGeekso does anyone have problems with blizzard's default bags
22:38.54KnaledgeIS there a bank items thing nowadays?
22:39.05ColawleyI actually use very few addons so it wasn't that difficult to find updates for them.  Only ones I'm waiting on now are Auctioneer and Gather
22:39.08Knaledge@GPL: not I
22:39.30GPLGeekwell my bags are all messed up and the bags are split from the background, etc, i pick up the wrong items
22:39.31Gabberi have the alpha from auctioneer, works fine
22:39.32Knaledgeeverything is working for me except outfitter with Titan, Bankitems, BarOptions, and DepositBox
22:39.35GPLGeekthey are not where they say they are
22:39.39GPLGeekthats with no addons
22:39.55Knaledgethen just delete your layoutcache.txt file
22:39.56GPLGeekI need a working allinone inventory to fix this
22:40.03GPLGeekdoesnt work
22:40.16KnaledgeI'm sure its a file level issue
22:40.20GomiSenseigpl: get bagnon
22:41.03Colawleyso the alpha is working fairly well?
22:41.54GPLGeekwhere can i download it? all the addon sites are own
22:41.56Bleeterfor various definitions of the words 'working' and 'fairly', sure
22:42.32GomiSenseigpl: worldofwar works, it's just really slow
22:42.37Bleetermost of them aren't down, just overloaded again, as the EU just got the patch and now all the EU players are overloading the servers ;)
22:43.15cronBleeter: the scan not updating old db isn't an issue during alpha correct?
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22:44.18Bleetercron: can't say for sure, but I suspect ythat is correct
22:45.00cronkk i'll just backup the old variable and start a new one till release :)
22:45.16Colawleyyeah I have no problems starting my db over again.
22:46.33SDraconisso the SV does get updated on subsequent alpha scans, but only after the pre-2.0 SV is wiped?
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22:48.02Colawleyso anyone used the alpha of gatherer yet?
22:48.14Ceraof course
22:48.18Bleeterif you don't backup pre-2.0.1 data, your existing data will be wiped
22:49.12Bleeterwhen final is released, it'll import the pre 2.x data, maybe the 2.x alpha data too, but I doubt it'll combine both data sets
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22:51.15ColawleyI'll make sure to backup my data then before I install it
22:51.21Mike-N-GoWhy are there so many people in this room today, lol.
22:51.28cronBleeter: this is silly of me to ask but the WTF/Account/<USERNAME>/SavedVariables/Auctioneer.lua is the main/only database right?
22:51.42Knaledgewell it was nice to chat with all of you one on one finally! I really enjoy your mods and hope to be in touch more. Off to dinner! Take care
22:51.54cronKnaledge: later!
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22:53.13TexasbelliottSo, what can one do to help with Auctioneer 4.0 testing?
22:53.13ColawleyI must be off also.  Thanks for the help.
22:53.15Bleetercron: yes
22:53.16BobbyWell a good bug for the alpha.  You get a "attempt to index local 'zone data' (a nil value)"  error
22:53.28BleeterBobby: known
22:53.58Mike-N-GoDownload the Alpha
22:54.24TexasbelliottCool, I'll check it out.
22:54.46Mike-N-GoBe carful to backup your data :)
22:55.09Zyrexmine didnt get hosed
22:55.15ZyrexLucky I guess
22:55.21Bleeteryeah, best practice before any patches is to zip up your wtf folder, and store safely outside of the WoW directory tree
22:55.50TexasbelliottWill do Mike, thx. Is the place to report bugs and unusal occurances?
22:55.57Mike-N-GoIt may, the DB is going to change drastically in the next 2 weeks.
22:56.15Mike-N-GoDirect bugs to MentalPower
22:56.22BleeterTexasbelliott: yup, altohugh if we can't help, a submission to our tracker is appreciated (trac link @
22:56.45Bobbyanyway to get the error off my screen while I play this ab?
22:56.47Bleeterwhere 'can't help' matches cases of 'dunno about that' and 'no one about to reply/act on it'
22:57.00Mike-N-GoThat is track
22:57.12cronBleeter: deleting the auctioneer.lua and rescanning returned results of "Total auctions scanned: 24504 New auctions scanned: 0 Defuction audctions removed: 0 Previously scanned: 0", new auctions zero worried me and no results on definatly known items. I'm confirming its reproducable atm
22:57.28Mike-N-GoWell, you type it out, and cut and paste :P
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22:58.17Bleetercron: sorry, I lost your original report in the scrollback. what are you reporting?
22:58.18TexasbelliottThanks again y'all. I have some testing to do!
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22:59.00cronBleeter: problem in the database. I removed my old pre 2.0 db and started to poplate a new one
22:59.06Mike-N-GoIf MP is not aviable, chose someone with operator or helper states
22:59.52Bleetercron: ok, going to try to reproduce here... i've removed my SV file, launching wow
23:00.37cronBleeter: the auctioneer.lua is filling with data and growing but it dosen't return any results right away going to relaunch wow after this scan
23:02.22Bleeterscan's going to take 10 mins, I'm still not quite sure what you're reporting. but I guess I'll figure it out.
23:02.32Bleeterafk during scan
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23:06.37MentalPower|BusyI need a break, later guys
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23:09.33cronBleeter: basicly without the SV file i preformed a new scan. The scan said it found 0 new auctions, and no items have any auction info. If you attempt to search for anything after the scan it locks up and you have to camp or /reload ui. Once thats done the data appears
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23:17.04AnonUser0082can someone help me? im lokking for a mail mod, that wotks with the new patch. anyone know one?
23:17.04bleeter|mmcoffeecron: searching is a known bug
23:17.24zen991has been updated
23:17.39Bleeterinsofar as the scan, 'total auctions scanned: 5569, new auctions: 5569, defunc auctions removed: 0 previously scanned: 0'
23:18.05AnonUser0082ok thank u wery much .-)
23:18.18Bleetercron: my ietms have auctioneer data in the tooltip
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23:18.46cronBleeter: my inital scan reported no new. And no ah stats were on item tooltip had to /reload ui to fix it
23:19.27cronBleeter: did a second scan after the reload to test again and it has no new again
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23:20.55zen991cron: Try scanning just a single category of items
23:21.32cronsearch locked again and requires a /reload ui seems like my scan isn't finishing correctly or releasing. This is with 1122
23:21.48cronzen: sec
23:22.50cronworked perfect just scanning container
23:23.11Bleeterlisten, searching is a known bug. stop trying to do it.
23:23.28zen991Someone on the forums is having the same issues.  Said that scanning single groups was working but a full scan was not
23:23.28Bleeteryou're probably introducing more problems into the attempted diagnosis of your original error.
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23:25.47cronBleeter: Ok, was just assuming the scan/search was treated different
23:26.26Bleeterwhen reporting one bug, one should do one's utmost to not hit other knwon bugs along the way
23:26.55Bleetereither way, I still can't repoduce the lack of items in the scan DB
23:28.08rpzWhere can I get a working Titan/Fubar?
23:29.36cronBleeter: It has to be the searching bug, im going to wipe my sv and just do an inital scan of the AH on one filter, i bet it returns the data then.
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23:30.26zen991rpz: has an updated Titan - of course hitting the site while it is up seems to be a challange
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23:32.23Bleeterbe aware that titan for 2.0.1 seems a dirty hack to get it working again, rather than a proper re-write
23:32.39zen991good to know thanks
23:32.43cronBleeter: it did indeed return data then, sorry man about reporting it twice :)
23:32.44MalivilThey prolly hacked it to make it work, and will re-write it later
23:32.53BleeterMalivil: hopefully
23:32.59MalivilThat's what i would do
23:33.06MalivilJust so you can at least use it
23:33.17Bleetercron: good to hear. it was getting as frustrating reading an unreproducable as no doubt you were frustrated trying to report it ;)
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23:33.34cronBleeter: good times, good times :)
23:34.09BleeterMalivil: but to be fair, they've had quite a few weeks to get it going again. maybe though they've been hit by the RL/exam problems too
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23:42.00illn3ssHey! any knows in what language those addons are coded?
23:42.22illn3ssthat is a file extension
23:42.22Maliviland .Xml
23:42.32MalivilLua is programming language
23:42.49illn3ssmust have a bigger name
23:42.51Maliviland xml is used to make the frames.
23:42.53illn3ssyeah ill go check
23:42.54MalivilNo... Lua is the who thing
23:43.10Malivil<.< >.>
23:43.19Malivilno purl, oi
23:44.33illn3ssgeez... i code... but nerver heard of this.
23:44.39illn3ssi guess i got homeworks
23:45.14illn3sswhat is it use for expect wow?
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23:46.00MalivilExcept wow?
23:46.13MalivilI don't know
23:46.30SDraconisI think some other games use lua somewhere
23:46.46illn3ssis it like c?
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23:46.50illn3ssor c++
23:48.11MalivilIt's more like Java
23:48.16illn3ssnice... i do java
23:48.18SDraconisbut it's written IN c
23:48.22MalivilI'm learning it
23:48.27MalivilI wrote an addon a while back
23:48.30MalivilI don't think it works anymore
23:48.45illn3ssive been working in java for 2 years now in java
23:49.19illn3ssso there is now pointers right?
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23:50.18MalivilI dunno
23:50.18SDraconisI think you should have a look at the Lua tutorial if you really want to learn:
23:50.36illn3ssim currently reading the intor :P
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23:50.37graymouserjava has implicit child-parent object orientation, lua has none of that... Lua is very much like C without ANY memory handling..
23:51.02tnunamakok so just to check.. I can't use auctioneer until the 19th?
23:51.21MalivilIt won't be released until then is what they are saying
23:51.24MalivilThere is an alpha
23:51.28MalivilBut its buggy
23:51.37tnunamakhmm ok thanks
23:51.41tnunamakalpha not worth trying?
23:52.41sysrageanybody use cosmos and/or partyquests and know of a fix to get it to stop spamming the quests in chat log? sorry for asking here, but their website is overloaded like everybody elses and i dunno where else to ask
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23:53.25Maliviltnunamak: It'll be frustrated
23:54.25tnunamakthanks.. I think I'll wait a bit
23:54.33MalivilYea, that's what i'm doing
23:55.05Bleeterthere's also the pages about coding mods
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