IRC log for #neo900 on 20180606

00:19.21*** join/#neo900 infobot (
00:19.21*** topic/#neo900 is | CCCAMP15 lightning talks at - major: | conversations are logged to and | Latest news:
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00:57.25*** join/#neo900 neo900 (~office@neo900/coreteam/joerg)
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00:57.31*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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01:11.27*** join/#neo900 neo900 (~office@neo900/coreteam/joerg)
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01:11.30*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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01:52.11*** join/#neo900 pkircher (~pkircher@unaffiliated/pkircher)
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06:26.25*** join/#neo900 jonsger (
06:30.36brolin_empeyWhy does it matter in practice if Microsoft owns/controls GitHub?
06:31.39Joerg-Neo900for the same reasons why it matters who owns skype or whatsapp
06:32.28Joerg-Neo900eventually decisions about changes in provided services and applicable policies will depend on that
06:37.16brolin_empeyOK but does that matter in practice in the context of the Neo900 project?
06:39.08brolin_empeyThen why does the Neo900 project need to discontinue use of GitHub?
06:40.30Joerg-Neo900Neo900 project never used github for all I can tell
06:42.43Joerg-Neo900I always been aware of the risk that comes from centralization of gitblub, and so all genuine Neo900 stuff is self-hosted
06:44.10Joerg-Neo900I'm trying hard to not sound condescending or arrogant, but: it once again been the ignorant masses that thought free-as-in-beer was a normal thing and smart to use. Like with whatsapp, like with facebook, like with google mail etc pp
06:44.16brolin_empeyOK, I guess this is my misunderstanding.  I was replying to:
06:44.16brolin_empey<houkime> Microsoft acquired Github, so it's time to move my code outta there.
06:44.16brolin_empeyI guess I incorrectly thought that houkime was hosting Neo900 work in GitHub.
06:45.13Joerg-Neo900I don't know what houkime is hosting, and where
06:45.43Joerg-Neo900I also don't know to which "my code" he was relating when writing this
06:47.03Joerg-Neo900she? they* - dang, this still happens to me
07:00.29*** join/#neo900 qwazix (
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07:10.56brolin_empeyIt seems that many computer users are not strongly interested in the technology itself but are primarily interested in its benefits or applications, like with many consumer applications of technology.
07:35.42Joerg-Neo900of course, and that's normal and probably a good thing
07:36.47Joerg-Neo900technology never is a value in itself - except for geeks - and always should be a means to an end
07:44.26*** join/#neo900 akaWolf (~akaWolf@unaffiliated/akawolf)
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19:06.21*** join/#neo900 jonsger1 (~Thunderbi@
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22:34.16*** join/#neo900 Kabouik- (
22:51.29houkimeDo we have a component for IR receiver?
22:55.41houkimeok, looks like we have
22:56.24houkimebut there's an strange _not_a_component_ on IR receiver though
22:57.51houkimeoh, this looks like a wire teleporter thingie
22:58.05houkimebut one wire is out of place though
22:58.50houkimebq-gpio just end at the boundary.
23:01.46houkimeemmm... ok, i guess i understood.
23:30.27*** join/#neo900 jonwil (

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