IRC log for #neo900 on 20180424

00:22.19*** join/#neo900 infobot (
00:22.19*** topic/#neo900 is | CCCAMP15 lightning talks at - major: | conversations are logged to and | Latest news:
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00:27.34*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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02:26.53*** join/#neo900 galiven (~galiven@
03:54.27*** join/#neo900 pagurus (
03:59.52*** join/#neo900 Juesto (~LimeC@unaffiliated/juest)
04:09.58*** join/#neo900 knttl (
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06:46.35*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:51.09*** join/#neo900 ArturShaik (~artur-sha@
08:42.35*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~kabouik@
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11:49.54jkeplerI'm pre-ordering a Neo900. Is a SEPA transfer still the only way you'll accept payment, or can you accept a bitcoin payment?
12:12.25atkjkepler: I think SEPA is preferred, supporting bitcoin was going to be a bit of a PITA, I mean, you could ask Joerg-Neo900 about it
12:15.15jkeplerYeah, that's unfortunate. But I can deal with SEPA, its just that my bank makes me wait 24 hours before I can send to a new recipient.
12:16.01atkThere's no big rush yet :P
12:25.09*** join/#neo900 himcesjf_ (~cesjf@unaffiliated/himcesjf)
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14:09.21*** join/#neo900 gareth__ (sid240321@gateway/web/
14:34.35DocScrutinizer51off topic: suckers broke into my flat and stole my matebook10 - and only that, but incl all accessories. During a 90min when I was having a coffee out, in afternoon. SUCKS
14:35.36DocScrutinizer51luckily the considered the CF29 too old or too heavy to steal it
14:36.57DocScrutinizer51next time I will paint everyting with polonium or somesuch
15:18.34*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (~illwieckz@unvanquished/developer/illwieckz)
15:43.56*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:45.46*** join/#neo900 chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc05:3600:b416:b8bc:acb6:8b26)
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17:02.37*** join/#neo900 Kabouik_ (
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17:52.36*** join/#neo900 Kabouik- (
18:07.15*** join/#neo900 ravelo (uid244116@neo900/community/supporter/ravelo)
18:44.39joel_DocScrutinizer51, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope its not too much hassle on the data recovery side of things.
18:53.19*** join/#neo900 chomwitt (
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19:00.05DocScrutinizer51not at all, luckily this was a (much hated) win10 item with absolutrely no relevant data on it - except the 60GB mp3 I *copied* to it a 6h earlier
19:10.35houkimeirony - just repaired a Samsung note - a moderately powerful 64bit legacy from my relative, to use as a portable Kicad workhorse.
19:11.15enycDocScrutinizer51: i've generaryl heard thieves lik estriking again unelss security changed, but don't know about opportunists per-se.
20:27.24*** join/#neo900 Juesto (~LimeC@unaffiliated/juest)
20:47.03DocScrutinizer51enyc: indeed we are worried of exactly such double strike happening. I just hope they don't find anything worthwhile next time, I take everything with me when leaving, except my suitcase with clothes
20:50.01DocScrutinizer51and since they didn't take anything except the tablet incl accessories last time (there was swiss pocket knife, BT headset etc which they ignored) I think they consider this 'job accomplished'
20:51.59DocScrutinizer51houkime: yes, that was the main purpose of this yablet too
20:52.34DocScrutinizer51tablet, even
20:56.19*** join/#neo900 _Chris_ (
21:58.40*** join/#neo900 drrty (drrty@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/drrty)
22:09.23*** join/#neo900 infobot (
22:09.23*** topic/#neo900 is | CCCAMP15 lightning talks at - major: | conversations are logged to and | Latest news:
22:09.23*** mode/#neo900 [+v infobot] by ChanServ
23:00.59*** part/#neo900 luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
23:18.51*** join/#neo900 norly (

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