IRC log for #neo900 on 20180320

00:05.08*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (~illwieckz@unvanquished/developer/illwieckz)
01:01.45Joerg-Neo9002Gbit, yes. sounds all about right
01:20.00Joerg-Neo900drathir: yes, basically same rules
01:21.17Joerg-Neo900halftux: I would strongly suggest to use a fresh CPU chip rather than reusing the one you separated the RAM PoPT from
01:24.12Joerg-Neo900odds are the CPU goes X-[ from 3 soldering events, particularly from the desoldering of PoP
01:25.27Joerg-Neo900and you have no chance to even test until you resoldered it
01:26.59Joerg-Neo900then you will feel angry and sorry you didn't spend the money to get a fresh CPU and wasted so much time and effort and a PoP RAM chip just for that small savings
01:27.40Joerg-Neo900wise at the penny, foolish at the buck - was that the right saying here?
01:40.14DocScrutinizer05"Penny wise and pound foolish" was it
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09:20.37sixwheeledbeastsounds right to me
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12:46.20*** join/#neo900 Halftux (~halftux@
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12:54.22Halftuxhey joerg I was looking now for an omap. I found following omap3440 is it possible to use this instead of omap3430? I send you also an email with more questions.
12:57.02Joerg-Neo900Halftux: sorry I think the 3440 is not drop-in compatible with the 3430. But verifying this is a task I don't feel like doing now. The 3430 and 3530 should fit when they have the right footprint (iirc they come in 3 different footprints)
12:58.37Joerg-Neo900even the 3630/3730 *might* be footprint-compatible though I guess you need a different devicetree in software (bootloader, kernel) to make them work as a replacement for 3530
13:08.24HalftuxWhere I can get information about the original footprint on the N900 pcb?
13:10.08Joerg-Neo900I guess from schematics and by comparing e.g. my PCB-plain scans to the footprints in the TRM of those chips
13:11.59Halftuxok thx
13:23.18HalftuxSeems like pbga-515
13:23.46Joerg-Neo900yep, sounds about right
13:31.56Halftuxdo you remember the bottom ball pitch? is it 0.4mm or 0.5mm. It is hard to say from this picture
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13:33.27Joerg-Neo900top is 0.5, bottom 0.4, or the other way around. It's clearly written in the TRM
13:34.52Halftuxyeah it is clearly written that they are two 515 variants one with 0.4 and one with 0.5 bottom pitch top pitch from both is 0.5mm
13:36.21Halftuxand omap3430 bottom pitch? Cant find datasheet and from the picture is hard to tell :-(
13:38.11Halftuxah found the trm of omap34
13:39.03Halftuxseems that omap34 has only 0.4mm pitch
13:42.35Halftuxah I was wrong from omap3530 515 variants the top pitch is different...
13:46.21HalftuxSo I would say it makes sence to go with the 720MHz variant instead of 600MHz this would mean I need to buy OMAP3530ECBB72
13:50.09Joerg-Neo900yes, looks like CBB
13:50.50Joerg-Neo900CBB s-PBGA-N515 Package (Bottom View)   p.10
13:51.46HalftuxI see thank you for conformation
13:56.45HalftuxThe samsung KCE00E00CA-A506 is hard to get. Do you have any hint where to get a singel chip or do you have still the contact address from these 3 guys who wanted to try this? Maybe they still have the chip and never tried?
14:12.12HalftuxSo now I ordered two omaps for the case one couldn't make it. I really can't wait to try this :D
14:13.21sicelowhat's the cost? :)
14:14.08Halftux112 Euros with tax and delivery
14:16.53sicelohow much RAM atr you going for? (total on device)
14:19.30HalftuxI will try with the 1gb chip if I still get one
14:20.56sicelook. interesting :-)
14:23.14Halftuxso in total 120MHz and 768mb more
14:24.03Halftuxor only money out of the window...
14:24.35sicelowonder what that one can be overclocked to .. (cpu)
14:25.52HalftuxNever did that because of lifetime and white dots on lcd
14:35.40Joerg-Neo900Halftux: I guess I can sell you two chips
14:35.53Joerg-Neo900they're quite hard to source
14:37.00Joerg-Neo900it took me almost a year to even find the name of those chips
14:37.46Joerg-Neo900and a few more months to find a source for bulk - single chips are mere unobtainium
14:48.08Halftuxthat would be really nice I would take them :D
14:49.04Halftuxhow much would it be roughly?
14:51.44HalftuxI send you an email to the contact ... you can reply there and we can arrange payment delivery there or over tmo contact.
14:55.50Joerg-Neo900one "precondition": you report back in here about your results :-)
14:57.18Halftuxyes for sure I could also ask the company to make pictures but I don't know if they are allow me to do..
14:59.47Joerg-Neo900you need to coldflash the device after this rework
15:00.44Halftuxah ok this shouldn't be a problem. And how about this uboot, like with the beagle board?
15:00.52Halftuxno problem
15:01.13*** join/#neo900 threebar (~user@unaffiliated/threebar)
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20:07.05Joerg-Neo900just forwarding:
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20:28.27enycwhats' boing done about metacolin related, still expecting he may return?
20:30.16Joerg-Neo900My hopes are low
20:35.48Joerg-Neo900but rest assured i'm not just sitting twiddling thumbs, despite my ideas how to resolve the metacollin roadblock came to an end. Sometimes when you can't go ahead, you need to *jump* ahead
20:38.03Joerg-Neo900this jump is a giant one and will take a few more weeks or months until I can present tangible results. You won't be disappointed
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20:47.29enycok =)
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22:11.46enycJoerg-Neo900: with likes of maeemo-leste project, i'm increasingly realizingthe original 'n900 compatibility' per-se not so relevant.
22:11.52enycJoerg-Neo900: good luck with whatever you'r doing =)
22:12.13Joerg-Neo900thanks :-D
22:23.25enychrrm i wonder whats happpned to DocScrutinizer05 of late
22:23.42Oksanais wondering if an Allwinner A20 7" tablet with resistive touch-screen would be an interesting target for maemo-leste (if such a tablet existed...)
22:54.01Joerg-Neo900or iMX.8M Mini?
22:55.27Joerg-Neo900the A20 seems poorly documented
23:19.10OksanaHmm, somebody already made something with A20. Just, they do not seem interested in selling "DIY Tablet" kit despite having "DIY Laptop" in store.
23:26.47Joerg-Neo900well, Allwinner A20 dual core Cortex-A7   vs   i.MX 8M Mini  Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-A53 Cortex-M4
23:27.18Joerg-Neo900different league
23:27.48OksanaInteresting, yes. Is it this one?
23:28.40Joerg-Neo900no, the mini, see
23:31.28OksanaInteresting... Mini doesn't support HDMI, and that's a plus for me.
23:35.17Joerg-Neo900well, any of the iMX8 looks interesting
23:35.49Joerg-Neo900they are targeted at different specific usage
23:39.12Oksana>> i.MX 8M Mini family will be used in any embedded consumer and industrial application with sampling starting in Q2 2018, and mass production schedule for Q1 2019. << Is it possible to see which products are going to be released in 2019 which would be using this processor?
23:45.06OksanaAnd why does i.MX 8X have a DSP and i.MX 8M Mini not have one?
23:46.16Joerg-Neo900well, it's not possible to see until those making such products publish a press release or whatever
23:47.09Joerg-Neo900(DSP) maybe power consumption?
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