IRC log for #neo900 on 20170917

00:00.05Joerg-Neo900or that
00:00.25atkI recommend not touching git for today and going to sleep
00:00.31atkit's like 2am there isn't it?
00:00.45Joerg-Neo900anyway I reached `convenient´ state of a git push immediately after git pull throws bazillion of hard errors
00:00.47atkI'll look at helping you defuse your bomb tomorrow morning
00:01.41Joerg-Neo900I think the bomb went off already. And I don't think I can find any more funny stuff to do today, so yes
00:02.13Joerg-Neo900there's still the system backup of a few days ago to restore on server ;-)
00:03.15Joerg-Neo900which is probably the only difference between my current state of git and a bomb that went BOOM
00:04.32Joerg-Neo900frowns, too late for breakfast now. actually too late for dinner too
00:05.31atkyes, breakfast was... well... 24 - 6 hours ago
00:05.58Joerg-Neo900or was not
00:18.38Joerg-Neo900hmmm, suggestion of git to "abort patches and restore original branch: git am --abort"  -- sounds reasonable
00:24.00Joerg-Neo900ok, the last session log "tail -f" for today: - n8
00:30.46Joerg-Neo900hmmm   >> Error loading board. PARSE_ERROR: Expecting 'circle, rectangle, oval, or trapezoid' in input/source '/home/jr/Dokumente/Neo900/projbin/neo900-proj/ee/hw/neo900.kicad_pcb' line 23177 offset 16 from /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/kicad-4.0.2/common/dsnlexer.cpp : Expecting() : line 369<<
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