IRC log for #neo900 on 20170727

01:18.54*** join/#neo900 nostalgiccloud (~Bear@
01:19.06nostalgiccloudAny remote projection when the Neo900 will launch
01:20.20Joerg-Neo900we're about to do the layout for proro_v2
01:20.33Joerg-Neo900proto* even
01:21.16nostalgiccloudAny plans for AOSP?
01:21.26nostalgiccloudfor people like me who want a phone to just work but be libre
01:50.59Joerg-Neo900AOSP is an OS, we don't do software, that's up to community
01:51.38Joerg-Neo900which implies you can get AOSP on Neo900 if you want to do it
03:37.14*** join/#neo900 _whitelogger (
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03:59.14*** join/#neo900 knttl (
04:05.17*** join/#neo900 curt22 (d169ccb4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:17.35*** join/#neo900 ArturShaik (~artur-sha@
04:25.13*** join/#neo900 qtXiao (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
05:45.26*** join/#neo900 freemangordon (~ivo@
06:16.56*** part/#neo900 veb (uid43929@taskhive/supporter/vebb)
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11:36.09*** join/#neo900 ossguy (~denver@conservancy/staff/ossguy)
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11:46.04*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~kabouik@
12:06.29*** join/#neo900 qwazix (~qwazix@Maemo/community/ex-council/qwazix)
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14:13.50Joerg-Neo900  a few lessons to learn: *) firmware blobs to upload are better than ROM or flash in wifi *) PCIe or any other interface that allows DMA control by peripheral is EVIL  *) there's nothing on hw level you could do to secure the damn browser, however there's a whole lot of software solutions, even to the point of checking integrity of connection by downloading and checksumming a reference HTTP://
14:15.02Joerg-Neo900so far Neo900 is on the safe side of fence with the hardware issues, browser is not our domain
14:18.33Joerg-Neo900((safe side of fence)) IOW our WiFi chipset for all we can tell has no embedded firmware that could get altered, instead it uploads the firmware on each reset and to our best knowledge there's no way to block the reset. The chipset is not known for vulnerabilities, and even when it gets compromised it can't take over the Application Processor since the hw interface has no means (like DMA) for that
14:27.10*** join/#neo900 jonsger (
14:29.06Joerg-Neo900and generally the concept holds: your Linux application environment is your safe harbor that needs to be kept clean and in control by all means. Once this environment is compromised then there's no way back
14:32.43Joerg-Neo900it's the respnsibility of each single system maintainer, app developer, user, to make sure all programs they introduce to the system are behaving and not exposing vulnerabilities or being a threat in themselves (compare the average android app "needs access to your phone, addressbook, mediafiles..." - WHAT FOR?)
15:36.34*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:56.26*** join/#neo900 OppositeDay_ (~Mutter@
16:02.44*** join/#neo900 jonsger (
16:30.56*** join/#neo900 xmn (
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18:09.23*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
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19:03.53*** join/#neo900 pagurus` (
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19:38.29*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~quassel@
19:51.33*** join/#neo900 louisdk (~louisdk@
20:15.28*** join/#neo900 OppositeDay (~Mutter@
20:43.43*** join/#neo900 err0r3o3 (
20:57.09*** join/#neo900 louisdk (~louisdk@
21:42.07*** join/#neo900 jonsger (
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22:41.38*** join/#neo900 galiven_ (~root@
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23:05.56*** join/#neo900 louisdk (~louisdk@
23:08.08*** join/#neo900 Airwave (
23:32.52*** join/#neo900 louisdk (~louisdk@

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