IRC log for #neo900 on 20161126

01:15.26*** join/#neo900 xman (
01:17.23*** join/#neo900 knttl (
04:12.00*** join/#neo900 chomwitt2 (
04:40.36*** join/#neo900 chomwitt3 (
04:58.39*** join/#neo900 qws-user-1229 (
05:01.27*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:01.36*** join/#neo900 neo900 (~office@neo900/coreteam/joerg)
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05:59.19*** join/#neo900 neo900 (~office@neo900/coreteam/joerg)
05:59.19*** mode/#neo900 [+v neo900] by ChanServ
05:59.23*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
05:59.23*** mode/#neo900 [+v DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
07:27.27*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
07:27.30*** join/#neo900 xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
07:45.34*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
08:13.41*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
08:13.45*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
08:15.38*** join/#neo900 qws-user-1228 (
08:33.11*** join/#neo900 mzki (
09:33.05*** join/#neo900 jonsger (
09:34.13*** join/#neo900 wpwrak (
09:34.13*** mode/#neo900 [+v wpwrak] by ChanServ
09:57.37*** join/#neo900 mzki (
09:57.48ceenei'm upgrading the laptop ahycka will use to route neo900
09:57.52ceeneshe's starting this week
10:26.53*** join/#neo900 trx (ns-team@devbin/founder/trx)
10:30.07wpwrakwhee ! :)
10:30.51wpwrakwhen shall we plan to be ready for the barrage of questions she'll fire off ?
10:32.42ceeneprobably monday or wednesday
10:32.54ceenetuesday she won't work on anything, it's her birthday! :)
10:33.26ceenehow shall we manage repos?
10:33.48ceenewill she push to
10:33.57ceeneor shall i make her a public available one so you can pull from it?
10:34.05ceeneeither way is fine for us
10:34.14*** join/#neo900 qws-user-1228 (
10:35.30wpwrak(tue) ah, so wed will be hangover day ;-)
10:36.34ceenei hope not!
10:36.41ceenewe're too old now for that kind of party
10:36.51wpwrak(repo) i guess the easiest approach would be commit access to the neo900 hw repo. but that's the sort of policy decision joerg had to make.
10:38.10wpwrak(too old)  extern volatile bool alive;  while (alive) party();
10:39.53*** join/#neo900 ahycka (~ahycka@
10:41.47*** join/#neo900 ahycka (~ahycka@
10:43.23*** join/#neo900 ahycka (~ahycka@
10:44.59*** join/#neo900 ahycka (~ahycka@
10:45.39ahyckahas now configured her IRC client
10:48.23wpwrakahycka: i feel your suffering ;) had to migrate from xchat to hexchat recently.
10:48.23ceeneoh, i see eeshow is now  on debian experimental
10:48.45ceenei used xchat too long long ago
10:48.57ceenedon't know when, i switched to irssi
10:50.31*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
10:55.19ceeneyou should really try to integrate eeshow into kicad
10:55.33ceeneit kicks kickad ass :)
10:56.03wpwrakhehe, thanks :) but the code base is VERY different
10:56.32wpwrakkicad is some nightmare in C++, while eeshow is simple honest C
10:57.30ceenelove some pure C
11:00.00wpwrakall the kicad developers seem to hate their code, if opinions on #kicad are to be trusted. so i guess that's a bit if an implicit vote for C, too :)
11:00.14ceeneit's not opening datasheets, though :(
11:00.44wpwrakdid it download them ?
11:01.06ceenei see something on console
11:01.29ceenehad to run eeshow-viewer -m first
11:01.53wpwraka common issue :)
11:02.31wpwrakalas, just creating the directory without explicit permission would be kinda rude, so ...
11:02.51ceeneyou're too polite
11:07.42ceenei can't get it to open pdfs with evince
11:07.57ceeneexport EESHOW_PDF_VIEWER=evince
11:07.59ceenemake view
11:08.08wpwraklemme check ...
11:08.10ceenebut it opens pdfs with acroread, which is too heavy for this computer
11:08.39wpwrakscratch "for this computer" :)
11:12.24ceenesecond monitor configured :)
11:16.45wpwrakevince should work. you may also have to set EESHOW_VIEWER_VIEWER=evince
11:17.24wpwrak(the difference is that the latter is for any file while EESHOW_PDF_VIWER is for files we assume can only be PDF)
11:17.37ceenesolved then, thanks :)
11:17.46wpwrakkewl :)
11:19.21wpwrak(difference) so when opening a data sheet, it uses EESHOW_VIEWER_VIEWER, since that "data sheet" could really be anything. if opening a data sheet on a specific page (footprint, package), then it uses EESHOW_PDF_VIEWER, since i assume that PDF is used for anything that has pages
11:19.44wpwrakalas, not the most intuitive process
11:20.36wpwrakbtw, xpdf may also be worth considering. should be a little faster than evince.
11:21.09ceeneahycka doesn't like it
11:21.22ceenetoo spartan for her
11:23.07wpwrakgood that i added evince support then :)
11:24.02*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
11:46.39*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
11:58.35*** join/#neo900 ahycka_ (~ahycka@
12:49.15*** join/#neo900 _whitelogger (
12:49.15*** mode/#neo900 [+v _whitelogger] by ChanServ
13:17.59ceenewpwrak: i can't get the revision history thing to work
13:18.13ceenethere's no icon on the upper left side
13:18.20ceeneand if i press down or up it segfaults
13:44.57*** join/#neo900 arossdotme (
14:48.45*** join/#neo900 cybiko123 (~cybiko123@unaffiliated/cybiko123)
14:55.26*** join/#neo900 xman (
15:30.51wpwrakceene: you're using "make view" in ee/hw/ ?
17:13.00*** join/#neo900 qws-user-1229 (
17:37.54*** join/#neo900 ecloud (quassel@nat/qt/x-nvumanapehskpxfz)
19:57.43*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
20:22.11Joerg-Neo900ceene: ((will she push to yes, we'll create an account for her, please send ssh pubkey
20:44.17*** join/#neo900 mzki (
21:13.01*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
22:11.44*** join/#neo900 mzki (
23:26.30*** join/#neo900 cybiko123 (~cybiko123@unaffiliated/cybiko123)

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