IRC log for #neo900 on 20160929

00:07.39*** join/#neo900 goiken_ (
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00:51.01x29aDocScrutinizer05: i have been at libraries/footprint imports like 3h ago and also scratched my head :/
00:51.26x29aluckily i only needed two parts and three footprints
00:51.47DocScrutinizer05right ATM I can't import ANYTHING except a 5 GND symbols and a [POWERED] label
00:51.56DocScrutinizer05in eeschema
00:52.37DocScrutinizer05and you'd think there should at very least be the kicad default components in the default search path
00:52.50x29adid you remove the default search paths?
00:52.56DocScrutinizer05you can't
00:53.47x29apretty sure you can at least remove the libraries
00:54.22DocScrutinizer05those four are hardcoded it seems
00:54.45DocScrutinizer05when you define "user defined blabla" they show up in bottom list too
00:56.04*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (~illwieckz@
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00:58.04x29aDocScrutinizer05: and in eeschema with place component tool you only have 5 GND symbols?
00:58.22DocScrutinizer05even when I add a user path ( I don't see any components from in there (
00:59.25DocScrutinizer05honestly I can't add every silly resistor from a lib to the upper list of library files, before picking it :-/
01:00.02x29ano of course, thats also not the default
01:00.55DocScrutinizer05something is severely fsckd with eeschema
01:02.10x29atools -> library browser, do you see e.g. "device"?
01:02.34DocScrutinizer05"error: unable to create inotify instance: too many open files"
01:02.49x29aok, that might be a problem to look into
01:02.57x29areboot ;)
01:03.11DocScrutinizer05cmd:  03:03    26 Tage 11:28 an,  12 Benutzer,  Durchschnittslast: 1,59, 1,76, 1,76
01:03.29DocScrutinizer05that's not even 3 digits on days
01:03.38x29akein plan. vorallem das windows sowas sagt?
01:03.45DocScrutinizer05das ist linux
01:03.58x29aachso, die screenshots sahen so windoƶs aus
01:04.19x29abestimmt systemd der dir da die filehandles wegsaugt
01:05.39x29abut of course, the paths are linux
01:05.47DocScrutinizer05saturn:~ # lsof|wc -l
01:05.49DocScrutinizer05lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /run/user/1001/gvfs
01:05.52DocScrutinizer05lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfsd-fuse file system /var/run/user/1001/gvfs
01:06.07x29auh oh
01:06.57x29ahmm, im at 203228 and working ok
01:09.37DocScrutinizer0520000 or whatever QInotifyX
01:11.09DocScrutinizer05lots of "QThread"
01:14.23DocScrutinizer05saturn:~ # lsof|grep -c '^konqueror [0-9]'
01:15.05DocScrutinizer05saturn:~ # lsof 2>/dev/null|grep -c 'akonadi'
01:18.25DocScrutinizer05saturn:~ # lsof 2>/dev/null|grep -c 'konadi'
01:21.15DocScrutinizer05   lsof 2>/dev/null|sort|uniq --check-chars=9 -c|sort -h -r
01:22.44*** join/#neo900 goiken_ (
01:29.30x29akonquerer is (file)browser?
01:58.09*** join/#neo900 afwang (
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14:07.03DocScrutinizer51hellekin: could you please do on newbie a Mlocate EORI' and post me the result?
14:09.59hellekinI was about to install mlocate :]
14:10.20hellekinnm = nevermind, right?
14:16.07wpwrakheh, there is indeed an mlocate :) he meant 'locate, tough
14:16.49DocScrutinizer51faster find
14:17.36DocScrutinizer51ouch typo on my side :)
14:31.03*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
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16:12.25hellekinCan someone tell me where to find the phone number associated with the loaded SIM card?
16:12.41hellekin(on an N900 running Maemo)
16:12.59hellekinThat's handy.
16:13.06DocScrutinizer05that's a non-feature of SIM cards/GSM
16:13.15DocScrutinizer05not related to N900
16:13.31DocScrutinizer05it's simply not in GSM/3GPP standards
16:13.54DocScrutinizer05the SIM doesn't know your 'phone number' it only knows about IMSI
16:14.09hellekinI have 2 SIM cards from the same provider, both without credit, and I need to find which is which.
16:14.24DocScrutinizer05that's why those things are called IMSI-catcher, not phonenumber-catchers
16:14.24hellekinphones suck like it's a lollypop.
16:15.08hellekinmaybe there's a web site that matches number and IMSI?
16:15.19DocScrutinizer05basically your IMSI is your customer ID number, while your phonenumber is an arbitrary field in carrier's database
16:15.30DocScrutinizer05alas not
16:15.47DocScrutinizer05many SIM have them stored in #1 SIM phonebook slot
16:16.19DocScrutinizer05then there are a few codes you may try, like *#101# iirc
16:16.31DocScrutinizer05plus a few more of them
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16:17.06DocScrutinizer05and finally there are phone numebrs you can call that tell you your own number. IF you can make a call at all
16:17.34DocScrutinizer05and the obvious option is "call a friend"
16:17.39hellekinit deactivated the provider's roaming cost info SMS :]
16:18.02DocScrutinizer05*'101# ?
16:18.09DocScrutinizer05*#101# even
16:18.22DocScrutinizer05*#... should always just query
16:18.32DocScrutinizer05* enables and # disables
16:19.07DocScrutinizer05so if anything #101# disables something, *101# enables it, and *#101# queries the status
16:19.34DocScrutinizer05thry *#62#, that's call divert
16:21.15DocScrutinizer05*31#<phone number><ENTER/GREEN> makes this call a hidden-number call
16:21.50DocScrutinizer05or was it #31#<... dunno, it's opposite way in ceelular/GSM and landline
16:23.49hellekindead link
16:23.58DocScrutinizer05yep, sorry
16:25.21DocScrutinizer05 has nasty ad popups
16:25.51DocScrutinizer05 seems semi-decent
16:27.12*** join/#neo900 chainsawbike (~chainsawb@unaffiliated/chainsawbike)
16:31.04jonsgerhellekin: thats why I wrote them onto the simcard ^^
16:35.08hellekinall this because this stupid bank wants to verify that *I* am adding *myself* as a recipient for a bank transfer *via SMS* Idiots.
16:35.29hellekinguess why I'm changing banks.
16:52.03*** join/#neo900 liteIRC_ (
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23:00.43*** join/#neo900 xman (
23:54.02*** join/#neo900 Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)

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