IRC log for #neo900 on 20160913

04:01.54*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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07:06.51Oksanaoffers suggestions for name of Step2 device: Rosetta, Dual, Dexter. Rosetta is about the most peaceful one, given how Dual is similar to Duel.
07:07.52*** join/#neo900 Xiaoman (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
07:18.04wpwrakOksana: (peaceful) hmm, do you know the series "dexter" ? :)
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08:06.49Oksanawpwrak: Sure, I read a lot. :-) Read some stories based on Darkly Dreaming Dexter or something. Not watching movies, though.
08:10.13ceenehow are those neo schematics going? :)
08:14.44OksanaSomething something KiCad. Do not know beyond that, a member of the team will tell more
08:15.48*** join/#neo900 freemangordon_ (~ivo@
08:15.52ceeneyep, i'm pressuring wpwrak a little bit :)
08:16.00ceenenot that i'm on a hurry
08:16.05ceeneahycka is the one who will route the board
08:16.14ceenebut we'll be out on vacation next week :D
08:17.10ahyckaholidayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys <o/ \o>
08:17.13ahycka_o- -o_
08:17.16ahyckaI need holidays xD
08:17.41bencohnah, that's overrated
08:20.07ahyckabencoh, give me yours then :D
08:20.22*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
08:20.26bencohI dont take that many either ;)
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14:25.00wpwrakceene, ahycka: whee, vacations ! :)
14:26.46wpwrakschematics editing is in full swing. but it'll still take a while. we also keep finding and fixing little bugs (and glad that we find them now, when you don't need a soldering iron / board respin to fix them :)
14:29.08*** join/#neo900 merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
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14:36.57ceeneahycka has already found a few bugs on the board she's just manufactured
14:55.35DocScrutinizer05ahycka: xould you already start checking and familiarizing with kicad?
15:00.13DocScrutinizer05you want 4.0.3 version (at very least 4.0.2)
15:02.55ahyckai'll download 4.04
15:03.02*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
15:05.12ahyckaby the moment my mind is in my job's design and altium, i have a some mistakes that i wouold like to fix in the prototype...
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15:26.15wpwrakahycka: naw, just ship it. when the boards explode at customers, you get a lot a of free PR. just look at the stellar job samsung's marketing did ;-)
15:28.54ahyckathe problem is that i did 1 year work in 4months
15:29.27ahyckaand im finding mistakes before power on the pcb :S
15:30.06wpwrakyeah, skipping reviews can be a great time saver ;-)
15:30.11ahyckabefore having PCB in my hands!!!
15:30.16ahyckaof course!
15:30.39ahyckaso, there are mistakes that i can solve with cables
15:30.53wpwraklesson to learn for your boss: be less hasty, you'll get there faster :)
15:31.01ahyckacall him
15:31.13ahyckabecause i told today and he said: what?!?!!??!
15:31.25wpwrakwell, yellow wire is cheap :)
15:31.55ahyckabut another mistake is a big 1, the pcb will wor in the laboratory at 25degrees
15:32.00ahyckabut not at 70 :S
15:32.13ceeneand it must work at 70 :)
15:32.25ceeneso it'll catch fire, as samsung :)
15:32.41ceeneyou're now on the edge of current technology
15:33.25wpwrakput somewhere in the small print of the manual that it must only be used in ushuaia, during winter. else, the warranty is void. that should cover the issue :)
15:34.49ceeneit'll be installed on southern spain
15:34.56ceeneso it won't be very cold
15:35.19ceenenot that it matters much, once all the amplifiers are powered up...
15:35.32ceene"the system's temperature will be kept down via means of a cold plate" says the specifications
15:35.40ceenelater on it reads "cold plate will be at 70ºC"
15:35.46ceenesomebody doesn't understand the meaning of "cold"
15:35.51ahyckaambient temperature!!
15:35.57wpwrakceene: ah yes, been a while since tierra del fuego would have counted as "southern spain". seems that your product is a bit late :(
15:35.58ahycka70degrees minimum
15:36.10ceenethe empire where the sun never sets
15:36.17ceenewe've come a long way from that
15:36.42ceenenow we're the small kingdom in which unemployment never falls down...
15:36.50wpwrak"cold" = you receive only minor burns when touching it
15:37.45ceenei think popcorns could be made there
15:42.20DocScrutinizer05astronomers call everything except hydrogen and helium a 'metal'
15:43.51DocScrutinizer05just idly wonders how temperature susceptibility is a layout issue
15:44.01DocScrutinizer05forgot the thermal vias?
15:44.17ceeneif you have something which disspates 3W
15:44.23ceenewith 24º of ambient temperature
15:44.24ceeneit may be okay
15:44.31ceenebecause it'll reach maybe 60º
15:44.49ceeneif it's already at 70, an increase of 36º is 106ºC
15:44.57ceeneso in this case, it's a power supply
15:45.05ceenethat could've been designed taking this into consideration
15:45.18ceenecoulda shoulda woulda
15:45.33DocScrutinizer05but that's not layout :-o
15:45.39ceenenope, that's before layout
15:45.47ceenebut ahycka does everything
15:46.08DocScrutinizer05I *love* layouters with a brain
15:46.49ceeneshe only offered to do the routing of neo because it's easier than a full schematic, and taking over somebody else's schematic is basically a pain :D
15:46.50DocScrutinizer05in OM we had a few that were like "...but the wire in shematics also does that! "
15:48.23ceenewe're a pack
15:48.24ahyckathe problem is that i design a power supply to give 3.7V because after it, there are a lot of LDOs to 3.3V, so, disipation is very low, but i need to up from 3.7 to 4.5
15:48.29ceeneshe does all the hardware and i do all the software
15:48.45ceeneshe asks me sometimes something about her hardware and i ask her sometimes something about my software
15:48.50ceenewe could conquer the world, i believe
15:49.02ceeneif we only had the time and the will, and the evilness that is required...
15:50.50DocScrutinizer05yes, you seem to be the dream team
15:51.46ceeneyou should tell that to our boss...
15:55.53*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:56.30DocScrutinizer05anyway please install kicad, check out latest Neo900 project files (ping wpwrak about details to gain access and have an account) and already please start to have a few looks and familiarize yourself with kicad eeschema and pcbnew
15:58.53DocScrutinizer05the BOM is pretty much (over-)complete, and placement between UPPER and LOWER is also finalized as much as possible
15:59.34DocScrutinizer05IOW component placement can already get done
16:00.10ahyckaperfect! at least my boss buy me and i7 16GB RAM laptop
16:00.17DocScrutinizer05for routing I don't expect a lot of changes either
16:00.21ahyckaso, ill get it home, and ill use it :)
16:02.53DocScrutinizer05there are just mainly offsheet symbols that point to nowhere, that needs fixing by adding two GPIO extenders for that stuff and route some of them dangling signals to BB-xM interface to genuine GPIO
16:09.59ahyckaDocScrutinizer05, ill study the schematics, but not now, ill do in October, promise
16:56.04*** join/#neo900 jonsger (~Thunderbi@2a02:8070:799:dd00:8c55:4faa:7884:927a)
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