IRC log for #neo900 on 20160721

00:57.55DocScrutinizer05could somebody please help with handling (LANG=de_DE)
01:06.13wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: N900 may be a good start, no ?
01:06.45DocScrutinizer05yep, sure
01:07.08DocScrutinizer05everything that runs on N900 also runs on Neo900 :-D
01:07.23DocScrutinizer05matra #0
01:07.31DocScrutinizer05mantra even
01:07.50wpwrakbtw, perhaps it would be useful if we had some commit notifications on IRC (like we have on #qi-hardware), at least for the ee repo. that way, everyone would know when stuff is changing, and what
01:07.58wpwrakdrawback: might get a little noisy
01:08.00infobotfptf is probably the Fremantle Porting Task Force, see
01:08.46DocScrutinizer05((commit notifications on IRC)) you commit every 8 minutes, this busts the irc channel :-)
01:08.51wpwrake.g., ee had 134 commits so far. if we were to extend this beyond this, there'd be my misc with 1080 commits so far
01:10.34DocScrutinizer05heise is a great opportunity to spin some momentum
01:11.32DocScrutinizer05if we play our hand right, we even might earn an article in heise (-online, at least)
01:11.45wpwrakbtw, sheet 24 is now a little less of a jungle ... and has a few new TODOs:
01:12.32DocScrutinizer05PAHE 24 or SHEET 24?
01:12.38wpwrakerr, i mean 23
01:13.16DocScrutinizer05could we investigate what it takes to make pdf start at page 0?
01:14.09DocScrutinizer0524: niiiice
01:14.18wpwraknot sure if that's an option ... let's see ...
01:14.37DocScrutinizer05I've seen pdf start at page 1308
01:15.17DocScrutinizer05I'm C4 for 6h
01:15.40*** join/#neo900 sn0wmonster (~yeti@taskhive/developer/sn0wmonster)
01:18.50wpwrak(pdf) this may be a hint
01:30.33wpwrakgrmbl. found two major bugs in already. it's interesting that you can dump all sorts of text into a PDF and it's simply ignored. now that should make for a nice "covert channel"
01:48.04wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: here we go:
01:49.01DocScrutinizer05great! :-)
01:49.24wpwraknote: whether the page numbers start at 0 or 1 depends on the pdf viewer. with evince, they start at 0 now. with xpdf, at 1.
01:50.35wpwrakback to shovelling manure ...
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04:07.05chomwittgoodmorning from Greece!
04:17.31wpwrakgrrr. testpoints, as pin type "bidirectional". what could possibly go wrong with that ? :-(
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05:01.00wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i started using some symbols from qi-hw's kicad-libs. please check;a=blob;f=README  for the repo dependency
05:01.52wpwrakhmm, and i wish git would warn when committing while in "detached head" mode. kinda silly to be working on a fake branch for hours ...
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06:38.56wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: make sch -> Generate netlist; Run Pcbnew; Read netlist; wait until it's done; then switch to Cairo ... and experience entirely new dimensions of slowness ;-)
06:41.01wpwrakopengl is pleasantly responsive, though
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08:01.05wpwrakanyway, time to crawl to bed ...
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14:33.01wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i described some common conversion issues in;a=blob;f=cvt/README
14:33.05wpwrak(after the transcript)
14:33.58wpwrak(i already fixed a lot of them, but there are still some left to bump into, especially on sheets that need major reconstruction)
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16:45.41DocScrutinizer05thanks! Seems somebody needs to tell Snowden about Neo900, and educate the general public ( that not even Cryptophone "BaseBand FireWall" (
16:45.42DocScrutinizer05Technical-Briefing.pdf) *really* can block baseband access to data on the phone, when BB uses shared RAM (>> If an attacker can gain access to the BP to the extent of being able to execute code on the BP of a secure phone, then he can circumvent or bypass a number of security functions, including access to the phone’s application processor (AP) memory, which may contain valuable secrets like clear text or encryption keys.<<) since it
16:45.44DocScrutinizer05simply kicks in too late. Only true physical separation between tainted modem and APE can create a truly secure phone
16:46.39DocScrutinizer05URL repost for your convenience:
16:52.09DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: however ^^^ has a great description of heuristics in BB monitoring
16:52.58DocScrutinizer05don't miss that their BPFW only has the Android RIL API to "monitor" the BB
16:54.22DocScrutinizer05while Neo900 has sophisticated HW subsystems to monitor the modem, which are not in reach of the BP and thus are impossible to get faked or compromised by an established BB exploit
16:56.11wpwrakhellekin: wouldn't that be an opportunity for a bit of propaganda ? :)
17:00.42DocScrutinizer05also don't miss that nowadays it doesn't need an exploit in BB firmware, since pretty much *all* baseband chips have Over-The-Air firmware update
17:01.47wpwraktechnological progress, making exploits easier, cheaper, more scaleable :)
17:01.52DocScrutinizer05usually user has no way to tell such OTA update is happening, nor a saying in whether it shall happen or not
17:03.19DocScrutinizer05cryptophone BPFW may or may not detect such update. It's however highly arguable what it could do about it, even if detected
17:03.38wpwrakif all else fails, there's still this:
17:04.48DocScrutinizer05only Neo900 has embedded Mjolnir  :-)
17:06.00wpwrakwe need code names. nokia has "GAIA". let U401 be "Mjolnir"
17:06.16DocScrutinizer05why not :-)
17:07.14DocScrutinizer05was exactly what I thought of :-D
17:12.35wpwrakhmm, now we need the names of three seers for U402 to U404 ...
17:13.51wpwrakbtw, i managed to get the number of ERC complaints below 800. mainly by adding POWERED symbols and sorting out various smaller issues
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17:15.44wpwrakthe main source of complains now are probably unconnected things. but before attacking those, i think we should fix the sub-circuits that have diverged (SIM, HB, IR, ...) and/or never quite made it from the white papers to the schematics.
17:17.18wpwrakbut for now i'm looking into a quick way to bring back schematics diffs. because once we start making serious changes, it'll be hard to keep track of things if all we have are textual change logs.
17:17.46wpwrak(also, some changes may happen unintentionally, and we'll definitely want to catch these)
17:24.58DocScrutinizer05dunno if anything better than netlist diffs is feasible and actually practical
17:27.08wpwrakin the old days, we had graphical diffs: script went through the repo, rendered schematics to bitmap, then pixel-compared and marked the regions that had changed.
17:27.41wpwrakalas, that needed wolfgang's command-line patches. that never made it into mainline.
17:28.19wpwrakand that C++ is a jungle, at least to my eyes. i've given up trying to contribute code to this some years ago. it's just too alien.
17:32.15DocScrutinizer05graphical diffs are possibly useful for a generic though not thorough evaluation of what changed, serving as mere hint where to look at. However note that e.g. the VBUS-MODEM-CPU glitch doesn't even _show_ in a graphical diff
17:34.05DocScrutinizer05for functional diffs you want netlists. It's similar to difference between a sourceode diff done byte by byte, vs a diff done on the resulting assembler listing
17:36.09wpwrakin kicad, you couldn't have such "invisible" net aliases. so it would show in a graphical diff.
17:36.32wpwrakthere are things that don't show normally, but we can of course make them visible, too, with a bit of creative tweaking :)
17:36.43DocScrutinizer05the solution I followed for Eagle been based on the script representation creating a complete schematics from scratch, so this pretty much is identical to assembler diff plus comments
17:38.08wpwrakdunno if you've seen the schematics history we had some years ago (~2010-2012) in qi-hw. it worked quite well.
17:38.54ds2btw - OrCAD is potentially an affordable option too
17:39.02ds2and that can directly read in the BBX files
17:39.09DocScrutinizer05anyway I'm still musing if a mere diff that has no feature to also create "patches" is really that useful. It doesn't provide any real added value regarding merges
17:40.59DocScrutinizer05I don't know those qi-diffs. Please elaborate on "worked quite well" - what did you really accomplish with that stuff?
17:41.12wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: the idea is to let one quickly see where changes have happened, and get a decent idea of what these changes were. sometimes you may still have to dig deeper, but that's rare.
17:41.13DocScrutinizer05how was it used?
17:42.19wpwrakit produced graphical diffs between revisions of sheets, with changes indicated by drawing deleted things in red, added things in green, and a yellow background around areas with changes
17:42.23DocScrutinizer05why would you want to see *where* changes happened, instead of reviewing the result?
17:42.29wpwrakall this along the revision history from git
17:42.48wpwrakyes, you can also see what has changed and/or the result
17:42.55DocScrutinizer05that's how it was implemented/accomplished, not how it was used
17:42.59wpwrakit also had links to the respective sheers
17:44.03DocScrutinizer05well, maybe it's sometimes useful, but honestly I don't think it's highly mandatory
17:45.35DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't know when I last time been interested in the *differences* between schematics more than in the review of the most recent version. This would only help for reviewing pretty minimal changes, while assuming the previous version was OK
17:47.44wpwrakthat assumes that you do a full and very detailed review after every commit. then you'd be certain that everything is perfect. but in reality, you have lots of commits you just take in good faith. and if you, much later, detect that something is amiss, you'll want to find out what happened
17:48.02wpwraksure, it can be an isolated slip. but then, there may be more
17:49.37wpwrakand of course, if more than one person is involved, the question of "what happened there ?" pops up even more often
17:49.38DocScrutinizer05I simply don't see the suggested workflow
17:50.16wpwrakwell, basically just how you use textual diffs with code. only that text isn't a "natural" format in this case
17:50.24wpwrakat least not for humans
17:50.44DocScrutinizer05I hardly ever use textual diffs in sw development either
17:51.12DocScrutinizer05they are only used for peer review, if anything
17:51.13wpwrakyou do things in strange ways ;-)
17:52.26DocScrutinizer05as I already said, those diffs might be useful in certain rare situations, but they are not a mandatory or particularly useful feature for the normal development workflow as I see it
17:53.22DocScrutinizer05this might be different when you do checkin every 5 minutes, after editing 2 wires
17:54.49DocScrutinizer05but even then, who would browse through all the diffs instead rather looking at the result. I think it is prone to shift focus away from what's relevant towrds a mere 'technical' review of changes without considering the semantics
17:56.21DocScrutinizer05IOW for me it's completely sufficient to know the sheet that seen edits, and this gets excellently supported by kicad's project file structrue already
17:56.53wpwrakyes, but sometimes kicad makes changes that don't affect the visible part
17:57.06DocScrutinizer05the rest is window flipping rather than creating a pixel diff. My eyes are better at diffing than imagemagic ;-)
17:57.07wpwrakor that - so far - are completely mysterious
17:57.39wpwrakso you know that the sheet has changed, but you don't know how, or whether this is actually something that matters
17:57.49DocScrutinizer05then a graphical diff will fail completey - exactly my point
17:58.07wpwrakno, it will tell you if the change affects something that is relevant
17:58.29DocScrutinizer05I'm not metally on par today, sorry
17:58.30wpwrakof course, you can do a manual side-by-side comparison of the whole sheet
17:58.33DocScrutinizer05I'm out
17:59.16DocScrutinizer05yes, that is what I actually do when I'm interested in diffs, since then I also can zoom in and check properties etc
17:59.29DocScrutinizer05no pixel diff needed, not helpful
18:00.00DocScrutinizer05flip windows with same content (except the diffs), so called flickerbox
18:00.54wpwrakin kicad, hidden properties are rare. so you normally don't need to explore at that level. you can just look for visual differences.
18:01.16wpwrakyes, but you still have to do that for every sheet. every time you're looking for differences.
18:01.34DocScrutinizer05NO! I only need to do this for the sheet that changed
18:01.56wpwrakthe "flickerbox" is nice (i actually had that, too, as a means for digging deeper when analyzing a change), but has its limits.
18:02.04DocScrutinizer05I'm NOT going to check all diffs of every commit you do
18:02.44EndZsimply use .tar.gz
18:02.48DocScrutinizer05this is a rarely ever needed feature in real life schematics development
18:05.37DocScrutinizer05you tell me "look at the microphones on sheet XY", I do and think "oh nice, looks much better now" - *maybe* I even have a peek at former version to recall how ugly it been. Am I interested in the changes in every single signal wire and symbol? no, not at all. Rather I give the new mic circuit a brief review to spot any possble oopses you introduced. I won't refer to the old schematics for that
18:06.40DocScrutinizer05if in doubt, I compare the **netlists* and get an instant proof that both schematics are functionally / semantically identical
18:07.52DocScrutinizer05so rather than generating diffs from gifs from pdfs, we rather should generate diffs from netlists
18:08.36DocScrutinizer05those would indeed accomplish a way higher value for verifying and change tracking
18:14.00DocScrutinizer05((...prone to shifting focus...)) I actually did exactly what I described above, and I checked that the two mics have the L/R select correctly different on both mics. I didn't check if this has been changed from old ugly to new nice schematics, so I had caught any error in this detail no matter if you introduced it or it been already there in old version.
18:18.00wpwrakbut you don't know if something else has changed, too. accidents happen. so maybe a misguided click changed something not related to the microphone. you won't catch this because you only review the microphone.
18:18.12wpwrakso we're really talking about different contexts here
18:18.25DocScrutinizer05thus netlists
18:18.38wpwrakyou're talking about changes where you already know exactly where to look
18:19.09DocScrutinizer05one sheet is a sufficiently small part of schematics to review completely
18:19.11wpwraknetlists are tricky :)
18:19.19DocScrutinizer05and netlists will go a long way for that
18:21.20wpwrakthough i take your point that you'll want a filter that removes at least the worse "irrelevant" changes from netlists, then compares
18:21.40DocScrutinizer05honestly, nobody will review all your schematics checkins to make sure you didn't accidentally do a misplaced click. You need more confidence in your own work. :-)
18:22.39wpwrakyou'll still encounter considerable "noise", because there internal identifiers that change often, and they also appear in the netlists. but in some cases, the netlists can indeed be useful.
18:23.21wpwrak(confidence) i confide in my humanity and my ability to err ;-)
18:23.24DocScrutinizer05when there's an issue with identifyiers changing at random, then we rather tackle and fix that
18:23.49wpwrakwell, it's not that easy ... (see the discussions on #kicad)
18:24.26DocScrutinizer05sorry, I'm not really fit for serious discussions today
18:24.28wpwrakpart of the solution seems to be a rewrite of internal data representation in eeschema
18:24.29DocScrutinizer05and afk
18:24.58wpwrakso that'll take a while. the good news is that getting rid of such things is on the radar.
18:25.41DocScrutinizer05I more thought along the line of a sematically educated diff tool that detects and handles such inadverted changes in a name
18:28.35DocScrutinizer05maybe show a diff line for first occurance of the new name in same semantic position as the old one, for all further occurences of the new name the diff tool knows it's a diff that already got handled (basically sed -i s/oldname/newname/g temp-olf-netlist
18:29.41DocScrutinizer05this will deal with such issue while not breaking when kicad gets fixed eventually
18:29.46wpwrakwhat happens is that power symbols get machine-generated component references. and whenever something changes in the set of power symbols, new references are generated. so this creates a lot of noise. and i wouldn't be surprised if the same reference was used for the same thing in different versions of the schematics.
18:30.55wpwrakadd things changing places, and it gets messy
18:31.05DocScrutinizer05why do we need names on gnd symbols anyway
18:31.15wpwrakgoood question :)
18:31.32DocScrutinizer05so simply don't diff them
18:31.42wpwraki'm just telling you how it is. i think everyone agrees that these effects aren't nice.
18:31.44DocScrutinizer05if GND then name=GND"
18:32.05DocScrutinizer05I'm afk for good now
18:32.05wpwrakif it was so easy ... :)
18:32.12wpwrakenjoy !
18:32.24DocScrutinizer05rather recover
18:32.31wpwrakwhatever :)
18:36.18*** join/#neo900 nalterjun (~announ@
19:00.30DocScrutinizer05what was the issue? can't see or imagine it in
19:03.30wpwrakthis one looks pretty clean. well, except for U1902G$1, but that comes from eagle
19:16.18wpwraki guess we might have a few of these. occasions when nik himself got lost amidst his gazillions of units, and ended up accidently creating a new part :)
19:16.32wpwraki call it poetic justice ;)
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19:48.54DocScrutinizer05I (naively) decode that as our schematics having two WWAN components called 801 and 802 (sounds strangely familiar, originally we had a **801 modem, right?)
19:50.56DocScrutinizer05searches half a minute on page0 for the WWAN/modem page ... :-/ ... >:-(
19:51.44DocScrutinizer05finally found it
19:54.05wpwrak(searching) sometimes it helps to grep *.sch :) not only does this tell you on which sheet to search, but it also tells you where else that critter may show up
19:54.13wpwraksometimes, there are surprises :)
19:55.00wpwrakgrep foo *.sch
19:55.31wpwrakor you can use "gg" to search just the files known to git
19:56.31DocScrutinizer05I just checked modem component on sheet6. Component annotation M601 (the other option aside of 801 iirc). 'Edit in component editor' makes me wonder where from any "Pin 1" might be
19:57.01DocScrutinizer05why would I look into the raw .sch files?
19:58.50wpwrakjust to know where the thing appears
20:00.30DocScrutinizer05honestly, searching raw project files to find "this thing" is prolly the wrong approach
20:00.31wpwrakyou should have seen the digital microphones. one main unit, then four more units, one per shield contact
20:04.46DocScrutinizer05I still don't understand how to find out about network/signal names in eeschema
20:05.22DocScrutinizer05not even to think of highlighting a network
20:06.26wpwraknet names are defined through the labels. so you search/look for the label.
20:06.58wpwrakand afaik, there's no highlighting in eeschema
20:08.25wpwrakminimally :)
20:08.25wpwrakwhat sucks a lot more is that there is no easy way to see where an off-sheet symbol goes
20:11.05DocScrutinizer05ooh nevermind
20:18.10DocScrutinizer05E, Ctrl+C,ESC,Ctrl+F,Ctrl-V, [Alt+F]...
20:18.58DocScrutinizer05is there anything like a generic kbd macro manager under XFCE?
20:22.29DocScrutinizer05but actually, we urgently want some versatile and convenient scripting support in eeschema, I wouldn't know how to determine the sheet ruler coords of a component, even when I spotted it by above mentioned key macro
20:30.22DocScrutinizer05hmm no, it seems `conventiently´ impossible to even find out about the XY coords of a label
20:30.46DocScrutinizer05this sucks big time, yeah
20:35.43DocScrutinizer05I want: a context menu entry "run macro" that runs arbitrary external executables, handing over all object properties as parameters and accepting the binary's STDOUT in the form of e.g. SETPROPERTY X=123; SETPROPERTY Y=234; REDRAW; KEY "Ctrl+C:Enter"
20:36.26DocScrutinizer05STERR goes to a popup notifier
20:53.52DocScrutinizer05the coords from .sch (grep -A1 "ANT-GNSS-DC" *.sch seems not really easily relatable to the eeschema editor coords
20:55.36DocScrutinizer05could we get a generic "comment escape char" into all eeschema strings? sth like ¡ or whatever, so we could use "ANT-GNSS-DC¡sheet6,A4" ?
20:57.04DocScrutinizer05and  "ANT-GNSS-DC¡sheet8,C7", and the two would still match each other
20:58.21DocScrutinizer05could be mad useful for other purposes too
20:58.27DocScrutinizer05prolly needs only one patch of the helper-lib strcmp() function
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21:20.21atkDon't ever underestimate the potential complexity of implementing a simple feature.
21:21.04DocScrutinizer05I'm pretty much aware there might be funny unexpected side effects
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21:46.51DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: re offsheets, aiui you're pretty familar with the *.sch (format). Possibly a simple AWK script should be able to fix the little flaw with offsheet symbols not showing a (list of) destination coords
21:48.49DocScrutinizer05a dead simple grep -A1 "${offsheet_name}" *.sch already yields a lost of sheet/coord tupels where the symbol shows up
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21:54.00DocScrutinizer05what's missing yet is a conversion from *.sch coords to 'real' coords and then maybe even to sheetframe ruler coords (A1 to G8)
21:55.05DocScrutinizer05then I'd suggest adding this list as a simple text next to the offsheet symbol, maybe even _grouping_ it with the offsheet symbol into one object
21:55.45ds2doesn't real coords happen only at printing?
21:56.00DocScrutinizer05I'd also be interested in a way to automatically create a netlist each time you save a schematics
21:56.11DocScrutinizer05ds2: hm?
21:57.17ds2I always thought 'real coords' would vary depending on how the schematic is printed
21:58.46ds2Oh KICad *.sch's...nevermind
22:02.51DocScrutinizer05btw Eagle has an automatism for offsheet referencing, but it's pretty braindead too in that the offsheet symbol arrow points right when the destination is at a higher_than_self sheet, and left when desination sheet number lower. No idea what it does with multiple offsheets in one network
22:07.42DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: an idea for a hack (augmentable) to simplify page flipping: Ctrl+F.#,0,1,Enter
22:44.19DocScrutinizer05for sure way more convenient to use 'find' (Ctrl+F) to jump to a page, than to search for the right dang rectangle with 3PT fontsize writing of sheet title on main sheet
22:44.42DocScrutinizer05F5 repeats last find
22:47.36DocScrutinizer05with correct settings in "find" dialog you could swiftly switch between 2 resp cycle through 3 or more pages with same "indexing label" - the above used "#01" .. "#38" are only one possibility. We concurrently could use other labels e.g. for the pages dealing with WWAN incl antennas, for NFC, you name it
22:49.10DocScrutinizer05Ctrl+F "find" search for an offsheet symbol name and cycle swiftly through all pages this offsheet symbol is used at, by simply pressing F5
22:50.22DocScrutinizer05downside: the newly displayed page is centered to the index-label you search for
22:54.54DocScrutinizer05again sucks: you can't search for any of the strings in A3 frame infobox
23:01.05DocScrutinizer05they only show up visibly on index page
23:16.22wpwrakoh, if the small fonts bother you, just make them bigger
23:16.35wpwrakyou can also put some free text into or near the boxes
23:16.52DocScrutinizer05sure, still sucks
23:17.52DocScrutinizer05I direct jump from page N to page M is way more useful, and particularly when that jump can get done by mere kbd input, without mouse acrobatics
23:18.33wpwrakbtw, one important decision still awaits: shall we continue with having everything in one design or should we split it into multiple designs ? e.g., UPPER, LOWER, BOB, BB-xM-bridge, or similar
23:19.01DocScrutinizer05multiple designs?
23:19.14wpwrakseparate by PCB
23:19.25DocScrutinizer05we had that in eagle, sucks like hell
23:20.00wpwrakadvantage: we don't need to split net names (e.g., GND of UPPER, GND of LOWER, VBUS of UPPER/LOWER, etc.)
23:20.09DocScrutinizer05finally even Nik thought it was more useful to merge them
23:20.14wpwrakdisadvantage: a bit harder to move things around
23:20.35DocScrutinizer05no, nothing works with split designs
23:20.58wpwrakwhat would make that fail ?
23:21.21DocScrutinizer05you spead one circuit over to segregate projects
23:21.46DocScrutinizer05honestly, we had that and we were happy when finally we were able to merge
23:21.47wpwrakyou'd still share libraries
23:22.45wpwrakjust trying to understand what makes you feel so negative about it. that's unexpected.
23:23.05DocScrutinizer05offsheet-symbol: "exec kicad ~/neo900/projects/ sheet 8"
23:23.45wpwrakhmm, so you want off-sheet symbols that cross boards ?
23:24.03DocScrutinizer05sure, I don't care if the signal crosses boards
23:24.19wpwraki see. yes, that's an option
23:24.36wpwrakthe current design tries to keep things apart, though. so that's a major renaming
23:24.45DocScrutinizer05no, that's evil heritage
23:25.03wpwrakstill a major renaming to get rid of that heritage :)
23:25.19DocScrutinizer05it tries to avoid the workload that inevitably came with merger
23:25.40wpwraknow i'm confused. do you want to share nets or not ?
23:25.41*** join/#neo900 lkcl (
23:25.45DocScrutinizer05nobody tries to keep things apart, things were apart
23:26.29DocScrutinizer05originally we had separate projects for UPPER and LOWER. When merging, Nik had to cope with net name collisions
23:26.37wpwrakand you want to merge them (i.e., to benefit from having it all in a single design) ? or let them stay apart (i.e., not benefit) ?
23:27.03wpwrakyes, no  or  no, yes ? :)
23:27.25wpwrakmerge and keep apart ? :)
23:28.25wpwrakso nik merged, but chose to separate the net names, thus not benefiting from the merge. hmm ;)
23:29.04DocScrutinizer05I already said a few days ago that GND1, GND2 GND3 is a nonsensical fallout of the merger and should get sanitized since we have only one GND (maybe an additional analog GND but that's a different story)
23:29.21wpwrakokay, so you DO want to merge
23:29.34DocScrutinizer05*sigh* please read what I said. He didn't want to do the work that comes with merger
23:29.38wpwrakthus, no 1V8-UPPER and 1V8 (implicitly LOWER), or such things
23:29.53DocScrutinizer05no way
23:30.04DocScrutinizer05there's no reason for such stuff
23:30.30wpwrakwe need to go over all the signals anyway. i don't trust them much. way too many suspicious-looking things
23:30.51DocScrutinizer05it's as pointless as 1V8-LEFT and 1V8-SOUTH
23:30.56wpwrakso renaming them in the process shouldn't be a big deal
23:31.06wpwrakgood :)
23:32.19DocScrutinizer05I guess Nik just added a UPPER suffix whenever there was a merger name collision
23:32.45wpwraki wonder about "collision" in this context
23:33.00wpwrakah, one issues is the number of layers in the boards
23:33.25DocScrutinizer05and honestly I'm more concerned about the cases wher the same signal didn't cause a collision since it been subtly differently named in the two split projects
23:33.44wpwrakif they'll be different, we'd have to "manually" ban some layers on some boards. easy to check for violations, though
23:33.49DocScrutinizer05that was the original reason for split
23:34.29DocScrutinizer05that's the obvious solution: pretend LOWER was 8-layer and simply don't use 4 of them
23:34.48wpwrakand we should make sure things like track width, clearances, via sizes, etc., are compatible
23:34.52DocScrutinizer05then prior to production change the board specs
23:34.56wpwrakelse things would get really messy
23:35.36DocScrutinizer05I however guess track width, clearance etc are complely unrelated to number of layers
23:36.10wpwrakone big drawback is, however, that design variants will conflict (e.g., bb-xm bridge vs. UPPER with OMAP). not sure how to deal with that.
23:36.34DocScrutinizer05well, in eagle we would use exactly that: variants#
23:36.43wpwrak(unrelated) yes, but 8-layer may pick a generally more advanced process than 4/6 (?) layer
23:36.46DocScrutinizer05those didn't exist yet when project started
23:37.15DocScrutinizer05no, aiui the precision is per layer and totally unrelated to layer count
23:37.29wpwraki don't know of a way to have variants of a design in kicad. no #ifdef.
23:37.48DocScrutinizer05IOW each multilayer PCB consists of 2layer PCB plus prepreg
23:38.26DocScrutinizer05well, we don't have variants in eagle either (at least not used that feature)
23:38.56DocScrutinizer05with git it seems safe enough to rely on means outside of kicad to handle variants
23:39.59DocScrutinizer05after all we won't build another proto_v2 when we already make changes meant for proto_v3
23:40.21DocScrutinizer05so there are no concurrent branches of design anyway
23:40.52wpwrakmmh. you could have parallel branches. but that's a bit messy, since you have to constantly move things from one to the other. plus, you need to be VERY careful to never get anything not related to the other branch in a commit that's supposed to be shared. given that kicad likes to sometimes "save everything", that's a difficult requirement.
23:40.52DocScrutinizer05I hope we can sustain this
23:41.50DocScrutinizer05doesn't apply since: see above, There never are parallel branches
23:42.08wpwrakso you want to skip v2 ?
23:42.18wpwrak(and bb-xm)
23:42.30DocScrutinizer05I really don't know why I'm not able to make my point today
23:43.07DocScrutinizer05I don't even get how you come to ask this
23:43.18wpwrakwell, you proposed that a few days ago
23:43.28DocScrutinizer05did I say anything that sounded like I would plan to
23:43.56wpwrakyou proposed to integrate omap & co. already in our coming prototype
23:44.11DocScrutinizer05I never used the term 2integrate"
23:44.30wpwrakyesm you probaby used a different word
23:44.48wpwrakbut you proposed that the prototype would already include omap & co.
23:45.10DocScrutinizer05I pondered to build the BB-xM on our UPPER instead of buying them and attaching them via cable. That's not integration, neither tiurns it a proto_v2 into proto_v3
23:45.51DocScrutinizer05proto_v3 would not use an infinitely large UPPER
23:46.29DocScrutinizer05proto_v3 would use 1GB RAM and all the other stuff we need to add for core
23:46.39DocScrutinizer05proto_v3 has eMMC
23:47.01DocScrutinizer05I didn't suggest or ponder any of that
23:47.24wpwrakJul 18 14:29:04 <DocScrutinizer05> maybe we're better off already throwing a DM3730 and a TPS65950 on proto_v2
23:47.38wpwrakthe rest sounds like relatively minor details
23:48.11wpwrakand if you're already doing the full design, why not try to make it the real size ?
23:48.40DocScrutinizer05I'm not willing to follow from >>already throwing a DM3730 and a TPS65950 on proto_v2<< to >>so you want to skip v2 ?<<
23:49.05wpwrakokay, "skip v3" then, if that sounds better ;-)
23:49.14wpwrak"optimize v3 away"
23:49.25DocScrutinizer05this is a pointless discussion
23:49.43DocScrutinizer05it lead nowhere
23:50.11wpwrakso it seems
23:50.23DocScrutinizer05I'll rename them to the 4 evangelists if you like
23:51.14wpwrakwell, let's see if there'll be hope for convergence tomorrow then
23:51.26DocScrutinizer05we're about to build proto_v2 and I pondered if a lazy addition of OMAP and some sort of power supply would be easier than the BB-xM stuff
23:52.49DocScrutinizer05no skipping of anything since we are the ones to deine what happens, so nithing could possibly get skipped. We possibly redefine a few parameters
23:53.52DocScrutinizer05and I don't see how that's relevant for parallel branches
23:55.48DocScrutinizer05re "why not do it right?" - simply beacuse we couldn't keep the alternative connectors to nevertheless unsolder the onboard OMAP and connect a BB-xM. And because layout in final formfactor takes quite a few weeks
23:58.12wpwrakthe issue with parallel branches is that they are needed if we want to concurrently have multiple variants. e.g., with just bb-xm vs. with omap et al.
23:58.52wpwrakand it seems likely that parallel branches would be disastrous if the design isn't split. so these things are all connected.
23:59.06DocScrutinizer05we won't
23:59.22DocScrutinizer05see above, I said that 3 times now
23:59.48wpwrakif we have one variant at a time, and discard it (we can still keep a copy, of course) when moving to a different variant, then that works

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