IRC log for #neo900 on 20160705

01:13.23*** join/#neo900 Defiant (
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03:22.49*** join/#neo900 chomwitt1 (
04:00.46*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:15.52*** join/#neo900 pagurus (
04:34.54*** join/#neo900 Xiaoman (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
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11:22.42*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
11:26.17DocScrutinizer05and the silego SLG46531V has a temperature sensor \o/ Great for IR LED monitoring
11:42.44*** join/#neo900 chomwitt1 (
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19:17.32*** join/#neo900 Sicelo (Sicelo@unaffiliated/sicelo)
19:47.39pigeons"blackphone" makers. Also please interpret this line for me, "The decision was a business decision and not related to any warrant for user data which we have not received."
19:47.52pigeonsSo it was not for the warrants that they didn't receive.
19:47.58pigeonsjust for the ones they did?
19:58.53*** join/#neo900 Xiaoman (~Xiaoman@unaffiliated/xiaoman)
20:10.14*** join/#neo900 pagurus (
20:36.38DocScrutinizer05to me this sounds like somebody made an offer to them which they 'cannot reject'
20:37.41DocScrutinizer05well, blackphone always been pretty half-assed approach
20:37.43pigeonsyep "business decision"
20:38.08pigeonsand warrant canaries are an interesting idea but stupid in practice
20:38.53DocScrutinizer05other than the concept of a service that relies on server side integrity is stupid by design
20:39.45pigeonswell i dont think they will hold up. common sense and legal precedent may say you can't be compelled by the law to lie, but absolutely they will, and they will hold you in contempt of court for whatever they want
20:40.06DocScrutinizer05the way more interesting detail in this article is about the mandatory OS update with reduced user control
20:42.11Arch-TKer... what?
20:42.21Arch-TKhas had quite enough "OS updates" recently
20:42.51pigeonsi havent looked but i would doubt they were selling too many anyway
20:42.52Arch-TKmandatory update (how did that even happen to begin with?) for a phone which is supposedly designed for people who care about privacy and control which decreases control...
20:43.31DocScrutinizer05yep, exactly
20:43.32Arch-TKis starting to get sick of cyanogenmod
20:44.54Arch-TKI don't really use this phone for too much anyway but since I've discovered extras-devel for the N900 I am starting to see a much greater appeal in a phone with a slightly poorer experience of the web with far more features that I actually want.
20:45.26Arch-TKIt seems like extras-devel is where all the fabled "semi-decent web browsers" were hiding
20:45.42Arch-TKnot to say that microb isn't decent, but the "modern internet" absolutely shits on it
20:46.28pigeonswell i have yet to find a web browser on a desktop that can handle twitter, or slack, or "modern internet stuff", so I don't know who uses that stuff
20:46.35pigeonswith javascript enabled
20:46.53Arch-TKOh yeah... even on a desktop web browsers struggle and burn CPU / eat RAM like mad.
20:46.59DocScrutinizer05yeah it sucks
20:47.03DocScrutinizer05big time
20:47.05Arch-TKI don't use twitter though or slack (not sure what that is)
20:47.38pigeonsits like a web interface for irc, except the server is a private company's proprietary system
20:47.44DocScrutinizer05slack is the web based integrated services IRC
20:48.10DocScrutinizer05with history and file sharing and whatnot
20:48.15Arch-TKhmm, I see... so like an IRC based web based communication thing for companies.
20:48.18pigeonsand surprisingly lots of "open projects" are using it instead of irc, because "user friendly"
20:48.22zakx_the IRC comparisation is misleading
20:48.28zakx_"chat" yes, "IRC" no
20:48.50pigeonsi thought you could not possibly design worse chat than irc, but slack did it by far
20:48.58pigeonsits unusable
20:49.03zakx_they actually have an IRC "compatibility layer" where you can use it via IRC protocol and that'll quickly show how it isn't IRC at all
20:49.04Arch-TKIRC isn't bad :P
20:49.39pigeonsirc is good enough for me, but people have plenty of valid complaints. its just those are certainly not fixed bty the direction of slack
20:50.19Arch-TKI'm curious, what complaints?
20:51.02Arch-TKMaybe I have different expectations but I've always found IRC to do a good job at being a "chatroom" thing.
20:51.05zakx_IRC won't work for companies as it doesn't have backlog and rich-text bs
20:51.27zakx_nobody wants to teach the janitor to use irssi
20:51.38zakx_instead, they can just install the Slack smartphone app and be done with it
20:51.40Arch-TKhmm, backlog can be fixed using an irc bouncer, but rich-text... oh my
20:51.41pigeonswell, i'm being charitable to the complainers, because i can't think of any at the moment. not very efficent compared to some protobuf based thingee maybe?
20:52.11pigeonsyou can have rich bs with irc
20:52.40Arch-TKI would stop using IRC if the standard got "updated" to support long messages and rich-text / html and then freenode changed to a server which supports the new standard
20:52.43Arch-TKHow I hate html emails
20:53.07zakx_you could possibly have everything that slack "offers" with some ambitious IRC client setup, but that won't "just work everywhere"
20:53.20Arch-TKIt's like giving children a pack of crayons and asking them to paint the Mona Lisa
20:53.32Arch-TKyou just end up with an unholy mess of colours
20:54.07pigeonsslack doesn't"just work everywhere" either. just on their servers
20:54.15Arch-TKAt work I saw an email which was written in comic sans and some "Fantasy" font thing
20:54.28zakx_pigeons: yeah sure, but i mean it works on every client platform
20:54.55zakx_people can install the client on their computers, smart phones, etc. (as long as they run supported mainstream OS's)
20:55.19zakx_and it will be the same experience on every computer they come across
20:55.28DocScrutinizer05umm, slack works moderately OKish on firefox
20:56.11zakx_in the real world, people just download "the Slack app" from "the App Store"
20:56.30pigeonsi get cpu spinning heating up and long delays, and it decides if i scroll up a bit that i really meant i wanted to go a certain percentage rather than where i scrolled, the hotkeys are really laking, several things i need to reach the mouse for
20:56.32zakx_(which is just a containerized webbrowser, mind you)
20:56.33DocScrutinizer05I'm not a people ;-)
20:57.00pigeonsbut worse is it cant handle slow connections, i cant even display a little text it wont load up at all if it cant hog a lot of bandwidth
20:57.11DocScrutinizer05and I already hate having to use FF for slack since konqueror doesn't work for it
20:57.21Arch-TKbasically web applications in a nutshell
20:57.24pigeonsyeah i tried the app which is just "electrum" and actually it oes seem to work better
20:57.47zakx_i hope you realize how you are not the target audience for this company
20:58.52DocScrutinizer05indeed I'm not
20:59.10Arch-TKme neither
20:59.18pigeonsi think its not appropriate a lot of the open projects that have started using it
20:59.22DocScrutinizer05thus I use IRC client for almost everything slack
20:59.38Arch-TKBut I also don't see how "developers" ever became the target audience (as pigeons says)
21:00.07pigeonsif people like it and get value from it great
21:00.37DocScrutinizer05well, you often have no choice
21:00.54Arch-TKbecause some "higher ups" decide for you?
21:01.02pigeonsyeah i know. with "networking/communications" apps you have to go where the people are
21:01.07DocScrutinizer05or some clients or supporters
21:01.10Arch-TKbut that begs the question why those people didn't ask you (the person who will have to use it) first
21:01.31DocScrutinizer05Arch-TK: hehe
21:02.34pigeonsi cant think of any but i know there are people who facebook is a horrible fit for but have to use it because network effect of the people they need to communicate with, some things have no website, instead a facebook apge, and would neer send an email list when they havve a facebook group
21:02.56Arch-TKThen you can say: "Well I like irc, it doesn't cost any money, and all the people that would actually benefit from this endeavour (the development team) probably have the mental power required to work out how to use IRC (if they don't already know how to use IRC). I can also set up an IRC server for us in 20 minutes and everyone can pick their favourite IRC client and then you don't have to spend a month
21:02.58Arch-TKinvestigating "potential solutions" to the problem of people in different parts of the building being able to discuss things."
21:03.02DocScrutinizer05on a sad sidenote: now even that friggin ISIS has negative impact on Neo900 project, in that it causes mess in Saudi Arabia, particularly with banks and international payments
21:03.41pigeonswe just can't have nice things anywhere
21:03.46Arch-TKFind an issue in the world: ISIS will probably claim they caused it.
21:04.08Arch-TK"Neo900 project suffers delays from banking issues in Saudi Arabia - ISIS claims responsibility."
21:04.19Arch-TKI can just see the newspaper headlines.
21:05.13Arch-TKAll things considered, I'm surprised ISIS hasn't been eradicated yet. Surely it doesn't take this long to (in the modern day and age) eradicate even a large terrorist organisation.
21:05.33Arch-TKBut then what do I know about eradicating terrorist organisations.
21:05.57DocScrutinizer05the point being SA stopped all international money transfers
21:07.17Arch-TKAlso, I remember something being hinted about some potential "investor." some half a year ago. Did that go anywhere?
21:07.28DocScrutinizer05see above
21:07.47DocScrutinizer05and above (slack)
21:08.34Arch-TKuses his "backlog"
21:08.57Arch-TKwait, how far above?
21:09.28DocScrutinizer05one screen for international money transfers, a tad further for reasons why you have to use slack sometimes
21:10.16Arch-TKright, so the investor is some company in Saudi Arabia which uses slack?
21:10.59DocScrutinizer05the investor likes to stay anonymous
21:11.16pigeonshe must have a blackphone
21:11.20Arch-TKWell, this investor sounds like a nice guy.
21:12.11DocScrutinizer05anyway no investor, rather a supporter
21:12.33DocScrutinizer05investor would imply obligations on our side
21:13.13Arch-TKWell this supporter sounds like a nice guy.
21:14.53DocScrutinizer05nice guy, nice gal, nice bunch of people, nice alien, yes, a nice one anyway
21:15.26Arch-TKa nice something
21:15.54Arch-TKso how are the Neo900 purchases looking then?
21:16.28Arch-TKWill that not be as big of an issue because of the supporter?
21:17.44DocScrutinizer05we're short a 300 devices, which evaluates as 300k€. Support is only a fraction of that
21:18.28Arch-TKhow many devices required in total?
21:18.35DocScrutinizer05min 600
21:19.03DocScrutinizer05we're halfway there
21:19.28DocScrutinizer05sorry, afk
21:27.52DocScrutinizer05for a pastime meanwhile, a nice read about the silego chips we gonna use for simmux and IR control, and maybe even for IO-extenders: Sine Wave Generator.pdf
21:28.25DocScrutinizer05no, we won't use them as a sound chip ;-)
21:37.44Arch-TKFor sound you need a chip from some old [portable] game console
21:44.47pigeonsneo900, now with MOS 6581 sound chip
21:45.52Arch-TK10/10 would buy
21:50.30DocScrutinizer05  >>now [Mathias] has emulated everything (**except the SID**, that’s still black magic) in a single ARM microcontroller.<<
21:55.15*** join/#neo900 jonsger (
22:21.16Arch-TKshould fix his ZX Spectrum finally
22:23.31Arch-TK(not that it can produce such amazing sounds as that chip)
23:45.18*** join/#neo900 jonsger (

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