IRC log for #neo900 on 20160207

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14:38.55enycwpwrak: i'd be inerested to see any new draft of hackerbus spec
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16:13.32DocScrutinizer05rotfl, mouser expects to send the BB-xM at 25th February 2015 !!!
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16:29.00wpwraknaw, it says 2016 :)
16:37.06DocScrutinizer05typo, sorry
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16:38.05DocScrutinizer05I need a 21€ item from mouser, do we need anything else? to reach free shipping
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16:39.13DocScrutinizer05I highly doubt the 02-25 shipping date
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16:39.40wpwrakpogos ?
16:42.07DocScrutinizer05hmm, which ones?
16:42.59DocScrutinizer05I actually feel tempted to get some low profile ones (~2mm high max) to mount to a battery-shaped PCB
16:44.46DocScrutinizer05I prolly also could use higer ones and then use a shim of sorts to make the PCB 'hover' several millimeters above bottom of battery bay and still sit flush and parallel to bottom
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16:50.33DocScrutinizer05hmmm, or fix the pogopins to testpoints with a blob of wax, than use a slaughtered BL-5J where cell removed, insert it to the bay and fill with epoxy
16:51.16DocScrutinizer05eeeew, nasty idea
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17:02.59DocScrutinizer05  perfect, distance PCB to batt bay bottom: 2.30mm
17:03.25DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: ^^^
17:05.05DocScrutinizer05well, maybe a smart idea to also check minimal possible pitch and compare the the needed pitch
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17:07.45DocScrutinizer05*very* tight
17:08.37DocScrutinizer05might need sime milling to take off from the 2mm dia 'dish' of the pogos
17:08.44DocScrutinizer05some, even
17:09.58wpwraktest points have a pitch of about 1.6 mm, no ?
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17:10.59DocScrutinizer051.9 maybe
17:11.33DocScrutinizer05I had a caliper opened to 6mm and I had a 3.3 testpoints in there
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17:12.36DocScrutinizer05since this is a one-shot for freemangordon, I get away with dremel and a 'oblong' milled into the 2mm dia dish of the pogo
17:12.50wpwrakmaybe 1.8
17:13.04DocScrutinizer05well above 1.5
17:13.10DocScrutinizer05which is the pogo core dia
17:13.38wpwrakso the pogos shouldn't be wider than ~1.6 mm, better 1.5 mm (it's very hard to place them in a strictly vertical orientation)
17:14.28DocScrutinizer05strictly verical isn't as much of a problem. Worst case I ram some isolator plastic in between
17:14.43freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: you know what? isn;t it better to connect that device to europa, the same way as bb-xm?
17:14.44wpwrakphew :)
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17:15.04freemangordonthat way more devs will have chance to use it
17:15.05DocScrutinizer05I still need to connect to serial, no?
17:15.29DocScrutinizer05so I prefer sending it to you rather than setting up Europe again
17:15.56DocScrutinizer05and I guess I will simply solder the testpoints with thin wires
17:16.27freemangordonwhat is wrong with Europa?
17:16.41DocScrutinizer05ideally I find wires thin enough so a battery still fits in
17:17.25freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: do as you wish, but think about ^^^ once again before sending :)
17:17.26DocScrutinizer05Europa is fine, just collecting dust and i'm happy about that since I don't need to manage all the VLAN and port forwards and stuff
17:18.22freemangordonfor example Pali will have a chance to get serial output too
17:18.31DocScrutinizer05I need a better caliper, something for blind people
17:18.54DocScrutinizer05well, how would you restart and flash such a remote device?
17:18.55wpwrak(solder instead of pogo) yes, i think that's a tough one with single pogos. and pogo blocks may be very hard to find (or custom-made)
17:19.39freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: anyway you solder stuff, you can put the battery away fro mthe device and connect it to a managed switch
17:19.40wpwrak(restart) power-cycle with relays ?
17:19.43DocScrutinizer05flashing might still work, via USB, but actually power cycling is... nasty
17:19.45freemangordonflashing is not a problem
17:20.19freemangordonif device is in r-d mode, it is flashable on boot without 'U' pressed
17:20.31DocScrutinizer05and I don't like a N900 under full remote control in my living room ;-P
17:20.46freemangordonok, now I am convinced ;)
17:20.52wpwrakit's a N900, not a Transformer ;-)
17:21.14freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: but, cameras still does not work in mainline kernel
17:21.14DocScrutinizer05it's a linux device with camera and microphone
17:21.30freemangordonyeah, correct
17:21.58freemangordonok, send it then
17:22.13freemangordonis afk
17:22.19DocScrutinizer05nah, kernel debugging is extremely inconvenient to do remote. When Pali needs a console-enabled device as well, I can provide one to him too
17:22.49freemangordonwell, what I am afraid of, is that he will ask me to do tha debugging :D
17:23.01wpwrakblack tape for the camera and we won't see you walk naked through your living room. microphone ... hmm, listening to joerg grumble ...
17:23.48DocScrutinizer05no, my parties are strictly off limits ;-)
17:24.36wpwrakor just short the mic ?
17:24.39freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: "remote kernel debugging" - come on, I did remote xloader debugging, kernel should be a piece of cake compared :)
17:24.55freemangordonanyway, bbl
17:24.56DocScrutinizer05indeed, when you put it like that
17:25.56DocScrutinizer05checks mouser for decent calipers
17:36.59DocScrutinizer05  hmm
17:39.22DocScrutinizer057 bucks more than from Wiha direct:
17:41.03DocScrutinizer05afk, bbl
17:41.41DocScrutinizer05oh, wpwrak, how's the HB-whitepaper going? and how do you like the N950?
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19:10.55DocScrutinizer05seems there are like 4000+ N900 refurbished with russian kbd out there:  -- time to ask xiangfu what's up with sourcing
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19:40.39Kerodo I want a russion kbd? found out that I don't want a british kbd...
19:41.13DocScrutinizer05swapping keymat is pretty simple
19:42.09MonkeyofDoom4000+ is a pretty number
19:42.59DocScrutinizer05well, there are several shops quoting up to ~2000, I guess it's as usual, they all refer to same original source
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19:52.22wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: N950 hasn't arrived yet. dunno where it is exactly - the tracking is either broken or they really screwed up the user interface :-( in any case, the next two days are holidays here, so the earliest possible delivery would be wednesday
19:54.32wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: (hb) yeah, meaning to ask you to confirm or change the current ratings i suggested. once i have them i can calculate the connectors, which in turn (may) affect the exact geometry. so that would then hopefully close that whole mess of dependencies.
19:59.17DocScrutinizer05please assume current limits as they derive from the connectors used
19:59.41DocScrutinizer05there's no design requirement for current ratings
19:59.53DocScrutinizer05as good as it gets
20:00.50DocScrutinizer05a 500mA for VBATT would be nice
20:01.09wpwrakVBAT_RAW or VBAT_SWITCHED ?
20:01.16DocScrutinizer051A would be great
20:01.32DocScrutinizer05VBAT_SWITCHED is low power
20:02.01DocScrutinizer05max 300mA
20:02.08DocScrutinizer05rather less
20:02.15wpwraki have 1.5 A (charging) for VBAT_RAW, 100 mA for VBAT_SWITCHED, 0.5 A for VBUS_OTG, and 100 mA for GPIO_d/3V3 (or whatever voltage we end up putting there)
20:02.28wpwrakokay, 300 mA is a good number :)
20:03.02wpwraki think it's the lowest per-pin current rating i came across for connectors that looked suitable for this scenario
20:03.14DocScrutinizer05ok :)
20:03.50wpwrakso anything <= 300 mA is okay for a single pin. then i need to bundle. and hopefully i'll end up with enough ground to match the positive rails ;-)
20:04.15DocScrutinizer05we have 4 GND pins iirc
20:04.58wpwrakit's not just HB :) we also need to connect to the memory card and the flash
20:05.32DocScrutinizer05pogopins go up to 1A at least ;-)
20:05.46DocScrutinizer05if everything else fails
20:06.33wpwrakpogos sounds like a good plan B. "just hold BOB in place while taking a picture" ;-)
20:07.17DocScrutinizer05err nope, BOB is fixed by case anyway
20:07.37DocScrutinizer05at least in this direction
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20:08.36wpwrakin Z ? yes. which would make it fairly entertaining to shift it around in XY until most of pogos connect to something that at least won't cause trouble :)
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20:09.15DocScrutinizer05shifting in XY can't happen due to the B2B-conns
20:10.00DocScrutinizer05and 2 B2B should have enough retraction force to withstand one pogo
20:10.00wpwrakyes, but we're talking about those b2b conns. so if you use pogo for them, shifting does happen :)
20:10.21wpwrakah, selective pogo. heh :)
20:11.15wpwraknaw, let's not go there. mixing connectors is sending a nice invitation card, printed on expensive paper, with rsvp, to trouble
20:12.15wpwrak(i'm still amazed how thoroughly that backfired on milkymist. and that was MUCH simpler than what we're doing with BOB)
20:13.52DocScrutinizer05trouble with connectors?
20:21.55wpwrakit has two different types of connectors for the little board that had an FTDI chip for the serial console. they weren't matched carefully ... and all sort of problems developed :)
20:22.49wpwrak(and no, i wasn't involved in that design - but i learned from it nevertheless :)
20:42.27DocScrutinizer05yes, poor alignment is one of my largest concerns with all those B2B conns in the sandwich and to BOB
20:43.09DocScrutinizer05that's why I suggested to revisit that detail and find a solution that literally offers more flexibility
20:44.39DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't like to find we need to pair LOWER to UPPEr and rework 70% of the boards
20:46.12wpwrakguess PCB and SMT will just have to be very precise ...
20:46.57wpwrakreworking the big connectors between LOWER and UPPER would certainly be a treat
20:47.02DocScrutinizer05we'll only know after PV, if not after we picked a 30% yield from fab line
20:47.37DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't want to manually rework a 400 boards
20:47.51wpwrakwell, at least we know that sufficient precision for this sort of sandwich is possible. USRP had this kind of arrangement, apparently without undue problems
20:48.11DocScrutinizer05mhm, nice to know
20:49.00wpwrakbigger connectors, though. but then the whole thing is bigger. and they had "real" RF in there for fun, too
20:49.25DocScrutinizer05bigger connectors is the key word here
20:50.25DocScrutinizer05size of the whole thing doesn't matter as much as the size (and wiggling room) of the connectors themselves versus the precision of placing and *soldering* the components
20:51.02DocScrutinizer05components tend to drift away during soldering
20:52.06DocScrutinizer05if you need precise placement of connectors, you use a type with notches that go through fitting holes in the PCB
20:52.53DocScrutinizer05Nikolaus promised there will be zilch problems. however he's not here to keep his promise
20:53.58DocScrutinizer05I'm still pretty worried and flirting with stuff like zebra strips
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20:56.24DocScrutinizer05for the sandwich at least
21:01.26DocScrutinizer05actually we could use a short flex PCB and solder it to the edge of both PCBs to connect
21:02.53DocScrutinizer05or solder to one PCB's edge while using a B2B con on the other end
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21:08.46DocScrutinizer05or, when we use those B2B conns, make a bay in otuer layer prepreg so the connector fits into the bay with no more error than what we can tolerate for that type of connector
21:09.01DocScrutinizer05outer, even
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21:13.57DocScrutinizer05maybe we can glue the connectors into place, prior to soldering. Given the placers are working accurate enough
21:16.04DocScrutinizer05we *might* even join the two conns with a mounting guide that holds them in a proper relation to each other, until soldered
21:16.13DocScrutinizer05only needs a minimal 'PCB' structure with two B2B receptacles *glued* into proper location
21:16.56DocScrutinizer05then plug to connector components to that thing and place the whole object for soldering
21:17.06DocScrutinizer05s/ to / two /
21:24.16DocScrutinizer05however that idea doesn't fly for automated assembly, if only since we'd need multiple of those helper thingies which just replicates the problem to placement of the jacks on the helper PCB
21:26.43DocScrutinizer05could we use LOWER as guide for placing and glueing the conns on UPPER? would actually create pairing, but at least it would guarantee stuff fits
21:27.21DocScrutinizer05dunno how to place solder paste then
21:34.34saperwhat is your opinion on using cheap mediatek soc's to build phones?
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21:35.29DocScrutinizer05no opinion here, since it's not applicable for our project
21:37.12DocScrutinizer05one of the major requeirements is compatibility to N900 - mtk chips don't fit in there
21:38.59saperthank you
21:39.14DocScrutinizer05onother aspect is compatibility to GTA04 which also uses an OMAP3
21:42.07DocScrutinizer05then you also have this:
21:42.44DocScrutinizer05IOW a cheap SoC is not necessarily a good SoC, it needs to be available and open docs too
21:43.37DocScrutinizer05at least when you care about openness and are not Nokia or Samsung or Sony etc, to dictate what the chip makers offer to you
21:47.13DocScrutinizer05>>ED: Next stop: MediaTek. Asian company, so probably easier to get than from the huge global players. However, MediaTek only offers Android drivers, and they do not plan to support Linux – well, not for our small quantities anyways. So they decided to not sell them to us as well.<<
21:48.14DocScrutinizer05note **they decided to not sell**
21:48.14MonkeyofDoomsuch a shame how Android chokes out Linux proper in situations like that
21:48.40MonkeyofDoomGoogle has enough resources they could afford to rebase their universe onto a modern kernel :(
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21:49.37MonkeyofDoomnot that the kernel is the whole story, of course, since the meaty bits of video drivers and lots else are pretty much all in userspace on those systems
21:50.21DocScrutinizer05or closed blobs no matter where they actually are
21:51.16MonkeyofDoomI think lots of users are less upset by closed blobs (e.g. for nvidia video cards) than they are by vendor support not tracking upstream kernels
21:51.42MonkeyofDoomof course the latter kind of falls out of the former eventually when it becomes no-longer-profitable to support your old hardware
21:51.46DocScrutinizer05the two topics are thoroughly entangled though
21:52.43DocScrutinizer05anyway we build and sell an *open* hardware, no blobs from chip manufs, definitely not on the SoC
21:53.12DocScrutinizer05if the system can't work without blobs, we missed our design goal
21:54.05DocScrutinizer05the idea exactly being independance from manfacturer support
21:54.48DocScrutinizer05so you could upgrade to kernel 14.876 in 2040
21:55.26DocScrutinizer05we also don't want any blobs on APE for mere security reasons
21:56.25DocScrutinizer05audit of a blob for vulnerabilities and backdoors isn't impossible but terribly hard
21:56.48MonkeyofDoomwhat's APE?
21:57.04DocScrutinizer05APplication Environment
21:57.10MonkeyofDoomoh, ok
21:57.15DocScrutinizer05or even app Processor Env
21:57.28DocScrutinizer05iow the linux CPU
21:58.19DocScrutinizer05basically the domain FSF should limit their RYF to ;-)
22:07.59DocScrutinizer05just had an idea for the rating in UYL (our RYF evolution): device classes: *) full "RYF" compliant *) theoretically possible to reboot into a fully operational fully RYF compliant system from a system that does sorts of init which are not RYF compliant (this would be Neo900 then) *) RYF compliance only for a system stripped down in functionality since the needed blobs defeat some system functions when removed
22:09.55DocScrutinizer05the latter would be the case for example with WLAN that needs a blob for softMAC and doesn't work without such blob
22:10.34DocScrutinizer05or simply put: closed linux drivers for some of the subsystems
22:11.28DocScrutinizer05for Neo900 that applies for the 3D parts of PowerVR, however the system is fully functional without them
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22:14.16DocScrutinizer05well, Neo900 doesn't even comply to RYF on the reboot level definition since we offer you can update the modem firmware whenever Gemalto provides such update blob
22:15.15MonkeyofDoomI'm still waiting for someone to write an open-source driver from the leaked PVR stuff, legality be damned
22:15.37DocScrutinizer05didn't know PVR stuff leaked
22:15.46MonkeyofDoomsomething to that effect IIRC
22:15.48MonkeyofDoomlet me look for a link
22:20.22DocScrutinizer05thanks a lot!
22:28.09MonkeyofDoomthe libv post is rather depressing in how hamstrung we all are by complying with copyright law
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22:37.58DocScrutinizer05great, many thanks
22:40.30MonkeyofDoomall that said, I've avoided reading the leaks in case I do ever get a chance to contribute to a cleanroom-style PVR project
22:43.42DocScrutinizer05I wonder why IMG didn't simply put the leaked code under public domain retroactively, solving a lot of problems for everybody
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23:04.39bencohDocScrutinizer05: I guess you're joking :)
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23:08.45DocScrutinizer05nah, actually when imagination is hiring FOSS developers to further their linux support, then why not start with 'legalizing' what's already leaked anyway? Must be lawyer mumbojumbo
23:10.10DocScrutinizer05we didn't see Nokia doing such thing either. Supposedly because they didn't 'own' the code
23:11.11DocScrutinizer05they should have talked to colabora and agreed upon releasing everything
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23:14.32DocScrutinizer05I don't know enough about imagination and the PVR stuff to even start to speculate why they didn't release stuff
23:15.43jonwilMore than likely the newer PowerVR parts are more friendly to being opened up than the older SGX parts (i.e. less "secret sauce" in there that needs to be dealt with), also the leaked stuff likely contains things imagination cant share (e.g. code imagination doesn't own the rights to or things they cant share because of patent agreements)
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23:22.04jonwilI strongly suspect the older PowerVR chips (e.g. SGX) are the chips least likely to end up with FOSS GPU drivers

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