IRC log for #neo900 on 20160203

00:46.34*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~quassel@
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02:09.24*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (~illwieckz@unvanquished/developer/illwieckz)
02:48.27*** join/#neo900 Defiant (
04:55.57*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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13:24.27DocScrutinizer05on a preliminary sidenote, resuming on my previous note about investor: looks extremely good :-)
13:28.03DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: we have a job for you :-) We need a "FOSS" OS on N(eo)900 to already demonstrate there *is* a working OS available
13:28.32*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
13:29.31Arch-TKIf I had the device / the time to find out what exactly it needs and more time I could do that.
13:29.43DocScrutinizer05how much for installing a 100% FOSS maemo built from source on a N900 and demonstrate what's working without proprietary blobs, and then show how a user would import the probably needed blobs to make a complete working fullgrown maemo?
13:30.21DocScrutinizer05(not built on N900 of course - install on N900 ;-D )
13:30.49freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: define "working" :)
13:31.17bencohdid you say "investor" ?
13:31.19DocScrutinizer05for a start a X11 display possibly even with hildon desktop would be already fine
13:31.25DocScrutinizer05bencoh: yep
13:31.58freemangordon_hmm, we'd need binary blobs for that, unless HW accell is disabled
13:32.05DocScrutinizer05freemangordon_: nota bene we want a paid work
13:32.24DocScrutinizer05you're not supposed to do that for free
13:32.38freemangordon_hmm, I have to think about that, but I am afraid I don;t have the free time needed to dedicate on such a task
13:33.01freemangordon_but, lemme think about it
13:33.09DocScrutinizer05well, just see how much free time you can allocate and we#ll decide if it's enough
13:33.55freemangordon_maybe a joint effort from 2-3 guys would be better
13:34.14DocScrutinizer05sure, find partners, Neo900 UG is not averse
13:34.25freemangordon_I promise nothing :)
13:34.39freemangordon_will see what can be done. Is there a dealine?
13:34.41DocScrutinizer05you know better who's competent and fits into such a team
13:34.49DocScrutinizer05no deadline :-)
13:34.59freemangordon_ok, define one then ;)
13:35.14freemangordon_end of june?
13:35.21DocScrutinizer05but please don't delay too much, I'd love to see an answer in next 7 days
13:35.27bencohnow everyone, /clear, this "no deadline" line just never existed
13:36.22DocScrutinizer05we will think about schedule requirements when we see what can get done at all
13:36.31freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: I'll think about how that can be organized and will discuss with you further
13:36.56DocScrutinizer05generally rather speed up the process. If more team members help, get more :-)
13:37.07DocScrutinizer05thanks :-)
13:39.13DocScrutinizer05just in case you wonder: >>I would also suggest that you move forward by porting a few OS's and getting a few developers involved; I could also fund this side<<
13:40.05DocScrutinizer05[quote of a source not to be named yet]
13:45.45DocScrutinizer05freemangordon_: see ->  --  importing the free (as in beer) BLOB PowerVR drivers from TI is not a problem
13:49.04DocScrutinizer05...if they are really needed
13:51.10freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: if PVR driver is not a problem, then things should be much easier
13:51.32freemangordon_unless there is a requirement for upstream libs
13:52.00DocScrutinizer05no, to start with we only want a 'legal' demo
13:52.16freemangordon_so, maemo5 with stripped closed parts?
13:53.04freemangordon_booting to h-d only? with no telephony etc. that should be easily doable, just build infra should be set-up
13:53.36DocScrutinizer05demonstrate that maemo5 "works" without closed&copyrighted parts, then show how user could import the closed&(C) parts into such system from their own maemo5 image
13:54.45freemangordon_hmm, importing from FW image is not something I would recommend
13:55.47freemangordon_but I guess we should find a way to "make up" a package from binaries in the rootfs
13:55.57DocScrutinizer05did you ever look into freetz? they basically do what we need: they use the AVM fritzbox FOSS sources and build a system, then during build the 'fiasco image' of AVM gets downloaded and extracted and the proprietary drivers e.g. for DSL and WLAN get integrated into the otherwise built-from-scratch system
13:56.21bencohhow would you "build maemo" from scratch/source?
13:56.38freemangordon_bencoh: what is teh problem?
13:56.38bencohis there an autobuilder button "compute deps and rebuild" or something?
13:56.54DocScrutinizer05so they don't distribute nonfree stuff but leave it up to user to fetch those blobs her/himself
13:57.03freemangordon_why autobuilder?
13:57.23bencohI dunno, because it autobuilds packages and fetches deps where needed
13:57.50bencohwhat would you do? display a build deps tree and start at the root?
13:58.22freemangordon_wouldn;t debootstrap do the job?
13:58.36bencohfrom source? not that I know of, no
13:58.44bencohdebootstrap fetches binary packages
13:58.52freemangordon_why source, we have
14:00.03bencohyou'd need to push FOSS version of every package in rootfs there, then
14:00.28freemangordon_it is there already
14:00.38DocScrutinizer05we need to demonstrate we can *build* an OS for a Neo900 proto (which is N900 so far)
14:01.05freemangordon_hmm, ok
14:01.11DocScrutinizer05we even need to *provide* that build which is _not_ the stock fremantle maemo5
14:01.24freemangordon_ok, got it
14:01.42bencohfreemangordon_: hmm, we don't have our own build from source in the repos, afaict :)
14:01.58DocScrutinizer05the idea being that later on we can provide this as OS for Neo900
14:02.04freemangordon_yes, as this is debian based :)
14:03.19freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: does the "distro" shall include toolchain as well?
14:03.32DocScrutinizer05I need a build where we can state "see, it already 'works', we only need to adapt a few things which are unique in Neo900, then users can download this very image to Neo900 as they now can download it to N900"
14:04.10freemangordon_what is not clear to me is - do you need fiasko or a system which builds fiasko?
14:04.49DocScrutinizer05well, actually for now (N900 proto) we will exploit fiasco. On Neo900 we will boot from uSD
14:04.55bencohwould vanilla debian do?
14:05.10freemangordon_bencoh: we don;t have working h-d for debian
14:05.26freemangordon_because of gtk3
14:05.35bencohdebian dropped gtk2?
14:05.47freemangordon_no, but gtk2 in maemo is patched a lot
14:07.20DocScrutinizer05freemangordon_: consider the Neo900 maemo build shall also run on beagleboard for example
14:07.28freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: still, I don;t understand the requirement - is it a system, which pulls sources from $somewhere, builds .debs and creates a distro on fiasco/mmc or fiasco/mmc image
14:07.34DocScrutinizer05not mandatory, but as a perspective
14:08.04DocScrutinizer05a build system
14:08.22freemangordon_it is clear now
14:08.33DocScrutinizer05think of hosting that stuff on - also not mandatory but a perspective
14:09.13freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: also, what about the toolchain? Shall it be build as well or pre-build toolchain is ok?
14:09.28DocScrutinizer05prebuilt is ok
14:09.56freemangordon_then, some scripts in SB should do the job IMO
14:10.14DocScrutinizer05actually it's sufficient when user can e.g. download a VM and start a make in it
14:10.36DocScrutinizer05we don't need to build on server
14:11.25freemangordon_though, for the real-life, I don;t think bulding from source is something the lusers should do
14:11.51DocScrutinizer05sure, we can provide binaries for all the free stuff
14:12.02freemangordon_for example - QT build takes ~1 hour on quad core
14:12.08freemangordon_same for microb
14:12.10DocScrutinizer05user will nevertheless do some "building" to integrate the nonfree blobs
14:13.00DocScrutinizer05but to start, just see how far we get without tackling the blob issue
14:13.16DocScrutinizer05blob integration is phase2
14:13.16freemangordon_DocScrutinizer05: maybe create some UR doc, to have a common base to discuss on
14:13.54DocScrutinizer05hmm, I'm terrible at producing such docs. I can help
14:14.24DocScrutinizer05when you write up a draft, I'll proofread and edit it
14:14.56freemangordon_I am terrible on docs as well, maybe ask you PR department :P
14:15.18DocScrutinizer05if only we had one
14:16.40DocScrutinizer05anyway the background is: our customers don't feel confortable with the "pick the OS of your choice", they want us to provide something
14:16.59DocScrutinizer05so we need something to show off
14:17.20DocScrutinizer05with the perspective to actually provide that thing later on
14:17.47DocScrutinizer05Neo900 UG supports but isn't directly involved in development
14:18.41freemangordon_ok, will think about how and if I can help
14:18.59freemangordon_gtg now, cya
14:18.59DocScrutinizer05thanks a lot. We really need you (and pali, I guess)
14:19.07DocScrutinizer05gotta go too
14:21.49*** join/#neo900 hashcor (~hashcore@unaffiliated/hashcore)
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14:56.03jackhillIf I don't want to use non-free blobs, will the Neo900 work without them or are they manditory
14:58.24DocScrutinizer51they are supposed to be optional
14:58.52jackhillcool, thanks
14:59.39DocScrutinizer51however for some functions you'll need blobs, e.g opengl-es 3D acceleration, WLAN
15:01.36DocScrutinizer51SHR for example works without
15:02.58DocScrutinizer51for WLAN we don't have a executable but some initialization data to send to the subsystem, so this doesn't really qualify for the "closed blob" thing
15:03.58DocScrutinizer51see our FAQ
15:31.33*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
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16:37.21*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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18:06.07*** join/#neo900 varu|zZz (~whee@
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21:31.27DocScrutinizer05copy from our internal channel: >> werner [not almesberger] says LEDs are D65 6500 kelvin, but he will check with a meter <<
21:32.01wpwrak(c) kewl. there is a 6500 K version, with the same CRI as the 5700 K version i currently have.
21:44.13*** join/#neo900 opa-ben (
21:47.07enyclikes 5300k ;p
21:47.45enycdue to availability of  'new old stock'  Tridonic ECO dimmable ballasts,   I put in  Philips Graphica Pro  lamps in one of my workrooms =)
21:47.49*** join/#neo900 lobito (~lobito@
21:47.50enyc98CRI =)
21:48.43enycreally interested to know, how you would go about sourcing reasonable quality/consistency (but not silly expensive) 12v (or 24v) led strip, 3528 leds or 5050 leds... i.e. not individual leds but 'tape'/strip
21:49.25enycyou can get the stucff ''cheap'' but theres no consistency =(
21:50.34enycso, what *approach* to trying to get consistency at reasonable price with decent part spec ??
21:51.13DocScrutinizer05get a bin directly from manufacturer
21:52.16DocScrutinizer05odds are you can get a reel with LEDs of one bin, which would be only a maybe 2500 components
21:52.50DocScrutinizer05unbinned crap is cheaper of course
21:53.32DocScrutinizer05no idea how the differences inb one production run emerge
21:53.57DocScrutinizer05but good brand manufs do decent binning anyway
21:54.27DocScrutinizer05of course binning costs extra
21:54.33DocScrutinizer05aka premium
22:16.12enyci see
22:16.12*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
22:16.13enycok thankyou
22:30.49*** join/#neo900 lobito (~lobito@
22:32.44DocScrutinizer05some guy ordered a iirc 450W LED beamer with Phillips LEDs for automotive. Funny enough the whole bar only drew 10A @ 12V
22:33.30DocScrutinizer05china-lumen, china-watts
22:37.43wpwrak"Watt equivalent" ;-)
22:59.18*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
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