IRC log for #neo900 on 20150117

00:11.52*** join/#neo900 che11 (
00:25.58jonwilOooh, new version of IDA and HexRays to play with...
01:29.29*** part/#neo900 sveta (~noone@
01:38.37quatroxSo annoying when just completed all the forms to buy an air plane ticket, the payment just hangs because that site requires yet another javascript.  When allowing that script, one has to start from scratch
01:39.36OksanaConfusion.... Nokia has transferred the Maemo brand features to Hildon, who will continue to support the Maemo community. Maemo is a trademark of Hildon Foundation.
01:40.47OksanaNokia Corporation ("Nokia") and Hildon Foundation ("Hildon") have announced an agreement regarding assigning Nokia's Maemo trademarks, domain names and trademark applications to Hildon.
01:52.59quatroxSo Hildon got something to do with Microsoft
01:56.32OksanaHildon sues Microsoft? On what grounds - I do not remember ever seeing full text of Nokia-HiFo agreement? The link says that Maemo trademark was owned by Nokia, and cancelled on September 27, 2013:
01:57.02OksanaOk, a question to ask the HiFo board. They should have access to the documents, right?
01:59.22x29ais that hildon related to the desktop software called hildon?
01:59.25ds2really? so anyone can call their half ass X based embedded setup Maemo to confuse things?
02:12.34OksanaOh, and Meego trademark was abandoned by Linux Foundation on April 16, 2012. Search: See: Think:
02:12.51DocScrutinizer05Meego is dead
02:13.19*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
02:13.42DocScrutinizer05>>Hildon sues Microsoft? On what grounds - I do not remember ever seeing full text of Nokia-HiFo agreement?<< yup, that's a relevant point. Nobody has, not even council
02:14.19*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
02:15.17OksanaHiFo Board must have seen it. They cannot disclose it, probably, but they can sue Microsoft for trademark infringement, if Nokia has truly given all Maemo trademarks to Hildon Foundation.
02:15.43DocScrutinizer05youz cannot disclose a legitimate contract? WTF?
02:17.09DocScrutinizer05not even CIA files are completely closed even to congress
02:17.52wpwrakif the contract has a confidentiality clause, ... (of you've agreed on that by some other means)
02:18.29DocScrutinizer05confidentially clause on a Registered Trademark is bullshit
02:19.10DocScrutinizer05thinks that Neo900 will register the maemo trademark tomorrow
02:21.07DocScrutinizer05 is _not_ confidential, so it's the only source of authoritative info regarding the whole issue
02:22.01DocScrutinizer05who cares about sekrit treaties between Nokia and HiFo?
02:23.20DocScrutinizer05particularly since cleerly says "agreement" - well an agreement can be any level of non-binding letter of intention
02:24.36DocScrutinizer05If I had to guess, I'd think that Nokia cheated on Hifo, maybe out of own lack of comprehensive understanding of the situation
02:24.37Oksana((who cares about sekrit treaties between Nokia and HiFo?)) That sounds so like beginning of World War :-) Still, it's an urgent question to HiFo Board, particularly in light of HiFo needing to transfer ownership of said trademarks, and any other assets, to e.V. - before Hildon Foundation disappears.
02:25.34OksanaMaybe, Nokia cancelled the trademark with intention that HiFo would re-register said trademark? Who knows :-/
02:26.42DocScrutinizer05I guess Nokia right hand cancelled the TM and left hand didn't notice and continued weird negotiations with HiFo
02:26.57DocScrutinizer05didn't notice or denied
02:27.32DocScrutinizer05who in a sane mind would register a trademark?
02:27.49DocScrutinizer05that got abandoned by another company a few months before
02:28.13OksanaMaemo trademark was cancelled, not abandoned.
02:28.40Oksanadoesn't understand the difference, though
02:28.44DocScrutinizer05err, please enlighten me about the semantic difference
02:31.01OksanaMaemo trademark was cancelled by Nokia, Meego trademark was abandoned by Linux Foundation. Abandoned trademark applications may be revived and cancelled. So, Cancelled is more final than Abandoned.
02:35.26OksanaI guess that assignment of a trademark to a different owner was just too costly for Nokia :-/
02:36.13DocScrutinizer05for Nokia? Rather for HiFo
02:57.31DocScrutinizer05anyway who cares about trademarks, when the real point is e.g. whois
02:58.46DocScrutinizer05Registrant Name:Nokia Corporation
03:00.20DocScrutinizer05with a maemo TM owned by HiFo we might start a dispute at the according domain registration authority
03:00.59DocScrutinizer05or we wait 4 weeks longer ;-)
03:01.02DocScrutinizer05Registry Expiry Date: 2015-02-07T16:26:32Z
03:03.03OksanaHiFo will need to register, then?
03:03.43OksanaOr will it be e.V., by then?
03:07.05DocScrutinizer05I guess whoever wants it will fail, it's pretty hard to claim a doman when it expires, usually some domain grabber's bots are faster than you
03:10.56DocScrutinizer05THEN maemo will really run into trouble
03:11.21DocScrutinizer05the domain name is basically the *only* thing that matters
03:12.05DocScrutinizer05we don't need any freaking cancelled trademark
03:12.32DocScrutinizer05and we'll never get any rights in any closed code Nokia had in maemo
03:13.07DocScrutinizer05so the whole contract (if it really exists) between Nokia and HiFo is basically about the domain name and nothing else
03:17.02*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
03:17.58jonwilfreemangordon: ping
03:29.02DocScrutinizer05actually I think HiFo should already send in a dispute to the registry, adding  and
03:30.17OksanaHmm... I think so, too, but Council needs to contact the Board for that. And, is the domain name being used in "bad faith"?
03:30.29DocScrutinizer05Nokia has a record of not being able to update any registrations / leases in time
03:32.06DocScrutinizer05that should suffice for a dispute, together with the fact that points to the maemo servers owned by maemo community and not Nokia, plus the two URLs above
03:32.59DocScrutinizer05there's nothing wrong with the DNS *so far* but when Nokia fails to extend the registration, a dispute will make sure HiFo can claim the domain
03:33.36DocScrutinizer05I'm no expert in all that, you should consult somebody who really has a clue
03:34.40OksanaOk, so we need, no later than the next Council meeting, to urgently contact HiFo Board so that they would investigate it, and start the dispute. What is a UDRP provider? As in, the costs to hire a UDRP provider to handle a complaint often start around US$1000 to $2000.
03:34.42DocScrutinizer05and you prolly should hurry (a domain doesn't get deleted immediately after expiration, but the rosk to lose the domain will grow with every week)
03:45.17DocScrutinizer05if Nokia was worth for anything, they'd transfer the domain to HiFo by normal KK
03:46.20DocScrutinizer05and techstaff asked HiFo to negotiate that with Nokia, some >1 year ago already
03:50.00DocScrutinizer05formal procedure to transfer a domain to a new owner
03:50.54DocScrutinizer05please contact warfare!
03:51.21DocScrutinizer05aka Falk
03:52.50OksanaOk, will contact warfare, no later than next Council meeting.
03:52.56DocScrutinizer05he's the one who knows how to handle that stuff - or he knows whom of his cpolleagues to ask for help and advice
03:54.18DocScrutinizer05don't hope for HiFo to do *anything* meaningful about it
03:54.34OksanaI will probably send out an email to Council and warfare, so that they would have time to think about domain registration before the Council meeting. It's not like they necessarily visit TMO every day.
03:55.07DocScrutinizer05yes, please do. Best thing to do
03:55.48DocScrutinizer05CC HiFo won't hurt, but as said above, don't hope for HiFo doing anything in time
03:58.47DocScrutinizer05ooh, and there's which also waits for a ChProv/KK Registry Expiry Date: 2019-09-08T16:25:02Z
04:00.45DocScrutinizer05yeah, but I#ll cancel it eventually
04:01.15DocScrutinizer05costs me 10 bucks a year, I'm not willing to pay those and take the bashing by chemist and others for that
04:01.30OksanaOk, so it should be transferred to Hildon Foundation? Is there an easier way to do it than "filing a dispute"?
04:01.55DocScrutinizer05yes, somebody tells me where to transfer it to
04:02.56DocScrutinizer05I don't care where to, HiFo, M$, even win7mac
04:03.11OksanaOk, it will be a good example before we do it with By the way, what's the chance that Nokia would be willing to transfer to Hildon Foundation if we just asked them by email?
04:03.45DocScrutinizer05zilch, according to the end result of last time we did that
04:04.06OksanaNo reply, or negative reply?
04:04.13DocScrutinizer05negative reply
04:04.42OksanaNot good. :-( Well, it helps the "filing a dispute" route.
04:05.15DocScrutinizer05please ask warfare, I don't want to deal with that stuff any longer, got fed up with it and with the bashing I received from HiFo for doing so
04:05.55DocScrutinizer05warfare is your man
04:06.19OksanaOk. Thank you! Better transfer to HiFo, to avoid future problems. And I am sure I am not the only one who would donate to HiFo bank account regularly to keep domains registered.
04:06.42DocScrutinizer05nobody else in all that bunch really has a clue, incl me though I at least have enough of a clue to know the others have even less
04:07.20DocScrutinizer05ohmy, they got enough funds to pay for the domains for next 100 years
04:07.48DocScrutinizer05but no account you could donate to
04:09.28DocScrutinizer05a year ago I'd even been willing to let HiFo pay the domain and I simply keep it til 2019 or even longer, but not anymore
04:09.50OksanaIf they have funds, they have a bank account. Albeit, they are moving it currently (when?) from HiFo to e.V. But, either way, a direct bank transfer should be possible - just publish the information needed for the transfer.
04:10.22DocScrutinizer05ok, topic closed
04:11.38DocScrutinizer05otherwise you get me started about such transfer being robbery of funds donated by maemo community to an entity they had control in
04:40.07DocScrutinizer05dos1: should we get a vBulletin license to set up a Neo900 foum to mirror the tmo neo900 one? Maybe in 3 weeks there's no anymore
08:09.19freemangordonseems me and jonwil  can't match the times we're awake :D
08:12.39*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (
08:35.17*** join/#neo900 uhhimhere (~uhhimhere@
08:35.44*** part/#neo900 uhhimhere (~uhhimhere@
08:44.58keriolmao, becoming a domain-squatting page
08:49.19*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:47.26*** join/#neo900 arcean (
09:52.17*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:09.21*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
10:28.00*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
11:08.06*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
11:08.59jonwilfreemangordon: ping
11:31.39*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
11:51.54*** join/#neo900 vakkov (
12:20.48*** join/#neo900 vakkov (~vakkov@
12:31.58*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
13:34.53freemangordondammit, I missed jonwil again :(
13:54.09*** join/#neo900 che1 (
15:41.17*** join/#neo900 booly-yam-271 (
16:30.46*** join/#neo900 sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
17:57.03*** join/#neo900 xe4l (
18:42.16*** join/#neo900 paulk-aldrin (
18:42.59DocScrutinizer05haha, Heissenberg live:
18:55.01DocScrutinizer05also nice:
19:08.09sixwheeledbeastI posted that one 3 weeks or so ago...
19:21.52*** join/#neo900 nox- (noident@freebsd/developer/nox)
20:15.54quatroxDocScrutinizer05: will you be attending FOSDEM?
20:17.00DocScrutinizer05I'm trying to not join mass events, but we'll see, maybe I'm forced to
20:17.36DocScrutinizer05maybe I even get rid of this dang flu until then
20:19.07DocScrutinizer05at least since devuan I'm not so worried to run into Poettering and my reactions in such event anymore
20:19.13quatroxIf you got the same thing that has been going around here, it has a duration of 3 weeks
20:19.38DocScrutinizer05I'm afraid it's sth different since it lasts almost 8 weeks already
20:20.05DocScrutinizer05but my mileage usually varies on such things, a lot
20:20.56quatroxWell, if you are spreading deceases, then maybe you want to run into him
20:20.58quatroxnot sure
20:21.21DocScrutinizer05particularly after the last ~24 months which were quite exhausting
20:24.17DocScrutinizer05((spreading diseases)) I'm worried about spreading as much as about catching
20:28.17DocScrutinizer05that sounds like a psychological problem but in fact is an immunological one
20:28.49DocScrutinizer05no, not aids :-)
20:29.18DocScrutinizer05just extended contact to toxic chemicals
20:30.41Palisystemd now contains NAT support
20:30.43Palino thanks
20:30.52Wizzupwell, no, it's an interface to iptables
20:31.00Wizzup(but I agree with the general sentiment)
20:36.00Palino, I do not want to let init daemon to overwrite iptables settings
20:37.03Paliwhy to reinvent wheel? there is already iptables and ip6tables binaries
20:37.23Paliwhy to copy functionality into systemd?
20:37.32Palibecause iptables is not part of systemd project?
20:38.21Pali(now I believe that nobody include iptables project into systemd...)
20:42.44DocScrutinizer05Pali: [2015-01-15 Thu 04:22:21] <DocScrutinizer05> [2015-01-14 Wed 13:28:48] <SylvieLorxu> Oh god systemd actually has a firewall. I thought people in #debianfork were kidding...
20:43.34DocScrutinizer05[2015-01-15 Thu 04:24:02] <DocScrutinizer05>
20:44.31SylvieLorxuDocScrutinizer05: Yup :(
20:44.44Palisystemd still does not include bootloader and kernel...
20:44.59DocScrutinizer05hooray ¡
20:45.32Paliit can be even worse
20:45.39Palibusybox inclusion :D
20:45.45DocScrutinizer05is it fair to say kernel includes parts of systemd? (kdbus)
20:46.18Palinot yet
20:46.24DocScrutinizer05not sure about bootloader either
20:46.58Paligrub1, grub2, lilo, uboot, ...
20:47.07Paliwhich project become part of systemd?
20:47.26DocScrutinizer05actually systemd already had battles about kernel cmdline debug parameter, that's bootloader related in my book
20:48.05Paliproblem was that systemd crashed when debug was in cmdline
20:48.17Paliand you can use kernel cmdline also for userspace applications
20:48.26Palior for whatever you want
20:48.32DocScrutinizer05general systemd approach: no mercy regardless of the subsystem that suffers the damage
20:48.43Palijust some strings are special and parsed by kernel, other are ignored by kernel...
20:48.50DocScrutinizer05which actually is why I hate systemd
20:49.10Paliafter udev inclusion into systemd, udev does not work on old kernels
20:49.27Palipavelm want to use maemo 2.6.28 kernel with new debian 7 on n900
20:49.49Palibut it is not possible, because udev does not support 2.6.28 kernel
20:49.52Palibye bye
20:50.19DocScrutinizer05that's why I said a few days ago maemo needs to go devuan now
20:50.21Paliand because more applications depends on new udev, you cann downgrade it
20:51.07Palilast version of lsusb program depends on new version od udev
20:51.30Palithere are hidden core dependences which force you to use new udev
20:51.51DocScrutinizer05thus devuan
20:52.06Palianyway, lsusb which is in ubuntu 12.04 (lsusb version 005) has bug which cause infinite loop
20:52.15DocScrutinizer05it's about time, a few months later and there's no way back
20:52.31PaliI wanted to upgrade to 007 version, but I cannot because of old udev version
20:53.30PaliI really have no idea how devuan wants to fix this dependency hell
20:53.57DocScrutinizer05good question, but if anybody will then those guys, they have the expertise
20:53.57Palilsusb is really something which I need on machine
20:54.30Paliand have two options: one which not working because of infinite loop bug or upgrading to new systemd/udev which you do not want to use...
20:54.50DocScrutinizer05maybe you want to join the team, sharing your thoughts and helping fight the systemd avalanche
20:56.04kerioPali: install openbsd
20:56.31Palikerio: openbsd kernel is useless on non server machines
20:56.52PaliI already wrote that openbsd userspace + linux kernel is something which could work
20:56.52DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote: now there's a German lang subchannel of #devuan: #devuan-de
20:57.15Palikerio: openbsd kernel now removed support for loadable kernel modules
20:57.18WizzupGuys, there is eudev
20:57.30Paliall kernel modules must be linked into one kernel binary
20:57.42Wizzupand you can also run your own gentoo-based binary distro if you really want to avoid systemd
20:57.48Wizzupor see if debian will somehow ship alternatives after all
20:58.04DocScrutinizer05WUT? monolithic kernel only???
20:58.25PaliDocScrutinizer05: it is small kernel
20:58.45Palithey had support for loadable modules, it I think it was not often used
20:59.54Palialso openbsd kernel had (maybe still has?) big mutex/lock on network stack
21:00.04DocScrutinizer05((or see if debian will somehow ship alternatives after all)) haha, yeah, santa claus will bring them next year
21:00.54kerioPali: what do you need modules for?
21:01.03kerioon, like, a laptop
21:01.13Palifull hw support of laptop
21:01.40DocScrutinizer05or, like, a phone where no fool ever thinks about attaching a USB<->XYZ adapzer
21:01.42Palimodules for all hw drivers
21:02.05PaliDocScrutinizer05: you really do not attach usb<->xyz adapter on server
21:02.24Paliand it make sense... for security
21:02.27DocScrutinizer05on server sure, you may get away with monolithic kernel
21:02.46DocScrutinizer05and it's prolly even the better alternative in that case
21:03.25DocScrutinizer05I already start shouting and cursing when I shoot down avahi and crap on any of my servers
21:03.48kerioPali: but you know the hardware of your laptop :>
21:04.02Palifind /sys/devices
21:04.03DocScrutinizer05nobody does
21:04.24DocScrutinizer05there are like USB connectors, you know?
21:05.08Palikerio: I have detailed schemantics of laptop (like for n900)
21:05.26Paliso I have some idea what hw I have
21:05.28DocScrutinizer05you could argue if a USB-ethernet adapter needs a kernel module on top of *hci, or that rather should get handled in userland
21:06.08DocScrutinizer05but following that approach will buy you a travel into land of microkernels
21:06.28DocScrutinizer05or even worse
21:11.39*** join/#neo900 xe4l (
21:11.50DocScrutinizer05sorry when I stated sth silly (which usually is the reason for sudden silence), I'm not performing up to par
21:14.01kerioi guess that freebsd is a bit better in usability
21:14.51DocScrutinizer05just a few days ago I pondered making udev change the name of my /dev/ttyUSBn to either /dev/u1233a_keysight or to /dev/PPS16005_voltcraft. then I suddenly realized that my distro already switched to systemd and thus garbled udev, felt nausea and never thought about it again since
21:17.52DocScrutinizer05kerio: maemo's firewalls are on netbsd iirc
21:18.07keriofirewalls shoudl be openbsd
21:18.21DocScrutinizer05maybe it was openbsd, can't recall for sure
21:18.50DocScrutinizer05warfare knows his sh*
21:22.02DocScrutinizer05just felt like visiting for nostalgic reasons, and coughs
21:22.58kerioopenbsd is pretty fucking amazing for firewalls
21:23.26WizzupDocScrutinizer05: afaik there's still an openrc package for debian?
21:23.36keriosysvinit as well
21:24.14DocScrutinizer05yep, possibly there is, but what it's worth when it can't install due to conflicts?
21:26.51DocScrutinizer05systemd introducing a dependency hell that creates the 3 hops problem: virtually every packet will depend on systemd over three indirections, thus you cannot get rid of anything, neither systemd itself nor any of its dependencies/includes like systemd-udev
21:27.54DocScrutinizer05nor install stuff like lsusb, see pali's story above
21:28.06keriosystemd-shim seems to work
21:28.21DocScrutinizer05yes, that's the way to go
21:29.11DocScrutinizer05devuan following same approach with getting rid of systemd which FPTF project follows for getting  rid of closed Nokia blobs
21:31.32*** join/#neo900 che1 (
21:36.52*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
21:38.29jonwilfreemangordon: ping
21:41.36bencohDocScrutinizer05: I wonder which is more "difficult" :)
21:46.20DocScrutinizer05depends on your weighting factors you apply to partial problems
21:47.17DocScrutinizer05FPTF is a difficult but static target, devuan is a moving target which gets moved by a truckload of "ignorant" devels and istro maintainers
21:48.48DocScrutinizer05until devuan reached a distro sans systemd ready for primetime, systemd cabal will already have occupied more territories
21:50.21DocScrutinizer05and lots of "app" packages will have released a new version that again introduces systemd dependencies and the "patches" that made previous version work on devuan will not apply/fir anymore
21:55.13bencohat least next stable is frozen
23:39.23freemangordonjonwil: pong
23:42.42DocScrutinizer05now finaaaaaallllly
23:44.24freemangordonthough he seems afk
23:45.01freemangordonjonwil: please /query whatever you want to ask me, as I will be afk as well soon
23:45.44DocScrutinizer05lemme guess, sth about new IDA/hexrays?
23:47.57DocScrutinizer05[2015-01-17 Sat 01:25:58] <jonwil> Oooh, new version of IDA and HexRays to play with...
23:49.14freemangordonyeah, I would bet on the same
23:49.54freemangordonactually that one is able to decompile the voice modue without crash
23:50.14DocScrutinizer05sounds awesome

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