IRC log for #neo900 on 20150104

00:00.10bencohand the "host" part is 64b-wide
00:00.15keriothe public ipv6 addresses have 3 bits set
00:00.29kerioso that's 125 bits
00:00.38Humpelstilzchenbencoh: if linux open a shell type ifconfig and check your ipv6, you should have at least a local ipv6 containing your mac
00:01.02bencohthe MAC-address thing comes from the EUI-64 mechanism to create a 64b host address from the 48b MAC address
00:01.28Humpelstilzchenyes, but its the same for all addresses
00:01.34keriono it's fucking not
00:02.00Humpelstilzchendoesn't matter if global, mobile or anything
00:02.25bencohHumpelstilzchen: it's not really an IPv6 requirement
00:02.36keriothat's link-local addressing for NICs with a MAC
00:02.55Humpelstilzchenbencoh: but its used everywhere
00:03.01bencohHumpelstilzchen: EUI-64 specifies a way to have "non-universal" host address
00:03.19bencohby just flipping a bit you can say that the address does not respect EUI-64
00:03.32bencohwhich would still leave 63b for a host address ;)
00:03.42bencoh(for a non-universal one, I mean)
00:04.17bencohand we're talking about the whole address space anyway, not the way they get attributed :)
00:12.56Humpelstilzchenbencoh: EU-64 seems to be only 64 bit
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00:25.31Steven__IPv6 is just enough to put a public key fingerprint in and still be secure. =)
00:25.50Steven__(losing the nice properties for routing though)
00:27.00keriojust bruteforce keys until the prefix matches
00:27.13Steven__No, all of the address.
00:27.26keriono, i mean
00:27.26Steven__Some virtual networks use the address that way.
00:27.51keriobruteforce keys to match the prefix
00:27.51Steven__The whole 128b is used as the fingerprint.
00:28.04kerioand set the host part appropriately
00:28.59Humpelstilzchenbut the first bits are needed for routing?
00:29.57Steven__Humpelstilzchen: That why it is only used on some virtual networks.
00:30.34Steven__I have seen it on some anonymity networks.
00:30.45Humpelstilzchenand I thought the whole point of ipv6 was to have a global unique address ;)
00:31.09Steven__It is. But it is no longer useful for routing because it doesn't correspond to physical location.
00:31.36Steven__So the use case is when you need to address computers where you don't know where they are, like on an anonymized network.
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01:31.57OksanaMoin. ((the true mirror app is the one that switches the screen to black ;-P )) True.
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01:57.00DocScrutinizer05nice guys over at devuan :-)
01:58.19DocScrutinizer05moin Oksana
01:58.55OksanaMoin :-)
03:16.20DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: hey, I proceeded in reading the NFC whitepaper and it seems you and me are 100% on same page:
03:17.20DocScrutinizer05just to remarks: the user visible effects are tolerable and the impact on IRQ handling dealy is expected to be negligible in an OMAP system
03:17.33DocScrutinizer05just two*
03:26.36wpwrak(expected and negligible) if you say so :) i don't know.
03:28.42wpwrakbased on my experience, getting this right (i.e., without causing stray system upsets) will be quite a lot of work for the poor soul who implements and debugs it
03:29.24wpwraknot to mention maintenance. because new kernels may come with new code that doesn't expect this kind of mistreatment
03:36.59wpwrakhence my preference of an MCU to do such things: there you can screw around as much as you want - the worst the kernel can see from this is a communication timeout. nice and easy.
03:55.15DocScrutinizer05to make your day, you almost sold that MCU to me when I looked at that mux mess needed to use TI's NFC chip special modes
03:55.55wpwrakyeah, i thought that would be rather convincing ;-)
03:56.17DocScrutinizer05then I read about SWD and flash fusing and I thought it needs a lab breadboard PoC for that whole stuff, incl the mentioned I2C bootloader
03:56.49wpwrakPoC ?
03:56.51DocScrutinizer05and I see only one person doing this
03:56.59DocScrutinizer05Proof of concept
03:57.42DocScrutinizer05unbrickability is an absulte must for that stuff
03:57.58wpwrakoh, i think making a prototype of that subsystem would be a very good idea - a lot easier to make changes on a two-chip board than fiddling with a neo900
03:58.15wpwrak(unbrickability) hence the i2c boot loader
03:58.32DocScrutinizer05you already wrote that one?
03:59.02wpwrakno, but i've written boot loaders before :)
03:59.15DocScrutinizer05another headache: clock from NFC chip
04:00.23wpwrakand i have a bunch of kl26 here at home, neatly arranged on a pcb, ...  picture:
04:00.37DocScrutinizer05I don't see the NFC chip delivering stable clock out of power on reset, to bring up MCU to configure NFC chip
04:01.20wpwrakthe NFC chip could do that (it's designed to be able to provide the only clock of an MCU), but we don't need that
04:01.48wpwrakthe MCU has internal clock sources it can use while the NFC chip is down
04:02.16DocScrutinizer05ok, but does it do that, unconditionally?
04:02.42DocScrutinizer05i.e. how does MCU itsown POR?
04:02.59DocScrutinizer05which is the clock source after POR?
04:03.18wpwrakin the case of the kinetis critters, on POR they run off an internal RC oscillator
04:03.30DocScrutinizer05ooh, fine! :-)
04:03.46DocScrutinizer05then nevermind my comment about clock
04:04.23wpwrakyeah, clock source is not a problem. clock switching is a different story, but i've already figured out that mess for anelok :)
04:06.19wpwrak(i2c boot loader) e.g., after reset, it could just sit there waiting for either a firmware update or a "go ahead and boot" command from the main CPU.
04:06.49DocScrutinizer05the comparator sounds a tad, err, odd to me yet. I'd love to have an analog comparator that probes volatge across the shunt-R
04:07.58DocScrutinizer05but maybe I'm just over sceptical
04:09.54wpwrakhmm. i have a work-in-progress document about the kinetis flash security architecture. lemme check if that may be useful here ... well, sufficient for a quick idea:
04:11.40wpwrakyou mean having the shunt between + and - ? i thought of that, too, but doesn't the offset voltage go both ways ? i.e., if CMP+ == CMP-, the result is undefined ? (which would basically be the case when the SIM doesn't try to send something)
04:12.32wpwrak(klsec) the interesting bit if section 3: the write protection. the other sections are about the bricking feature we don't want :)
04:13.13DocScrutinizer05has SWD a certain minimum clock freq.?
04:13.57wpwrakno, you can go as slow as you want
04:14.42wpwrakand you can hold the CPU in reset throughout all this. so there's no race against code execution
04:14.57DocScrutinizer05(offset) of course a comparator needs proper bias to define operation point aka threshold. And it needs proper positive feedback (out -> +in) to define hysteresis
04:15.37DocScrutinizer05(SWD) fine, so this goes to I2C-extender
04:15.43wpwrakso that would then be a general opamp, not a comparator ?
04:16.36DocScrutinizer05well, there's not really a difference between a comparator and an opamp. Except for output which is digiatl for comparator but analog by design for an opamp
04:16.53wpwrak(SWD) yes, and i'd add some sort of jumper because bypassing the boot loader with SWD would allow you to brick the chip
04:17.18wpwrakfor bias, you'd need an analog output, right ?
04:17.25wpwrakerr, feedback
04:17.43DocScrutinizer05oooh not even swd allows full flash erasure?
04:18.05DocScrutinizer05for bias you don't need output
04:18.22wpwrakyou can configure the chip to ignore any attempt of modification
04:18.25DocScrutinizer05bias is a voltage offset you feed to either of the inputs
04:18.51wpwraki wish they had some "fuse" that would make the chip ignore any attempt to make it ignore any attempt of modification. alas, that's not there.
04:19.05DocScrutinizer05(ignore) wtf did they smoke?
04:19.16wpwrakand i looked at several other ARMs and they all have the same scenario, though with different mechanisms
04:20.26DocScrutinizer05what's the RAM size available for program text on that critter?
04:21.02DocScrutinizer05since I'm tempted to say, when it can get fused, we need to fuse it
04:21.04wpwrak(ignore) i've already been bitten by it: flashed mis-structured firmware that then locked me out for good :-( lesson learned: my flasher now refuses to set that certain bit pattern
04:22.34wpwrakof course, the boot loader would never touch that area. in fact, one would simply (reversibly only by SWD) protect it against changes.
04:22.50DocScrutinizer05write your I2C bootloader, debug it thoroughly, flash it to the shi(T)p, and that's it. The rest is firmware upload on boot into RAM
04:22.58wpwrakso you'd only need SWD if you want to change the I2C boot loader. in practical terms, that would be never.
04:23.05wpwrakexactly :)
04:23.33wpwrak(never) that is, only during production.
04:23.52DocScrutinizer05that's the way
04:24.18DocScrutinizer05we don't offer reflashing of the MCU flash
04:24.24DocScrutinizer05it's immutable
04:24.50DocScrutinizer05it comes with an I2C BL (C)w.Almesberger
04:25.19wpwrakRAM and Flash size depend on which chip we use. the kl26 i have go up to 128 kB Flash and 16 kB RAM
04:25.57DocScrutinizer05well, you need to get along with 16kB memory for program text and data then
04:26.03wpwrakif we use a kl27, that would have 256 kB Flash and 32 kB RAM. haven't used that critter yet, though.
04:26.43DocScrutinizer05I think 16kB are more than enough for a bit of SPI forwarding
04:27.03DocScrutinizer05and other silly bitbanging
04:27.30wpwrakor let's say KLx7 (x = 1 without USB, 2 with USB). what i have are the ones with USB, which would also be ideal for prototyping. in the neo900, we'd most likely be more interested in having more GPIOs than yet another USB OTG port :)
04:27.54DocScrutinizer05given the timing constraints you think you want to meet, you wouldn't even have the time to execute lengthy (100s of kB) programs
04:28.05wpwrakwhy have program in RAM ? we can safely change part of the flash
04:28.36DocScrutinizer05didn't you just say it can get locked?
04:29.07wpwrakyes, we'd do this when flashing the boot loader. to prevent alteration of boot loader and the protection.
04:29.40wpwrakafter that only SWD can unlock the locked part of the Flash. but the rest can be left unprotected.
04:29.46DocScrutinizer05I don't care about protecting BL, I deny a design that could result in crap locked into flash
04:30.32wpwrakyou need the boot loader anyway, and you definitely want to protect it. so you gain nothing by not using the rest of the flash
04:31.10DocScrutinizer05I gain the flash not containing crap that doesn't work and we cannot get rid of
04:31.47wpwrakthe only part you can't easily get rid of would be the boot loader. we just have to make sure it's not crap :)
04:32.26DocScrutinizer05sorry, you start to puzzle me. didn't you say the flash can get locked and you cannot erase it even with swd?
04:33.29wpwrakthere are several protection mechanisms. 1) you can prevent external access (at several levels), 2) you can protect the flash from being written
04:33.52wpwrakthe flash protection can be removed by doing a "mass erase" (which erases everything)
04:34.07wpwrakBUT the access restrictions can deny the mass erase
04:35.03wpwrakso if you have that, and you don't have the code you want on the device, then you're screwed
04:35.13DocScrutinizer05I don't know of other ways to erase flash than mass (page) erase
04:35.22wpwrakbut we wouldn't set that super-restrictive mode
04:35.35DocScrutinizer05who stops user from setting it?
04:35.56wpwrakbut we would use the flash write protection on part of the Flash. the one that could be revoked (over SWD)
04:36.15wpwrakthe Flash write protection on the area containing these nasty bits :)
04:36.47DocScrutinizer05so that's the ignore of ignore change
04:36.59wpwrakyup :)
04:37.32DocScrutinizer05we won't support change of bootloader
04:37.42DocScrutinizer05maybe by testpoints
04:37.50wpwrakyeah. that should be plenty.
04:37.52DocScrutinizer05for the hardcore hackers
04:37.59wpwrakvery hardcore :)
04:39.04DocScrutinizer05please keep the bootloader short. I don't want to spend weeks on peer review/audit
04:39.24wpwrakin prototypes we may want to have SWD routed to some IO expander or such, so that we can conveniently flash the critter.
04:41.33DocScrutinizer05could you edit that whitepaper, truncate 9. ?
04:42.31wpwrakyou mean "remove" ? :)
04:43.12wpwrakthere are a few more such pointers in there. need to get rid of them as well.
04:43.37wpwrak(all mentioned in the check-list at the beginning :)
04:44.26DocScrutinizer05yeah, rmove
04:45.14DocScrutinizer05headbangs a little, just for fun
04:45.23DocScrutinizer05headdesks actually
04:46.00DocScrutinizer05how noring our lifes would be, without lawyers
04:46.02wpwrakpatents are so much fun. especially on standards :)
04:47.39DocScrutinizer05anyway I think we got a fine general purpose 14MHz RF radio, up to users to do meaningful things with it
04:49.45DocScrutinizer05snoop mode seems hacker's wet dream
04:50.30wpwrakit's interesting that TI's engineers themselves first had to try to see if that was possible ;-)
04:51.42DocScrutinizer05anyway we should get that stuff out to our community, it's just too good to keep it local
04:53.00wpwrakglad you like it ;)
04:53.07DocScrutinizer05and could earn us some visibility and attention beyond the inner Neo900 circle
04:53.30wpwrakwhat do we want to do about "inaccessible" documents ? (for-pay standards, NXP chip documents, etc.)
04:53.49DocScrutinizer05what shall we do about them?
04:53.59DocScrutinizer05hardly anything we can do
04:54.17DocScrutinizer05deny we ever seen them?
04:54.27DocScrutinizer05wouldn't think that's needed
04:54.29wpwrakyes, that's one option
04:54.50DocScrutinizer05we don't provide them, so what?
04:55.19DocScrutinizer05those who heard of google can find them as well
04:55.26wpwrakafter all, we reference them (or drafts of them) extensively. but no, we don't provide them :)
04:55.45wpwrakthe 2nd question would be whether we want to provide links to them
04:55.49DocScrutinizer05it's not forbidden to read that stuff
04:56.00DocScrutinizer05rather not
04:56.51DocScrutinizer05at least not in this document
04:58.39wpwraklemme weed them out ...
04:58.59wpwrakJIS X 6319-4:2010 ... yup, for pay. gone
05:00.21wpwrakNFC forum is inconvenient: "Non-Members: The NFC Forum Technical Specifications are available for anyone to download at no charge, but only after completing the Specification License Agreement."
05:03.23DocScrutinizer05alas after registration the amount of available data is exactly as limited as before
05:03.52wpwrakreally ?
05:04.11DocScrutinizer05well, I registered and wondered why I did
05:04.31wpwrakso you don't get access to the documents you selected ?
05:04.58DocScrutinizer05err, I got access to all those without registration as well
05:05.15wpwrakah, how ? :)
05:05.26DocScrutinizer05I hoped for hidden sekrit documents, but there were none
05:05.46DocScrutinizer05don't ask me details, it been plain frustration
05:06.47wpwraki found them on 3rd party sites (e.g.,
05:06.53DocScrutinizer05maybe I found all of them documents 'leaked' on other sites before
05:07.58DocScrutinizer05but no, actually I think they were available on NXP's site without loggin in to anything
05:09.49Steven__Was reading the above. Sounds like you two are brewing up a storm. Am I reading this right: wpwrak is getting his MCU?
05:10.36wpwrakNXP seem to have just a nice summary, not the actual specs (looking for the tag specs)
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05:15.28wpwrakURLs trimmed. size is now down to 50 pages :)
05:18.00wpwrakremaining items on the check list: "Change wording to indicate what we will actually do" -> i think this can wait until later
05:18.10Steven__IDK if this is interesting to you (probably doesn't fit the design constraints), but Parallax has an open source microcontroller on a 44-QFN:
05:18.11DocScrutinizer05find a tex macro for checking, somewhere there's a closing } missing ;-)
05:18.17wpwrak"Remove choices we don't want to discuss" -> do we want to drop anything ?
05:18.22DocScrutinizer05) even
05:18.55DocScrutinizer05nah, we should "disclose" all stuff we pondered
05:19.02wpwrak(}) hmm ?
05:19.16DocScrutinizer05a missing ")"
05:19.29wpwraklast one then: "Remove any other information we don't want to say we have" -> anything ?
05:19.37DocScrutinizer05somewhere, don't ask me where
05:19.54DocScrutinizer05could't think of any
05:19.56wpwrakmissing } ... in what context ? nfc.tex ?
05:20.14DocScrutinizer05in the whitepaper
05:20.35DocScrutinizer05) not }
05:21.12wpwrakah, you mean that 1) you saw it when reading, 2) still remember that it was missing, but 3) not where ?
05:22.29wpwrakafter TX_EN :) thanks, fixed !
05:25.38DocScrutinizer05Steven__: will check that later. thanks
05:26.25wpwrakthe propeller is a weird design. totally incompatible with anything else under the sun.
05:26.46Steven__DocScrutinizer05: Sure.
05:26.52wpwrakthe approach is interesting, though. but not really what we'd want
05:27.28DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: what's formfactor of that kinetis critter?
05:28.26wpwrak32-QFN may be the most convenient
05:28.27Steven__I don't really know the design constraints of what you are talking about, but I always thought the Propellar was cool. Even better that the whole design is released to the community.
05:28.53wpwrakyou can also choose 48-QFN, various LQFP, various BGAs
05:29.32DocScrutinizer055*5mm quite a monster
05:29.49wpwrakSteven__: i know about it because it's cool :) oh, do they have a proper compiler for it now ? or is it still all with the built-in SDK ?
05:30.43Steven__Lets see, I remember reading about that. Let me see what I can pull up.
05:31.50DocScrutinizer05maybe a BGA variant would please me more
05:32.24DocScrutinizer05I mean, FIVE times FIVE MILLIMETER
05:32.46wpwraksuitable BGAs also start at 5x5
05:33.01DocScrutinizer05Nik already moans we can't find space for all the chips we need
05:33.04wpwrakthere are some kinetis in smaller packages but they don't have all the features we want
05:33.25wpwrakmaybe we can PoP it on the RF chip ;-))
05:34.16DocScrutinizer05I think Nik applies some design rules that drastically reduce usable available real estate
05:34.42DocScrutinizer05we might have more available than he thinks
05:35.51DocScrutinizer05(unless we need to waste a PCB area the size of North America for the dang speakers)
05:36.32wpwrakhmm, the KL03 would be available in 20WLCSP (2 x 1.61 mm). has I2C. does not have I2S or FlexIO. has ROM boot loader. (ROM boot loader is another potential (*) get-out-of-bricking-tell ticket)
05:36.44Steven__Looks like they have it set up for GCC as well as their IDE.
05:37.15Steven__They also have an area for sharing libraries and such.
05:37.17wpwrak(*) if you're lucky enough to have enabled the "backdoor" feature AND you know what junk you have written in that general area
05:39.06wpwrakbut i think with 32-QFN we're on the safe side. oh, and if we want, we can get a BGA with 81 balls or such and abuse it as IO expander. that'll make up for much more than the space it takes :)
05:40.53DocScrutinizer05sounds like sth to ponder
05:40.59wpwrakor 48-QFN if nik doesn't like BGAs. actually, even the 32-qfn may have some spare IOs. so it can already begin to pay back :)
05:41.47DocScrutinizer05I won't start on less than 16 IO we gain with that
05:42.16DocScrutinizer0581 is a nice number
05:42.20Steven__On Wikipedia, says Spin (Propellar specific high-level), C, Forth, partial Pascal, and Java in development. Quote: "Parallax supports Propeller-GCC which is a port of the GCC C/C++ compiler for Propeller[13] (branch release_1_0). The C compiler and the C Library are ANSI C compliant. The C++ compiler is ANSI-C99 compliant. Full C++ is supported with external memory."
05:44.23DocScrutinizer05the last sentence sounds like the epithap of a civilazation that suffocated from own featuritis
05:45.19DocScrutinizer05suuure, why code a MCU in assembler when you can code same stuff in C++ when omly you add a lil bit of external RAM
05:45.47Steven__Browsing Propellar Object Exchange I see entries for I2C, UART, IR, 1-wire, AES, serial, parallel, RF...
05:45.48wpwrakand with the propeller, you could even code your _peripherals_ in C++ ! ;-)
05:45.57Steven__Well, that is Wikipedia.
05:46.08Steven__Doesn't mean its actually used that way.
05:46.37DocScrutinizer05waits for the linux kernel in java
05:47.25DocScrutinizer05wait, I think I missed the release a few years ago
05:48.28wpwrak(bga) i'd plan with 32-qfn for now. if we see an opportunity to use it for massive IO expansion, we can always look into that. i suspect that our IO expanders will be limited by placement anyway.
05:49.01DocScrutinizer05hmm, dunno
05:49.37DocScrutinizer05I see them mainly on LOWER, and there the placement is not that critical then
05:50.03DocScrutinizer05NFC would live on LOWER too, right?
05:50.08wpwrak(io expander) and also please don't forget that the kinetis have just one voltage domain. well, at least the ones i've looked at so far. the architecture seems to support at least partial mixed voltage (with true open-drain ports)
05:50.44wpwrak(lower) guess so
05:51.29wpwrakthe kinetis family goes up to fairly powerful chips. so you can pile up a decent amount of features if you want :)
05:51.48DocScrutinizer05thanks, but no thanks
05:51.57wpwrakhehe :)
05:53.25DocScrutinizer055*5 makes me start calculating how large a mux and other stuff would be
05:59.59wpwrakhmm, i wonder if i should keep the mention of leaks in section 7.6 (2nd paragraph)
06:00.34DocScrutinizer05if you feel uncomfortable, just delete it. no?
06:01.38DocScrutinizer05we didn't leak anything...
06:02.08DocScrutinizer05but we don''t need to mention there's stuff. When you feel like deleting, do it
06:02.41wpwrakyeah, better not to taunt them
06:02.47DocScrutinizer05or simply delete the word "leak"
06:03.41DocScrutinizer05nobody will check all the references anyway
06:04.07wpwrakhmm. and i need to correct the PN532 "leaks", which aren't
06:05.16DocScrutinizer05yeah, attributing sth as 'leaked' maybe isn't smart
06:05.32DocScrutinizer05after all we don't even know for sure
06:06.35DocScrutinizer05IOW often stuff isn't leaked but rather "published inofficially"
06:07.21DocScrutinizer05nfc what they mean by "confidential / pusblished" anyway
06:08.50Steven__"We want people to be able to see it if they need to, but we want to be able to C&D them if we don't like them"?
06:09.41wpwrakespecially the chinese like to do that :)
06:12.58DocScrutinizer05oooh, and some nitpicking: the footnotes/refrences the [26] etc are almost in the line above. Looks weird, maybe don't ² it
06:16.31DocScrutinizer05in normal text it's fine to move it to up, but in the list of footnotes it might as well be normal chars, not ²³
06:19.49wpwrakhmm, that's an unusual style you want. lemme see if there's a package for it ...
06:21.21DocScrutinizer05really just nitpicking
06:22.20DocScrutinizer05just found it difficult to align leading ²³ with a previous and following multiline comment
06:24.23DocScrutinizer05alternatively add a guiding "-" in place of the space separator, maybe
06:24.52DocScrutinizer05even several "---"
06:25.16DocScrutinizer05²³----this is number 23
06:25.29DocScrutinizer05³²----this is number 32
06:26.59wpwrakmaybe if i just reduce the white space ?
06:27.10DocScrutinizer05could help as well
06:29.58Steven__Something interesting: 12Mb/s USB and BT stacks by bit-banging on the Prop
06:32.01wpwraknew draft has the space reduced by 1/3
06:33.27wpwrakgoing deeper would get messy because i already veer from the standard format to get "hanging" indentation
06:34.51DocScrutinizer05don't waste time on it
07:21.50Steven__Just browsing obex some more: FAT16/32 for SD/MMC keyboard matrix controller 19.2Kb/s serial bitbang 16-bit 44.1/48 kHz S/PDIF
07:23.51wpwrak... FTL travel ... PCI ... perpetuum mobile ... SONET ... cure for cancer ...
07:26.13wpwraki wonder how energy-efficient all those bit-banging peripherals are.
07:27.53Steven__The QFN states: Current requirements: ≈ 9 mA per cog @ 3.3 V, 80 MHz
07:28.07Steven__80 MHz is max.
07:28.51wpwrakpretty greedy. but i hope the peripherals can stop execution when they have nothing to do ?
07:28.54Steven__Eight cogs. The FAT driver for example states that it uses one cog.
07:29.43Steven__It can throttle the clock down to zero according to the summary. Factors of two, I think.
07:31.01wpwrakthat's per cog or global ?
07:32.59Steven__Not sure.
07:33.06Steven__Probably global.
07:34.13Steven__Chat on the specifications shows the current going down to microamps with frequency reduction.
07:35.53Steven__Yes. There is exactly one clock select on the block diagram.
07:36.45wpwrak8.2 has the ugly truth: up to 1 mA for doing nothing
07:38.52Steven__Only if your running it at 80 MHz
07:39.06Steven__Almost zero if you have throttled it down.
07:39.08wpwrakmy kl26 can do this with about 2 uA ;-) (i.e., be awake enough to react to IO within ~5 us)
07:40.10Steven__What would prevent you from listening with one cog at a low clock frequency?
07:43.02Steven__Eh, might be worth inquiring about what people think on the Prop forums. They seem to have a healthy FLOSS community, so you might get some volunteers to hash stuff out.
07:44.09Steven__That is the main advantage that I see, besides it being a FOSS (FOSH?) micro. (Well, and possible code sharing)
07:44.11wpwrakyes, one cog listening at low frequency would correspond to those 2 uA modes
07:45.30wpwrakalso note: 3 V supply. neo900 is mostly 1.8 V
07:46.15wpwrakwe have some components that need 3 V. which is usually a bit of a headache.
07:49.00wpwrakanyway, the prop is certainly an interesting concept. but not really for the kind of environment we have here. you could probably have quite a bit of fun with it as an arduino replacement, though.
07:50.00Steven__Yeah, I guess.
07:51.26Steven__How are you handling the 3V now? I guess you just have two buck supplies?
08:23.21Steven__Goodnight all.
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