IRC log for #neo900 on 20141223

00:19.59*** join/#neo900 ds2 (
00:58.15OksanaHow is it going with news? Last I heard, camera switches were ordered, and RAMs were on their way to be attached to test-boards?
01:07.04DocScrutinizer05and dos1 threatened to send out your draft as "official" newsletter
01:08.22DocScrutinizer05and I'm basically afk until Saturday now. Maybe my new DS1104 scope will lure me back to PC before I leave town tomorrow afternoon
01:08.24wpwrakquick ! call the anti-terror SWAT team ! we can't let such heinous threats go unanswered :)
01:10.17wpwrakah, so you'll get no NFC for christmas then. i expected to finish the critter around the 24th. still have a few more sections to write and then proof-read, but most of it is there now.
01:11.19DocScrutinizer05please at least explain *why* it needs a mcu
01:11.44wpwrakoh, it's all explained. every damn little detail of it. don't worry :)
01:12.42DocScrutinizer05hates MCUs that are not really needed
01:13.14DocScrutinizer05much trouble and hassle for zilch benefit
01:13.51DocScrutinizer05and of course since tomorrow it's xmas today my tooth starts aching
01:15.25DocScrutinizer05my father used to say "I need that like stomach ache at xmas"
01:16.31wpwraktoothache at xmas also sounds nice :)
01:17.12DocScrutinizer05fsck xmas. It's nasty any time
01:17.21wpwrakalmost as good as "tornado right before easter" (so that all the emergency responders are on their way to the easter holidays)
01:18.23wpwrak(we had that a couple of years ago in buenos aires. it was almost funny - took them something like two days to realize what exactly had happened :)
01:21.40DocScrutinizer51**F** **U** ZNC!
01:22.17grywhat did it do this time?
01:23.13wpwrakfrom the sound of it, it intravenously administered an overdose of pure anger :)
01:23.23DocScrutinizer05it plays back buffers at random points in time
01:24.05OksanaWell, local alternative would probably be heatwave at xmas. To double the probability of fire, and such.
01:24.33DocScrutinizer05those buffers consist of several hundred lines of posts, of which every single one causes an alarm click playback on my N900 xchat
01:25.14wpwrakOksana: oh, we had that last year. not much fire (some, but that was transformer stations going up in flames), but widespread blackouts. for weeks.
01:25.53DocScrutinizer05ponders ... AAAAAARGHHHH!
01:26.11DocScrutinizer05fsckng ZNC did it again
01:26.17wpwrakno better fun than sitting in the dark without water, elevators, air conditioning, etc., at xmas and then at new year while it's some 35+ C outside :)
01:26.28gryuse quassel then or something? (quassel2go still worked about a year ago on it)
01:26.51wpwrakluckily, the building where i live was spared :)
01:26.52gryznc _will_ do crazy things when it thinks you lose connection. including lose messages, play buffer, etc.
01:27.05DocScrutinizer05ponders to get a decent sat phone incl at least 9600bd data
01:28.44Oksana((It's better than giant icicles falling down from roof (don't ask me where I got the idea).)) Seriously, I would even be glad to see blackouts during first two weeks of 2015. Some non-computer time is needed here. Elevators? Not using them, either way. Air conditioning? Open windows, it's summer here. Water? We drink bottle water, not tap water. Though, lack of water would have been too much.
01:29.03DocScrutinizer05OUTCH AGAIN!!!
01:29.06wpwrak(sat phone) or this, with rolls of cat5:
01:30.51wpwrakOksana: oh, elevators get interesting very quickly. remember, 35+ C and nothing to cool things down, many tall buildings, and you won't have water to wash off the sweat. kinda perfect :)
01:31.17DocScrutinizer05now all you ZNC fanclub tell me how to prepare for a decent relevant bug ticket
01:32.34DocScrutinizer05it kills my nerves, my speakers in N900, and today it even killed maemo fremantle, literally
01:33.10gryDocScrutinizer05: /msg *status set AutoClearChanBuffer true
01:33.34DocScrutinizer05I think it is already set
01:34.54DocScrutinizer05why the heck is the damn thing playing back buffers at random points in time? I mean I'm logged in to my home WLAN since >30min now
01:35.44DocScrutinizer05I guess there must be a massive bug in some new feature I enabled
01:36.10DocScrutinizer05(updated from 0.98 to 1.4 two days ago)
01:39.26DocScrutinizer05chansavwer and log module can't cause it AAAAARTGGGHHH AGAIN
01:42.57DocScrutinizer05and again: **F** **U** ZNC
01:43.05grysorry. I have no idea. (if it has that setting ON, it gotta clear the buffer after playback, and not play it again.)
01:44.12DocScrutinizer05it's constantly logged in to my local WLAN, so why the heck is it playing back *anything* at all?
01:44.39DocScrutinizer05(it == my xchat client)
01:45.11wpwrakhave you set sadist-mode to "false" ? :)
01:45.22gryoh, try to load /znc LoadMod route_replies
01:45.56DocScrutinizer05I need to shut down xchat to go have a nap
01:45.59gry(it at least makes the who replies go away. the buffer playback ought to behave)
01:47.11*** join/#neo900 DougLashz (~dal@gateway/tor-sasl/douglashz)
01:48.01DocScrutinizer05[root@lagrange init.d]# reboot
01:48.03DocScrutinizer05Broadcast message from root (pts/3) (Tue Dec 23 02:47:12 2014):
01:48.04DocScrutinizer05The system is going down for reboot NOW!
01:48.06DocScrutinizer05[root@lagrange init.d]# Connection to closed by remote host.
01:48.07DocScrutinizer05Connection to closed.
01:48.09DocScrutinizer05real    10883m18.764s
01:48.10DocScrutinizer05user    0m14.287s
01:48.25grytimed ssh, that is smart
01:49.39*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
01:49.39*** mode/#neo900 [+v DocScrutinizer51] by ChanServ
01:50.14*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
01:52.29DocScrutinizer05ok ZNC came up as expected
01:53.09DocScrutinizer05I hope sixwheeledbeast is happy with how this went
01:53.58DocScrutinizer05hugs his new DS1104 and heads out
02:00.03DocScrutinizer05WTF? I'm disconnected
02:00.47DocScrutinizer05prolly freenode kicks me for AGAN!!!! flooding
02:02.57DocScrutinizer51ok it got one more chance to behave
02:02.58DocScrutinizer51and wated it
02:03.01*** join/#neo900 ReqGame (
02:03.28DocScrutinizer05sorry folks
02:04.57DocScrutinizer05[jr@lagrange ~]$ /etc/init.d/znc stop
02:04.59DocScrutinizer05znc beenden:                                               [FEHLGESCHLAGEN]
02:05.37*** mode/#neo900 [+o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
02:05.52*** kick/#neo900 [DocScrutinizer51!~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg] by DocScrutinizer05 (T900: "User terminated!")
02:06.02*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
02:06.02*** mode/#neo900 [+v DocScrutinizer51] by ChanServ
02:06.19DocScrutinizer05and again
02:07.15DocScrutinizer05[jr@lagrange ~]$ killall znc
02:07.16DocScrutinizer05znc(2593): Die Operation ist nicht erlaubt
02:07.18DocScrutinizer05znc: Kein Prozess abgebrochen
02:07.28DocScrutinizer05how much was a hitman?
03:28.46*** join/#neo900 DougLashz (~dal@gateway/tor-sasl/douglashz)
03:48.46*** join/#neo900 b1101 (~b@fsf/member/b1101)
05:04.16*** join/#neo900 nicksydney (
06:34.03*** join/#neo900 useretail (useretail_@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-iouizxcxgymgogrt)
07:08.38*** join/#neo900 kolp (
07:31.48kerioholy shit DocScrutinizer05 is mad
07:37.59enyckerio: why do you say that?
07:40.37*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
07:46.48*** join/#neo900 louisdk (
07:49.47*** join/#neo900 lexik (
09:06.28*** join/#neo900 phre4k (
09:33.02*** join/#neo900 gry (noone@2400:8900::f03c:91ff:fe89:8366)
09:49.32*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
10:06.43*** join/#neo900 Oxyd76 (~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/oxyd76)
10:54.48*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
11:22.24*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
11:38.57DocScrutinizer05enyc: prolly because I actually was mad about ZNC
11:39.34DocScrutinizer05I'm still, kinda. since I'm leaving for holiday in a few hoirs and no time to fix ZNC before
11:40.18*** mode/#neo900 [-o DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
11:43.23keriolemme get this straight
11:43.25kerioyou decided to upgrade znc
11:43.36keriothe day before you leave for holidays
11:50.05*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
11:50.12DocScrutinizer05let's see
11:50.13*** mode/#neo900 [+v DocScrutinizer51] by ChanServ
11:50.35*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
11:50.55DocScrutinizer05kerio: for some odd reason ZNC added a "autoclearbuffer=false" to each particular channel of my config
11:53.36DocScrutinizer05kerio: yes, that's about to the point ;-P
11:53.47keriooh, that's what it was
11:53.55kerioyeah it's kinda weird at the moment
11:54.24kerio/msg *controlpanel setchan autoclearbuffer * true
11:54.25DocScrutinizer05it still doesn't explain why ZNC thinks it needs to playback buffers every 5orso minutes
11:55.14keriohold on, why isn't your autoclearbuffer false
11:55.22DocScrutinizer05but I hope even when it virtually still does, now there will not be anything to playback
11:55.26kerioaren't you using clearbuffonmsg
11:56.38DocScrutinizer05I have no clue. I simply used the old config and ZNC was happy with it and transformed it into its new "syntax" (actually added stuff and chamged a few bits like e.g. the way password is stored)
11:57.14DocScrutinizer05I mentioned before what been the two checkboxes I ticked in addition to what been there before
11:57.43DocScrutinizer05clikclicClickclikclicClickclikclicClickclikclicClickclikclicClickclikclicClickclikclicClickclikclicClickclikclicClick  AGAIN
11:59.55DocScrutinizer51125724 <DocScrutinizer05> [12:57:13] I mentioned before what been the two checkboxes I ticked in addition to what been there before
11:59.56DocScrutinizer51125724 <***> Playback Complete.
12:01.16keriodid you connect with another client
12:01.19DocScrutinizer05then "Disconnected"
12:01.50DocScrutinizer05the [2014-12-23 Tue 12:57:43] <DocScrutinizer05> clikclicClick   didn't make it thorugh to xchat
12:02.34DocScrutinizer05no idea why it disconnects but might be related to N900-global, since SIP connectivity also dropped
12:02.54DocScrutinizer51125724 <DocScrutinizer05> [12:57:13] I mentioned before what been the two checkboxes I ticked in addition to what been there before
12:02.55DocScrutinizer51125724 <***> Playback Complete.
12:03.17DocScrutinizer05I sent this dunno maybe 5 min ago
12:04.12DocScrutinizer05sth is *very* odd with this thing
12:05.25*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
12:05.54kerioDocScrutinizer05: how many channels do you have on that thing
12:06.01keriowould it be a problem to clear the config?
12:06.09kerioand start from a clear slate
12:06.15kerioi mean, it's a crap solution
12:07.29DocScrutinizer51130041 <DocScrutinizer51> 125724 <DocScrutinizer05> [12:57:13] I mentioned before what been the two checkboxes I ticked in addition to what been there before
12:07.30DocScrutinizer51130043 <DocScrutinizer51> 125724 <***> Playback Complete.
12:07.31DocScrutinizer51130250 * Disconnected ().
12:08.21DocScrutinizer51130624 <***> Buffer Playback...
12:08.22DocScrutinizer51130624 <DocScrutinizer05> [13:03:01] HAHAHA
12:08.22DocScrutinizer51130625 <kerio> [13:06:14] i mean, it's a crap solution
12:08.31DocScrutinizer51130625 <***> Playback Complete.
12:08.46keriois 51 working?
12:09.38DocScrutinizer05well, for some reason it disconnects all the time, then reconnects and of course plays back buffers
12:10.01kerioi'd make you an account on my znc
12:10.15keriobut it's not accessible from the n900 :c
12:10.27kerio(not without ssh tunneling)
12:10.31DocScrutinizer05that won't change things since it's the diconnect on N900 xchat that triggers the problem
12:11.09DocScrutinizer05I could think of some ping from freenode not making it to xchat anymore
12:11.24DocScrutinizer05DCCbounce maybe?
12:11.29DocScrutinizer05or sth like that
12:12.27keriono, irrelevant
12:12.41kerioso it's ok from the computer then?
12:12.50keriowell i mean
12:12.56kerioyou can just autoclearbuffers
12:13.11keriothe thing is, it's always going to show "*** buffer playback *** playback complete"
12:13.27keriodo you have the playback module loaded?
12:13.30kerioor the savebuff
12:13.32DocScrutinizer05the problem is the disconnect
12:13.37DocScrutinizer05not buffers
12:13.44DocScrutinizer05not ZNC per se
12:14.01DocScrutinizer05xchat disconnecting, for unclear reasons
12:14.15keriooh ok
12:14.24kerioand this changed with the upgrade
12:14.39DocScrutinizer05and there's only this one xchat_n900 client on this ZNC account
12:14.56DocScrutinizer05well, I for sure didn't change anything in N900
12:15.37DocScrutinizer05so yes, it must be caused by ZNC update, or some madness in my server (couldn't think of any)
12:15.58DocScrutinizer05or freenode
12:16.05kerionah, freenode is not relevant here
12:16.18kerioit's n900, n900's connection, server's connection, server
12:16.43DocScrutinizer51131602 <***> Buffer Playback...
12:16.45DocScrutinizer51131602 <DocScrutinizer05> [13:15:57] or freenode
12:17.01keriotcp timeouts? i dunno
12:19.21DocScrutinizer05and reconnected again
12:19.35DocScrutinizer05and lag again
12:20.11DocScrutinizer05above lines -1 and -2 lag (like this one), -3 and -4 made it through
12:21.18DocScrutinizer05hey, maybe freenode idoru(?) scanning the server on reconnection triggers fail2ban or sth?
12:21.53keriotry removing fail2ban i guess
12:22.00keriooh by the way
12:22.09DocScrutinizer05gonna remove roundabout everything
12:22.11kerioi discovered that znc reads the .pem file on every connection
12:22.33DocScrutinizer05and clickClickclcik it survived lag - prolly diconnected and reconnected again
12:23.10DocScrutinizer05I'm pretty sure I got no .pem, already frowned on the line in config
12:23.32keriowhy don't you like strong encryption? ;-;
12:24.05DocScrutinizer05I don't give a *** about encryption as long as the basics are fsckedup
12:25.13DocScrutinizer05tbh I updated to ZNC1.4 to enable cert and crypt modules
12:25.13*** join/#neo900 arcean (
12:25.13DocScrutinizer05yeehaaa netsplit
12:25.19*** join/#neo900 useretail (useretail_@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-iouizxcxgymgogrt)
12:25.19*** join/#neo900 nicksydney (
12:25.22keriowhat for
12:25.26DocScrutinizer05whatever the name
12:25.31keriooh, sasl
12:25.38kerioholy shit, #znc had 700 people (now 500)
12:25.58mvaenskaesasl is bad?
12:26.37*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
12:26.37*** join/#neo900 b1101 (~b@fsf/member/b1101)
12:26.37*** join/#neo900 MonkeyofDoom (~MonkeyofD@2601:d:3080:f8a:6ef0:49ff:fee1:a332)
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12:26.37*** join/#neo900 Sicelo (Sicelo@unaffiliated/sicelo)
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12:26.37*** join/#neo900 wpwrak (
12:26.37*** mode/#neo900 [+v wpwrak] by
12:26.42*** join/#neo900 gottosortoutanic (
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12:26.42keriosasl is good
12:27.01*** join/#neo900 SylvieLorxu (
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12:27.01*** join/#neo900 ndnihil (~nihil@unaffiliated/ndnihil)
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12:28.08mvaenskaei use it for freenode; at least it gives me now a nice green lock /s
12:28.51*** join/#neo900 trench (trench@unaffiliated/trench)
12:29.02*** join/#neo900 XDS2010 (sid1218@gateway/web/
12:29.41keriono, that's ssl
12:30.22kerioyes, i'm well aware of what sasl is
12:30.30keriothe green lock is unrelated
12:30.33kerioyou can do sasl in plaintext
12:33.57DocScrutinizer05well, I'd start with asking "green lock? where exactly?"
12:34.39DocScrutinizer05when in URL textbox of a browser, then it's completely unrelated to SASL
12:34.58DocScrutinizer05it simply means "HTTPS"
12:35.21DocScrutinizer05but I gues mvaenskae is well aware of that
12:38.57DocScrutinizer51133302 * Now talking on #neo900
12:38.59DocScrutinizer51133552 * Disconnected ().
12:39.01DocScrutinizer51133613 * Now talking on #neo900
12:39.02DocScrutinizer51SIP down
12:39.04DocScrutinizer51I wonder if somebody attacking my wlan
12:39.41DocScrutinizer05haha i typed this during last 75s and when xchat said "*disconnected" it now pops up here
12:40.10DocScrutinizer05sth is *completely* odd
12:41.13DocScrutinizer05who the heck could buffer my posts xchat to freenode and playback/forward them after xchat disconnected?
12:41.54DocScrutinizer05I wonder if my server gets flooded
12:42.26DocScrutinizer05but then, ssh connection is just fine
12:43.15DocScrutinizer05ZNC /mods/global/webadmin/listusers webmin interface just fine
12:44.12*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer51 (~lagrange@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
12:44.13*** mode/#neo900 [+v DocScrutinizer51] by ChanServ
12:44.43*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
12:48.25keriosigns point to weirdass internet problems
12:54.29*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
12:55.00*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
12:55.47*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
12:56.04*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
12:57.12DocScrutinizer05sort of
12:57.27DocScrutinizer05server is fine, no flooding of any sorts
12:58.22DocScrutinizer05maybe I should reboot my wrt54
12:58.30wpwrakit was december 2014, the year when skynet reached consciousness and began to explore the global network. clumsily at first, but it learned fast ... first sony, now freenode, ...
12:59.28wpwraki always suspected that :)
13:00.08*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:00.45DocScrutinizer51hello world
13:00.54DocScrutinizer05wow, only 30s lag
13:01.33DocScrutinizer05THAT can't be my WLAN
13:02.20wpwrakskynet: that's what happens when you make "your LAN" span the globe :)
13:02.55DocScrutinizer05ork my train leaves in 2h
13:06.24wpwrakhah, that's how you think of us ! orcs ! :)
13:07.06wpwraksafe journey (DB, you're quite the thrill seeker :) and enjoy the xmess break ! :)
13:11.25DocScrutinizer05SIP also completely dead, WTF?!
13:12.15DocScrutinizer05this machine conects via same switch-router and "just works"
13:12.34wpwrakdidn't obama say he wanted cyberwar ? :)
13:12.48DocScrutinizer05seems he sztarted on my WLAN?
13:14.09*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:15.19DocScrutinizer05>>Sensitivity Range (ACK Timing)  XXXX (Default: 2000 meters)<< WUT?? never heard of THIS
13:15.58*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:16.40*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:18.02*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:19.39*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:25.35sixwheeledbeasthmm, znc playing up?
13:25.57*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:26.23*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:28.00kerioyou're parting, not quitting
13:29.34*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
13:29.34*** mode/#neo900 [+v DocScrutinizer05] by ChanServ
13:30.51DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: sorry, I experienced weird problems and blamed ZNC. Should have stabilized again at least for you, unless you see same problems of constant (every 5 minutes) client disconnects
13:31.06DocScrutinizer05hmm, no lag
13:31.57DocScrutinizer51so far stuff looks good after rebooting my wlan router
13:32.03sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: was fine yesterday, today closing client is deleting the channels from ZNC
13:32.21DocScrutinizer05hmm, that's weird
13:32.52DocScrutinizer05lemme check your config
13:33.01keriocheck the client
13:33.04keriowhich client is it?
13:33.19kerio>purple irc
13:33.28kerioare you seriously using empathy or whatever it's called
13:33.33sixwheeledbeastpidgin nothing has changed
13:33.38DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: I enabled chansaver for you
13:33.55sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: ok maybe that's it
13:34.08DocScrutinizer05yeah, prolly it is
13:34.29DocScrutinizer05without chansaver module every ZNC restart makes it forget the channels
13:34.34*** join/#neo900 che1 (
13:34.46DocScrutinizer05I did a few restarts
13:34.49*** join/#neo900 sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
13:34.54DocScrutinizer05sorry for the inconvenience
13:35.07*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:35.19DocScrutinizer05ok, everything seems to work fine agai, no idea what was wrong with my wrt54g
13:35.51DocScrutinizer05maybe I should pack my backpacker
13:37.00*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:37.05DocScrutinizer05last remark: seems nmap on agressive timing can upset the wrt54g router (ddWRT firmware)
13:40.02*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
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13:40.27DocScrutinizer05sort of "see y'all Saturday"
13:40.34sixwheeledbeasthmm seems to be N900 related.
13:40.46sixwheeledbeastdesktop is fine on quit
13:41.39DocScrutinizer51I recently enabled chansaver for you
13:43.02*** part/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:43.36*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
13:44.48DocScrutinizer05seems pidgin /parts channels on shutdown?
13:45.09sixwheeledbeastseems to be pidgin for N900, it /parts instead of /quits. Desktop is fine.
13:45.17DocScrutinizer05which is arguably good practice
13:45.19sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: :nod: thx
13:46.26DocScrutinizer05bouncer is supposed to handle downtimes caused by connectivity loss etc. Depending on the paradigm you follow for client behavior, it may /part channels on graceful shutdown
13:46.58DocScrutinizer05try "killall pidgin" and you'll see it keeps channels on restart ;-)
13:47.59DocScrutinizer05of course /part on quit is BS idea when using multiple clients ;-)
13:48.19DocScrutinizer05meh, pidgin
13:48.30sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: closing "buddy list" == /quit, closing "conversation list" == /part
13:51.57keriothat makes no sense
13:52.18kerioi wonder what happens if you enable stickychan
13:52.24keriowill pidgin just infinite loop on shutdown?
13:57.05DocScrutinizer05ooh stickychan, yes you should try that option in ZNC
14:16.38*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (
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14:56.01*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (
15:22.37DocScrutinizer51((true-green)) I just notice that all traffic lights here use that color & type of LED
15:23.06DocScrutinizer51they also use orange for yellow light
15:23.33DocScrutinizer51and ultrared for red
15:25.45*** join/#neo900 illwieckz (
15:34.49DocScrutinizer51sixwheeledbeast: all ok for your bouncer now?
15:35.52DocScrutinizer51my end started behaving after I rebooted my WLAN router. Now - via 3G - just works great still
15:37.23sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: seems so
15:37.29DocScrutinizer51just noticed DeutscheBahn gave me a seat in 'Comfort Zone' which is their term to say 'no conneccivity whatsoever in this area' :-/
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15:45.31DocScrutinizer51hmm no, I got that wrong about 'comfort zone' it seems
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19:21.25gottosortoutanici guess the gta04 bluetooth version is 2.1?
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19:59.39DocScrutinizer51gottosortoutanic: not sure anout GTA04
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22:01.31phre4kdo you think Sailfish OS will run on the neo900?
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22:58.42OksanaAsk at #nemomobile . They are doing Sailfish ports, too, not only Nemo Mobile itself. Nemo and Sailfish happen to be fairly similar.
23:02.18Oksanaphre4k: Last I heard, wayland is broken on N900. But, there were no recent news about it.
23:02.56MonkeyofDoomupstream Wayland/Weston runs on my N900...
23:03.42MonkeyofDoomfbdev backend, though some people have done some stuff with WSEGL that would supposedly allow for using the SGX through EGL
23:04.04phre4kty Oksana
23:04.28phre4kI'll switch from my Galaxy S3 if the neo900 is ready :p
23:04.28Oksananp. I don't know much about it, though.
23:05.44OksanaGood! Neo900 will be better protected from malicious towers ;-) That;s my current topic of interest: how do I know the tower to which I am attached, and it's level of maliciousness?
23:06.06OksanaThat's*, its*, even
23:06.33phre4khave to go, playing games on Wintendo :p
23:06.46SylvieLorxuphre4k: Does it make sense to run Sailfish on the Neo900, seeing how it's more proprietary than Android?
23:07.10OksanaMore proprietary: how so?
23:07.42SylvieLorxuOksana: Android is mostly freely licensed, except for some (increasingly-close-to-the-core) "system apps"
23:07.52SylvieLorxuSailfish is the same, but its UI is also proprietary
23:09.05phre4koh, that's interesting. I'll stay a minute.
23:09.29phre4kI'd also use Android if that will be possible, but I thought Sailfish was easier because of the Debian base.
23:10.07phre4kbut I'm fed up that Android isn't a real Linux every now and then, e.g. package manager
23:10.22OksanaOne moment... Trying to look it up...
23:10.25phre4kUbuntu phone would also be funny.
23:10.25SylvieLorxuI hope Replicant would work on the Neo900:
23:10.46phre4kI'll just wait a few months and ask again :)
23:11.57OksanaNay, the link is wrong. Sailfish CFD, Lattice Boltzmann method. Not mobile OS.
23:13.41OksanaVague: We are putting in place the licensing structures that will enable the community to take part in developing Sailfish. For now, we encourage you to join and contribute to Mer and Nemo, in which our developers are also active participants. In the meantime, if you are interested in hearing more about the opportunities for the licensing Sailfish OS, we encourage you to get in touch with us...
23:16.51OksanaAndroid, Replicant, Firefox OS, are one thing. Mer, Nemo, Sailfish are another. Debian, Maemo are also a different kettle of fish.
23:17.16SylvieLorxuWhy are you grouping Firefox OS with Android and Replicant?
23:17.31SylvieLorxuAlso, I don't get your point
23:19.35OksanaFirefox OS is Android-based, with Android core I mean; it has the same adb command-line, too.
23:22.41SylvieLorxuI didn't know it was Android-based, but it always felt Android-like to me :P
23:22.53SylvieLorxuAnd not in a good sense, it's so ugly ;-;
23:23.32MonkeyofDoombroadly, the only important thing for what's possible with your phone is which userspaces are compatible with the kernels it can run
23:24.10OksanaThe worst part, when the SD card _and_ internal filesystem got corrupted, there was no fsck at hand - for vfat, at least.
23:24.22MonkeyofDoomif you can run an upstream Linux kernel on something (with full hardware support), you can almost always get Android or any other phone distro to work on there fine
23:25.27MonkeyofDoomin addition to the obvious systemd+glibc GNU/Linux setup being an option
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