IRC log for #neo900 on 20141110

00:08.27Oksanajonwil: About localization patches: exception-en-US.diff should still be done, but the patch may need to be modified because of different line numbers (Mozilla changed their code slightly, but it does not affect -+diff, only the line numbers and pretext of the edit).
00:08.29Oksanabug137606.diff is no longer needed, since Mozilla-trunk does not mention File menu anymore.
00:08.30Oksanabug157237.diff should still be done. Not sure whether line numbers are still the same or changed. bug87973.firefox.hardcoded.diff should still be done. Bug 336029 for Mozilla, by the way.
00:09.32*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
00:09.57j4s0nmchr1st0sOksana: Are you a programmer?
00:09.59DocScrutinizer05well, patch is extremely smart
00:10.28OksanaI did not make the patches. I just read them.
00:11.01DocScrutinizer05would you like to _read_ my little fancy at ~flashing? :-)
00:11.21infobotwell, maemo-flashing is, or - on linux PC - download, cd into it, do ./
00:12.06dos1DocScrutinizer05: well, one of my ex-mozilla devices is still untouched, so I could reflash it
00:13.07DocScrutinizer05dos1: great!
00:13.20DocScrutinizer05it's made for exactly that
00:16.49OksanaInteresting script. Too complicated to read through, at least when I do not actually use it. :-)
00:25.15DocScrutinizer05complicated? it's only a 82 lines, some 20..30% of those comments or empty
00:25.39dos1RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin is not known (has no checksum line in local file md5sums.txt for checking file integrity). Aborting.
00:29.06DocScrutinizer05but it's easier to do `echo '095259c2380e894dc1d6a2999526ec9f  RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin' >>md5sums.txt
00:29.51OksanaWhat is libxul-sdk? Because there is some trouble around toolkit
00:29.57DocScrutinizer05well, dunno what's easier, wget or the above
00:30.16dos1already wgeted, it's downloading the image now
00:30.30DocScrutinizer05*shhhh*! ;-)
00:32.01dos1I mean of course ;)
00:32.16Oksanajonwil: about romaxa: Also, Ctrl+F romaxa here:
00:32.57DocScrutinizer05I wonder if I should do sth about gaining root in the script
00:33.47dos1yep, I read the script before so I knew I should launch it as root
00:33.51DocScrutinizer05prticularly since wget shouldn't run as root, but flasher must run as root, also the blacklist hack and modprobe needs root permissions
00:33.57dos1~flashing doesn't say so though
00:34.42dos1./ line 65: 0xEEEE-3.5_2.5.2.2/EEEE-3.5: Permission denied
00:36.57DocScrutinizer05ls -l 0xEEEE-3.5_2.5.2.2/EEEE-3.5
00:38.02DocScrutinizer05or did you store the maemo-my-private-workdir/ on a nonexecute fs?
00:38.56dos1wgetting directory doesn't preserve permissions :P
00:39.32dos1they're not even available over http after all
00:39.49DocScrutinizer05of course :-S
00:40.00dos1.tar.gz file might be a good idea ;)
00:40.09DocScrutinizer05already pondered it
00:40.21DocScrutinizer05gonna change that stuff accordingly
00:41.21Oksanajonwil: Or is romaxa impossible to reach this way, too?
01:00.45DocScrutinizer05dos1: could you refresh please?
01:03.30Oksanajonwil: About crashes: 854ab30d101e.diff was already fixed by Mozilla, so no longer needed. GetChannelIsUnsafe_bug117540.diff should still be done. attachment.cgi%3fid=46259.diff was already fixed by Mozilla, so no longer needed.
01:07.14jonwilPut the information about the patches in the tmo thread otherwise it will go missing :)
01:07.31Oksanajonwil: Will try to.
01:09.17jonwilWill email romaxa with a nice well-written well-thought-out email I guess :)
01:17.40OksanaWonder if he checks it... Good luck!
01:32.47DocScrutinizer05infobot: no, maemo-flashing is, or - on linux PC - download*|.tgz), cd into it, do ./
01:32.47infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay
01:33.08DocScrutinizer05dos1: better?
01:52.12DocScrutinizer05GRRRR! could somebody please help me out how to store+quit in EMACS?
02:01.44DocScrutinizer05nm, done
02:02.44j4s0nmchr1st0sOksana: Is there a prototype yet?
02:05.14Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s:<DocScrutinizer05>a pity but what can we do? proto_V2 will not appear before end of year
02:06.00OksanaSo, proto_V1 was done, some time ago, and proto_V3 will be the final prototype, equivalent to mass-production-device.
02:06.24DocScrutinizer05at least when we're lucky :-)
02:07.50DocScrutinizer05that's why we take a great deal of care to get everything right in proto_V2 already, so no surprises in proto_V3
02:15.12jonwilhmmm, dont know what to say in this email to romaxa (subject in particular)
02:40.23Oksana"MicroB: new Gecko" ?
02:42.49jonwilHow about "Updaring Gecko in Microb"
02:44.45OksanaUpdating*, even :-)
02:45.26OksanaOr "MicroB and latest Gecko"?
02:45.53DocScrutinizer05how about s/MicroB/fremantle browserd/
02:46.50DocScrutinizer05aiui microB is mainly the closed UI part
02:47.02OksanaAll of this sounds alright. And MicroB probably sounds catchier, and more encompassing, than browserd. Not sure, though.
02:47.59DocScrutinizer05"updating MicroB's rendering engine from Gecko to <whatever> - help wanted"
02:48.16j4s0nmchr1st0sOksana: Send me a prototype.
02:48.20OksanaMicroB-engine, for short.
02:49.21Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s: Device prototype is not cheap. And I do not have one. Who is the head of Neo900 UG?
02:50.02jonwil"Updating Gecko in microb-engine to a newer version" works
02:50.14jonwilor better yet "Updating Gecko in microb-engine to a recent version"
02:50.42Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s: If you want a prototype, pre-order one. Around 1500 euro, or what was it? proto_V2 will not appear before end of year
02:50.55DocScrutinizer05I'd not feel excited to rwad such mail when I had touched that stuff a 4 years ago last time. Subject sunds like a press announcement
02:51.33jonwilhow about "Help wanted updating Gecko in microb-engine to a recent version"?
02:51.50Oksana"Help needed/wanted: updating MicroB-engine"
02:52.07DocScrutinizer05"wow, that guy is updating microb-engine, whatever that means. Relevant for me? no. Next mail"
02:52.56jonwilI think "Help wanted updating microb-engine to a more recent Gecko version" works
02:53.21DocScrutinizer05you start to get an idea what it sounds like when werner, sebastian and me are drafting a new newsletter ;-)
02:53.44DocScrutinizer05we can do that game a full week
02:54.03OksanaHopefully, he is still thinking about Linux-phone and Firefox-on-mobile-Linux.
02:59.16OksanaPre-order for final device is 100 euro.
02:59.25j4s0nmchr1st0sI used to get hardware for beta testing free.
02:59.31OksanaEstimated price for final device is 700 euro.
02:59.51OksanaPrototypes are hand-made and thus costly.
03:00.03j4s0nmchr1st0sSign up for a reseller program Oksana
03:00.24OksanaWhy reseller? Of prototypes, specifically?
03:00.39DocScrutinizer05j4s0nmchr1st0s: the project is completely financed by donations. Do you think it's fair to Oksana and all the other donors to use their money to build a proto for 1400EUR and send it to you for free?
03:01.32j4s0nmchr1st0sDepends on how many grants the company gets.
03:01.35OksanaIf I am lucky, I will buy several final devices, and sell them to second-wave buyers. For the same price as I got them. Just for the sake of increasing the size of the batch.
03:01.42j4s0nmchr1st0sLet me look at the budget.
03:02.06DocScrutinizer05or let me put it this way: we already have ~300 betatesters who would *love* to get a prototype for a little less than the 1400 bucks it costs to build them
03:02.06OksanaGrants? No grants, just donors. Aka 'future owners of devices'.
03:02.57jonwilhis last github contribution was to nemomobile-packages/gecko-dev on 26th september 2014
03:03.03jonwilso he is obviously active
03:03.08j4s0nmchr1st0sIs this a business or what that isn't a very well planned business model.
03:03.33DocScrutinizer05please don't suffer our headaches
03:03.42j4s0nmchr1st0sSounds more like you are building phones for James.
03:04.00DocScrutinizer05sounds like you're a really smart guy
03:05.21DocScrutinizer05you're welcome to donate a 500k EUR so we could easily hand out free prototypes to betatesters
03:05.27Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s: It's going to be high-quality phone. With stereo speakers, stereo microphone, and such. With pressure-temperature sensors. With accelerometer and gyroscope. With resistive dual-touch. Read the specifications.
03:05.57j4s0nmchr1st0sDid you see that movie The Matrix?
03:06.08j4s0nmchr1st0sCompare the audio quality to the TP7
03:06.15OksanaWith dual-SIM, NFC, infra-transceiver and FM transceiver.
03:06.37j4s0nmchr1st0sWhat is the CPU?
03:07.24j4s0nmchr1st0sIf it is going to live up to its name it needs something like the transmetta CPU
03:07.47pigeonsits name is neo900...
03:08.02pigeonsso the cpu seems to fit
03:08.30DocScrutinizer05and we're way behond the point of discussing CPU
03:09.43Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s: CPU: TI DM3730, 1 GHz; RAM: 1GB
03:09.59DocScrutinizer05choosing a SoC/CPU is not like picking your fav meal from a menu
03:10.39OksanaStorage: 64GB internal + SD card external
03:10.50j4s0nmchr1st0sIt isnt living up to what Neo would use.
03:11.29DocScrutinizer05j4s0nmchr1st0s: maybe that's actually funny but sorry I'm a tad allergic to this sort of "discussion"
03:11.33j4s0nmchr1st0sIt needs to be able to do what Kevin can do automatically.
03:12.09jonwilThe Neo900 CPU is (IIRC) the best/most powerful CPU we can get that is still backwards compatible in the ways we need it to be.
03:12.26DocScrutinizer05!!! !!!
03:12.37Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s: If you need more CPU-RAM, you can look up this: But it will not have the sensors
03:13.00DocScrutinizer05and no phone
03:13.01j4s0nmchr1st0sno rudder
03:13.44OksanaI mean, DragonBox-Pyra can optionally include cellular module
03:14.09Oksana"Wifi, Bluetooth and optional 3G/UMTS/GPS"
03:14.13DocScrutinizer05>>When some company releases a new device, it’s fairly easy to jump on your gun and point out “Hey, Are You Stupid? Why didn’t you choose THAT SoC instead? It’s more powerful!”. Well, most people actually forget one of the key market constraints: Supply.<<
03:14.27j4s0nmchr1st0sThe phone also needs an FRS band for maintaining rugulatory network silence.
03:14.45DocScrutinizer05j4s0nmchr1st0s: please stop that!
03:14.54j4s0nmchr1st0sIf it cannot go local its just another consumer product.
03:15.31j4s0nmchr1st0sDocScrutinizer05: Stop what , chatting?
03:15.48DocScrutinizer05yes, this type of noisy meaningless chatter
03:16.50j4s0nmchr1st0sThe suggestion about transmetta is not about crunching power but about compatibility.
03:18.27DocScrutinizer05IOW: read the links I poted above, read *completely* from first to last post, then come back and ask your questions or even contribute with suggestions and criticism. But please not before you did all that
03:19.27Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s: Or join ##chat : The problem with additional, country-specific features is that they add complexity (and cost), and are useless for many consumers
03:21.04j4s0nmchr1st0sBut James.
03:21.09OksanaThat's what hacker-bus is for.
03:22.54DocScrutinizer05Oksana: he won't know what's hackerbus, never even heard of. He doesn't know what CPU the device is using and why. Futile noise
03:23.38j4s0nmchr1st0sSame as the nook.
03:24.09OksanaMaybe, he will get curious. Instead of trying to push his beloved features into the device, he will research how to add them to the device, without imposing costs onto people who would not want these features.
03:24.20j4s0nmchr1st0sMy suggestion was for the same stated "why" compatibility.
03:24.41DocScrutinizer05sorry, I fail to parse you posts
03:25.24j4s0nmchr1st0sAmd knows exactly how to compete with intel.
03:26.35DocScrutinizer05for a rule of thumb: we are refining and discussing specs of this device with roundabout 300 peaople for over a year now. Guess how often we heard suggestions like yours already, and how often we mumbled "not *again* please" while typing an answer
03:27.14DocScrutinizer05and neither AMD nor intel is *any* relevant in this channel and for this device
03:27.14j4s0nmchr1st0sDocScrutinizer05: Do you know anything about transmetta?
03:27.21Oksana"Omap", "nook": what is that about? Compatibility - with what - can be achieved by using Transmeta? Neo900 strives for compatibility with Nokia N900, and thus uses TI processor, just a bit newer one.
03:28.27OksanaTransmeta seems to be used for laptops and workstations, not mobile phones.
03:29.23DocScrutinizer05will you PRETTY PLEASE - with lots of sugar on top - read
03:29.31j4s0nmchr1st0sA phone needs not compete with intel but with other phones. The transmetta chip can do morphing.
03:29.49DocScrutinizer05and now please stop it, finally
03:30.55j4s0nmchr1st0sI like sugar.
03:31.13DocScrutinizer05when you're so convinced about your transmeta, I suggest you start your own phone building business and use your advantage over all the competitors, incl Neo900
03:31.54DocScrutinizer05and statements like your last one are no longer tolerated in this channel, I asked you two times already to reduce noise
03:32.16Oksanaj4s0nmchr1st0s: Go into PM? DocScrutinizer does not enjoy noise
03:33.25j4s0nmchr1st0sOksana: If you insist, go on, privmsg.
03:36.44DocScrutinizer05[2014-11-09 Sun 17:53:06] <DocScrutinizer05> some nice "mature" (2003) background read about OMAP strategy and design considerations:
03:39.04DocScrutinizer05particularly see the considerations regarding embedded and power saving
03:39.20DocScrutinizer05...which didn't change at all since 2003
03:39.59DocScrutinizer05you cannot choose a embedded SoC same way you choose your PC CPU
03:41.02pigeonsI just donated :)
03:44.39jonwil is what I have for the email to send to Oleg
03:45.00jonwilAnyone want to comment on whether I am saying the right things?
03:48.05jonwilGuess not...
03:49.11OksanaI am opening the link :-)
03:50.05Oksanarelavent - relevant
03:50.49OksanaMultiple times? Or is it an alternative, also correct spelling?
03:51.05OksanaIf there is anything you can add to the discussion ... then what?
03:51.30jonwilnope, its a typo
03:51.47Oksana3 times :-)
03:52.38jonwil"then please do so."
03:52.53jonwildoes that sound right to you?
03:53.12jonwilwait better idea
03:53.21jonwilno, that wont work
03:53.28OksanaYes :-) Though you could somehow mention IRC channel, too.
03:55.30jonwilanything more to add?
03:56.05OksanaMaybe, in signature? Or is it the last place where he will be looking for contact information?
03:56.12OksanaCannot see the new version.
03:57.10OksanaThis paste has been removed!:
03:57.21jonwilwrong link
03:57.25jonwilthat one should work
03:58.03OksanaYes :-)
04:04.34jonwilanything more to say about the email?
04:04.41jonwilor should I go ahead and send?
04:13.07jonwilguessing nothing more to add :P
04:14.48jonwilmail sent
04:37.50jonwilLets hope it results in something useful/positive
05:34.34jonwilHe said "All you need is:" "1) Build latest GTK firefox (gecko engine) on Neo900 SDK" "2) rewrite microb-eal mozilla using latest Gecko engine API's.". Going to reply :)
06:16.05*** join/#neo900 astr (
07:27.34*** join/#neo900 Oxyd76 (~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/oxyd76)
07:47.47*** join/#neo900 Oxyd76 (~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/oxyd76)
08:30.54flingIs there anything new about the project? Not much news on the site.
08:53.58*** join/#neo900 Sveta (quasselcor@freenode/staff/fsf.member.svetlana)
08:57.48*** join/#neo900 Sveta (gry@freenode/staff/fsf.member.svetlana)
09:02.11*** join/#neo900 Svetlana (gry@freenode/staff/fsf.member.svetlana)
09:37.31*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
10:17.08*** join/#neo900 che1 (
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10:34.08Oksanafling: Since the speakers of N900 were knowles TINY (not manufactures anymore), Neo900 is likely going to use knowles GRAND. They have slightly different dimensions, but *might* be feasible.
10:42.14*** join/#neo900 Oxyd76 (~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/oxyd76)
10:47.26bencohwow, so much dust
11:01.17*** join/#neo900 arcean (
11:15.47dos1DocScrutinizer05: Image(s) flashed successfully in 33.931 s (7543 kB/s)!
11:41.02*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:884f:dfdd:8ed:bdee)
11:43.10DocScrutinizer05kerio: you tested it?
11:43.37infobotmaemo-flashing is probably, or - on linux PC - download*, cd into it, do ./
11:43.50kerioi don't even have linux
11:43.56DocScrutinizer05silly lil scriptie
11:44.51DocScrutinizer05fails to see how people can _live_ without linux
11:45.32bencohkerio: wait, what ?
11:47.34kerio"wait, what?" what?
11:48.00flingOksana: good news!
11:48.44bencoh12:43 < kerio> i don't even have linux
11:49.19bencohyeah, it's just ... surprising
11:50.11kerioos x is best os
11:50.13kerioit even has a x
11:50.35bencohooh, osx, okay :)
11:50.40bencohstill unix inside
11:51.03DocScrutinizer05kerio always knows how to troll in a inspired way :-)
11:51.15DocScrutinizer05yep, unix ftw
11:51.56DocScrutinizer05idly ponders if that silly lil scriptie could learn multi-platform
11:52.44keriowhy do you want to flash everything anyway
11:52.45kerioflash uboot
11:52.52keriouboot is good :3
11:53.28DocScrutinizer05that script evidently is for the clueless and the lazy
11:54.07DocScrutinizer05and meant to cover the most general case of "flashing the N900"
11:54.24bencohcould be handy if you need to test cssu install on a fresh device as well
11:54.57bencoh(heavy flash/test/flash/test)
11:54.58DocScrutinizer05I got 55 devices with sort of messed up firmware on them
11:55.18DocScrutinizer05had to write a script to handle flashing
11:55.34bencohgonna be a lot of pressed U
11:55.43DocScrutinizer05no need to press U
11:56.33DocScrutinizer05fire script, plug in device, wait until script tells to insert battery. profit
11:56.57DocScrutinizer05dos1: right?
11:57.54DocScrutinizer05just ponders to augment the script to even customize the freshly flashed device without ever touching it
11:59.29DocScrutinizer05shouldn't be too hard to install a slightly patched bootmenu via rescueOS
12:00.33DocScrutinizer05or maybe even create a customized FIASCO image
12:04.34*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
12:09.11mvaenskaewheeee, reddit thread \o/
12:09.56DocScrutinizer05yeah, I know
12:10.05DocScrutinizer05not the first one
12:10.07mvaenskaenice to see a thread :)
12:14.22*** join/#neo900 astr (
12:18.23mvaenskaestill the amound of replies is a nice sight for sore eyes, close to 200 messages and on my second page of subreddits i am subscribed to :)
12:24.03DocScrutinizer05and many of them would need a reply by somebody registered and entitled to post to reddit. Like the lord_skittles guy who obviously can't discern between open hardware and open source software
12:26.38DocScrutinizer05having a modem module that has whatever firmware on chip doesn't flaw the claim of "open hardware", just like using a ambient light sensor with a tiny MCU in it that does the A/D and calculations and I2C communication doesn't mean the device that's using this chip and clearly specifies how to talk to it via I2C is a closed hardware
12:28.08DocScrutinizer05heck, for most of the slightly more complex than "just 4 gates" chips you don't even know if they might have a MCU inside, and for sure you don't have access to any firmware running on such MCU
12:28.44DocScrutinizer05but all this is hardly related to *open hardware*
12:29.29jonwiltreating such things as a black box is the right way
12:30.22jonwili.e. you know what goes in and what goes out and you can be sure its not doing anything weird because its not possible for it to access things it would need to access to do weird things
12:30.22DocScrutinizer05in the end you need to do exactly this (treat as blackbox) with every single chip and even every single transistor you use
12:30.48DocScrutinizer05yep, exactly
12:31.10mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: anyone can register on reddit btw, no need to be entitled from what i can tell
12:31.24DocScrutinizer05I for sure won't do that
12:31.41jonwilbtw I am getting closer to tracking down a particular revision in mozilla hg that matches PR1.3 microb-engine
12:32.10DocScrutinizer05I probably once tried and it had hurdles of the type "only works on FireFox" or "you need google+ for that" or whatever
12:32.57jonwilthe last relavent changelog entry for microb-engine was Sync up engine to last mozilla 1.9.2 branch and the last 1.9.2 branch as of that date is GECKO1922_20100315_RELBRANCH which is what I am now pulling
12:33.01DocScrutinizer05or simply "please fill that form which asks for a humble 182 personal dates of yours"
12:33.24jonwila diff should tell me how close I am to matching things up
12:35.27jonwilI would say that microb-engine is up there as one of the most complex pieces of FOSS software on the entire N900
12:37.56DocScrutinizer05protestor, 19h ago  >>There are concerns that even offline work can be compromised, since the baseband processor can run code on the other processor<< Simple but necessary answer: "NO Sir, not on Neo900"
12:38.00mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: is that in regards to reddit? to post you need a reddit account consisiting of nick/password and if wanted an email :) (just to clear it up)
12:38.40DocScrutinizer05I'm generally not interested in registering at facebook, reddit, google+, twitter, younameit
12:39.12mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: just wanted to clear it up :) it is by far the least worrysome of the large websites
12:40.52mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: maybe it would be good for you to pick the wrong things and correct them, post them to the maemo forums and them dos posts a link to there that everyone can then see
12:41.19mvaenskaeor dos can just copy-paste them directly into the responses
12:47.40DocScrutinizer05ratatask 2 points 2 hours ago >>People have already built their own GSM base station (, and the baseband for one old motorola phone (<< S/He missed to notice the not so obvious link between osmocom and openmoko. Check Harald Welte, Dieter Spahr, among others. All are members of both the osmocom team and the openmoko crew
12:50.46mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: out of interest, how legal was the base station?
12:51.08DocScrutinizer05with a temporary licence
12:53.05DocScrutinizer05which is kind of funny since that licence afaik does _not_ require evaluation and certification of the protocols/"firmware" used, so such a test BTS could legally do rogue things (which it kinda did on CCC ;-D )
12:57.39DocScrutinizer05directhex 1 point 4 hours ago >> But it's not a maxed out iPhone 6. It's essentially an OMAP3 with performance found on high-end phones from 2010 ...  So over $1000 for a phone from 2010 in terms of spec<<  DUDE, go buy a antique car e.g. from the 1950s, ALL NEW and in mint condidtion. Then guess how much its value in terms of spec and how that compares to contemporary cars with same price
12:58.46mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: 1950s? the neo900 ain't that old...
12:59.25DocScrutinizer05your point being?
13:00.44DocScrutinizer05>>I can't be the only person who thought that the phone was literally transparent?<< HUH what?
13:02.11bencohno offense, but neo900 isnt exactly an "antique car" ;)
13:02.26mvaenskaethe neo900 is more like a pontiac firebird
13:02.37bencohthere is no added value in it being "from the old days"
13:03.26bencohmvaenskae: :]
13:03.52mvaenskaebencoh: there is, my parents bought a microwave over 20 years ago... it still works
13:04.01mvaenskaetry that with new age stufff... nah, not gonna happen
13:04.17bencohhmm ... point taken :)
13:04.43DocScrutinizer05it is. exactly for e.g. using a "old days" concept of not integrating modem into SoC, a concept that was essential for recent years' price drops on smartphones
13:04.52bencoh(though I'm not sure it's old enough for that)
13:05.35mvaenskaealso my dad reapired the 20 year old washing machine regularily for the past 2 years just because he could
13:05.39bencohDocScrutinizer05: yup, but we could go for a shiny-new-imx6 and have the same result
13:06.00DocScrutinizer05no, see
13:06.08mvaenskaewould be stupid if just to change the coal one would need to buy a whole new engine
13:07.02bencohDocScrutinizer05: yeah, I know about that, but it doesnt say why imx6 wouldnt be good enough for our purpose ;)
13:07.22bencoh(afaik it has the same issue than omap/powervr)
13:07.35DocScrutinizer05you should compare Neo900 to e.g. TI Zoom-II which sold for almost 2000 bucks iirc
13:08.08DocScrutinizer05rather than a silly insecure mainstream mass market smartphone like iPhone or Galaxy
13:08.22bencohhmmm, okay, it does (logistical reason)
13:08.39DocScrutinizer05when even TI themselves cannot go cheaper for their development platform, how could we?
13:09.47DocScrutinizer05add to that that we want to be binary compatible to fremantle/N900 and there you are
13:10.26mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: the iphone is pretty bold, not insecure; look at how well it advertises just how nice it looks!
13:10.47DocScrutinizer05I pondered for a long time whether to go for OMAP5 like pyra, but decided that it's probbaly not compatible enough and too high risk
13:11.55DocScrutinizer05wonders what's wrong with his sense of humer. Notices that frowning is the regular reaction on such jokes, rather than smiling
13:13.11bencohDocScrutinizer05: compatible enough with ? software ?
13:13.22DocScrutinizer05with N900
13:13.30bencohyeah, but software-wise ?
13:13.44DocScrutinizer05err, what else? color wise?
13:13.58mvaenskaebencoh: look-wise
13:14.28mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: how much more R&D + unit cost (just the part) would the switch have caused?
13:14.36mvaenskaeto omap5
13:14.51DocScrutinizer05for OMAP3 we have lots of existing apps and even several closed blobs proven to work in maemo
13:14.55bencohI dunno, there might have been some hw bus you might want to use the same way ... :)
13:15.23mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: is the omap5 not necessarily compatible to omap3 code?
13:15.59DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: lemme put it this way: OMAP3 is a tested proven design, for OMAP5 we're wandering terra incognita
13:17.17DocScrutinizer05porting a partially closed OS to a new platform is hard enough already, even without changing the CPU during that enterprise
13:17.19mvaenskaebut we want incognito mode per default D: (joking aside, i understand your concerns fully)
13:18.40*** join/#neo900 che1 (
13:18.41DocScrutinizer05csolisr 2 points 10 hours ago  >>Laws say that the firmware must be compliant with the guidelines of regulation organisms (such as the FCC), not that the firmware must be proprietary. If a team develops a patent-free alternative and it's approved as compliant with said guidelines, no problem.<< DANG that person completely failed to grok what "cerification" means
13:26.43DocScrutinizer05>>However, the PowerVR drivers and baseband firmware are still closed-source. The idea their claim of "100% Free Software stack" is complete bullshit.<< that statement is complete BS, please RTFFAQ
13:27.23mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: reading is a difficult task, comprehending even more so :)
13:29.33DocScrutinizer05could you please post that one line to this reddit thread, ideally in answering some of the BS talkers?
13:32.18mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: i can post those links in a few likely (currently having lectures); please give me some sample direct links to the messages where i should reply to and i will post those there :)
13:33.11DocScrutinizer05>>What about evernote, amazon, ebay, aliexpress, humble bundle games, camscanner, cerberus, google drive, dropbox, car sharing apps, public transport apps, bank apps, flappy bird, ifttt, ingress, instagram, pushbullet, reddit, shazam, tripadvisor, waze. none of those was available when my n900 broke.<< this is really completely weird. How's for example reddit depending on an *APP* to use it?
13:33.39DocScrutinizer05""DUDE, go get an iPhone, so you may pay for reddit app""
13:34.45DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: well, basically you can post it top level, it's obviously a mandatory read for all those who posted in that thread
13:35.50mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: the first line of OP literally has /faq already even in bold
13:35.56DocScrutinizer05>>App store was painfully slow as well because it did a full reload of the repositories after installing one app from the GUI. Installing from the command line didn't have that problem.<< get speedyham! and be happy!
13:36.44mvaenskaei might need to break rediquette by posting a trojan that opens those links you posted every 2 seconds in a full screen window + screen reader at full volume
13:36.58DocScrutinizer05>>...the N9 has whatsapp and a music player.<< -- huh? and the N900 didn't, or what?
13:37.23mvaenskaethe n900 never had a music player... it had a media player ;)
13:37.36DocScrutinizer05ooh, yes :-D
13:39.07DocScrutinizer05h3llm17 6 points 23 hours ago  >>Resistive touch screen? What a joke.<<
13:39.08DocScrutinizer05Engival 27 points 22 hours ago >>Yeah, it looks horrible:<<    --  LOL, exactly right answer
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13:41.19DocScrutinizer05Glimt 2 points 14 hours ago >>unless you use an active pointing device, like in Samsung's Galaxy Note line.<<  -- which isn't working on capacitive principle at all
13:41.22mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: so, should i still post the links? i mean it is part of the very first line of the OP
13:41.43DocScrutinizer05I thnk it cannot hurt
13:42.05mvaenskaeok, i will do that after changing my rooms :)
13:42.10mvaenskaegive me some moments :)
13:45.44DocScrutinizer05>>maybe even modular so you can select then later upgrade a your camera module, put some other sensor there instead or have nothing.<< YEEEHAAAA FINALLLLY! phonebloks. No discussion about a new phone without some geek jumping in and shouting "MODULES, it needs MODULES!!"
13:46.58*** join/#neo900 kolp (
13:47.08bencohDocScrutinizer05: I think you're hurting yourself :)
13:48.45DocScrutinizer05well, same dude later on in same post writes >>the best feature of course would be a modular aerial, that way you can choose to have a gert big sticking out one rather than the slim lined ones so popular today or even an external plug in roof aerial to get top notch reception even in a basement office or campervan.<<. No more to say to comment that
13:51.48DocScrutinizer05>> Was I the only one confused when the picture of the phone showed a device not constructed from transparent plastic as if it was a gameboy from the mid 90s?? Then I realized what the title meant, and I became a bit less excited.<< HMMM, we might offer transparent cases, should be available like silver, gold, and white ones  ;-)  Honestly it seems there's an actual ambiguity in our website. dos1, could you tackle that maybe?
13:52.44bencohambiguity ?
13:54.55pigeonsunfortunately more people probably care about the transparency of their case than the rest of the system
13:58.37*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
14:00.23DocScrutinizer05but those will not pay the high price anyway
14:00.55DocScrutinizer05they want a cheap geeky possibly transparent plastics case phone, no matter if it works or not
14:01.03DocScrutinizer05just to show off
14:09.55*** join/#neo900 Oxyd76 (~quassel@gateway/tor-sasl/oxyd76)
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16:04.20DocScrutinizer05yeah, almost done with schematics review
16:30.39*** join/#neo900 Nokiabot (~Nokiabot@
16:31.39NokiabotSomebody post that reddit link please :)
16:34.00NokiabotBtw about that post on ridiculing resistive touch i think that guy should be pointed to "look what i drew on my phone thread ;)maybe a link on neo900 faq too
16:35.09DocScrutinizer05[2014-11-10 Mon 14:39:07] <DocScrutinizer05> h3llm17 6 points 23 hours ago  >>Resistive touch screen? What a joke.<<
16:35.10DocScrutinizer05[2014-11-10 Mon 14:39:07] <DocScrutinizer05> Engival 27 points 22 hours ago >>Yeah, it looks horrible:<<    --  LOL, exactly right answer
16:36.03NokiabotAh that was the link sorry for making it reposting
17:11.57DocScrutinizer05LOL!, I honestly doubt they got FOSS software for the kbd and system management / fan processor (the one you need to patch when you don't like the weird kbd layout regarding blue and control key). Nor for the harddisk controller, nor for any other of the obviously hidden_from_FSF little MCUs inside that thing
17:12.59Palido you have open source code for EC? :D
17:13.38Paliembeded controller with lot of fun...
17:14.13DocScrutinizer05thermal management aka fan control is a nightmare on those thinkpads under linux
17:14.33DocScrutinizer05thanks to that system management controller
17:15.08Palithat part which mix keyboard, mouse, PS/2 ports data for i8042... also that implement keyboard fn keys, and I bet that EC also controls fan, brightness and other parts
17:15.45Palimaybe sensors (temp, hdd protection) are connected to that EC too..
17:16.10DocScrutinizer05yes, correct
17:17.39Palifirmware in EC implements also i8042 multiplexer for supporting more mouse devices at one time (touchpad, trackpoint, external mouse)
17:17.57Paliand once firmware is bad you cannot do anything
17:19.03DocScrutinizer05 (404 :-/ )
17:20.13Palialso what to do with firmware in touchpads?
17:20.28PaliI bet that fsf does not provide any free firmware for it
17:21.05Paliand what with intel amt which is part of intel mainboard and is flashed by official bios flasher package?
17:21.18Palithey provide open source version of that intel amt firmware too?
17:21.44Paliand microcode for wifi card?
17:22.06Palithis fsf "Respect Your Freedom" is just fun
17:22.56Paliand intel txt and intel ethernet code? :D
17:24.46DocScrutinizer05ooh right, there's for sure a MCU on NIC
17:25.48DocScrutinizer05as they most likely won't hardwire all the low layer ethernet stuff
17:25.59DocScrutinizer05just think WOL
17:26.18Paliwhen you are flashing official windows "bios" exe package it provides all above pieces and flashing them (except ec and touchpad)
17:26.31Paliyes, wake-on-lan
17:26.49DocScrutinizer05RYF is a big hoax basically
17:27.05Paliso they probably provides only some of above pieces and other are untouched...
17:27.14Paliso yes, hoax
17:30.40DocScrutinizer05idly wonders if a genuine VT52 terminal would qualify for RYF
17:33.49DocScrutinizer05or think about a hypothetical setup where the GLES "blob" runs off-board on some remote server and you send GLES commands to there and server returns binary values to write to the GPU registers. Is it entitled for RYF? Why not?
17:34.53Paliand SMM handler for x86 SMM mode?
17:35.03Pali(x86 system management mode)
17:35.15DocScrutinizer05think of a cellular modem that hypothetically needs to download own firmware OTA on each boot, but offers no way to load the firmware from local APE. Eligible for RYF?
17:36.04DocScrutinizer05I'd say it is, but obviously shouldn't
17:36.55Paliand can be any device with any cellular modem RYF?
17:36.59DocScrutinizer05FSF/RMS literally "thinking only inside the box" for RYF
17:37.28Palimobile operator can send java apps and start them in SIM card without any user interaction
17:37.36Palijust only via cellular network
17:37.46Paliit is ok for RYF?
17:37.51DocScrutinizer05unless you remove SIM ;-P
17:38.12DocScrutinizer05so the phone is RYF but the SIM isn't
17:38.44Palimodem without sim card is ok :D funny
17:40.23Paliis there open source firmware for sim cards?
17:40.27Paliprobably not
17:40.49DocScrutinizer05how about a blackbox peripheral with clearly defined command interface based on a very Very VERY Long Instruction Set? Where e.g. the "reset device" instruction is some 580kB in size?
17:42.13DocScrutinizer05what's wrong with VLI ?
17:43.15Paliand processor microcode burned into SOC?
17:43.16DocScrutinizer05"other controllers need initialization sequences of up to 500 64bit commands, ours only needs one single 580kB command"
17:46.01DocScrutinizer05or think of FPGA and the amount of config data needed to get sent to them before they start working, none of those bytes/words is actually explained in detail how they work internally *on lowest level* inside the FPGA chip. When we specify 20 commands a 4kB length to get sent to a WLAN chip to initialize it, what's so fundamentally different in that, in the end?
17:54.16DocScrutinizer05the "it needs to be FOSS" part in "when some peripheral needs firmware uploaded, then that firmware needs to be FOSS" is also quite funny when you look closer. Any manufacturer could claim thet their hackers developed the firmware code in hex and the hex dump of the binary is already the best source code you could get for that particular firmware. And even when it was in assembler mnemonics, who says that those mnemonics do make any
17:54.16DocScrutinizer05sense to anybody, since the CPU running the code is not publicly documented.
17:56.12Palistupid question, but can be binary hex firmware licensed as GPL? :D
17:57.13Palie.g. you will release some binary file as GPL (same as you can release text file with .c suffix as GPL)
17:57.30Zero_ChaosPali: gpl requires code
17:57.45PaliZero_Chaos: binary file is code itself
17:58.01Paliwhat is different between file with .c suffix and file with .bin suffix?
17:59.26Zero_ChaosPali: gpl requires source code, not just executable code
17:59.26Paliany C interpeter can execute file with .c suffix
17:59.26Paliso file with .c suffix is executable code too (for C interpeter)
17:59.27Zero_ChaosPali: I'm not hear to debate you, read the license yourself, it's very clear
18:00.00Palibut really somebody can design CPU (with its own micorcode) which can execute C file directly
18:00.00PaliZero_Chaos: I read it
18:00.29DocScrutinizer05and files with .py suffix are for sure executables
18:00.29Paliand in my opinion some hexdump can be source code too
18:00.29Paliwhy not?
18:00.39DocScrutinizer05exactly my point
18:00.41Paliyes file with .py or .sh suffix is also sorce code
18:00.46Paliand also it is executable code
18:01.18Paliand both are accepted by CPU/VM which understand that language
18:01.25DocScrutinizer05something being "executable" doesn't mean it's no sourcecode as well
18:02.20Paliand x86 assembler code? there is 1:1 mapping between binary instructions and text equivalents
18:02.20DocScrutinizer05remove the .bin ending and replace it by .txt ;-P
18:02.48DocScrutinizer05voila, your sourcecode
18:03.08DocScrutinizer05prove the opposite if you can!
18:03.09Palior is source code defined with chars if ( c >= 32 && c < 128 )
18:03.17DocScrutinizer05not afaik
18:03.19Zero_Chaosjust because it's executable doesn't mean it isn't source code, I agree entirely.  However, if it's pure binary it's almost certainly not source code.
18:03.26DocScrutinizer05sourcecode is not limited to ASCII
18:04.35DocScrutinizer05actually I did write code in hex for several years
18:04.39Zero_Chaosfrom gpl:
18:04.39Zero_ChaosThe “Corresponding Source” for a work in object code form means all the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to control those activities.
18:04.39Zero_Chaosthat seems pretty clear to me
18:04.41Zero_Chaosif you are writing it in binary, then that's the source
18:04.43Zero_Chaosif you are generating it, that it's
18:04.48DocScrutinizer050xCD  jumps to a subroutine, 0xC9 returns from subroutine (IIRC)
18:05.00DocScrutinizer05etc pp
18:05.20DocScrutinizer05I literally edited the stuff into a hex editor. So what's the sourcecode then?
18:06.09Zero_ChaosDocScrutinizer05: you edited it, or originally wrote it, in a hex editor?
18:06.27Zero_ChaosDocScrutinizer05: then that's the source
18:06.40Zero_ChaosDocScrutinizer05: if it's generated, that's not source, if you wrote it, that's source.
18:06.43DocScrutinizer05binary == source
18:06.44Zero_Chaosthe license is pretty clear on this
18:07.03Zero_ChaosDocScrutinizer05: more like binary sometimes ~= source
18:07.07bencoh(what it doesnt say is how it can affect your sanity level :>)
18:07.19DocScrutinizer05in this particular case it is
18:08.06DocScrutinizer05bencoh: oh yeah, particularly calculation of jump distances, without a hex calculator at hand
18:10.57DocScrutinizer05anyway, when I put that binary blob under GPL then it's absolutely OK for firmware upload to a peripheral, even under FSF's RYF rules
18:11.07DocScrutinizer05I just proved that it's sourcecode, and the tools to process the sourcecode and generate a executable from it are commonly available
18:12.44DocScrutinizer05so FSF is pretty much out of luck when WLAN manufs put their binary blobs under GPL and declare it been written in hex editor directly to the file
18:12.51PaliZero_Chaos: another question, that with Knuth's TEX? If I run web2c on TEX source code and then I modify it (because C is more readable then some WEB), then I cannot release C source code without TEX source code (in case TEX code is GPL)?
18:15.11dos1DocScrutinizer05: "Honestly it seems there's an actual ambiguity in our website." nope, we don't use "transparent" in our communication. the reddit post had "transparent" in its title
18:15.12DocScrutinizer05nope, no problem, since TEX already is publicly available
18:15.12Palithen we will have another project, but instead WEB language was used C and instead C was binary
18:15.12DocScrutinizer05dos1: AAAAH! many many thanks! :-)
18:15.29DocScrutinizer05dos1: I already started wondering which drug they mixed into my beer to make me agree on something so obviously unprecise and ambiguous
18:17.51DocScrutinizer05dos1: I however agree with the notion uttered last day that we need tpo make more clear that Neo900 does NOT develop or ship ANY particular software / firmware with the device
18:20.13DocScrutinizer05we *will* ship some testing software to check the hardware functionality, plus a BSP which is basically the same
18:21.13*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
18:21.24DocScrutinizer05everything beyond (e.g. a working SHR system installation) is a give away we add in for free, but we don't sell it and don't support or warrant it in any way
18:22.34DocScrutinizer05and the particular amount and type of such giveaway software shipped with device is subject to change any time without prior notice
18:23.17DocScrutinizer05think ASUS motherboard, or beagleboard
18:24.15DocScrutinizer05we are actually NOT selling a *phone* (product), we strictly sell some hardware only
18:25.02DocScrutinizer05it turns into a phone only when user installs according software of his liking to it
18:25.38DocScrutinizer05just like a beagleboard is no html-webserver
18:26.02DocScrutinizer05you can turn it into one by installing linux and apache
18:27.44DocScrutinizer05in that sense original early state of FSO was a BSP for GTA02
18:28.29DocScrutinizer05it came with a cheesy dialer and some tools
18:28.47DocScrutinizer05wasn't meant for end customers for daily usage
18:29.54DocScrutinizer05and of course it shipped FSO middleware. Which been it's main purpose
18:31.00DocScrutinizer05I'd love to do exactly same for Neo900, with FSO, together with Mickey maybe :-)
18:32.19DocScrutinizer05though I guess you're competent and eager to implement such FSO based BSP on your own
18:32.54DocScrutinizer05maybe with a little help on kernel driver level, where needed (CRTOUCH, sensors, etc)
18:36.02DocScrutinizer05one of those posts on reddit was pretty brillliant to the point regarding all the "doesn't ship with hardware" topic
18:37.31DocScrutinizer05>>The Neo900 concept, on the other hand, are simply FSF/Linux ideals turned into a cell phone. Complete openness and decoupling software from hardware. They want a device that is just like a PC. Put in a bootloader and run whatever OS you like. Awesome.<<
18:41.07DocScrutinizer05dos1: how about simply quoting the above post on frontpage?
18:41.47DocScrutinizer05couldn't have put it better
18:43.44*** join/#neo900 wazrus (
18:51.41pigeonslove the tangental argument on which laptop rms uses
18:55.41DocScrutinizer05hehe  >> My brother is one of those N900 users, and I get the feeling you can pry the N900 from his cold, dead hands (he has a second spare one in case his current one dies). I used his N900 for a few weeks as my primary phone, and I found it slow, cumbersome, frustrating, heavy, and generally unpleasant to use - yet I still loved messing around with it, since it felt like using a real computer, instead of a locked-down, idiot-proof "
18:55.42DocScrutinizer05smart"-phone.<<  -- a worthwhile read
19:00.36ds2heh... I cansay the same thing about most current android devices :D
19:02.12ds2maybe change it down right unpleasant to use
19:10.24DocScrutinizer05haha (german!)
19:16.32keriods2: no way man
19:16.34kerioandroid is linux
19:16.40kerioit's free
19:16.49keriodidn't you hear
19:17.03pigeonswell its mostly open source, dont know bout free
19:17.19ds2you mean free like "enter a drawing now" and get a lifetime of spam? :D
19:19.42ds2but free don't matter
19:19.52ds2the UI is downright unpleasant to us
19:20.11ds2requires too many taps to do things. not as win8 but bad enough
19:21.14pigeonsits annoying to worry about bionic libc compatability too
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19:21.43ds2I don't see that as too bad
19:21.57ds2but then I am used to dealing with libc of the day (uClibc/glibc/etc)
19:22.12ds2if anything bionic, IMO, is a good thing that should be used in more projects
19:32.12Wizzupnot musl?
19:51.29bencohis bionic actually usable for real posix stuff now ?
19:51.41bencohI remember it having crippled pthread support
20:10.50pigeonsit has pthreads, no pthread__atfork(), no cancellation, etc
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21:04.10Palibios is and was not usable for real suff
21:04.25Palibios (as int api) too :D
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22:10.59OksanaI am not interested in registering at FB, reddit, google+, twitter, whatever, generally. But my preferred method is flooding the system with irrelevant information, when I have time to bother with it.
22:36.17DocScrutinizer05I just tested a blue LED since we were interested in some properties of those, for another topic we just chew on. the results: 3V4 @ 10mA; 2V3 @ 0.02mA with already visible blue light. I guess for a red LED the current threshold for visibility is roundabout same, while voltage may be even lower. Neo900 probably will have quite a number of inexpensive simple diagnostic LEDs on power supply rails and signal lines, each consuming a max of
22:37.33OksanaInteresting. So no need to measure the currents and such when LEDs already tell you what is happening?
22:37.45DocScrutinizer05yep, that's the idea
22:38.26DocScrutinizer05"what the heck, why is this thing still sending an IRQ signal while it should already be shutdown?"
22:39.03DocScrutinizer05"why does CPU take 5s to react on a RING signal sent from modem?"
22:39.41DocScrutinizer05"why is master system clock running all the time, despite CPU supposed to be in zero-clock?"
22:41.05DocScrutinizer05"Thanks, dear customer, for this bug report. Could you please tell us if the LED marked "E5" in figure 9 of your manual is showing dim light or not?"
22:42.33DocScrutinizer05even "please make a photograph of the device in a completely dark room without flashlight, and send this picture. Thanks!"
22:42.39Oksana:-) Great customer support.
22:44.46DocScrutinizer05LEDs and resistors are cheap, and small
22:45.16DocScrutinizer05and now we know they also don't necessarily consume worrying amounts of power
22:46.40DocScrutinizer05of course it's my task as EE and architect to place those LEDs in a way so they usually are off and only light up in the exception-case
22:47.14DocScrutinizer05for everything except power rails this shouldn't be a problem
22:48.02pigeonsmozilla is advocating for the clear cases too
22:48.17DocScrutinizer05system clock generator enabled already eats a few milliAmpere, so a few more microAmpere won't hurt
22:48.40DocScrutinizer05pigeons: hehe
22:48.59DocScrutinizer05now with LED concept, I can't help but hoining in ;-)
22:49.10DocScrutinizer05joining, even
22:49.10ds2how much are blueleds in volume?
22:49.39DocScrutinizer05LEDs are generally a few cent... a dozen
22:49.42j4s0nmchr1st0sAre the iphones well designed?
22:50.02DocScrutinizer05no, since they have the wrong name printed on body
22:51.46ds2thought that was only non blue/white?
22:52.59DocScrutinizer05we don't need to use blue
22:54.35j4s0nmchr1st0sDocScrutinizer05: The name iphone?
22:54.35DocScrutinizer05blue, for you :3
22:55.58DocScrutinizer05seems for 3 bucks we could get a 50
22:56.25DocScrutinizer05not that I'm expecting to find use for 50 diagnostic LEDs in Neo900
22:57.02DocScrutinizer05so make that 25 per device for 1,50 bucks
22:57.49DocScrutinizer05we can kick them out any time, to make device 2 EUR cheaper, for mass production ;-)
22:58.27ds2do you want to annoy the PnP programmer by changing your BOM? ;)
22:58.38DocScrutinizer05the what?
22:59.06DocScrutinizer05no isse
23:00.35ds2pick and place guy
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23:00.52DocScrutinizer05I doubt there's much manual work involved, except for applying a offset tuning patch to new gerber from last run
23:01.42DocScrutinizer05unless you move components around on PCB, in which case you obviously need to readjust the placement
23:02.02DocScrutinizer05or at least check if it needs adjustment
23:02.42ds2it should as simple as uncommenting the part that stuffs it but...
23:03.08DocScrutinizer05it actually is even simpler, you set a flag for a variant in eagle
23:04.08DocScrutinizer05then generate new Gerber from that, then apply offset adjustment patch to that as mentioned above, and done you are
23:04.30DocScrutinizer05basically a press of two buttons
23:05.06ds2you doing it on the PCB level...
23:05.25ds2i was referring to just not stuffing it by asking the PnP operator to DNP the LED + resistor
23:09.38DocScrutinizer05can't be done since they are used in several positions, we probably don't use sequenced tape P&P
23:10.12DocScrutinizer05unless we run short of slots for components on the P&P machine
23:10.52DocScrutinizer05if that happens, we would need to make specially sequenced tape, also quite silly
23:10.54freemangordonjonwil:hi! Any progress on that big mysterious structure?
23:11.32DocScrutinizer05(silly) making special tape with empty positions that is
23:12.25freemangordonjonwil: just curious, not that I am trying to put pressure on you :)
23:12.48freemangordonBTW there are 3 more functions and xprot will be ready
23:13.13freemangordonyeah, though those re like spaghetti
23:13.32freemangordonbut still doable
23:14.02OksanaSilly off-topic question: most dialogs have two, at most three buttons. Like, Yes-No-Cancel. Why cannot it be done with one software button and two-or-three mouse buttons? Left=Yes, Right=No, Middle=Cancel?
23:14.25freemangordonOksana: ever seen fremantle?
23:15.20OksanaIt does not have mouse?
23:15.39freemangordonwell, then you should have know things can be done some other way
23:15.48freemangordonwell, not really
23:15.54freemangordonit can have mouse
23:16.31OksanaBut it would be cumbersome for walk-use outdoors.
23:17.05OksanaAnd even with dual-touch you could imitate two mouse buttons, at most: one finger or two fingers.
23:18.00freemangordonanyway, there you have the needed buttons to take the actions and you click outside of the "dialog" for cancel. not exactly what you want, but IMO it is more sane. what if you need a context menu, what you should do in your UI, click-n-hole the right button?
23:19.10freemangordonit is obvious that I am old-fashioned, but n-touch is too complicated for me :)
23:19.47freemangordonI simply can't grok the multi-touch paradigma
23:20.09DocScrutinizer05I'd often prefer push&drag buttons, kinda like lockscreen slider, just with more than one dimension/direction
23:20.19freemangordonanyway, /me is going afk
23:23.29OksanaAlright :-) I was just struggling with desktop. When mouse auto-jumps to default dialog button, and I want to click No instead of Yes, it makes sense to wish for one unified dialog button, with three different actions tied to three mouse buttons.
23:24.25OksanaClicking outside of dialog for cancel makes sense, especially for one-window interface (such as Fremantle).
23:26.40DocScrutinizer05for desktop I'd consider it a *really* *really* useful concept when unsolicited popup requesters would get delayed (at least they focus grabbing) until you stop typing on kbd for at least 1500ms
23:27.09DocScrutinizer05of course that last value should be adjustable by user, just like speed of doubleclick
23:27.41OksanaThat's not unsolicited popup. :-) That's Close with saving, Close without Saving, Cancel Closing dialog.
23:28.05OksanaAnd I have to go through repetitive motions (including this dialog) a lot of times.
23:28.37DocScrutinizer05I can't count how often I typed in an incorrect new password instead of keeping the already pre-populated old one, when kmail suddenly pops up a requester informing me about "authentication to POP3 server XYZ failed! Please enter correct user name and password!"
23:29.52DocScrutinizer05ever thought about using hotkeys for those "close, save, cancel" requesters?
23:30.03OksanaHmm... Cannot it use some kind of tray-tooltip, with textfield included?
23:30.20OksanaHotkeys? Like, arrow right, space?
23:30.52DocScrutinizer05like enter, escape, "alt-S"
23:31.05OksanaI mean, I have a program which persistently shows a tooltip from its tray. It's highly visible, yet it does not steal focus or stop you from typing anything else.
23:31.37DocScrutinizer05afk, cya
23:31.47OksanaIf such tooltip included textfields with pre-populated usename and password, it would not steal focus.
23:32.01OksanaGood night :-)
23:32.42*** join/#neo900 watchman_ (6023bd0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:33.54jonwilno progress on pulseaudio, no
23:35.46*** join/#neo900 wazrus (
23:40.32DocScrutinizer05orange LED: 1,5V 1uA non visible.  1,6V 11uA visible.  1,7V 59uA clearly brightly visible
23:43.14OksanaVisibility: in bright sun or in dark room?
23:43.39DocScrutinizer05in dimmed room of course
23:44.56DocScrutinizer05in bright sun not even LCD backlight at blasting full power of 9V6@36mA is visible
23:49.34DocScrutinizer05a device with 25 of such LEDs shining all the time would deplete a standard BL-5J battery from full to empty in as short as >100 days
23:50.03DocScrutinizer05110 actually
23:50.29DocScrutinizer05hardly any issue regarding maximum standby time, eh?
23:51.43DocScrutinizer05already two bucks for 25 LEDs
23:52.19DocScrutinizer05real estate (assuming the R's are as big as those LEDs):
23:52.35DocScrutinizer05~0.8 * 1.6 * 2
23:52.48DocScrutinizer05~2.56 * 25
23:53.01DocScrutinizer058 x 8 mm area
23:53.34DocScrutinizer05ok, i cheated a little since you can't pack them without any gaps between

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