IRC log for #neo900 on 20141006

00:00.39DocScrutinizer05"you get it for freee!!" waving with a beer bottle he prolly got for free
00:03.15DocScrutinizer05one funny argumentation line: "login screen needs screenreader (for blind people) which needs PA"
00:06.31DocScrutinizer05hey, dos1 went offline immediately after sending out newsletter?
00:09.48*** join/#neo900 comradekingu (~comradeki@
00:10.17comradekinguHeia, looking at  how is it possible to get 1GB of memory. Shouldnt it be 512MB ram and 1GB nand?
00:10.56DocScrutinizer05jonwil: actually except of "it's faster" and "it's more modern" I don't know of any arguments pro systemd
00:11.52DocScrutinizer05comradekingu: we hope to get the 1GB RAM + 512MB NAND PoP variant
00:12.46comradekingulast time i looked at memory chips for omap3 it wasnt possible to get 2x512MB memory lpddr1 or whatever it was
00:14.08DocScrutinizer05err, last time I looked it was possible, via CS1 / CS2
00:14.32DocScrutinizer05and iirc N9 does exactly this, no?
00:15.55DocScrutinizer05oops, sorry, misparsed that, thought you're talking about physical address space available on OMAP3
00:16.11DocScrutinizer05yep, took us ages to finally spot that chip
00:16.26comradekingugood find
00:16.56comradekinguwhat are the options for emmc?  Swap it out with uSD and let users supply their own?
00:19.25DocScrutinizer05though wpwrak loves the idea, I'm averse since uSD has only 4bit bus and thus inevitably half the bandwidth (aka speed)
00:19.27wpwrakcomradekingu: oh, please convince DocScrutinizer05 that more uSD is the way to go :) i tried my best be he's just too much in love with bandwidth.
00:19.47wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: same thought, opposite directions ;-)
00:20.39comradekingurandom IOPS is more important imo than top end bandwidth
00:21.15comradekinguunless im missing a use for the bandwidth, capture raw image sensor data?
00:21.17DocScrutinizer05well, eMMC for sure is *at least* as fast as uSD on that as well
00:21.55comradekinguYes, but uSD makes it cheaper to produce, and has less repairs since breaking emmc invalidates the whole board
00:22.24wpwrakbw_needed is a function of RAM you can spare for caching and the amount of data you really have to read/write in one step
00:22.24DocScrutinizer05hmm, and breaking flimsy uSd holder wouldn't ?
00:22.58comradekinguDocScrutinizer05: there is "military grade" flimsiness to be had
00:23.10comradekinguBesides, that is a user error, not covered by warranty
00:23.31DocScrutinizer05I'm not worried about warranty issues
00:23.48comradekinguOn the real though, uSD offers speed or storage, which makes for a better fit for a wider userbase
00:24.00wpwrakcomradekingu: don't forget future-proofing: you pay the $/GB price for on-board memory at the time of manufacturing. if it's a slot, you pay then you need it. for me, all other arguments pretty much fade away at that point :)
00:24.21comradekinguthat was the next slide on my powerpoint
00:24.38comradekingui felt i was in the power-zone
00:25.05DocScrutinizer05sorry, this decision is finalized to the point of "show me a uSD that's at least on par with eMMC and we will opt for it. Otherwise not"
00:25.06comradekinguWhat is the bulk price on 32GB eMMC now?
00:25.27comradekinguDocScrutinizer05: what kind of metrics are you working with
00:25.44DocScrutinizer05particularly swap speed
00:25.46comradekinguGive me some numbers to try and match
00:26.22wpwrakok, full disclosure: i have one argument in favour of DocScrutinizer05's choice: only one MMC port is in the 3.3 V domain of the OMAP, the rest are in the 1.8 V domain. so another card would need some level shifting.
00:26.32comradekinguswapping to emmc isnt a regular use case, nor how it ideally should be used, but ok
00:26.52DocScrutinizer05sorry, can't share just some numbers. You will need to compare what's available for eMMC with what's available for uSD
00:27.05comradekinguyes, but what am i comparing to
00:27.11wpwrakswap to flash == you're doing something very very wrong
00:27.17comradekinguwhat is the cost and performance of the 32GB emmc you selected
00:27.37DocScrutinizer05swapping on eMMC not a regular usecase? duh!
00:27.53comradekinguwhen are you swapping to emmc?
00:28.31comradekinguwhich would be a similar performance hit to take on uSD
00:29.03DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: what else would you swap to?
00:29.07comradekinguprovided the uSD is of the few good ones, and not the very bad ones
00:29.26comradekinguwhy are we swapping on a phone, thats where you lost me
00:29.26DocScrutinizer05comradekingu: we didn't select a eMMC yet
00:29.41wpwrakcomradekingu: good, you covered the "how does is matter if you take a 1:2 performance hit after you've taken a 1:10 or worse hit" :)
00:30.06DocScrutinizer05IroN900:~# free
00:30.09DocScrutinizer05Mem:        245540     241772       3768          0       7932      59288
00:30.11DocScrutinizer05-/+ buffers/cache:     174552      70988
00:30.12DocScrutinizer05Swap:       786424     133608     652816
00:30.46wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: that's meaningless. linux moves stale stuff to swap, just to make room.
00:31.02DocScrutinizer05teach me about swap?
00:31.05DocScrutinizer05not needed
00:31.11comradekinguim asking what use-case is it that uses that much ram
00:31.46DocScrutinizer05usecase: maemo
00:31.55comradekinguhow much does that use
00:32.05wpwrakyou need the frequency at which pages are moved. things on swap may very well never be swapped back in.
00:32.09drathirhang phone when ram end? even at memory leaks occur...
00:32.34drathirmemory never too much ;p
00:32.55comradekinguisnt it called mer project nowadays
00:33.20comradekinguits not maemo anymore
00:33.51drathirmer isnt something with xorg and ubuntu?
00:34.00comradekinguit was maemo, moblin, meego, then mer
00:34.13DocScrutinizer05and then sailfish
00:34.23DocScrutinizer05but we're not building a successor for jolla
00:34.24comradekinguwhen nokia was doing the same as intel for a while it was haermhattan
00:35.05DocScrutinizer05we're building a device that is binary compatible to maemo fremantle
00:35.15comradekinguwell anyway, how does one use 1GB of ram on a phone that doesnt run android
00:35.28DocScrutinizer05I dunno
00:35.29comradekinguIf i had 128GB worth of uSD i could fill it up with FLAC files
00:35.55DocScrutinizer05if you had 128GB of eMMC you could do the same
00:36.02comradekinguexcept i dont
00:36.12comradekinguI have 32GB
00:36.33DocScrutinizer05what's your point?
00:36.48DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: I told you to fix that 32GB figure
00:37.14comradekinguThat while swapping may or may not be better on emmc, its a bit of a moot point on a phone with 1GB ram, and that choice wins on uSD in terms of practical differences it can make
00:37.48DocScrutinizer05sorry, this decision is finalized
00:37.54DocScrutinizer05as mentioned above
00:38.10comradekinguIf i have 128GB then im spending 50+ dollar on something i dont need if i could get away with 4GB uSD
00:38.37DocScrutinizer05this argument applies to 95% of goodies in Neo900
00:38.44comradekinguIts in red here thought it was still in decision stage
00:38.48wpwrakuh, 32 GB ? GigaBytes. not correct anymore ?
00:39.19DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: the size of eMMC been not decided on, at any time. It's >=32GB
00:39.57wpwrakso 32 GB, all red, seems right :) all red = no clue ;-)
00:40.01comradekinguThere are combo flimsyslots for SIM/uSD
00:40.12wpwrakplus, it's for post-v2
00:40.22comradekinguThere are additional sdio lines on a omap3, so maybe everyone could get something
00:40.26DocScrutinizer05still see above
00:40.38DocScrutinizer05it is not decided to be 32GB
00:40.43comradekinguwhat isnt decided yet?
00:42.26comradekinguyou can see uSD cards doing quite well here,169.html
00:42.33DocScrutinizer05we will use the fastest largest most economic eMMC available at production time
00:42.34comradekingulots of phones use uSD for internal
00:43.06comradekingui dont think eMMC is an economic choice since it isnt the newest eMMC standard
00:43.32wpwrakcomradekingu: and you haven't seem my arguments with UBB yet, in case you need real-life DIY electronics vs. extra storage :) UBB:
00:44.04DocScrutinizer05sorry, busy. bbl
00:54.56DocScrutinizer05how's UBB depending on having a 2nd uSD in place of eMMC?
00:55.45DocScrutinizer05we had all that discussion before. pointless to repeat
00:57.20DocScrutinizer05it's not like Neo900 had no uSD slot at all, to start with
00:59.37DocScrutinizer05the question is not "uSD or eMMC" (in which case I'd clearly opt for uSD), the question is "uSD+eMMC or 2*uSD". And I clearly favor the mixed couple
00:59.56DocScrutinizer052*uSD sounds pretty silly
01:00.36DocScrutinizer05unless uSD was better than eMMC, which it most likely isn't
01:08.55wpwrak(UBB) UBB needs a bit of room for solder pads, cable, etc. so it's likely that it has to be external. you remarked yourself that it probably won't fit into the N900 uSD holder.
01:09.45wpwrak"better" could mean "upgradeable" :) uSD shines there ...
01:11.06DocScrutinizer05no, upgradeable is no valid parameter for the hw system design aka chip selection
01:11.47DocScrutinizer05you got one slot for "upgradeable" storage
01:11.53DocScrutinizer05why do you need two?
01:13.13wpwraksystem (stays in place but can be upgraded) + user (quick access, may or may not be there)
01:15.17DocScrutinizer05there's no such assignment of dedicated system storage and user storage, and I don't see why you need more than 32GB (even as 'little' as 32GB, if we won't go for 64 or 128GB eMMC) for system anyway
01:16.33DocScrutinizer05I however see deficits in reliability and bandwidth for uSD, particularly when using it for system
01:33.58DocScrutinizer05what you want for system are a maybe 4GB but those shall be as fast as possible. Doesn't make sense to plan for something that's "upgradeable" from 8 times overproviding size to whatever 32 or 128 overproviding, but has deficiencies on speed
01:49.35DocScrutinizer05((you remarked yourself)) I said you might have to cut away some of the excess length of UBB, or alternatively cut out some of the plastic of N900 case, to make UBB fit into the uSD slot. I think both is feasible and not a valid argument to replace eMMC by a second uSD slot
01:52.01jonwilThis isn't Android where apps and stuff cant be installed on the SD
02:15.44comradekinguDocScrutinizer05: its nice that there is at least one upgrade slot, but it scales with two as well
02:17.11comradekinguyou can get a ribbon cable uSD extention too
02:17.42comradekingujonwil: if you run something like tinycore it can
02:18.07jonwilyeah if you hack Android you can
02:18.13jonwilbut if its vanilla Google has decided you cant
02:18.25jonwilnot vanilla, rather "google authorized"
02:18.28comradekinguno tinycore linux, not apps2sd
02:19.30comradekinguand for the case of argument, if you want an app thats installed on uSD, then dont remove the uSD
02:45.16*** join/#neo900 wicket64 (~wicket@gateway/tor-sasl/wicket64)
02:57.10*** join/#neo900 DougLashz (~dal@gateway/tor-sasl/douglashz)
03:54.13flingThanks for the news ;>
03:54.52flingHow thick is the spacer frame?
04:04.14jonwilaha, found it
04:05.15flingDocScrutinizer05: how thicker neo900 than n900?
04:08.23jonwilor not
04:12.47jonwilbingo, found what I need :)
04:41.44*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
05:43.57*** join/#neo900 dos1 (
06:14.14*** join/#neo900 roman__ (
06:42.14*** join/#neo900 wpwrak (
06:42.14*** mode/#neo900 [+v wpwrak] by ChanServ
06:50.39wpwrakgrnbl. dear power company: if you know you have to shut down some lines for reconfiguration or whatever, why don't you try to warn us users ?
07:09.14DocScrutinizer05yay, duck and cover! >>09:06Auf FedEx Fahrzeug zur ZustellungNUERNBERG DE<<
07:11.02wpwrakfanfares, please ! ;-)
07:11.47DocScrutinizer05heads out igniting the runway lights
07:13.20DocScrutinizer05but: >> Voraussichtliche Zustellung : z.Zt. nicht verfügbar.<<  tzz
07:15.10DocScrutinizer05"0:30 exit cologne" took only 5h to show up in tracking info
07:27.49wpwraklooks like the truck downloaded its data on arrival
07:34.22DocScrutinizer51quite possible
07:44.05*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~quassel@
08:10.13*** join/#neo900 che1 (
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08:54.14*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~quassel@
09:21.43*** join/#neo900 modem (
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09:48.15jonwilis glad he decided to take on this project
09:48.48jonwilis sure that the fixes he has made (and will make) is worth the effort
09:53.06*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
09:56.11DocScrutinizer05that sounds good
09:57.00jonwilyeah my decision to re-reverse-engineer MCE again now that I have new tools in my toolkit has come up trumps
09:57.13jonwilFixing some issues with my RE work
09:57.54DocScrutinizer05ok, an official thank you to Mozilla Corp and particularly Henry Langi. The hardware donation arrived in good condition and free of charge
09:59.14jonwilIts good that we have more N900s to benefit the Neo900 work
10:03.36*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
10:05.21DocScrutinizer05Oksana: a package with your name on it arrived as well (luckily it has the right address and "Neo900 UG" on it as well)
10:07.59DocScrutinizer05qty: 9
10:10.58DocScrutinizer05ok, Neo900 hw inventory just added a 55 BL-5J batteries, a 55 N900, and a 9 domesheets
10:15.45*** join/#neo900 kolp (
10:31.55DocScrutinizer05*sigh* Gerry-mobile says: "max 10 domesheets per order, max 2 orders per week, no volume discounts"
10:33.28DocScrutinizer05this *could* pan out till start of MP, if Nokia actually has that amount available still
10:33.50jonwilIt sounds like finding N900 domesheets isn't the hard part, its finding N900 domesheets in volume
10:34.13DocScrutinizer05the limits is what he can do at Nokia order
10:35.15DocScrutinizer05nah, finding domesheets isn't hard, every Nokia service point can get them
10:35.43DocScrutinizer05but cost more than gold, and harder to dig up
11:04.47mvaenskaedomesheets are not a naturally occuring element ;)
11:04.54mvaenskaeone has to use fusion to get those :D
11:17.30wpwrak(n900) pictures or it didn't happen ! ;-)
11:31.40DocScrutinizer05(I ordered another 20 domesheets)
11:33.49wpwrak(pics) we want to see more nudity ! maybe start with a teaser and remove a bit of wrapping from one n900. then have the next half uncovered. finally, one bare, maybe suggestively half-opened, with the discarded covers laying next to it.
11:35.18bencohare those in working state ?
11:35.21DocScrutinizer05there's one I unpacked and wrapped again, left side. You see ~10cm^2
11:35.58DocScrutinizer05hope so
11:37.03wpwrak(10cm^2) meh, that would even pass strict traditional islamist censors
11:37.53DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: they have a sticker on front (!!), with "N900 - $internalNr" \n "$MAC"
11:38.21wpwrakfront = display ?
11:38.27DocScrutinizer05the one I unwrapped (a pity by the way, this bubble foil is kinda sticky) has serial 42
11:38.46wpwraklet's hope the sticker comes off easily
11:39.09wpwraksticky bubble foil. hmm. do your neighbours have cats ? :)
11:39.24DocScrutinizer05though it's actually in a area where it doesn't get in the way
11:39.58DocScrutinizer05o/ l8r
12:11.53*** join/#neo900 che1 (
12:29.20*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
12:29.54infobotrumour has it, pa is PAY ATTENTION!!!!!
12:30.06infobotLennart is ~Poettering
12:30.10infobot'sth is poettering' means it acts invasive, possessive, destructive, and generally in an egocentric exacerbating negative way. ``this cancer is extremely poettering'', or you look here for Linus' notion on what's poettering:, or, or see ~systemd cabal
12:30.15infobotsystemd cabal: a bunch of people (Lennart Poettering, Kay Sievers, Harald Hoyer, Daniel Mack, Tom Gundersen, David Herrmann) who want to turn linux into their wet dream perverted version of windows-me-too. See -- Rumor has it that 2016 systemd will have replaced the linux kernel, or see, or see
12:30.22*** join/#neo900 b1101 (~b@fsf/member/b1101)
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12:49.55jake42wpwrak: are you using dr picza with your 2.5D scanner?
12:51.13wpwrakjake42: yes. the protocol isn't public and so far nobody seems to have been able to reverse-engineer it. i once had a try at it, too. i remember that the data looked surprisingly random.
12:52.12jake42our fablab is looking for a working setup to use their roland picza PIX-3 scanner
12:52.25wpwrak(i would have expected something like: host sends vector, device returns distance traveled before hitting obstacle. but it seems there's more going on.
12:52.47jake42yes, that's what the guys here expected too
12:53.15jake42could you say something about the setup, software wise?
12:53.45wpwraki had to install the junk under xp in virtualbox. wouldn't run under wine.
12:54.43jake42ok, interessting
12:55.10wpwrakafter that, it's reasonably smooth sailing. you need to encourage xp to use a bit more swap if going to 50 um, though. at 100 um, it complains with default settings but doesn't fail. at 50 um, you're greeted by a dying dr. picza at the end of the week of scanning :-(
12:56.06jake42ah, that might help alot!
12:59.59*** join/#neo900 trench (trench@unaffiliated/trench)
13:02.02wpwrakjake42: and make sure power stays on and nobody bumps into the machine while scanning :)
13:05.14jonwilmy god MCE contains a LOT of logic for handling the tklock (covers locking the keypad and touchscreen and also the swipe-to-unlock UI)
13:05.34jonwilthen again, it needs it to handle such things as locking stuff when you bring the phone up to your face to talk on phone
13:05.44jonwilso you dont face-trigger buttons by mistake
13:09.50*** join/#neo900 txfn (
13:18.21DocScrutinizer05hetzner is funny. their invoice has DE627607**********00  as reference to account charged. This matches roundabout _all_ accounts in Germany
13:25.31gurkiuh after all i thougth our scanner is kinda working :O
13:25.58gurki(after providing it with some over 9000 gb of ram *g*)
13:27.19gurki(we used to run it on an old laptop with a native winxp installation=
13:36.58jake42gurki: patkan was still interested :-)
13:41.29*** join/#neo900 gypsy (~whee@
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14:38.09*** join/#neo900 ilon (
14:38.35ilonwhats up?
14:54.40*** join/#neo900 Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
14:59.42jonwilAnyone here any good at reverse engineering stuff? I need help with the last 2 tricky functions in MCE that I am dealing with...
15:18.13Palihi, do you know some list of email clients which generate *correct* MIME emails?
15:19.26PaliI think it will be small list, but still would like to know if somebody already collected working programs for generating *valid* MIME emails
15:20.19*** join/#neo900 che1 (
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15:33.44jonwilthis MCE stuff is getting frustrating :(
15:37.51*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
15:45.07jonwilgreat, now I cant reach gitorious for some reason :(
15:46.35kerioPali: apparently someone started collecting bitcoins to hire a hitman to kill lennart poettering
15:46.43kerioi'm not sure how i feel about this
15:47.01infobot'sth is poettering' means it acts invasive, possessive, destructive, and generally in an egocentric exacerbating negative way. ``this cancer is extremely poettering'', or you look here for Linus' notion on what's poettering:, or, or see ~systemd cabal
15:48.27kerioon the one hand, you have the killing of a human being
15:48.31kerioon the other hand, systemd dies
15:51.19bencohPali: mutt works properly btw (mail clients)
15:51.29bencohwell, afaik at least
15:51.52PaliI know, mutt generate something which looks like valid
15:52.03bencohbut it isnt ?
15:52.33Palibut would like to see that list of email clients is non trivial set
15:59.09Palikerio: it is on Kickstarter?
16:00.08bencohdo you want to contribute ? :D
16:07.32infobotmessy... err busybox is meant for lean scripting. Regarding all the missing options and immanent limitations (see su, passwd, nice, ps, diff as used by mc...) it's not really the interactive shell of choice. A lot of people hate busybox because a lot of system integrators don't understand the difference between busybox and a decent user interactive shell plus unix utils
16:15.46*** join/#neo900 jonwil (
16:15.54Palido you have any experiences with jackd audio server?
16:21.47jonwilgod the logging for this channel seems to be ages behind the actual chat :(
16:22.51*** join/#neo900 nicksydney (
16:29.40bencohI used jackd once, to run softmodem (a real soft implementation of a modem)
16:31.01bencohsoft <-> jackd <-> mic <--cable--> speaker <-> jackd <-> soft
16:42.08jonwilwonders if there is a way to identify whether the version of gcc (and related bits like glibc) he is using is the same version Nokia used to build MCE, if its not, getting byte-for-byte identical code will be impossible
17:01.17jonwilalthough I swear I had things working properly before where I was able to get byte-for-byte identical binaries for devlock-blocker at least
17:17.06*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
17:32.25*** join/#neo900 infobot (
17:32.25*** topic/#neo900 is | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | 12-14 50035EUR, 232 units | 01-17 60kEUR, 300 units | 02-28 333 units, 70k€ | 03-28 350 units, 400 donations, 73555€ | 0501 360 410 75k | 0712 183 ~30k | 0810 300 ~49k | 0914 346 ~56k
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17:33.32freemangordonjonwil: which functions?
17:34.27jonwiltrying to think, doing this stuff at 3am isn't always a good idea :P
17:34.53freemangordonjonwil: also, almost all thing are compiled with 4.2.1, besides some armcc bits in PA
17:35.03jonwilyeah I know that
17:35.29freemangordonPali: hi! hows uni going?
17:35.50jonwilRight now though I want to figure out how to get whatever it is that I have to do so that gcc/libc/etc will spit out byte-for-byte-identical binaries for devlock-blocker again
17:35.59jonwilI know I was doing it but now I am not
17:36.18freemangordonjonwil: why do you need that?
17:37.06freemangordonwe don;t really need bit identical code, but functionality identical. or better :)
17:38.51freemangordonjonwil: BTW, wanna help with PA once you're done with mce? harm 386 code seems very good when fed int x86 hexrays, but it is just too much code for a one man. not impossible, but will take me months until I RE it alone
17:39.15*** join/#neo900 Nokiabot (~Nokiabot@
17:40.59NokiabotNice article by ~pottering on hacker news ..btw is that hillarious or concerning ??
17:41.52NokiabotI.e his google+ post
17:42.27NokiabotDos1:why ?
17:43.56NokiabotHitman part was creepy
17:43.57Nokiabotare people really out of their minds ??
17:44.47*** join/#neo900 roman (
17:44.59dos1concerning, cause starting a btc fund for hiring a hitman doesn't sound very sane :P
17:45.42NokiabotLol but i cant believe that kind of sith
17:46.23dos1hillarious, cause c'mon, if you base your technical contributions on basically doing politics inside of the community and antagonizing your opponents, you must see a response like that coming
17:46.58dos1it's nothing related to any "Linux community", it's just how humans behave
17:48.13dos1Poettering is an icon of changes that many people consider bad and hurting
17:48.36dos1and this issue goes far above any strictly technical matters
17:48.36NokiabotMaybe thats a reason
17:49.24NokiabotPolitics in tecnical dosent yeld any greater good
17:50.53dos1so yes, except of creepy parts about some extremes, it's hillarious - in this post he just tries to play a victim
17:51.47dos1while that's nobody but himself who antagonized all those people to him, and it started already way back with pulseaudio
17:51.52NokiabotErr i had the same feeling
17:53.07NokiabotThe ending lines ******* i dont believe a bit of it
17:55.15NokiabotNext time his article would start with ((those straights ass raped me ....
17:59.10NokiabotWhatever its too extreme and thats bad
18:29.14*** join/#neo900 paulk-collins (
19:12.11jonwilfreemangordon: ping
19:13.04freemangordonjonwil: pong
19:14.50jonwilIf you help me fix those last 2 functions from MCE so that they are identical to stock, I will help you with pulseaudio as much as I am able to
19:15.27freemangordonwe got a deal :D
19:16.04freemangordonjust need some coffee
19:16.45jonwilbtw is my stock-MCE IDB file containing everything mapped out
19:17.01freemangordonoh, thanks
19:17.23freemangordonwhich ida is that?
19:17.31jonwil6.5 with ARM HexRays
19:17.50freemangordonhmm, ok. I guess I'll use x86
19:19.10jonwilOh and I can confirm that both functions are NOT identical-to-stock, otherwise my binary diff IDA plugin would have flagged them under "this function is functionally identical between both binaries"
19:19.40freemangordonBTW, I can't find those functions
19:19.47freemangordoni the DB you provided
19:19.56freemangordonsomething special about the namings?
19:20.49jonwilhmmm yeah I named stuff with an x at the front to indicate that I had verified that the function prototype for the function was correct
19:21.14freemangordonok, what are the addresses of the functions in question?
19:21.37freemangordonoh, it is y....
19:22.07jonwiloh yeah y is for functions that dont match stock yet :P
19:25.38jonwilholy crap, I just looked out the window and its daylight again... Is it really 5am already?
19:27.07jonwilwhen you are in the zone working on something, you can loose all track of time and forgo normal stuff like food or sleep :)
19:27.38jonwilbut now, now that I finished all I can do on MCE until those last 2 functions are properly cloned, I NEED sleep
19:27.46freemangordonhave some
19:27.48jonwilbefore I fall asleep at the keyboard
19:28.05jonwilpost anything you get re the MCE stuff in the forum thread plz
19:28.06jonwilor so
19:28.18jonwilso I can fiddle with it tommorow (or rather later today :)
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21:07.24OksanaHello. I am back. 9 out of 25 domesheets arrived? Gerry-mobile says: "max 10 domesheets per order, max 2 orders per week"? So, within one or two weeks there will be two more packages arriving, ~8 domesheets each?
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22:21.24DocScrutinizer05Oksana: don't know, the invoice didn't mention any "partial shipping"
22:27.39OksanaBut they haven't sent me any letter about: Sorry, we are out of stock, delivering only 9, refunding for others. They have to send the other 16, somehow.  If the customer makes a binding ordering a product, to purchase the ordered goods. We are entitled to accept the contractual offer contained in the order within three days of receipt. By delivering the goods to the customer, they accepted...
22:27.41Oksana...the order, right?
22:28.13DocScrutinizer05right, that's my take as well
22:28.50DocScrutinizer05did you already pay for 25?
22:29.29OksanaYes. The payment went through.
22:29.38DocScrutinizer05mine too, for 20
22:29.42DocScrutinizer05let's see
22:29.59OksanaAnd I checked with my bank just now (online), there is no refund.
22:30.20OksanaSo, they will have to deliver.
22:31.21DocScrutinizer05or refund eventually
22:32.14DocScrutinizer05though they are legally bound to delivery, it's hard to enforce that. Only thing you _could_ do is suing for damage regress
22:33.00DocScrutinizer05but yes, I guess ut's just the amount the could get this (or last) week
22:33.59DocScrutinizer05I suspect they first will fulfill your order, then eventually send mine (I ordered "please no partial delivery, delay in shipping accepted"
22:34.57DocScrutinizer05I gonna give mMr Gerry another call, interviewing him where from those Nokia parts come when he orders them
22:35.37DocScrutinizer05if that's form some strictly German central storage facility, they may have similar facilities in other countries as well
22:36.22DocScrutinizer05some (minor) problem I noticed: I cannot tax-deduce that type of hw-donation, since the invoice is not on Neo900 UG
22:37.18DocScrutinizer05however rebate for the tax already paid (when selling the devices) is a nightmare and next to impossible
22:38.50OksanaNo problem, about taxes. Out of curiosity, who collects the taxes if the payment is made through Paypal, from A country to G country?
22:40.59DocScrutinizer05Gerry transfers tax to the tax office
22:42.20DocScrutinizer05when *I* order at Gerry, I subtract the amount of tax I paid to _them_ from the amount I eventually have to transfer myself to tax office
22:44.51DocScrutinizer05when you order one domesheet for 18EUR and send it to me, then you paid 19% of that 18bucks on VAT. When I then sell the domasheet again, I again pay 19% VAT
22:45.29DocScrutinizer05or rather the one who buys it from me pays, and I transfer it to office
22:46.57DocScrutinizer05when *I* buy a domesheet at gerry for 18bucks and then sell it again to you for 18 bucks, then I don't transfer any VAT to office, you paid it and gerry transfers it to office
22:47.45DocScrutinizer05that's why it's called "Vallue Added" - I pay only VAT for the value I added on resale
22:47.52OksanaOk... If I order something like that again, I will see whether it's possible to have invoice on Neo900 UG. It would be fun...
22:48.06DocScrutinizer05yes, that would help
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