IRC log for #neo900 on 20140916

00:39.08*** join/#neo900 unclouded (~neil@2001:4428:200:80fc:7e05:7ff:fe0d:d421)
01:00.49*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (
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02:48.24OksanaGoing to lunch.
02:49.32*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast1 (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:ed8c:deda:d357:d8d9)
03:09.18DocScrutinizer05Oksana: there's no date we know when preorders "close"
03:12.59DocScrutinizer05Oksana: nevertheless we are already buying risk parts and each time we have to decide how many we can afford to get. Right now we usually try to get 1000, which would mean there are 700 preorders available yet. this may change any time now, depending on our sourcing. Maybe next part is expensive and we don't dare to get more than 400. Which would basically mean preorders close this moment since we also need several percent for warranty
03:13.00DocScrutinizer05spare devices etc
03:40.38OksanaThank you. I was just repeating a question from TMO. Warn ahead when possible. Because people would possibly put in additional donations, especially if the risk part is going to be discontinued soon.
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04:42.47DocScrutinizer05we're not planning this. When we run into risk parts we usually need to take action as soon as we find an opportunity. Example: we need 1GB RAM PoP chips. They are not available at usual channels anymore. Now we start searching everywhere. eventually we find an offer, we could buy arbitrary amount *right now*. What we gonna do?
04:46.14OksanaAlright, what about some kind of 'emergency funds', so that you could take decision immediately, and replenish the funds later, after taking the decision?
04:47.13DocScrutinizer05that's exactly how we handle that
04:48.37DocScrutinizer05just our funds are lited, hardly enough to finish R&D, and it doesn't make sense to buy 6000 risk parts for 67.99 per unit when in the end we can only sell 300 devices
04:49.23OksanaWhat kind of part? Will it be in production one year later? ... Are you publishing anything about stylus-detector, or similar features, on website?
04:49.46DocScrutinizer05the only way we can reasonably determine the amount of risk parts to source is based on number of donations
04:52.31DocScrutinizer05we already baught risk parts: the display connectors. We *hope* we could get more than the 1000pcs we bought, *if* we would need them. But realistically for now I have to state our amount of devies we can sell is limited to 850
04:53.00DocScrutinizer05this can change any time, when tomorrow we need to source another risk part
04:53.38DocScrutinizer05the display conectors were "cheap", we were able to afford getting 1000 of them
04:54.05DocScrutinizer05next risk part may be 50 times as much as the display connectors. Or 100 tmes as much
04:54.39DocScrutinizer05and I have _no_ way to tell beforehand when we run into it
04:57.01DocScrutinizer05as soon as that happens, the amount of donations done at that point in time is again our basis to decide how many of those parts we order. We will try to get more, we will have a look into our crystal ball and try to guess how many we will need in the end. But it's not like I could tell you "preorders will close in mid of December"
05:01.38DocScrutinizer05>>especially if the risk part is going to be discontinued soon.<<   That's exactly the definition of risk parts: poor availability, EOL in a months or two, or even more usually already discontinued months or even years ago and we try to scoop up the few remaining parts available
05:03.17DocScrutinizer05electrnics industry is a fast business. Items announced as new 5 years ago may already be forgotten and not even single quantity spare parts are available anymore
05:03.58DocScrutinizer05see N900
05:04.11DocScrutinizer05or beagleboard-xM
05:06.23*** join/#neo900 trench (trench@unaffiliated/trench)
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05:25.09DocScrutinizer05the problem with electronics industry: when e.g. TI announces a new CPU/SoC, then that component will be available maybe 1 or 2 years later. During that time TI develops the chip and provices samples to big players like Nokia so they can have their commercial products ready for rollout when the chip becomes available. Then the chip will get sold in incredible amounts during maybe 6 months, and 2 years later you hardly can buy it anymore
05:25.11DocScrutinizer05since it's already obsolete and meanwhile sucessors' successors are the new hype. Little projects like Neo900 can start developing only at the time when big corp is already selling the commercial product (N900). By the time we finish our development, we invariably regularly face a number of EOL components, no matter what we picked to build our product from. Developement cycle is longer than component product cycle
05:34.27DocScrutinizer05but again: so far there's no deadline, we always will be able to source some more than the exact number of donations/preorders. It's just the question how much more, and how much will be the number of preorders at that time.
05:35.48DocScrutinizer05right now our deadline is "now + 550 additional preorders" with a realistic option to extend than since we can probably order more of the display connectors
05:36.41*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
05:39.02DocScrutinizer05>>Are you publishing anything about stylus-detector, or similar features, on website?<< that's a valid and good question. I'm a poor writer and mostly busy with EE stuff and project management. I have no idea really about website content management, it's dos1 who does that and he's also our most gifted author of any news artocles. Alas he's pretty busy recently
05:39.12OksanaSo, why does TI provide samples only to the big players? And how does it define big players? There are (or were): Siemens, Blackberry, LG, Nokia, Motorola, Palm, GeeksPhone, Google, Huawei, Intel, Jolla, Olivetti, Panasonic, Sony, Vertu, ZTE... And more.
05:40.03DocScrutinizer05defiition is easy: buy 1 million chips and you're one of the bigger ones. Buy 100 million and you get premium customer support
05:40.49DocScrutinizer05ask for 1000 chips and they probably have trained their spam filters to deal with this type of inquiry
05:41.47DocScrutinizer05the really kind companies invite you for a coffee while explaining to you that you're too small for them
05:42.12DocScrutinizer05usually you can't even get admittance to their lobby
05:48.07DocScrutinizer05slightly exaggerated you could say: everything *we* can buy at digikey and mouser and farnell is obsolete from they of first availability
05:49.31OksanaAlright, samples are like prototypes: not many of them, and each pretty expensive. And changing batch size just for a small company is ... expensive. So, small company would need to be committed to this exact chip, for all foreseeable production purposes, and ready to buy like, a million or more of the chips ahead of time.
05:50.31DocScrutinizer05the problem of SoC manufs isn't the cost of prototype chips, but the customer support overhead
05:51.03*** join/#neo900 roman (
05:51.10DocScrutinizer05it's not unusal that companies like TI send several engineers fultime to companies like Nokia to help with product integration and bring-up
05:52.05DocScrutinizer05and even when TI would send their OMAP7 prototypes to Neo900 UG we couldn't use those critters for anything. We have no manuals, no datasheets, no refernce designs, no nothing
05:53.06DocScrutinizer05we probably wouldn't even have the tools needed to deal with those new critters
05:55.46DocScrutinizer05and the point is: we cannot have any manuals and datasheets and reference designs since the SoC manufacturer just is about to build resp write them
05:56.22DocScrutinizer05there don't exist any at that point in time. Only very poor incomplete drafts
05:56.46DocScrutinizer05and reference design quite easily could be *our* product
05:58.01DocScrutinizer05iirc TI mentioned TI Zoom-II, beagleboard, and N900 as their reference designs of OMAP3530
05:58.50keriolet's just get one of those engineers!
05:59.17DocScrutinizer05now we're luckky enough that TI still produces and sells the compatible successor DM3730
05:59.49DocScrutinizer05for other parts the situation is worse
06:02.30DocScrutinizer05and the general policy gets worse as well: TI doesn't sell OMAP5 chips at all to "end consumers" like us. It's simply too much overhead for them. You can get OMAP5 since a few months as a module, and TI helps module manuf to build a working few millions of those
06:03.41DocScrutinizer05obviously the knowhow needed to build a working OMAP5 core system (aka module) is too special to allow TI selling the mere chips
06:05.57*** join/#neo900 che1 (
06:05.59DocScrutinizer05customer: "Hey TI, you sold junk to us. 58% of your OMAP5 chips are dead!"   ---  TI: "Did you assemble them 3 or 4 days after full moon? No? Did you at least heat your reflow oven with oak wood? No? your fault then"
06:08.10DocScrutinizer05ds2: special knowledge needed for hightech
06:08.21ds2I question most of what you said
06:08.27ds2but I am not allowed to explain why :(
06:08.53DocScrutinizer05that helps a lot
06:09.28DocScrutinizer05please show me a OMAP5 chip available in "low" qunatities!
06:09.32ds2the problem is anyone that knows about it cannot talk about it :( chicken and egg issues
06:09.49ds2show me datasheet for it first :D
06:10.27DocScrutinizer05[2014-09-16 Tue 07:55:46] <DocScrutinizer05> and the point is: we cannot have any manuals and datasheets and reference designs since the SoC manufacturer just is about to build resp write them
06:11.00ds2that is not true
06:11.44DocScrutinizer05so you say TI already has finalized datasheets and TRM for the chips they plan to build 2017?
06:12.06ds2I am not allowed at the moment to answer that question.
06:12.09DocScrutinizer05verxy interesting
06:12.18ds2the OMAP5 is 2012/2013 stuff
06:12.22DocScrutinizer05please stop this rant
06:12.31OksanaFor OMAP, two main distribution channels exist, with different part availability. The primary one is partnership with wireless handset vendors.
06:12.33OksanaParts developed to suit evolving cell phone requirements are flexible and powerful enough to support sales through less specialised catalogue channels; some OMAP 1 parts, and many OMAP 3 parts, have catalogue versions with different sales and support models.
06:12.34OksanaParts that are obsolete from the perspective of handset vendors may still be needed to support products developed using catalogue parts and distributor-based inventory management.
06:12.36OksanaAbout sending engineers: I was thinking about possibility of sending open-source firmware developers to Gemalto so that they would persuade the manufacturer to compile-and-cryptographically-sign something like OsmocomBB. So that then people would know: this firmware is compiled from this open source code, is not-modifiable, and thus legal to use on the GSM chip.
06:12.52DocScrutinizer05Oksana: I know this staement of TI
06:13.15OksanaAlright, ds2, if you cannot answer that question, then can you answer question why cannot you answer this question?
06:13.25ds2Oksana: @#$!@#!@@!$@!#$@!# NDAs
06:13.48DocScrutinizer05please stop this topic, it's leading nowhere
06:13.58ds2*nod* esp. in a public forum
06:15.05Oksana:) :) :)
06:15.24kerioisn't osmocombb gsm-only?
06:15.28ds2FWIW, a new product was launched recently with an OMAP3
06:15.41ds2so no reason why TI won't sell the DM3730 :D
06:15.46DocScrutinizer05I know for sure that early version of datasheets/TRM done during chip prototype/devloping phase are full of bugs and basically useless without a field engineer telling you what's for real and what's BS in them
06:16.19ds2Most of that is in erratas
06:16.41ds2the kernel is litered with references to erratas vs ES
06:16.52DocScrutinizer05ds2: nobody says TI is going to discontinue DM3730
06:17.17OksanaCould several small companies (like Neo900 and Pandora) "unite" into "one customer" to order a huge quantity of chips from TI?
06:17.28DocScrutinizer05in theory yes
06:17.35ds2I have yet to see a better performance/power ratio then the family of OMAP3's
06:17.49DocScrutinizer05when they join-merge their R&D so one filed engineer can service them all
06:19.00ds2a better question to ask is - do you really want those newer chips in your phone?
06:19.00DocScrutinizer05ds2: please reread what I wrote, and keep in mind I used TI as an example, even though particularly TI is usually doing better than what I tried to explain
06:19.24DocScrutinizer05no, thta's not even any question at all
06:19.25ds2DocScrutinizer05: which of my jumping around are you referring to?
06:19.46DocScrutinizer05I'm not referring to you at all
06:20.00ds2the reason I even brought that up is - the power/heat profile of the newer chips (any mfg) blows
06:20.15DocScrutinizer05so what?
06:20.26ds2all of them are like intel chips - throttle cpu to keep temperature down
06:20.28DocScrutinizer05how's that related to anything I try to explain here?
06:20.47ds2trying to say... those newer chips are moot
06:20.56DocScrutinizer05i'm not interested
06:21.05DocScrutinizer05we don't plan to use them
06:21.06ds2okay, fair enough
06:22.01DocScrutinizer05I tried to make a point about obsolescence after just 18 months of product life
06:22.19DocScrutinizer05and why and how that happens
06:22.34ds2Oksana: one other angle is - they may unite, but is there enough capitol to make it worthwhile?
06:22.38DocScrutinizer05and why small companies never can join that nasty game
06:23.04DocScrutinizer05and yes, particularly TI is not as bad regarding that
06:23.18DocScrutinizer05evidently they still sell OMAP3
06:23.40DocScrutinizer05something that doesn't apply to the needed PoP-RAM
06:23.46ds2I agree with the part about small companies would have a hard time joining
06:24.02ds2it is the other bits that are killers, IMO
06:24.29ds2DocScrutinizer05: are you saying POP is a barrier or a helper?
06:24.30DocScrutinizer05other bits like PoP168
06:25.00DocScrutinizer05I say it's hard to source a 1GB RAM chip in PoP168
06:25.13ds2ah a specific size...
06:25.20DocScrutinizer05despite DM3730 easily available
06:25.33ds2sourcing PoP's in general isn't that hard
06:25.52DocScrutinizer05yeah, in 256 and in 512MB RAM
06:25.55ds2512M seems to be the upper limit for easy to find
06:26.23DocScrutinizer05please read the last 250 lines backscroll
06:26.38ds2know off hand how much memory is in the Moto 360?
06:26.42DocScrutinizer05where I elaborated about risl parts, and RAM being one of them
06:27.00DocScrutinizer05risk parts even
06:27.26ds2it has been a risky part since I been watching this channel :D
06:27.45DocScrutinizer05so what? do you expect that to change?
06:28.08ds2unfortunately no... but I have hope that you will prove me wrong and find a low volume friendly source :D
06:28.44DocScrutinizer05sure, somebody wll build a 3000 per week, in a silicon fab in transilvania
06:28.55ds2building is not a problem
06:29.02ds2is getting them to do the packaging :(
06:29.41ds2if only all the SoC mfgs could standardize on a PoP pinout, things would be better
07:28.55*** join/#neo900 freemangordon_ (~ivo@
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08:56.32*** join/#neo900 gurki (
08:56.46gurkijust read your mail to our fablab list ...
08:56.55gurkiwhat dont you like bout milestone1234/photon?
08:57.19gurki(no flaming/trolling intended. just curious)
08:57.43jake42gurki: hi
08:57.55gurkijake42: hi
08:57.56jake42you're talking about motorola milestone?
08:59.07jake42no seperation between CPU and modem RAM
08:59.15jake42should have mentioned that..
08:59.53gurkiwhy would i want that?
09:00.33gurkigoogle tells me its a security thing
09:00.35jake42modem firmware is closed source, CPU runs only open source
09:02.00jake42if there's only a defined bus serial bus between them which CPU controls, chances are very slim someone compromises your CPU/OS through modem
09:02.48jake42s/bus //
09:03.36gurkiah. kinda get your point there
09:05.39jake42it's only for formerly "paranoid", now after snowden "realistic" folks ;-)
09:09.41gurkiyou really might want a scan with a higher resolution ...
09:09.53gurkithat stl of yours looks like your gonna remodel the whole thing
09:10.03gurkigonna have to*
09:10.24gurkithere _should_ be some institutions at techfak that ve _good_ 3d scanners though ...
09:11.02gurkiyou might wanna give our 3d scanner a shot ... after all its worth a try. were kinda happy about its output
09:11.11jake42yes, do know anyone having connections? :-)
09:11.58jake42your 3d scanner?
09:12.00gurkiwell ur timing is kinda bad ... everyone writing examns n stuff ^^
09:12.08gurkiim a fablab erlangen guy ...
09:12.24jake42yea, I guess I might even know you in person ;-)
09:12.58jake42(timing) I realise that, had a exam my self today ;-)
09:13.05gurkisome guy sold us a REALLY old needle 3d scanner for kinda cheap
09:13.10gurkibut its output is kinda good
09:13.32jake42werner has used a similar model
09:13.41jake42also some ROLAND from the 90's
09:14.04jake42but ifs damn slow if you take a look at the scan times
09:14.22gurkiwell ... tbh: whatever ...
09:14.29gurkiput it in there, let it run, go home, sleep.
09:14.33gurkicome next day. ready
09:15.05jake42will be more like 3-4 days ;-)
09:15.16jake42with 50um res
09:15.16gurkiwell. thats hardcore resolution then
09:15.22gurkibut i guess thats bout what u want^^
09:15.46jake42we don't realy have much experiance with 3d-modelling etc
09:16.13jake42btw the one in the fablab is only a 2.5D scanner ;-)
09:16.28gurkijust noticed ... i ve been looking at a 3d scan that took 11 hours. your scans taking > 20 hours are a lot better
09:16.36gurkiyoure right there ;)
09:17.01jake42that's why I wondered about you talking about a 3d scanner in fablab
09:17.37gurkiits a 2.5D scanner. sry there :)
09:18.00jake42already looked at the thingy :-)
09:18.45gurkiwell. its kinda the same "examn time" thing. we have some guys that could theoretically do it. (including me *G*)
09:19.02gurkiproblem is ... examn time
09:19.10jake42yeah it's not so time critical
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09:21.45jake42would you be generally intereseted?
09:22.10jake42I'll be in the "mensa" now, ttyl
09:22.24gurkidepends on your definition of time critical :D
09:22.35gurkiwell. if you wait a sec we could meet at mensa ;)
09:25.17*** part/#neo900 freemangordon_ (~ivo@
09:28.23jake42i'm im ostaufgan gurki
09:59.34*** join/#neo900 kolp (
10:08.18*** join/#neo900 che1 (
10:28.21kerioDocScrutinizer05: question: is the same true for x86/x64 cpus as well? or is it only true for embedded systems?
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11:27.06DocScrutinizer05the same?
11:28.00DocScrutinizer05about short product life cycles? No. For x86 there's a huge aftermarket since those things usually are socketed
11:29.35*** join/#neo900 freemangordon_ (~ivo@
11:30.06keriono, about the need for an engineer to tell you which parts of the spec are correct and which are bull
11:30.08DocScrutinizer05there are definitely at last 3 shops to buy a x86 CPU in 100km radius around you, almost regardless too where you just are on this globe. For DM3730 and particularly for PoP168 RAM rtc you're lucky when there's one shop in same country as you are
11:30.53DocScrutinizer05I guess for the boards that come to market same time as the CPU chips, it's kinda true, yes
11:32.05DocScrutinizer05though less critical, since again socketed and thus the manufacturing technology is kinda unentangled from the CPU chip
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11:33.43kerioright, you'd have to consider the whole board+cpu+ram to make a comparison
11:33.45kerioat least
11:35.46*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
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11:45.00DocScrutinizer05soldering a huge BGA PoP chip is a different thing than soldering a socket to a board
11:46.22mvaenskaetoday is a good day to donate once back home :)
11:47.03DocScrutinizer05the more the merrier ;-)
11:47.13mvaenskaefirst day of the new semester and already feeling like a little imp again :D
11:47.32mvaenskaeperfect conditions, i can only grow from here on :)
11:48.19mvaenskaealso i hope to be #347, i like primes :)
11:48.32DocScrutinizer05in Germany we have a saying "Wer zerknittert aufwacht der kann sich den ganzen Tag entfalten" ;-)
11:49.01mvaenskaei never heard that one in mz 15 years of living in germany
11:49.02DocScrutinizer05you're probably late for that ;-)
11:49.56mvaenskaewell, then i shall order until i get a prime :D (i wish i could)
11:53.14DocScrutinizer05actually we have no serial numbers (yet) :-D
11:53.52DocScrutinizer05and actually we got one PP donation today
11:54.27DocScrutinizer05two on Friday
11:55.02mvaenskaei think having no serial numbers is ok, the baseband is identification enough :)
11:55.07DocScrutinizer05I don't even know for which day to count the bank account transfers
11:56.46mvaenskaemaybe you should announce the stop one month prior so that there is enough time for potential buyers to decide and catch on via media
11:58.25DocScrutinizer05please see last 250 lines backscroll, I elaborated on such stop not happening any time, what's going to happen is number of deliverable devices expiring
11:59.12DocScrutinizer05so far roundabout 550 devices are still order-able
11:59.35mvaenskaei don't have a backscroll sadly :( i will read it on the logs this evening though :)
12:00.21DocScrutinizer05this number can drop to 50 or less, any time, as soon as we run into another risk part we need to order right away
12:00.35DocScrutinizer05with no lead time for announcements
12:01.22mvaenskaehow are orders on a complete system?
12:02.17DocScrutinizer05you mean what's the situation with case parts? We haven't even started sourcing them yet
12:03.49mvaenskaeoh, so people needing a case might be sol from the looks
12:04.17DocScrutinizer05we hope we can source sufficient amount, but there are also risk parts in that
12:04.56mvaenskaehm, i sadly gotta go now, i want to see what i wrote in my exams and what i missed out on :)
12:05.27DocScrutinizer05particularly slider mechanism, antennas, digitizer, LCD, in that descending order of severity
12:08.27jake42gurki: I might have been wrong about the milestones, they all have ti omap SoCs and a seperate modem
12:09.18DocScrutinizer05well, proto_V2 has no SoC at all, only an attached beagleboard_xM
12:09.48jake42DocScrutinizer05: milestones = motorola milestone (a cellphone series)
12:10.28DocScrutinizer05those have a tivoized bootloader for all I know. Maybe cracked meanwhile
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12:12.38DocScrutinizer05and of course their modems are not documented, no matter if separate like usual back when moto got designed, or one huge soC that does it all as usual today
12:13.52DocScrutinizer05also separate modem doesn't mean separation per se. I know several designs with separate modem chip which nevertheless share RAM
12:14.42gurkithat pretty much sounds like "i have no idea. but i guess its shit."
12:14.48gurkino intention to be offensive here
12:15.09DocScrutinizer05that pretty much sounds like "I'm not interested"
12:15.40gurkithats totally fine with me ;)
12:15.55DocScrutinizer05is there a maemo OS available for moto? No! Ergo: not compatible to our goal
12:17.23DocScrutinizer05we're building a N900 compatible successor that can run maemo apps out of the repo
12:17.52gurkiwhere did i tell you "use the milestone! it kicks ass!" ?
12:17.54DocScrutinizer05if we would want an android phone, I'd buy one and not build it
12:18.06gurkiif you tell me x sucks, im just curious why
12:18.12gurkithat has nothing to do with your specific goals
12:18.25gurkiu need a maemo phone - build it. why should i not be fine with that
12:18.48DocScrutinizer05I'm not telling you anything when you started to ask what's wrong with moto
12:19.31DocScrutinizer05now I'm telling you details about our product that you also could find on our website
12:19.59jake42DocScrutinizer05: did you read about me talking with gurki today about ppl capable/interested in constructing spacerframe?
12:20.18DocScrutinizer05sure, I read every single char posted in here
12:20.53DocScrutinizer05and I assume you met during lunch
12:21.06*** join/#neo900 freemangordon_ (~ivo@
12:21.09DocScrutinizer05in the mensa, south entry
12:21.20gurkiactually im here because jake asked for help. if i wasnt curious about it i wouldnt be here. but that will include asking "stupid" questions like "why dont u do blablabla"
12:21.25gurkiim kind of a solution oriented guy
12:21.38jake42DocScrutinizer05: we didn't meet yet ;-)
12:21.46jake42only almost
12:22.14DocScrutinizer05gurki: and I'm a grupy old fart, but honest. No bad feelings
12:22.28gurkiguess i can live with that
12:23.02DocScrutinizer05then welcome here :-)
12:23.31jake42DocScrutinizer05: so, would it be an issue if desgin of spacerframe doesn't start until exam-period is over (which is 5.10.)
12:24.03DocScrutinizer05our design goals were pretty specific: build a device that fits into N900 case and uses same (or 100% compatible) SoC
12:24.17DocScrutinizer05no issue
12:24.47DocScrutinizer05we have several months until we need those spacer frames
12:25.06DocScrutinizer05more like half a year
12:25.27jake42also, to be clear, nobody commited to the job, yet
12:25.37DocScrutinizer05yep, I'm aware
12:26.36DocScrutinizer05when we find somebody, I'll post that good news on all channels ;-D
12:26.56DocScrutinizer05you can't miss that, I guess
12:27.12jake42I usually refrain from spreading good news too enthusiastic ;-)
12:27.23gurkito have some kind of starting point id really recoomend using our 3d scanner on max resolution
12:27.32gurkicould take 2 days or sth but could be usable
12:27.38DocScrutinizer05can be done, no problem
12:27.39gurki2.5d scanner =]
12:28.15jake42how much better would you expect it to be compared to the 50um scans from the link I sent in the email
12:28.20DocScrutinizer05though I'd prefer optical scans (if they give us the resolution I hope for)
12:29.03DocScrutinizer05yep, I think werner's scans are just good enough to start with
12:29.16DocScrutinizer05noob speaking here
12:30.15wpwrak(scan overnight) after working on the pcb for almost a day, it just promised me that the rest will finish within ~100 hours :)
12:30.41gurkitbh: werners scans are pretty much useless if u intend to use it for 3d printing or anything
12:30.51wpwraki'm lucky that power has been very stable lately. some years ago, when i did something similar, i had a lot of scans get killed by brownouts :(
12:30.54gurkiyoud need so much postprocessing that you could actually remodel it in the same time
12:31.02DocScrutinizer05;a=blob_plain;hb=HEAD;f=data/png/n900-bot-assembled-inside-100um.png looks already not that bad
12:32.11DocScrutinizer05we need something new anyway. Those scans only define what it is we need
12:32.40DocScrutinizer05 is what we need
12:32.54DocScrutinizer05has to fit onto;a=blob_plain;hb=HEAD;f=data/png/n900-bot-assembled-inside-100um.png
12:33.21gurkido you need drills or holes in this one?
12:33.46gurkias drills in sth that comes out of a 3d printer are gonna be quite tricky
12:34.11DocScrutinizer05well, the white stuff are apertures, and we need some fancy little structures on the backside maybe, for screws etc
12:34.48DocScrutinizer05no drilled holes though, for the prototypes
12:36.17DocScrutinizer05the finaly 500 or 1000 objects will not get made on a regular "cheap2 3D-printer, but either CNCed from plastic or alu, or maybe even made by casting resin into molds
12:37.03DocScrutinizer05but to start with, we need a 3D model of that object
12:37.21gurkiyou do not want to cnc 1000 objects. that is gonna cost a _lot_ ^^
12:37.43DocScrutinizer05that sucker gonna cost a lot no matter how we make it
12:38.13DocScrutinizer05I assume cost for CND from alu at 10 to 20 bucks per object
12:39.00DocScrutinizer05again, faintly experienced noon here
12:39.05wpwrakgurki: my scans are mainly for taking measurements. not necesssarily for building complete 3D models. you could use them as a reference, though. e.g., intersect the meshes with your 3D CAD model and see where something sticks out
12:39.49gurkiid assume sth bout 30-40 if u do it at our fablab. i guess u can get it cheaper from $wherever but that should be the number to calculate with
12:40.08gurkiand were already just covering our costs ...
12:40.38DocScrutinizer05sure, but I guess that's for single objects, not batch of 1000
12:42.21DocScrutinizer05tbh that's not exactly my job or expertise how to build those frames and how to do that as economic as possible. We are wanting some professional doing that for us
12:42.31*** join/#neo900 freemangordon_ (~ivo@
12:43.11DocScrutinizer05in the end I will contract whomever for the complete package, ideally
12:44.00DocScrutinizer05or split the task into as huge as possible as few as possible partial workpackages
12:45.10DocScrutinizer05we do what we can to provide usable building blocks (like the scans) to make the task easier. But we're all no ME experts
12:45.27jake42DocScrutinizer05: I have been looking for ambitioned amatures not professionls. It's a universty, no ones professional (yet)
12:45.57DocScrutinizer05well, see it as chance to do first professional level job :-)
12:47.06DocScrutinizer05we're talking about 5 digit numbers of euro here
12:47.27jake42you will offer for the job?
12:47.52DocScrutinizer05I will maybe have for that sub-project to finalize it
12:47.56jake42for the whole including production of the frames?
12:48.16gurkiwhile i am glad to help (and even more glad if i receive any money) i am not sure i wanna take a _risk_ by signing a contract ...
12:48.29gurkiespeccialy when we talk bout this numbers
12:48.36DocScrutinizer05that's upto negotiations
12:49.02DocScrutinizer05you don't need to take risk, we got Neo900 UG and my person for that
12:49.29DocScrutinizer05the risk you take is delivering a shitty job and consequently not getting paid for it
12:49.45gurkiwho pays for shitty prototypes?
12:49.54gurkifirst one will fail. first one will always fail
12:49.59gurkisecond might fail. might work.
12:50.15gurkithird works.
12:50.20DocScrutinizer05well, shitty prototypes is what you would expect to see falling out of 3D printer in first run anyway ;-P
12:50.36DocScrutinizer05those of course get paid
12:50.51DocScrutinizer05it's an expected part of the work package
12:51.46DocScrutinizer05added bonus for you when you get the job done with fewer cycles
12:53.00DocScrutinizer05it's all not a problem as long as we keep communicating
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13:18.48DocScrutinizer05ok, we might have secured 4 beagleboard-xM
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16:02.10PeperPots_Someone asked me a interesting question today. will we have options available for open basebands and bootstacks ?
16:03.32PeperPots_from what i recalled from over a year ago there are options available for open basebands but their data speeds were severely limited
16:04.52NokiabotOpen basebands ? Dont know of any open baseband mordem yet except calypso which is impractical only 2g :)
16:05.24PeperPots_right there was calypso but that was from almost 2 years ago
16:06.21NokiabotAnd for now there is none available for practical use :)
16:06.25PeperPots_i wouldn't say its COMPLETELY impractical since 802.11R is around the corner
16:06.45PeperPots_2g combined with 802.11r might be useful
16:09.05Nokiabotinsted N900 will provide mordem monitering and that of course is not what you ask or others fantasise but its one of the best ways to be in control of it afik :)
16:09.43NokiabotPeperpots:how ?
16:11.10NokiabotPeperpots_:how ?
16:13.58PeperPots_Nokiabot:  802.11r would allow you to dump cell carriers altogether
16:14.22PeperPots_since the handoff tmes are   >40ms
16:15.48NokiabotPeperpots_:kind of mesh networking or what ? I mean range
16:16.12PeperPots_Nokiabot:  better than what we have now  thats for sure
16:17.01NokiabotSure :)
16:18.03PeperPots_11ac didn't increase range only throughput. but connections are still stronger at greater distances
16:19.36NokiabotThats better
16:19.59Zero_Chaosactually 11ac beam forming will increase range as well
16:20.07Zero_Chaosbut that's mostly unavailable in wave 1 APs
16:21.03DocScrutinizer51you are free to order a device with odemfootprint not populated. Then you could fit in your homegrown calypso 'module' instead
16:21.12NokiabotWifi is too limited only if atleast provided a mile by default it would have been better as its just a too personal network
16:22.46DocScrutinizer51several towns run tierown public wifi that's supposed to cover complete town. Taipei one of them I know of
16:25.41NokiabotDocsurutinizer51:lol maybe you can provide calypso to who need it or want it as a module that can be plugged to usb or whatever if thats possible :) also a good marketing pich and an extra spec box
16:27.10NokiabotDamm spellings
16:27.16PeperPots_Zero_ ... : RuckusWireless had beamforming before linksys/cisco and belkin started getting into the act. Its actually ancient tech.
16:27.59PeperPots_DocScrutinizer51:  thank you.  thats exactly what i wanted to know
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16:29.01NokiabotPeperpots_:anceint tech/features is what we use today hyped by large corporations as holy grail
16:29.16PeperPots_DocScrutinizer51:  jcase @ xda was grinding me up about .... well there is no such thing as a fully open device show me one that ships.... blah blah blah.  I guess his argument to charge 25$ for sunshine is now moot
16:30.15NokiabotPeperpots_:its moonshine
16:30.29PeperPots_Furthermore,  he's kinda a greedy guy.  he's got the nerve to show me 5 order for 5 seperate OPO and try and rub it in my face that he knows more than we do.
16:30.51PeperPots_burns me up :(
16:31.01PeperPots_Nokiabot:  yup
16:31.03NokiabotI know more than him
16:31.15NokiabotHe he peperpot
16:31.23PeperPots_thats what i told him!
16:31.29DocScrutinizer51i'm happily taking any challenge about knowledge regarding baseband etc
16:32.13PeperPots_if i was a vindictive person i would ask if he wanted ketchup with his foot
16:33.22DocScrutinizer51hed's right when he states there's no such thing like a free baseband
16:33.30Nokiabot@Doc i got a samgsung featurephone that does data and call at the same time in ubuntu most of the time i dont know how that happens ?
16:33.58PeperPots_well not free free as in free bear but atleast open
16:34.12DocScrutinizer512G has a feature todo GPRS during call that works 50percent of time
16:34.50DocScrutinizer513G should work in parallel depending on your modem's features/caps
16:34.55PeperPots_But GPRS itself still works right ?
16:35.11PeperPots_minus the compression.
16:35.15DocScrutinizer51GPRS works, but not during calls
16:35.43PeperPots_calls im not worried about.  ill do VoIP
16:35.48DocScrutinizer51depends id you got the 'right' time slices
16:35.54DocScrutinizer51aka slots
16:36.04Nokiabot@Doc really ? As i never found a usb mordem that does it and i tried countless phones but this is the onlyone which does it :eek:
16:36.49PeperPots_welcome to GTA02 :p
16:38.11DocScrutinizer51N900 specs explicitly say it supports the concurrency mode 2G call and GPRS
16:38.26NokiabotProviding cylapso as a usb module to crazy ones would be the best if possible
16:38.50DocScrutinizer51everybody is free  to do that
16:39.38DocScrutinizer51Neo900 UG won't go down that route of dispair and try to build a calypsomodem
16:40.21NokiabotEverybody dont know how to do that :) i dont need it just want to know is that possible in a sane way like one uses a regular usb modem
16:40.46DocScrutinizer51there's USB host (aka 'OTG') available, external and on hackerbus
16:41.24DocScrutinizer51and as noted above you can get Neo900 sans modem as well
16:41.33NokiabotSo its doable :) thas only what i wanted to know
16:42.35DocScrutinizer51yes, it's absolutely doable andeven a product spec requirement I promised to several people
16:42.46PeperPots_was thinking about something else as well
16:43.17PeperPots_im not sure the need for a thermometer sensor is needed, since this might be able to be taken from the infrared sensor
16:43.45PeperPots_i would have to look at how accurate it would be though
16:43.48NokiabotOh great !
16:43.52DocScrutinizer51we have no decent IR sensor
16:44.12PeperPots_ok then never mind :)
16:45.36NokiabotThermometer can be useful during a fever :p doctors would go crazy
16:45.39DocScrutinizer51would be great to get a full featured FLIR cam, but that's a feature not found in base Neo900 but rather in tricorder extension battery lid snapon
16:46.26NokiabotFLIR cam aka ?
16:46.38PeperPots_sensorcons sensordrone is a cool addon im thinking about getting to compliment my 900
16:46.51DocScrutinizer51I pondered adding contacts to stylus bay so you could use a special stylus with Pt100 in the end
16:47.03Nokiabot~Wiki FLIR camera
16:47.30PeperPots_im not familiar with FLIR cameras ill readup on them though
16:47.38PeperPots_seem interesting
16:48.52Nokiabot@Doc why stylus sensor is being phased out ? Its useful na
16:49.52DocScrutinizer51it's not phased out yet
16:50.24DocScrutinizer51just another option for user to get an extension, since we won't build stylii
16:52.27DocScrutinizer51FLIR infraread thermo imaging
16:53.29DocScrutinizer51there re modules with 8 x 8 resolution
16:53.42DocScrutinizer51(yes, 8 x 8)
16:54.49DocScrutinizer51I2C, ideal for hackerbus and mugen cover
16:55.43DocScrutinizer51overlay it with  matching/interlocked viewfinder from normal cam
16:56.27NokiabotWhat about those indicater leds and keyboard backlight color
16:56.51DocScrutinizer51unclear yet
16:57.03NokiabotRgb keyboard leds are damm cool
16:57.16DocScrutinizer51sourcing of matching RGB LEDs for kbd is pretty hard
16:58.33NokiabotHumm use diffrent color for each keyboard led aka rainbow effect and way cool :p
16:58.36DocScrutinizer51I would even be willing to check if we could use 3mm round wired ones
16:59.00DocScrutinizer51no, we won't do weird color locked
16:59.39DocScrutinizer51either adjustable or white wth customer option to select whatever other fixed color
16:59.40NokiabotNeo900 is weird :D
17:00.01NokiabotYep thas best
17:00.51NokiabotAnyway changing leds is no big deal either
17:00.51DocScrutinizer51now sorry, breakfast breakover, back to work, checking legal BS
17:01.10NokiabotEnjoy bs
17:02.16DocScrutinizer51no way to enjoy this, though I'm happy with fineprint, finally
17:02.44NokiabotYou happy we happy :)
17:02.59DocScrutinizer51your donation is actually a credit you give to Neo900 UG
17:03.37DocScrutinizer51we pay it back to you the momentthe devices get available
17:04.00DocScrutinizer51sort of VC
17:04.28DocScrutinizer51this should be safe even for German tax regulations
17:04.52jake42good to hear that :-)
17:04.55DocScrutinizer51fineprint on our websitepending to adopt this RSN
17:05.00NokiabotNeo900 is way over the mark for me as of now :( obviously things will change as i will :p
17:05.59wpwrakbtw, regarding stylus detection by capacitive sensing: i ran a few tests: 1) it does produce a change, but 2) that change is very very small
17:06.02NokiabotGet that on website asap
17:06.39DocScrutinizer51wpwrak: stylus sensor in block diagram?
17:06.44wpwrakfirst one:
17:07.01wpwrak(block diagram) no, it's not there yet
17:07.23wpwraki was making tests to see how capacitive sensing would work
17:07.35DocScrutinizer51it  been Nik's baby, he'll love to find it in BD
17:07.47wpwrakused anelok for it, the alternating triangle pattern
17:08.06DocScrutinizer51ok, prolly we should use mechanicalswitch
17:08.46DocScrutinizer51mounted to backof daughter board
17:09.03NokiabotWpwrak:why not some mangnetic sensor as an average user can easily fit a thin wire nicely in the groove at stylus tip and it would also look good  while no need to bother for diff stylus:)
17:09.08wpwrakso, the png above shows: 50 ksamples idle (noise, thermal effects), then stylus placed on pad (separated from pcb by ~1 mm of plastic), then stylus on pad
17:10.02DocScrutinizer51mobile here, will check later
17:10.33wpwrakthen around 150 k, i removed the stylus, waited until ~220 k, then brought the hand near the sensor pad. at a distance of about 10-5 cm (moved it a bit closer towards the end)
17:11.05wpwrak2nd run (well, that was actually the first):
17:11.50wpwrakidle, stylus, idle again, stylus, idle, and then i actually touched the pad
17:13.12wpwrakso from this is seems that capacitive sensing may sometimes work but it may not be very reliable: unrelated environmental effects would be just as strong as the signal you're trying to detect
17:14.34DocScrutinizer51mech switch it is then
17:14.40wpwrakalso, there's the issue of drift: even in those short runs (100 k samples correspond to about 30 seconds), the DC offset varies by about as much as the amplitude change stylus presence causes
17:15.23DocScrutinizer51you madeyour point :)
17:15.25wpwraki'd use IR, but yes, anything other than cap is better :)
17:15.45wpwrak(wow, that was surprisingly easy :)
17:16.04DocScrutinizer51IR  actually has the issue about dirt/dust and eats power too
17:16.45DocScrutinizer51needs a 103
17:16.53wpwrak(power) would depend if we can operate it with a low duty cycle
17:16.55wpwrak103 ?
17:17.02DocScrutinizer51for those who know
17:17.19wpwrak10 kOhm resistor ?
17:17.34DocScrutinizer51liquid stuff
17:17.53DocScrutinizer51afk bbl
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17:56.30DocScrutinizer05ok, let's see :-)
17:57.15DocScrutinizer05yeah, that's useless S/N
17:59.16DocScrutinizer05nokiabot's suggestion to use magnetic has some appeal but it still needs modifications and I'm not sure I want to do these nor do I plan to run a helpline to assist users in doing such mod to stylus. Also that type of magnetic sensor usually doesn't come "for free" regarding energy consumption
18:00.37DocScrutinizer05note to self: make sure our vibra motor has "static" magnetic properties, not changing depending on position of moving parts. Otherwise compass calibration becomes a nightmare
18:01.16DocScrutinizer05should make a ticket out of this
18:02.56DocScrutinizer05btw my stylii I just checked all have no slot
18:03.21DocScrutinizer05or "groove"
18:04.17DocScrutinizer05oooh, that one. No we need to keep that one since it is used by a spring loaded lever that snaps in there to fix the stylus in place
18:06.10DocScrutinizer05I pondered to use movement of that lever to engage a magnetic (or mechanical) switch, but it's too complicated and movement not exactly large enough for simple detection
18:11.17wpwrak(vibra) so that means fixed magnets and rotating coils. -> must not brushless, right ?
18:12.57wpwrak"Precious Metal Brush" ... sounds brushful :)
18:13.33DocScrutinizer05yeah, brushless is prolly a KO criterion
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18:14.09wpwrakit's also "coreless" -> no iron
18:14.14DocScrutinizer05need to check what Nik found and posted today, about vibra alternative
18:15.11wpwrakyou mean this one ?
18:19.28DocScrutinizer05yep, "precious metal brush", "coreless", "3 poles". Should be absolutely OK
18:20.14DocScrutinizer05Max operating Volatge: 3.4V however...
18:20.24wpwrakit does sound good. can't quite mentally picture a coreless motor with the description i found on wikipedia, but "less iron" sounds good in any case :)
18:21.28wpwrakwhere's a 0.9 V bandgap whe you need one ? :)
18:22.11wpwrakwell, it's 100 mA. how much oomph does our 3.3 V rail have ?
18:23.47DocScrutinizer05no way, needs to go straight to Vbatt
18:24.05DocScrutinizer05get a 0.7V bandgap
18:24.14DocScrutinizer05ganble on the rest
18:24.20DocScrutinizer05gamble even
18:24.32DocScrutinizer05we're operating it from PWM anyway
18:25.24DocScrutinizer05also it's max 0.8V, Vbatt is 4V20 max
18:26.10DocScrutinizer05and we have Ron of driver chip as well
18:26.38DocScrutinizer05prlly in the 30mR range ;-P
18:27.09DocScrutinizer05damn those mosfets ;-P
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18:27.43mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: a quick question before placing a pledge above 100 euros, how is shipping handled? :)
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18:28.42DocScrutinizer05for now "as good as it gets, and according to what customers ask for"
18:29.39DocScrutinizer05depending on destination we might not be able to cover warranty for loss on shipment, when you insist in a method that doesn't include insurance
18:30.16DocScrutinizer05worst case we pay back when we can't find a way to deliver that you and Neo900 UG would agree on
18:30.34mvaenskaei assume shipping is paid by the people pacing an order, correct?
18:30.47DocScrutinizer05actually a non-issue for Europe and western world
18:31.01DocScrutinizer05yes, shipping is paid by customer
18:31.22DocScrutinizer05we ship "your way" you pay
18:31.47mvaenskaeoh, an interesting question for people living in switzerland, how is tax handled?
18:31.56DocScrutinizer05we might include a certain amount for "standard shipping method" into the sales price
18:32.30DocScrutinizer05we don't pay any taxes that your customs ask for. We need to pay VAT for shipping to Europe
18:33.28DocScrutinizer05detals about all that yet to get decided on
18:34.37mvaenskaehm, alright, i guess tax will increase it another 100 bucks or so for me then D: welp, can't help it :)
18:45.26wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: if "western world" includes, say, argentina, venezuela, cuba, then i wouldn't be so sure about "no problem" ...
18:46.13mvaenskaeargentina has an embargo?!
18:46.56wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: (VAT for europe) that's EU, right ? i.e., you pay VAT for places where the recipient doesn't have to pay anything. and you don't pay VAT for places where customs make the recipient pay customs fees and taxes, which include whatever sort of VAT applies in that place
18:47.51wpwrakmvaenskae: sort of a self-inflicted embargo: out of fear that "hard" foreign currency would leave the country through purchases and such, the government has imposed fairly insane restrictions on imports
18:48.21DocScrutinizer05argentina, venezuela, cuba are not western world, they are third world ;-P
18:48.28mvaenskaecool story, great idea, 10/10 would recommend to russia
18:48.43wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: not yet, but working on it :)
18:50.02wpwrakmvaenskae: consequences: people get the message and trust the local currency even less; industry can't get materials either -> whole production lines stop or companies shut down completely; potential investors have a look at the mess - and take their money elsewhere
18:50.36wpwrakbut for a government that doesn't understand the concept on incentives, that's probably all very confusing and unexpectable
18:50.52wpwrak#s/ on / of /
18:51.34mvaenskaeand even if they understood, they rather stay rich themselves and starve the population that give them any chance to become powerful themselves
18:54.31wpwrakwell, in argentina you have both sides: those who have and are at risk of losing, and those who have not and saw some glimpse of prosperity, but are now at risk of losing as well
18:55.17DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: (VAT for europe) AIUI yes
18:56.02wpwrakso as long as both sides don't understand that it hurts everyone, you can play them against each other. but more and more people are figuring out what's in store for them ...
18:57.19DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: trailong / missing
18:57.34mvaenskaeah, right
18:59.35DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: 1 year til elections that kick female down the street all the way stright to venecuela?
19:00.46DocScrutinizer05or is argentinian people stupid enough to give her another term?
19:01.17DocScrutinizer05or will elections be obsolete until then?
19:03.33mvaenskaewhat is this word "election" you speak of?
19:04.10DocScrutinizer05by then?
19:04.22DocScrutinizer05pardon my french! gets better every week
19:05.21DocScrutinizer05falling for more and more false friends in english the older I get
19:05.47wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: she cna't run for a 3rd term unless they change the constitution
19:05.59DocScrutinizer05prlly my german language brain slowly takes over for english
19:06.25DocScrutinizer05keeping some relics that interfere then
19:07.06DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: and least light at the end of the tunnel. But will you get her sister then?
19:07.34DocScrutinizer05brother, son, other relative
19:09.13wpwrakfor the next elections, there seem to be three main candidates: macri (right-conservative, currently mayor of the city of buenos aires), massa (somewhat fuzzy, could be anything from neocon to neonazi, currently head of the commune of tigre, a wealthy area in the buenos aires province), and scioli (faithful companion of the current government, currently governor of the buenos aires province)
19:10.39wpwrakmy favourite would be macri. a) government policies have been left-populist for the last 12 years and it's high time to make the pendulum swing back, and b) he seems to know how to run a good team.
19:11.09wpwrakif massa makes it, we'd have to see what happens. if scioli wins, i'll run.
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19:13.26wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: she has a kids, yes. also the extended family has obtained posts in the administration. there is no word for "nepotism" in argentina spanish. her daughter doesn't seem to be very interested in politics. her son is, but he's commonly perceived as, erm, not the brightest candle in the chandelier
19:16.08DocScrutinizer05I guess she has her economical stuff sorted, to put it that way. And since she can't do really much to enforce her ideology any longer, maybe she silently vanishes with her whole nepotism club? Well scratch the last part, won't happen
19:16.13mvaenskaewpwrak: well, he most likely isn't a wicked man then
19:17.00DocScrutinizer05what say polls?
19:17.28wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: any of the three could win
19:18.17DocScrutinizer05how's that?
19:18.49wpwrakmvaenskae: since when did stupidity exclude evil ? :)
19:18.57DocScrutinizer05high uncertainty/fluctuation? Or does teh best guy win, no matter with even 34%?
19:19.50mvaenskaewpwrak: you said he wasn't the brightest candle of the chanelier, so he must not be wicked
19:19.51DocScrutinizer05or whatever is the simple majority of your elections, maybe there are 10 candidates then 11% might be enough already
19:20.03mvaenskaebad pun is bad :(
19:20.42wpwrakmvaenskae: aah. gut it ;-)
19:20.42DocScrutinizer05quite spirited
19:21.03mvaenskaewpwrak: you might be executed for treason now in argentina :D
19:21.51wpwrakelections work like this: a) there's the "internals", an election where each party can present multiple candidates and the one with the most votes then is the champion of the party
19:22.41wpwrakb) then there's the first round. if someone gets more than 50%, that candidate wins. else, there's a 2nd round
19:23.00mvaenskaeyou just can't gut the firstborn of the current head of country
19:23.03DocScrutinizer05south american "democracy" ?
19:23.06wpwrakc) in the 2nd round, the two best of the 1st round fight it out among each other
19:23.31DocScrutinizer05d) the winnder takes it all
19:23.32wpwrakmvaenskae: now there's an idea ... :)
19:24.17wpwrak(any of the three could make it) here's the latest infogram:
19:24.58wpwrakmacri is currently on the rise, but that may be a temporary effect
19:25.15DocScrutinizer05clear indicator of people completely fed up with politics. And rightly so
19:26.03wpwrakwell, that. and a very heterogenous voting population
19:27.05DocScrutinizer05when are elections?
19:27.23wpwrakmassa is basically "law and order". macri is "governance prosperity". scioli is "social and cosy"
19:27.35DocScrutinizer05(elections PFFF. Sounds like "vote your dictator")
19:27.41wpwrakin about a year. lemme check ....
19:27.50mvaenskaecan one get the selection of "none of the above, new candidates"
19:27.54wpwrak(pick your dictator) yes, that's basically how it works here
19:27.59mvaenskaeTHAT IS NEEDED!
19:28.13wpwrakmvaenskae: you don't want #4 or #5 ;-)
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19:28.52mvaenskaewhy not? linux is not the #1 operating system of the world
19:29.21DocScrutinizer05"Herr Ober, ein neues Publikum bitte!"
19:29.23mvaenskaeand #? is neo900 on the success scale of commercial erm... 'phones'?
19:30.10DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: simple! just shoot them all
19:30.30mvaenskaethat would make wonderful entertainment
19:30.43DocScrutinizer05(just kidding)
19:31.03DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: honestly, you need a new constitution
19:31.27DocScrutinizer05with real relational elections
19:31.37wpwrakthe elections will be october 15. the primaries (the "internal" ones) will be in august. not sure when the 2nd round will be. maybe a week later or so. lemme check...
19:32.12DocScrutinizer05with a parliament elected by people
19:32.43DocScrutinizer05note one idiot rules, whatever the party he came from
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19:33.28DocScrutinizer05"pick your dictator" never pans out
19:33.43DocScrutinizer05unless terms are shorter than one year
19:33.47DocScrutinizer05and even then...
19:34.05DocScrutinizer05see USA
19:34.12DocScrutinizer05a total mess
19:34.22mvaenskaei rather if there is an important decision to make EVERYONE is obligated to vote on it AFTER getting a proper education on th subject
19:34.25DocScrutinizer05and there the president is kinda controlled by congress
19:35.00wpwrak(2nd round) about three weeks later, it seems (if it's like in 2003)
19:35.12DocScrutinizer05Russia all the same
19:36.00mvaenskaeevery country is DocScrutinizer05
19:36.00DocScrutinizer05dictators are no good, and they tend to have their tricks to stay "in charge" as long as they like
19:36.16DocScrutinizer05no, I'm not any country
19:36.47wpwrakyes, there aren't enough dictators like cincinnatus
19:36.56mvaenskaeyou are not? :o
19:37.05DocScrutinizer05usually two terms are already enough for them to do whatever they like, and finialize it
19:37.20mvaenskaetwo terms of 4 years each is way too long
19:37.52wpwrakwell, argentina had a president like that: duhalde. he took over after the collapse in 2001/2002 and held elections in 2003, as promised. but people hate him anyway.
19:38.54DocScrutinizer05German President is a relatively irrelevant person/position
19:39.17DocScrutinizer05it#s about who makes the laws
19:39.28DocScrutinizer05that position is the only one that counts
19:39.59DocScrutinizer05(unless laws are irrelevant by themselves, then you are in a really troubled country, aka in Russia)
19:40.23mvaenskaethe US would have been a better example
19:40.41wpwrakthe ruling party also has a majority in congress. so executive and legislative speak with one voice.
19:41.25DocScrutinizer05In USA laws are very important, just nobody understands them and only judges have the power to tell what they actually mean
19:41.30wpwrakand they've been hard at work to infiltrate the judiciary as well
19:41.51wpwrakseparation of powers = separate them from those who had them and hold them in one hand :)
19:42.50DocScrutinizer05yeah, fime. So you once had a semi-decent constitution that got perverted by government. Not unusual
19:43.37DocScrutinizer05the question after next elections will be if that perversion can get reverted
19:44.02DocScrutinizer05but usually it just gets changed in favor of the one dude in charge
19:49.32wpwrakyeah, changes to the constitution are usually bad news
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