IRC log for #neo900 on 20140703

00:00.00wpwraknice margin :)
00:03.20wpwrakspec like this ?
00:04.30DocScrutinizer51web! meh
00:04.46wpwrakoh, sorry ;-)
00:04.57DocScrutinizer51microB sucks, just a bit
00:05.11wpwrakis looking for a suitable gopher server ...
00:05.16DocScrutinizer51256MB ram
00:05.22wpwrakmicroB ? or AB ?
00:05.43wpwrakor maybe you're talking about something else :)
00:06.18DocScrutinizer51microB is N900 std webbrowser
00:07.27DocScrutinizer51I could use opera, but whatever I do, the ram and swapping makes it a sucking experience
00:09.18DocScrutinizer51fremantle is much better than android on that, but 256MB is just too little
00:10.12wpwraksigh, what happened to the good old days when we ran linux in 4 MB but had to upgrade to 8 MB if we wanted these fancy graphics, with X11 and all those luxuries ...
00:10.13ShadowJK(opening that link caused 0 swapping on my n900)
00:11.51DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: got lazy with the years
00:12.20DocScrutinizer51and old ;-P
00:12.23dos1lynx opened that wihout any problem! ;)
00:12.32FIQwhat is shared/buffers/cache and why isn't it present in N900's free?
00:12.35dos1+ no swapping :D
00:13.32ShadowJKbusybox free doesn't show it
00:13.46FIQMem:        513620     397844     115776          0      13840     222984
00:13.46FIQ-/+ buffers/cache:     161020     352600
00:13.46FIQSwap:       128400      16696     111704
00:13.47ShadowJKcat /proc/meminfo for (almost) everything
00:13.54DocScrutinizer51notices he has accidentally closed xtern 3 days ago
00:14.04FIQDocScrutinizer05, nice
00:14.12DocScrutinizer51fuck messybox!
00:14.57FIQTotal:       642020       414532       227488
00:15.05FIQoutput from "busybox free"
00:15.14FIQit does show buffers :P
00:15.18FIQmaybe a newer version
00:15.19DocScrutinizer51proper bash and unix tools FTW
00:16.02FIQyeah, coreutils>busybox
00:16.30DocScrutinizer51first 5 keys after opening xterm:
00:17.16FIQI had bash by default for a while
00:17.22FIQbut it messed with some stuff
00:17.32FIQlike the installer for cssu
00:17.48FIQso I just made it a habit to "bash(enter)" asap
00:17.49wpwrakso .. is it okay ?
00:17.55DocScrutinizer51yeah, maemo depends on messybox bugs
00:19.48DocScrutinizer51wpwrak: I can open the pasyebin but not check
00:20.11DocScrutinizer51sounds kinda okish
00:20.32wpwrakperfect, thanks
00:21.04wpwrakfor reference, the 47590-0001 looks like this:
00:21.19DocScrutinizer51no way
00:21.30FIQso I heard about a blocksheet of the neo900 pcb
00:21.34FIQdid I hear wrong?
00:21.40wpwrakthere are also two nice long legs at the rear side, not visible in the picture
00:21.41DocScrutinizer513.xN screen
00:21.56wpwrak640x640 pixels :)
00:22.14wpwrakhere's 200x200:
00:22.45wpwrakFIQ: we're working on it :)
00:23.33FIQDocScrutinizer05, how much money transferred so far?
00:23.35DocScrutinizer51sorry, my xchat doesn't offer to open this as URL
00:23.53wpwrak ?
00:23.54FIQmine does
00:24.00FIQhexchat though
00:24.38wpwrakit's the damn chromium url copy bug. they cleverly decided to "trim" urls when you copy them, like they do when displaying them
00:24.39DocScrutinizer51wpwrak: looks good
00:24.54FIQI hate that
00:24.59DocScrutinizer51and took 8 s to load and render
00:25.10wpwrakfixed in more recent versions of chromium, but ubuntu are taking their own sweet time to catch up
00:25.27FIQDocScrutinizer05, what are you on, 56k?
00:25.39wpwrak300 bps, acoustic-coupler ? :)
00:25.56FIQwpwrak, typical ubuntu
00:26.07DocScrutinizer51seems 2.5G
00:26.30FIQso 56k wasn't too far off
00:27.23DocScrutinizer51also 2nd beer, and duuuude it tates good
00:27.43wpwrakhehe ;-)
00:27.53FIQwpwrak, what version is ubuntu on @chromium?
00:28.42DocScrutinizer51luckily rhose greek are tolerant to geeks in their pub
00:29.18wpwrakFIQ: 34.0.1847.116
00:29.32FIQnot too far behind
00:29.59wpwrakthe bug is fixed in 35, i think. so i'm hoping every day for some security issue that forces an upgrade :)
00:30.38wpwraknow ... the LED situation ...
00:32.39DocScrutinizer51LEDs are great
00:33.33FIQthe more, the merri(christmas)er
00:34.00DocScrutinizer51...and I anounced 3color kbd backlight
00:34.43FIQwasn't kbd supposed to be full RGB? :D
00:35.04DocScrutinizer51that'a it
00:35.13wpwrakwants RGBX ;-)
00:35.27wpwrakX-ray :)
00:35.30DocScrutinizer517bucks BOM
00:36.08FIQhow much money transferred so far?
00:36.15FIQ200 devices re-achieved\
00:36.35wpwrakwonders how many of the fancy gadget will survive the first shocking priced BOM :)
00:36.39DocScrutinizer51see backscroll
00:36.55wpwrak26 kEUR
00:37.19DocScrutinizer51some 130
00:37.37DocScrutinizer51I'm about to resign
00:37.37FIQso min order still not fulfulled
00:38.05wpwrakfrom what ?
00:38.31DocScrutinizer51we NEED 200 preorders
00:38.55wpwrakthere's still an unknown and probably non-zero number of pending donations at GDC. alas, it seems that a lot of people haven't reacted yet.
00:39.10FIQod you know how much has been refunded back?
00:39.17FIQi.e. disappeared donations
00:40.02DocScrutinizer51a good question to ask to Nik
00:41.28DocScrutinizer51we already seen 3 re-donations of refunds
00:43.02DocScrutinizer51yesterday adozen+ transfers cane in
00:43.24wpwrakwith what we have, we should have no problems making V2, even if there's some risk-buy involved. if there's a lot of risk-buy, we should make an announcement that the "donate EUR >= 100 and your device is secure" period is ending. but i think this can still wait, though not for very long.
00:44.21wpwrakone V2 is on its way, we can make a "last call", give people some time to react, then see if things look friendly
00:45.10FIQhow much things still needs to be done?
00:46.52wpwrakFIQ: well, the V2 specification needs to be finalized. this is what we're doing now. then schematics need to be updated for it. then reviewed. then layout. again, review. then pcb-making and assembly. in parallel, sourcing.
00:47.42wpwrakFIQ: V2 will basically be a functional board (we hope :) that doesn't have the CPU and things in its immediate vicinity (companion chip, memories, etc.)
00:47.52DocScrutinizer51wpwrak: you should ahre a link to block diagram
00:48.16wpwrakinstead, an external board (beagle or such) will provide the "brain"
00:48.55wpwrakthis is done to permit the use of a simpler PCB that's not as expensive (and possibly slow to make) as a board than can host the CPU
00:49.28wpwrakwith that we should be able to test almost all of the peripherals: switches, sensors, leds, radios, ...
00:50.38wpwrakdepending on how this goes, we can then decide what to do next. maybe we'll need another similar board spin, to fix bugs. maybe we're confident and do the next one already with cpu et al.
00:50.49wpwrakmodem \in radios :)
00:51.18FIQ1GB RAM? I thought neo900 would get 512MB
00:51.19wpwrak(test peripherals) also mechanical compatibility with the case, etc. bunch of things.
00:51.31FIQguess I mis-understood earlier
00:52.52DocScrutinizer51we found what we hope will be 1GB
00:52.54wpwrakDocScrutinizer51: (block diagram) yes, i think when we're doing with the v2 spec, i can publish the PDF. next i'll clean up the hover texts, which are a mess now (i use them like "post-it"s, with broken links and so on)
00:53.46wpwraktraffic reduction :)
00:55.37DocScrutinizer51dang, burned half of N900s battery
00:56.27wpwrakalso need to add the legend. that'll take some tweaking of the tools, which currently assume every box is some sort of subsystem. well, nothing major.
00:58.02wpwrak(IR LED) spec like this ?   2) IR LED and driver (just transistor(s) ?) are in. We don't really care what they are, they just "have to work" :)
00:58.17wpwrakwonders what reaction this will produce :)
00:59.03wpwrakprolly either "yes, i have EXACTLY what we need" (90%), or "hey !" (10%)
00:59.45wpwrakdo we want to say anything about connecting to UART.TX ?
01:00.07DocScrutinizer51heading home
01:00.34wpwrakUART3.TX mayhaps. (for the IrDA)
01:01.48wpwrakCIR may actually be more interesting, since we're unidirectional anyway
01:07.45wpwrakfascinating. in CIR mode, TX is on CTS. why, TI, why ?
01:11.07wpwrakSPRUGN4R pages 2881/2882
01:11.31DocScrutinizer05we might want to have a good few beers on a saturday afternoon to finalice IRdA and CIR and UART3
01:11.32wpwrakwell, i guess one can just wire-or them, and let software decide
01:12.11DocScrutinizer05you know my GTA04 specs?
01:12.24DocScrutinizer05*my* GTA04
01:12.58DocScrutinizer05a lot of the good stuff is already there ;-)
01:13.14wpwrak(beers) actually, i would suggest that you and nik each print their schematics and stuff, then meet to go over every part/subsystem in the block diagram, to make sure there's no misunderstanding
01:13.32wpwrak(gta04 specs) naw, don't remember them
01:14.01wpwrakand it's good if the good stuff is making it ;-)
01:17.14wpwrakso ... shall i say anything about how to connect IR ? if yes, how much ? is hw-supported CIR (RC5 et al.) a use case ?
01:18.06wpwrakthe only use case i personally may find relevant i see so far would be raw UART TX over IR. not sure how well this actually works, though.
01:18.20DocScrutinizer05you should read that pdf ;-)
01:18.40wpwrakyes, there you also have a receiver. but we won't have that, will we ?
01:18.53DocScrutinizer05we will
01:19.25DocScrutinizer05we use IrDA module in parallel to high power CIR wavelength IR LED
01:19.34wpwrakso much for "do whatever" ....
01:20.41wpwrakit's a lot of specification that just popped up from nowhere :)
01:21.06wpwrakokay, so we'll have an IR transmitter (CIR) plus an IrDA transceiver
01:21.16DocScrutinizer05Nik seems to have some dedicated idea about how IrDA works and how it's not working on OMAP. We need to listen
01:21.24wpwrakboth not sharing the LED
01:21.29wpwrakah, i see
01:22.33DocScrutinizer05don't feel scard by the 14 pages, 50% is cruft
01:23.00wpwraki just looked at IR ;-)
01:23.44wpwrakso for IR, we pass the ball to Nik. with "want: IrDA, CIR. tell us what you think"
01:24.07DocScrutinizer05anyway, it has *all* the weird ideas of which 90% are idiocy. But the working hypothesis for this GTA04 project (predating any GDC GTA04 project) been "nothing is too crazy"
01:24.48DocScrutinizer05I have a pretty clear idea re IrDA/CIR
01:24.49wpwrakat openmoko, a very reasonable assumption :)
01:26.56wpwrak--More-- ?
01:27.08DocScrutinizer05we exploit UART3 which is tagged "IrDA" on TI OMAP specs. We get a second powerful CIR LED in parallel since IrDA sucks big time for CIR. And we allow console that's on UART3 anyway to "morse" 19800baud photon beam during boot, via IrDA and CIR
01:28.31wpwrakso this needs ... IR LED + driver (transistor or such), an IrDA transceiver, and some logic to connect TX and CTS when in "naked UART" mode
01:28.39DocScrutinizer05we may want a NAND gate or whatever to disable IR when not needed
01:28.59DocScrutinizer05UART3 is also on hacker bus
01:29.41wpwraki see a lot of 74xx1G gates :)
01:29.48DocScrutinizer053 maybe
01:29.54wpwrakyeah, something like that
01:32.44wpwraklet's see what the issues are ... 1) sharing of RX, IrDA vs. HB. 2) injection of TX into CTS, for "naked UART". 3) CTS direction reversal (it's normally an input but becomes an output for CIR). 4) make sure HB activity doesn't cause IR activity on TX/CTS/RTS.
01:33.21DocScrutinizer05well, HB only works when IrDA disabled
01:33.35DocScrutinizer052) nobrainer
01:33.51wpwrakwhat if something is connected to HB ? will it have to be disconnected to use IR ?
01:33.57DocScrutinizer053) we never use CTS as input
01:34.21DocScrutinizer054) is a feature, no bug
01:34.29wpwrakUART uses CTS as input. so HB will only have TX/RX, not CTS/RTS ?
01:34.58DocScrutinizer05sorry, I rather do this in eagle than verbatim in here
01:35.08DocScrutinizer05it's dead simple
01:35.27DocScrutinizer05and doesn't add either to BOM or to complexity
01:36.12DocScrutinizer05we need 1 or 2 GPIO for enabling stuff. And we need a few gates
01:36.20DocScrutinizer05a driver FET
01:36.26DocScrutinizer05that's it basically
01:36.35wpwrakah, and is there a large enough window for IR LED + IrDA ?
01:36.52DocScrutinizer05I'm honestly not happy with describing such stuff verbally
01:37.06DocScrutinizer05that's agood question
01:37.25DocScrutinizer05we need to take care for window being large enough
01:37.41DocScrutinizer05the window is...
01:38.23DocScrutinizer05like 5x5mm
01:39.02wpwrakah, and will CIR also have a receiver ? or none ? or will it use the IrDA transceiver ?
01:39.06DocScrutinizer05*should* suffice if we're no squareheads
01:39.17DocScrutinizer05uses IrDA
01:39.27wpwrak5x5 mm is pretty large
01:39.54DocScrutinizer05we don't support proper CIR RX, only for learning purposes, which means <5cm distance
01:40.16wpwrakyeah, doesn't have to be fancy
01:40.25DocScrutinizer05on 5cm IrDA works just fine for CIR wavelength
01:40.49DocScrutinizer05we're not building a TV ;-)
01:41.19DocScrutinizer05when somebody needs remote control for Neo900: please use BT or WLAN
01:41.32DocScrutinizer05CIR RX no!
01:41.52wpwrakwonders if anyone will actually go through the trouble of using this. i could never bother to teach any of the IR-capable critters i had in the heydays of IR to act as remotes ...
01:42.28DocScrutinizer05meh, there are several users who adore pierogi(?)
01:42.50DocScrutinizer05we got IrDA anyway
01:43.12DocScrutinizer05we will (ab)use it for learning, no question
01:43.46wpwrakok. HB has RX, TX, RTS, CTS ?
01:43.51DocScrutinizer05so that's: IrDA module + CIR wavelength high power LED
01:44.15DocScrutinizer05(HB) sth like that. plus a lot more of course
01:44.53DocScrutinizer05seen my suggestion to run HB via uSD breakout board B2GB directly from UPPER?
01:45.38DocScrutinizer05peels a banana
01:46.09wpwraki may have heard of it. no opinion so far. the whole HB concept is a bit suspicious to me. i prefer UBB. no soldering in the device, just plug it in and be happy ;-)
01:47.08DocScrutinizer05soldering in device?????????????
01:47.12DocScrutinizer05NO WAY!
01:47.33wpwrakah, so HB has a connector ?
01:47.35DocScrutinizer05pogo pins are geek
01:47.52DocScrutinizer05and *maybe* even a flex connector
01:47.55wpwrakhmm, okay. $$$
01:48.10DocScrutinizer05not our $$$
01:48.28wpwraki'll just stick with UBB. proven technology ;-)
01:48.51DocScrutinizer05when the pogos sit on any extension board and contact to pads on uSD breakout PCB...
01:50.21wpwrakhow do you ensure proper positioning of Neo900 and external board ?
01:50.29DocScrutinizer05but we *might* have a second feature for hacking: flex we deliver, that connects to aperture under battery and runs around battery to "outside" and there we solder a MCU onto the flex, and a prottyping area
01:51.18DocScrutinizer05(positioning) place your extension into battery cover exactly like shown in thisistheway.pdf
01:52.05wpwrakwhat provides the holding force ?
01:52.11DocScrutinizer05btw Jolla has pogos ;-P
01:52.46DocScrutinizer05the battery cover is pretty tighly sitting there
01:55.24DocScrutinizer05of course there *might* be too little free space to add a PCB under that cover. But we got Mugen cover, and endsormeans' awesome moose stuff
01:55.26wpwrakah, i see. but then the board has to be either completely internal or needs an FPC to connect to the outside ? or is there some gap for more DIY-friendly cables ?
01:56.17DocScrutinizer05when you want to go from inside N(eo)900 to outside, you need to mill a slot somewhere
01:56.43wpwrakis uSD accessible from the outside ?
01:56.46DocScrutinizer05we won't offer 2holes"
01:57.00wpwrakdamn ! :-(
01:57.24DocScrutinizer05that's why battery lid has a magnet ;-P
01:57.48DocScrutinizer05and the Hall is labeled "uSD insert" OWTTE
01:58.13DocScrutinizer05you NEED a N900!!!!
02:02.04*** join/#neo900 infobot (
02:02.04*** topic/#neo900 is | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | 12-14 50035EUR, 232 units | 01-17 60kEUR, 300 units | 02-28 333 units, 70k€ | 03-28 350 units, 400 donations, 73555€ | 0501 360 410 75k
02:02.04*** mode/#neo900 [+v infobot] by ChanServ
02:02.19DocScrutinizer05already back
02:06.25*** join/#neo900 infobot (
02:06.25*** topic/#neo900 is | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | 12-14 50035EUR, 232 units | 01-17 60kEUR, 300 units | 02-28 333 units, 70k€ | 03-28 350 units, 400 donations, 73555€ | 0501 360 410 75k
02:06.25*** mode/#neo900 [+v infobot] by ChanServ
02:07.02DocScrutinizer05meh, we don't intergate breakout boards into device
02:07.41wpwrakyou plug this into uSD (right side). attach ribbon cable or circuit as desired (left side)
02:07.56DocScrutinizer05useless ballast
02:08.10wpwrakyou should know it well from #qi-hardware :)
02:08.38wpwrak0 ballast. all you need is an externally accessible uSD holder
02:08.57DocScrutinizer05sure, you'll get that when eMMC becomes a 2nd uSD
02:09.15DocScrutinizer05see above
02:09.17wpwrakperfect :)
02:09.59DocScrutinizer05[2014-07-03 Thu 03:59:18] <DocScrutinizer05> slot-in
02:11.14DocScrutinizer05I guess we can perfectly place such slot-in uSD on upper side of spacer frame
02:11.31DocScrutinizer05no problems with fat USB plugs
02:11.44DocScrutinizer05close kbd slider to swap uSD
02:13.18DocScrutinizer05just wonders if the 8bit databus eMMC interface is compatible to UHS uSD
02:14.01DocScrutinizer05IOW: can OMAP MMC2(?) drive UHS?
02:14.24DocScrutinizer05ShadowJK: ^^^?
02:15.14DocScrutinizer05I want a *FAST* "eMMC"
02:15.30DocScrutinizer05no cheesy 12MB/s
02:17.34DocScrutinizer05I won't swap eMMC for a uSD with 4bit-25MHz interface
02:17.50wpwrakhmm, if the "new" uSD is more external than the "old" uSD, perhaps the old should be MMC2 (N900: eMMC) and the new MMC1 (N900: uSD) ?
02:18.14DocScrutinizer05that's an easy change :-)
02:18.21wpwrakindeed :)
02:18.51DocScrutinizer05what's not so easy: investigate if OMAP3 MMC2 can dribe UHS
02:22.43DocScrutinizer05anyway... make your diagram available to community! we don't expect perfection, we want to watch progress ;-)
02:23.54DocScrutinizer05a good plan (or diagram ;-D) today is better than a perfect one tomorrow
02:24.39DocScrutinizer05or, since you're more a sw-guy: release early, release often!
02:28.49wpwrakthey only mention UHS timing at two places. don't explicitly claim compatibility.
02:30.05wpwrakMMC1: up to 48 MHZ (OPP100), 4 bit. so that's more like SDHC.
02:37.31wpwrakMMC2/3: also up to 48 MHz (OPP100), 8 bit (seems that SD the DM3730 claims compatibility with only goes to 4 bits, MMC can do 8). seems that there's no DDR.
02:38.45wpwrakso that seems to be roughly SD/SDHC/SDXC "High Speed" or UHS-I SDR25.
02:39.34DocScrutinizer05good enough
02:39.53DocScrutinizer05we might want to friggin trst this, in protoV2 ;-)
02:40.08DocScrutinizer05test, even
02:40.59DocScrutinizer05seems I need to get that XXXXXX beagleboard schematics
02:42.52DocScrutinizer05sure OMAP doesn't claim 8bit uSD compliance. I guess that didn't exist when the datasheet got published
02:43.19DocScrutinizer05the questin is more like: can uSD UHS do SDR?
02:44.08wpwrakprobably. since already SDHC has it.
02:44.34DocScrutinizer05well, for sure it can do legacy 4bit uSD SDHC
02:44.48DocScrutinizer05but can it do EIGHTBIT
02:45.03wpwrakah, no idea
02:45.39DocScrutinizer05seems the interface on SoC cand do DDR
02:45.48DocScrutinizer05not to ask for QDR
02:46.23wpwraki didn't see DDR mentioned in TI's docs, correct
02:46.32wpwrakmaybe if you bit-bang really fast ;-)
02:46.33DocScrutinizer05QDR no way
02:47.14DocScrutinizer05tbh I got NFC how QDR works
02:47.38DocScrutinizer05DDR is on rising and falling edge of clock, iirc
02:47.49wpwrakwell, i did VGA out on the lowly ben nanonote with UBB ... ;-) for 1024x768, i had to use the MMC controller, though. couldn't bitbang it that fast.
02:48.49DocScrutinizer05................................. dooooooot .... no connection ...................... dooooooooot ......................
02:48.59wpwrakQDR seems to be cheating anyway. see
02:50.24wpwrakit's basically DDR, but with read/write path separated. so IFF you 1) want to read AND write at the same time, AND 2) both are on compatible locations, AND 3) you're bursting, THEN you can go up to 4x SDR speed
02:50.46wpwrakif you're just reading and writing, it's no faster than DDR.
02:52.24wpwrakUHS-II seems to do the same. plus a "bundling" mode where the bus (i.e., both sides) is unidirectional
03:08.16DocScrutinizer51hmm, good enough to give it a closer look
03:14.49DocScrutinizer512nd really fast uSD of virtually unlimited size, instead of 32GB eMMC, that would *really* be a salling point
03:17.55DocScrutinizer51I start to wonder if we actually might want a USB hub on internal USB. Seems attaching a USB uSD-UHS2 adapter shouldn't be too hard
03:23.33wpwrakthere's a root hub inside the DM3730
03:23.54wpwrakwe have 1 x USB OTG and 2 x USB HS host
03:24.30wpwrakthe root hub has 3 ports, but DM3730 doesn't bring out the 3rd one
03:26.03wpwraki'd be wary of tossing a lot more weird stuff into the system, though. better keep it ... well, i'd say "simple", but it's already very complex. maybe "possible" ? :)
03:27.09wpwrakif we cram every chip we like into the device, it'll be a nightmare to layout, never fully work, and cost as much as a nice new car
03:28.57wpwrakalso, if things go well, then this may open the opportunity to design other things in the future. with less historical burden and more design flexibility. then there will still be many opportunities for adding cool features.
03:30.28wpwrakDocScrutinizer51: (kbd LED) so you still want the MSL0201RGB, i guess ?
03:34.24DocScrutinizer51why not?
03:36.41wpwrakcommon anode:
03:36.41DocScrutinizer51iirc I checked that it's sourcable, not excatly much more expensive tahn white alternatives, small enough, and I found a controller that can handle the config with common electrode
03:37.17wpwrakif we'd want to use these leds, we need ... 3 x TCA6507 plus a boost converter
03:37.43wpwrakanything nicer than TCA6507 ?
03:38.15wpwrakreloads the ticket ...
03:38.38wpwrakthe latest status is either different LEDs or TCA6507
03:39.44DocScrutinizer05meh, I found a way better driver
03:40.22wpwrakhear hear ! :)
03:40.31DocScrutinizer05it's somewhere in mail convo
03:41.11DocScrutinizer05TI chip iirc
03:41.25DocScrutinizer05sth like 9*LED
03:41.41DocScrutinizer05no 'engines' but plain PWM
03:46.09wpwrakoh, looks nice !
03:47.01wpwrakFEATURES: "Audio Synchronization for a Single Fun Light LED" gargh
03:47.17DocScrutinizer05hahaha yeah
03:49.41wpwraknik will hate its BGAishness :)
03:49.43DocScrutinizer054 RGB
03:50.06DocScrutinizer05we can use DIL, and make it a siutcase
03:52.01DocScrutinizer05would also allow for a proper 21" monitor instead this flimsy 3.9" thing ;-P Finally!
03:52.42wpwrakmake it 42". and 3D, please.
03:52.58DocScrutinizer05whatever makes you happy :-)
03:53.46wpwrakphables was yesterday, now comes phelevison !
03:54.20wpwrakjust imagine what battery capacity you could pack into this. enough to jumpstart your tesla :)
03:55.07wpwrakLP55281 like the LED test feature :)
04:04.15DocScrutinizer05we will use one lp5532 and 2 lp55281, and we can have an additional 4 RGB for whatever signalling purposes. I want to place those left and right side of kbd, under a opaque kbd/spacer-frame
04:05.01wpwrakway too small that phone. and too thick, misses the zeitgeist
04:05.17DocScrutinizer05or maybe have two of them shine away from device, at outside of spacer frame
04:05.44DocScrutinizer05so you can see then even when slider closed
04:06.42wpwrakwhy not use a spare channel for the N900 RBG LED ?
04:07.10wpwrakah, wrong polarity
04:07.17DocScrutinizer05because that LED has wrong config for lp55281
04:07.33DocScrutinizer05and lp55281 has no engines, for patterns
04:08.30DocScrutinizer05otherwise we could've used the 6 channels of lp5521 and a single lp55281
04:08.41DocScrutinizer05for the 6 RGB on kbd
04:09.46DocScrutinizer51and we want to keep lp5523m for fremantle
04:34.27DocScrutinizer05LP5523 can even calculate primes
04:35.54DocScrutinizer05the engines are almost turing complete
04:44.08DocScrutinizer05for driving kbd backlight the lp5523 is kinda overkill. For sure reserving engine3 for a silly braindead 100ms fade-in/out is absolute overkill
04:44.42DocScrutinizer05(kbd backlight fade-in/out)
04:45.34DocScrutinizer05also the kernel driver supports ony 50%(+1) of the 96 steps storage in LP5523
04:46.01DocScrutinizer05in a bored hour I will write a patch for this lp5523.ko
04:53.56DocScrutinizer05bzw the lp5523.ko is an excellent example of the "problem2 with nokia's drivers. They all are quite fine, but not "universal", i.e. they stop when they implemented what Nokia needed for that particular pupose. 96 program steps, vars? forget it, wasted manpower
04:54.21DocScrutinizer05same for lis302: the filter config is hardcoded
04:55.36DocScrutinizer05obviously such code shouldn't go upstream
05:04.17wpwrakhmm, TPS22963 (modem power switch) availability doesn't look too hot. why not use the TPS22964 ? it's basically the same but has a "quick discharge" feature. so the modem would be actively drained.
05:05.01wpwrak(hardcoded filter) bwahaha :)
05:16.02DocScrutinizer51we won't use such modem power switch
05:17.33DocScrutinizer51useless cruft, not compliant with our security paradigm
05:24.24wpwrakso only a current monitor, no way to cut power ?
05:25.34DocScrutinizer05why cut power twice?
05:25.44DocScrutinizer05there's a swich inside modem to cut power
05:25.57wpwrakyes, but we don't trust this one, do we ?
05:26.10DocScrutinizer05that's why we monitor it
05:26.25DocScrutinizer05I don't trust an external switch either
05:26.38wpwrakso again, only reactive. hmm. deleting the switch ...
05:27.05wpwrakwell, the external switch has little risk of getting compromised firmware :)
05:27.28DocScrutinizer05but it can fail as well, and *then* you're really in trouble
05:27.59DocScrutinizer05plus it adds ESR which is strictly forbidden for modem
05:29.02DocScrutinizer05we got an emergency-off line on modem, which should be good enough to kill modem instantly
05:29.52DocScrutinizer05for the rest we got our security concept which is not locking down but monitoring
05:30.12wpwrak(ESR) so does the fuel gauge. 20 mOhm in GTA04b7v2wip
05:30.25DocScrutinizer05I know
05:30.37*** join/#neo900 jormungandr (~henry@
05:30.58DocScrutinizer05so what?
05:31.29DocScrutinizer05since gauge does it, we can repeat it another few times? Or remove gauge?
05:31.47wpwrak(emergency-off) should be interesting to see what happens when you receive a "silent SMS" and then try to emergency shut down
05:32.18wpwrak(gauge) naw, but "strictly forbidden" would mean "no exceptions". but we do make an exception there.
05:32.25DocScrutinizer05when you receive a silent SMS, you're ooked in to network
05:33.48DocScrutinizer05I don't see the fool who keeps booked into network but is afraid to find his modem transmit
05:33.50wpwrakhmm, aren't there some devilries that also happen when the modem/phone is supposed to be "off" ?
05:34.14DocScrutinizer05there's no "off" on Neo900
05:34.22DocScrutinizer05off means off means OFF
05:34.45DocScrutinizer05hat's what we do monitoring for
05:35.55wpwraki mean in general. what i wonder is whether the module will honor an "emergency shutdown" if doing something nasty.
05:39.07DocScrutinizer51something nasty would be hard power shutdown while e.g. last booked in cell id gets written to SIM. Can kill your SIM
05:41.18DocScrutinizer51in case moden does something roge, you're supposed to immediately remove battery anyway, and either do proper forensics later or nuke the device with an axe right away
05:42.25DocScrutinizer51you won't recover from "something rogue" by powercycling the mosem
05:44.18DocScrutinizer51how would you know you're just receiving a silent SMS? You only can tell _after_ you received it
05:44.28wpwraknot by cycling, but by having it firmly powered down before it can even try something
05:44.53DocScrutinizer51for that we do monitoring
05:45.36wpwrakmonitoring = burglar alarm. power switch (or something conceptually equivalent) = a solid locked door.
05:45.44wpwrakboth have their role
05:46.16DocScrutinizer51we shut down modem by modem switch
05:46.29DocScrutinizer51off = off
05:46.44wpwrakftwdm = ?
05:47.11wpwrakthe modem switch is like a "do not enter" sign
05:47.12DocScrutinizer51for that we do monitoring
05:47.17wpwrakah :)
05:47.45DocScrutinizer51off = off
05:48.27DocScrutinizer51we're not doing that double lock you suggest
05:48.29wpwrakvery german :) if it's forbidden, nobody will dare to do it ;-)
05:49.23DocScrutinizer51you invented the perpetuum mobile?
05:49.36DocScrutinizer51off = off
05:50.15wpwraki'm just telling you which parts of the design will get attacked when marketing this as a "secure" device
05:51.10DocScrutinizer51sorry, been there ten times with *you* already
05:51.31DocScrutinizer51a bazillion times with others
05:51.44DocScrutinizer51no mood for sparring
05:52.34DocScrutinizer51a subsystem that's OFF can't wake up out of thin air
05:52.52DocScrutinizer51it can do nuttin
05:53.28DocScrutinizer51and to make sure it's really off ftwdm
05:56.04DocScrutinizer51when sth is really german then that's "let's place a second switch there, in cae switch#1 magically activates"
05:56.26wpwrakthat's the alarm you get when it has done something you didn't expect. now you have to decide whether this was a false alarm or not, with the information you have at hand. and then, if you assume the alarm was for real, you need to evaluate the consequences and possible defensive actions.
06:01.20DocScrutinizer51we will *know* when moden isn't off, o magically activates when it shouldnt
06:02.25DocScrutinizer51when you *receive* sth, you obviouslz already accepted modem powering up and sending to log in
06:03.06DocScrutinizer51when you still didn't remove your battery, then your fault
06:03.52wpwrakthe modem is probably much faster than the user ...
06:05.29DocScrutinizer51first alarm yelled when modem powered up. Second when TX AMP activates for auth some 10s later, 3rd when RF gers detected. Sorry the latter is actually 6th or 7th
06:06.03DocScrutinizer51and on each we assert emergency power-off
06:07.33DocScrutinizer51and actually a sileny SMS is completely unnecessary after you TXed anyway shortly before
06:08.25DocScrutinizer51we're not blocking rogue activity, we notice it and act accordingly
06:09.04DocScrutinizer51with a detour, a friend, a fake conversation, an axe
06:10.05wpwrakyes, that can be worked into a good story (in the sense of use case)
06:10.12DocScrutinizer51and still, off is off is OFF
06:11.04DocScrutinizer51a powered down modem cannot do "rogue stuff"
06:11.26DocScrutinizer51no matter which switch powered it down
06:11.28wpwrakit's not ;-) but we can try to draw attention from this detail. because "off" also carries information. so sometimes it's indeed beneficial to just let the bad things happen, without trying to stop them.
06:12.13DocScrutinizer51sorry, you speek in ridles
06:12.57DocScrutinizer51I'm tired of this discussion
06:13.16wpwraksomeone who tracks you may be interested when you turn off your modem. because that's when you may be trying to hide something.
06:15.25wpwrakit's still difficult to define proper countermeasures, though
06:19.26DocScrutinizer51this morning that's your problem now. I can tell you that a second switch is not the solution to it
06:20.34wpwraki guess we can agree to disagree ?
06:22.54DocScrutinizer05no way
06:23.53wpwrakdo you know what the expression means ?
06:28.11DocScrutinizer51you know that an electronic device that's off can't get active out of itself?
06:29.28DocScrutinizer51I won't accept any different claims
06:30.12DocScrutinizer51you had to explain how that could ahppen, or there's zilch to disagree
06:31.23wpwrakhow do you turn the modem "off" ?
06:31.30DocScrutinizer51a powered down modem cannot receive *anything* (anything less than an EMP anyway)
06:31.53DocScrutinizer51the question is meaningless
06:32.06DocScrutinizer51ask how I know it IS off
06:33.57wpwrakalright, so you have the alarm bells ringing in your pocket. by the time you have the phone out, it has done whatever it did. you're assuming it's fine if the modem does whatever it wants. but that may not be the case.
06:34.11DocScrutinizer51thus there is no "off" on Neo900, off is off is OFF, but i guess I repeat myself
06:34.32wpwrakthe modem can power itself on anytime it likes
06:35.06wpwraki'm curious about this statement
06:35.17wpwrakwhy can't the modem power itself on ?
06:35.37DocScrutinizer51I hate repeating me repating me repating me
06:35.50wpwrakor do you define "off" = "all power sources have been removed" ?
06:36.49DocScrutinizer51meh! I honestly wonder if you do that on purpose. I planned to get up this time, now I hope eventually I gonna sleep
06:37.17DocScrutinizer51also your problem as well
06:37.35DocScrutinizer51when I don't reach anybody during daytime
06:39.24DocScrutinizer51I really don't get it how you can state stuff like 'a szstem that evidently doesn't consume any energy can suddenly deliberately change state"
06:40.39DocScrutinizer51and btw a modem needs at *least* 10s after power up to even find a cell to register to
06:42.17wpwraki didn't state this. but i don't think the modem every powers down completely. there ought to be some standby circuit, RTC, or whatever. and an RTC can wake up the rest. and yes, this takes a bit of time.
06:42.43wpwrakanyway, you said you wanted to get some rest. i'll do the same soon :)
06:43.19DocScrutinizer51your magic modem does: power up from complete inactivity (prolly based on radioactive decay), then ignore emergency-off, then book into network in no time (sth that would make you rich when you tell Siemens how to do that) and again ignore emerg-off, then start rogue activity, and again ignore...
06:45.10wpwrakPLS8-E_HD_v01.000, page 53, Ibatt, "OFF State supply current", "POWER DOWN", typical rating 40 uA. now tell me this is "evidently doesn't consume any energy"
06:45.30wpwraki really don't understand what you're trying to argue here.
06:45.45DocScrutinizer51I damn sure would rather want to know modem did all tose amgic things, tahn simply try to block them
06:46.46wpwrakyes, that's a valid point. if you want to research the behaviour of a compromised modem, you would indeed be interested in such experiments.
06:47.25chainsawbikewhy not allow users the choice? having a power switch for the modem gives *them* the choice to power down or just monitor
06:48.41DocScrutinizer51know aht? simly remove your battery!
06:49.58chainsawbiketbh i would like to use it while in remote locations ( to take photos and stuff ) - there is no cellphone reception there, fully powering down the modem will give me slightly more battery life
06:51.13chainsawbikei want my device on, but have no need for modem
06:51.57DocScrutinizer51THE MODEM IS OOOOOFFFFFF
06:52.51chainsawbike<wpwrak> PLS8-E_HD_v01.000, page 53, Ibatt, "OFF State supply current", "POWER DOWN", typical rating 40 uA.
06:53.07chainsawbikemaybe, but its using power
06:54.26DocScrutinizer51you obviously have no clue what's a uA
06:55.37chainsawbikeits effectively nothing, but it is still something
06:56.17DocScrutinizer05yeah, and the switch wpwrak suggests need 100uA even on open state
06:56.26DocScrutinizer05or 200
06:56.41chainsawbikethen there is a problem :)
06:56.44DocScrutinizer05and probably 500 when closed
06:57.18DocScrutinizer05honestly, I feel quite bored by this discussion now
07:00.19wpwrakclose :) 760 nA with Von = 0 ("shut down"), 38 uA when closed. the latter is indeed a little high for my taste.
07:02.17chainsawbikeDocScrutinizer05, is you disliking to a "power switch" just power usage or something else?
07:03.14DocScrutinizer05[2014-07-03 Thu 07:39:07] <DocScrutinizer51> something nasty would be hard power shutdown while e.g. last booked in cell id gets written to SIM. Can kill your SIM
07:03.55DocScrutinizer05[2014-07-03 Thu 07:27:59] <DocScrutinizer05> plus it adds ESR which is strictly forbidden for modem
07:04.23DocScrutinizer05plus it's cruft
07:04.46*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~quassel@
07:08.10DocScrutinizer05  when this fails, there's something TERRIBLY wrong (and you would want to know)
07:08.56DocScrutinizer05actually I'd think this cannot fail, since omplemented in hw, but anyway we would know when it would fail
07:09.33*** join/#neo900 thrakcattack (
07:10.59DocScrutinizer05when modem would wake up out of nothing (which is is NOT supposed to do) then we would also know immediately, and try ^^^. So this would already be two things that had to fail or work in a completely unexpected way for something remotely "dangerous" to happen... And STILL we would KNOW immediately
07:11.11wpwraksounds as if EMERG_OFF would also undo switching from USB to (possibly absent) UART. any thoughts on that, dos1 ?
07:21.11DocScrutinizer05such settings are sticky even across (real) power removal
07:23.06DocScrutinizer05dos1 already answered same wording, he observed similar settings survive battery removal
07:23.15DocScrutinizer05and TRM sais same
07:23.58DocScrutinizer05seems they have some flash area to store such settings
07:24.27DocScrutinizer05they evidently have for other stuff, like manufaturer ident string on ATIn
07:25.50DocScrutinizer052.2.1  Example: Using AT^SCFG to Customize USB Descriptors
09:34.36dos1EMERG_OFF doesn't work on my proto, so I can't test it, but AT^SDPORT for sure persists across reboots
09:34.54dos1either clean ones or by brutal battery take off :P
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11:21.22DocScrutinizer05anyway, we can have that switch in protoV2 for sure. No problem with me, just I honstly wonder why we would need it (and the expense in PCB real estate and BOM) for the series device
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13:24.33wpwrak(universal break-out board) a glorious morning - qi-hw servers are up again :) this is what UBB is about:
13:25.32wpwraksome example uses, or developments of the concept:
13:27.21wpwrak(i think UBB was priced a bit too high, so very few people bought it, and those who did often got only small quantities. such a thing should be perceived as "cheap", so you consume one per project/experiment without feeling guilty. making such small pieces of PCB is certainly inexpensive enough.)
13:27.42wpwrakdos1: seems they built their trap well ;-)
13:29.19wpwrak(EMERG_OFF) would be interesting to know how it's implemented. it sounds as if it could be simply an MCU reset. but maybe there's more to it, e.g., if some things require "clean" completion. like the SIM writes DocScrutinizer05 mentioned.
13:31.46wpwrakin this case, if cinterion felt confident enough, it could be an NMI or even a regular maskable interrupt. it should be possible to determine what is the most likely implementation by observing the modules' behavior (voltages at certain pins, current consumption, etc.) with an oscilloscope, in response to EMERG_OFF in various operating states.
13:36.08wpwrak(SIM corruption if powering down at the wrong time) that's a good point. use of the switch (if equipped) would have to follow a certain protocol. e.g., 1) issue AT+CFUN=0 and do any related power-down rituals (suspend PHY, etc.), 2) lock modem access (by host software, so that nothing accidently switches the modem back on), 3) wait seconds, 4) cut power with switch, 5) unlock modem access.
13:37.31wpwrakthe tricky bit is determining the correct grace period (the seconds), but we need to do this anyway for the monitoring profile
13:37.50dos1"grace periods" are specified in docs
13:38.14wpwrakoh, excellent. as "typical" or "maximum" values ?
13:39.07dos1as maximum, aka "wait X secs after doing that"
13:39.43wpwrakperfect :)
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15:11.09DocScrutinizer05we also have monitoring, so we don't need to guess how long it takes to shut down the modem
15:38.54wpwrakwell, it's good to have the manufacturer's values as a basis. e.g., there may be cases where it takes a lot longer for some reason, but these cases don't occur in your network (or they occur only rarely, so you're not likely to see them very often)
15:39.50wpwrakerr, does anyone know the I2C address of the front camera ? seems that it might be 0x10 or 0x37 ? (smiapp, default/alt)
16:56.54freemangordonwpwrak: just a second
17:01.13freemangordonwpwrak: #define SMIA_SENSOR_I2C_ADDR(0x20 >> 1)
17:02.05wpwrakthanks !
17:04.10DocScrutinizer05doesn't sound like FRONTcamera
17:04.25DocScrutinizer05SMIA sounds like main aka rear camera
17:05.11freemangordonrear camera is et8ek8 afaik
17:05.53DocScrutinizer05(cases) when the driver uses monitor to determine when subsystem has shut down, there's no need to have any hardcoded dealy value
17:06.04DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: correct
17:19.17wpwrakoh, damn. you're right
17:19.34wpwraklemme check where this came from ...
17:24.38wpwrakthis is the source:
17:25.22wpwrakso i have the wrong module number ?
17:25.28wpwrakwhat is the front camera then ?
17:33.38freemangordonwpwrak: frontcam == smiapp, rearcam(maincam) == et8ek8
17:34.24freemangordon#define ET8EK8_I2C_ADDR(0x7C >> 1)
17:34.26freemangordon#define SMIA_SENSOR_I2C_ADDR(0x20 >> 1)
17:41.35wpwrakah, thanks a lot !
17:43.53wpwrakwe may use the N97 camera instead of the N900 camera. does anyone know the I2C address of that one, too ?
17:47.43wpwrakerr, quick check on the remaining issues: 1) flash driver & LED: still TBD - we want them in V2, right ? 2) analog switch for BOOT_MODE. we won't have BOOT_MODE but do we want the switch in V2 ? or later ?
17:48.08wpwrak3) should V2 mention/include the hackerbus ? or is this for later ?
17:48.41DocScrutinizer05I2C addr of N97 cam is a funny and good question. I'd _hope_ it has same addr though
17:49.25DocScrutinizer051) right, and TBD indeed
17:49.55DocScrutinizer052) no need for any switch, we have no CPU on protoV2
17:50.17wpwrak1) in V2 ? post-V2 ? undecided ?  just wanna make sure it gets the right classification
17:50.27DocScrutinizer05what we however want is a test LED showing the state of the relevant chargerchip outputs
17:50.49DocScrutinizer05we want them in V2, right ?  --  right
17:50.56wpwrakin addition to the RGB LED ?
17:51.14wpwrak(test LED, i mean)
17:51.20DocScrutinizer05we need _one_ LED, however that works on V2 level
17:52.04DocScrutinizer05when we already got comprehensive coverage of all status outputs via normal LED handling, then that's also fine
17:52.41DocScrutinizer05but meybe we don't want to integrate that double function of indicator_LED into V2 yet
17:52.54DocScrutinizer05to have clean separate testing subsystems
17:53.38wpwrakseems pretty low-risk. also, you'd test these things separately anyway
17:53.58DocScrutinizer05generally think of "dead simple driver + LED" as a function block sprread arbitrarily across whole proto design wherever needed
17:54.36DocScrutinizer05we will have a dozen of those
17:55.48DocScrutinizer05we will also want at least 4..5 different colors for those LED
17:56.17DocScrutinizer05and never use same color for two LED close to each other
17:57.10wpwrakso that's a new set of requirements for V2. maybe you can make a list on which signals you want LEDs, which color, and whether they should turn on on L or on H ?
17:57.48wpwraki just hope nik doesn't plan to hand-solder the board ;)
17:58.44DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: nope. such a list is not needed. Such LEDs are placed ad-hoc when you sense a pin on a chip you just integrate which could need one
17:59.23wpwrakso who decides that ?
17:59.30DocScrutinizer05me, in the end
18:00.22DocScrutinizer05please don't tell me we need to specify 12 LEDs plus 12 transistors to get a proper quote
18:00.25wpwrakso the plan is that 1) we finish the spec, based on the block diagram. 2) nik draws the schematics based on this. 3) you review the schems and specify the "debug LEDs". 4) nik does layout etc.
18:00.42wpwrakno, i just want to make sure we all agree on the workflow
18:01.03DocScrutinizer05basocally yes, though there will probably be 2 or 3 such iterations of me reviewing schem
18:01.30wpwrakok, workflow gets a little loop :)
18:01.40DocScrutinizer05initial specifications are just for estimating complexity
18:02.52DocScrutinizer05when we wpould speify everything down to last resistor, we could already do the schematics instead, and the ask eagle to autoroute it
18:03.06DocScrutinizer05would specify*
18:04.10DocScrutinizer05that's why I said "Mehrungen werden angekuendigt und dann uebernommen"
18:05.09DocScrutinizer05I don't expect Nik to offer someting on an unclear spec and then me to rush over it and specify twice the number of components
18:05.37wpwraknext issue (last one for today), 3) should V2 mention/include the hackerbus ? or is this for later ?
18:05.39DocScrutinizer05when I do additional specs, Nik will provide an informal mini-quote on those mods
18:06.27DocScrutinizer05when I ask for 10 LEDs and 10 transistors, I hope he won't charge us much for such change
18:07.16DocScrutinizer05(HB) undecided yet. We need to discuss this. Probably not much of HB in V2 yet
18:07.19wpwrakit's not just about the quote but to have an idea of what to expect in general. it can be a bit frustrating when you think you're as good as done, and then suddenly two dozen LEDs spring up. particularly if you already thought about the layout at that point.
18:07.29wpwrak(HB) perfect ;-)
18:08.41DocScrutinizer05(layout) that's why a frequent sharing of schematics interim results from Nik to me is mandatory, so any changes and comments can get in early
18:09.26DocScrutinizer05it's not like we order a V2 at GDC and 6 weeks later GDC delivers the ready PCB incl docs and project files
18:09.42DocScrutinizer05this is subcontractor work in close cooperation
18:10.16DocScrutinizer05we _cannot_ specify V2 (or Neo900) as finegrained as that
18:10.59DocScrutinizer05during R&D there will _always_ be changes
18:11.30wpwraksure. it's just polite to let him know of things we already know are coming but that haven't been mentioned yet. "keep him in the loop."
18:11.34DocScrutinizer05that's why we don't specify part numbers but rather abstract functions
18:12.35DocScrutinizer05thus I said "comsider that type of tiny debug LED an arbitrarily used building block to throw in wherever needed"
18:13.10DocScrutinizer05Nik will not have any problems with this, it's basically just copy&paste
18:13.41DocScrutinizer05similar complexity to placing a buffer capacitor next to a VDD pin
18:13.51wpwrakLED + 1-2 FETs. small, but not negligible. (in terms of space, not in terms of design work at the schematics level)
18:14.08DocScrutinizer05one transistor
18:14.20DocScrutinizer05one or two R
18:14.22DocScrutinizer05one LED
18:14.28DocScrutinizer05see protoV1
18:15.15DocScrutinizer05we had that and I'd be surprised when Nik thought we don't need it in V2 anymore
18:15.55DocScrutinizer05building a prototype implies such debugging gear
18:16.25DocScrutinizer05we don't need to specify every testpoint and every debug LED
18:16.50wpwrakat some point, we do :)
18:17.02DocScrutinizer05Nik is an expoerienced EE
18:17.49DocScrutinizer05I have no doubt he will come up with that stuff by himself. He did in V1
18:18.26DocScrutinizer05I'm afraid you're over-specifying what we want Nik to do, and in the end he says "they asked for it, they get it"
18:21.34wpwrakas i said, the two of you should probably get together and discuss at the block diagram level once it's done and each had a good look at it. then you can sort out any remaining doubts.
18:21.35DocScrutinizer05like in "werner: 'we want 5 debug LED with 2 FET'  Nik: ' umm! I'd use one transistor and would place 8 LED like that for all that stuff I see, but... OK it's clearly written in spec what they want' "
18:22.56DocScrutinizer05I think Nik and I prefer "the real stuff": eagle schematics
18:22.57wpwrakbtw, the 2 FETs would be for active-low with a signal voltage not compatible with LEDs (e.g., 1.8 V, which would be hard on the edge for most LEDs)
18:23.50DocScrutinizer05hmmm .oO(???)
18:25.00DocScrutinizer05ooh, I see
18:25.41DocScrutinizer05I'd prolly rather use a bus driver chip or sth like that then
18:25.43wpwrakyou can do it with one transistor (shorting the LED), but that's a bit ugly
18:26.40DocScrutinizer05sth of the class 74245 or somesuch
18:27.15wpwraki really hope nik doesn't plan to solder the board manually ;-)
18:27.31DocScrutinizer05no idea, really
18:28.13DocScrutinizer05I'd not try to. But then that's me
18:32.50DocScrutinizer05I guess he will use VPS
18:34.26wpwrakthat's @ GC ? or does he have a cooking pot for VPS at home ?
18:34.47DocScrutinizer05that's why you use a hw house like GDC, they all have their "secrets" :-)
18:35.26wpwrakmaybe he's just got a really nice old pizza oven, made of stone :)
18:36.00wpwrakanyway, afk for a bit. gotta clean my den, visitor coming.
18:36.04DocScrutinizer05hw house knows what can get done and how to do it, they however only offer the "what" and customer doesn't care or get to know about the "how"
19:12.53DocScrutinizer05wpwrak:  we should use THREE ina231
19:13.32DocScrutinizer05since we have three VDD inputs for modem which can help us gain more detailed info about what's going on
19:16.48wpwrakseem that we'll soon need the weird address modes of the INA231, too :) btw, any monitor on WLAN ?
19:17.04wpwrakand while we're at it, how about RF monitoring ?
19:18.20wpwrakhow any ALERT interrupts from modem monitor to CPU ? one, shared, or one for each ?
19:26.30DocScrutinizer05I'm much a friend of shared IRQ lines
19:27.06DocScrutinizer05as long as no ultra-low latency in IRQ service handling is needed
19:28.00DocScrutinizer05th "weird" address modes of INA231 been alrady checked by me and found matching for the intended purpose
19:29.53DocScrutinizer05RF monitoring will need some careful design and dimensioning of a pretty simple diode-AM-demodulator style circuitry
19:30.18wpwrakis the RF monitoring something we want in V2 ?
19:30.24DocScrutinizer05and a dedicated IRQ, plus maybe even an A/D if we got some spare
19:30.38wpwrakthat DVB chip ;-)
19:30.49DocScrutinizer05V2 yes, if we can get it in
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19:32.42DocScrutinizer05I might provide some circuit suggestions to test
19:44.27DocScrutinizer05RF is always voodoo. At least to me, though others seem to concur
19:45.04DocScrutinizer05Ideally a RF engineer would design this particular bit
19:46.15DocScrutinizer05though in the end reality proves that virtually almost anything is a fine RF detector ;-
19:47.27DocScrutinizer05DVB chip however has way too high power consuption, whereas this detector needs to operate at next to zero quiescent current
19:48.24DocScrutinizer05I guess in the end it will be one or two transistors and a schottky
19:48.38DocScrutinizer05maybe a bead
19:48.49DocScrutinizer05and of course a few capacitors and R
19:56.04DocScrutinizer05heck, who said we need FETs for the debug LEDs? Not me anyway
20:23.08wpwrakindeed, just "dead simple driver" :)
21:05.17DocScrutinizer05I explicitly said "transistor"
21:05.38DocScrutinizer05and teher are like 5 examples in protoV1 and I think also protoV2 already
21:06.29DocScrutinizer05and Nik will know what to use anyway
21:06.57DocScrutinizer05"LED level indicator for digital signals" is all we need to specify
21:07.31DocScrutinizer05it's up to Nik to "design" the circuit for that
21:08.03DocScrutinizer05I think I explained this roundabout two dizen times now
21:08.29DocScrutinizer05no part numbers, no implementation details, just abstract function descriptions
21:08.58DocScrutinizer05implementation suggestion is up to GDC
21:10.22DocScrutinizer05then I review that or maybe give a *suggestion* beforehand how we *could* implement a particular function. When during review stuff looks sub-optimal, i'll discuss implementation details with Nik
21:11.34DocScrutinizer05even number and signals to connect to such a "LED level indicator for digital signals" is a subhect for review phase
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21:13.04DocScrutinizer05thus - if you think that#s *really* needed - you can specify sth like "n (TBD, <20) LED level indicators for various digital signals, as needed"
21:14.21DocScrutinizer05if that's using FETs then, or transistors, or even 74145 or whatever, or simply a series R and LED to a open collector signal that can drive 2mA
21:14.28DocScrutinizer05up to Nik
21:14.49DocScrutinizer0574244, or 45, or sth
21:15.05DocScrutinizer05actually not my call initially
21:15.24DocScrutinizer05I'm sharing suggestions on such details, when I think it could help Nik
21:16.12DocScrutinizer05then I review schematics and discuss stuff that seems to have any sort of issue, or could get implemented way cheaper or simpler or better in my book
21:17.32DocScrutinizer05when it's only a minor difference in personal style, I will accept Nik's suggestions
22:04.42wpwrak(LEDs) yeah, sorry about the FET.  anyway, if he thinks he needs something else, i'd expect him to speak up. i didn't mention any additional details, like placement and such. that's entirely up to you and him.
23:37.26DocScrutinizer05thanks for the great job you're doing!
23:46.49*** join/#neo900 silviof (~silviof@unaffiliated/silviof)

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