IRC log for #neo900 on 20140605

00:26.07*** join/#neo900 wicket64 (~wicket@gateway/tor-sasl/wicket64)
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07:22.31DocScrutinizer05is NeoTwo a good name?
07:45.00jake42DocScrutinizer05: for?
07:45.58DocScrutinizer05well, for the second device of the Neo900 family
07:46.27DocScrutinizer05we need a perspective for our future, no? ;-)
07:47.09jake42oh.. you are already making plans :-)
07:47.16DocScrutinizer05piles of N900 cases won't last forever
07:48.19DocScrutinizer05and when starting building our own cases, we rather actually do our *own* cases, eh?
07:49.33jake42or Neo9000 ;)
07:49.46DocScrutinizer05maybe with a slightly faster CPU then, as well. Since at that point in far future we already have ported fremantle to DM3730 and are ready to port it to - say - omap5
07:51.02jake42building a case will still need a huge effort
07:51.39DocScrutinizer05there's always a break-even point somewhere
07:51.47jake42and building one which is comparable to n900 or what ever case made by a big manufacturer
07:51.54DocScrutinizer05maybe at 3000, maybe at 50000
07:52.27jake42we'll just have to see
07:52.53DocScrutinizer05no, I don't want to sit back and see, I want to drive this ahead actively
07:53.41jake42btw, can you confirm you already got my donation from GDC? They never said if the did the transfer or not
07:53.51DocScrutinizer05I started plans of Neo900 some 2 years ago. It's about time to come up with a perspective
07:54.36DocScrutinizer05I can confirm I received ~6k so far, I lack electronic access to that account (hope this will change today or tomorrow)
07:55.01jake42ah still no online banking :)
07:55.03DocScrutinizer05I also heard ~80% ordered transfer, but that's unconfirmed hearsay
07:55.21jake42what a PITA..
07:55.55DocScrutinizer05I also suspect that it's actually a PITA to *do* all that processing
07:56.04DocScrutinizer05and takes its time
07:56.55DocScrutinizer05so bear with me for sending out confirmation mails a tad later
07:57.27DocScrutinizer05will need a few more days till the process got completely established and works
07:57.28jake42I would be happy to help a few hours a week if you need any
07:57.34jake42ok :)
07:57.42jake42no worries
07:57.54DocScrutinizer05noted :-) many thnanks!
07:59.57DocScrutinizer05on a last note before I take a walk: 9000 sounds and alludes too much on N900, the next device will have significantly new design that keeps all the nice stuff but will not resemble a N900 anymore
08:00.55DocScrutinizer05think of bigger screen etc
08:01.20jake42you wanna build phablet? :-)
08:01.23DocScrutinizer05which probably would allow to make the thing thinner as well
08:01.31DocScrutinizer05yup, basically
08:01.42jake42aaah, nooo!
08:02.06DocScrutinizer05I dunno yet
08:02.16jake42> 5inch is way to big :)
08:02.18DocScrutinizer05gonna have a walk and think about it
08:02.33*** join/#neo900 che1 (
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08:02.41jake42ok, cya
08:04.34DocScrutinizer05maybe when I come back, I introduce neoglass ;-P
08:05.44DocScrutinizer05we have more degrees of freedom, takes more pondering to come up with "the right thng[TM]"
08:06.29DocScrutinizer05it for sure won't be NeoBloks
08:13.40*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~quassel@
08:28.41jake42iNeo, NeoCar...
08:29.20jake42and also just neo
08:29.59*** join/#neo900 che1 (
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10:24.26infobotping, or also
12:01.09*** join/#neo900 nicksydney (
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16:13.05wpwrakjust reading c't 2014/5, page 104-111, on all sorts of toxins they found in consumer electronics, and the corresponding regulations. that'll be a fun bit when we get to sourcing neo900 parts (cases and such)
16:14.43wpwrakif Reach is handled similarly to RoHS, then the comparably tiny number of Neo900 should slip neatly under the regulatory radar. but it's still something to pay attention to.
16:16.04wpwrakone thing that certainly works in out favour is that all those things have been manufactured years ago. so anything nasty and volatile should have evaporated by now. and of course - in general, the harder item (plastic shell and such), the more benign the chemistry.
17:26.13*** join/#neo900 DDark (~ddark@
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20:05.12*** join/#neo900 b1101 (~b@
20:48.22DocScrutinizer05roundabout 11k got transferred to UG account so far
21:11.58wpwraknot too bad, considering that it seem to be slow work and that banks love to add a bit of delay, just because they can
21:12.34wpwrakfrom what i gather so far, i think it'll take until something like the end of the month before the whole transfer is done
22:13.03*** join/#neo900 che1 (
23:19.19merlin1991hm I should check if I got my refund already
23:21.07*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
23:23.31merlin1991is the first email still valid saying that it goes straight back to the credit card if one used one? because I see no money on my side yet
23:27.54wpwraki think it may still take a while until GDC will have processed all the refunds
23:29.51wpwrakwith bank transfers he was at one point in time doing something like 15-20/day (manually, i suppose). not sure if CC are easier or maybe even harder.

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