IRC log for #neo900 on 20140528

02:33.10*** join/#neo900 x29a (~x29a@unaffiliated/x29a)
05:51.47*** join/#neo900 mordac (
07:28.57*** join/#neo900 remarc (~sequantz@
09:50.20*** join/#neo900 Guest90936 (
09:51.46*** join/#neo900 Guest90936 (~FIQ@prgmr/customer/fiq)
10:33.32*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (~paul@2a01:348:6:860a:accf:885c:b712:2623)
10:42.49*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
11:11.52DocScrutinizer05Sorry, 3 guys try to find a way to accomplish both the requirements of lawyers and accomodation of Nikolaus' concerns about ME CHEATING at customers by not placing the text of on some webpage. According to my lawyers this is something I MUSTNOT do. So expect Neo900 project failing thanks to GDC. I'm sorry
11:17.48mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: is this some late april fools or is this really more serious than what has happened thus far?
11:18.46DocScrutinizer05it's the same shit like always been, just now 3 people trying to find a solution for GDC's concerns instead of one or two.
11:19.05mvaenskaemay i ask what the concern was?
11:28.57DocScrutinizer05I guess every donor could simply pick out the URL of her/his order management page from the invoice you received and copy&paste "I instruct a transfer" to that text box as described in that letter. Since it's all already in place. Just GDC blackmails Neo900 UG to do same mistake as GDC did, by officially promising rebates and all so we wouldn't achieve anything by this whole transfer
11:29.29mvaenskaeuhm, so basically gdc doesn
11:29.45mvaenskaedoesn't want to send the money out back to the customers one way or another?
11:30.09DocScrutinizer05of course yur rebate will be valid still, just not officially legally assured, see #70. We mustn't do this, but GDC insists on me doing it
11:31.08mvaenskaeseems like the donors should write an email stating "stfu, just transfer the money, i don't care about rebates, i want the project to succeed"
11:31.17DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: sorry, don't ask me what GDC wants to do. I have no slightest idea
11:31.33DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: that could help a lot
11:32.23DocScrutinizer05and I promise you again I'm not interested in cheating you, and this transfer is not a planned scam to rip you off
11:32.51DocScrutinizer05but GDC insists in accusing me for cheating you
11:33.18mvaenskaethat way gdc has evidence of customers taking the risks and is somewhat forced to get their money back to them in one way or another; but keeping it is not an option for gdc
11:34.39mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: i for one am sure that your intentions in this project are fair and serve the project, not your wallet
11:34.46DocScrutinizer05or simply visit your customer/order management page as described in the letter, go down to the section "notes" or whatever, and add "I instruct an unconditional transfer to Neo900 UG account"
11:35.35DocScrutinizer05you all received the URL of your management page with your invoice GDC sent to you
11:36.05mvaenskaei think gdc's response to the situation is a "proper" reaction in legal terms though, they must show they are safeguarding the money and not just transfering it willy nilly someplace else
11:37.28DocScrutinizer05when GDC isn't willing to send this letter to you, so now did I. For GDC the resukt shoukd be same, when you do what GDC originally drafted in this letter as the thing you should do. Of course you're also free to copy&paste "I want a refund" to receive the donation back, if you don't trust in Neo900 UG esp me
11:39.20DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: sure, and the letter and whole procedure serves exactly for this purpose. Just that GDC now finally isn't willing to send out that very letter to you anymore, since I refuse to do changes to the donation page that would create another legal issue for the new Neo900 UG
11:39.21mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: well, if one wants the project to succeed they need to trust you, as you are the head of it :)
11:40.02DocScrutinizer05that's the problem: GDC doesn't trust me
11:40.37DocScrutinizer05and that's a problem for the project, not only for this situation
11:41.09mvaenskaewell, what are they gonna do with the funds so far received then?
11:42.18DocScrutinizer05if you're willing to just test the procedure as described in that letter, and you succeed, then I'd kindly ask you to post and report about it in reply to
11:43.01DocScrutinizer05mvaenskae: I don't know. Refund unconditionally and without an option to transfer it to Neo900 UG account?
11:43.53mvaenskaewell, i didn't donate so i cannot test it out :/ i would have done so though and requested a transfer to neo900 ug unconditionally
11:49.39mvaenskaecan i assume that this fiasco will mean there will be very likely no hardware development done by gdc on the board?
11:57.44DocScrutinizer05so far GDC's statements regarding this were rather like "If Neo900 UG wants technical support from GDC, I'm not averse"
12:10.34*** join/#neo900 che1 (
12:43.32wpwrakoh, activity on the channel on #silence ! :-)
13:01.24jake42added a note to my donation order
13:15.55wpwrak(reading backlog) i think all the bickering leads to wrong impressions. i don't think anyone suspects joerg of being dishonest. and neither is there any reason to suspect GDC.
13:16.32wpwrakit's basically all about nasty formalities, something us techies dislike
13:17.08DocScrutinizer05sorry, no. It's worse. It's a severe spoiling of mood and trsust inside the project
13:18.20wpwrakoh sure. with those formalities, you suddenly find yourself placed in opposing positions, against your will, and rather confused about how you ended up there.
13:18.28DocScrutinizer05jake42: would you mind to add a post to tmo thread explaining the procedure and the results, please?
13:19.36wpwrakyes, good idea !
13:33.00wpwrakanyway .. where were we ... ah yes, the block diagram ...
13:34.58wpwrakoh, and by the way, is anyone here good at searching the depths of the chinese web ? the N900 display is a Sony ACX565AKM-7 and we don't have a data sheet for that yet. would be nice to be able to find it. alas, it seems to be rather difficult to find. i saw one mention, behind a USD 800 paywall, no kidding.
13:36.46wpwraknow, people often talk about things, sometimes in fora. and very very often someone mentions some compatible product. alas, even armed with google search and translate, we may not be able to see that deep
13:37.43wpwrakso if someone feels like taking a stroll in these corners, i would be very interesting if they could find something
13:38.47wpwrak(finding that data sheet isn't a life or death issue, but it would remove one of the peskier items from the to do list)
13:55.49*** join/#neo900 b1101 (~b@
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15:05.40*** join/#neo900 Kabouik (~quassel@
15:43.52jake42DocScrutinizer05: not sure if my note on the order will change anything
15:44.12DocScrutinizer05prolly not
15:44.21DocScrutinizer05project basically dies
15:44.22jake42only just read #88
15:45.39jake42if many people donate to neo900 UG after the refund, it wouldn't right?
15:45.55DocScrutinizer05I'm just waiting another few days for everybody sleep over it, maybe somebody chages his mind
15:46.17jake42sounds like a good thing
15:46.43DocScrutinizer05jake42: I had to find some other hw house, I can do the schematics but not all the manufacturing etc, and I would need help anyway
15:47.05DocScrutinizer05woukd have
15:47.22DocScrutinizer05IF enough donations would come to Neo900 UG
15:47.39jake42so it is now out of question that GDC is doing any paid work for Neo900 UG?
15:47.48jake42ah just got a answer from nic
15:48.03DocScrutinizer05now that Nik even refuses to do domors the very simple favor to let them decide on the account where they want to receive their refund
15:49.26wpwraki guess nik would still like to be helpful, but feels he's been a bit bitten. and you know, once bitten, twice shy.
15:49.29jake42The refund goes either directly back to your credit card (if you used one to
15:49.29jake42pay) or if you have used SEPA/IBAN bank transfer, please provide your
15:49.29jake42account data where we should send the money to. Please note that we do
15:49.29jake42the refund in EUR, so the resulting amount depends on the exchange rate
15:49.32jake42of your local currency.
15:49.38b1101have refunds been sent out yet ?
15:49.59DocScrutinizer05also I can't honestly continue "as usual" when the foundation facts of the project changed (other hw house)
15:50.31wpwrakjake42: i guess you could always ask politely if he wouldn't mind transferring the refund directly to neo900 ug (if you want that to happen)
15:50.45DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: I've been bitten a dozen times now
15:51.12DocScrutinizer05and pretty hefty, so my life is close to the edge in several aspects
15:51.29wpwrakthat's ... 2^12 = 4096 times shy. that would explain a few things :)
15:51.46jake42wpwrak: yes, as I can provide the account of neo900 UG
15:52.44mordacThe May update said that "and we're offering an option for direct transfer from GDC to Neo900 UG to avoid unnecessary hassle on your side and to avoid fees and currency conversion losses.". I did not see that option in the email I just received.
15:52.53wpwrakregarding the hw house (contract manufacturer), i guess the main problem would be how to pay ? i.e., GDC may accept more flexible terms than someone you don't know ?
15:53.25wpwrakmordac: in a restaurant, not everything they can cook is on the menu :)
15:53.54jake42mordac: if you donated via creditcard, yes there is no choice
15:54.18DocScrutinizer05and I'm absolutely through now with taking bashing for allegedly being a cheater, and other clear signals of distrust, twice a week.
15:54.26wpwraki'd just ask, without worrying about technicalities
15:55.00DocScrutinizer05so cya guys in two days. Maybe
15:55.20DocScrutinizer05I'm out. I'm wasted. I'm fed up with it.
15:55.37wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: nobody accused you of cheating
15:55.55jake42DocScrutinizer05: yes, take time off
15:56.51jake42I would believe this is "just" a legal thing.
15:57.20wpwrakmaybe have dinner with some friends ? they'll be happy to see you again after being "in the trenches" for so long
15:57.56DocScrutinizer05no, this is a thing of trust, and trust based on mutuality (though Nik like to think different in this minor aspect as well)
15:58.38DocScrutinizer05friends? I seem to have lost them a 2 yeras ago
16:00.48mordacI would take some time off, not make any decisions today.
16:01.14wpwrakwasn't there that ... what's her job, some social worker ?, you once mentioned ? don't play innocent ;-)
16:02.02*** join/#neo900 teleshoes (~teleshoes@
16:03.28DocScrutinizer05the one lady who told me since 6 months that she thinks GDC is a scam company and Nik just trying to exploit me. I always tried to explain her that she's wrong and Nik isn't like that. Today I probably would get into a solid argument with her about it, since I hate hearing "toldya"
16:04.20wpwrakyou're a poor looser, begrudging her the triumph :)
16:05.02wpwrak(though i think you both got it quite wrong. but that's part of the conundrum)
16:06.03teleshoesso, is this the end of neo900?
16:06.21teleshoeskilled by nikolaus' vindictiveness?
16:06.35jake42don't jump to conlusions just yet
16:06.41teleshoesyea sorry
16:06.45wpwrakso far, the ideas that came out of openmoko have had a tendency of being very hard to kill
16:11.30mordacwell, i'll continue to check the webpage. bye.
16:11.49teleshoesi cant believe he actively discouraged people from donating to neo900
16:12.12jake42he doesn't
16:12.15teleshoestotes does
16:12.22teleshoesNeo900 is not the destiny and center of life.
16:12.34teleshoes'you can do with the refund what you want. Even donate to Neo900 UG. It is completely your decision.'
16:12.53jake42doesn't sound discouraging to me
16:13.31teleshoesperhaps this is a language issue
16:13.57jake42sounds more like he is sad by himself that this did not work out so far
16:14.13teleshoeshes done, and thinks everyone else should be too
16:14.25teleshoestheres totally an implicit "i really think youd be wiser waiting for something else cooler"
16:14.44teleshoesand an EXPLICIT downplaying of neo900
16:15.11teleshoeshe couldnt have picked a more passive-aggressive way of phrasing things if he tried, imo
16:16.10teleshoeshe promised a transfer option, and then doesnt even suggest that re-donating is possible in the official email
16:16.29teleshoesi personally couldnt be angrier
16:17.05teleshoesits OUR money, after all, that hes throwing away to the governments
16:17.23teleshoesover a wording dispute
16:17.23jake42I don't think it will help being angry at anyone
16:17.41teleshoeslong slow breaths
16:18.07teleshoesheh i was calm for like 15 whole seconds there
16:18.45teleshoesi guess ill substitute silence for inner peace, and stop ranting about it here, at least
16:19.01teleshoesand go burn inwardly elsewhere
16:19.14*** part/#neo900 teleshoes (~teleshoes@
16:19.15jake42go chase some rabits or something :)
16:19.16wpwrakteleshoes: his problem is that making this sort of suggestions could mean construed as the form of advice that could create a liability for him
16:19.32jake42wpwrak: right
16:20.20wpwrakthat may be overly cautious, but then such things have happened
16:20.29*** join/#neo900 edgar2 (
16:21.08wpwrakin a way, with today's "rupture", there's a clean slate. everybody can say what they think, nobody speaks on behalf of anyone else
16:22.01jake42could be for the best in the end, if enough donations come back to neo900 UG
16:23.34*** join/#neo900 hbibq (d9e3d31e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:23.35jake42lession learned so far is: legal stuff can't be belittled even if we only want to do tech
16:24.57hbibqany updates about the future of neo900 after the dismiss of Nokolaus?
16:26.42wpwrakhbibq: a thought process, about how to proceed
16:37.41*** part/#neo900 freemangordon (~ivo@
16:38.11*** join/#neo900 freemangordon (~ivo@
16:58.05x29aDocScrutinizer51: is refunding everybody and starting a new fundraiser not an option?
16:58.41x29asry if that has been proposed before, i only follow conversation that happens here
17:00.06wpwraki would think it all depends on how people react to the news
17:00.53*** join/#neo900 SAiF (~SAiF@
17:01.48wpwrakif many ask nikolaus to send their refund to the neo900 ug, instead of being returned, then the project may very well be able to continue on that
17:01.55x29aGDC is out, money back, want to really still support the project, donate again or tell GDC to send the donation to the UG directly, problem solved. of course, a couple of people will chicken out, but the core wont change. i think GDC in its role didnt really influence the decision
17:02.44wpwraki don't think DocScrutinizer05 has the nerves right now to run another fundraiser, but of course that could be done at some point in time, too
17:02.50x29athe only problem i see is with expenses already made. but that would only be a problem if all donors would not reinvest the refund
17:03.31x29ayeah, i figure that keeping track of the various cashflows is a PITA :(
17:04.54wpwrakhe also needs to think about how to reassign roles, maybe talk with GDC about things he'd still want to do with nik, and so on
17:06.18wpwraki think nik still likes the project, he's just frustrated with how the administrative side has been going
17:07.47che1I want my mony to be sent to neo900 ug (no credit card user). Does someone know where exactly to do that? In the "add notes" field at the "summary of my order"?
17:13.38wpwraki'd try that, yes. basically what joerg described.
17:14.49che1Where did he describe that? In the Forum?
17:15.01che1(I have to confess I'm not up to date...)
17:15.45wpwrakthe problem for GDC isn't that nik would have had any objections against sending the money to neo900 ug, but that he, if he would recommend it, and it wouldn't pan out for some reason, people could think of suing him because of the bad advice
17:18.19wpwrak(bad advice) like as if he was a financial advisor telling people to buy madoff's ponzi shares
17:23.18freemangordonis it only me, or , esp the part "...And forces me to declare the final end of the participation from GDC in the Neo900 project." means that we have no HW guys to continue with the development?
17:25.07wpwrakwhat's a "HW guy" ? :) an electrical engineer ? someone with a fab ? someone who knows how to write manufacturing contracts ?
17:26.36*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
17:26.55freemangordonwpwrak: someone skilled enough to develop such a complicated piece of electronics neo900 was supposed to be. doing the PCB correctly is very very complicated job
17:29.34wpwrakyeah, with all those layers :) good question about the layout. i don't know if joerg has ever routed a board as complex as this. i certainly haven't. but then i think having more layers to play with may actually make some things easier.
17:30.10wpwraki also don't know whether nik would be willing to do the layout once the schematics are done.
17:31.18*** mode/#neo900 [+o dos1] by ChanServ
17:31.57freemangordonit is not so simple as routing only, it is about heat dissipation, about HF buses, etc., etc.
17:32.12*** topic/#neo900 by dos1 -> | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | 12-14 50035EUR, 232 units | 01-17 60kEUR, 300 units | 02-28 333 units, 70k€ | 03-28 350 units, 400 donations, 73555€ | 0501 360 410 75k | Neo900 UG:
17:32.23*** mode/#neo900 [-o dos1] by dos1
17:32.46freemangordondos1: hmm?
17:33.49dos1on second thought, maybe I shouldn't do that yet
17:33.52*** mode/#neo900 [+o dos1] by ChanServ
17:33.58*** topic/#neo900 by dos1 -> | conversations are logged to | 2013-11-04 - the day our fundraiser reached its goal, 25k EUR | 2013-12-02 - 200 devices reached! | 12-14 50035EUR, 232 units | 01-17 60kEUR, 300 units | 02-28 333 units, 70k€ | 03-28 350 units, 400 donations, 73555€ | 0501 360 410 75k
17:34.00*** mode/#neo900 [-o dos1] by dos1
17:34.12freemangordondos1: and what did you do?
17:34.20dos1added "Neo900 UG:" to topic
17:34.21x29anothing, obviously ;(
17:35.04freemangordondos1: what about my concerns ^^^? any thoughts on the matter?
17:35.05wpwrakyes, of course. there's a bunch of things to pay attention to
17:35.48dos1I thought it would be useful for people who get their money back but still want to donate to UG
17:35.53dos1but it's not ready for people who want to place new donations yet, as we're missing details about countries that are not supported
17:36.06wpwraki don't know what the thermal budget of the whole system looks like. could be that it's actually better than in the n900, given that more modern components can be used
17:36.06dos1so to avoid confusion I removed it
17:37.07freemangordonwpwrak: me neither, but that is the whole point. you *must* know what you do when doing such a job
17:37.08wpwraki'd be more worried about RF since at the end of the day you have to measure what it really does (and it won't do exactly what you designed it to do)
17:37.52mvaenskaehello world
17:38.36wpwrakoh, please take the "I" literally :) i just had a quick look at some data sheets last night. joerg certainly knows them orders of magnitude better. dunno if he looked into thermal aspects yet, though.
17:38.49dos1freemangordon: no thoughts. there're no thoughts in my head right now - headache took it over
17:39.08wpwraki think the effort so far was more on finding chips/modules that could do the job at all, identify all the connectors and interfaces, etc.
17:39.23freemangordondos1: ok, I'll refrase/ask again - does "And forces me to declare the final end of the participation from GDC in the Neo900 project." mean that nik is abandoning the project? and "we" don't have HW development team?
17:39.25wpwrakmvaenskae: radio frequency
17:40.22freemangordonwpwrak: GDC have all the know-how from building gtas
17:40.29dos1freemangordon: no idea. seems like we're at a point where nothing is sure and anything can happen
17:40.33wpwrakfreemangordon: joerg has plenty of electrical engineering experience. i mean he was in charge of taming the EE team at openmoko.
17:40.52wpwrak(not managing it, but make their output usable)
17:41.10dos1personally I hope in joerg+werner working on schematics and GDC doing layout etc.
17:42.26wpwraki know some basics, too, yes. strictly two layers so far, though, my kitchen wouldn't be good for more than that, and i like be able to make my prototypes at home :)
17:42.55freemangordondos1: is that possible at all (gdc doing the layout) in the light of the ^^^ statement?
17:43.14dos1freemangordon: that's a question for GDC
17:43.32dos1no idea, sorry
17:43.41freemangordonthat's better :)
17:44.00dos1ah? did I sound rude or something? :x
17:44.16freemangordonno, you sounded like some PR guys :P
17:44.36wpwraki would also hope that we could open the development process a little more. depend on whether there's interest and skills in the community. though some may also consider it a learning opportunity.
17:45.38dos1heh... I'm some kind of "Neo900 PR guy" after all
17:45.42wpwrakbut that would need some convincing of joerg, who's more comfortable with a "closed" model. (i'm from the other end of the spectrum - let it all out, no secrets, fuck "intellectual property")
17:45.57freemangordonwpwrak: what?!?
17:46.19wpwrakfreemangordon: never heard of "open hardware" ? :)
17:46.20freemangordonjoerg is comfortable with closed model? come on
17:46.26dos1closed development model != closed results of that development
17:46.36wpwrakyes, that's what i meant
17:46.48freemangordonah, makes sense
17:46.55mvaenskaei think a closed development model allows for more peace of mind of not having too many cooks oversalting the soup
17:47.04freemangordonwell, I'm with joerg then
17:48.51wpwrakdos1: preparing something the the "thread of gloom of doom" ? e.g., drop a hint that GDC may do a direct transfer if asked nicely ?
17:49.16wpwrakgloom AND doom, of course
17:52.49dos1I'm doing nothing right now, just returned home and I don't feel very well (physically) :/
17:54.52dos1I'm not able to coordinate anything right now on my own. Feel free however to tell me what to do and I'll try to get it done
17:54.54wpwrakhmm yes, understandably. you get up in the morning thinking that this will be the day the last obstacle will be removed, and then this.
17:55.20mvaenskaedos1: well, get then better and take a couple days off :) no need to rush development that is not done thoroughly
17:55.44che1I would really like to help somehow. But I think I am technically rather inexperienced... So if there's a simple but helpful task feel free to ask...
17:56.28wpwrakdos1: on the PR side, i think it would be good to drop a hint that nik may listen to people asking to transfer their refund to neo900 ug
17:56.48DocScrutinizer05despite I'm not here: yes, all option are on the table, even GDC doing contract work for Neo900 UG. But I have to seriously reconsider probability of success for any such new structure of a Neo900-resurrected. I want to be honest to community, not collect money for something I'm not convinced will be worth it. I can do schematics, I basically can do routing, but I definitely need help of another one or two experienced guys, or this
17:56.48DocScrutinizer05project will linger on like GTA04 and probably evenm lomger and more painful. A single person, while maybe able to build a cathedral, will need 1000 years for that
17:57.27dos1wpwrak: sure; where and how?
17:58.26wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i think what we need to know now is whether you're okay with suggesting that people who still want to support the project ask for their refund to be transfered to neo900 ug ?
17:58.27mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: have you asked in the community? maybe have some local e-eng students help out and have them do the board as a master thesis =p
17:58.38dos1and also "I want to be honest to community, not collect money for something I'm not convinced will be worth it"
17:58.50wpwrakdos1: hence my question :)
17:59.52wpwrakmvaenskae: i wouldn't be overly worried about finding skilled help if your project is sexy enough
18:00.25mvaenskaewpwrak: very few share the same philosophy as us do
18:00.42wpwrakit's more every day :)
18:01.16wpwrakbesides, a lot of people have a very boring day job that pays well, and are dying for an opportunity to get wild and show what they really can do
18:01.34DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: (ok with transfer) I see a high probability that I had to refund them anyway in two weeks, but then I'm willing to take that risk and burden. The question is: may I honestly ask for our donors to take that risk and burden?
18:02.11mvaenskaei sure hope we are growing :)
18:02.32DocScrutinizer05I feel I ought tell them to NOT transfer to UG, but then this would also mean the end of the project
18:02.59wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: well, it's your baby. with great powers comes great responsibility :)
18:03.11DocScrutinizer05honestly, I can't say anything except "I won't reject donations"
18:03.28wpwrakdos1: can we work with that ?
18:04.08DocScrutinizer05please dos1 make *utterly clear* that we can't promise *anything* now with the new impact we suffered
18:04.31mvaenskaehow much money would be needed to get just one working unit (including prototypes) of the neo900 out?
18:05.00DocScrutinizer05hard to tell. even "working" is pretty fuzzy a term
18:05.22mvaenskaeworking meaning final production for commercial release
18:05.30DocScrutinizer05basically our former statements remain true
18:05.58DocScrutinizer05+/- some massive changes in cost for outsourcing stuff or whatever
18:06.35wpwrakmvaenskae: you mean "to finish R&D" ? (whatever the output quantity, which is really hard to estimate)
18:06.59DocScrutinizer05Nik claimed he can do it /with my help) for 25k. Now we face a changes situation, so might easily become 50k, I honestly dunno
18:08.05mvaenskae25k seems fairly low
18:08.27DocScrutinizer05the idea of Nik bringing his asset of GTA04 experience to the project seems gone and dead
18:08.32wpwrak50k sounds a lot more reasonable. 25k would be really queezing it.
18:09.25DocScrutinizer05sorry, folks. I feel sick, wonder why. Might be back in 30 min or in a week
18:09.36mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: no problem, take your time off
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18:29.19wpwrakperfect, thanks !
18:30.09freemangordondos1: do "you" really need donations to assess if the project can continue?
18:31.30dos1freemangordon: I suppose small amount of donations would be helpful
18:32.14dos1Neo900 UG is at loss right now, as it had to pay tax advisors, lawyers etc.
18:32.27dos1and yet UG haven't seen donors money yet
18:32.37freemangordonoh, I see
18:33.05freemangordonmaybe you should state that clearly in the ^^^ post
18:33.24freemangordondos1: what about CC donations?
18:34.00freemangordonas GDC will refund those with no option
18:35.54dos1no idea
18:36.30dos1I guess there's no reason to think about them
18:36.44dos1just a few donors doing small transfers to account should suffice for now
18:37.13wpwrakfreemangordon: if you have one, you could see if it's still there. if it is, why not add an instruction to send to neo900 ug ? (that is, if you want)
18:38.15freemangordonwpwrak: Yes, I donated via CC. Do you think it is possible?
18:38.23freemangordonwell at least I can try :)
18:38.34dos1[20:30] <freemangordon> dos1: do "you" really need donations to assess if the project can continue?
18:38.41dos1I've edited my post to already answer that
18:38.48freemangordongood, thanks
18:42.57freemangordonok, asked on my order status page, lets see
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18:57.50wpwrakkewl, thanks !
19:03.59wpwrakredirected mine, too
19:05.52freemangordonwpwrak: any idea what is written in german at the end of the page?
19:06.57ilonI havent had time to read the backlog yet, so this might have been answered..
19:07.16wpwrakfreemangordon: (about #95, #96) you didn't mention what your question was :)
19:08.07ilonWhat about the monthy 2% rebate / month that where initially offered to early donators?
19:08.33freemangordonwpwrak: "Is it possible to directly transfer the money to Neo900 UG and what info should I provide if it is?"
19:08.36wpwrak(german) it's a notification (mandated by german laws) that you can withdraw any online order within 14 days, and some finer details of that
19:08.47freemangordonok, thanks
19:09.18freemangordonilon: rebate to what?
19:09.35freemangordonGDC are refunding
19:11.40wpwrakand neo900 ug are taking "donations". this time without the attached legalese, which - imho - is what should have done from the beginning. that would have avoided most of the mess.
19:14.29wpwraknow, if the project survives this bumpy debugging, and then succeeds, neo900 ug is if course free to be grateful to donors when the time comes to sell products, whatever form that may take.
19:14.59wpwrakbut i think the whole rebate and interest thing just overcomplicated things and draws attention to the wrong issues
19:15.47wpwrakthe big issue is to make such a project succeed at all. the rest is just minor in comparison.
19:21.58ilonwpwrak: That was what I assumed, just wanted to check :)
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22:05.06wpwrakwonders if Nikolaus will post an update if I tell him what he just wrote ;-)
22:07.12slyonwpwrak, you're in touch with Nikolaus right now?
22:10.30wpwrakwell, by mail
22:11.14wpwraki did send him a comment saying that i think he probably meant something else
22:13.37slyonsure, he prefers mails :)... but he meant something else about what?
22:14.07slyondid you already negotiate, if he'd still be willing to work on contract for neo900 ug?
22:14.49wpwrak"we don't recommend it" means "we advise against it". what i think he tried to say is "(due to liability reasons) we don't want to give you any recommendation"
22:14.58slyoni see
22:15.33wpwrak(negotiate) naw, give people some time to cool down
22:16.54slyoncooling down is probably a very good idea for all sides.
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22:21.08wpwraka very on-topic nick ;-)
22:21.22dos1slyon: wee! thanks for a bit of sun in this awful day
22:21.47slyonheyho dos1! did my mail help with your fsogsm problem?
22:22.03slyonawesome :)
22:22.37slyondos1, must have been a pretty harsh day for you...
22:22.48dos1I still wonder if it's the best way to do that (overriding the mediator), but now it at least works :)
22:23.08slyonsure. first make it work, then make it pretty
22:23.40dos1yeah... and headache wasn't helping as well
22:23.52DocScrutinizer05on my end it couldn't get any colder
22:27.26slyonDocScrutinizer05, dos1: maybe you should consider to put a link to somewhere in the posts linked in nikolaus' mail. so the people who want him to transfer the money directly to you can find the bank account info
22:27.32DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: you *realy* think *all* this is just a glitch in translation?
22:27.51dos1and I was forced today to take a walk to work in full rain - some car ran into tram rails, stopping traffic in both ways (thankfully I had an umbrella, usually I don't take it as it's short way to tram stops and both ends)
22:27.54dos1and then this happened
22:28.28DocScrutinizer05slyon: yep, probably
22:29.24wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i think he posted it past his bedtime
22:29.43slyondos1, so you definitely need some rest
22:29.49DocScrutinizer05anyway in at bottom you got this and all other relevant links
22:30.24DocScrutinizer05slyon: ^^^
22:31.11DocScrutinizer05and afl again
22:32.21dos1slyon: so I do some "relaxing programming" before caffeine level gets low enough to go to sleep
22:32.57slyondos1, cool. I'm looking forward to seeing your code land at
22:33.04dos1I have yet to find out how to prevent fsogsmd from crashing when modem nodes disappear after powering modem down during shutdown sequence
22:33.10DocScrutinizer05dos1: probably you still should send out a newsletter (no website update) as originally planned, with the small updates as needed (about where to find the URL, what's the exact procedure, and even add the account data from donations page, and the other links from above post)
22:33.22dos1but with your fix I guess I can push it now
22:34.39dos1DocScrutinizer05: no way I'll write it now, sorry... maybe wpwrak could prepare some text? I'll send it then
22:34.43dos1or I'll write it tomorrow
22:35.17DocScrutinizer05I mean, we can't ignore a fake "we", nor a "we don't recommend it. Because we don't know if you should agree the different conditions or not."
22:36.20DocScrutinizer05when Nik is actually that scared about liability and legal stuff, he better had thought twice before sending THAT
22:36.36slyondos1, modem power and suspend handling should be done in a lowlevel plugin AFAIR, compare:;a=blob;f=fsogsmd/src/plugins/lowlevel_gta04/plugin.vala;h=736a66f4fcf28995dbea15ef0b0d97f034633726;hb=HEAD
22:37.04slyonor it could probably also be handled in libfsoframework/lib
22:37.07dos1slyon: yep, I have lowlevel plugin - but I want to send AT command to the modem
22:37.09slyonor it could probably also be handled in libfsoframework/fsotransport *
22:37.40slyonI remember changing some stuff in fsotransport, when doing the GTA04 stuff
22:37.50dos1something similar was done for TI Calypso (AT^POFF, I guess?)
22:37.59DocScrutinizer05meh, I only got a limited power for doing stuff like this project
22:38.10DocScrutinizer05at a certain point I'm not interested anymore
22:38.35wpwrakDocScrutinizer05: i would ignore the "we". it's a polite form of saying "I". (damn, is english really *that* hard today ?)
22:39.30wpwrakand regarding the "don't recommend", endsormeans already elegantly rephrased it in
22:39.42DocScrutinizer05whatever, I'm now consulting lawyers about sueing for damage, I guess. And for insult and badmouthing
22:40.03DocScrutinizer05some funny new stuff
22:40.26wpwrakand maybe nikolaus will post a clarification when he dares to get near the computer again :)
22:40.41DocScrutinizer05too little, too late. Damage done already
22:41.05DocScrutinizer05and I'd say, a carefully crafted damage
22:41.38wpwrakwell, what can we do. now you know why that perhaps wasn't the best idea to start that avalanche :)
22:41.48dos1slyon: the difference is that with Calypso the modem node wasn't disappearing; and with gtm601 shutdown is initiated already in lowlevel, while here, when I post AT^SMSO in "shutdown" sequence, the modem powers off itself already before lowlevel code kicks up, so the file descriptors aren't closed properly yet
22:42.07dos1slyon: btw. the same crash happens when I simply disconnect usb cable during fsogsmd operation, so it's probably worth fixing anyway
22:42.42DocScrutinizer05wpwrak: see above. I can't continue on my fav domain, so I will find a new one. Sueing for damage compensations sounds like fun
22:43.05slyondos1, i understand. maybe this can somehow be handled in fsotransport in a generic manner
22:44.26dos1yup, seems like there's some sanity check missing (or has too high severity causing process to abort)
22:46.23DocScrutinizer05on a second thought, it's no fun either. I guess I will simply cut my internet wire, and done
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23:09.48dos1slyon: pushed
23:11.33slyondos1, cool. I'm gonna have a look at it
23:13.34dos1slyon: btw. there was nasty bug in SMS handling code that was triggered by this modem
23:15.31dos1choose_from_preference actually worked like "choose_first_from_list", and this modem didn't support one value that was first on the list of preference
23:16.12dos1slyon: do you know why gtm601 has sms handler overriden?
23:18.13slyondos1, puhh... on GTA04 there was something that we actively had to poll for sms after resume, but that probably wasn't in the sms handler
23:20.22dos1slyon: that smshandler is doing exactly what was failing on phs8 due to that bug above
23:20.46dos1but the values are actually the same as default, so it shouldn't fail there
23:21.33dos1wait, no
23:22.04slyondos1, so probably someone hit that bug but did not find/fix it, but rather build a workaround, by overriding the smshandler?
23:22.06dos1values are the same as supported by phs8 - so I maybe with my fix that handler is not needed anymore?
23:22.22slyonyes, that sounds reasonable
23:23.31dos1too lazy to cross-compile to check... but adding it to TODO ;)
23:24.07slyondos1, do you have FSO installed on your host? then you could forward the GTA04's pty to your host and test
23:24.22dos1oh right
23:24.31slyonusing serial_forward
23:24.42slyonthat's how I did all my work at that time
23:24.45dos1I'm doing everything on host right now, with neo900 proto connected by usb
23:26.34slyonyep, that's straight forward
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23:36.38slyon_dos1, I have to leave now, getting pretty sleepy. Have a bright day tomorrow (in contrast to today)!
23:37.03dos1slyon_: thanks! good night o/
23:37.26dos1and thanks once again for help... also, serial_forward advice was briliant :)
23:44.15Guest85424so I got a mail
23:44.34joecoolsame, and yeah it's super confusing isn't it?
23:45.04joecool"lol we're not sure what to do, we're not comfortable telling you what to do, you should probably bookmark this link though
23:45.31wpwrakzis eenglisch iz a deepheecoold lanquatsh :)
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23:45.47FIQand what happens for those who donated below 100?
23:47.06wpwrakFIQ: they're beyond the refund limit, so this goes straight into the "used for work so far" pool
23:47.07joecooloh there were two mails
23:47.13joecoolgoes back and reads the first one
23:47.56FIQah @ wpwrak
23:51.28ilondamn you write alot compared to the normal #idle
23:52.19ilonDocScrutinizer05: well, i'll probably try to get a donation for you, if for nothing else, to go out and have a nice dinner and some time off. :)
23:52.25ilonalso, i'm out.
23:52.29ilonnight lads
23:53.31wpwrakjoecool: according to my crystal ball, the intended meaning is that GDC doesn't want to be seen making recommendations, since that could be legally interpreted as creating a liability
23:54.37wpwrakjoecool: so he just lets people tell him what to do, without trying to steer them in any direction. unfortunately, the wording is rather ambiguous

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