IRC log for #neo900 on 20140515

00:56.39*** join/#neo900 dos11 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
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18:08.00teleshoesso, um, how big a deal is gdc stepping down?
18:14.47FIQI wonder if he did the same for Pyra
18:15.15teleshoesinteresting, like a stab wound is interesting
18:15.32teleshoesi dont think so
18:15.37FIQwell I didn't mean interesting as in fun
18:15.50FIQjust... "hm wonder what this leads to"
18:16.30*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
18:16.53teleshoesapparently it leads to 75k € being refunded
18:17.28FIQwhere can I find info about this?
18:19.45FIQuh huh
18:20.05FIQthis is not good for the project
18:20.46freemangordonI wouldn't say "not good", IMO this means the end of the project :(
18:20.50freemangordonI hope I am wrong
18:20.53teleshoesi wish DocScrutinizer05 would chime in with a word of encouragement
18:21.21teleshoesor even a word of permanent discouragement
18:22.08FIQfreemangordon: what I fear is that this piss part of the donors off to the point that they refuse to give additional support
18:22.08DocScrutinizer05sorry, I'm short of words. Please excuse my silence, I have yet to recover from this shock. It came as a surprise to me as well
18:22.13teleshoesim really sorry
18:22.15FIQand, in turn, kill the project
18:22.28teleshoeswhat a jerk to announce it there!
18:22.44teleshoesinstead of to you, to let you gently break the news and announce fund management yourself
18:23.33FIQsorry for my first thought being "what about pyra?", I didn't realize it was this bad of an impact at first
18:23.54freemangordonFIQ: I don;t think donoss withdrawing will be the worse
18:24.23freemangordonworst even
18:24.28DocScrutinizer05teleshoes: sorry, nope, I seen some mails flying around and he told about that step 2 or 3 hours ago already
18:24.31FIQnikolaus was responsible for the pcb handling, wasn't he?
18:24.48freemangordonI wonder who will continue with HW development
18:24.49FIQpartially at least
18:25.19FIQso *even* if it would be possible to simply transfer funds (it's not), outcome is still very uncertain
18:25.22teleshoesi see
18:25.38teleshoesit doesnt feel uncertain to me
18:26.18mvaenskaewow, this is not great news :(
18:26.20teleshoesi feel like a kid whose parents just got divorced or something
18:26.29DocScrutinizer05sorry folks, I can't say a word right now. This is severe. Probably final. I have to carefully think if there are ways to go on
18:26.39FIQDocScrutinizer05: what will you do?
18:26.41FIQoh all right
18:26.54teleshoesthanks for everything and good luck
18:27.02FIQcan respect that fully, this is very sad news
18:27.15FIQDocScrutinizer05: best luck to you, whatever happens
18:29.33mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: if you need to take a break take it to reorganize your thoughts and goals
18:29.47mvaenskaeand also you come first right now, not the project
18:30.28DocScrutinizer05just one remark, to not let any false ideas and rumors grow and blossom: I haven't seen a single penny of the donations raised at Goldelico site.
18:31.17teleshoesno need to tell us folks here; if someone's going to want to believe something vile, theyre going to believe it anyway
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21:28.16DocScrutinizer05I'm far from suggesting that already, but I think a feasible way would be: when GDC asks customers about the bank account to transfer the refunding to, every custoner is free to tell GDC the account number and IBAN/BIC of Neo900 UG's account
21:28.53DocScrutinizer05I don't see any problem for GDC when customer decides that's the account he wants to receive the refund at
21:30.04DocScrutinizer05obviously that's no proper order with invoice and everything, like our customers seen at GDC order page
21:30.42DocScrutinizer05I have to think about that some more
21:31.16DocScrutinizer05also whether it makes sense, since that depends on GDC willing to do hw development as a subcontractor
21:34.04DocScrutinizer05I clearly say I'm not capable to do all that stuff alone, it needs more than one guy to run all this, and more than my expertise alone that's limited to design and EE but lacks in production and another few domains
22:01.11FIQwould be happy to help but since I lack the expertise for this, I can mostly help in money support only
22:03.31DocScrutinizer05FIQ: thanks a lot. Clearly Nikolaus been a vital part of the whole concept, and I don't feel like lightheadedly going for another hw developer.
22:06.59DocScrutinizer05without Nikolaus I'd consider the risk of the project failing too high to suggest any of you to risk your money on it. This may change when I learn to know another guy equally skilled and experienced like Nikolaus, but I guess that's impossible :-)
22:09.06DocScrutinizer05I think and hope in a week from now we'll laugh about it and drink champagne to celebrate our new better easier organizational setup and head on to building zillions of Neo900 :-D
22:09.30xesi still hope that the project's team could redefine the respective positions while still remaining inside the original project's idea
22:09.50DocScrutinizer05xes: please rephrase
22:09.57dos1Neo900: from catastrophe to opportunity in few hours
22:10.04dos1we should make a tv series based on that ;)
22:10.33DocScrutinizer05you know we already planned that for Openmoko? X-P
22:10.54xesi hope you will find a new equilibrium ...
22:11.16DocScrutinizer05we will find a better ordinizational definition of the project
22:11.55dos1xes: looks like this will allow us to stay closer to the original intents about our roles in the project
22:12.03DocScrutinizer05let's see how that better organization impacts or even boosts the perspective for the project to succeed
22:12.36DocScrutinizer05yes, exactly what dos1 says
22:13.08dos1ambiguity in Nik's announcement was too high even for us (it indeed sounded like he doesn't want to do anything neo900 related anymore!), but fortunately turned out to not be such a big deal
22:13.31DocScrutinizer05the original idea always been like what we're heading towards now, basically. Just GDC *also* being in the role of Neo900_UG
22:14.20dos1so we now "only" risk losing some customers who already paid and who will decide to not transfer their refunded money to Neo900 UG
22:14.54DocScrutinizer05well, we'll see how that pans out
22:15.01dos1and some organisation overhead like setting up new "shop" or whatever will be needed
22:15.19DocScrutinizer05dos1: seen my last post on tmo?
22:15.57dos1yep, but that's not a solution for anyone who haven't donated yet and would like to
22:15.58DocScrutinizer05I think we should carefully rethink how to do all that bucks-stuff so we don't do same mistake twice
22:16.08dos1of course
22:16.09DocScrutinizer05yes, of course
22:16.52dos1we have to have everything sorted out *before* it starts again...
22:17.11dos1failing to do that again would be a true catastrophe :P
22:17.11DocScrutinizer05the Neo900 UG bank account is alive and workig. We can hand it out to those willing to donate. But we need to think about the legal aspects
22:17.52DocScrutinizer05yes, not only a catastrophe but also a shame
22:18.20DocScrutinizer05we don't want to create contracts again
22:18.39DocScrutinizer05thus: seen my last post?
22:18.56DocScrutinizer05there are some minor details in it about that
22:19.41DocScrutinizer05but lemme think about that before we make a big fuzz, it needs careful evaluation by tax advisors and dunno whom
22:19.54dos1details being bolded I guess? :P
22:21.47dos1seems fair, but that "negotiate" sounds scary - I'd prefer clear rules with as little negotiation as possible
22:22.12DocScrutinizer05clear rules are what breaks our neck here
22:22.47DocScrutinizer05according to several court decisions
22:22.57dos1so not *that* clear, but as clear as possible without neck-breaking ;)
22:23.16DocScrutinizer05we MUST NOT give clear rules, or it will be a contract *again*
22:24.03DocScrutinizer05if we promise _anything_ for the money, it's a contract, not a donation
22:24.27DocScrutinizer05we can promise "VIP customer status"
22:24.27FIQ<dos1> ambiguity in Nik's announcement was too high even for us (it indeed sounded like he doesn't want to do anything neo900 related anymore!), but fortunately turned out to not be such a big deal
22:24.32FIQhuh? what did I miss
22:24.35FIQdid things change?
22:24.52FIQcompared to that forum post
22:24.57FIQit sounded like nik was bailing out
22:25.05dos1FIQ: announcement from Nikolaus sounds far more dramatic than it really is
22:25.50dos1GDC steps out as a entity which holds money etc. but Nikolaus doesn't see any problem with working for Neo900 UG as a contractor
22:26.47FIQah all rightt
22:27.52dos1so while he is true that we now can continue without him or with someone else, we probably don't want that and will ask him for his help anyway ;)
22:28.14dos1"he is true" damn I really need some rest
22:29.17dos1DocScrutinizer05: I see. makes sense
22:30.45dos1I guess unofficial hints like "don't worry, stuff won't in fact change" will have to be enough
22:31.01DocScrutinizer05dos1: we all need some rest. Today you're probably more wasted than I usually am
22:32.05DocScrutinizer05funny enough a merchant is allowed to make individual price
22:33.08DocScrutinizer05that's normal on a Moroccan bazaar, but you'd not expect that for a normal purchase/sale in Grmany
22:33.31dos1after finally figuring it out we'll have to wrap it all up in nice words and write some nice article about "the sinusoidal fall and rise of the neo900"
22:33.44dos1or maybe it should be a book? ;)
22:33.57DocScrutinizer05a trilogy
22:34.32dos1definitely a good case study for students :P
22:34.58DocScrutinizer05hope your talk this weekend is in a brighter light now, than it been a few hours back
22:35.23DocScrutinizer05and you actually got a pretty fresh new chapter to add
22:35.47dos1definitely - if only I'll manage to finish the preparations on time!!!
22:36.31dos1so maybe I better go to sleep now and wake up earlier :x
22:36.45DocScrutinizer05good night!
22:36.53DocScrutinizer05goes afk as well
22:37.28dos1good night o/
23:29.46*** join/#neo900 rtm_ (

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