IRC log for #neo900 on 20140410

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11:00.52ddarkDoc, here ?
11:03.00ddark1GB PoP Chip 466 in stock
11:03.59DocScrutinizer05ddark: thanks a lot!
11:06.07DocScrutinizer05(Confirmed Mfg. Date)   27-Dec-2049/3000
11:07.21DocScrutinizer05we really should get samples
11:07.53ddarklet's hope they are really in stock
11:08.34DocScrutinizer05at arrow?usually they are when they say so, aiui. Nik is the expert, I never did sourcing so far in my life
11:09.01DocScrutinizer0525$ sounds fair
11:13.06mvaenskaeam i correct in assuming this might be allowing 1GB ram? :o
11:15.33DocScrutinizer05sure, that's the plan
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11:16.28DocScrutinizer05I elaborated on that several times on those errr yeah 180+ pages of tmo thread
11:16.50mvaenskaei am not really good in following forums :(
11:17.06DocScrutinizer05we can't reasonably attach RAM to the bottom balls of the SoC (OMAP)
11:17.32mvaenskaei thought that's where the battery went to power the SoC ;)
11:17.48DocScrutinizer05but we can attach 1GB RAM on top, and atach arbitrary amounts of NAND flash to bottom balls
11:18.27DocScrutinizer05at least we hope we can
11:18.29mvaenskaenand is still 32gb?
11:18.41DocScrutinizer05that's not NAND
11:18.47DocScrutinizer05that's eMMC
11:19.04DocScrutinizer05and we might go 64GB
11:19.55DocScrutinizer05unclear what NAND we'll implement, either 512MB or 1GB
11:20.15mvaenskaeoh, right... nand was system >.> d'oh
11:20.57mvaenskaethe n900 had 512MB, right?
11:21.20DocScrutinizer05I tend to use 1GB NAND, since that allows proper multiboot config - enough space for 2 or 3 systems
11:23.26DocScrutinizer05when we can't brag with number of cores and Jigahertz, we at least can have decent system storage size, and pleasant eMMC
11:23.50DocScrutinizer05and use as much RAM as possible
11:24.41mvaenskaethat is a very good goal and i like the direction you are aiming for
11:24.43DocScrutinizer05sorry, need a break, curing the flu a bit more
11:25.00mvaenskaeDocScrutinizer05: get well soon!
11:25.10mvaenskaeenjoy your cup of hot chicken broth ;)
11:25.21ddarkDocScrutinizer05: get well !
11:26.01mvaenskaei actually think a proper storage system is more important than insane gigahertz numbers
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