IRC log for #neo900 on 20140314

00:00.48scourgeFIQ: where do updaes get published?
00:09.25mordacI have previously seen the updates on
00:13.19dos1scourge:, RSS channel, mail newsletter, facebook/google+ profiles and tmo thread
00:15.37dos1FIQ: yep, I noticed that... and in fact it was one of the incentives to get this thing finally done ;)
00:16.43*** join/#neo900 scourge_ (
00:25.51FIQdos1: cool :)
00:42.38DocScrutinizer05will take a while to comment the draft
00:48.31dos1btw, I'll have to check if sending mails works correctly from new server, I completely forgot about that when migrating
01:03.13DocScrutinizer05dos1: blackphone, Cebit
01:04.39DocScrutinizer05and maybe even a short note about twinklephone which is supporting ZRTP but when running on a *really* secure phone doesn't offer the endpoint vulnerabilities Snowden mentioned as weakest point of all encryption
01:07.32dos1DocScrutinizer05: what about that blackphone?
01:08.13*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (~paul@2a01:348:6:60a::2)
01:09.55DocScrutinizer05that blackphone is using a one-chip-system afaik, like jolla
01:10.08DocScrutinizer05and any other recent android phone
01:10.34DocScrutinizer05yet to verify, I have no first hand info on that detail
01:11.04dos1hmm, yeah, could be good to point out when it's verified
01:11.59dos1but I don't know anything more about blackphone than what I learned during past few minutes from browsing their site
01:12.19DocScrutinizer05anyway security been *the* topic on Cebit, nfc why ;-P
01:13.32DocScrutinizer05and yeah, that blackphone site is pretty closed
01:13.39DocScrutinizer05almost hostile
01:14.19*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
01:14.20DocScrutinizer05signing up to their forum takes a spanish course to find the right buttons to click
01:16.16DocScrutinizer05anyway a general rule: cheap new powerful hardware uses compromises like shared RAM, otherwise they couldn't do smartphones for 150$
01:16.59DocScrutinizer05Neo900 has a dedicated modem that's totally sandboxed and can't access the main system. Of course this comes with some cost
01:17.09dos1well, it's $629
01:17.23dos1so it's rather closer to neo900 price than $150
01:17.48DocScrutinizer05I don't know zilch about blackphone, only second hand info
01:18.12DocScrutinizer05last time I visited their site, they had no info at all, not even price
01:18.57dos1so it got better, but still nothing about used chipsets etc.
01:19.22DocScrutinizer05I heard about blackfone from a guy who is interested in proper safe encrypted phones. He knew they wanna showcase it in Barcelona(?)
01:20.18dos1but well, it's clearly a sales page after all, it's supposed to sell, not to inform about anything that could seed a doubt in your head ;)
01:21.19DocScrutinizer05I wonder whether Zimmerman had a word in that business model
01:34.28dos1ok, time for some sleep
01:39.38*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast1 (
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05:08.35*** join/#neo900 mordac (
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07:05.13*** join/#neo900 chainsawbike (~chainsawb@unaffiliated/chainsawbike)
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08:42.40*** join/#neo900 sequantz (~sequantz@
11:21.34*** join/#neo900 thrakcattack (
12:10.08*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
12:17.30DocScrutinizer05waiting eagerly for dos1's next newsletter :-)
12:17.38*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
12:35.43*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
12:52.25*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
14:01.25*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
14:26.20*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
14:57.56*** join/#neo900 sequantz (~sequantz@
15:23.26DocScrutinizer51weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekend! :) \o/
15:49.16*** join/#neo900 thedead1440 (~thedead14@unaffiliated/thedead1440)
15:52.26DocScrutinizer51thedead1440: moin!
16:06.49mvaenskaeweekend? right, the time i can work in peace on the problems that accumulated throughout the week ^^
16:08.27sixwheeledbeastdon't be so happy, some of us have to work ;)
16:08.52mvaenskaesixwheeledbeast: want to help me out on my assignments? ;)
16:11.31sixwheeledbeastmvaenskae: Want to help me, a field engineer having to work with an injured writing hand.
16:12.27mvaenskaeouch, how did that happen?
16:13.59sixwheeledbeaststubbed my thumb badly, thumb and wrist have swollen, no sympathy from the boss as wasn't in works time.
16:15.25sixwheeledbeastamazing how legible my left hand writing is becoming.
16:16.15mvaenskaehope the hand gets well soon
16:17.54sixwheeledbeastthx, good luck with your assignments.
16:40.16*** join/#neo900 scourge (
16:46.00thedead1440DocScrutinizer51: morning :) hope you are doing ok
16:49.00*** join/#neo900 NIN101 (
16:54.21*** join/#neo900 kolp__ (~kolp__@
17:01.57*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
17:09.00*** join/#neo900 hoph0p (~communi@
17:09.17*** join/#neo900 dos1 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
17:10.26*** join/#neo900 SAiF (~SAiF@
17:16.35DocScrutinizer05thedead1440: as good as it gets ;-)
17:19.35*** join/#neo900 mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@unaffiliated/mvaenskae)
17:34.51kolp__DocScrutinizer05: thanks for the update the other day, I read it later in the logs. Also, congrats on the UG
17:37.56DocScrutinizer05kolp__: dos1 will come up with a proper really nice (imho) update newsletter RSN
17:38.47kolp__yes, saw that in the logs, too. Can't wait... ;)
17:49.37DocScrutinizer05two random notes: recent reserch shows that a product gains much of its attractiveness from haptic properties. I will take special care on every haptic detail we have control over, like button click feeling etc
17:50.19ds2can it get hot to gently alert the user ?
17:50.22DocScrutinizer05and obviously we should do a "special lowest price" week, even when that doesn't mean a thing ;-)
17:50.47DocScrutinizer05ds2: that's easy, just run CPU in a busy loop
17:51.43ds2but but u are using an ARM...those things don't get hot ;)
17:52.10DocScrutinizer05yeah, will need a little help from other subsystems like modem etc
18:05.05*** join/#neo900 ravelo (
18:27.12mvaenskaewow... i didn't expect my code to work Ö.ö
18:27.25mvaenskaeit looks so ugly, it's functional
18:31.21*** join/#neo900 liteIRC_ (
18:43.26DocScrutinizer05dos1: how's life? :-)
18:54.12scourgehello all
18:54.27scourgehad to look up haptic
18:55.46DocScrutinizer05umm, my spellchecker didn't know it either, but my de<->en dict thought it exists
18:56.13DocScrutinizer05on unrelated topic:
18:56.22DocScrutinizer05>>The device accommodates a wide range of input sources from USB, wall adapter, to car battery. The device
18:56.23DocScrutinizer05provides automatic power path selection to supply the system (SYS) from input source (VBUS), battery (BAT), or
18:57.32dos1DocScrutinizer05: good, thanks, and yours? :)
18:58.04dos1and Pi day ;D
18:58.05DocScrutinizer05attached a "Neo900 UG" label to my letterbox today
18:58.42kolp__what's the ug's role, btw?
18:58.55DocScrutinizer05it's like an UK Ltd
18:59.15DocScrutinizer05and will be new head organization leading the Neo900 project
18:59.55DocScrutinizer05a whole company exclusively made for *you*
19:00.08scourgeweekend!! .... too bad i'm so shattered i can't get up
19:01.04scourgeanyone want to give their opinion on project ara?
19:01.24DocScrutinizer05kolp__: basicaly it's just about best common practice, I can't handle that on my private bank account
19:01.47kolp__right, makes sense
19:02.16scourgeeverything should be done in a UG/ltd. that's what adam smith would have wanted
19:04.44DocScrutinizer05dos1: how are the chances you'll send a newsletter today?
19:05.03DocScrutinizer05dos1: Friday is a good day for newsletters ;-)
19:05.18dos1that's the plan, so I'd say quite big ;)
19:06.00mordacthis is a good cure for my current bout of influenza
19:23.32*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
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19:43.54*** join/#neo900 hoph0p (~communi@
19:55.31scourgethis is interesting
20:35.32*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
21:29.03dos1 :)
21:55.34*** join/#neo900 Sysaxed (
22:02.45*** join/#neo900 scourge (
22:22.51DocScrutinizer05mmpf, 2 "preorders" vanished, back to 340. Yesterday I think it been 342
22:25.53*** join/#neo900 sequantz (~sequantz@
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23:47.05*** join/#neo900 mordac_ (
23:51.05*** join/#neo900 Sysaxed` (
23:56.55*** join/#neo900 chainsawbike (~chainsawb@unaffiliated/chainsawbike)

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