IRC log for #neo900 on 20131217

03:16.13*** join/#neo900 thrakcattack (
03:55.47*** join/#neo900 SAiF (~SAiF@
04:44.43*** join/#neo900 Herbstbert_ (
08:28.30*** join/#neo900 paranoik (6dbe6c16@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:36.00paranoikHi guys. I have an old N900 with damaged mainboard(gsm, gps chips and usb port broken, vibrator damaged) and I would like to sacrifice its parts for Neo900
08:37.14*** join/#neo900 unclouded (~neil@2001:4428:200:80fc:7e05:7ff:fe0d:d421)
08:55.57chainsawbikeparanoik, there is a planned option to buy just the mainboard + installation parts, so ensure your preorder/donation is done then just keep it somewhere safe :)
08:59.27paranoikchainsawbike: I understood from last Neo900 newsletter that some parts are needed, like the display connector
09:02.09chainsawbikeyes, they are looking for new parts - if using "used" connectors is even considered i think it will be an absolute last resort due to the low reliability and high labor costs
09:06.30paranoikokay, thank you
09:12.26*** join/#neo900 archtimmy (
10:10.24*** join/#neo900 Neros_ (
10:55.44*** join/#neo900 zemmy (
11:12.48*** join/#neo900 kolp (~quassel@
11:53.07*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
12:03.24*** join/#neo900 merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
13:31.20*** join/#neo900 DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
14:24.24*** join/#neo900 sequantz (~sequantz@
14:29.24*** join/#neo900 NIN101 (
15:42.58*** join/#neo900 Mistah_Darcy_ (
15:52.49*** join/#neo900 l4m3rx (~7350@
16:06.19*** join/#neo900 Mistah_Darcy_ (
16:19.14*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
16:27.11*** join/#neo900 edgar2 (
16:39.06*** join/#neo900 freemangordon (~freemango@
16:42.56*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
16:51.07*** join/#neo900 Neros (
16:54.11*** join/#neo900 sixwheeledbeast (
17:15.57*** join/#neo900 dos1 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
17:38.06*** join/#neo900 fw190 (3e154b43@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:38.24fw190DocScrutinizer05: hello
17:39.49fw190DocScrutinizer05: look sharp to the east - before Christmas a small present for Neo900 project will be at your door
17:40.12fw190DocScrutinizer05: will send you the tracking number when it will start to work
17:45.06*** join/#neo900 robotanarchy (
17:49.26robotanarchyhi there, I'm about to donate, but I have some questions (after reading FAQ): the final device will cost at least 500€ right now, and when more people donate, it will likely get less (by how much, is 200€ at some point realistic?)
17:50.46robotanarchyI misread the whole thing first and thought the final price would be about 100€ >_> so 500 is really a lot more
17:53.28DocScrutinizer05the range is 500..700EUR, with tendency to 500 for more devices
17:54.03DocScrutinizer05200EUR is outright impossible, we would have to find ways to produce cheaper than Samsung
17:57.05robotanarchyokay, thanks
18:02.24robotanarchyit asks for a delivery address. is this where the final device will be shipped to? because it might be that I move before it is ready
18:06.03DocScrutinizer05this is just a side effect of treating donations like normal orders. We don't need a shipping addr, we will get that from the final order once you place that
18:06.29robotanarchywhat should I type there, because the fields are required
18:06.44DocScrutinizer05ideally your address
18:06.47robotanarchyok xD
18:06.58DocScrutinizer05I dunno if you as well could leave it empty
18:08.09DocScrutinizer05you probably shouldn't type in phantasy addr, since odds are it could accidentally get used as shipping addr nevertheless
18:08.52DocScrutinizer05also the addr (not shipping addr) is used by our credit card verification partner
18:10.39robotanarchythat's complicated :p can't you just write down somewhere, that you need to make sure that you don't accidentally send the final phone to a donation address?
18:11.00robotanarchybecause the form has required fields n stuff (I don't want to type 1234 in the zip code, that is just as bad)
18:11.07DocScrutinizer05we won't do that
18:11.21robotanarchyokay, so it should be fine if i type in my real address
18:11.40DocScrutinizer05the shop usually uses shipping addr of the (final) order to ptint the addr stickers
18:12.24DocScrutinizer05this is no manual processing done, this is an automated webshop software
18:12.40robotanarchyI'm confused, is it a problem if I put a real adress in the shipping field (it's required there) or not?
18:12.55DocScrutinizer05no problem
18:13.10robotanarchyok thanks
18:14.55DocScrutinizer05the webshop works exactly as you'd guess it should
18:15.28DocScrutinizer05it's just a tad unusual that it doesn't sell anything for the product "donation"
18:15.51DocScrutinizer05but the shop has no special handling for this "product"
18:16.05DocScrutinizer05you will receive a proper invoice and all
18:16.22robotanarchyok :)
18:17.41DocScrutinizer05you even will receive an invoice that has german VAT on it, no matter if you're in EU or outside EU
18:18.57DocScrutinizer05this is because we're obliged to pay VAT for donations. Once we ship a device for that money you donated, we will revert that in case you're living at a location that doesn't require us to pay VAT when shipping goods to there
18:21.20sixwheeledbeastI want to ask about that. So if I donate 10x10 that still counts as a rebate for a device? even tho it is actually 84eur after 19% vat
18:22.00DocScrutinizer05no, you need to donate 1x100
18:22.51DocScrutinizer05and those will count as 100+x for the rebate on whatever the device will cost for you, after adding VAT as needed to that final price
18:23.36DocScrutinizer05we don't per default concatenate donations into one
18:24.46DocScrutinizer05we did this for customers who wanted to increase their donation to the 1500+ level
18:25.05DocScrutinizer05we can't do this for donors who donate 10 times 10 eur
18:25.21sixwheeledbeasteh? but there is no option for that only quantities of 10eur
18:25.45robotanarchythat is also confusing. I think when you donate 10x10€, it counts as 1x 100€
18:25.45DocScrutinizer05that's just the amount for ONE donation
18:26.52robotanarchyso I made my donation :) good luck with the project, can't wait to get a neo900 :>
18:26.52DocScrutinizer0510EUR is just the minimum we can accept to not *pay* for the donation
18:27.01sixwheeledbeastso how does one get 1x100 then?
18:27.10DocScrutinizer05robotanarchy: :-D many thanks!
18:27.40DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: you select 100EUR as ammount
18:28.20DocScrutinizer05since the unit is "10 EUR" you will type "10"
18:28.37DocScrutinizer05this is ONE donation of HUNDRED then
18:28.39sixwheeledbeastnot possible from what I can tell.
18:29.17DocScrutinizer05  seems it's pretty easily possible
18:29.30sixwheeledbeastOh so as I said if you donate 10x10eur this equals 1x100eur therefore 1 preorder.
18:30.05DocScrutinizer05when yiu 10 times donate 10 eur that is 10 donations of 10 eur
18:30.42DocScrutinizer05when you donate one time 100eur (in 10 units of 10EUR) then that's ONE donation of 100EUR
18:32.17DocScrutinizer05I never thought this could be so unclear
18:32.28sixwheeledbeastso if you donate 10x10eur here this==rebate for Neo900?
18:37.31DocScrutinizer05see the "total: 100EUR" and the "Product: N900 development donation" (btw wtf "N900", this must be "Neo900" but I think that's not really too confusing)
18:40.58sixwheeledbeastOk so yes I donated 10x10eur=100eur "development donation". It does seem confusing IMO, there are multiple pages to donate on, it would seem.
18:43.40DocScrutinizer05I forwarded it to Nikolaus, maybe he can inprove the page/site
18:50.30sixwheeledbeastk, thanks. I was just checking what I have done will count as a rebate, because that is what I assumed after being directed there from
18:54.53DocScrutinizer05when you donated 100EUR in one transaction, then yes, that counts as one donation of 100EUR
18:55.45DocScrutinizer05and thus entitles you for the rebate
19:05.06*** join/#neo900 Neros (
19:06.09sixwheeledbeastwell the answer is no then :(
19:25.08dos1sixwheeledbeast: 90 EUR? is that you?
19:53.24*** join/#neo900 fw190 (3e154b43@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:55.27DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: sorry, what's the problem? what means "the answer is no"?
19:55.37*** join/#neo900 jake42 (
19:57.47freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I need some help with alsa, could you recommend someone?
19:58.04freemangordonI am stuck at making the earpiece work :(
19:58.30freemangordon(on n900 and 3.13)
19:59.20freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: oh, re NFC - any chip will do the job, as long as it supports so-called "single wire protocol"
19:59.34freemangordonthis is a connection between the chip and the SIM
19:59.39DocScrutinizer05you tried playback sound directly via alsa, without PA and ped, from e.g mp3 player?
20:00.05sixwheeledbeastdos1, DocScrutinizer05: 100EUR on the 14 Dec, "the answer is no" == no rebate
20:00.17DocScrutinizer05there's no such connection, since the only device that connects to SIM is the modem
20:00.21sixwheeledbeastI have order code if that helps
20:00.28dos1sixwheeledbeast: but 100EUR = rebate
20:00.55freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: no, but playback to headphone and speakers work, and volume buttons control the volume, I see stuff changing in alsamixer, etc
20:01.14freemangordonthe same happens for the earphone, but there is no sound out of it
20:01.40freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: what stops you from doing that connection (between NFC chip and the SIM)?
20:01.46dos1sixwheeledbeast: if you typed "10" into amount field and paid 100 EUR, then you're entitled to 100 EUR rebate (and increasing 2% each month)
20:01.55sixwheeledbeastdos1: 100eur as 10x10EUR donations on this page
20:02.08DocScrutinizer05I never heard of such connection and I donno where and how to make it
20:02.26dos1sixwheeledbeast: if you actually clicked "order" ten times and typed all your data ten times, then yes, it's ten donations
20:02.47dos1sixwheeledbeast: otherwise it's 1 donation for 100 EUR and that "10" is only the unit used to choose the amount
20:03.31DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: I know single-wire protocol, but i need a pin to connect the single wire to
20:03.48sixwheeledbeastdos1: no I selected 10 x 10eur in one order.
20:03.49freemangordonit is that "unused" pin on the SIM holder
20:03.55freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ^^^
20:03.56dos1sixwheeledbeast: then everything is fine
20:04.07DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: so god gracious what's the problem?
20:04.16sixwheeledbeastthanks dos1
20:05.18DocScrutinizer05sighs desperate and heads off
20:05.27freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: wait :)
20:06.35sixwheeledbeastWell you said "when you donated 100EUR in one transaction, then yes, that counts as one donation of 100EUR". As I say there are two places to donate I was checking I had selected correctly
20:08.21DocScrutinizer05there are even three ot maybe four places to donate, even on site
20:08.34DocScrutinizer05only one is related to neo900 though
20:10.02DocScrutinizer05honestly, what in looks unclear?
20:12.34DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: how do you try to playback sound to earpiece?
20:12.56freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: I did a skype voice call
20:13.47DocScrutinizer05no idea, that can be PA as well
20:13.52DocScrutinizer05or skype itself
20:14.01freemangordonwell, I have voice from speaker(if I push thebutton) or through headphone (if connected)
20:14.17freemangordonno, it is not PA
20:14.27freemangordonit is the asoc board config
20:14.43freemangordonbut I need someone to give me a hand
20:14.44DocScrutinizer05then fix the asoc board config
20:15.35freemangordonthe problem is that documentation (of alsa in the kernel) is close to sero
20:16.17DocScrutinizer05what can I say
20:16.50freemangordonwhat about NFC?
20:19.19DocScrutinizer05>>C6 pin of UICC is connected to CLF<< maybe I can use this
20:19.55DocScrutinizer05single-wire protocol is not SIM or NFC specific, thus I not even looked at that wikipedia article
20:20.32freemangordonyes, that is the point, the pin on SIM that is usually not connected is used for NFC
20:20.34DocScrutinizer05if you want me to look at some info, then you need to tell me about what's the info I'm supposed to find there
20:21.01freemangordonok, I'll do my homework :)
20:40.57freemangordonon page 11
20:57.36DocScrutinizer05what a mess
20:57.49DocScrutinizer05did you see anything about VCC?
20:58.57DocScrutinizer05they dodge away from this issue by simply connecting SIM to NFC's VCC, but in real life SIM is powered by modem, with *different* voltages
20:59.20DocScrutinizer05there are 5V and 3V3 and maybe even 1V8 SIMs and modem handles that
21:00.11DocScrutinizer05also, did you consider the privacy issues?
21:00.25freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: "For the low power mode, the electrical characteristics of contact C1 (Vcc) are extended by the present document."
21:00.51DocScrutinizer05yes, that's pretty thin eh?
21:01.13freemangordonI guess there is a follow-up explanation on that extension
21:01.49freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: re privacy - in card emulation mode no sensitive data is transmitted in clear form between terminal and card
21:02.14DocScrutinizer05says who?
21:02.21freemangordonwhere card is Neo900 and teminal is contactless card reader
21:02.24freemangordonsays me
21:02.43freemangordonEMV/contactless cards is part of what I do in RL
21:03.14freemangordonalso, there are specs if you want to dig deeper
21:03.21DocScrutinizer05I'm talking about a black box (SIM) having total control ofer a transceiver (NFC)
21:03.38freemangordonoh, no, it doesn't work like that
21:04.00freemangordonNFC chip is just a "transport layer"
21:04.08DocScrutinizer05yes, exactly
21:04.11freemangordonit simply adds anthenna to the chip
21:04.17DocScrutinizer05yes, exactly
21:04.31DocScrutinizer05so you "add antenna" to a blackbox
21:05.04DocScrutinizer05it can do worse stuff than modem
21:05.18DocScrutinizer05since we have no means to control what it does
21:05.28freemangordonit can't, this is NFC, mind you
21:05.51DocScrutinizer05so what?
21:06.02freemangordonI don;t understand your concern
21:06.22freemangordonwhat privacy problem do you think might arise?
21:06.23DocScrutinizer05my concern is: this is passport with RFID ^ 10
21:07.02DocScrutinizer05*everybody* can pass by and talk to your SIM without you havning the faintest chance to even notice it
21:07.04freemangordonpassport? no, this is the same as your debit/credit card
21:07.19freemangordonor your contactless card if you have one
21:07.59DocScrutinizer05I an put that one into a shielding sleeve and only pull it out to use it
21:08.09freemangordonoh,SIM is apart of that interface
21:08.20DocScrutinizer05and the contactless card has no battery to send with 100mW
21:09.01freemangordonpower donw the NFC chip and you're just fine
21:09.37DocScrutinizer05AHA!! where from is NFC power? didn't we talk about VCC before?
21:10.08DocScrutinizer05didn't I tell you it can't work the way they sketched it in that silly ETSI paper?
21:10.22freemangordonthat one powers SIM card, not the anthenna
21:10.23freemangordonar transmitter
21:10.23freemangordonsee the schematics
21:10.39DocScrutinizer05no, look again
21:11.28DocScrutinizer05the levels of the pin at NFC and the pin at UICC/SIM are defined relative to the one and only VCC
21:11.33freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: CLF stands for "contactless frontend", the other name for our NFC chip
21:11.41DocScrutinizer05I know
21:12.02DocScrutinizer05so what?
21:12.29DocScrutinizer05the "schematics" clearly state that CLF and SIM use same VCC
21:12.32freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: depending on the implementation, you may have NFC active or not when power is switched off
21:12.37DocScrutinizer05and they have to
21:13.16freemangordonoh, you mean that modem powers that CLF?
21:13.28DocScrutinizer05since the signal levels on single-wire are defined as VCC*0.7 for example
21:13.43DocScrutinizer05no, the modem can't power CLF
21:14.03DocScrutinizer05it's not designed to do that
21:14.21freemangordonok, I still fail to see what is the privacy issue as long as TX is disabled
21:14.48DocScrutinizer05HOW THE HECK do we even *POWER* the TX?
21:15.05freemangordonisn't TX part of that NFC chip?
21:15.07DocScrutinizer05when you answered that question, I can tell you if we can disable it
21:16.18DocScrutinizer05I told you VCC for SIM is from odem and may be 1V8, 3V3 or 5V and is not capable or suited to power CLF/NFC
21:16.50DocScrutinizer05OTOH NFC and SIM MUST use same VCC since levels on 1-wire are defined as % of VCC
21:17.11DocScrutinizer05so we have a terrible collision here
21:17.13*** join/#neo900 kolp_ (~quassel@
21:17.23freemangordonI need to find some real nfc chip, I guess it will become clear how that works in practice
21:17.41*** join/#neo900 hbib (
21:17.59DocScrutinizer05that only modem with built-in special support for NFC and even the NFC itself built into modem can solve
21:18.51DocScrutinizer05or the NFC chip has an input "SIM-VCC" that's only for reference but not for powering the NFC
21:19.48DocScrutinizer05even then the modem needs to control the SIM VCC according to the requirements for NFC, it for example mustn't power down the SIM
21:20.21DocScrutinizer05it must support reading out the info about SIM supporting 1-wire or not
21:20.33DocScrutinizer05it must configure the SIM accordingly
21:20.47DocScrutinizer05I dunno if our modem knows how to do that
21:22.37DocScrutinizer05after all the modem module is M2M, not meant for mobile phones with NFC. Car-Navi rarely has NFC
21:23.27DocScrutinizer05Nokia easily can patch their BB5 modem software to handle that stuff. I dunno if cinterion even thought of 1-wire
21:23.57DocScrutinizer05most of the modems don't come with analog audio even
21:24.18DocScrutinizer05and digital audio is just a "nice to have" on those modems
21:24.25DocScrutinizer05not mandatory
21:25.14DocScrutinizer05this 1-wire stuff looks like ... one wire, but actually it's a damn lot more of a mess and trouble
21:26.03freemangordon"PMUVCC A8 Power SIM Power in from mobile PMU"
21:26.05DocScrutinizer05I'd like to have it, but I'm not sure we can do it. Heck I dunno if we even can *evaluate* it
21:26.12freemangordonthis is NXP PN544
21:26.48freemangordon"SIMVCC B8 Power SIM Power out to UICC"
21:28.47DocScrutinizer05now tell me who's going to power the NFC
21:29.17freemangordoncheck on page 20 "Supply of SIM with SWP interface"
21:29.36DocScrutinizer05I guess the chip has an additional power supply input and it can power the SIM when modem doesn't
21:30.01freemangordonit doesn't need even a battery to operate
21:30.11freemangordonif configured so
21:31.34DocScrutinizer05then how do we ensure SIM isn't remove while powered?
21:31.49*** join/#neo900 romashka (~romashka@
21:31.51DocScrutinizer05since that can destroy SIM
21:32.02DocScrutinizer05modem has a switch in simtray for that
21:32.03freemangordonno, it can't
21:32.10DocScrutinizer05yes it can
21:32.51DocScrutinizer05that's why that switch is mandatory when SIM can get removed while modem powered up
21:32.52freemangordonwell, I guess that switch can be used to provide signal to both modem and NFC chip
21:33.15DocScrutinizer05well, I guess all this has to get evaluated
21:33.26DocScrutinizer05and I have no time to do that ad-hoc
21:33.33freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: sure
21:33.52freemangordonI was just feeding data through the pipeline :)
21:36.33DocScrutinizer05btw: the modem might not like getting reverse-fed with power from SIM pins when the modem is powered off
21:36.52DocScrutinizer05it needs to be prepared/designed for that
21:37.22freemangordonafaik SWP is independant of SIM interface
21:37.38DocScrutinizer05and you can't guarantee that the data/clk/reset pins of SIM do _not_ feed power to the modem when SIM is powered on VCC
21:38.06freemangordonNFC enabled SIMs are designed to operate like that
21:38.40DocScrutinizer05yeah, but what about those SIM that never heard of NFC?
21:38.59freemangordonthey have their C6 pin NC ;)
21:39.19freemangordonspecs say they MUST do
21:39.26DocScrutinizer05and - as I already said - you need the modem to check if a card is designed to do 1-wire/NFC or not
21:39.48freemangordonmodem shouldn;t care about that
21:39.50DocScrutinizer05to talk to the card
21:40.04freemangordonmodem doesn't talk to SWP part
21:40.11freemangordononly NFC chip does
21:40.37freemangordonyes, this is different interface
21:40.39DocScrutinizer05NFC capability is in card's parameter storage
21:41.14freemangordonsure, but why should modem care about that?
21:41.27DocScrutinizer05the modem needs to read out that storage and also tell card to enable NFC since the *terminal* also can do it
21:41.55DocScrutinizer05the device, whatever
21:42.13DocScrutinizer05seen that in 5 min reading that ETSI shit
21:42.14freemangordonno, modem should not enable NFC. The whole thing (NFC) is designed to work in stand-alone mode, operated on anthenna power only
21:42.32DocScrutinizer05yes, after been enabled
21:42.48freemangordonno, even the "device" is powered off
21:42.57freemangordon*even when
21:43.24freemangordonyes, read that pn544 datasheet
21:44.08DocScrutinizer05what a mess
21:46.28DocScrutinizer05I guess I just learnt about the reason why Nokia "forgot" to implement single-wire on N9
21:47.16freemangordonBTW is NFC on N9 FRID tags only?
21:47.48DocScrutinizer05they either thought it's not worth the massive effort to evaluate, or they found a showstopper hidden somewhere during such evaluation
21:48.51freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: that SWP enables you to use your mobile as a contactless card. And there is massive effort in europe to migrate to CC for the last 2-3 years
21:49.19freemangordonusually those are used as wallet, for amounts < 50 euro
21:50.24DocScrutinizer05yeah, with zilch control
21:50.38DocScrutinizer05all the "control2 is n the terminal
21:51.00DocScrutinizer05and you ask where#s the privacy issue?
21:51.45freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: allow me to know a bit about card payments and SW in those teminals :)
21:51.56DocScrutinizer05but I guess we can squash that easily, by cutting the single-wire
21:52.01freemangordonno, the control is in the card issuer
21:52.15freemangordonterminal is just that -a terminal
21:52.36DocScrutinizer05does the card issuer press a button to allow transaction with my CC?
21:52.45freemangordonactually yes
21:53.00DocScrutinizer05fine. I'd prefer when I would do that
21:53.15freemangordonthe issuer is the one that decides whether to approve the "transaction request or not
21:53.22DocScrutinizer05Ideally even enter a PIN
21:53.38DocScrutinizer05to my CC
21:53.50freemangordonnothing stops you to enter the PIN, it depends on how the card was issued. it is not a technology limitation
21:53.56DocScrutinizer05NOT to a terminal blackbox that's possibly rogue
21:54.25freemangordonno, it is not. I've done 3 certifications with FIME so fat (ATM EMV kernels)
21:54.28DocScrutinizer05since a rogue terminal won't ask for my pin
21:54.35*** join/#neo900 virman (~virman@
21:54.53freemangordongood, and why then your bank would approve that transaction?
21:55.11DocScrutinizer05why wouldn't it?
21:56.00freemangordonif your card is set up in the host system to require online pin on every transaction, a transaction request that comes without PIN MUST be declined
21:56.38freemangordonbecause that is how the stuff works. Trust me, I know more than a bit about authorization systems
21:57.22DocScrutinizer05scenario: one guy spies my pin while I pay in wallmart, then follows me and stands near me with a NFC<->UMTS transponder. A second guy uses a second such transponder coupled with first one via UMTS to buy a rolls royce and pay with the remote-virtual CC and my pin
21:57.48DocScrutinizer05trust me, I can do this
21:57.57freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: your PIN is not transmitted to the card ;)
21:58.15DocScrutinizer05not necessary
21:58.36freemangordonit is send encrypted with 3DES to your issuer for verification, along with the other transaction data
21:58.37DocScrutinizer05PIN can get spied in very traditional way, lurking over my shoulder
21:59.49freemangordonnot to say that every transaction has a "hash" - so called ARC (Authorisation Request Cryptogram), which is based on 3DES keys shared between the card and the issuer
21:59.58freemangordonsorry, ARQC
22:00.13freemangordonARC is the response cryptogram
22:00.32DocScrutinizer05even simpler: the taxi driver has a really fsckng CC terminal in his car that needs 3 minutes to conect to the bank. You type your PIN and it says "transaction aborted, no connection to network, please repeat"
22:01.02DocScrutinizer05actually the thing is rogue and transfers my virtual CC to the 3rd man at rolls royce shop
22:01.17DocScrutinizer05he got all, access to the card +and* the pn
22:01.46freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: do you read what I wrote?
22:01.55DocScrutinizer05so what?
22:01.59freemangordonyour taxi driver cannot produce that ARQC
22:02.09DocScrutinizer05why would he need to?
22:02.20freemangordonand the bank will decline the transaction because the card verification will fail
22:02.50freemangordonavary transaction has its own ARQC
22:02.57DocScrutinizer05what makes you think the virtual card at rolls royce is not good for the bank?
22:03.05freemangordonand the bank knows how to check if it is genuine
22:03.38DocScrutinizer05please tell me in detail where and when in the procedure the fake card will fail
22:04.03freemangordonbecause even the bank cannot generate that ARQC as noone knows the keys, but HSMs in the bank and the card itself
22:04.14freemangordon(HSM - security module)
22:04.32DocScrutinizer05the gangster holds transponder to the terminal at RR and that transponder talks to your CC at taxi
22:04.33freemangordonand BTW the bank don't know your PIN either
22:05.09DocScrutinizer05damn, the taxi driver knows the pin,. since you typed it to a fake keyboard in his car
22:05.25freemangordonthe worst he can do is to pay your taxi once again, if the first request didn;t make it to the bank
22:05.36freemangordonyes, he knows the pin, but that is not enough
22:05.48DocScrutinizer05go take all your ARQC and whatnot - they won't help here
22:05.58freemangordonoh, yes, it will
22:06.09DocScrutinizer05tell me why!
22:06.14freemangordonagain - the transaction amount is present in that arqc
22:06.26DocScrutinizer05I don't talk your gibberish
22:06.37DocScrutinizer05I don't care what's encrypted
22:06.52freemangordonthose 20 euro you're supposed to pay to the taxidriver
22:07.01DocScrutinizer05I tell you the gangester hold the transponder to RR POS
22:07.26DocScrutinizer05communication starts with +your+ card, via UMTS and a secondd transponder
22:08.00DocScrutinizer05until this pint I can't see where your encryption kicks in
22:08.10freemangordonoh, so the card does not communicate with taxi's terminal, but with some fake one?
22:08.25DocScrutinizer05the taxi terminal is both
22:08.35DocScrutinizer05or maybe only a fake one yeah
22:08.43freemangordoncard cannot communicate with two terminals at once
22:09.19DocScrutinizer05iot doen't need to communicate with two terminals at once
22:09.25freemangordonyeah, got it
22:09.29DocScrutinizer05it doesn't*
22:09.44DocScrutinizer05you can do ZILCH to stop me pulling that off
22:10.15freemangordonno, it doesn't work like that, card verifies the terminal too
22:10.23DocScrutinizer05unless user needs to enter PIN to CARD, not _terminal_
22:10.47DocScrutinizer05so what, it will verify the RR POS just fine
22:11.44freemangordonwell, you'll get a receipt, ain't?
22:11.54DocScrutinizer05and it won't tell you that it thinks it's at RR
22:12.06DocScrutinizer05HAH, the receipt, yeah
22:12.41freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: see, if we think that way, lets forget about POS and ATM devices altogether
22:12.45DocScrutinizer05but since the taxi terminal is fake anyway, the driver is nice and offers you a free ride since his POS terminal is defect
22:13.01DocScrutinizer05finaly you got my point
22:13.40freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: well, I am not saying this is impossible, but highy improbable
22:14.10freemangordonoh, wait
22:14.32freemangordonwhere is that gangsta's POS terminal connected to?
22:15.00freemangordonand what does the bad guy buys actually?
22:15.17freemangordonit is YOU that buys RR, ain't?
22:15.35freemangordonso he goets nothing in the end?
22:17.40*** join/#neo900 skuratovskiy (~skuratovs@
22:17.45freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: think about ^^^ :).
22:18.04DocScrutinizer05sorry, busy with council handover
22:18.10freemangordonhowever, please consider discussing this NFC stuff with the other guys
22:18.17freemangordonsure, np
22:19.34freemangordonIf I weren't so tired, I'd have explained that cards stuff way clearer. But as I obviously need some sleep, I'm off to bed

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