IRC log for #neo900 on 20131112

00:04.09*** join/#neo900 Herbstfreud (
04:10.20*** join/#neo900 Herbstbert (
06:17.40*** join/#neo900 struppi (
09:56.48*** join/#neo900 kolp (~quassel@
10:50.57DocScrutinizer05PHS8-K has automatic reset ant return to prev state when battery voltage drops below limit for <2s  \o/
10:51.16DocScrutinizer05battery hotswap will be even more convenient than I hoped for
10:52.54henkAnd how convenient ist that exactly? I was wondering how much time to swap there will be …
11:00.56DocScrutinizer05henk: the trick is to learn *how* to swap battery. There is a certain procedure that guarantees swap times of <0.2s. I will prepare a tutorial video eventually
11:01.20DocScrutinizer05in short: you slide in new battery under used one
11:01.52DocScrutinizer05new battery pops out the old one while connecting instantly instead of old one
11:07.26henkYes, I’ve tested how long I’d need for swapping, with an old phone and depending on the case and the battery, I figured it can certainly be done in <1s which is hopefully fast enough. Does it need to be done in <0.2s?
11:10.06DocScrutinizer05unspecified yet, but that method is the fastest and safest one anyway, so why bother to take longer?
11:10.48DocScrutinizer05with new battery pushing out old battery you have no risk at all to take longer than 0.2s
11:11.32DocScrutinizer05so we probably will design for a security marging of 100% and allow 0.4s
11:12.06DocScrutinizer05longer takes proprtionally more bulky buffer capacitors
11:13.27DocScrutinizer051s takes 5 cm^3 while 0.2s takes 1cm^3 for buffering  (multiply all volume values with a correction factor for used capacitor technology, may as well be 0.1cm^3 and 0.5cm^3)
11:13.31henko_O "why bother to take longer"? Yeah, I absolutely tried very hard not to be faster than 0.2s …
11:13.55henkSorry, that question was unnecessarily stupid IMHO …
11:13.57DocScrutinizer05sorry for my french
11:14.13DocScrutinizer05I's stopping this discussion now
11:14.21DocScrutinizer05it starts getting nasty
11:14.42henkNot everyone may have such fast and steady fingers.
11:15.57DocScrutinizer05there's technically physically no way to take longer than actually <0.1 s for popping out old bat by sliding in new one, no matter what fingers you have
11:16.19DocScrutinizer05if you can move your finger >5cm/s you're done
11:16.34DocScrutinizer05one of your fingers
11:16.43DocScrutinizer05for a distance of <1cm
11:17.35DocScrutinizer05I told you i'll prepare a tutorial video and that it is NO problem at all, for anybody
11:17.58DocScrutinizer05so what's the use to argue with me on denying what I promised?
11:18.10DocScrutinizer05and to argue with me about my poor english?
11:18.19DocScrutinizer05sorry, I'm out
11:19.52henkSure. No problem. For anybody. If you say so.
11:20.12DocScrutinizer05try it rather than arguing with me
11:20.44DocScrutinizer05take a new bat, lift old bat at bottom end and slide in new bat under it
11:21.17DocScrutinizer05it will magically pop out old bat and same moment (<0.05s) connect new battery
11:21.45DocScrutinizer05there's prettyl little you could do wrong in that procedure
11:23.52*** join/#neo900 archtimmy (
11:24.08henkCan’t. Don’t have a n900 to test with. Neither do I have anything reliably measuring the time it takes to actually disconnect the old and connect the new battery. Which is why I only know that it is generally possible to do it in <1s, but I have no idea how long exactly.
11:24.08DocScrutinizer05and since it's that fast switching time, you basically can't spoil it since you can't stop the process in between switching, it's simply too fast
11:24.48DocScrutinizer05yiu have a reliable means to measure: you perception
11:25.29DocScrutinizer05God! can't you try to figure what I tell you?
11:26.05DocScrutinizer05yes, 1s is abozut the time i'd need to FIRST pull out old bat, THEN insert new one
11:26.15DocScrutinizer05but we don't do that
11:26.37DocScrutinizer05we FIRST insert new bat, THEN it pops out old one automagically
11:26.52DocScrutinizer05the whole thing is atomic
11:27.16DocScrutinizer05you can't stop it in between
11:27.32henkYou are german, right?
11:27.37DocScrutinizer05not even if you try
11:27.53henkThen you probably know the term "Grobmotoriker"?
11:28.28DocScrutinizer05well, we can't handle all kinds of "Grobmotoriker" to be found out there
11:29.24DocScrutinizer05if you can swap battery in <1s then you're more than fit to swap it in <0.05s with my method
11:29.46DocScrutinizer05it's baby simple
11:29.58*** join/#neo900 mikki-kun (~mikki-kun@unaffiliated/mikki-kun)
11:30.16DocScrutinizer05ok, you need both hands, and placing the device on a table helps a lot
11:30.30DocScrutinizer05but that's it
11:31.11DocScrutinizer05you lift old battery at bottom end ~10mm (no time constraint - NTC)
11:31.48DocScrutinizer05you slide in new battery maybe 30% of the total battery lenght (NTC)
11:33.27DocScrutinizer05you push in new battery by pressing battery bottom up direction batery contact (time contraint: move battery til it sits in contaczs. Distance: 3cm, time to accomplish this one movement: 0.5s)
11:33.48DocScrutinizer05this automagically makes old battery pop up and out of the way
11:34.23DocScrutinizer05really no rocket science and no artistic art
11:36.01DocScrutinizer05wishes he had a camera stand, to take a movie
11:51.32DocScrutinizer05here you are:  (don't ask me how to playback mp4 on linux desktop)
11:52.07DocScrutinizer05watch this video and you'll notice it's dead simple and can't go wrong
11:52.22ilonDocScrutinizer05: breathe.
11:52.27DocScrutinizer05I even did it with my left hand while taking the video with my right one
11:54.30ilonDocScrutinizer05: by the way, does this work with the n900, or is the capacitors not big enough?
11:55.56DocScrutinizer05it doesn't work with N900, at least not without other supporting tricks like airpane mode and powered down screen backlight and stopping BME to not make device emergency-shutdown when battery BSI contact disconnected
11:57.23ilondidnt think of BSI contact
11:58.20DocScrutinizer05yeah BSI contact blade is even 0.2mm shorter to disconnect a few ms earlier than Vbat
11:59.29DocScrutinizer05but actually I wondered by myself if it *could* work when you take the necessary precautions
12:00.12ilonsomething for a friday night experiment? :P
12:10.34*** join/#neo900 kratz00_work (~stpa2497@
12:24.06*** join/#neo900 Neros (~quassel@2001:660:2402:14:a11:96ff:fe78:3144)
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12:51.09*** join/#neo900 hbib (
12:58.02*** join/#neo900 hbib1 (
13:43.10*** join/#neo900 NIN101 (
13:52.08*** join/#neo900 Neros (~quassel@2001:660:2402:14:a11:96ff:fe78:3144)
14:14.49*** join/#neo900 hbib (
14:39.24DocScrutinizer05dos1: please have a href to this behind the > >Battery hot-swa pFor all fast handed hackers over there that can replace the battery in just few seconds, we're going to support switching it on the fly, without turning off the phone!<<  Thanks!
14:40.22DocScrutinizer05ilon: sure, go ahead! :-)
14:42.10DocScrutinizer05you need to: `stop bme`, make sure CPU is idle, backlight and display off, and WLAN set to 10mW TX power
14:43.07DocScrutinizer05also you probably should do a `sync` immediately before you try, to give your filesystem a chance to survive even when the hotswap fails
14:48.07ilonDocAvalanche: heh, tempting :P
14:48.39DocAvalancheactually, DrAvalanche
14:48.42ilonAlso, ordered a "Brand new" Nokia N900 from a seller in Hong Kong
14:49.28ilonhad a lengthy email conversation with the seller where they reassured that the item is in fact brand new, not a copy or refurbished
14:49.39ilongoing to be fun to receive it
14:50.19DocAvalancheilon: yes, much. Please report
14:50.47ilonDocAvalanche: oh i will.
14:51.07ilonDocAvalanche: most likely is that i get a refurbished one, might be in good enough condition to keep tho
15:11.48ilonDocScrutinizer05: what is your handle on
15:12.29DocScrutinizer05please do NOT send PM to my tmo account!
15:12.30ilonDocScrutinizer05: as i suspected then, just curious :)
15:12.40ilonDocScrutinizer05: why would i? O,o
15:13.17DocScrutinizer05joerg AT openmoko DOT org
15:13.34ilonDocScrutinizer05: i have no business with you..
15:13.35DocScrutinizer05is my email addr to send any stuff to me, tmo sucks donkeyballs
15:13.56ilonwell, other than the fact i donated some to your project :P
15:14.37ilonDocScrutinizer05: actually, i'll just hilight you here when i have some update on the "new" n900 from hong kong
15:15.10DocScrutinizer05thanks! :-)
15:15.47ilonsnap, now i see, your IRC handle is even in your sig on tmo
15:49.22*** join/#neo900 hbib (
16:04.42*** join/#neo900 Neros (
17:02.36*** join/#neo900 dos1 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
17:21.47*** join/#neo900 fgau (
17:31.08*** join/#neo900 comradekingu (~comradeki@
18:04.34*** join/#neo900 obiwlan (
18:49.25DocScrutinizer05dos1: ping
18:50.16DocScrutinizer05dos1:     please have a href to this behind the > >Battery hot-swa pFor all fast handed hackers over there that can replace the battery in just few seconds, we're going to support switching it on the fly, without turning off the phone!<<  Thanks!
18:50.45DocScrutinizer05or, better yet, make a youtube video out of that
18:50.54DocScrutinizer05and link to that
19:30.34*** join/#neo900 freemangordon (~freemango@
19:36.19*** join/#neo900 comradekingu (~comradeki@
21:01.42*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
21:38.39*** part/#neo900 skrzyp (
22:57.05dos1DocScrutinizer05: hmm... maybe even gif?
22:57.25dos1I think it's short enough and can be embedded in tooltip
22:57.29dos1(batswap video)
22:57.52DocScrutinizer05if you manage to make an animated gif of that, sure, go ahead
22:58.18DocScrutinizer05it so short because it's so awesome ;-)
23:00.18DocScrutinizer05I probably should've placed a paper there with "(C) jOERG" written on it ;-D
23:00.27dos1hehe :D
23:01.14DocScrutinizer05I honestly been surprised about the elegance of the procedure, on first take :-D
23:02.25DocScrutinizer05(well, not eactly first take. First been me trying in vain to lift battery and slide in new one under it - with one hand. Then I decided that's not relevant anyway)
23:02.42dos1yeah... when I saw it I felt ashamed that I haven't come up with it by myself
23:02.52dos1cause I'm replacing battery in n900 almost every day
23:03.25dos1and due to flat rtc bat, I rather try to do it fast too :D
23:03.27DocScrutinizer05it works like mere magic :-)
23:04.57DocScrutinizer05donations trop to an absolute zero
23:05.41dos1well, hardly surprising
23:06.00dos1there'll be some from time to time probably, until we come up with something new and newsworthy
23:06.12DocScrutinizer05I'd hoped for a constant 3..6 per day, for next few weeks at least
23:06.41dos1I hope for the end of the month and a "prototype" OSHW
23:06.47dos1on OSHW*
23:07.09dos1it might boost it up a bit again
23:47.39kolpYes, I think what's needed now is 'visible' progress :)
23:47.43kolp(no pressure!)
23:49.38*** join/#neo900 jeepingben (~jeepingbe@
23:54.51dos1kolp: working on it, new news piece coming soon, and a blog for smaller updates too
23:55.12kolpdos1: Great! :)
23:55.14dos1sorry for delays, it's mostly my fault
23:56.11dos1for now I can assure you that Joerg and Nikolaus exchange quite high amount of e-mails with their findings about components and stuff like that
23:57.58kolpOh, I'm not worried
23:58.03kolpabout that
23:58.26kolp(or anything else)
23:59.44dos1so yeah, hopefully there'll be a new news piece within next 24 hours
23:59.48dos1it's high time ;)

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