IRC log for #neo900 on 20131109

02:55.30*** join/#neo900 Clad (7a760821@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:57.11CladHello ! I already have a N900 and I am not afraid of tinkering things, will you guys provide any option to just buy the motherboard alone do DIY upgrade our own phones ?
03:49.31henkquote: »We'll provide complete, ready-to-use devices, as well as motherboard replacements for your current device.«
03:52.01CladGreat, thanks for the answer !
04:49.10*** join/#neo900 Herbstb3rt (
05:27.09*** join/#neo900 Ken-Young (
06:56.45ilonFunklord: seller states: "Status Available. Released 2009, November", along with: "MEMORY Internal 32 GB storage, 256 MB RAM" and on the direct question "is this a genuine Nokia N900?2 i received: "Yes,This phone is original and genuine Nokia phone!"
06:57.48ilonFunklord: so i think it might in fact be genuine, will probably order one to see :)
08:49.11*** join/#neo900 NIN101 (
09:30.22ilonDocScrutinizer05: I've looked around rather much, and yes, most are refurbished, put in original box and resold as new, this particular seller claims they are brand new and in sealed boxes tho, think i'll call the bluff
09:41.32DocScrutinizer05ask for *original* box with all accessories
09:42.05DocScrutinizer05odds are THOSE are actually very good deal if you can find one
09:53.36DocScrutinizer05~neo900DIY is <reply>quote: »We'll provide complete, ready-to-use devices, as well as motherboard replacements for your current device.«, or
09:53.36infoboti'm not going to learn illegal characters, DocScrutinizer05
09:53.45infobotfrom memory, idiot is you
09:54.12DocScrutinizer05~neo900DIY is <reply>quote: >>We'll provide complete, ready-to-use devices, as well as motherboard replacements for your current device.<<, or
09:54.12infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
09:54.25infobotquote: >>We'll provide complete, ready-to-use devices, as well as motherboard replacements for your current device.<<, or
09:55.59DocScrutinizer05infobot: no, neo900DIY is <reply>quote: >>We'll provide complete, ready-to-use Neo900, as well as GTA04-NeoN motherboard replacements for your current N900.<<, or
09:55.59infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
09:56.04infobotquote: >>We'll provide complete, ready-to-use Neo900, as well as GTA04-NeoN motherboard replacements for your current N900.<<, or
09:58.40DocScrutinizer05~neo900cost is <reply> Neo900 cost depends on number of devices that get ordered, see
09:58.40infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay
10:04.12DocScrutinizer05~n900pinkponies is <reply> Q: Why no $pink-pony-CPU/display/case? Why those old parts/design?  A: see and specially for you
10:04.12infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay
10:05.12DocScrutinizer05~n900ponie is <reply>see n900pinkponies
10:05.12infobotokay, DocScrutinizer05
10:09.55infobotQ: Why no $pink-pony-CPU/display/case? Why those old parts/design?  A: see and specially for you
10:11.32DocScrutinizer05infobot:  no, n900pinkponies is <reply> Q: Why no $pink-pony-CPU/display/case? Why those old parts/design?  A: see and specially for you
10:11.32infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay
10:14.55JoHnYdamn... anyone remembers the command to disable the bottom bar in terminal on N900? I can't find it anywhere
10:16.27DocScrutinizer05err, diable bottom bar?
10:16.36DocScrutinizer05never heard of that
10:16.48JoHnYyeah, the  "Ctrl Tab Esc PgUp PgDn
10:17.03JoHnYit's possible to disable it and have the fullscreen terminal
10:17.18DocScrutinizer05you can make the TOP bar vanish, by going fullscreen
10:18.12JoHnYyes but the bottom one too, it was just some long command and I can't remember it, but it worked fine, I just lost it when I was reinstalling n900 last time
10:18.20JoHnYand I can't find it on forum now
10:18.21DocScrutinizer05isn't that a question for #maemo ?
10:20.34JoHnYfound it!  gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/xterm/toolbar -t bool "false"
10:38.51*** join/#neo900 kolp (~quassel@
11:06.32*** join/#neo900 hbib1 (
11:31.59DocScrutinizer05>>Received: 29400.00<<  \o/
11:32.11DocScrutinizer05<10% fraud already
12:10.09DocScrutinizer05we expect some of the money transfers never to happen, and some of the CC orders to get revoked
12:10.48DocScrutinizer05but I been afraid of a higher percentage
12:11.14FunklordI think that only happens when you are selling stuff
12:11.15DocScrutinizer0529400 of 33k is already pretty good I'd say
12:11.45FunklordI mean, what's the point of defrauding donations?
12:12.28Funklordyou probably only get pure negligence
12:12.41Funklord20% is normal
12:18.42FunklordI've got this huge problem with my home desktop since switched hdds, and are using new filesystems
12:19.28Funklordit freezes up, sometimes for over a minute while flushing disk caches or something
12:19.42Funklordthis happens like all the time
12:20.09FunklordI changed so many things at once, that I'm not sure what is causing it
12:20.54Funklordbefore I only used mbr+ext3, now it uses GPT + ext4 and btrfs
12:24.39Funklordbeen too lazy to troubleshoot it, last reboot was 6 months ago ;P
12:44.38*** join/#neo900 dos1 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
13:28.45*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
13:45.56*** join/#neo900 nokiabot (~nokiabot@
13:49.30*** join/#neo900 Neros (
14:14.20DocScrutinizer05indeed wow, already 50 users
14:15.47nokiaboti just guessed and typed neo900 and i was here
14:24.18*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
14:26.32HerbstbertShould be even more. :)
14:29.30*** join/#neo900 Ken-Young (
14:33.13DocScrutinizer05/msg alis list
14:33.21DocScrutinizer05/msg alis help
14:33.56DocScrutinizer05/msg alis help list
14:34.28sonoalis is a /list replacement service.
14:34.57nokiabotwhat is this a red star like icon comes it the window gets seperated ?
14:35.25DocScrutinizer05client specific question
14:35.25sonosoviet union perhaps.
14:35.25nokiabotwhat alias for
14:35.40sononokiabot: alis
14:35.45nokiabotoh got it
14:36.01DocScrutinizer05~wiki irc
14:36.49sonoHerbstbert: you going to get a device too?
14:37.14DocScrutinizer05nokiabot: please don't use /notice
14:37.26DocScrutinizer05it's supposed to get used by bots only
14:37.44nokiaboti was checking the options
14:37.59sonodamnit, i left my pizza in the oven for about 30 minutes
14:38.39nokiabotgo get the ass
14:39.57nokiabot@doc can you help to change my username :( its too bad using name of a corporation
14:39.59DocScrutinizer05sono: leave it there for another 3 hours and turn up the heat. Cleaning will be easier after that
14:40.03Herbstbertsono: Hope so. If I get a job right after my thesis next year I will surely buy one.
14:40.24DocScrutinizer05nokiabot: /nick <newnickname>
14:40.34HerbstbertDocScrutinizer05: Kind of Pyrolysis, hm?
14:40.44DocScrutinizer05Herbstbert: exactly
14:40.51sonoDocScrutinizer05: it's on baking paper and cooling down before going to the trash, just instant pizza anway.
14:41.08nokiabotopenbot thats also my id
14:41.22DocScrutinizer05/nick openbot
14:41.26sonothat said the oven could do with a cleaning cycle
14:41.31sonoso could the rest of the place, however
14:41.44DocScrutinizer05though on IRC a nick with 2bot" in it is quite a silly choice
14:41.53sonolooks for the "cleaning cycle" setting on his central heating
14:42.28nokiabotbuddy i mean my username at
14:43.00DocScrutinizer05sorry I'm not maintainer of tmo
14:43.11DocScrutinizer05ask chemist
14:43.41nokiaboti thought it was a silly site so the name
14:44.10nokiabotok will ask when i find him:)
14:45.32Herbstbertsono: Until now I've never bought a mobile device for more than 70€... So it's kind of statement to support this. ;)
14:45.39sonoyea, i guess.
14:45.54sonobut that's the point, really. i never bought high end devices either.
14:48.40DocScrutinizer05sono: I think i've seen those facility-wide cleaning cycles on startrek and stargate and this other series about a small town with futuristic features everywhere
14:49.11sonobaryon sweep!
14:49.50sonolearned an important lesson from that episode: every serious rider has his own saddle.
14:50.08DocScrutinizer05in this other series (been it "utopia"?) they actually userd pyrolytic cleaning iirc
14:52.38Herbstbertsono: I've never seen any device similar to the N900 on the market so I just had to wait for the right price. ;) I ran around with an E72 before...
15:28.58*** join/#neo900 archtimmy (
17:05.50DocScrutinizer05~neo900begin is
17:05.50infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay
17:06.02DocScrutinizer05~listkeys neo900
17:07.35infobotfrom memory, neo900-fsf is
17:58.48*** join/#neo900 SAiF (75ca7665@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:47.01ilonDocScrutinizer05: i will, and if they'll be able to provide it, i will make an order to confirm they are in fact genuine :P did get a possitive answer on the direct question atleast
18:47.58ilonDocScrutinizer05: listed as brand new in original box aswell
18:49.55DocScrutinizer05how much?
18:50.18ilonDocScrutinizer05: negotiating price a little, asking price is AUD 150
18:50.41DocScrutinizer05~exchange 150 AUD to EUR
18:50.51ilonwhich is farirly cheap if its brand new in originaly sealed box
18:51.01DocScrutinizer05~exchange AUD 150  to EUR
18:51.16DocScrutinizer05~exchange AUD150  to EUR
18:51.22ilon105 €
18:51.50iloncan get it cheaper if i put a bulk order
18:53.22DocScrutinizer05let me know how it pans out, I'd be interested to fill up my stash which recently had a few losses
18:54.31ilonDocScrutinizer05: sure thing, i allready figured out more people could be interested, thats why i negotiate prices for bulk order
18:55.27ilonDocScrutinizer05: my old n900 have been laying around collecting dust for the past year, been giving android a shot, but now i'm sick of it :(
18:55.43ilonDislike it as much now as first time i tried it
18:55.45DocScrutinizer05usual phenomenon
18:56.20ilonyeah well, was actually forced to switch phone by my wife, since my n900 started to drop calls / not letting calls through
18:56.39ilondont know if it where a problem with the device or the network
18:56.51ilonthink its both
18:57.00DocScrutinizer05probably device
18:57.18sonowell, time for a baseboard replacement ;)
18:57.19DocScrutinizer05the "no SIM" syndrome
18:57.31ilonwell, still have some calls getting dropped and not getting trough at all, not as many tho
18:57.40sonogoes to play games with nerds.
18:58.08ilonsono: tell me about me, my wife destroyed keyboards like there where no tomorrow
18:58.15ilonthose damn fancy nails
19:04.18DocScrutinizer05fany nails? Ideal for resistive touchscreen (vkb) - a nightmare with everything else
19:04.29DocScrutinizer05fancy even
19:04.41ilonsure, but still kills the keyboards ;D
19:19.34ilonshe really liked the physical keyboard, no she have a LG optimus G, dosnt think its great, but it works better surfing whatsoever
19:29.22*** join/#neo900 xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
19:37.58DocScrutinizer05my gf also likes the N900 hw keyboard. Now she finally can stand the hooker800 I gave her, since I showed her about speech2text
19:38.19DocScrutinizer05she still hates the capacitive touchscreen
19:38.52DocScrutinizer05but now she doesn't need to type on the terrible vkb anymore - usually
20:01.51mashina_and i grown nails as a man just for touchscreen - trim thumbnails, keep pointer's though
20:52.02*** join/#neo900 hbib (
21:01.52*** join/#neo900 hbib1 (
21:11.10*** join/#neo900 obiwlan (
22:22.08*** part/#neo900 hbib1 (
23:56.55*** join/#neo900 sono (

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