IRC log for #neo900 on 20131106

00:31.30sonointeresting. i would have to stop losing styluses, however =)
00:43.32*** join/#neo900 Snafu777 (~user@unaffiliated/snafu777)
00:44.10Snafu777So if I want to help out, but don't feel like emailing somebody to get setup who should I talk to?
00:44.58dos1Snafu777: DocScrutinizer05 and me probably
00:45.13Snafu777I have some suggestions and all I really see is the facebook page
00:45.24Snafu777I love my N900 and am THRILLED to see it's getting a new body
00:45.32Snafu777But.....  My god....  the file system
00:45.34Snafu777ALL jacked up
00:46.08dos1don't worry
00:46.15DocScrutinizer05not exactly our domain
00:46.29Snafu777I also have some packages i built for my n900
00:46.38Snafu777curious if there is a repo planned, etc...
00:46.46Snafu777I'd be happy to compile/build/port etc...
00:46.51Snafu777Some of the current n900 packages suck
00:47.04DocScrutinizer05we don't do repos, OS, packages, anything like that
00:47.22infobothmm... fptf is the Fremantle Porting Task Force, see
00:47.37dos1256mb nand of n900 will probably be replaced with 1gb
00:48.20infobothmm... cssu is
00:48.29dos1but stuff like opt will remain I guess - it'd be hard to replace it without breaking compatibility
00:49.09dos1(this ofc only applies to fremantle port, other OSes don't have to follow that madness and for sure won't :P)
00:50.00DocScrutinizer05for fremantle we want to use the packages from existing repo. And those are already optified
00:51.22DocScrutinizer05you know - 100% binary compatibility
00:51.46Snafu777no https
00:51.53Snafu777no ssl
00:51.53Snafu777All that being said, any spots open or things needed to be done that I could help out with?
00:52.19DocScrutinizer05check FPTF
00:52.20Snafu777Regarding opt, i'm talking about the packages like optifier that do crazy messy bind mounts to /home and stuff
00:52.30Snafu777why not just flip the partition scheme in the beginning
00:53.21Snafu777Hang tight
00:53.28Snafu777Ill pop some stuff on pastebin
00:53.31Snafu777u can see what i mean
00:53.40DocScrutinizer05I know what you mean
00:54.01DocScrutinizer05but that's not our domain in the end, we only provide the hardware
00:54.33Snafu777So who's domain would it be DocScrutinizer05?  I'd love to be a part of this
00:55.15DocScrutinizer05check FPTF, check #maemo-ssu
00:55.55DocScrutinizer05basically FPTF is doing another CSSU for Neo900
00:56.17Snafu777Thank U =)
00:56.42DocScrutinizer05and like every CSSU it will be just an overlay over stock fremantle
00:57.51Snafu777but u can do things different from factory boot
00:57.59Snafu777flip partitioning
00:58.04Snafu777bind mounts
00:59.21DocScrutinizer05sure, as long as it doesn't break compatibility to stock fremantle (+ neo-CSSU on top)
00:59.53DocScrutinizer05CSSU-T already replaced ke-recv and patched the rcS
01:00.36DocScrutinizer05nounting of uSD cards works different in CSSU than it does in stock fremantle - just for instance
01:00.43DocScrutinizer05mounting even
01:01.54DocScrutinizer05and for Neo900 we need to make sure it boots via plain uBoot
01:02.11DocScrutinizer05since we probably can't support NOLO
01:02.26DocScrutinizer05so there goes your partitioning
01:02.41DocScrutinizer05there it starts
01:03.00*** join/#neo900 sono (
01:03.17DocScrutinizer05we know uBoot works with GTA04 and beagleboard
01:04.05DocScrutinizer05we know uBoot can start fremantle on N900, though only when used as a chainloaded secondary bootloader loaded by NOLO
01:05.23DocScrutinizer05what we need is a generic uBoot bootloader starting fremantle on N(eo)900, without any NOLO in between
01:06.14DocScrutinizer05since the bootloader pretty much determines the partitions on NAND, that's where you want to start I guess
01:08.41sonoNOLO is just some blob we don't have much about?
01:10.38sonowell, i can find out when i finally have the time for all this
01:29.18mashina_swag900: my phone is bricked #nolo
01:31.26Snafu777woot bricked n900
01:32.01Snafu777need help mashina_ ?
02:13.20*** join/#neo900 mikki-kun (~mikki-kun@unaffiliated/mikki-kun)
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07:03.12*** join/#neo900 kolp (~quassel@
09:06.28*** join/#neo900 El_Angelo (~ElAngelo@xfce/contributor/ElAngelo)
09:07.50El_Angelohi, what are the chances that the mainboard will indeed be sold seperatly?
09:08.04El_Angeloand if i donate can i use that donated amount to get a reduction on that?
09:08.14El_Angeloreason is... i have a n900
09:08.21El_Angelobut the usb plug broke off
09:08.28El_Angeloand i would love to get a new mainboard for it
09:16.07kolpEl_Angelo: You can chose whether you want a full Neo900 or just a board. It's up to you
09:16.52El_Angelothe 700 euro price was dropped... while i understand this is a very coarse estimation... is there any estimation on what the board would cost?
09:17.37kolpNo (and I'm not really sure the 700 was dropped for sure)
09:18.21kolpAh, well, the estimation is that the board will be approx. 100-150(?) EUR cheaper than the full device
09:18.25El_Angelothe 700 price tag was mentioned on the topic
09:18.55El_Angeloby joerg_rw
09:19.09kolpSee above
09:19.14kolp~100 less
09:20.36kolpAnd yes, your donation of 100+ will count towards a board-only purchase, too
09:26.22El_Angeloi'll have to think about this... 'tad' more expensive than i expected
09:27.10El_Angelopity nokia messed up with the microUSB plug
09:27.56El_Angelomain problem is of course that you can get brand new devices for 150$...
09:31.12DocScrutinizer05it will get the cheaper the more preorders we get
09:31.41El_Angeloyeah i understand
09:31.46DocScrutinizer05right now GolDelico estimates the price range for the *board* at 500..700EUR
09:32.19El_Angeloon the risk of sounding borderline ridiculous i was hoping to a price of 150 euro...
09:32.34El_Angeloi like the phone
09:32.44El_Angelobut it's not worth 300 euro for me
09:32.52DocScrutinizer05a complete refurbished N900 is 120EUR, some 50EUR for craftsmanship on top, and we have max price increase for whole device
09:33.47El_Angeloi don't get what you're saying there
09:33.57DocScrutinizer05yeah, we're also sorry no Samsung offered to build them in batches of 5mio and then donate the surplus ones to us
09:34.45El_Angeloi was making some unrealistic assumptions
09:34.51El_Angeloi'm not @ home in this kind of stuff
09:39.29*** join/#neo900 kratz00_1ork (~stpa2497@
09:58.12henkAFAIK the most recent and hyped models of the big manufacturers are not much cheaper, are they? Like the iPhone for ass or a Galaxy S42 maxi and such?
09:59.41josch_there is no point in such comparisons
09:59.57josch_if you tell this to somebody they will argue that those devices are also tons faster etc...
10:00.56*** join/#neo900 kameloso (~NaN@
10:01.50henkBy that logic, there is no point to 99.999999999% of every comparison ever made …
10:01.58l4m3rxIts sad, but freedom 'costs money , at least in this case.
10:02.03josch_henk: true
10:02.21josch_henk: there is no point in most comparisons because there are so few mobile phones playing in the area the neo900 wants to address
10:02.40josch_and 99% of phones out there are not it
10:02.57josch_but instead target the "normal" consumer and are either as expensive but super fast or a bit slower but super cheap
10:03.13josch_but neither gives you full control over the device and lets you tinker with it
10:03.22josch_which is fine because the "normal" consumer doesnt care about those things
10:03.28josch_and wouldnt pay extra for a slow device for it
10:03.59*** join/#neo900 Powermaniac (
10:04.09henkBut he definitely needs an hexacore processor for playing angry birds (:
10:04.30PowermaniacI just discovered the Neo900 and was wondering about the Debian linux img, if it is already ready to go?
10:05.27josch_Powermaniac: depends what "ready to go" means for you :)
10:05.36josch_Powermaniac: surely you will be able to boot a Debian image out of the box, yes
10:05.59josch_but getting it to fully work with all its components will probably require some work which is not yet done
10:06.08Powermaniacjosch_: Well is the Debian img already available, as I am tempted to try and flash it on my Nexus 7 or HTC One V
10:06.52josch_Powermaniac: how would you expect the future debian image from the neo900 to work on different hardware out of the box?
10:07.16henk"Whoa, there is an image that sounds great! woah, there is a hardware that takes an image!! woaaaaaah, lets combine those!" 'brick' oh ):
10:07.37josch_henk: the platform is not brickable because the bootloader is not writable
10:07.48henkjosch_: nexis 7? htc one v?
10:07.55henkI doubt you understood me correctly (;
10:07.58josch_henk: i thought you were talking about the ne900
10:08.20Powermaniacjosch_: Well I don't imagine it will work straight out of the box exactly, but atleast I was hoping you guys know how to one would make an img, and thus maybe, just maybe you could help me make an img for the Nexus 7
10:08.20henkPowermaniac: Just because something "takes an image" you can’t just use anything on it that is labeled "image" …
10:08.38josch_Powermaniac: i think you are in the wrong channel :)
10:09.36josch_Powermaniac: first of all the neo900 hardware must become reality
10:09.47josch_Powermaniac: for that there are still 200 "preorders" (in quotes) needed
10:09.50josch_but more are better
10:10.01josch_software development for the neo900 hardware are a different department
10:10.14josch_if you want to try out the hardware platform you can try the gta04
10:10.31PowermaniacWell I'm interested in both...
10:10.31josch_or the beagleboard or openpandora which run a similar cpu
10:10.34PowermaniacThe software and hardware
10:10.36henkPowermaniac: If you want to hack on phones made for android (or: that usually run android) check out xda-developers
10:11.39henkBut that stuff is not really open, neither hardware nor software. Which is at least one of the reasons why getting debian on it would probably be very difficult.
10:11.57PowermaniacBut yeah for now the idea was to find out about the software you plan to use.
10:12.02PowermaniacAhh okay, fair enough
10:13.07PowermaniacWell thank you anyway
10:13.47henkAFAICT most of the software that is mentioned on the website would run on a gta04 (or maybe even a gta02, which might be a little cheaper to lay hands on?), or maybe even in a virtual machine …
11:18.40b1101are credit cards actually charged, or is the charge just "tested" ? I had the charge sitting on my credit cards new charges, but then disappeared. Assuming it will come back once collection is over and will finalize
11:20.11kolpb1101: The amount might just be blocked. That was 'criticized' somewhere on tmo, iirc
11:21.00kolpDunno why it vanishd then, though. You might want to get in touch with info @ goldelico if it's not being charged soonish
11:22.01*** join/#neo900 dos1 (~dos@unaffiliated/dos1)
11:28.10DocScrutinizer05b1101: I know nikolaus is doing the charging manually for each single donation
11:29.43DocScrutinizer05he rejected that 4000EUR donation due to "plausibility concerns" ;-P
11:30.26DocScrutinizer05we get charged a 130% payback for each fraudulent CC payment GolDeliCo accepts - that's why
11:31.07DocScrutinizer05and that may happen 6 months from now
11:31.19DocScrutinizer05when the money already got used and is gone
11:32.14DocScrutinizer05so, please read the small remark under "Donate now" button on, and act accordingly: send a mail
11:33.46DocScrutinizer05though an hour ago Nikolaus asked me to change that recommendation to "sorry we can't accept your donation right now, please keep it until device sales start, at which time we might have a more global payment system and shipment infra installed"
11:35.19DocScrutinizer05I need to discuss this with him before we "officially" go that path
11:36.26*** join/#neo900 Funklord (
11:36.58Funklordgreat project
11:37.06Funklordhow long has this been in development?
11:37.11FunklordI only heard about it now
11:38.56Funklordit seems like everything and the kitchen sink is going to be included in this thing
11:39.19Funklordonly one thing missing... a sub-GHz radio transceiver
11:39.47dos1everything and the kitchen sink except quad-core cpu and capacitive screen and thinner case and... ;)
11:40.27Funklordpeople are using more and more products in the sub-GHz ranges, specifically on 915, 868, 433 and 169MHz
11:41.05Funklordthere are cheap (like $4) radios that can do all of those
11:42.36Funklordwell, maybe not 169MHz
11:43.00Funklordbut ~900 and 433MHz should be doable with one design
11:43.05henkWhat is being done on those frequencies? Never heard of that before, I think …
11:43.33Funklordhome automation, energy metering, item locators, payment systems
11:43.40Funklordyou name it
11:44.04henkoh ok, thanks
11:44.47Funklordsub-GHz radios are VERY power efficient, when compared to beasts like wifi and bluetooth
11:45.19Funklordand/or have better wall penetration and LOS ranges
11:47.37Funklordthat one is very programmable
11:48.07Funklordis tried and true
11:48.23Funklordused in tons of products, so is extremely cheap
11:48.44Funklordmany people know how to program it
11:49.36Funklordthere's also MSP430F5137 microcontroller which has one built in
11:49.51Funklordused in wristwatches etc.
11:55.42Funklordoops, I meant CC430F6137
11:58.01FunklordI use 868MHz to detect my presence at home and work (my watch has a transceiver)
11:58.36Funklordthe battery (a CR2032) still lasts maybe 2 years
11:59.33b1101I had a payment approved email
11:59.40kolpknows without technology where he is ;)
12:00.15Funklordhaha ;)
12:00.29Funklordeven when you're drunk?
12:00.56kolpThough I'm all for adding more stuff to the neo900 :)
12:01.25kolpWhen I'm drunk I'm neither at home nor at work ;)
12:01.42Funklordthat's what YOU think :P
12:03.19kolpFair enough :)
12:04.34DocScrutinizer05Funklord: I have that on my radar
12:06.22FunklordDocScrutinizer05: nice :) I hope it materializes
12:08.42DocScrutinizer05you may be interested in a funny paper I wrote up several years ago:
12:13.20Funklordcool mission statement
12:13.31Funklordhas the laser pointer been dropped?
12:18.44kolpAnd the dect phone?
12:19.17DocScrutinizer05LOL, you guys should know this been a concept paper for a device that never got built
12:19.45DocScrutinizer05it happened to also have the name of GTA04 by mere incident
12:20.06DocScrutinizer05this predates any GTA04 initiative taken by GolDeliCo
12:20.40DocScrutinizer05it been a skunkworks project driven by me inside OM, and got canceled eventually
12:21.16DocScrutinizer05sole purpose of this paper nowadays is for fun and to illustrate some ideas I had 5 years ago already
12:21.30DocScrutinizer05like 433/866MHz radio
12:25.00FunklordI was developing a geek-phone years ago. The idea was to take the original PC approach to phones, you give users just a keyboard and a shell to type in commands
12:25.22Funklordthen they can add GUIs and other things to their own liking
12:25.39Funklordobviously using standard distro package management
12:26.01Funklordbut the idea was that the phone be fully usable from the console
12:26.42*** join/#neo900 Neros (
12:26.51Funklordsince most of the time spent developing phones is software, and this was a way to decrease that and push it over on the community
12:27.40Funklordstill don't know whether there'd be a market for such devices...
12:29.24DocScrutinizer05well, look at Neo900 sales ;-)
12:31.49*** join/#neo900 hbib (
12:32.33FunklordDocScrutinizer05: what's the relation between GTA04 and neo900
12:32.45DocScrutinizer05which GTA04?
12:32.49Funklordthe new one
12:32.51DocScrutinizer05the new one?
12:33.01Funklorddiscussed on neo900 pages
12:33.06DocScrutinizer05Neo900 is based on GTA04 design
12:33.44DocScrutinizer05since both GTA04 and N900 base on TI Zoom2 design
12:34.01DocScrutinizer05as does baegleboard
12:35.12FunklordI just noticed one thing you *may* have forgotten, inductive charging!
12:36.21kolpFunklord: Check this:
12:36.25Funklordit's much cheaper to put the coils on PCB rather than heavy labour of hair thin wires
12:38.47Funklordah, it's there
12:39.22FunklordImpossible due to antenna dimensions
12:40.02kolpThough people  have hacked the coils into the n900's battery compartment
12:40.22Funklordhmm... maybe not, if you can fit a thin flexpcb in betweent the battery and lid
12:40.28DocScrutinizer05Funklord: we considered inductive charging, see feasibility study
12:41.19DocScrutinizer05Funklord: we provide pads behind the battery cover to build your own iductive charger hw mod
12:42.23Funklordit's really tight in mine.. can barely fit a paper folded 4 times
12:43.42DocScrutinizer05there's mugen cover
12:44.16DocScrutinizer05and 16 layers of paper are already quite a bit
12:45.09Funklordsorry, I meant folded twice, 4 layers of paper
12:48.13FunklordDocScrutinizer05: the pads behind the battery cover, are they a design that could be used with zero insertion force? like a spring?
12:48.59Funklordare they just exposed pads on a PCB?
12:55.35DocScrutinizer05unclear yet, we will try to find a conventient connection method
12:56.34DocScrutinizer05could be anything from solder pads to testpads contactable by pogopins to a b2b connector
12:58.57Funklordyou *could* make the pads fit some very common SMD connector (b2b for example) but leave it up to the user to actually mount one there
12:59.34Funklordthat way you sould use either a spring method or a connector
13:00.13Funklordhaha, nice bot
13:04.40FunklordDocScrutinizer05: btw, have you done any work with the NAND and MTD devices in general?
13:05.43Funklordinformation about MTD/UBIFS is sketchy and generally very out of date on the internet
13:05.55*** join/#neo900 Neros (~quassel@2001:660:2402:14:a11:96ff:fe78:3144)
13:05.59DocScrutinizer05oh, erm
13:06.32DocScrutinizer05I think there are 1 or two places to read about mtd and ubifs, but in general I agree
13:06.59FunklordDocScrutinizer05: like, couldn't you use huge amounts of normal flash rather than the eMMC?
13:07.52Funklorddoes UBIFS still have limitations when it comes to huge flash spaces?
13:09.11Funklordat least on my N900 there's an enormous difference in access times between the NAND and eMMC
13:11.03*** join/#neo900 kratz00_1ork (~stpa2497@
13:12.40FunklordI'm just curious
13:13.03Funklordin case you've already investigated these things
13:15.54FunklordOh, the largest NAND flash fully supported by OpenOCD is 2 GiBytes (16 GiBits)
13:16.02DocScrutinizer05we're investigating amount of NAND we will spend for N900 (prolly 1GB) and we look into fastest available eMMC technology available, up to 64GB or even 128GB (No NAND available of that size)
13:17.31DocScrutinizer05we also investigate options to attach a SSD with huge RAM buffer via internal USB
13:18.20DocScrutinizer05we actually even briefly joked about simply adding a second SoC for that
13:20.15Funklordhow about these?
13:20.41Funklordyou've got up to 512G (bit I presume)
13:20.59Funklordis the board 3.3V?
13:24.29DocScrutinizer05  mSATA ;-P
13:27.20FunklordIMO it's better to do ECC and wear leveling in linux rather than some unknown FTL algorithm
13:27.55Funklordand you can do neat tricks like on-the-fly compression and execute in place
13:28.03Funklordsaves a lot of ram
13:28.38*** join/#neo900 merlin1991 (~merlin@Maemo/community/cssu/merlin1991)
13:29.16Funklordthat is, assuming that UBIFS can handle 64Gb ... which I don't know
13:46.21FunklordMT29F256G08CJABAWP:B 32Gb SLC-NAND for $34, comes in a TSOP48 so it's easy to diy solder
13:57.30*** join/#neo900 Ken-Young (
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20:24.36DocScrutinizer05ok, we're about to sanitize the sitation on
20:24.48DocScrutinizer05situation even
20:26.01DocScrutinizer05dos1: do you think you could coordinate change in parsing and syntax of with Nikolaus?
20:27.06DocScrutinizer05dos1: and what about my idea to get that fancy X/Y diagram instead of a simple progress bar? feasible? crazy? simple?
20:43.19DocScrutinizer05dos1: the data to display basically doesn't change, but the progress bar changes to an icon that transports a message better than a wall of text
20:48.24DocScrutinizer05I'm just wondering what to do with Y axis. Obviously we can't write hard EUR values there. Maybe cost%? Setting the Y-axis 100% mark to the level of 200 devices (on X-axis). drawing a dotted line from that 200units/100% datapoint to the 1unit/4000% or at least the 10units/500% datapoint. And a solid line to some 1000units/70% datapoint
20:48.57Ken-YoungPerhaps something time-related, like euros/day?
20:49.29DocScrutinizer05nope, just make the progress bar progress along the graph in this diagram
20:50.17DocScrutinizer05so it's pretty clear on first glance that more devices to sell means lower cost per device
20:51.22DocScrutinizer05and watching the dynamic datapoint move along that diagram graph with each new value that's now simply increasing length of a bar in a rectangle
20:53.40DocScrutinizer05no matter if you can read english text or you're an arab that only knows numbers and maybe the "€" and "%" sign, you instantly understand what this is all about
20:54.28*** join/#neo900 kolp_ (~quassel@
20:54.58DocScrutinizer05good example (though ours will even outsmart that one):
20:55.14DocScrutinizer05poor example:
21:01.58DocScrutinizer05GOD! Idiocy will never become extinct:  Kaacz @JollaUSA Result? Neo900 bulshit PR info is wrong. :) Maemo4 isn't free, rest is not for phone. Nothing about Ubuntu Touch adaptation..
21:03.33JoHnYOMG OMG neo900 is not free! OMG! I want my donation back!!!
21:06.21DocScrutinizer05no, maemo4 isn't free, don't ask me how's that related to Neo900
21:07.57DocScrutinizer05well, you never ever can be so smart that you would compensate for idiocy out there to make a neutral statement out of it
21:08.38JoHnYwell, don't let these people distract you... it's not worth it
21:09.03dos1DocScrutinizer05: (php script) I'll modify the script to work with both formats, so then Nikolaus will be able to change it without without any explicit coordination
21:09.30DocScrutinizer05maybe "Neo900 concept of absolute freedom is so radical and groundbreaking that a lot of interested people simply don't manage to wrap their head around it"
21:10.08DocScrutinizer05dos1: great :-)
21:10.15dos1X/Y diagram - sec, let me re-read it
21:12.47dos1lots of different visualisations are feasible - just some of them might need to wait for weekend or two to be done :P
21:32.36DocScrutinizer05dos1: look how I suck, but *maybe* it transports the idea
21:33.28dos1yep, I see
21:33.39dos1but I fear it *might* be a bit overcomplicated
21:34.52DocScrutinizer05overcomplicated to implement or to read and understand?
21:35.20dos1to read and understand
21:35.33DocScrutinizer05I don't thnk so, Users love diagrams
21:35.45DocScrutinizer05of course better ones than this one
21:36.06DocScrutinizer05this is not overcomplicated, it's simply butt ugly
21:36.58dos1okay, let's try it
21:37.26DocScrutinizer05we might want to stretch X-axis by factor 5 in size, to more make it like a bar in shape
21:37.53dos1but I won't promise any delivery date, maybe except "before the end of this week" as in "maybe today, maybe on sunday" :P
21:38.24DocScrutinizer05no probelm, though you know the sooner always the better. But we all have a life to live
21:41.11DocScrutinizer05(I bet nobody believes me in that last part ;-P)
21:45.24*** join/#neo900 pascal (~pascal@2a02:120b:2c71:ddc0:b43d:2c05:11b0:7234)
22:02.58x29atoo bad the donation site doesnt feature amazon/paypal
22:08.15lexikI was talking with Kaacz yesterday, i have no idea why he don't like our project so much...
22:09.25lexikhe is quite informed about Mer/MeeGo/Maemo... but [don't know why] he is fanatic Jolla fanboy (imho)
22:10.13*** part/#neo900 hbib (
22:11.23lexikHe (and many others czech linux guys) trust that Jolla will be more hacker-friendly than Neo900 and that Other Half will solve everything...
22:14.46lexikit's not interesting, it's sad :-/
22:14.52pascaldoes hacker freindly mean open?
22:15.11lexikpascal: eem.. yes.
22:18.20dos1daily number of visits on
22:19.16dos1the last dot has still 45 min to go up ;) (it's UTC +1)
22:21.11pascallast dot++
22:22.15pascalIs the design of the neo900 really exactly like the n900 design or is the picture just a placeholder?
22:22.19lexikI'm thinking about Xbox One concept - some things are computed on cloud, some things on device, if the connection with LTE will be enough fast, maybe someone (*me* - nice dream) could code some layer which will compute part of (for example) OpenGL things on Google Compute Engine :D (Only OMAP3?! Shut up, it's grid of Xeon CPU's and 64GB RAM :D)
22:22.30dos1pascal: neo900 will use the n900 case
22:23.00dos1there won't be any new case produced for neo900
22:23.19lexik(exluding the Estel's one....)
22:23.58dos1yeah, community efforts always welcomed :)
22:27.42pascalintressting I liked the n900 case.
22:35.43pascalbut the display could be improved for today.
22:38.20kolpNo, because its not part of the n900's mainboard
22:50.32lexikpascal: find display compatible with n900's motherboard, 3,5' and then: okey, maybe
23:03.38DocScrutinizer05dos1: kan this R.K. dude get any more idiotic and uninformed but cocky
23:04.43DocScrutinizer05lexik: Kaacz informed about mer/nemo? LOL, if he was then he wouldn't claim it can't run on Neo900
23:07.15dos1I'm still waiting for him to give me one example of "non phone os" listed on the page other than Debian :D
23:08.26lexikhe is meego fanatic, everything other than meego/nemo/sailfish is 'non phone os' :D
23:25.41DocScrutinizer05he's a mo... errr he for sure has no clue what he's talking about
23:26.17kolpWhy do you guys even bother... :)
23:27.27DocScrutinizer05indeed a good question. Maybe because he's too loud but still has no damn clue about anything. "phone OS" WTF?
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