IRC log for #mseide on 20080221

09:58.07*** join/#mseide yuhuuk (n=abc@
10:17.22yuhuukcan mseide using lazarus component or vcl component ?
10:25.40Manumseide has it's own components
10:25.58Manuyou also can write your custom ones too
10:26.56yuhuukhave tutorial for it ?
10:27.01yuhuukcan u give me the url ?
10:27.30Manudo /topic
10:33.00Manuyuhuuk: keep in mind MSEide+MSEgui is different from Lazarus/Delphi and doesn't try to be compatible with these projects
10:33.57yuhuukhmm i already type /topic
10:34.08yuhuukdidn't have good tutorial about component
10:34.31Manunope (for the moment)
10:34.42Manubut there are a few examples you can see
10:35.18Manuand of course you can join our news channels, there are a lot of questions responses there
10:35.30Manuwe'll be glad to help you
10:36.34Manuyuhuuk: someone wrote this time ago:
10:36.51Manua very basic hello world tutorial
10:37.11Manuprobably it will help you too
10:39.51yuhuukhmm... you don't understand what i mean
10:40.01yuhuukwrite component
10:40.22Manuthere is an example in MSEide sources
10:41.06Manudownload the sources and take a look at apps/myide
10:41.19Manuit creates a very simple custom component
10:41.52Manuyuhuuk: is this what you mean?
11:04.59yuhuukthis is i mean
11:07.23yuhuukbuddy can mside running in mac ?
11:07.48Manunot for the moment
11:08.20yuhuukhow about the tmybutton tutorial ?
11:08.24yuhuukmust seeing in source ?
11:08.50Manuyou can open the project in mseide and see how it's implemented. It's easy
11:09.45yuhuuki already test it
11:09.52yuhuukand have two file must change
11:10.02yuhuukone for toolbutton and one for our exactly component
11:11.06Manufor wider information you can ask in the news, Martin (MSEide developer) is there
11:12.00Manuhe doesn't like IRC and I use MSEide+MSEgui but I'm not a guru ;)
11:12.27Manuat last for components ;)
11:12.27yuhuuki hear my friend martin is unique guy
11:12.41Manuwell, you can see his work :)
11:13.10ManuI know he reads this channel, but for the moment he wants too keep far from here :)
11:14.06yuhuukyeap. i only problem with real cross platform
11:14.14yuhuukand i hear msegui is the best one
11:14.14Manuyuhuuk: BTW is martin your friend? :)
11:14.28ManuI use it in real world with exit :)
11:14.38Manubut I only develop LInux/windows applications
11:14.54ManuI'm now using it :)
11:15.45Manuin the wiki (the link is in the topic) you can see some screenshots of one project I made 1 year ago
11:16.09Manuworking on firebird and using MSEide reporting freatures
11:16.13yuhuukcan i compare w/ lazarus ?
11:16.37ManuLazarus is different, for my needs Lazarus isn't ready yet
11:16.48yuhuukfor example ?
11:16.51Manuit's still beta :)
11:17.10yuhuukhehehe... mseide also not really good enough
11:17.26yuhuukneed more longer time to understand
11:17.38Manuwell, it's true
11:17.51Manubut once you understand it you'll see how powerful is
11:18.20yuhuukcan you give me some clue about it ?
11:18.40Manuas I said, we'll be glad to help you.
11:19.00Manubecause now I'm alone (almost) here better is to join the news and ask ther too
11:19.04yuhuuki just want to understand first
11:19.14yuhuukand decide want to use it or not
11:19.33Manuwhat's your main usage? database, desktop..?
11:20.00yuhuukactually i'm a embedded programmer
11:20.14yuhuukbut also writing database and desktop application for my personal interest
11:20.27Manusomeone used MSEide project for ARM
11:20.56Manufor database, it's ready to use and it's really powerful
11:21.08Manufor Desktop is good enough
11:21.16Manubut it's other GUIs independient
11:21.27Manuso it doesn't require GTK nor QT
11:21.35yuhuukyeap. not like lazarus
11:21.39Manuthat's good but also can be bad ;)
11:21.50yuhuukmake me headache and not trust that's a really cross platform
11:21.55ManuLazarus tries to follow Delphi
11:22.00yuhuukjava also some problem
11:22.11ManuI also write java programs :)
11:22.19yuhuukdelphi can't write multiplatform
11:22.22Manuthe main problem is the ammount of resources required
11:22.39ManuDelphi is only windows, Kylix was not success
11:22.43yuhuukhave javac to solve it. but more problem occur
11:23.06yuhuukclx make delphi more people not like that
11:23.10ManuI only can say, my programs are working in linux and windows with no problems
11:23.24Manuand no needed to change a line of code
11:23.32Manujust copy my project in windows, compile and ready
11:23.53yuhuukonly real basic can do this
11:24.02yuhuuki program qt for this but very headache
11:24.06yuhuukwhen moving version
11:24.08yuhuuklike 3 to 4
11:24.46ManuQT using c++?
11:25.19yuhuukand trying cmake
11:25.22yuhuukso headache
11:25.23ManuI only can say, try mseide for little projects and see how it goes
11:25.40Manuif you have doubts (you'll have it) you can ask here or in the news
11:25.54Manuc++ is a hell itself ;)
11:26.08yuhuukc++ is a good language and too complex
11:26.15ManuI have to use c++ too in some projects I contribute.. but I don't like it
11:26.30yuhuukjava is easy and much garbage colletion make java like garbage
11:26.39yuhuuki'm very like c++
11:26.50yuhuukbut i don't like write from strecth waste too too much time
11:27.31ManuI find Free Pascal better for big applications
11:28.12Manuafter 1 day developing using Free Pascal, I'm happy and my brain is very active
11:28.26Manuafter 1 day developing using c++ I'm mad and irritated ;)
11:28.44yuhuukbefore i'm very good for delphi and pascal
11:28.55yuhuukand very long time not program w/ pascal
11:28.59yuhuuki love c/c++
11:29.07yuhuukbut i think the better language is ruby
11:29.15ManuI used Delphi until the version #4
11:29.44Manustill many programs I made in Delphi are running out there :)
11:30.06Manuabout my c++ code, part of it is in bzflag :)
11:30.34yuhuuki'm much writing program for my intern company
11:31.04ManuI use to write financial applications
11:31.40Manuand my last project is a POS
11:31.56ManuI'm working on it now.. will be ready for production in a week
11:32.12yuhuuki will write one too
11:32.15Manujust writing the Tickets printers interface now :)
11:32.18yuhuukcompete w/ you
11:32.58yuhuukhahaha... can i know your name ?
11:33.03yuhuuki'm jhonny yang
11:33.12Manudo /whois Manu
11:33.33ManuI use my true name here
11:33.42yuhuukbad guys ?
11:33.46yuhuukare u portugal ?
11:33.49yuhuuki'm indonesian
11:33.56ManuJulio Jiménez Borreguero
11:34.01Manuno, I'm spanish
11:34.14yuhuukok contact you tommorow
11:34.19yuhuuknow i got to leave office
11:34.26Manuhave a nice day
11:34.32yuhuukyou too
11:34.33*** part/#mseide yuhuuk (n=abc@
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