IRC log for #metawatch on 20110919

00:39.52thescreensaverslol metawatch made it into my outsourcing paper, basically if the watch was manufactured in the USA we would of had them months ago :)
01:45.28*** topic/#metawatch by Radix-wrk -> Welcome to #Metawatch IRC - - Discuss your metawatch hacking here! - Latest Firmware: 0.7.28 AMM: 0.2.3 - Nice collection of hacks up at (thanks to joehughes)
02:47.54GeneralAntillesthescreensavers, but what about costs?
03:09.00*** join/#metawatch DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
03:09.31*** join/#metawatch DigitalxGT (63626286@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:16.29thescreensaversTrue, it would defiantly add cost but how many watches did they make before they found out they had defects thats wasted money,Not sure how much that really cost them but it adds up, not all the times outsourcing = cheaper.  For instance if everything was manufactured here those defects would of possibly been taken care of before it was shipped off to Ti's Warehouse in hong Kong of course I am just speculating here since it a
03:42.09GeneralAntillesOr they could be even more defective.
03:42.27GeneralAntillesI'm not sure that I agree with your premise that "They're defective because they were outsourced." :P
03:43.28thescreensaverslol thats just the angle I used in my paper, it could be many things ;P
03:46.15thescreensaversThey could of been less defective!
06:57.12*** join/#metawatch pitpit (3ef58e32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:38.18*** join/#metawatch DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
07:57.41*** join/#metawatch DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
08:51.41*** join/#metawatch ka010_ (
09:19.31orlovskyLooks like i'm either seeing an issue with the firmware, or the charging process.
09:19.56orlovskymy watch spent most of the weekend connected to a mains charger, sat at a max of 4.08.
09:20.20orlovskywith in 5 mins of unplugging it, the charge was down to 3.8. :(
09:21.45orlovskyanyone else seeing a similar issue?
11:20.05DocScrutinizersounds like a "dead" Li-cell
11:20.22DocScrutinizerbut maybe it's sth completely different
11:20.55DocScrutinizere.g backlight and BT TX enabled all the time
11:45.50orlovskyvery minimal (if at all) backlight use & I've left it with BT off for today. We'll see what state the battery is when I get home.
11:46.28orlovskygiven the fact that I'm a brit, I figure it'll be cheaper/easier to break the toolkit out and replace it myself if it is dead. ;)
11:48.15orlovskyMy other thought, was if it was worth leaving it charging for 4+ hrs, then attempting a wipe and reflash of the firmware.
14:31.35*** join/#metawatch javispedro (~javier@Maemo/community/contributor/javispedro)
15:27.38ka010_can someone help me out ? I'm kinda stuck with implementing an objc api
15:27.55ka010_basically it works, but after sending a few frames it gets terribly slow, 3-4 seconds per frame
15:28.42ka010_I'm debugging this for hours now with no progress at all, starting to drive me crazy
15:29.35ka010_is there anything about the serial connection I need to take care of ? I'm having a hard time believing it's osx bug
15:30.09javispedroisn't that the same problem joehughes had with lightblue?
15:30.42javispedrohe mentioned his refresh rate was in the minutes
15:30.49javispedro(note: don't know if he solved it..)
15:31.08ka010_kinda but it's different, with light blue it still was faster and consistent also
15:31.30ka010_but now I can send the first 96 something frame with no problems but after that it gets slow
15:31.37ka010_makes no sense to me
15:34.03javispedroyou mean frame as in "packet, command, message" or frame as in "image, buffer"?
15:35.44ka010_I need to sleep, but now I cant
16:01.26*** join/#metawatch thescreensavers (~Danny@
16:21.32orlovsky@thescreensavers the battery is certainly good enough for say 24 hrs of uptime, so i'd *hope* that a flash shouldn't take so long that it runs out of juice midway thru.
16:21.48orlovskyAlso, I thought the clip provided power during the flash process?
16:22.20orlovskyAnd the seal is a good point, hadn't thought of that.
16:33.33*** join/#metawatch Jug6-Alt (
16:51.43*** join/#metawatch thescreensavers (~Danny@

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