IRC log for #metawatch on 20110917

00:49.46*** join/#metawatch javispedro (
00:49.54*** join/#metawatch javispedro (~javier@Maemo/community/contributor/javispedro)
02:28.22ka010anyone played with PayMetaWatch ?
03:08.27*** join/#metawatch DocScrutinizer (~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
03:14.00ka010my fork of Joe's/Travis' code
03:14.17ka010confirmed to work on snow leopard
05:21.25*** join/#metawatch thescreensavers1 (
05:22.17thescreensavers1GeneralAntilles: Shit I did not realize it did not have a second hand. W/e not a big deal its not like my Phone currently has one.  Unless I go into an app or something
05:41.24dm8tbrcute demo....
05:53.00thescreensavers1*New* Download Android MetaWatch Manager APK (v0.2.3)  - You must Uninstall version 0.2.2 manually before installing 0.2.3.  This is necessary due to some key signing changes. Next stop, Anroid  Market (coming soon).
05:56.00*** join/#metawatch thescreensavers (
06:03.20ka010are there any release notes ?
06:08.04ka010sweet, the intent api appears to work
06:25.37ka010weather still not working for me though
07:32.21dm8tbra kind of different display ;)
08:51.01*** join/#metawatch ka010_ (
13:15.44*** join/#metawatch javispedro (~javier@Maemo/community/contributor/javispedro)
14:47.11*** join/#metawatch ka010 (
14:50.22*** join/#metawatch ka010_ (
15:07.04*** topic/#metawatch by Radix-wrk -> Welcome to #Metawatch IRC - - Discuss your metawatch hacking here! - Latest Firmware: 0.7.28 AMM: 0.2.3
18:25.08*** join/#metawatch ellkae (
20:42.23*** join/#metawatch javispedro (~javier@Maemo/community/contributor/javispedro)
22:19.17*** join/#metawatch orlovsky (
23:43.39thescreensaversSo whats this SPP issues now with certain phones? What exactly is "SPP"?
23:45.11GeneralAntillesSerial Port Profile
23:45.22GeneralAntillesLots of phones don't implement it at all
23:45.26GeneralAntillesor don't implement it properly (HTC, some Samsung, apparently)
23:45.31GeneralAntillesBut I only use Nokia. So MEH!
23:51.31GeneralAntillesYeah, that doesn't tell you anything.
23:51.38thescreensaversSupported Bluetooth Profiles
23:51.39thescreensaversThe following Bluetooth profiles are supported:
23:51.48GeneralAntillesHTC claims SPP support too
23:51.49GeneralAntillesBut they LIE
23:51.56thescreensaverslol great
23:51.56GeneralAntillesSo, that doesn't tell you anything either.
23:52.26thescreensaversother then using a meta watch how would I figure out of my phone does indeed have SPP?
23:53.49GeneralAntillesTest it
23:53.50GeneralAntillesor ask around
23:53.55GeneralAntillesI'm sure there's a way you can test without the watch
23:53.57GeneralAntillesbut dunno
23:55.45thescreensaversAs long as the MWM uses a "Secure Connection" to the watch then SPP will work
23:57.42thescreensaversI am also on a custom Rom for my Droid X so I can tinker around but it should work as long as the app is written properly for android.
23:58.48thescreensavershmm my laptop has bluetooth, I need to figure out how to connect to my phone and talk to it using SPP

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