IRC log for #metawatch on 20110916

03:23.54*** join/#metawatch infobot (
03:23.54*** topic/#metawatch is Welcome to #Metawatch - - Discuss your metawatch hacking here!
03:25.31DocScrutinizerI wonder if ibot logs channels without me registering them
03:25.50infobotAll conversations are logged to Lines starting with spaces are not logged. Logs are updated daily.
03:26.04Radix-wrkOh nice
03:27.25DocScrutinizerI guess I'd need to do a full registration of the chan, maybe even need Tim's magic-admin forces to setup the web page
03:28.24*** topic/#metawatch by Radix-wrk -> Welcome to #Metawatch IRC - - Discuss your metawatch hacking here! - Latest Firmware: 0.7.28 AMM: 0.2.2
03:30.50Radix-wrkIf anyone recommends anything else channel wise - let me know - otherwise I'm happy to keep it simple and stay out of the way ;)
03:31.50DocScrutinizeractuallly it seems to log even without chan added to chanlist for autojoin etc, just takes a day or so to show up on* - this is no livelog
03:32.23Radix-wrkSo do you have a metawatch yet DocScrutinizer?
03:32.35DocScrutinizerno money :-/
03:33.03Radix-wrkka010: do you have a metawatch?
03:33.19Radix-wrkSurely I'm not the only one here with one
03:33.40Radix-wrkneed to get JoeH on here.. I want to quiz him about his prototyping stuff ;)
03:35.01DocScrutinizer/invite javispedro
03:35.24ka010ah looks like i missed something
03:35.26DocScrutinizerhe'll moan, another irc channel to join :-P
03:35.28ka010Radix-wrk: sure do
03:36.01Radix-wrkWell if you have any questions.. I'm enjoying mine - got the digital one and it's pretty cool, though I want to get the final api docs (specifically intents) so I can do more with it
03:36.29Radix-wrkka010: cool.. glad to hear I'm not the only one here with one :)
03:36.48ka010Radix-wrk: heh same here ;)
03:36.59ka010Radix-wrk: any luck doing something cool with it yet ?
03:37.43Radix-wrkI've been trying to nut out the intents interface, but can't get a response - JoeH seemed to imply that there were probs with it atm tho
03:38.10Radix-wrkI'm using SL4A's python interface to broadcast the intent
03:38.21ka010yeah, ran into that as well seems like we'll have to wait for an update or the mwm sources
03:38.58ka010I've tried the python interface but it wouldn't work on lion
03:39.17ka010didn't have much luck on android either
03:39.29Radix-wrkI've never done intent code tho.. so could be passing the wrong parameters, etc
03:39.51Radix-wrk was what I used
03:40.41ka010I'm not much of an android guy either, but I got the same results as described in the forums, e.g. buttons only work for the lower left one and the notification intent displays but crashes mwm afterwards
03:41.49ka010ah got that wrong, thought you meant the pc python code posted in the forums, didn't know you could run regular python an android
03:42.01ka010as said I'm an iOS dev actually
03:42.27Radix-wrkyeah, sl4a - scripting layer 4 android allows you to run python, beanshell, ruby, etc all on android
03:43.12Radix-wrkI'm a windows c++ dev myself, android enthusiast but not really a dev
03:43.22ka010sounds cool, I'd definetly prefer python over java
03:43.31Radix-wrkteaching myself python as I go
03:43.55DocScrutinizerwell, seems javispedro did some refresh rate evaluations. [2011-09-16 02:35:23] <javispedro> by experimentation I've found around 25ms per each two lines updated avoids crashes  [2011-09-16 02:36:01] <javispedro> therefore, 40 fps if all you update is two lines per frame, which is not bad...
03:44.05ka010from what I can tell, the snippet looks perfectly fine
03:44.23ka010cool good to know
03:44.52Radix-wrkwhat channel is javispedro on then DocScrutinizer?
03:45.07DocScrutinizer#maemo, #harmattan
04:31.54*** join/#metawatch pb (
04:35.21*** part/#metawatch pb (
04:51.56*** join/#metawatch dm8tbr (
05:28.27*** join/#metawatch ka010 (
08:42.51*** join/#metawatch orlovsky (
08:51.09*** join/#metawatch ka010_ (
08:57.15orlovskyMorning to you too, sir.
09:54.25*** join/#metawatch daniels_ (~daniels@
10:14.42Radix-wrkhey orlovsky
10:19.22orlovskyHey @Radix-wrk, what's up?
10:19.51Radix-wrkjust recognised your name from the forums and saying hi :)
10:20.43orlovskyaha! Hey! :)
10:21.14Radix-wrkyou got a metawatch?
11:37.04orlovskyYeah, although I haven't had time to play with it yet.
11:37.25orlovskyand, noticed that I'm only getting around 48ish hrs between charges. which isn't good. :(
11:37.50orlovskyHopefully I'll get a long enough gap to sit down and have a play this weekend.
12:00.49*** join/#metawatch daniels_ (~daniels@
12:11.44dm8tbrwhoa? there's actual hardware out there? I got bored by the constant delays and bought me a liveview...
12:12.31orlovsky@dm8tbr yeah, they started shipping the digital version last week. Analog is still delayed.
12:13.00orlovskyhow's the liveview? I've heard mixed things.
12:16.41dm8tbras a watch it gets quite good mileage (I seldomly use the bluetooth feature so far)
12:16.57dm8tbrI need to find some time and hack the python code I found for talking to it
12:17.50dm8tbrone downside is that as it's OLED the display dims quickly and turns off briefly after that to save power
12:19.05dm8tbrbesides that it works quite fine. One application I liked when using with regular android is google 2-factor auth.
12:19.38dm8tbrso you can turn it into something like an rsa-securid token
12:20.27dm8tbrit seems completely dumb though. I don't think there is any code running on the device besides the firmware. probably just bitmaps being sent over bt
12:51.53orlovskythat's pretty handy though
13:05.15dm8tbrfor now my target is seemingly simple: get call notifications working in combination with the N9(50)
13:05.42dm8tbrlet's see if I can find some spare time...
13:31.00*** join/#metawatch ka010 (
13:33.36*** join/#metawatch joehughes (jhughes@nat/google/x-eluhxlsehwzxxmga)
13:54.31*** join/#metawatch Durnik (~Durnik@
15:03.12*** join/#metawatch daniels_ (
16:25.09GeneralAntillesdm8tbr, you getting one too?
16:26.19dm8tbrGeneralAntilles: I have a LiveView, the Metawatch is probably still only shipping in homeopathic doses while I've had my LiveView now for two months or so
16:26.42GeneralAntillesYes, apparently the next batch is due mid-October (grrr)
16:26.54dm8tbrno further comments...
16:27.59GeneralAntillesStill trying to get an answer from TI about why mine wasn't in the first batch.
16:37.13*** join/#metawatch javispedro (~javier@Maemo/community/contributor/javispedro)
19:40.17javispedroGeneralAntilles: DocScrutinizer: dm8tbr: ;)
19:41.49javispedrodang what? You where hoping I lied to you and wished that I had not received the watch yet? =)
19:42.11GeneralAntillesNo, expression of impressednessedness.
19:43.32javispedrothe framerate is much, much better than what you get with pymetawatch, which virtually takes a minute or so to send the picture of a bird
19:43.35javispedrothank god.
20:01.22DocScrutinizerjavispedro: well, pymetawatch is obviously borked to the bones then
20:02.38javispedroit just has a few delays that are seemingly unneeded
20:02.44javispedropossibly required on a previous fw, dunno.
20:04.13DocScrutinizeryour 25ms delay?
20:04.41DocScrutinizerwell, I hope they'll open up the fw sources soon
20:04.59DocScrutinizerseems the fw needs some patches
20:05.29javispedrothis reminds me
20:05.35javispedroDocScrutinizer: =)
20:05.48DocScrutinizerjavispedro: you meanwhile found a way to make the draw buffer contain a a proper copy of *recent* display?
20:06.16javispedroDocScrutinizer: yeah, it was me filling a reserved field with garbage _plus_ a typo on the manual that cause random lines to be filled with garbage =)
20:06.42javispedroon the write buffer cmd, the "reserved" byte is actually rowB index
20:06.53javispedroand the actual rowB contents start one byte earlier
20:07.42javispedro(already notified via forums)
20:09.53DocScrutinizerhehe. and OUCH to 2.5V cutout
20:11.14DocScrutinizerI need to get my application ready. Seems metawatch inc. could use some DocScrutinizer in the general QA, like OM did
20:12.30DocScrutinizerand a huge OMG to the fact it's seemingly again sth similar to BME that acts up fist ;-P
20:13.27DocScrutinizerponders to implement some auto-replace s/fist/first/
20:19.28DocScrutinizerjavispedro: I think a way to just replace the QDesktopWidget(or whatever its called) Object by something that renders the desktop widget to metawatch's screen rather than to maemo desktop, that could be a great method to revamp arbitrary widgets to use the MW
20:22.26javispedroDocScrutinizer: there are no widgets in harm, and on fremantle, they're GDesktopWidgets not Q ;)
20:22.55DocScrutinizerooh, so G then
20:23.07DocScrutinizerthe concept remains the same
20:23.23DocScrutinizerand, sorry, fsck HARM
20:25.35DocScrutinizerhonestly I could as well go for a *decent* android (or iOS) rather than this harmattan abomination, at least when it comes to UI
20:27.24DocScrutinizeron harm there's no such thing like a desktop, so obviously no desktop widgets, so nothing that would be a nice starting point for a MW display
21:05.38GeneralAntillesNo desktop on iOS either.
21:18.09*** join/#metawatch thescreensavers (
21:18.58GeneralAntillesFellow Floridian?
21:19.08thescreensaversYep :)
21:19.20GeneralAntillesSmall world.
21:19.21DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: guess why there's no desktop on this me-too harmattan ;-P
21:19.34thescreensaversWhat part you from?
21:19.34GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, not very me-too.
21:19.38GeneralAntillesSt. Petersburg
21:19.43thescreensaversah Miami here
21:20.59GeneralAntillesHere 'cause you got a watch or just interested?
21:21.38DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: completely me-too, lock everything to appsto... err ovistore, try making money with selling apps rather than selling decent hw, sandbox all development into dalvi... err qtm or whatever it's called
21:22.02thescreensaversGeneral: I ordered the analog version back in mid may :)
21:22.16GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, exaggerated distortions and you know it. :P
21:22.31thescreensaversstill " Status: Processing" :( but Bill said they should start to ship the week o the 26th
21:22.45DocScrutinizersure, sometimes you have to exaggerate to make your point
21:22.48GeneralAntillesYeah, waiting on my digital pre-order. . . .
21:22.57thescreensaverswhen did you pre oder it?
21:23.07thescreensaversah :P
21:23.10GeneralAntillesSo not sure why it didn't go out with the first batch.
21:23.30thescreensaversThe pre order opend in May dude, 3 months of pre orderes > you apparently :D
21:23.39GeneralAntillesthescreensavers, yes, unless you're javispedro.
21:24.02thescreensaverslol so I am guessing he orderd his after you and got his?
21:24.07javispedroI preordered last week =)
21:24.11thescreensaversand got it?
21:24.20GeneralAntillesHe's already got a sweet QML demo up.
21:24.23javispedroand have it here already :)
21:24.31thescreensaversiirc people had some billing issues
21:24.49GeneralAntillesYeah, asked the eStore support if there was anything wrong
21:24.52thescreensaversGeneral: email support make sure things are still good
21:24.52GeneralAntillesThey say no
21:24.58GeneralAntillesI just got screwed.
21:25.20GeneralAntillesNope, Ab. . . .
21:25.34thescreensaverslol, then who knows why TI's system did not say to ship yours ha
21:26.10GeneralAntilles"This guy. Pff. Put him at the back of the pile."
21:27.00thescreensaversIs the MetaWatch program for Android(MWM) I think its called. Based off Open Watch?
21:27.37GeneralAntillesSeems like there was a thread about that on the forums.
21:27.42GeneralAntillesisn't an Android guy, so doesn't care.
21:28.01thescreensaversThey look very similar
21:28.03GeneralAntillesIsn't Open Watch closed source anyway?
21:28.31thescreensaversno idea
21:28.39javispedroit says so on that link
21:28.44thescreensaversthen I guess it is lol
21:29.27thescreensaversSo General: if you do not have an android phone you just buying the watch to play with on the PC?
21:30.08javispedrowe all have our phones =)
21:30.41thescreensaversYea, but I thought for now atleast there is no way for it to work on other devices
21:31.01javispedrohehe, we're working on it =)
21:31.12thescreensaversnice :)
21:31.31thescreensaversthough on iOS I thought its impossible since the way it does things? (Not an apple guy) lol
21:31.33GeneralAntillesthescreensavers, N950.
21:31.55thescreensavers^ thats a neat looking phone
21:33.21thescreensaversI have  Droid X, Its over a year old now and it still feels new to me its nuts
21:33.32thescreensaversI have had phones which after 3 months I want to kill my self with lol
21:34.35thescreensaversI wonder what the Ratio is for Analog vs Digital Metawatches
21:35.06thescreensaversand it looks nice
21:40.29GeneralAntillesI would've gotten analog
21:40.38GeneralAntillesbut it's huge, no seconds hand and the screens are too small.

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