IRC log for #meego on 20110626

00:03.03CosmoHillberndhs: try 28 hour days
00:03.55berndhsI suppose if I lived in a cave, the daylight wouldn't matter
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00:09.13*** join/#meego Chris81 (
00:09.24Chris81Hello @all
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00:10.35Chris81I got a little question: I installed meego 1.2 and I cannot find thunderbird via zypper. Is it still in the repos?
00:11.00Chris81is there an repo with thunderbird in it?
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00:17.09berndhsChris81: for 1.2, probably not
00:17.38*** join/#meego DawnFoster (~DawnFoste@
00:17.44Chris81strange they where in the repos for 1.0
00:18.00Chris81where can I find comunity repos
00:18.03Chris81? has community repos
00:20.12*** join/#meego rafael2k_ (~rafael2k@
00:20.27rafael2k_people, the is the summer release up?
00:20.53Jay_BEErafael2k_:  yes
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00:21.08rafael2k_; ) has sadly only a few apps
00:21.29berndhsit has all *my* apps, so its not my fault :P
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00:31.10*** part/#meego Chris81 (
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00:39.52*** join/#meego me11er (6db86a7e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:42.21me11erя загрузил образ meego с помощью grub4dos, но при инициализации установки на этапе определения устройств меня выкидывает в bash с ошибкой монтирования /dev/root
00:42.41*** join/#meego t_s_o (
00:42.47me11erI booted the image using meego grub4dos, but when initializing installation stage device definitions throws me an error in bash mount / dev / root
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01:29.09abhyjoin #meego-arm
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01:31.10*** join/#meego carter_ (4c646d3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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01:34.06carter_i just installed the Nokia Qt SDK - but only see Qt simulator and Desktop as options to target - not maemo5, harmattan
01:34.13carter_anyone know why ?
01:36.37ali1234basically because it sucks
01:37.07ali1234you need to enable maemo 5 support by configuring the madde stuff
01:37.24ali1234there's no support for harmatten or meego
01:38.44*** join/#meego eg81 (
01:38.55wmaroneali1234: you sure? In the device config I can select between Maemo5/Fremantle, Harmattan, and Meego
01:39.18ali1234not really sure no
01:39.22ali1234did you install extra sdks?
01:39.43wmaroneI grabbed the harmattan update that was pushed back on tuesday
01:40.04ali1234when i say "no support" i mean it isn't incuded in the main download with everything else and has to be installed and configured manually
01:40.25wmaroneyou can add it, fairly easily too
01:40.26ali1234that is, you have to install a SDK and then enter in the SDK paths into the the config thing
01:41.19ali1234considering how much i heard about the online installer that gets "only the parts you need"
01:41.30ali1234i would have thought it would be easy to add on extra SDKs using that
01:42.04carter_ok cool, i thought i was just plagued by bad luck - learning and its kinda hard i just moved to ubuntu and had problem accessing internet there because of broadcom card
01:42.40ali1234carter_: it's not your fault
01:42.41carter_is there a way to sudo apt-get this from terminal ? someone just mentioned i have to install other SDK's...
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01:42.48ali1234this stuff should just work
01:42.57carter_yeah for sure
01:43.22ali1234hmm well i think there is a repo for meego sdk on ubuntu actually
01:43.30*** join/#meego twoboxen (
01:43.39ali1234but it's not as simple as apt-get because it's not part of official ubuntu either
01:43.48ali1234you have to add the repo and such
01:43.59ali1234not sure if that's even the recommended way to do it any more
01:44.21carter_im learning you have to figure a lot of stuff out to be a developer
01:44.33carter_you guys have patience of a saint !
01:45.12twoboxendoes anyone have experience running the simulator on osx in the QtSDK?
01:45.16ali1234sadly meego is one of the worser development experiences
01:45.23ali1234in terms of getting everything set up
01:45.29twoboxenthat's what I'm noticing
01:45.43twoboxenWebOS and Android are really nice
01:45.52twoboxeniOS is pretty good (assuming you have a mac)
01:45.55twoboxenblackberry sucks
01:46.13ali1234blackberry is the worst by a long way
01:46.32twoboxendefinitely :)
01:46.37ali1234but i think they are specifically trying to discourage small time developers in favour of large corporations
01:46.39twoboxentheir company is going down anyways
01:46.48twoboxenI work for a large corporation
01:46.50twoboxenit still sucks :)
01:47.02ali1234interesting :)
01:47.38ali1234personally i never even managed to find all the downloads i need
01:47.57twoboxenyeah, authenticated on download is ridiculous
01:48.18twoboxenSo what IS the simulator included with the QtSDK?
01:48.25carter_so I see meego packaging tools in the syanptic manager in 11.4 + mic2 an image creator tool and banshee meego - media management and playback --- is this the repo you spoke of Ali1234
01:48.26twoboxeni haven't used Qt since 4.1 on desktop
01:49.09ali1234carter_: no idea, lots of repos have those packages
01:49.12carter_i am a relative noob so im either using u great laughter or confusion !
01:49.15ali1234the question is are they the right versions?
01:49.35carter_damn there should be some solid how to wiki out there on this
01:50.08ali1234there is somewhere
01:50.12ali1234i don't have a link, sorry
01:50.15carter_like this for maemo --
01:50.33carter_no probs - i am learning patience :)
01:51.04carter_ah yes but i have 11.4 an unsupported version
01:51.15twoboxenbig sad face:  Coming Fall 2011. Check back for more details.
01:51.20carter_i think i have to use a VM
01:51.47twoboxenso what the crap is :
01:52.11*** join/#meego Pathin_ (
01:52.18ali1234i have *no* idea
01:52.22ali1234i thought they were on 2.0 already
01:52.28ali1234go and ask them on #qt
01:53.15carter_i think this is what i need to see harmattan as an option to target
01:53.43ali1234looks like it could be
01:54.30twoboxenbut on this page ( they talk about support for the N9
01:54.48TSCHAKeeeseriously, wtf is going on?
01:54.54carter_right, but not out the gate - remember this is nokia..
01:54.56ali1234the N9 runs hamatten
01:54.59carter_love them and hate them
01:55.26TSCHAKeeei never thought a company could top Commodore-Amiga in both awesome technology and sheer stupidity
01:55.34TSCHAKeeeturns out, i only needed to wait
01:57.29twoboxenIt started with Symbian, then went to Maemo… I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Intel didn't save them
01:57.31twoboxensame compay
02:00.13twoboxenall devs should get a free phone for having to deal with something that is 90% awesome and 10% impossible
02:01.22carter_why cant they just state at the top of the SDK - you will need to add this and that and that located here to target maemo, meego and symbian
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02:01.48carter_nevermind, that would be logical
02:02.05carter_just like selling the n950, but lets not go there
02:10.08carter_so i downloaded the sdk thing you found twoboxen and ubuntu made me install 40 files
02:10.36twoboxeni don't know what that means… you mean supporting packages?
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02:11.20carter_yeah sorry that was ali1234 that told me that
02:11.42carter_i did download this
02:12.23carter_seems exactly like what i did before to get nokia qt sdk 2.2.1
02:13.07twoboxenLooks like i'm waiting until the fall
02:13.13twoboxenI don't want to waste more time on this
02:13.50carter_unreal isn't it - i am a noob and dont want to wait im hyped to learn now -- og the irony
02:14.56twoboxenI'm not even a noob… but I don't have the patience for this anymore
02:15.06twoboxenI'm happy to spend time being productive
02:15.22twoboxenbut setting up an environment better be 1. contained and 2. trivial
02:15.54ali1234+1 that sums it up exactly
02:16.02carter_me too, but figuring out how to be productive is too hard, you're correct - and i assume you have some dev experience  behind you
02:16.29twoboxenI have developed both professionally and personally for about every mobile os
02:16.59carter_i emailed a couple of people today and mentioned that it should be easy for people to learn Qt and jump on the MeeGo train
02:17.10twoboxenI really want meego to succeed… by Nokia or otherwise.  I want a REAL linux phone that is not openmoko fugly
02:17.24carter_currently it is not and i'd like to create a resource to solve this
02:17.59carter_me too, i think if they stuck the N9 and n950 with same specs they'd be going in the right direction -- i hope the board gets rid of elop
02:18.07twoboxenbeing on a business trip and being able to hook up to an HDMI monitor with kbd (usb, bt, i don't care) and open a terminal would be suhweet
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02:18.15twoboxenwithout packing laptop i mean
02:18.29carter_i can see the awesome in that
02:18.38carter_do you have a n900
02:18.43twoboxenis prepping Nokia to be wholly owned or absorbed by M$
02:18.50twoboxenI did, yes
02:19.01twoboxensold it last year… had a g2 after that
02:19.07carter_did most of that above right ? except hdmi
02:19.41twoboxenphones i own or have owned and dev'd for:  N1, G2, pre, pre2, bb9700, bb9800, n900, HTD HD7, iPhone, iPhone 3gs
02:20.05twoboxensorry don't understand your ?
02:20.12twoboxendid most of what?
02:20.22carter_i mean opening the terminal with the n900
02:20.26twoboxeno yeah
02:20.31twoboxenit was great
02:20.42twoboxentoo bad it was a brick and the calendar and phone were atrocious
02:20.47twoboxeni couldn't use it as every day carry
02:20.54twoboxenphone calls were so inconsistent
02:20.58carter_all nokia had to do was add hdmi and sort out those quirks you mention
02:21.01carter_perhaps add NFC
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02:21.12carter_my phone for next 3years
02:21.16*** part/#meego DrGrov (
02:21.22twoboxentidy up the package as well… a little thinner, spec it up a touch
02:21.33carter_yeah n950 seems perfect, did u apply to get one
02:21.37twoboxenI did
02:21.44twoboxenonly 250?  I seriously doubt i get one
02:21.55carter_seems very illogical
02:21.58twoboxendon't you have to send request to that email addy?  Anything else?
02:22.10*** join/#meego beford (~fercho@unaffiliated/beford)
02:22.12carter_not that i know of
02:22.29carter_i have been waiting for that phone for 18months
02:22.44carter_then they say were not gonna sell it and only loaning 250
02:22.52twoboxenthis address,, right?
02:23.07twoboxenwhat are the terms of the loan?
02:23.12MohammadAGthat's if you're a commercial dev afaik
02:23.13carter_hopefully i get one i am startup founder
02:23.13twoboxendoes anyone know?
02:23.23twoboxenyeah, good luck
02:23.34carter_yeah thanks i will need it :)
02:23.41twoboxenpurchasing will be more than iPhone4s/5
02:24.00twoboxenI hold no hope for me getting one :)
02:24.05carter_so sad !
02:24.15carter_and i would good money for it myself
02:24.39twoboxenyeah.  I'm actually thinking i'd like the n9 more
02:24.41*** part/#meego berndhs (~berndhs@2604:8800:11b:1:21e:90ff:fe8f:8bee)
02:25.02twoboxenb/c with my iPad for example, i end up using the bt kbd more often for actual work (emails, text, dev, etc)
02:25.22twoboxenthe occasion where i need the power of hwkbd and don't have time to setup the main kbd is rare
02:25.35twoboxen(and I was ALWAYS a hwkbd zealot)
02:25.50carter_hmmm yeah i can see that w/tablet that might die
02:26.10carter_i was thinking about going only ipad
02:26.14carter_one device
02:26.19twoboxeni don't know what the thickness of the n950 is, though… if it were about the thickness of the n9 i'd def go for it though
02:26.26twoboxenno, i don't' even use it much
02:26.38twoboxenneeds more ram and multitasking :)
02:26.39carter_people say that
02:26.45twoboxeni got it through work
02:26.49twoboxeni certainly wouldn't pay for it
02:26.56twoboxen1, but my iPad2 is coming next week
02:27.07carter_they say its mch smoother
02:27.15twoboxenyeah, double ram and proc
02:27.51twoboxeni'd still rather have one device which can be my everyday
02:27.59twoboxena larger phone rather than a small tablet
02:28.21twoboxeneven though you look ridiculous holding next to head for a call… that's why they make headsets and bt
02:30.39carter_well im going to try and conquer settig up this development environment
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02:30.54carter_good luck with that right !
02:31.40twoboxenindeed :)
02:32.34*** part/#meego twoboxen (
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02:35.16thebootroo_i puhsed another great update to my gitorious !
02:35.24thebootroo_event timeline ala thebootroo
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03:02.34Termanathebootroo_, mummas boy. You missed two calls from her
03:02.39Termanathebootroo_, just kidding :p
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03:36.28carter_i just downloaded the Qt SDK
03:36.47carter_but i can only target desktop and simulator
03:37.04carter_how do i get symbian, harmattan and maemo to appear ?
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03:44.21carter_anyone know how to target symbian, maemo and harmattan from Qt creator IDE ??
03:44.35carter_in demos and tutorials it is already loaded and doesnt mention it
03:44.45carter_mine just shows desktop and emulator
03:45.13carter_re-installed Qt SDK and still same issue - must need to do something - anyone help me out ?
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03:48.54wmaroneI haven't paid any mind to Symbian, but for Maemo it (like symbian) was a matter of marking the targets at project setup
03:49.11wmaroneI actually wish it had been that easy from the start :/
03:49.17*** join/#meego gaveen (~gaveen@unaffiliated/gaveen)
03:54.51thebootroo_carter_: did you selected maemo target in installator ? if not, start sdk manager and add it
03:55.06thebootroo_greatest thread in da wurld !
03:55.10carter_ok let me go try this - thanks
03:55.29thebootroo_let Mee o
03:56.02carter_i saw that thread, thats you here on IRC - cool :)
03:56.12thebootroo_yes its me
03:56.19thebootroo_happy to say someone recognize me
03:56.28thebootroo_did you subscribed the thread ?
03:56.47Termanathebootroo_, your glamorous and famous!
03:56.48*** join/#meego azeem (
03:56.57thebootroo_Termana: ^^
03:57.04carter_yes indeed :) haha
03:57.08thebootroo_O RLY ?
03:58.02carter_dude ur too much
03:58.14carter_me and my lady laughing :)
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03:58.30thebootroo_my respects to her
03:58.48carter_im a noob so yes you're famous
03:58.57thebootroo_who has actually tested the stuff in my gitorious ?
03:59.00carter_also desperate to develop
03:59.02thebootroo_Termana: you did ?
03:59.26Termanathebootroo_, I can say I did, if it makes you feel better
03:59.58Termanamoving right along
04:00.06thebootroo_no i just want to know
04:00.11Termanathebootroo_, at least 9 others like it :p
04:00.34thebootroo_9 like but no feed back on the coded thing
04:00.42thebootroo_weird world
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04:01.25Termanathebootroo_, pro-tip: build some binaries
04:01.41Termanapeople will be more willing to test it if they don't have to build it themselves.
04:01.50thebootroo_i can build only for linux
04:01.54thebootroo_32 bits
04:02.13thebootroo_and that's quite hard (qt creator doesn't do it automatically)
04:02.14sofarwhich is all of meego
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04:05.16carter_(sigh) where is the sdk manager ?
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04:06.41carter_ok so you have to select experimental ?
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04:08.06thebootroo_to have harmattan yes
04:08.24carter_weird i didnt see symbian too
04:08.44carter_thanks for your help thus far - know its more interesting to help people who know what they're talking about
04:09.01carter_famous but yet humble
04:12.57wmaronemy sdk manager seems to be completely broken
04:13.47*** part/#meego myname1 (~dara@
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04:19.24carter_sdk manager is the sdk-mainenance tool - correct ?
04:20.28wmaronewon't run for me anymore
04:22.05carter_weird, u running old Qt sdk - did you update at all or you cant do that because cant access it
04:23.06wmaroneI reinstalled the latest the other day, then used the updater to pull down the harmattan stuff
04:24.23carter_im a noob, so may say stupid things but did you install correct bit version
04:24.41carter_ also good documentation for anyone looking for it
04:24.44wmaroneI'm just gonna dump it and reinstall
04:24.45carter_it is helping me
04:24.53carter_good luck
04:25.13wmaroneI'm not working with the harmattan sdk at the moment
04:25.29wmarone(I have ubuntu in virtualbox, and Xephyr crashes. also, I hate scratchbox.)
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04:58.52carter_anyone in washington DC area get onto the MeeGo forum and post on the appropriate thread to express an interest in showcasing apps, tutorials, learning, meeting fellow ameeGos
04:58.55carter_you know the drill
04:59.08carter_dont be shy if you're in the DC area
04:59.40*** join/#meego TSCHAKeee (
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06:51.26dm8tbrmood groaning
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07:09.24TSCHAKeeedid the N9 get killed already???
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07:22.09dm8tbrTSCHAKeee: again? ;)
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07:37.24QantouriscBTW anyone knows why phone running meego are so expensive ?
07:41.05Qantouriscnow i see
07:41.09Qantouriscthe bloody specs of the device !
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07:41.25Qantourischell with those specs i can loose a desktop Linux on the dam thing
07:42.42*** join/#meego carter_ (4c646d3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:43.04carter_anyone know why i cant target symbian devices in Qt creator
07:43.24carter_i have got harmatan and maemo to show as targets now
07:43.31carter_but symbian stil nowhere to be sene
07:43.41carter_any thoughts... ???
07:44.47dm8tbrwrong channel
07:45.04Qantouriscdm8tbr: what would be the right one one might ask next ?
07:45.16dm8tbrQantourisc: I meant carter_
07:45.22Qantouriscdm8tbr: i know :)
07:45.38Qantouriscdm8tbr: but if he is here, i'm not sure he knows the "right" channel :)
07:45.51dm8tbrI remember there being a qt channel or even a qt symbian channel
07:46.01dm8tbrwas there once for 5min
07:46.04Jay_BEEthere is #qt-creator
07:46.30carter_i like hanging out with ameeGos though -- but you shot me down
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07:46.36Qantouriscstrols around this channel to figure out the features of meego, so he knows if he wan't to use it on his phone, he hasn't bough yet :p
07:46.37carter_shame on you ;)
07:47.56*** part/#meego carter_ (4c646d3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:50.13SpeedEvilhey Qantourisc
07:50.13dm8tbrQantourisc: there is another tiny spec. the meego phone runs harmattan.
07:50.29QantouriscSpeedEvil: hello
07:50.31SpeedEvilI don't think there is a meego phone you can buy.
07:50.50SpeedEvilYou can put meego on the n900.
07:51.09Qantouriscthat might explain why it's so hard to get specs and info on usability and integratabilit
07:51.36SpeedEvilThe N9 is planned to be the first consumer meego phone - but that's several months off.
07:51.45SpeedEvilAnd how meego it is is quite questionable.
07:52.40QantouriscIs there any decent mobile phone os out there ?
07:55.08SpeedEvilWell - the n900 is still available in some stores apparantly - though dissapearing.
07:55.14SpeedEvilAlso on ebay.
07:55.33SpeedEvilThen you've got android, iOS, blackberry, and windows phone.
07:55.36QantouriscSpeedEvil: yes, but i don't know yet what meego can "do"
07:55.37SpeedEvilTake your pick.
07:55.51QantourisciOS: manditory apple store
07:55.52SpeedEvilMeego at the moment is a framework on which makers can build.
07:55.55*** join/#meego Pathin_ (
07:55.59Qantouriscandroid: ridled with security bugs ?
07:56.11Qantouriscblackberry: you need a blackberrt server
07:56.17SpeedEvilIt's fundamentally linux - but how the user interface will look is almost entirely dependant on the device maker.
07:56.18Qantouriscwindows phone: you need to reboot once in a while ...
07:56.40Qantouriscsymbian: no clue :)
07:57.05*** join/#meego gour (
07:57.24SpeedEvilSymbian is windond gown.
07:57.44SpeedEvilThere are to be no new S60 phones - S40 is the low-end - that's still being marketed in asia
07:57.49SpeedEvilwinding down
07:57.57dm8tbrs40 is not symbian
07:58.18SpeedEvilCurrent plan is to end sybian in high end phones for sale by 2014
07:58.21SpeedEvilIt's not?
07:58.22QantouriscSpeedEvil: what i'm mostly concerned about: does it do SyncML, webdav, imap, ?ldap?, ssh (this can be handy to fix something fast), ...
07:58.27gourcan one expect to see symbian anna for s60 phones (E5)?
07:58.46QantouriscSpeedEvil: or even owa
07:58.51SpeedEvilQantourisc: See above - there is no meego phone.
07:59.24SpeedEvilQantourisc: What appears on a phone that ships as a meego phone is dependant on the vendor.
07:59.24QantouriscSpeedEvil: well if software is avaible, and can be installed it falls under "you can but"
07:59.33gouri'm considering whether to buy (cheap) nokia C3 and extend contract for one year only and then see if there are are some affordable meego phones available or go with 2yr contract and buy E5 hoping to be able to write some app using python+qt?
08:00.01QantouriscSpeedEvil: but i have no clue where to find and check the software that works on it, and how to figure out what that software can do
08:00.50thiagogour: off-topic
08:00.50gourotoh, considering we'll use py+qt for the desktop, itz's obvious that meego is the best mobile platform...
08:01.09thiagogour: we don't know of any future products any more than you do
08:01.20thiagogour: there's exactly one MeeGo-based phone announced
08:01.35gouryeah, i know about it
08:01.40SpeedEvilQantourisc: You might look at n900-ce -
08:02.09SpeedEvilThis is meego + layers to make it work well on the n900 plus stuff
08:02.28gouraraujo: ping
08:02.36SpeedEvilIt would be 'simple' to get working on a meego phone even if it diddn't have the features listed
08:02.50*** join/#meego I-C-Wiener (
08:04.31QantouriscSpeedEvil: if you had a n900 :)
08:04.35gourthiago: so there is nothing announced from intel side?
08:04.38*** join/#meego arvind_khadri (~arvind@unaffiliated/arvind-khadri/x-2237230)
08:04.52SpeedEvilQantourisc: ?
08:05.02QantouriscSpeedEvil: think i'll best stick to the plan: wait till the/a phone comes out, and check the software-specs
08:05.04SpeedEvilgour: The exopc.
08:05.11SpeedEvilQantourisc: Ah
08:05.25SpeedEvilgour: No announced x86 phones.
08:05.25*** join/#meego Pathin_ (
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08:05.28Qantourisc"It would be 'simple' to get working on a meego phone even if it diddn't have the features listed" <= if i had a phone that could run it
08:05.37thiagogour: you know as much as we do
08:05.45gourSpeedEvil: thanks...i'm still looking for a phone, not a tablet
08:06.05SpeedEvilyes - if you had a phone that ran meego, that would let you screw with the software - then you coukld get all the features of the n900-ce
08:06.19SpeedEvil(but the vendor phone package might be considerably more polished)
08:07.13SpeedEvilgour: Intel hasn't yet announced anything. It's questionable if htey'd direclty release a consumer product anyway. How far they are from having compelling silicon for vendors is a seperate and interesting question.
08:07.21QantouriscIf you seen my desktop-software-stack, you known i don't mind polish :) I care about doing things easily, and using standards, not locking me into software X so i can switch to Y if i like it more
08:07.59gourSpeedEvil: having meego depend on nokia is disaster
08:08.00SpeedEvilAs I understand it, there is nothing stopping vendors making a locked-down meego phone.
08:08.18SpeedEvilgour: With nokias current course, yes.
08:08.35gourSpeedEvil: with elop as ceo, i do not see it will change soon
08:09.10QantouriscAny phonemaker can lock down any phone (or try)... not sure how the OS helps with that
08:09.34SpeedEvilI was referring to your imlicit assumption that meego = open
08:09.43*** join/#meego clbr (
08:10.06Qantouriscshame the consummers are catle, otherwise any locked down phone would have a short life :/
08:10.14gouri do not want to buy iphone, avoding android, not believing in wp7, webos is not really sucks
08:10.18SpeedEvilgour: yeah. Though CEOs move on to pastures new. Hell - with 7% of microsoft stock (IIRC) - I'd not be heading up a phone company, but doing something similar to Elon Musk.
08:10.44DocScrutinizergour: go for freerunner with SHR ;-D
08:11.06SpeedEvilOne of the founders of paypal, who has in a few years reduced the cost of spacelaunch by a factor of several.
08:11.12DocScrutinizeryou definitely won't find any phone more free and open
08:11.27gourDocScrutinizer: freerunner project is still alive? still, i believe it's not usable as phone
08:11.34Qantouriscgour: same feeling here
08:12.06SpeedEvilAnd essentially helped to kill an overpriced US rocket program - singlehanded.
08:12.07DocScrutinizerooh, some brave users (incl me) have actually used it as a phone for months, some for yeras now
08:12.08thiagoSpeedEvil: I doubt he has 7%. That's a high number for anyone that is not billg or ballmer
08:12.14SpeedEvilNow that's a cool use for some billions.
08:12.17thiagothat's a high number for *anyone*
08:12.53gourDocScrutinizer: 'used' ? what do you have now, n900?
08:12.56SpeedEvilFigure was 7th highest owner - not 7%
08:14.41DocScrutinizer7th non-trust or private or whatever real person owner
08:15.11*** join/#meego Pathin_ (
08:16.23SpeedEvilOk - 130000 shares - which isn't that much actually.
08:16.31SpeedEvilOnly 3.2M value
08:16.58*** join/#meego jargon- (~dayo@unaffiliated/jargon-)
08:17.35DocScrutinizeromg the poor starving guy
08:18.49DocScrutinizernow it's clear to me why NOK has to go penny stocks - otherwise he couldn't afford to buy it out
08:19.46SpeedEvilHe's claimed he's now sold all his MSFT and bought NOK
08:19.59thiago#meego-bar please
08:20.01bossthiago: Error: "meego-bar" is not a valid command.
08:21.11*** join/#meego mmc1 (
08:22.37dm8tbrboss: botsnack
08:22.37bossdm8tbr: Error: "botsnack" is not a valid command.
08:22.52dm8tbrMeeGoBot: botsnack
08:23.20gouralready thought he is the only one being punished with thiago's 'offtopic' :-}
08:23.53*** join/#meego Sho_ (~EHS1@kde/hein)
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08:25.23SpeedEvilThe discussion of future meego phones is quite on-topic IMO - but not nokia CEO et al
08:26.54dm8tbris still very interested to see how well N9 and N950 will integrate into the 'meego ecosystem'
08:27.58gourn950 is much more interested for me, but it's not sold freely, right?
08:28.09SpeedEviln950 is not available to customers.
08:28.12Jay_BEEn950 is announced as generally available (non-developer) product?
08:28.24SpeedEvilIf I was in the market for a phone, it's the phone I'd want at the moment.
08:28.25Jay_BEEdidn't think so
08:28.45*** join/#meego jpe (
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08:30.29Jay_BEEdm8tbr: so how does developer-only n950 product integrate into any ecosystem?
08:31.44dm8tbrJay_BEE: the n9 and the n950 are very similar. if you mention the n9 it in most cases will apply to the n950 too
08:31.53dm8tbrand in this case it does
08:31.58dm8tbrthey use the same OS
08:32.22Jay_BEEbut supposedly only 250 n950's will be distributed
08:32.32SpeedEvil250 to open-source developers.
08:32.41gourit's a joke
08:32.44SpeedEvilThere are considerably more going through the corporate side reportedly
08:33.05dm8tbras commercial developers need hardware too
08:33.14Jay_BEE[01:32]<gour>it's a joke   <--- I'll roll with this response
08:33.22SpeedEvilExactly how many more is an interesting question, given Nokias strong statement of support for meego back in Feburary.
08:33.44dm8tbractually I think 250 for the meego community is remarkeably many
08:34.18SpeedEvilI suspect thse are in fact test devices made back in september or so
08:34.24SpeedEvilmaybe a little later
08:34.43*** join/#meego Pathin_ (
08:35.42RST38hForget Meego-based phones, won't be any
08:36.09RST38hThe next thing to look for is Rasterman's project at LG
08:36.12dm8tbrwe have yet to see one truly meego based phone
08:36.31RST38h"truly" is unnecessary in that statement
08:36.38SpeedEvilRST38h: linearo?
08:36.42SpeedEvilforgets the name.
08:36.49RST38hSpeedEvil: Something like this, Linaro?
08:36.58dm8tbrRST38h: well meego also exists as a marketing name. and sadly you can't argue with that
08:37.19RST38hdm8tbr: Not giving a rat's ass about marketing. Not paid to do it.
08:37.34RST38hdm8tbr: Not paid to listen to it either.
08:38.00gourRST38h: waht shall we do? buy hp's webos?
08:38.01dm8tbrif you're spending paid time right now, something is fundamentally wrong with your weekend
08:41.16RST38hgour: I would say, get the N9 while it lasts, and look forward for Linaro, unless you want to do your very own Meego-based Handset phone
08:41.36RST38hdm8tbr: Not into psychology either.
08:42.08gourRST38h: unlocked N9 is too expensive here...let me consult uncle google about linaro
08:42.50gourcool, there is #linaro
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08:48.14RST38h  <-- last of the Russian "Buran" shuttles being transported for restoration
08:48.45RST38hNice internal photos, too
08:49.06SpeedEvilIs there a orbiter UX?
08:50.45RST38hYou mean, for 770? :)
08:51.22thiagoRST38h: rasterman is at samsung
08:52.00RST38hOk, Samsung it is though
08:52.14RST38hAs much as I hate the idea of buying a Samsung :)
08:54.04pebcake17 on the moko was nice
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08:58.24RST38hMoorning wazd
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10:00.44Venemogood morning
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10:02.17dm8tbrgood evening
10:02.32dm8tbr.oO(we should put this channel on UGT)
10:03.16Venemoevening? heh! :)
10:05.12dm8tbrwe're past noon ;)
10:05.19dm8tbrat least in EEST
10:06.25*** join/#meego gaveen (~gaveen@unaffiliated/gaveen)
10:08.35alteregoUTC it's still morning :P
10:11.26amjad_we are close to afternoon atleast in asia :)
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10:16.41jonwilHere in Australia its already evening :)
10:16.53dm8tbrthat's why I said to move to UGT ;)
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10:20.05psycho_oreosto choose between laminated ass and fried ass.. how daunting
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10:55.09jonwilBINGO, my cell broadcast dumper WORKS
10:55.29jonwiloops, wrong channel
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11:14.14clbrshould it be possible to run the preinstalled harmattan apps in qemu? I'm only getting the error message "Cannot find booster socket" (apart from lot's of failure during system startup)
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11:35.36ShapeshifterDoes this 'swipe' UX of the N9 run on meego on the n900 as well? Does someone know if it's proprietary or open source?
11:36.26clbrShapeshifter: it's proprietary and does not run on the N900
11:37.06ShapeshifterI see.
11:37.29tujuis there any additional repos/apps for harmattan?
11:39.19snowponganybody know when a new firmware for n950 is coming? we bricked ours and the one available online is an earlier version than the one we got on our phone - so the phone refuses to "downgrade" :(
11:40.38dm8tbr'brick' is irreversible. let's hope that's not the case for yours
11:41.27andre__flasher provides several "erase" options. might work if erasing the current version first
11:41.35andre__just guessing, never tried myself
11:43.10*** join/#meego balor (~aidan@
11:43.11snowpongdm8tbr: well, we do see a Nokia logo on startup, and it does respond to hold for 8-sec reboot etc
11:44.11SpeedEvilI assume you're not suffering from low battery?
11:44.21SpeedEvilCan you take hte battery out of a n950?
11:44.30snowpongSpeedEvil: not without special tools
11:44.32dm8tbryes if you remove the back-cover
11:44.44dm8tbrspecial-tools as in 'screw-driver', yes
11:45.04SpeedEvilDid it stop working immediately after you flashed it?
11:45.18SpeedEvilIOr did soemthing else wierd to it?
11:46.29snowpongSpeedEvil: dm8tbr: we tried OTA on it, not quite sure how that went (was occupied elsewhere) but when we got back to it all it had was showing the Nokia logo white on black, and thats it
11:46.34alteregosnowpong: what version were you running?
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11:48.52SpeedEvilsnowpong: I see, sorry no real insight then.
11:49.02snowpongalterego: not sure, we got a notification there was an OTA available, we said YAY and thats it :| We've tried the Mac flasher, it refuses to "downgrade" - I'll try the linux one (probably the same/similar though)
11:50.58*** join/#meego gaveen (~gaveen@unaffiliated/gaveen)
11:51.12alteregoThat's not good :D
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11:54.48MohammadAGI'm not sure about the N950, but the N8 was "wired" so that a +10s power key press = hard power off
11:58.16MohammadAGI'm surprised downgrading was killed, it was possible on all previous NITs
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12:00.22dm8tbrmaybe it needs RnD mode enabled?
12:02.28MohammadAGnot that I know of (N900, not N950)
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12:09.46psycho_oreosyou guys got your N950 already? how much storage does it have internally just out of curiousity? (I've submitted my application for N9 devkit not long ago)
12:10.41SpeedEvilSome have had it for a while.
12:10.55MohammadAG64GBs afaik (don't have an N950)
12:10.58dm8tbrnda :)
12:11.06SpeedEvilI don't - think - any community peeps have.
12:11.10psycho_oreosyeah I'm somewhat jealous
12:11.23MohammadAGrootfs is 4GBs, home is 2GBs, the rest is mmc2 (MyDocs equiv.)
12:11.26psycho_oreosI'm presuming community peeps get it sometime after the applications close
12:11.43SpeedEvilpsycho_oreos: Or before, for very clear applications
12:11.50psycho_oreosMohammadAG, 64GB (!) if one keeps N950, it'll make N9 rather useless ;)
12:12.01dm8tbryes, 'very clear cases' are supposed to ship immediately
12:12.05psycho_oreosSpeedEvil, *nods* probably also true :)
12:12.08MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, the N9's the same
12:12.23psycho_oreosMohammadAG, I hear they come in 16GB-64GB for N9
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12:12.37MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, well, there's a 64GB version :P
12:12.49psycho_oreosdang! I don't think my case is going to be clear :/
12:13.02MohammadAGto me it seems rootfs now lives on the eMMC
12:13.16psycho_oreosMohammadAG, indeed, I was assmuming that with N950 they won't give out the devs 64GB version but still!
12:13.29MohammadAGhey, I may be wrong
12:13.40MohammadAGalso the FCC states a 12MP CZ cam
12:13.43psycho_oreosI guess only time wil tell
12:14.02MohammadAGrather than the 8 pointed out in release notes
12:14.16leinirdm8tbr: indeed - the bureaucracy here is extremely shallow, and there's so many options... but of course there's a lot of cases to get through as well :)
12:14.36dm8tbrI expect they got swamped, yes
12:14.37psycho_oreossupposedly there's FM transmitter too or so I hear from some people. The hardware is there but the software and driver is unknown at this stage
12:14.48dm8tbrand my chances to get one are prolly shallow
12:15.04psycho_oreosif you think your case is shallow, mine would be neglegible lol
12:15.29MohammadAGwell, texrat mentioned 400 requests two days ago :P
12:15.46leinirMohammadAG: for the 250 devices they have?
12:15.50dm8tbrpsycho_oreos: _if_ they use ti wl127x then it has a built in fm-rx-tx, BUT that needs the proper busses connected etc
12:16.02psycho_oreosalso, I noticed something a little interesting with the application process, it seems to be a counter for the number of applications am I correct? if so its probably up to like 583 cases
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12:16.22dm8tbrpsycho_oreos: it's most likely an overall counter
12:16.38dm8tbriow it also counts exopc requests
12:16.54MohammadAG583 fits with the 400 texrat mentioned though
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12:16.59psycho_oreosdm8tbr, yeah the wl1271x has interesting features that wl1251 lacks in many retrospecs
12:17.10psycho_oreosdm8tbr, ahh exopc
12:17.27MohammadAGshouldn't be hard to write something ala fmtxd for it
12:18.08psycho_oreosthough I think dm8tbr was talking hardware-wise :) also N9 was rumoured to not have FM transmitter capability
12:18.31MohammadAGqgil confirmed it does, on the HW side at least
12:18.41psycho_oreosif N950 has it connected, then that's one up for N950 over N9
12:18.52psycho_oreosfor N9? hm
12:19.19dm8tbrthe question will be if e.g. the antenna is coupled into one of the headphone pins
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12:19.35MohammadAGyes, FMTX HW is in the N9
12:19.50MohammadAGbut there's no SW for it
12:20.05MohammadAG<MohammadAG> shouldn't be hard to write something ala fmtxd for it
12:20.17psycho_oreosahh so they'll be equivalent then I guess
12:21.02psycho_oreoswonder if they'll have a proper chip that interfaces with the remote controls on a headphone. The N900 lacked that feature, and not only that it didn't have line-input recording or mic recording
12:21.37MohammadAGpsycho_oreos, afaik DocScrutinizer and jacekowski on #maemo looked at that
12:22.05dm8tbrpsycho_oreos: that can actually be quite a bitch unless you use NRZ coding (have first hand experience). besides it makes more sense to use BT a2dp
12:22.20psycho_oreosMohammadAG, yeah I saw that, N900 lacked that capability, so I think they've given up hopes of making N900 work with headset buttons on wired headphone/headset
12:22.50psycho_oreosdm8tbr, then again, not everyone can afford bluetooth stuff :)
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12:23.28dm8tbrpsycho_oreos: stuff getting dirt-cheap nowadays, really
12:23.32psycho_oreosI mean apart from N900 being able to I think hang up? which was to just shorten the signal on the first ring, that was it
12:24.28psycho_oreosdm8tbr, not if you've just saved up enough money to buy N900 for instance and you wanted to make it more of a music player
12:24.35DocScrutinizerdm8tbr: the mb hs don't use anything special
12:24.53dm8tbrDocScrutinizer: 'mb' 'hs'?
12:25.03DocScrutinizercould be done on N900 as well
12:25.08psycho_oreosmainboard headset I think
12:25.11DocScrutinizernultibutton headset
12:25.15psycho_oreosbah close
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12:25.41dm8tbrDocScrutinizer: ah, did it have the proper sensing for that?
12:26.31dm8tbrDocScrutinizer: my last experience with this stuff is from an Archos PMA430 which even had a LC display, but used some ugly serial encoding that was getting into the AF
12:26.40dm8tbrshould have used NRZ
12:29.38DocScrutinizeriirc jacekowski had some scope shots on the serial protokol. Simple one wire "common collector" pulldown on mic bias line
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12:30.00DocScrutinizersome 1000 baud iirc
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12:31.01DocScrutinizerholler if you need more links
12:31.18dm8tbrtx, I'm fine :)
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12:42.47DocScrutinizerwhat's driver status for nokia-av.ko on meego?
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12:49.59jonwilWhats nokia-av.ko for?
12:52.38MohammadAGprobably AV connector, as the name suggests
12:52.41alteregoPresumably driving the A/V output ..
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13:12.56DocScrutinizeraiui it's the bit that detects video cable, headset, headphone, and probably also hs buttonpress. Natural place where multibutton hs support should go
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15:08.00ZehrilaWhy doesn't anyone talk about MeeGo even in MeeGo-related channels? :\
15:09.04wmaronebecause IRC isn't constant chatter
15:09.48ZehrilaStill, considering all the activity on other OS-related channels here on felt kinda weird
15:10.00alteregoIt's the weekend
15:10.05ZehrilaAlso considering how awesome an OS MeeGo appears to be, judging from the N9 videos
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15:10.22alteregoWell, it's Nokia holidays now
15:10.32wmaroneZehrila: the OS on the N9 and MeeGo are at best peripherally related
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15:11.17ZehrilaYeah I heard the UI of N9 was a custom-built layer, with MeeGo running at the core level
15:11.34wmaroneZehrila: the UI is custom built, but the lower layers are actually based on Maemo
15:11.40ZehrilaBut overall, it seemed to be extremely impressive
15:11.47wmaronethe middle layer, where Qt and the other APIs reside, is compatible with MeeGo
15:11.57ShadowJKI think the common things between MeeGo and N9 is QT
15:11.58Zehrilawmarone: Well MeeGo itself is based on Maemo too, no? Maemo and Moblin i.e.
15:12.00ShadowJKfor some values of QT
15:12.17wmaroneMeeGo has parts from the two parent OSes
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15:12.25wmaronebut it is otherwise independent
15:12.30ZehrilaAnd additional code that doesn't come from either too, I understand
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15:14.10blindfish_does anybody know if its possible to add an "app" into the program-starter-menu?
15:14.53blindfish_i don't mean installing some application, just adding a new icon to the applications-menu to start some script or binary
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15:22.49berndhsblindfish_: you can create a .desktop file for it in /usr/share/applications
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15:32.11ZehrilaI can't wait till I can get my hands on the Nokia N9...I have never craved for any phone this way
15:32.52ZehrilaJudging from the videos, the experience that phone's UI offers is what I'd call 'getting a smartphone UI just right'
15:34.02ZehrilaThough what sucks is Nokia abandoning MeeGo in favor of WP7...while the latter in itself is an awesome OS and it was a smart business move for Nokia, it's the 'exclusive' bit that sucks...Nokia could have made both WP7 and MeeGo phones
15:35.05berndhsyeah choice is good
15:35.55wmaroneit's good unless you're Microsoft ;)
15:37.14blindfish_thanks berndhs, i thought they'd be somewhere in $HOME
15:37.36GAN900I still don't see WP7 going anywhere productive.
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15:41.39ZehrilaGAN900 I tried using a WP7 device for a change
15:42.13ZehrilaSwitching from Android, the first 2-3 days were quite a hassle but as I kept on finding alternative apps for much of the stuff I did on Android, I found out it's good enough for most users already
15:42.43ZehrilaIt was after a mmonth or so that I finally decided to get back to Android because that's the primary platform I write about
15:43.48Zehrila*sigh* I just want an N9 ASAP =(
15:43.56ZehrilaI'm neck-deep-in-love!
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15:44.06maligorNokia's CEO doesn't want to sell you one
15:44.20ZehrilaHeh true that
15:44.50ZehrilaBTW imagine if N9 becomes a HUGE success (which is most likely and in all fairness will), and Nokia's first WP7 device doesn't do quarter as much business as the N9
15:44.56maligorkind of shame that if you want their fancy ui, you can't use meego ce
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15:46.16ZehrilaWell I don't mind using MeeGo's stock UI either but being practical, Nokia's UI just got it right in my opinion...the swipe gestures for task switching and data streams/notifications...took the best from other OS's and added more of their own goodness
15:46.20maligorI'm not so sure, N9's maemo platform is a deadend, so why would people devel apps for it?
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15:46.35SpeedEvilZehrila: Then Nokia will use its contractual freedom to add swipe onto WP7
15:46.59berndhsmaligor: well, you get the crowd that already is developing maemo apps
15:47.31ZehrilaSpeedEvil: Perhaps...or they might not even need to, since ManGo is going to add WebOS-like task switching already
15:47.33maligorberndhs, well, yes, and perhaps a few who make meego apps also, since there are similarities in making apps for them
15:47.44ZehrilaErr I said ManGo LOL...I'm obsessed with MeeGo it seems
15:48.27ZehrilaBeing an Android fan, I was really looking forward to MeeGo BTW...since Android doesn't really have any competition that's actually in its league...iOS and WP7 can be commercially in its league but not as operating systems
15:48.44ZehrilaAnd MeeGo was looking great to be in the same league as Android...would have been better for both these platforms
15:48.49javispedroZehrila: note that the swipe task switcher seems a bit different from the meegotouchhome one (which was much more webos based =) )
15:49.02ZehrilaI hope it's still the case though I'm skeptical due to Nokia's withdrawal
15:49.21Zehrilajavispedro: it is =)
15:49.26alteregoI think that Symbian is still the best smartphone OS in the mainstream at the moment.
15:49.32maligorwell, there will be tablets
15:49.35alteregoBeats Android, iOS and Windows Phone hands down ..
15:49.43alteregoTablets are lame :P
15:49.51TSCHAKeeecan't stand symbian
15:49.53Venemoalterego, why are they lame?
15:50.10ZehrilaI personally never got myself to like Symbian despite repeated attempts with devices like P910i, N95 etc.
15:50.24alteregoVenemo: I just think they're a trend that will disappear
15:50.28ZehrilaWas a WinMo person before Android and have been an Android person eversince
15:50.28alteregoas a market that is.
15:50.43Venemoand why?
15:50.46ZehrilaTablets are quite useful for many people =)
15:52.04ZehrilaIn the future I see, desktops and laptop PCs are going to be the ones disappearing from mainstream public smartphones and tablets, with NFC-based pairing with keyboards, mice, printers and audio devices, and HDMI output, will most likely replace them for most users
15:53.15GAN900Tablets are dead in the long term
15:53.18ZehrilaThese devices are building up on the horsepower quite fast already and take a look at the ASUS Eee Pad ships with a dock that converts it into a netbook and with the currently available Android apps, a lot of users (except for some power users, programmers/developers and hardcore gamers) can use it as their primary computer much of the time
15:53.33thiagodoesn't see either laptops or desktops disappearing
15:53.36GAN900Right now it's just old people proping them up.
15:53.44maligorthiago, netbooks might
15:53.46ZehrilaGAN900:: Not really
15:53.51thiagoyes, netbooks might
15:53.55ZehrilaA lot of young people use them
15:54.17ZehrilaNetbooks are already on a decline in favor of tablets
15:54.23SpeedEvilGAN900: You really can't see a use-case for a ~10" display?
15:54.29SpeedEvilRather than ~4"?
15:54.52thiago4" tablet is a smartphone
15:54.56Venemo8-10" will always be more comfortable than 3-4"
15:55.06ZehrilaHeh there were famous people back then who didn't see use-cases for more than 64k of RAM
15:55.06berndhsall this display size stuff will go away when we have the retina projection chip :)
15:55.08SpeedEvilthiago: yes - I meant that
15:55.56maligorZehrila, we were actually looking at the transformer at work last week, it's baffling, it lacks a microusb slave port, so it's worthless for development
15:56.01DocScrutinizerwait a little, not long and you roll out your display to virtually any size you want
15:56.02thiagoholographic projectors
15:56.30Zehrilamaligor: Yup, that's what I said above...these devices won't replace computers for those into development just yet
15:56.41SpeedEvilthiago: you cannot project holograms.
15:56.46ZehrilaSee this part in what I said: (except for some power users, programmers/developers and hardcore gamers)
15:57.08maligorZehrila, I didn't mean compilation, but the android debug system uses the microusb
15:57.10SpeedEvilthiago: you need something behind the visible hologram to project them.
15:57.32SpeedEvilOr you need something in the air to form the image, or you need powers high enough in the air for nonlinear mixing to occur.
15:57.41SpeedEvil(which are plenty high enough to set fire to stuff)
15:57.52DocScrutinizer(nonlinear) OUCH
15:57.57Zehrilamaligor: you can't have USB debugging on it?
15:58.08maligorZehrila, yep
15:58.32maligormaybe the dock port has that functionality, dunno
15:58.55ZehrilaBut the tablet port should have had it
15:58.55SpeedEvilmaligor: You've looked at the actual hardware and determined it can't support USB?>
15:58.59ZehrilaBecause not everyone buys the dock
15:59.34maligorSpeedEvil, yeah
15:59.42DocScrutinizerI see a market for *good* visors
15:59.45maligorSpeedEvil, it doesn't have a physical micro-usb port
15:59.58maligorin meego that wouldn't bea problem atall ofcourse ;P
16:00.00SpeedEvilmaligor: Does it not have USB at all?
16:00.01Zehrilamaligor: I just asked some guys who develop kernels for the transformer
16:00.07ZehrilaAnd they say you can use USB debugging on it still
16:00.12maligorIt has host ports
16:00.14ZehrilaADB etc. will work
16:00.35Zehrila[20:59:48] <@netarchy> insomuch as adb access
16:00.42Zehrila[21:00:04] <@netarchy> but if he's talking about usb debugging for shit like device driver stuff, he is probably right
16:01.04maligoryou can't use usb debugging for device driver stuff...
16:01.17ZehrilaYup in that case you're right
16:01.27ZehrilaI was thinking ADB
16:01.29maligorserial might work, and jtag certainly does
16:02.09Zehrila[21:00:30] <@netarchy> he's wanting lower level access, and the proprietary port will throw spokes in the wheel, sotospeak
16:02.09Zehrila[21:00:58] <@netarchy> though it's possible to get around, apparently people have figured out how to wire up a usb cable for that port ;D
16:02.09Zehrila[21:01:09] <@netarchy> fucking custom pin layouts, meh
16:02.31ZehrilaBut yeah, that's just a workaround so no official support, which does suck big-time
16:02.38ZehrilaAnd is kinda stupid
16:02.40maligorI only meant adb tho
16:02.51ZehrilaOh...well in case of ADB, it should work
16:03.07ZehrilaWithout the need for any workaround
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16:04.48Zehrilamaligor btw you might wanna join #Asus-Transformer in case you need more details on this
16:05.12ZehrilaReally nice helpful fellows
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18:00.28Saviqanyone managed to get the recent tablet images running? the last one that seems to run is around a month old, I've grabbed the 20110621 one and it installs, but doesn't boot. Or do I need to wait it out?
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18:13.05pebcakSaviq nope
18:13.28pebcakthe last one I gotr running is from the 13th or so
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18:30.45Andy80hi all
18:31.52Andy80I'm not able anymore to run the QEMU Harmattan image from QtCreator. It worked the first day I installed it and I also tested a couple of "hello world" apps. Now the "Start Maemo Emulator" button is always grey and I cannot start it. Any idea?
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18:34.14carter_anyone tell me what the best system to install meego SDK is -- I am about to install virtualbox inside 11.4 because it doesnt support 11.4
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18:40.33hiemanshuAndy80: check the target it should be something like Meego 1.2 Harmattan API, go to Project > Harmattan > Qt version
18:41.48Andy80hiemanshu: doh! It was set on "Harmattan Platform API". What is it used for?
18:42.09hiemanshuAndy80: I have no idea sadly, but I know Meego 1.2 Harmattan API works
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18:47.06carter_i need some help installing the best OS to run MeeGo SDK
18:47.09carter_any advice ?
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18:47.52berndhscarter_: not fedora 15 :/
18:48.21carter_haha thanks
18:48.26carter_openSUSE is good?
18:48.30hiemanshuwell anything should work, I use Fedora 14
18:48.59elldekaaat least you got the worst ones ;-)
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18:49.52berndhsfedora 15 is a fine OS, its just that MeeGO tools aren't supported very well on it
18:52.27carter_i am following some instructions and the person installs 2.6
18:52.34carter_is this viable?
18:53.48freeedrich|since 3.0 isn't released yet - 2.6 should be fine.
18:54.03freeedrich|carter_: you're not making very much sense. Maybe try some reading on linux and stuff first?
18:54.15carter_i agree
18:54.24carter_im trying though man
18:54.48carter_thanks for the help
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19:58.20smokuWhen doing obs --local-package build, how can I add additional local package to be installed for dependencies?
20:00.31npmanybody wanna test on yer fav meego platform: " svn checkout " --> compile w/ qtcreator
20:01.13npmit now enjoys the benefits of a GLWidget-based implementation so videos play back nicely
20:03.11npmand none of the weird pauses on starting video playback using default qt backend
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22:14.05HQRajaAnyone around who uses AndroIRC?
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22:17.38HQRajaBTW I asked that question in a /amsg so it went to all the channels heh
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22:38.54cobra-the-jokerhey guys ... Are there any devices comes with meego ?
22:40.49CosmoHillnot currently
22:41.05CosmoHillapart from intel developer devices but iirc even those need a fresh install
22:44.13cobra-the-jokerCosmoHill: it is based on linux ... right ?
22:44.27CosmoHillMeeGo? yes it does use the linux kernel
22:46.12*** join/#meego DrGrov (
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22:51.46cobra-the-jokerwow ... the IVI edition is very amazing
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23:34.14pixelgeekCongrats lcuk!
23:48.53*** join/#meego MacDrunk (~marper@
23:57.09*** join/#meego beford (~fercho@unaffiliated/beford)

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