IRC log for #meego on 20110222

00:02.41alteregomakulkar: what do you need it for?
00:03.09makulkaralterego, in webkit code i need to detect if its building for right platform and build some code
00:03.23alteregowhat code exactly?
00:03.47makulkaralterego, disable some rendering feature which doesnt really work well
00:04.23alteregoWell, at runtime there should be a /etc/meego-version or something similar.
00:04.39makulkarright now we have this, Q_WS_MAEMO_6 macro which is passed as command line while building webkit.
00:04.41alteregoAs long as it compiled I can't think of a better way to disable something like that.
00:05.13alteregoUnfortunately there is nothing on MeeGo like that :(
00:06.32*** join/#meego mitsutaka (
00:07.12alteregoActually, maybe check for QT_OPENGL_ES ?
00:07.30alteregoThen you know your Qt is compiled against embedded code ..
00:07.46alterego(though this may not always be the case)
00:08.09javispedroQ_WS_MEEGO returns a few google hits ;)
00:08.15makulkaralterego, right! atleast not something that can get in to webkit code :)
00:08.42alteregojavispedro: it doesn't exist unfortunately.
00:08.54berndhscan't you define your own macro depending on what you're building for ?
00:08.57makulkarright.. mobility should be using it for some reason.. will search there
00:09.00alteregoAt least not with my compiler setup and I doubt with obs
00:09.32alteregoberndhs: yeah, your .spec file can tell qmake extra defines I guess.
00:10.06*** join/#meego ismael (
00:10.19berndhsit seems better to explicitly say "i'm disabling ThisFeature", rather than doing it throught a back door that doesnt explain why
00:11.26alteregomakulkar: actually most mobility stuff is just generic GNU/Linux
00:12.05alteregoThere's some MAEMO_5 dependant stuff (I think) but with MeeGo no.
00:12.29alteregoI suppose you could also check for meego touch headers ^_^
00:12.53alteregobut that'll only be available for a few more releases I guess ^_^
00:13.20alteregoMy point being you're more interested in a MEEGO_HANDSET_ARM flag I'd imagine
00:13.43alteregoYou don't want to screw up code for netbook, ivi, or atom handhelds ...
00:14.12berndhsi would define my own macro RENDERING_FOO_IS_BROKEN, and then turn off code accordinly
00:14.38vgrade1alterego, hi, I can't make the sprint this week, as I have customers in at the day job.
00:14.49berndhsrather than saying its meego, because people will forget why stuff is turned off
00:15.18alteregovgrade1: :( I don't think I can make it either as I'm in Leicester today, tomorrow and wed, then london on thurs and fri :(
00:15.19makulkaralterego, right.. berndhs suggests the same thing as well, this makes more sense. Just send that extra flag while building qtwebkit
00:15.47vgrade1altergo, I'll ping an email to the guys, ps ds2 is a wind up
00:16.59alteregovgrade1: okay, thanks.
00:17.00*** join/#meego b004n (~alex@
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00:46.57timelessok, so that almost worked
00:47.03timelessexcept %{name} sucks, it has a version
00:47.13timelessgoes to hunt a better variable
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00:54.05CosmoHillwhat variable do you want?
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00:57.06timelessso, i've actually gotten the source side happy
00:57.25timelesswhat i want to influence is BUILD/Package-Version
00:57.32timelessso that it uses BUILD/Package instead
00:58.09CosmoHillthat would be something like BuildRoot
00:58.39timelessi don't think so..
00:58.46timelessso far BUILDROOT is totally empty
00:58.53timelessi'm only doing rpmbuild -bp
00:59.12timelessit's not BUILD/ that i need to influence, it's the part after it
00:59.43CosmoHill%_builddir ?
00:59.51timelessi suspect buildsubdir
01:00.41timelessnope :(
01:02.19timelesshrm, maybe i can't influence that one
01:02.24timelessok, let's assume i can't
01:08.51*** join/#meego vgrade (
01:13.33timelesswonders about the best way to build 1400 packages
01:15.13timelesswell, let's go with "efficiently"
01:15.19timelessassume i have say 5 cores available
01:15.32CosmoHillthe plan I have for my project is make one, make sure it works the way you expect
01:15.35timelessnote that build here is -bp
01:15.37CosmoHillthen deploy / make the others
01:15.50CosmoHillbuild prepair?
01:15.56timelessyeah, my one (ConsoleKit) "builds"
01:16.05timelessso i'm not particularly expecting failures
01:16.07CosmoHillgood luck with that, I'm off to bed
01:17.47*** join/#meego ismael (
01:18.45berndhstimeless: before using more cores, check if you are spending CPU time or loading .h files
01:18.57timelessberndhs: this is only preps
01:19.06timelessnot actual builds
01:20.30timelesssettles on hrm, ~36 concurrent tasks
01:21.28*** join/#meego yanli (
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01:22.21*** join/#meego deas (~user@
01:22.39timelessok, that wasn't very nice of me :)
01:23.11berndhsdepends on who the other users are or if its just you 5 times :P
01:23.20timelessi sure hope it's just me
01:23.29timelessi suppose there might be an apache user
01:24.37timelessshould have used 'nice'
01:24.50timelessgoes to figure out how to use renice
01:24.54*** join/#meego wasikevin (~wasikevin@
01:25.29*** join/#meego Jade (~jade@unaffiliated/jd)
01:26.49*** join/#meego wasikevin (~wasikevin@
01:28.42*** part/#meego epx (
01:28.45timelesswonders what kind of verb 'utime' is
01:30.03*** join/#meego glin (~glin@nat/novell/x-rjqadkeffdbxufrh)
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01:31.30*** join/#meego jd (~jade@unaffiliated/jd)
01:32.49timeless+ cd /data/mxr-data/
01:32.50timelesssh: %{__id_u}: not found
01:32.55timelesswonders what that means
01:33.24*** join/#meego pixelgeek (~pixelgeek@
01:33.30timelesshrm, i need to go shopping, i'm missing 'unzip' :(
01:33.50timelessoh, i bet 'cannot utime' means 'you don't have utime'
01:34.14berndhsutime is a system call I think, changes the time stamps on the file
01:34.41timelessyeah, but in context here, it either means <you are not root [true]> or <this app  i tried to run does not exist in PATH>
01:34.44timelessi'm hoping the latter
01:34.49berndhsso if the file is not there, it cant do it
01:35.18berndhscould have something to do with it, that stuff moved or got renamed
01:35.35berndhstar or something made a list of files to deal with, and then they are gone
01:35.47timelesssh: ruby: not found
01:36.06timelesswtf does something need ruby as part of -bp
01:36.10berndhsor unmounted
01:36.27timelesserror: Bad owner/group: /data/mxr-data/
01:36.44*** join/#meego liyan (
01:40.14*** join/#meego marienz_ (~marienz@freenode/staff/marienz)
01:41.12timelessrenice isn't pamd (?) friendly
01:42.58timelessadds 'sed' to the shopping list
01:44.28timelessand doxygen?
01:44.46berndhscant live without doxygen these days
01:44.54timelessfor buildprep?
01:44.57timelessthat seems odd
01:45.20berndhsis does yes, unless the docs are part of the distribution
01:46.15berndhsi say nuke 'em, nuke 'em now
01:46.21timelessi'm not sure how
01:46.45berndhskill -9 ?
01:47.23timelessshould try killall -STOP -u timeless
01:47.33berndhsbut there are a log ot them i guess
01:47.35timelessnote that renice +15 -u timeless failed
01:47.39timelessit couldn't find timeless
01:48.44berndhskill -9 `ps -u timeless | awk '{print $1}' `
01:48.53berndhsexcept that will kill itself too :)
01:49.01timelessit wouldn't
01:49.07timelesskill is being run as root
01:49.24timelessi mean, it would to the extent that root is a sudo by timeless
01:49.35timelessi should do it using pts/n
01:49.40berndhsbut if you run as root off an su, it will kill its parent
01:49.41timelessbut i'm not sure what /n is here
01:50.00timelessCannot find user timeless
01:50.36*** join/#meego wliao (~wliao@
01:50.43berndhsshutdown -r now
01:51.01*** join/#meego lukus (~luke@unaffiliated/lukew)
01:51.23timelesstries that
01:51.51berndhsshold get some of them
01:53.55timelesshi marienz
01:54.33timelessoddly, the system is vaguely useful
01:56.06*** join/#meego jd (~jade@unaffiliated/jd)
01:56.25timelesshrm, oh, and i need to ignore Prereq
02:02.25marienzbad router, spontaneously reboot less (preferably not at all)
02:13.01*** join/#meego npm (
02:18.10timelesswow, my vi request from probably an hour or two ago was completed
02:20.34gabrbeddsudo kill -9 vi # die! die!
02:21.34gabrbeddknows it's not valid bash... but it makes good copy.
02:21.39berndhsmight be better off rebooting now :)
02:23.44*** join/#meego mlin (~mlin@nat/novell/x-aujbozowkhlblafp)
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02:27.13deashow do you feel the future of meego?
02:31.49*** join/#meego NishanthMenon (~nmenon@nat/ti/x-bsjptnkrmvnlnllk)
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02:33.00gabrbedddeas: channel is usually dead about this time.
02:33.15gabrbeddExcepth that NishanthMenon just showed up.  How awesome is that?
02:33.48NishanthMenongabrbedd, hi
02:34.16gabrbedddeas: I think meego still has a bright future.  I think it's future on phones is more questionable.  However, Nokia *is* releasing one and it *will* preceed any WP7 phone.
02:34.23gabrbeddIntel is making one, too.
02:34.27*** join/#meego sge (~username@
02:34.40NishanthMenondetects touchy topic
02:35.05gabrbeddNishanthMenon: long time no see!
02:35.15NishanthMenongabrbedd, just hibernating ;)
02:35.17berndhsI say Elop will see the light after MeeGo phones embarrass N**** in the market :)
02:35.57*** join/#meego goutam_ (~goutam@nat/nokia/x-nobjurdiibdamgxn)
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02:37.29gabrbeddberndhs: Don't pretend that Microsoft is a joke.  They're not.  They'll kick our @$$3z if we don't have our A-game on.
02:38.05berndhsits just my guess, depends on what manufacturers offer
02:38.43berndhsif the phones are done better, Microsoft has no chance, their market dominance doesn't transfer to phones
02:39.55berndhsMicrosoft only benefits if the Nokia + WP7 phones are very good, and nobody knows that yet
02:40.39*** join/#meego goutam_ (~goutam@nat/nokia/x-pumpzsoqpzjowqwp)
02:41.30gabrbeddWell, WP7 is shipping, MeeGo is not -- so they're already ahead.
02:41.48berndhsno, Nokia has zero WP7 phones right now
02:41.49gabrbeddAnyway, enough talk... I need to go work on MeeGo. :-)
02:41.53berndhsthey have to make them first
02:42.08berndhsyes, dont' slow down, there is no time to lose :)
02:42.11gabrbeddberndhs: Nokia has zero WP7 phones, true....
02:42.19*** join/#meego vokimon_home (
02:42.26gabrbeddberndhs: But WP7 is shipping through other mfg's.
02:42.58berndhssure, but the N+M phone has to be better, otherwise it won't help MS any, nor will it help N
02:51.43*** join/#meego pcacjr (~pcacjr@unaffiliated/pcacjr)
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03:08.44*** part/#meego comawhite (comawhite_@kde/developer/karusler)
03:09.02gabrbeddNishanthMenon: You still working on the panda board?
03:09.16NishanthMenongabrbedd, on and off
03:10.46gabrbeddNishanthMenon: doing too much at once?
03:11.24NishanthMenongabrbedd, :) just another day ;) -> got shifted to project management recently, so I do try to code on the sly on weekends
03:11.37NishanthMenonbut usually that is mostly on my primary passion - the linux kernel
03:11.59NishanthMenonmostly sending patches on linux-omap now a days :(
03:12.24NishanthMenonwish I could get more time to do some distro hacking.. but that tends to become rarer now a days
03:12.26gabrbeddNishanthMenon: Ugh!  PM == babysitting.  I hate it.
03:12.48NishanthMenongabrbedd, yeah - i hate it as well.. just that someone's gotta do the job..
03:13.00gabrbeddYeah, I know.
03:14.14NishanthMenonbtw, on a different note, -> something of this form for MeeGo might be nice as well
03:14.38*** join/#meego pcfe (
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03:15.36gabrbeddI thought I saw something like that for MeeGo...
03:17.25*** join/#meego swc|666 (~x00@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
03:17.47michaelg|nokqtuitest? not sure if it's the whole solution
03:20.22gabrbeddI'm not sure if it was that.  I remember seeing a youtube video on it.
03:25.50*** join/#meego kuuntelija (
03:31.04*** join/#meego maybeArgh (
03:33.00NishanthMenongabrbedd, that + some equivalent of monkey test of android
03:34.31*** join/#meego miksuh (
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03:54.00berndhsgood night folks
03:54.19*** join/#meego exman (~Jooncheol@
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03:59.29TSCHAKeeeOBS is broken
03:59.45TSCHAKeeehow the fuck am I supposed to...
03:59.49TSCHAKeeesigh, nevermind.
03:59.56TSCHAKeeeand you guys wonder why people never stick around..
04:00.12TSCHAKeeeOBS Web Interface Error:
04:00.16TSCHAKeeeError Details:
04:00.20TSCHAKeeeErrorcode: unknown
04:00.22TSCHAKeeeMessage: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http
04:04.08NishanthMenonTSCHAKeee, i've seen few hickups with OBS once in a while, usually when OBS crew does a maintenance. have'nt noticed any notification lately though. can you drop an email to meego-packaging ML for a quick check?
04:04.33*** join/#meego ask__ (~ask@nat/nokia/x-vwdpebfbszqsmrkx)
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04:04.40TSCHAKeeei'm not on that ML
04:04.47TSCHAKeeenor do I wish to be.
04:04.56TSCHAKeeeI just want to develop my ($#@($#@ software
04:05.06NishanthMenonTSCHAKeee, :) yep.. so do we all ;)
04:05.24TSCHAKeeesince YOU know what to do, why don't YOU tell them? ;)
04:05.26gabrbedduses chroots instead of obs.
04:05.49*** join/#meego stefanoP (~stefanoP@nat/nokia/x-cdvmdepjoimdbjaz)
04:05.50TSCHAKeeeI have a massive software project to take care of
04:06.05NishanthMenonTSCHAKeee, hoping you'd get an answer.. /me does'nt like to be middle man.
04:06.21NishanthMenonTSCHAKeee, ofcourse... most of us do the same thing :) is the ML if you are interested
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05:23.24b00ancan anyone tried to install meego on hp dm1z?
05:23.31b00anwill it work on AMD fusion e-350?
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05:43.49wazdMoaning all
05:45.25RST38hmoaning wazd
05:45.56wazdRst38h: o/
05:46.31*** join/#meego ab (~ab@pdpc/supporter/professional/ab)
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05:48.04wazdRst38h: starting my day with blood donation :D
05:48.14RST38hwazd: ticks?
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05:50.54wazdRst38h: friend :)
05:51.09wazdRst38h: I'm the only one with AB- around :)
05:51.21gabrbeddvampire friend?
05:52.10wazdGabrbedd: sorta :) likes exotic food :)
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06:00.03RST38hwazd: Oh
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07:13.47timelessLoCusF: ping
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07:32.00wazd's dry :)
07:32.34timelessneeds a kick delivered :(
07:33.06LoCusFtimeless: pong
07:33.18wazdTimeless: donated some blood
07:35.04timeless is cute fwiw
07:36.08wazdTimeless: ehehe, true :)
07:36.40*** join/#meego achipa (~attila@Maemo/community/council/achipa)
07:37.01wazdTimeless: I'd rather use it for "program is not responding"
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07:38.38timelesswazd: in my case that was the actual cause of my error
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07:39.36wazdTimeless: :)
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07:44.01Stskeepsmorn david
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07:50.26timelesswonders what the status of the meegon generator is
07:50.41thiago_homeneeds one
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07:53.38timelesssupposedly there's a web version..
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08:27.03warggm Termana
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08:39.06timeless is so misleading
08:39.18timelessit doesn't provide any pointer to existing meegon svg files
08:39.27timelessand just has links to generic inkscape tutorials
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08:52.32kallamtimeless: hopefully, you will fix that
08:52.52timelessnot tiday
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10:31.44Bratfischanyone out there who can tell me how to test the swype keyboard in the MWC build of the tablet UX?
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10:59.46greg_Hello, Who could grant me access to meego OBS?
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11:03.16ali1234greg_: community or core?
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11:04.25greg_ali1234: community, I thing X-Fade is right person...
11:04.25ali1234yeah or lbt
11:05.09*** join/#meego ccooke (
11:05.09ali1234he's going to ask you what you want to do on it too
11:05.51ali1234it's only for open source stuff
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12:27.52MurmurORWhy is OBS access limited anyway? Is it a duallicensed free/commercial service?
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12:39.47lcukgoes offline to concentrate on complex instructions, I wonder whether any more will arrive later too
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13:04.58trip900stskeeps ping
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13:14.38trip901stskeeps ping
13:17.19leinirnotmart: you on the community list? Time to chime in on that flame fest about the tablet ux ;) Someone finally went devil's advocate, and well... time to point out that a set of community uxes has been in development for a while, but that intel threw their money at something else for some unexplored reason ;
13:17.50notmartleinir: uh
13:17.56notmartnope, i'm not subscribed..
13:18.02notmartbut that is easy to fix :p
13:20.57*** join/#meego wasikevin (~wasikevin@
13:21.53leinirtrip901: yes? :)
13:22.05trip901ppl complaining about the tablet ux?
13:22.22leinirwell, it's not about the tablet ux itself, but rather the process of creating it :)
13:22.33leinirthe whole walk-the-walk thing :)
13:24.05trip901well, in fairness, all of thre ux were developed in house before they were opened
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13:24.45leinir*nods* This was also pointed out... which just makes this yet another example of someone not walking the walk :)
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13:28.51notmartlet's say this: ignoring what other communities were doing, and the desire to control the whole development is one of the reasons of the slowness of development, that in turn was one of the reasons nokia did what they did
13:29.11notmartbut i won't add other because it's just adding bitterness at this point
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13:36.06*** join/#meego ask___ (~ask@nat/nokia/x-zqfgqktyiehxrbpt)
13:36.45trip901slowness in development i dont think applies here
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13:36.57leinirnotmart: i still think you should add to it... traditionally, kde has been way too much of a pushover... we can't keep doing this to ourselves :P
13:37.22*** join/#meego niala (~meego@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
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13:37.55notmartleinir: eheh, true :)
13:39.37leinirIn fact, i'd suggest replying and adding a link to the video you mentioned when the tablet ux coming out, and it being somewhat reminiscent of something... ;)
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13:40.25trip901ooo link?
13:41.48leinirtrip901: if it isn't clear by now, we're of course talking about plasma-netbook, plasma-mobile and plasma-tablet here :)
13:42.08*** join/#meego goutam_ (~goutam@nat/nokia/x-yvdcodahftchahgs)
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13:43.33trip901still, i like video
13:43.53trip901and im bored and cant sleep
13:43.55leinirDon't we all ;) i'm sure notmart is all over that :)
13:44.18notmartdigging in his blog archives
13:44.41leinir*giggles and nods* Thanks! :) i could dig as well, but am working, and also expect notmart knows his archives better than me ;)
13:45.10notmarttrip901: ah, don't tell me about it, i'm insomniac as hell lately :p
13:45.36*** join/#meego schend (~suresh@nat/nokia/x-oipkvmwmujibuwii)
13:46.28notmartbasically this
13:46.41*** join/#meego suresh_ (~suresh@nat/nokia/x-wmabyjdwcgmrtoiz)
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13:52.08leinirtrip901: So, put shortly - they could've put a bit of funding into getting notmart some help, in stead of reinventing the wheel :)
13:52.09*** join/#meego ask__ (~ask@nat/nokia/x-rfuqgaekiedflxxm)
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13:54.17notmartleinir: the point isn't me, the point is that there was already a pretty good platform, based on qt, that will get literally years and yars to recreate
13:55.05leinirnotmart: Yes - just using you as a personification of a "victim" ;)
13:55.05notmartbut i'm not putting the blame to just one side, probably we also failed to communicate that most of it isn't about "desktop" at all
13:55.37notmartleinir: eheh:) (/me goes on the sacrifice altar)
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13:56.55leinirTrue, Plasma has, after the initial bout of people calling it vapourware, sort of retreated back behind the entrance to the irc channel, and rather than talking about it, just sort of did stuff... so yeah, maybe now's the time to open those doors back up and pointing out, to the larger world, what's actually happening :)
13:57.36*** join/#meego snowpong_ (~espen@
13:58.20notmartso in the end ended up with one part that didn't get its message out, the other part that didn't want to really listen (we don't need your stinky dependencies)
13:58.29notmartbut as i said, not time to reciminate now ;)
13:58.54leinirWell, not recriminate, but point out that there is, in fact, a community effort :)
13:59.14*** join/#meego Wellark^ (~Wellark^^
14:00.28trip901atempts to sleep
14:00.41leinirsleep well, trip901 :)
14:01.09notmarttrip901: eh, i wish you more luck on that than i had last night :p
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14:19.46hirabayashitaroAfter reading this article I was wondering how many things of maemo can be useful for meego. Anyone has an answer for this?
14:20.28hirabayashitaroAnd in particular, is the thing worth the effort on maemo?
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14:25.16lcukscratches head and goes to try other things to fixup networking
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14:32.21smokunotmart, are you saying that developping behind closed doors is slower than the same development in the open?
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14:41.01notmartsmoku: well, when what is being developed in the open is based on something that is being developed since uhm, 13 years or so, and is completely ignored, what is being developed behind closed doors will find they have to reimplement much of this, and what could have seemed a work of some months becomes a work of years and years
14:43.16smokuassuming you can reuse previous work...
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14:48.36smokunotmart, my point is licensing.  if you own your code, you can license it however you want.  jumping someone elses wagon does not give you the luxury.
14:49.50berndhswell, there is licensing, and there is also control of direction and decisions
14:50.29berndhsif you continue someone elses work, they still own it, and can decide what gets changed and what doesnt
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14:58.23timelessberndhs: you were right, i should have killed everything and rebooted :(
14:58.44berndhsthat's unfortunate
14:58.47timelesswonders if any intel-meego people are around
14:59.06*** join/#meego baraujo (~Bruno@
14:59.17timelessand i can't actually get to there from here
14:59.22lcukwhats up timeless ?
14:59.28timelesslcuk: i need rebooted
14:59.37lcuklong pointy stick?
14:59.42timelessi pushed the load well over 1000
14:59.51lcukor is it transatlantic length required
15:00.26lcukis it intel people you need, or LF?
15:00.34timelessafaik it's intel
15:01.29*** join/#meego ab_ (
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15:02.22CosmoHillif it's servers won't it be LF?
15:02.50lcukhence my question CosmoHill - but I think timeless would know since he is dealing with mxr
15:03.24CosmoHillthe last time I saw MXR it told me about the wonders of IE8 and SilverLight
15:04.57lcukgoes and types some analoue notes
15:05.03lcukanalogue even
15:05.16timelessCosmoHill: it's OSU hosted
15:05.18ali1234i have to laugh at the rage over tablet ux
15:05.25ali1234it's not *that* good
15:05.29timelessbut MeeGo is big enough that the hosting is mostly power + cage space
15:05.44timelessthe actual people w/ access generally work for intel, nokia, or contract to one or the other
15:06.09*** join/#meego Nils^ (hammerfest@gateway/shell/
15:06.16Nils^good day people.
15:06.50Nils^what is the state of meego for n900? can't wait to get away from maemo
15:07.16ali1234not useable yet
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15:08.33gabrbeddhi Nils^
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15:45.33lardman~seen X-Fade
15:45.44infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo #meego, last said: 'Nah, is documented. And USB->ttl convertor is $2 on ebay :)'.
15:45.56lardmaninfobot: but when?!
15:46.28CosmoHillalso which channel
15:46.45*** join/#meego foolano (
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15:47.24CosmoHilllardman: friday
15:47.34lardmanthanks CosmoHill
15:48.16lardmanwould like OBS access, is there someone else I can talk to?
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16:00.11mwichmannquestion out of the blue:  does meego have support for "wifi offloading"
16:00.33Stskeepsdefine offloading
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16:01.57mwichmannif you're on your phone network, and wifi is available, you transfer eligible data over the wifi
16:02.32CosmoHilllike when I've copying stuff over the wifi, when I plug in the ethernet it starts using that instead cos it's faster?
16:03.00Stskeepsmwichmann: network namespaces, maybe
16:03.32mwichmannCosmoHill - something like that, although here it's not specifically for speed but for cost
16:03.49mwichmannstill there's a policy choice made somewhere
16:03.54CosmoHilli'd image detection would still be in speed
16:03.59CosmoHillwifi > 3G
16:04.08CosmoHilleven if the internet over the wifi is slower
16:04.10Stskeepsmwichmann: i think there's a FEA# open for network prioritization
16:04.15Stskeepsbut i might be wrong
16:04.44CosmoHillI see what you mean tho, there might be some way to specify prefered data transmission type
16:08.20arfollsurely connman will disconnect itself from the data network when it has wifi?
16:08.37arfollit allready does this when you plug in ethernet and you are on wifi. Annoys the hell out of me
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16:09.21mwichmannI don't think it's as clear-cut a choice
16:09.51mwichmannthere may be some stuff that can only come through the data network - stuff unique to the carrier
16:09.59CosmoHillwhat I find is that outgoing stuff moves from wifi to ethernet if avaiable but incoming stuff will stay with whatever it was using in the begining
16:10.01mwichmannso "disconnect" would likely be wrong
16:12.11arfollmwichmann, i believe thats what android does when it comes into contact with wifi
16:12.19arfollsaves battery power
16:13.07arfollat least my n1 looses it's 3G IP address as soon as I walk into a wifi network i know
16:13.17CosmoHillcould their be something that detechs the wifi signal strength, as it weakens it prepares the 3G modem for activation and connection
16:14.01arfollCosmoHill, that would eat the battery even more, and connecting to 3g is fairly fast
16:14.40mwichmannso disconnect-and-fire-up-on-demand might be a viable model then?
16:14.50*** join/#meego andredieb (~andredieb@enlightenment/developer/dieb)
16:16.31arfollmwichmann, have a look at what android does, or/and iphone but i believe thats the model they use. I think it's the only one that truly works, no one wants two active data and wondering if they are getting charged for using mobile data or not
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17:18.59timelessDawnFoster: do the intel people irc?
17:19.10timelessDawnFoster: i kinda need to have my box rebooted :/
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17:20.51pixelgeekSome Intel people IRC ;)  (when they're not trawling through email or in mtgs)
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17:26.38pupnikthey're too busy flying around on jets and going to parties, i think
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17:34.12DawnFostertimeless: adam is rebooting now
17:34.23timelessor please thank him
17:34.29DawnFostertimeless: looks like memory exhaustion
17:34.36timelessyeah, i did something stupid
17:35.05timelessi was trying to do a bunch of things in parallel
17:35.16timelessa normal update run wouldn't work that way
17:37.36DawnFostercool, thanks
17:37.57timelessok, so the server's back up
17:38.14timelesssadly i was silly and didn't proactively change the root view for repo, so people can't see what i see
17:43.40*** join/#meego diegohcg (~diegohcg@
17:44.17gabrbeddtripzero: Not sure what 'system-ui status menu' is... but last I checked, everything's worse on handset images (pinetrail builds)
17:44.51tripzerostatus menu is what appears when you "pull down" on the status bar (also where notifications show)
17:45.34*** join/#meego abhijeet (~abhijeet@
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17:47.02timelessanyway, i'll have dinner and move the root so people can look around in about 90mins
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17:51.19gabrbeddtripzero: ...and it gives you an icon for "setup" or "settings" (can't remember which) and a blank window with an X in the corner and otherwise a gray screen?
17:51.44gabrbeddtripzero: If so... then yes it's the same on current pinetrail handset builds.
17:51.52tripzerookay, thanks
17:52.01*** join/#meego schend_desk1 (~suresh@nat/nokia/x-zfeskssucbrepsui)
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18:20.43lcuksabotage, ping - what would happen if the dialer app were compiled as a shared library and linked directly into the window manager?  waiting important vital seconds to bring up what is a required feature seems odd.
18:21.34lcuk(of course, that assumes the app is fully OO and available in a manner that you can create an instance of dialer to be used easily (ie a simple api around using it)
18:22.00*** join/#meego pixelgeek (~pixelgeek@
18:22.17TSCHAKeeecertain apps like the dialer should be locked into memory and their pages marked unswappable
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18:27.11lcukTSCHAKeee, perhaps.  How would someone find out where to test it and how much of a difference it would make?
18:27.41TSCHAKeeewhere to test it?
18:28.10lcukhow to set it and/or confirm that it is or is not currently doing that at the moment
18:28.14*** join/#meego jayabharath (~jayabhara@nat/ti/x-ystvlshbmrslccqj)
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18:53.21ali1234i think people don't get that no devices are going to ship with the reference UX...
18:53.54CosmoHillI always thought vendors would create their own UX
18:54.05ali1234yeah, well, you're not whinging on the ML :)
18:54.31CosmoHillI was talking to someone about separating branding from the packages
18:54.32ali1234also, you're not a maemo old-timer
18:55.02CosmoHillI've been in here since #meego opened and Ive only just learnt how to spell Maemo
18:55.37ali1234the maemo community took "annoying fanboy" to a whole new level :/
18:55.59*** join/#meego smoku (
18:56.08ali1234not only do they hate everything else, they also hate the product they are a fanboy of :)
18:56.08CosmoHillbefore or after the MS/ Nokia partnership annoucement?
18:56.19ali1234long, long before that
18:56.23CosmoHillso they're emos basically?
18:56.27ali1234i'm talking before meego even existed
18:56.33ali1234lol, yeah, i suppose
18:56.49tripzeromeego is almost 1yr old
18:56.57CosmoHillthis week in fact
18:57.01tripzeronot even teething yet
18:57.19tripzerowell, maybe barely teething
18:57.30*** join/#meego user_ (
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18:58.39gabrbeddgoes to get a teething ring from the freezer.
18:58.45*** join/#meego balor (~aidan@
19:00.03lcukgabrbedd, see if there is a book about UX there too
19:00.52gabrbeddlcuk: ha!  No, but there's a chalk tablet in there.  Wierd.
19:01.09lcukwhat did you draw on it?
19:01.12*** join/#meego diegohcg (~diegohcg@
19:01.19lcukdraws people and flowers and fish and tictactoe tables
19:01.47lcuk(tictactoe is one of the best ways to learn and pickup writing on a touchscreen!)
19:02.01gabrbeddI draw odd, amorphous shapes and then turn them into people's heads.
19:02.16lcukI often draw a circle
19:02.26lcukthen draw loads of others around filling gaps but not overlapping
19:02.43lcukme and jake made a game from it where we carried on until no space left
19:02.57lcukhe learnt quickly to make good consistent shapes :)
19:03.30ali1234you can never fill a shape completely with circles, unless the original shape is a circle
19:04.21gabrbedd  Not circles... but still fun.
19:06.20gabrbeddOh... here's the doodle I was looking for:
19:06.30*** part/#meego smoku (
19:06.36lcukali1234, gabrbedd  bottom of there
19:06.52lcuk(the rest is a discussion from Manchester Museum about Alan Turing
19:07.03ali1234"what is a computer?"
19:07.05gabrbeddali1234: Nice!
19:07.19*** join/#meego mauricelynch (~mauricely@nat/intel/x-odcnzayxdnslptjf)
19:07.36gabrbeddlcuk: :-)
19:07.45lcukali1234, heh yeah
19:07.53lcukwas a great presentation, by a fake Alan Turing
19:08.04*** join/#meego smoku (
19:08.14lcukwent on Sunday
19:09.42lcukanyway, playing that on a bit screen is good fun, just drawing circles in turn until we fill screen :)
19:10.42lcuksabotage, I thought Qt was object oriented really - ie you have a self contained object that you can instantiate anytime? (as long as the factory api is avilable)
19:10.56lcuklike creating an instance of textbox
19:11.01sabotagebut FYI, I'm expecting patches from a co-worker this week that will add in pre-launch capabilities, making the appearance of startup now nearly instantanious
19:11.01lcukbut create an instance of dialer
19:11.51lcukok, is there a bug to track, I don't see one on the page
19:12.54*** join/#meego marienz (~marienz@freenode/staff/marienz)
19:13.13sabotage1977 and 7074 are the most relevant, and the ones I am using to get these patches SR'd once they land
19:13.30*** join/#meego jevin (
19:15.17CosmoHilllcuk: so you go "phone home" and it starts calling your home number?
19:17.02*** join/#meego Richrd_ (
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19:25.51mikhasheya DawnFoster, does need more details?
19:25.53MeeGoBotBug 13696 nor, Undecided, ---, dawn.m.foster, NEW, Request for dedicated meego-inputmethods ML
19:26.19*** join/#meego timeless (58730824@firefox/developer/timeless)
19:27.09timeless(not indexed, rough demo)
19:27.34DawnFostermikhas: did you also post something to meego-touch with a link to the bug to see if anyone objects?
19:27.40*** join/#meego Richrd_ (
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19:29.40mikhasAh ok, will do that
19:29.43gabrbeddtimeless:  that's pretty cool! :-)
19:29.45*** join/#meego _NIN (
19:29.58timelessgabrbedd: it seems to be somewhat under resourced
19:30.15timelesswonders how many people attacked that url but can't really tell as the system stopped answering
19:31.02*** join/#meego dharman (
19:31.30gabrbeddtimeless:  um, sorry.  I didn't mean to break it.
19:31.39timelessnot your fault
19:31.43timelessunless you chose to spider it
19:31.59gabrbeddwell, you didn't *say* not to spider it!
19:32.29divanjavispedro, hi. Do still plan to create /media/internal on preenv install/update?
19:32.41divans/do still/do you still/
19:33.08timelessgabrbedd: the parent of that url does say not to spider it, as does the robots.txt file :)
19:33.20*** join/#meego hugopl (~hugo@
19:33.24timelessso, there are 140 directories in that list out of 1440 source rpms
19:33.29timelessnot a bad sample
19:34.06timelessDawnFoster: hrm, is adam around?
19:34.24timelessi can't ping mxr anymore, host unreachable :(
19:35.39DawnFostertimeless: he's in an all week meego it meeting - best way to get him is by email.
19:36.06timelessis there an on call person? it seems like general connectivity within the network fell over :(
19:37.15*** join/#meego argretzi (
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19:37.35timelessargretzi: !
19:37.55timelessit looks like part of the internal network failed? :(
19:41.18timelessok, turns out someone was doing network maintenance, totally not my fault :)
19:42.30*** join/#meego Hardeep (
19:42.39lcuksabotage, thanks, have cced onto them (had to just eat tea)
19:42.55*** part/#meego Hardeep (
19:42.56lcukCosmoHill, what do you mean?
19:43.34CosmoHillthat link you gave, that voice recontiion for the phone
19:43.45CosmoHillso you speak the name of who you want to phone
19:44.29lcukCosmoHill, I linked to the default Dialer page if that is what you mean? ( )
19:44.44timelessgabrbedd: please feel free to browse around a bit
19:44.45lcukbut I haven't even looked or noticed voice dialing
19:44.55lcukstill trying to get more mundane non star trek interfaces working
19:45.02timelessso, anyone here do theme work? needs some theme help :)
19:45.43*** join/#meego fabo (~fabo@nat/nokia/x-rdhxmqhhwrkozvce)
19:45.48timelessit probably wants to have a couple of meegons too
19:46.43*** join/#meego Venemo (
19:46.53lcuktimeless, theres a few folks around who do theming, do you have a rough idea of how you could see it looking
19:47.04*** join/#meego alvaro__ (~alvaro@
19:47.07lcukor are you just at the point of "meh it needs prettifying
19:48.03*** join/#meego AndyBleaden (
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19:49.14timelesslcuk: generally i'd want some cute meegon for MXR, and probably some css to get the colors right
19:49.22timelessbeyond that i hope people don't want to do much
19:49.29CosmoHillbtw, is the N95 still any good?
19:49.42timelesstypically people just stick a banner at the top of the page
19:50.08timelessCosmoHill: it's still the #1 nokia phone on flickr
19:50.53joeoshawai just saw that microsoft bought nokia's co-operation figures
19:51.28Stskeepsjoeoshawa: eh?
19:51.33timelessjoeoshawa: please see topic
19:51.38*** join/#meego Tm_T (tm_travolt@ubuntu/member/kde.developer/jkekkonen)
19:51.56joeoshawanokia is not fully supporting meego anymore
19:52.09joeoshawano meego phone
19:52.11timelessjoeoshawa: please see topic
19:52.13Stskeepsjoeoshawa: yeah, let's take that in #meego-bar
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19:52.57joeoshawageneral discussions about meego no?
19:52.58*** join/#meego toninikkanen (~osama@
19:53.04joeoshawaand no not a troll
19:53.09timeless> For 'bar' talk (rumours, gossip, etc), please go to #meego-bar]
19:53.31joeoshawanot rumour
19:53.37timelessnot relevant
19:53.43timelessand that isn't what was announced
19:53.55timelessso since you didn't get your facts straight, please go to the bar, have a drink
19:54.16*** join/#meego kvehmanen (
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19:55.10joeoshawathen why did intel announce they are looking for another partner and were disappointed in nokia's decision?
19:55.19joeoshawawhat was the announcement
19:55.21*** join/#meego mato- (
19:55.22timelessjoeoshawa: go to the bar!
19:55.29timelessor be barred from here.
19:55.35*** join/#meego Jokke (
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19:55.49joeoshawai don't want gossip
19:55.53joeoshawai want
19:56.03CosmoHillWindows Mobile 7
19:56.08joeoshawai want to know what is actually going on
19:56.13Myrttiso do we all
19:56.22*** join/#meego ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
19:56.27Stskeepsjoeoshawa: nokia is still contributing to meego according to meego-commits@ mailing list.
19:56.30joeoshawathat would be valid disscussion no?
19:56.30timelessCosmoHill: no such animal
19:56.32Stskeepsjoeoshawa: does that answer your question?
19:56.52timeless(a nokia employee just started setting up a cross reference for meego...)
19:56.59Stskeepsthe meego n900 hardware adaptation team is stil working, too
19:57.02*** join/#meego jannhama (~jannhama@nat/nokia/x-xclgxhifbjptlwoy)
19:57.05Stskeepsas is the SDK team
19:57.12joeoshawathats good then
19:57.21*** join/#meego Jartza (
19:57.38lbthey Stskeeps o/
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19:58.02Stskeepsthe difference is that Nokia's "next step" smartphone was supposed to be MeeGo and the primary strategy is now Windows Phone 7. There will still be a MeeGo device made from Nokia, that's fact
19:58.07*** join/#meego lmoura (~lauromour@
19:58.14joeoshawawell i know in the announcement i read they did say they will still release a meego device
19:58.29joeoshawayes just probably not a phone
19:58.39AndyBleadenjoeoshawa and there is lots of us still too :)
19:58.52*** join/#meego schoenemann (~lsch@
19:59.00Stskeepsjoeoshawa: N900 was a tablet that happened to have phone capability ;)
19:59.10*** join/#meego timakima (
19:59.35Stskeepsjoeoshawa: long story short: nokia hasn't left the building and we're still all very much working and tired of all the rumours about our deaths ;)
19:59.35joeoshawai know actually i really like the idea and was going to get one but no network for 3g in ontario
19:59.37*** join/#meego microlith_ (
19:59.46Stskeepsjoeoshawa: well, then wait for official announcements from nokia :)
19:59.52*** join/#meego divan (~divan@
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20:01.18mikhasThree years vision lol, reminds me too much of planned economy: "And after the plan for the last 3 years failed, we came up with an even bigger and more complex plan for the next 3 years, which is - given our history of implementing plans - also likely to fail. After that, we probably need a new plan."
20:01.22joeoshawawell that would be why i came here to ask and i understand your frustration but you will forgive me for not having confidence in microsoft's "fair business practices"
20:01.44*** join/#meego Nitial (
20:02.01Stskeepsjoeoshawa: right - what we care about here is :) what the vendors do is technically none of our interest :)
20:02.11Stskeepsso that's why we ask people to take those discussions to the bar
20:02.17*** join/#meego pvuorela (
20:02.21AndyBleadenGeneral question here to anyone who might help.I am noticing a gradual creep in boot up time.Mine seems to be a great deal longer than before? Any ideas where I can put a check safely on unneeded start ups in meego
20:02.38StskeepsAndyBleaden: doesn't sound right - netbook?
20:02.39AndyBleadenI mean on a netbook with meego 1.1
20:02.46AndyBleadensorry yes
20:03.02AndyBleadenhad a look in xdg/autostart
20:03.05StskeepsAndyBleaden: check if your HD is ok
20:03.16joeoshawawell my interest is in good integration between a phone tablet pc and a linux os
20:03.45mikhasjoeoshawa, then scratch that itch ;-)
20:03.50StskeepsAndyBleaden: 'smartctl' is what i normally use
20:03.56Stskeepsjoeoshawa: well, then you're in the right place - connected devices is a meego goal (platform)
20:04.05*** join/#meego jbos_away (~jbos@
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20:04.45joeoshawathe company providing the phone is of little concern to me but i am a linux only user i do not use any other os
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20:04.52AndyBleadensmartctl is that something I need to zypper in and use via terminal
20:04.55*** join/#meego dkod (~dkodihal@nat/nokia/x-rziidvxggsuobqcq)
20:05.00StskeepsAndyBleaden: yeah, though i don't know if it exists in meego
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20:05.32AndyBleadenok will have a look ..again we aint talking minutes but it has got slower
20:05.41mikhasit takes a lot of effort to create such devices, joeoshawa
20:06.08gabrbeddAndyBleaden: Just a shot in the dark... what if you delete everything in /tmp and reboot?
20:06.11joeoshawai was wondering if syncing with a linux os for callender and such had been considered
20:06.22mikhassure has been, buteo
20:06.25joeoshawai do realise that
20:06.32gabrbeddhas noticed that /tmp isn't being cleaned out on reboots.
20:06.35AndyBleadensounds reasonable
20:06.44AndyBleadenwill have a look
20:07.21mikhasgabrbedd, wouldnt that be a bug?
20:07.26*** join/#meego goutam (~goutam@nat/nokia/x-ywmmrjqpmbwjujwn)
20:07.49mikhaswell I mean, why would you persist data on /tmp anyways? isn't it usally mounted as a tmpfs?
20:07.58AndyBleadenhmm there is 145 items at 3.3 mb...not loads
20:08.10AndyBleadenin my tmp
20:08.15joeoshawabtw with a backer like intel i had not even considered nokia's announcement to be meego's death
20:08.29gabrbeddmikhas: I could imagne that during dev... you would want to keep the contents of /tmp for debugging... but idunno.
20:08.39gabrbeddmikhas: so, yes, probably is a bug.
20:08.49mikhasit's not the amount of data, AndyBleaden. it could be all kind of stuff. some wrong application state or such
20:08.49AndyBleadeni guess it is safe to delete all
20:08.54*** join/#meego saidinesh5 (
20:09.01AndyBleaden@mikhas ah
20:09.48AndyBleadenall gone now
20:09.54*** join/#meego bot_JL (~lamadon@nat/nokia/x-cckzngklpkhblhcb)
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20:10.00gabrbeddAndyBleaden: It's easy and it's worth a try.  It's the only think I know that is "leaking" across reboots.
20:10.20*** join/#meego dgc03052 (~dachampa@
20:10.39AndyBleadenalso noted that I have changed some boot splashes ..some are bigger files..would that slow things..been messing with the moblin stuff
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20:11.54AndyBleadenI could try rebooting now and seeing if that has made any difference
20:12.22AndyBleadenand then if not remove bloated .png as a boot splash hmm
20:12.47gabrbeddAndyBleaden: Yeah, the question after that is, "What all other stuff have you installed?"  :-)
20:13.00gabrbeddbah!  missed him.
20:13.16joeoshawai think he rebooted
20:14.09*** join/#meego halvors (
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20:14.49AndyBleadenand reboots back in again
20:14.50mikhasthat was a lot faster, AndyBleaden, no?
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20:15.08AndyBleadenbit faster yes thanks bout 40-50 secs
20:15.56joeoshawaso meego will still have phone support if the hardware is there?
20:15.56AndyBleadenso lot better
20:16.01mikhasAndyBleaden, the price for this is that you need to file a bug report now, at
20:16.16AndyBleadencool , cheap advice
20:16.19mikhasnothing's *really* for free, you know ;-)
20:16.31joeoshawaor is that question not answerable at this time?
20:16.37AndyBleadenI will get some other info together ..dmesg report etc
20:16.57AndyBleadenwhat esle is needed
20:17.24mikhasexact version of the image you used
20:17.55AndyBleadenok will do
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20:52.11lcukand that ladies and gentlemen is the reason we have warnings over THAT button.
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21:00.27berndhsi'm getting dizzy
21:00.27CosmoHillI look away and they all come back
21:00.27CosmoHillit's like hide and seek gives channel operator status to
21:00.27CosmoHillI think it's the server we're on that is having the issue
21:00.27berndhsyes seems plausible
21:00.27berndhswehre is leguin ?
21:01.05thiago_home22:00 -!- [] - Message of the Day -
21:01.05thiago_home22:00 -!- [] - Welcome to in Umeå, Sweden, EU! Thanks to
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21:15.17*** topic/#meego is Channel for general discussions about MeeGo | MeeGo project info: | This channel is logged at | IRC guidelines and more info: | For 'bar' talk (rumours, gossip, etc), please go to #meego-bar
21:15.39lcukCosmoHill, I have
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21:15.51lcuk(since you just mentioned it, I didn't know before then)
21:15.54CosmoHilldo you know if there is a PVM / MPI implementation?
21:15.58jbos_hello, hey is down?
21:16.12CosmoHilljbos_: works for me
21:16.15peudroidjbos: nah, just got in it
21:16.41jbos_strange. ok, can not access nor ping it (mid germany area)
21:17.09lcukdid you turn your computer off and back on again?
21:17.09peudroidhey, any newbie-meego-tips for newbie-me? =]
21:17.13jbos_some local stuff it seems.
21:17.28lcukI wish I was joking.
21:17.29jbos_lbt, ping
21:18.22lcukpeudroid, yes, get a nice ideapad or exopc and n900, download latest images - run over things, file some bugs, port some apps, play some games
21:18.39jbos_oh he is not around.
21:18.54lcukperhaps he has same connectivity issue!
21:19.00peudroid+images - run over things, file some bugs, port some apps, play some games
21:19.21peudroidthanks lcuk
21:19.28*** part/#meego thomasjfox (~thomasjfo@rockbox/developer/thomasjfox)
21:19.41jbos_maybe, hey anyways... we got bit further on our "use the sdk to make meego software mission"
21:19.48lcukpeudroid, many things are a bit building siteish if you go for the raw edge of meego
21:20.02lcukbut netbook and the new tablet image are reasonably usable and stable
21:20.03jbos_we mostlike did the mistake in using cmake
21:20.31lcukjbos_, which sdk
21:20.41jbos_1.2 (intel app up latest)
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21:20.59jbos_meego 1.2 (of course - just if someone wonders)
21:21.06lcuk1.1.90 you mean
21:21.38jbos_well, yes latest. mhm we where - after lot of work - able to build cross
21:21.43peudroidthinking in develop apps for meego. just don't have a n900 to test...
21:22.01jbos_n900... better not have one
21:22.09lcukpeudroid, what devices do you have handy that can run another OS?
21:22.19lcukjbos_, OI
21:22.27timelesshi jbos_ , i'm working on getting happy :)
21:22.34peudroidaside my own notebook, i have a motorola milestone running android
21:22.46jbos_how are yoa
21:22.51jbos_back in the states?
21:23.03lcukpeudroid, what chipset does that run?
21:23.14jbos_mhm peudroid, try to use netbook / tablet
21:23.21lcukand how handy are you with porting, lots of activities and folks getting arm devices running in #meego-arm
21:23.47jbos_this give you way better experience than arm n900
21:23.49timelessnope, still in finland :)
21:24.00lcukjbos_, :)
21:25.06timelesshaving 11,000 temp files is probably bad
21:25.13lcukI really wonder what is going on under the hood of the n900
21:25.54jbos_well, lcuk we finally managed to have a working cross compling sdk for arm and i86, automatical created targets...
21:26.04jbos_just did the stupid thing of using cmake...
21:26.19jbos_which does not allow this "live deploy and debug on device"
21:26.21lcukroger, can appup accept app+library for installation?
21:26.23jbos_in creatore
21:26.28lcukor is it similar to the other stores of no libs
21:26.39jbos_mhm no real idea
21:26.52jbos_there are some good descriptions
21:26.52lcukshame, loads of people keep asking me to release liqcalendar for meego
21:27.29jbos_mhm try to get it in meegocore :D
21:27.56jbos_i try to get the same done... for my sparetime project...
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21:28.11lcukcalendar is minor amusement
21:28.12jbos_well not that easy job...
21:28.21peudroidlcuk: arm cortex A8
21:28.46lcukjbos_, its not that easy feature :)
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21:29.39jbos_:) true true... I actually considering to kick of a meego SDK Plugin project for qt creator
21:29.51peudroidand i never really work with phones OS stuff...
21:30.12lcukjbos_, qt plugins
21:30.21lcukcan they access the full object model of the project?
21:30.29lcukerrr qt-creator
21:30.47jbos_most functionality of the qt creator are plugins
21:30.59lcukas in: from a plugin, can you access the class definition tree and UI model and stuff
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21:31.18jbos_suppose you can. duno
21:31.24lcuk(I ask because I have done numerous plugins for the vb ide in years gone by to do fun things)
21:31.55lcuklike one, take VB project and produce skeleton code and project for liq*
21:32.00jbos_well my idea is, to make it much  easier to start development for meego.
21:32.40jbos_currently the first 3-4 weeks suck deep shit and you need to learn and learn and learn more until you have your first project running
21:32.50lcukI thought it was already just get qt creator and click the play button?
21:33.10lcuks/play/"Start Project"/
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21:33.48jbos_i.e. you need to know that meego targets for x compiling... (madde) are only containing the minimal meego api
21:34.16jbos_i.e. when you use qttelepathy, or and other lib out of the meego core compliance set...
21:34.18lcukthat is qt+qtmobility essentially?
21:34.26jbos_+ egl
21:34.45lcukI thought mobility abstracted all the other lib dependencies?
21:34.52jbos_if you use and core compliance lib...
21:34.59jbos_na, no way
21:35.27jbos_you need to build your complete own target
21:35.45jbos_there is no way to add libs later
21:35.47lcukwhats the bug number to track this?
21:35.54lcukVenemo, ping
21:36.04lcukdid you not deal with adding/mucking with custom libs in MADDE?
21:36.15lcukand not having to do it all from scratch?
21:38.24jbos_i typed yesterday something on my blog...
21:38.25jbos_well, this topic really let me doubt about meego development
21:38.25jbos_it feels like nobody ever even try to use the sdk
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21:38.59lcukjbos_, well
21:39.14btdruckeit's been waiting for a while so I'm proposing that I merge it in.
21:39.37btdruckeoops, sorry about that. wrong window.
21:39.44lcuksince on different UXes there is no real way to get apps in yet (parallel tracks) and building work on other components etc
21:39.54timelessanyone here familiar w/ .rpmdb/DB_CONFIG ?
21:40.50jbos_lcuk, my point is, if the toolchain is not working and hacky... you  should not start to create different uxes
21:41.56lcukjbos_, and if you wait to build the toolchain until everything else is done, you are SOL
21:42.03lcukor whatever saying
21:42.09lcukthey are parallel tracks surely
21:42.18jbos_anyway, there is no sense in criticizing the sdk without a complete solution
21:42.36jbos_I do not even say its not working
21:42.37jbos_it does
21:42.40lcuklearnt over many years to make best of what is to hand
21:43.24jbos_but its reaaaaly tricky to get around, and droids, windows phones and so on demonstrate how it should be
21:43.25lcukalso squints a bit to see what things might look like when they work properly
21:43.33lcukoh yeah
21:43.35mikhasthe MeeGo SDK is a joke
21:43.47jbos_well the meeGoSDK is great
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21:43.49peudroidhey, want to clarify something. The qt just run on Lucid or Fedora distros?
21:43.56Venemolcuk: pong
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21:44.06CosmoHilllcuk: I'm thinking about maybe using c-ray for a cluster test
21:44.11Venemolcuk: mad-admin xdpkg -i yourlib.deb
21:44.12lcukmikhas, the liqbase sdk is worse
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21:44.20timelessi'm trying to build a package and rpmbuild is hanging
21:44.26lcukinstall gcc, "make" :P
21:45.18mikhas"oh look we now use madde. instead of using sb-conf to install a target you can now use madde to do exactly the same! no you still have to use the terminal, otherwise it wouldnt be linux-y enough, silly"
21:46.11timelessmikhas: heh
21:46.12mikhashell, the Maemo5 SDK (with the GUI) did a better job setting up sbox + default targets than the MeeGo SDK ...
21:46.43gabrbeddhands off my terminal!!
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21:48.23mikhaspeudroid, Qt runs everywhere. Even beyond the Tannhauser Gate.
21:48.26mikhasor so I heard
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21:50.30lcuktimeless, IDK about .rpmdb :'(
21:50.30lcukjbos_, did you see what Venemo just posted - does that potentially offer a way round your original problem?
21:50.30lcukmikhas, even more shockingly than "make", is "make install" :O
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21:50.30lcukruns to tv, gnite
21:50.31jbos_mikhas, only problem is that nobody really described how to use it
21:50.31jbos_Venemo, are you serious?
21:50.31jbos_whats with rpm?
21:50.31jbos_what i think we need to get bigger acceptance, is some plugin in qt creator which allowes us all this stuff
21:50.31jbos_adding removing libs
21:50.31jbos_deploy to obs
21:50.31jbos_and so on
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21:50.53Venemojbos_: there is 'deploy to sysroot' in Qt Creator
21:50.59Venemojbos_: and yeah, I'm serious
21:51.02timelesslcuk: turns out that something managed to grab a lock on .rpmdb (of some sort),, so i had to rename the directory
21:51.16timelessthen things started working again
21:51.22Venemojbos_: I don't know if there is an rpm equivalent
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21:51.50mikhasjbos_, start writing said plugin
21:52.03mikhasand hide all the madde-ness behind it, too
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21:52.22lcukjbos_, Venemo is an extremely active developer of *usable* user facing Qt apps that work happily on maemo and meego and windows and stuff.
21:52.54jbos_dont think there is :) a rpm version for this
21:53.07Venemojbos_: you can use the 'deploy to sysroot' in Qt Creator, can't you?
21:53.20jbos_mhm where is that?
21:53.23lcuktimeless, fair enough
21:53.45timelesslcuk: dunno about fair, i'd go w/ unfortunate
21:53.48timelessno useful logging
21:54.00Venemojbos_: it's in the Projects config
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21:55.35jbos_doesn't look like it is for meego qt creator
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21:56.07lcuktimeless, which os/comp are you on?
21:56.20timelesslcuk: um. hrm
21:56.33timelessdebian squeeze i think
21:56.43lcukdoes debian do rpm?
21:57.12timelessii  rpm            4.8.1-6        package manager for RPM
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21:57.21jbos_lcuk, that would be funny :D
21:57.34Venemolcuk: I bet you can install it, just like you can install dpkg on Fedora
21:57.34lcuknot that funny, it made timeless annoyed
21:57.48lcukanyway, tv and tictactoe are waiting
21:58.33jbos_mhm venemo, for me it looks like the only valid way to add libs to a sysroot for meego is using mic
21:59.00jbos_at least its also what you get from the mailinglists
21:59.04timelessi've built and used apt/dpkg on solaris :)
21:59.21jbos_but actually my critic isn't about that you have to use mic
21:59.42Venemojbos_: 'mic'?
21:59.53jbos_its about - why is the core compliance missing from core sysroot
22:01.05timelesslcuk: so, do i need to try to get rpm5?
22:02.20jbos_mic2, imager tool which creates the image, sysroot etc.
22:02.22jbos_if meego tells people, hey this is the minimal  lib set you need to support and deliver in order to call your system meego
22:02.23jbos_than why does it not get delivered....
22:02.23jbos_makes no sense to me
22:03.43*** join/#meego Qaz (
22:04.54gabrbeddjbos_: Huh?  What libs are you trying to add?
22:05.09Venemojbos_: I'm making a screenshot for you
22:06.04jbos_i.e. telepathy, gstreamer
22:06.41jbos_its all meego core
22:06.47timeless[riddle] so you are in a bare room without any windows or doors. All you have is a table and a mirror. What is the only way to get out of the room?
22:06.59timelesswonders if there are any native speakers who know this riddle
22:07.03gabrbeddjbos_: adding libs or -devel packages?
22:07.12timeless(this riddle fails miserably in other langauges)
22:07.25jbos_well sysroot is about compiling
22:07.34jbos_so devels
22:08.27peudroidwhat is the native language for that riddle?
22:08.45jbos_need to check tomorrow on other computers, but i dont have this option venemo
22:09.14Venemojbos_: Qt Creator doesn't like you :(
22:09.36jbos_qt creator 2.0.94
22:09.56Venemo2.1.81 here
22:10.25jbos_this is some custom meego creator which is delivered with the meego sdk
22:10.53Venemoyeah, that's horseshit
22:11.26jbos_ok i go of, its 11:11 pm
22:14.02CosmoHillextinguishes and then butters his hot cross bun
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22:59.05timelessok, i'm looking for people to browse through and give me some feedback :)
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23:01.46timelesserror: line 6: Illegal char '~' in: Version: 2.3.50~gite812ba7
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23:05.26jonnordpkg <3 ?
23:06.20gabrbeddsnickers at jonnor
23:07.11timelessii  rpm            4.8.1-6        package manager for RPM
23:07.30CosmoHillrpm4 != RPM5
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23:08.52mikhasbrings back memories
23:09.00mikhaswhen I couldnt install rpm4 with rpm3 ...
23:09.23CosmoHillmy phone has frozen
23:09.39CosmoHillah, it defroz...
23:09.43CosmoHillgets distracte
23:10.13CosmoHillit defrosted with avengance
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23:15.11CosmoHillmmm, spam
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23:20.55timelessgrr, sucks
23:21.22timelessso, rpm used to support ~, then they reserved it
23:22.02mikhasjust use + instead?
23:22.11mikhasor not your choice?
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23:24.15lbtMeego uses ~ in rpm version compat
23:24.23lbtbut only in meego images
23:24.31lbtnot in the buildsystem
23:24.43lbt"what could possibly go wrong"
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