IRC log for #meego on 20100526

00:01.20*** join/#meego simula_ (~d1bdc282@gateway/web/freenode/x-aeqduqjixgycbmbi)
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00:40.34*** join/#meego ATWILSON_ (~atwilson@nat/intel/x-hrmmspbbjsrewrtt)
00:41.23*** join/#meego Unmenschlich (
00:53.52*** part/#meego happyblob (
01:02.27*** join/#meego jabancroft (
01:02.42*** join/#meego ToArtist (~ToArtist@
01:03.43*** join/#meego vaughan (~vaughan@
01:04.31*** join/#meego njsf_ (~n@sxemacs/devel/njsf)
01:08.07*** join/#meego Xisdibik (
01:09.27*** join/#meego jabancroft (
01:12.01*** join/#meego jabancroft (
01:15.23*** join/#meego gaveen (~gaveen@unaffiliated/gaveen)
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01:39.46*** join/#meego Sylvia_ (~d3678607@gateway/web/freenode/x-mqxsjdrjqlleuhxv)
01:41.12*** part/#meego Sylvia_ (~d3678607@gateway/web/freenode/x-mqxsjdrjqlleuhxv)
01:53.22*** join/#meego FatalSaint (
01:59.38*** join/#meego jefferai (~quassel@kde/amarok/mitchell)
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02:20.32*** join/#meego m1keg (~b2803830@gateway/web/freenode/x-kswjpsbtsofzqrxx)
02:32.47m1keghi, I need some help, doesn't exist, where can I download a bootable image for netbook?
02:40.08*** join/#meego FatalSaint (
02:41.43*** join/#meego sheepbat (
02:47.36*** part/#meego panaggio (
02:48.21*** join/#meego njsf_ (~n@sxemacs/devel/njsf)
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02:57.14*** part/#meego jefferai (~quassel@kde/amarok/mitchell)
03:00.36*** join/#meego FatalSaint (
03:02.45*** join/#meego marciom (~marciom@
03:03.54*** join/#meego Basstard` (
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03:42.56*** join/#meego TSCHAK (
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04:04.12*** join/#meego puffin_ (~puffin@2002:ad21:3c95:0:21e:52ff:fe74:3dbd)
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04:12.12*** join/#meego ToArtist (~ToArtist@
04:19.04*** join/#meego zeddii (~ddez@
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04:28.56*** join/#meego ubIx_ (
04:29.28*** join/#meego swc|666 (~infidel20@unaffiliated/swc666/x-4934821)
04:33.27*** join/#meego DocScrutinizer (~jr@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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04:36.38*** join/#meego slonopotamus (~slonopota@
04:44.39*** join/#meego Shanita (
04:48.07Stskeepsthiago: vorbis was/is going to be part of harmattan, so not sure there's an issue with it anymore
04:49.01*** join/#meego tackat (~trahn@
04:54.05*** join/#meego arjan (~arjan@nat/intel/x-opnflefsjxzfnygh)
04:54.27*** join/#meego DawnFoster (~DawnFoste@nat/intel/x-rikenswwpwdfukox)
05:04.25*** join/#meego villemv (
05:07.56*** join/#meego pupnik (~pupnik@unaffiliated/pupnik)
05:08.34*** join/#meego Cy8aer (~Cy8aer@
05:10.38*** join/#meego Vali (
05:12.27*** join/#meego pavank10 (
05:16.56*** join/#meego jmd_akbar (jmd.akbar@
05:17.33jmd_akbar'need a bit help
05:17.45Stskeepsask your question, probably easier
05:17.48jmd_akbar'will meego work on nokia 7210 supernova?
05:18.11TSCHAKeeeuh. no.
05:19.05*** join/#meego tekojo (~quassel@Maemo/
05:19.43TSCHAKeeethere are no plans to support it, unless you want to try a port.
05:19.55Stskeepsyou'd need nokia keys to even port a linux kernel on top of it
05:20.10jmd_akbargreat thanks
05:20.49*** join/#meego wiljo (
05:21.03*** join/#meego aleksandar (~astojilj@
05:21.07tekojowhich device was he asking about?
05:21.16Stskeepsnokia 7210 supernova
05:21.17TSCHAKeeea symbian device
05:21.18tekojo...and morning :)
05:21.35Stskeepspeople want to put linux in the weirdest places
05:22.06tekojooh, supernova, nice phone, but not designed with Linux in mind
05:22.15RST38hLive penguin powered by Linux would be of great artistic value...
05:22.25tekojoStskeeps, the best of commentators for Linux in weird places :D
05:23.13TSCHAKeeemost ppl do not understand how constrained most phones really are
05:23.34RST38hThat depends
05:24.00RST38hIf you compare a modern phone with an old 386 PC...
05:24.46*** join/#meego slonopotamus (~slonopota@
05:24.54tekojoRST38h: true, but when you boot up a 386 you suddenly remember why we don't use them anymore
05:25.04tekojoor not so suddenly
05:25.10RST38htekojo: I am ok with 386s
05:26.07RST38hthey have their uses, just like most embedded equipment does...
05:26.19tekojoI just want some more speed than those things have
05:29.00RST38hActually, it is even weirder with the phones
05:29.28RST38hThe phone CPUs are powerful enough now to run general purpose software (FireFox, office apps, etc)
05:29.52RST38hBut then you hit the memory bandwidth bottleneck and things slow down to the crawl
05:30.14RST38hThis problem never occurred with apps originally written for the phones
05:31.07RST38hAnd Maemo is hitting the third problem nowadays: the mass storage bandwidth bottleneck, as most of the software is stored on MMC, and swap too
05:31.21TSCHAKeeeit's a clusterfuck
05:32.09RST38hWell, it just limits the selection of apps you can succesfully run
05:32.25*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
05:32.33RST38hThe same FireFox Mobile or KOffice are not really usable for example
05:32.46RST38hBut mobile-oriented Opera10 runs like a charm
05:34.27*** join/#meego tmikola (
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05:36.28*** join/#meego tekojo (
05:36.28*** join/#meego tekojo (~quassel@Maemo/
05:37.35*** join/#meego wazd1 (~wazd@
05:39.37*** join/#meego Kaskuka (
05:40.41*** join/#meego akeripper (
05:43.57*** join/#meego ttone (~ttone@
05:44.24jyskywell.. firefox in any system is so darn heavy so why wouldn't it be on maemo
05:45.58*** join/#meego Shinato (
05:48.25*** join/#meego ptl (
05:48.27*** join/#meego ptl (~patola@unaffiliated/ptl)
05:53.17*** join/#meego janih (~jani@
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05:57.00*** join/#meego srag (~sragavan@
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06:01.14*** join/#meego tackat_ (~trahn@
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06:08.48*** join/#meego Hah (~5b990c4c@gateway/web/freenode/x-jbzutassnuszwlcs)
06:09.12*** join/#meego Mobsan (
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06:25.46*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
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06:28.58*** join/#meego sandy (~c40c3fc2@gateway/web/freenode/x-uktzkryxoktzqzmc)
06:30.03*** join/#meego thiago_home (~thiago@kde/thiago)
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06:47.08*** join/#meego nicu (
06:50.07*** join/#meego sivang (~sivang@unaffiliated/sivang)
06:50.15sivanghi all
06:50.34sivanggreetings from the NOkida Developer Workshop in tel aviv :)
06:50.38sivangNokia, even
06:52.31*** join/#meego Guest24975 (
06:52.43*** join/#meego dvoid (
06:52.49*** join/#meego rsalveti (
06:52.56sivanghey thiago_home , yo there as well?
06:53.23sivangthiago_home: Sami is going to give a very nice track of Qt and Platform development
06:55.49*** join/#meego sandy (~c40c3fc2@gateway/web/freenode/x-impxmrkmdbtstkux)
06:56.56*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
06:57.20thiago_homeQt is usually not used for Platform development
06:57.27thiago_homewhat is the workshop about?
06:58.06Guest94051Hi any one used connection manager for cellular service ?
06:58.10sivangthiago_home: cross platform development with Qt , Mobility API etc
06:58.16sivangthiago_home: rigt, not platform development
06:58.37*** join/#meego aleksandar (~astojilj@
06:58.44sivangthiago_home: although Symbian uses Qt for some of it's platform services no?
07:01.00thiago_homehas to go, will be back from the office
07:01.22*** join/#meego arjan (~arjan@nat/intel/x-dpacdyepuqyhnyjd)
07:02.45*** join/#meego Gibba (~gwhite@nat/ibm/x-ysaqhbghbnqvdsmz)
07:04.30*** join/#meego markey (~markey@amarok/developer/markey)
07:05.22sivangthiago_home: now Jukka is on
07:06.39*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
07:12.19*** join/#meego niqt (
07:12.30*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
07:15.46*** join/#meego tekojo (
07:15.46*** join/#meego tekojo (~quassel@Maemo/
07:22.01thiagosivang: which jukka?
07:24.23*** join/#meego rcc (
07:26.19sivangthiago: Jukka Kiskinen
07:26.22*** join/#meego kensai (~quassel@
07:26.28sivangthiago: Kiiskinen
07:26.41sivangthiago: you Espoo based?
07:26.44*** join/#meego TheAppleMan (
07:26.44*** join/#meego TheAppleMan (~quassel@funtoo/contributor/theappleman)
07:28.55*** join/#meego ysyrota (~ysyrota@
07:31.30*** join/#meego Mansson (~qcstman@
07:31.51*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
07:31.59thiagonow goes to a workshop with some Helsinki-based people
07:32.12timeless_mbpthiago: you have my sympathies :)
07:33.59sx0nhow so?
07:34.11thiagoand running Designer over remote X from a Solaris UltraSparc machine crashes...
07:34.34lbtsx0n: it's hard work with those guys...
07:34.53lbtsx0n: sauna's and jeigermiester....
07:35.22sx0nevil combination
07:37.57*** join/#meego jusliukk (~Adium@
07:39.37*** join/#meego tibshoot (
07:43.39*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
07:47.56sivangtimeless_mbp: he
07:48.11*** join/#meego jusliukk1 (
07:48.14sivangthiago: wow that is Qt designer?
07:48.25sivangthiago: solaris is the client for the X?
07:48.49sivanglbt: what is Sauna and Jeigermeister ? Apps? :)
07:49.39sx0nsynonym for big hangover
07:50.27lbtcomplex workflow system
07:51.05*** join/#meego andrei_ (~andrei108@
07:51.09*** join/#meego dazo_afk (~dazo@nat/redhat/x-xcdqifoevvqibkao)
07:52.44*** join/#meego dharman (
07:52.44sivangStskeeps: Right, that is what I thought :-)
07:52.44*** join/#meego arjan (~arjan@nat/intel/x-zceibrxmdmytzfcj)
07:52.44sivangsx0n: hehehe
07:52.55*** join/#meego t_s_o (
07:54.24sivangsx0n: although friends from Finland said Sauna is a very centric thing there.
07:55.00sx0nsivang, we once laminated specs so those could be inspected in sauna.
07:55.48sivangsx0n: very imporant
07:55.53sivangsx0n: I would like to work like this :)
07:56.01sivangbe right back
07:56.08pupnikstarting a media file is too slow on maemo.  i hope qt is not going to slow us down even more
07:58.11*** join/#meego tekojo (
07:58.11*** join/#meego tekojo (~quassel@Maemo/
08:00.41*** join/#meego slaine (~slaine@
08:04.05*** join/#meego tekojo (~quassel@Maemo/
08:06.17*** join/#meego arjan (~arjan@nat/intel/x-pdnivolzfpefvkad)
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08:13.11lbtarjan: I asked for the TSG to make a ruling on "Policy is mandatory"... any thoughts?
08:13.39*** join/#meego glunardi (
08:13.47lbtI know it's blindingly obvious....
08:14.23*** join/#meego koupsa (~niala@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
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08:20.16*** join/#meego koupsa (~niala@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
08:21.55sivangSami is on.
08:21.56*** join/#meego murrayc_ (
08:22.34*** join/#meego florian_kc (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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09:00.52*** join/#meego leinir (~leinir@amarok/usability/leinir)
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09:26.40*** part/#meego koupsa (~niala@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
09:27.25*** join/#meego SWFu64 (~SWFu@unaffiliated/swfu)
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09:37.02*** join/#meego iskren (~iskren@
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09:38.17*** join/#meego CosmoHill (
09:38.22iskrenHi there, just a small question: Is there any preferred linux distro to develop for meego, especially for handheld devices, and where can I find help on setting up the virtual machine for the device on linux ( there is no instructions for that on the official site)
09:38.34Stskeepsi've found fedora working quite well.
09:38.55CosmoHillhey Stskeeps
09:39.43CosmoHilliskren: I've seen a tutorial for installing the meego n900 image on QEMU
09:40.18*** join/#meego jrocha (
09:40.28iskrenCosmoHill: thanks, I'll search for that!
09:40.35Myrttiomnomnom bacon toast ♥
09:41.50CosmoHillbacon toast
09:43.26iskrenCosmoHill: I  think I found it - but in the first sentence : "QEMU offers one an easy way to try out MeeGo on ARM" - does that mean that I have to have an arm? I tought the whole idea is to emulate it :) and - is there an easy way to run my project from the qt-creator in the simulator, or I have to write a script to install it after each build manually?
09:44.07CosmoHilloh no, ARM is the emulated system
09:45.19MyrttiCosmoHill: *burp*
09:45.50CosmoHilldamn that looks good
09:46.23CosmoHillwould you like some orange juice?
09:47.22*** join/#meego apoirier (
09:47.34CosmoHillMyrtti: is that a meego sticker I see on your laptop?
09:48.01MyrttiCosmoHill: indeed it is
09:48.15inz"You dawg, I heard you like stickers..."
09:51.29CosmoHillI have a G.Skills sticker on my powerbook
09:51.58Myrttiwhee! Managed to upload a Linux Collaboration Summit talk!
09:53.27*** join/#meego MeeGo (
09:53.42CosmoHillit's in flash
09:54.02CosmoHillI'm gonna assume meego has an IRC client
09:56.16pupnikty Myrtti
09:56.52MyrttiCosmoHill: AFAIK there is an option of downloading non-flash versions too
09:57.27CosmoHillwhy won't quicktime let me download the source without paying for it :(
09:57.33MyrttiCosmoHill: m4v
09:57.34CosmoHillor trying to load the whole thing first
09:57.38CosmoHillthank you :)
09:58.38*** join/#meego leinir (~leinir@amarok/usability/leinir)
10:00.31*** join/#meego otep (
10:01.14StskeepsMyrtti: no sound?
10:02.06*** part/#meego Guest52133 (
10:02.53Stskeepsah, my bad
10:03.09Myrttiyou're welcome
10:04.01MyrttiI've not actually watched the output so if there's any problems, tell me
10:04.26Stskeepsi really hope recording will happen on the meego conference, that doesn't suck, that is
10:11.08*** join/#meego skyscraper (~2e725d2d@gateway/web/freenode/x-wojcpopoejfuwgjk)
10:11.34*** join/#meego mvk (
10:11.51*** join/#meego tekojo_ (
10:12.51skyscraperwhen will meego for n900 released?
10:15.04Jartzawhat was it, 2 months ago?=
10:15.43skyscraperi've heard that it would be released in may?!
10:15.51*** join/#meego mikhailz (
10:15.51*** join/#meego mikhailz (~zabaluev@pdpc/supporter/21for7/mikhailz)
10:16.21Myrttimoves away slowly
10:20.13smokuJartza: almost 2 months.
10:21.00skyscraperyes but a release with multiboot and gui?!
10:21.06CosmoHillStskeeps: the flash one had sound
10:21.56Stskeepsskyscraper: multiboot is delayed but is possible to do with flasher involved. GUI, we have xterm, handset UX is postponed for entire meego project.
10:27.14*** join/#meego trbs (
10:30.27*** join/#meego kellomak (
10:33.22*** join/#meego manjiri (~3ba21713@gateway/web/freenode/x-bfzizkohlqrburic)
10:33.49manjiriWhat is the best way to work with Harmattan UI framework, if I want to build my own input method? 1. Use scratchbox 2. Use Qt SDK
10:38.44*** join/#meego timeless_mbp (~timeless@
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10:42.12*** join/#meego milliams (
10:52.12*** join/#meego sulx (
10:52.33*** join/#meego tackat (~trahn@
10:57.13slaineStskeeps: postponed for "entire meego project", what does that mean ?
10:58.24Stskeepsslaine: as in, it wasn't coming out with may release, ie, neither aava or n900 would have it, it would come out a litle later
10:58.58slaineyes. thought it was clear by now that the may release is only for atom netbooks
11:01.07*** join/#meego Milhouse (~irc_milho@Maemo/community/contributor/Milhouse)
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11:33.18*** join/#meego achipa (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/council/achipa)
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11:52.55*** join/#meego notmart (~diau@kde/mart)
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11:54.03*** join/#meego notmart (~diau@kde/mart)
11:55.43*** join/#meego Moku (
11:56.49CosmoHillhey slaine
12:02.35*** join/#meego ttone_ (~ttone@
12:04.15CosmoHillI got 68% in my C++ assignment
12:05.10CosmoHill2nd highest so far
12:07.49slainegood man
12:08.01slainedid you find out where you lost marks ?
12:08.16*** join/#meego javiF (
12:08.49*** join/#meego Moku (
12:09.01CosmoHillnope not yet
12:09.12CosmoHillthe marks have been posted up on out uni system
12:09.45CosmoHillalso you half that to 34% as the coursework is only worth 50% of the module
12:10.08CosmoHillso I need 8% in the exam to pass
12:10.13slainemake sure you try and find out though, it's very important
12:10.30CosmoHillI will find out when I talk to him but that's after the exam I think
12:10.42slaineyeah, that's fine
12:11.07slaineI don't mean from the perspective of arguing over the mark, I mean from the "what did I miss that would have landed my an A+"
12:13.09*** join/#meego Shanita (
12:13.15*** join/#meego ttone_ (~ttone@
12:13.19CosmoHillI always want to find out where I went wrong
12:14.28*** join/#meego marciom (~marciom@
12:16.34CosmoHillI need to get 72% or more to bring my grade up to an A (1st)
12:16.41*** join/#meego mic311 (
12:18.14*** join/#meego tackat (~trahn@
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12:28.25*** join/#meego FSCV (
12:28.51*** join/#meego Terje_ (~Terje@
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12:40.36evilbithi, I'm reading up on meego and wondering if there's a release for the n810?
12:40.51Stskeepsthere's a skunkworks project to bring it on there.. we have xfce4 on it
12:41.07Stskeepsbut you'll have to wait for 1.0 release of meego before we can start sharing
12:41.58evilbitah, ok
12:42.22evilbitthanks for the info. I'll keep checking in on the website for the release
12:48.21*** part/#meego evilbit (
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12:55.59CosmoHillslaine: Over the summer I plan to work on my disseration
12:56.03CosmoHillbut I need a question :(
12:56.13*** join/#meego abinader (~bruno@
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13:25.18Stskeepswonders if 1.0 will be the bullet that makes most of the meego project come into the open.
13:25.18*** join/#meego Kaskuka (
13:26.02GAN900Stskeeps, doubt it. :P
13:26.15*** join/#meego bergie (
13:26.18GAN900It's Maemo: Redeux
13:26.31*** join/#meego ttone_ (~ttone@
13:26.38arjanboots his n900 into the firmware update
13:29.05slainearjan: show off
13:29.24Stskeepsheh, PR1.2 came out today everywhere
13:30.42CosmoHillstabs WebCT
13:31.07slaineIs PR1.2 Maemo5.1 ?
13:31.23arjanmore like a service pack kind of thing it seems
13:31.24Stskeepsgood question
13:31.57slaineSo more like Maemo5 R2
13:32.10*** join/#meego panaggio (
13:32.17slaineala debians roundup releases
13:32.39Stskeepswhich reminds me, will we have a sort of SSU thing for meego?
13:32.46Stskeepsor is it the idea vendors should be doing this
13:32.57*** join/#meego pmcgowan (~pat@nat/canonical/x-zcsylvcjrsbcvirx)
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13:33.25slainehopes meego 1.0 for netbooks is out tonight or tomorrow, I'm away from friday and will miss all the fun
13:33.57Stskeepsi'm hoping we finally get some info on project structure and names, because it's turning into a running joke by now..
13:34.47Stskeeps'yes, we have a big project and a lot of teams working on meego.' 'so who are they and how can i work together with them?' 'be right back..'
13:34.56zaheermStskeeps, hopefully meego core will auto update with yum
13:35.03Stskeepsbetter yet, zypper ;)
13:35.10jannegslaine: monday is still end of may
13:35.25CosmoHilland my road tax :(
13:35.27zaheermmonday is holiday in some parts of the world
13:35.38CosmoHillah yes, it's a bank hoilday :)
13:35.45CosmoHillthat would explain why my exam is on tuesday
13:37.31slainemy bank holiday weekend is the weekend after that
13:37.41slainebut I'm still away on the monday coming
13:38.51TSCHAKeeeMeeGo Teams: "If we told you who your team members are, we'd have to kill you."
13:39.24slaineTSCHAKeee: I put out a plee some weeks back to get some feedback from the team leads. disappointed nobody bit
13:40.18zaheermtoo busy making the 1.0 release...
13:40.18TSCHAKeeei'm to the point now
13:40.18TSCHAKeeeif they release the code
13:40.18TSCHAKeeewe should just run off with it and manage it ourselves
13:40.25TSCHAKeeeand give the vendors the finger.
13:40.48TSCHAKeeebecause this is recockulous
13:40.49Stskeepssounds fun, but not in long term
13:40.59TSCHAKeeeStskeeps, oh i know...
13:41.00w00t_sounds like an absolute disaster in the longer term
13:41.13TSCHAKeeei'm just talking out of frustration
13:41.23TSCHAKeeei already have another project i am trying to keep on the skids
13:41.59slainedon't we all
13:42.17arjanStskeeps: zypper isn't better than yum ;-(
13:42.19CosmoHilldamn my phone, it keeps using the wrong word in predictive test
13:42.26CosmoHilli almost told someone I have "gayfever"
13:42.51Stskeepsarjan: to some degree it is, but lacking in others :P
13:43.06slaineCosmoHill: you're the only one in the village
13:44.02CosmoHillbollocks, now I send a text half way through writting it
13:44.14arjanhit unsend
13:44.31CosmoHillhits his phone repeatedtly
13:44.54w00t_hits CosmoHill repeatedly
13:45.00CosmoHillow ow ow
13:46.26TSCHAKeeelistens to Brian Eno - Discreet Music
13:46.29CosmoHillI really should glue the front cover back into place
13:48.43*** join/#meego leinir (~leinir@amarok/usability/leinir)
13:49.46CosmoHillIt's a well known fact that stickers boost performace
13:49.50*** join/#meego fabo (
13:50.13slainedecides to backup his moblin user account in preparations for end of may release
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14:01.49CosmoHillheadbangs the desk for making rookie mistakes
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14:20.19ZogGCosmoHill where do i get those?
14:20.27ZogGi want meego sticker =))))
14:20.32ZogGand meego as well =)
14:23.08*** join/#meego dazo_ (~dazo@nat/redhat/x-maxdwqwfsabvatle)
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14:28.36MyrttiZogG: it's a picture of my laptop, and I got the stickers directly from DawnFoster who had ordered them and gave a few out at Linux Collaboration Summit
14:28.57ZogGMyrtti =((((
14:29.10ZogGMyrtti, do you have more? =)))
14:29.33Myrttifew for selected friends and workmates. Why don't you ask Dawn if she has more?
14:29.35ZogGi don't have any summits in my country and if i do noone invites me =(
14:30.06ZogGowww Dawn is female ...
14:30.45Myrtti... and what does Dawn being a female have to do with it?
14:30.53CosmoHillowww? did she kick you?
14:30.53Myrttiis intrigued
14:31.15lcukgets popcorn
14:31.15CosmoHillMyrtti: good thing ZogG isnt' an AMD fanboy
14:31.20CosmoHillhey lcuk
14:31.25ZogGi didn't know who is she till now
14:31.43ZogGCosmoHill, i'm just passing by =)))
14:31.53MyrttiLord give me strength
14:31.55ZogGi don't trust AMD
14:32.44ZogGIntel is my choice, but still didn't know anything about her before =)
14:33.01Myrtti... but what does her being female have to do with anything?
14:33.27Myrttino, wait, nevermind. I might get an answer I didn't want to hear
14:33.38CosmoHilltakes handful of popcorn from lcuk and noms
14:34.27*** join/#meego DawnFoster (~DawnFoste@nat/intel/x-jxaivsrmcbcxqfot)
14:34.34ZogGMyrtti just disn't see too much geek girls around - that's all, most people over internet, IRC, IT i know are male
14:34.40CosmoHillruns away
14:34.45ZogGnothing personal or against anyone
14:34.51CosmoHills/away/for cover
14:35.02MyrttiDawnFoster: hi, we were just discussing the fact that there are women in zee Interwebs
14:35.36DawnFosterMyrtti: *sigh*
14:35.51CosmoHillZogG: there are some hot girls on my computer science course
14:36.20ZogGthere are no where i study and that makes me sad panda
14:36.37luisthey i rebuilt a moblin application in suse, and im getting this error:  what could it be? i have the latest intel drivers, xorg-server 1.8.1 and all of its deps
14:36.38*** join/#meego ctusar (
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14:37.21GAN900Myrtti, liar.
14:37.53ZogGGAN900 protect me please
14:39.25CosmoHillZogG: you could be a happy panda
14:39.31CosmoHilland by happy i mean something else
14:39.38GAN900TSCHAKeee, nah, "If we wanted to tell you, we'd have to find out ourselves first"
14:39.47*** join/#meego ttone_ (~ttone@
14:40.10ZogGCosmoHill, i think i don't want to hear it, do i?
14:40.35CosmoHillyou could look it up on in the thesaurus
14:40.57*** part/#meego ingalsuo (
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14:57.05ZogGDawnFoster, is gonna be any Intel or MeeGo summit in Israel?
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15:07.00GAN900Stskeeps, your issue didn't make the agenda?
15:07.20Stskeepsi think there's enough for an hour, or even more, on that agenda
15:07.28*** join/#meego fiferboy (
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15:07.30Stskeepsso i think it's fair
15:07.43GAN900Stskeeps, well, certainly, when they keep cancelling meetings. ;)
15:08.08CosmoHilloh yeah, the meeting is tonight right?
15:08.36*** join/#meego gour (
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15:09.01StskeepsGAN900: besides that, it generated a good discussion and quim and dirk clearly showed we're on the same page regarding how things should be.
15:09.49*** join/#meego andrei1089 (~andrei108@
15:10.16*** join/#meego DawnFoster (~DawnFoste@
15:14.52*** part/#meego smoku (
15:15.17CosmoHill bunny!
15:15.24*** join/#meego andyross (
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15:15.57leinirVery bunny indeed! :)
15:16.03*** join/#meego kaziem (~devnull@
15:16.08Stskeepswhich reminds me i should watch donnie darko again..
15:16.29CosmoHillme too
15:17.18*** join/#meego fiferboy (
15:17.18*** join/#meego fiferboy (~quassel@Maemo/community/contributor/fiferboy)
15:17.27DawnFosterSomeone found my flickr stream :)
15:17.55Stskeepsmeego stickers were discussed before and i guess that where it came from :)
15:18.04Stskeepsis looking forward to be putting a meego sticker on his n900
15:18.31DawnFosteryeah, it's not hard to find. Lots of goofy pictures of my nephew mostly along with various conferences / vacations
15:18.39gourhiya, when do you expect UI gfor meego to be released?
15:18.51Stskeepsgour: netbook ux should come out in may, handset ux sometime after
15:19.22gourStskeeps: will stuff like video for skype/sip work on meego as well as in 1.2?
15:19.54*** part/#meego kaziem (~devnull@
15:19.59Stskeepsgour: i think it's a good idea to go read and what it says in the text :)
15:20.19Stskeepsskype and such is normally reserved for vendors to put on their devices as differentiation
15:20.26Stskeepsbut one day meego might change that, i guess :P
15:21.00*** join/#meego slonopotamus (~slonopota@
15:21.01gourhmm, but one prevents one to use skype on meego?
15:21.14TSCHAKeeeit's linux
15:21.21Stskeepsgour: you can install skype for linux on netbook at least
15:21.48Stskeepshandset grade skype is a bit different
15:22.38gourok, it's better to ask about sip, e.g. ekiga then :-)
15:22.42*** join/#meego arjan (~arjan@nat/intel/x-exixzphjktquvigg)
15:22.44Stskeepsah, that's probably easier
15:22.58Stskeepsi don't know what the state of sip is there, or what telepathy plugins are being used
15:23.30gour'forgot' skype is propr. :-(
15:23.32*** join/#meego choppa (
15:23.57ZogGskype promised to go open
15:24.10gourheh...long ago
15:24.25gourthere is not even 64bit version
15:24.31CosmoHillubuntu has skype in it's repo now
15:24.47*** join/#meego srag (~sragavan@
15:25.48gourany eta when some meego hw may appear (besides n900)?
15:25.58*** join/#meego slonopotamus_ (~slonopota@
15:26.12CosmoHillyou mean when you can buy phones with meego on it from a shop?
15:28.05gourCosmoHill: well, at least, when one can have some decent phone which can load meego on it
15:28.13*** join/#meego fiferboy (
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15:29.03gourwhen we speak about telepathy, is there some progress with telepathy & otr? on desktop it keeps me using pidgin
15:30.38*** join/#meego flywheel (
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15:47.02Myrttisecond video is up ♥
15:47.10*** join/#meego Aranel (~Aranel@unaffiliated/aranel)
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15:53.34Stskeepswe never had releases?
15:53.34Stskeepswell, i guess it was a codedrop
15:53.38*** join/#meego fiferboy (
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15:56.25TSCHAKeeethat really tells a lot, huh
15:56.57gouralmost like vapourware :-D
15:59.13*** join/#meego dvoid_ (
16:00.02CosmoHillthere's no readme file :o
16:00.10Stskeeps <- that's a sane process
16:01.12*** join/#meego cure` (
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16:01.49CosmoHillwill I be right in assuming that this meego doesn't come with video drivers
16:01.52CosmoHillonly vesa?
16:02.14StskeepsCosmoHill: and only greyscale, obviously
16:02.33GAN900Stskeeps, sticker is too big, probably.
16:02.40GAN900(damn return key)
16:04.07*** join/#meego Terje_ (
16:07.42CosmoHilldamns GAN900's return key
16:09.11*** join/#meego puffin_ (~puffin@
16:11.51CosmoHillI see Virtual Machine Support in the meego kickstart file
16:12.17*** join/#meego fiferboy (~quassel@Maemo/community/contributor/fiferboy)
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16:20.52arjan......... and 1.0 is released!
16:21.38Stskeepsno reflection of it on the homepage though
16:22.40*** join/#meego fest (~kvirc@
16:22.43koupsawhy a google chrome version?
16:22.53Stskeepsah, there
16:22.53arjanStskeeps: it's on the homepage too
16:23.01arjanhit refresh on your browser cache ;)
16:23.06slainearjan: congrats
16:23.15slainewget'ing as we speak
16:23.40koupsa15minutes and try it
16:24.11koupsawhereis my usbstick ?
16:24.11StskeepsDawnFoster: thanks for url
16:24.17CosmoHillctrl + F5 is a good way to force your brower to refresh
16:24.30TSCHAKeeestill looks like it's using mutter
16:24.46arjannetbook uses mmutter yes
16:25.16TSCHAKeeehow long will this be the case?
16:25.30arjanfor netbook? I don't think there's a plan to change that
16:25.36arjanother devices will use other setups
16:25.47*** join/#meego Armi^ (~wouter@
16:25.50CosmoHillDawnFoster: would you like a quick mirror?
16:25.58arjanapplications will be qt based
16:26.06DawnFosterI think we're already mirroring it
16:26.20arjanwe have about 5 to 10 gigabit of mirror bandwidth
16:26.21GAN900So, is gonna get a takedown notice too?
16:26.32StskeepsGAN900: ah, good one
16:26.36arjanif you have a few gigabit to add. sure
16:26.40TSCHAKeeearjan, am wanting to do UX work, building a TV UX, and am wondering what i should leverage...
16:26.40arjanCAN900: for what?
16:26.42koupsadiff between chrome and no chrome version? only chrome? got a takedown notice recently due to chrome
16:27.00arjanfor that thing on lwn a while ago for the smart updater thing?
16:27.01CosmoHillarjan: well when downloading big files I tend to download to my friends server and then download from there
16:27.04TSCHAKeeeis it chrome vs moblin-web-browser?
16:27.04CosmoHillhis is 200Mb/s
16:27.12Stskeepsarjan: yeah, that
16:27.16arjanthe thing that isn't enabled in linux builds so the takedown is just a joke
16:28.05lbtbut you distribute the source for it?
16:28.29lbtmeh, that's what lawyers are for...
16:28.34*** join/#meego anaZ (
16:28.45lbthi anaZ
16:29.02*** join/#meego VDVsx (~Valerio@Maemo/community/contributor/VDVsx)
16:29.10arjanlbt: for chrome? no we don't ship chrome source
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16:29.30CosmoHillmy download speed is all over the place :/
16:29.55lbtanaZ: did you get my request?
16:30.10anaZyes I did
16:30.27lbtI didn't realise the release was so close at the time :)
16:30.54lbtwhat do yo need to enable a link?
16:31.08lbtsrc IP of the machine/http proxy?
16:31.12*** join/#meego mobiledivide (~4a4832c5@gateway/web/freenode/x-iiuesdzqgvyyetko)
16:31.46slainenice visual refresh
16:32.00lbtslaine: ? the xterm is black/yellow now?
16:32.10CosmoHillslaine: damn you and your fast internet
16:32.20slaineCosmoHill: nah, it's still downloading
16:32.40*** join/#meego happyblob (
16:33.16koupsaare the links right?  MeeGo v1.0 for Netbooks   download a chromium version ?
16:33.29CosmoHilli was just thinking that
16:33.33DawnFosterslaine: Yeah, I like the new look
16:34.21*** join/#meego Moku (
16:34.30CosmoHill100%[======================================>] 813,694,976  797K/s   in 8m 44s
16:34.31DawnFosterkoupsa: I'm not sure that I understand your question
16:34.38lbtanaZ: well, ping me when you have an answer...
16:34.54CosmoHillDawnFoster: chromium has google chrome right?
16:34.55DawnFosterthe meego 1.0 for netbooks is Chromium
16:35.02CosmoHilloh it's the name of it?
16:35.02anaZlbt: you will get an answer per email, I dont like mixing email conversations with irc chats :)
16:35.21DawnFosterwe have the open source Chromium version for people who want an all open source disto
16:35.29lbtanaZ: err.... OK
16:35.37Stskeepswe're speaking the browser, right?
16:35.38*** join/#meego fiferboy (~quassel@Maemo/community/contributor/fiferboy)
16:35.45DawnFosterwe also have a version with Chrome, but it requires a Google EULA click-thru (google requirement)
16:35.55Stskeepsthat makes sense
16:36.03slaineGo to the /netbook on the site
16:36.11CosmoHillwhere can I get the sha1 for the image?
16:36.40slainethere's a download option there for a chrome version if you agree to the google eula
16:37.09*** join/#meego andrei1089 (~andrei108@
16:38.22CosmoHill << incase anyone wants to download from there
16:38.26Stskeepsit's a nice gesture to properly seperate what's oss and what's not (wimax supplicant etc) - means we're all sure what we're gettng
16:38.31luisthey i rebuilt a moblin application in suse, and im getting this error:  what could it be? i have the latest intel drivers, xorg-server 1.8.1 and all of its deps
16:39.14slaineMX and Clutter looking lovely
16:39.46*** join/#meego nedrichards (~nedrichar@
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16:40.53koupsareboot on usb
16:41.20TSCHAKstill wondering whether to build the UX on clutter/MX or Qt
16:41.58thosCosmoHill: i'm not sure you can mirror it, some of the assets are (c) Intel and have trademark agreements
16:42.19Stskeepsthe chromium image should hopefully be mirrorable
16:42.23Stskeepsotherwise we've -really- failed.
16:42.57CosmoHillwell if it's not I'll taken it down after I've finished downloading to my local server
16:43.04arjanStskeeps: you can mirror the image
16:43.09Stskeepsyes, that's what i thought :)
16:43.12arjanwhat you can't do is make a bad clone that's not compatible
16:43.13thosStskeeps: both include mutter-moblin and other packages with the proprietory license
16:43.39Stskeepsso, we're actually not OSS on netbook images?
16:43.40CosmoHillI'm going by what arjan says
16:43.51Stskeepsobviously there's trademark stuff
16:43.58Stskeepsand use of this
16:44.06*** join/#meego javiF (
16:44.09Stskeeps.. actually, nm, i'm sounding like an ass.
16:44.15Stskeepsyes, this makes perfect sense.
16:44.19thosCosmoHill: Stskeeps the license says "Permission is granted to copy and distribute in association with a device that has fulfilled all requirements of the MeeGo™ Compliance Program (see No other licenses expressed or implied are granted.
16:44.26TSCHAKhey thos, long time no see. :)
16:44.32thoshey TSCHAK :-)
16:44.41Stskeepsthos: fair enough - artwork and logos
16:45.19*** join/#meego Shanita (
16:45.30Stskeepsi'm kinda wondering 'with a device' though, but so it goes
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16:46.19thosStskeeps: yeah i'm not sure what it means, but most of the graphics are full (c) intel
16:46.39Stskeepsbecause i could imagine a scenario where i want to let's say, distribute my app on top of a meego image, while maintaining being meego compliant
16:46.46Stskeepsand distribute this image
16:47.01Stskeepsbut that's just nitpicking.
16:47.25*** join/#meego koupsaa (~koupsaa@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
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16:47.41Stskeepsi think it's for the best, we need compliance in order for the platform to survive.
16:47.42koupsaai say waouh! very nice very cute meego and fast :)
16:47.57koupsaaan irc client ?
16:48.28koupsaagreat job arjan DawnFoster and the other
16:48.56DawnFosterkoupsaa - thanks! Many people worked on getting this out
16:49.01pippinluist: either use clutter 1.2.8 or apply this patch 14a353e0c204a3e603397d3dce61a11ac80c6cee from the 1.2 branch ( )
16:49.13DawnFosterand we're relieved to have the development out in the open now
16:49.58koupsaanice i reboot and search an irc client
16:50.48StskeepsDawnFoster: i hope we'll see a flurry of active construction and use of this platform from now on, yeah
16:50.51koupsaairc is not in the "messenger" may be i miss them
16:51.30koupsaaanybody have found an irc client?
16:51.36koupsaaok i search
16:52.46robsterkoupsaa: install telepathy-idle package :-P
16:52.52koupsaai celebrate meego with a orange bud
16:53.49luistpippin, the only packages i have installed are clutter-imcontext and libclutter-glx... do i need to upgrade any of these or just install clutter 1.2.8?
16:54.10slainemeego-netbook-ia32-20100524.1.img440 B/s - 694.3 kB of 800 MB, 22 days left
16:54.33Stskeepsslaine: i was downloading a 1.8gb MMC image earlier to test it, 4 hours, don't complain
16:54.41CosmoHilli downloaded RHEL to my friend's server and then from there to mine
16:54.53CosmoHillit went wrong so I used rsync to fix it instead of downloading agian
16:54.55slainehmm, I've got a server I could try and use
16:55.07pippinluist: just install clutter 1.2.8 libclutter-glx is provided by clutter
16:55.18luistpippin, ok
16:55.56CosmoHillI've downloaded 288MB so far
16:55.57happyblobhi guys, minor detail and not related to image itself but the windows usb imaging instructions still refer to moblin not meego
16:55.58happyblobwhere do you report this kind of nitpicking? :)
16:56.08Stskeepshappyblob: mailing list thread people seem to pick up on
16:56.11DawnFosterI fixed part of it
16:56.19*** join/#meego Corsac (
16:56.20arjanhappyblob: either here or the mailing list
16:56.24nedrichardsslaine: fly to london, I'll put it on a USB stick for you faster than that
16:56.31slainehey nedrichards
16:56.35DawnFosterI'm going to send it to someone else to make sure that all of the links are correct, to
16:56.41slainenice to see you've been let out in the open
16:56.46nedrichardsslaine: ;-)
16:56.48Form0so sloow, any torrent available? :)
16:57.03arjanForm0: there's a whole bunch of mirrors
16:57.08arjantry a mirror!
16:57.10happyblobok thanks.. i'm officially reporting it here then! :)
16:57.15Form0ahh, thx
16:57.19CosmoHillarjan: are the mirrors listed somewhere?
16:57.26zaheermawesome, didn't realiose it was released
16:57.29arjanin theory we round robbin the urls for them on the site
16:57.41arjanbut round robin does not mean the load is perfectly balanced
16:57.46TSCHAKthe robins are tired from flying already
16:57.53CosmoHillForm0: if you wanna try
16:57.56microlithhmm, time to break out the aspire one when I get home
16:58.01zaheermDawnFoster, pass on my congrats on the release
16:58.11microlithLooks very... Moblin
16:58.17TSCHAKsomebody needs to check the data center to see if the router is glowing.
16:58.22TSCHAKand smoking
16:58.27CosmoHillor netgear
16:58.30arjanthere's several data centers around the world for this
16:58.32zaheerm21 minutes remaining here
16:58.42TSCHAKeth0: router on fire.
16:59.20TSCHAKmicrolith, ....yeahhhhh... it's the netbook UX...were you...expecting something wildly different? :)
16:59.20happyblobthanks CosmoHill btw, getting it from your server at the mo, good speed
16:59.22*** join/#meego rsalveti (
16:59.37microlithTSCHAK: not really
16:59.55Corsachmhm, is there a netbook image for arm? (I mean, with netbook UI)
17:00.04microlithI do like that the tabs are more colorful though :)
17:00.15nedrichardsmicrolith: glad to make you happy
17:00.26*** join/#meego koupsaa (
17:00.28microlithnedrichards: you work on that part?
17:00.41TSCHAKwonders how long until ppl realise that MX's ui is stylable, and people start changing it
17:01.01CosmoHillarjan: any graphics drivers or just basic vesa for now?
17:01.03nedrichardsmicrolith: i'm in the design team, but they'd hold a revolt if you let me near actual graphics
17:01.04microlithwill have to give it a spin tonight
17:01.07koupsaawone pqnel ok
17:01.15Stskeepsarjan: if we stretch that a bit, isn't it possible to build clutter against GLES2?
17:01.15koupsaaoups zone panel ok
17:01.26TSCHAKStskeeps, yes
17:01.26CosmoHillhappyblob: that's good to know
17:01.29CosmoHillI'll pass it on to the owner
17:01.46Stskeeps(i know it's not built against ARM atm.)
17:02.20TSCHAKi've run clutter on a freescale dev board
17:02.45slainehmm, my mouse just stopped working
17:03.03robsterkoupsaa: telepathy-idle should be installed by default
17:03.17koupsaanice ;odifiqble toolbqr
17:03.27koupsaagrr thx robster<<
17:03.27DawnFosterslaine: weird
17:03.31lcukmmm the 1.0 core experience for handhelds thing - it says it includes graphics and qt - can we use qt directly now and run apps?  like even the widget gallery
17:03.37koupsaakeyboqrd/ lol
17:03.39*** join/#meego smurfy-phil (~5d68729c@gateway/web/freenode/x-hcovemcueuuonfbe)
17:03.46robsterkoupsaa: rpm -qi should tell you if it is..
17:04.08koupsaanice robster i m on meego noz
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17:04.24robstercool, i've never tested it with IRC
17:04.25koupsaajust need a french keyboard
17:04.46*** join/#meego arjan_ (~arjan@nat/intel/x-smfoqefuldgcngkh)
17:05.00DawnFosterhappyblob: that page has a few other errors on it, I think. Bob Spencer is updating it now
17:05.02townxelliotlcuk: Qt apps should work by default
17:05.04*** join/#meego lvader (~lvader@Maemo/Nokia/kad)
17:05.05robsterthe wonders of telepathy :-)
17:05.06lcukkoupsaa, no, the announce says 2d/3d graphics stack
17:05.10DawnFostershould be corrected in a few minutes
17:05.13microlithsince the release includes so many languages including chinese and japanese, does it come with an IME for input?
17:05.29smurfy-philhi i have a question about meego 1.0 does it only run on netbooks with atom? i have an old asus eeepc 701 4G, and moblin doesn't work there because of the sse2 thingy
17:05.40lcuktownxelliot, so theres a window manager included?
17:05.46microlithsmurfy-phil: same restrictions are in place, I believe
17:05.47lcukcos apps have more than one window
17:05.57koupsaatoolbqr is a great inovation
17:06.27townxelliotlcuk: yes, these images have a window manager
17:06.37arjan_microlith: yeah there is some IME
17:06.43arjan_it's a pretty bad one, but better than nothing
17:06.50arjan_smurfy-phil: only on atom
17:06.52microlithand it can always be improved
17:07.53*** join/#meego gaveen (~gaveen@unaffiliated/gaveen)
17:08.24koupsaadaznfoster  url for doznload are inverted  betzeen chromium and no chromium version
17:09.37*** join/#meego timeless_mbp (~timeless@
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17:09.48koupsaadawnfoster  url for download are inverted  between chromium and no chromium version
17:10.21smurfy-philis there an "easy" way to rebuild all apps without sse2?
17:11.37koupsaai ve downloaded no chromium with no eula but i have chrome in app
17:12.29koupsaai m wrong ?
17:12.40Mirvkoupsaa: no, the other one is with chromium and the other one with chrome
17:13.08Mirvthe former is true open sauce and the latter requires google eulas
17:13.28koupsaalook at the name of file are downloading
17:13.32Mirvprobably it says "chrome" in chromium as well somewhere?
17:14.31MirvI won't accept the eula to check the file of the other link, but the non-chrome says "chromium" in its name with sounds right, ie. no chrome but the chromium open source variant of it
17:16.29koupsaathis page i hqve chrome but i have clicked on nochrome version
17:16.49slainesmurfy-phil: rest assured, there's plenty of people interested in seeing something like that happen (I tried with moblin, hopefully the packaging problems are now a thing of the past)
17:16.49koupsaabut i m so bad in english .
17:17.44koupsaano ntfs
17:17.51koupsaafor now
17:18.06DawnFostercan anyone confirm koupsaa's issue with the image?
17:18.08CosmoHillmeego is 32bit right?
17:18.18smurfy-philslaine: great i will try it, selfcompiling moblin was strange
17:19.08smurfy-philmaybe with the array kernel or the patches from it
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17:19.41slaineCosmoHill: yes
17:20.16CosmoHilldownloads nvidia graphics drivers
17:20.35slaineDawnFoster: I downloaded the chromium version and it has chromium in the browser
17:20.57CosmoHillisn't chromium open source
17:21.19Mirvchromium is, chrome isn't, and I've been trying to tell koupsaa he might me mixing those two
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17:21.52Mirvboth images have google browser, that is
17:21.52DawnFosterslaine: thanks!
17:22.13DawnFosterchromium is open source and has a blue logo
17:22.17slainefor the record, Chromium is the FOSS version of chrome. It doesn't support h264 playback for example
17:22.38koupsaano moblin web browser><?
17:22.39tripzerodoes with ffmpeg
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17:22.48slainekoupsaa: not any more
17:23.02slainenot since 2.0 (2.1 used firefox)
17:23.07DawnFosterthe chrome browser has a logo with red, green and yellow
17:23.56zaheermis meego netbook image 59.5MB ?
17:24.03lcukany reason why the duplicity was needed? does the closed source browser do things the open one cant?
17:24.07DawnFosterkoupsaa We decided that since there were already great open source browsers available, we didn't need to continue to develop and maintain a special browser
17:24.26*** join/#meego juliank (~juliank@ubuntu/member/juliank)
17:24.43GAN900Too bad Chrome was the choice
17:24.45DawnFosterlcuk: Chrome is a better user experience for people since it ships with some additional codecs
17:25.13koupsaaDawnFoster it4s ok we see in user time
17:25.14lcuka browser with codecs?
17:25.16zaheermdoes it have the webm support in this version?
17:25.26slainefor html5 video tag
17:25.38DawnFosterchromium doesn't have proprietary codecs
17:25.40timeless_mbpzaheerm: if it was frozen before webm, it shouldn't have it :)
17:25.53zaheermmy guess is not, because chrome's webm support in the nightlys is pretty crap :)
17:26.10slainebeyond codecs, I'm sure it does some "information gathering" that chromium doesn't :)
17:27.25lcukit runs faster too, it must do - its got less letters in its name
17:27.41zaheermtimeless_mbp, do you know if fennec 2.0 builds have video tag support at all?
17:27.43TSCHAKif i click on the chromified image
17:27.45TSCHAKit just sits there
17:27.49TSCHAKwaiting for download2
17:27.59zaheermit stopped my download at 59.4MB
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17:29.02zaheermchanged to the chromium build now
17:29.17timeless_mbpzaheerm: um, i can check :)
17:29.30timeless_mbpi'm pretty sure they do
17:29.32CosmoHilldammit were is my SD card :(
17:29.37DawnFosterwe're having a few bandwidth issues right now
17:29.40timeless_mbpi don't think they have webm today, i think you need special branch builds for that
17:29.59DawnFosterwe're working on making additional improvements now
17:29.59zaheermtimeless_mbp, and the maemo versions use gstreamer?
17:30.08timeless_mbpat least, i don't think so
17:30.18timeless_mbpafaik the gstreamer work isn't ready
17:30.39DawnFostertschak: try it again
17:30.46zaheermtimeless_mbp, ok thx, was gonna try the 2.0 nightly and test if it would play webm after i put the webm stuff in gstreamer on my n900
17:30.56timeless_mbpzaheerm: so...
17:31.08timeless_mbpgiven mozilla policy, it's incredibly unlikely that gstreamer would do what you want
17:31.16timeless_mbpit's not our intention to support random gstreamer supported codecs
17:31.24timeless_mbpthat's considered *very bad for the web ™ *
17:31.53zaheermtimeless_mbp, aah ok, so it would filter the plugins it loads up
17:32.06timeless_mbpit should
17:32.21timeless_mbpis one of a number of posts on the subject
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17:33.05zaheermwhat would be good for my web is for me to actually get a browser running on my n900 that supports webm (and i don't mean chromium, which has poor video support)
17:34.56timeless_mbpwell, my fennec2 for osx is able to load
17:35.06zaheermDawnFoster, isthere a way to install the chrome rpm if you download the chromium version?
17:35.08timeless_mbpand i'm seeing a shiny transformers trailer
17:35.32zaheermtimeless_mbp, can it load ? :)
17:35.37timeless_mbpyeah, it's working, i just tapped rotate player :)
17:35.58timeless_mbpno :)
17:36.12slainehmm, my twitter feeds are only showing generic icons
17:36.13DawnFosterzaheerm: not sure - you could probably get it from Google directly?
17:36.16slaineanyone else seeing that ?
17:37.25CosmoHilllifts up his keyboard and finds his SD card
17:37.28*** join/#meego koupsaa (~koupsaa@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
17:38.00slainenever mind, network was probably just busy downloading rpms
17:38.43happyblobis there any kind of big performance/functionality hit from installing it as an ext3 fs?
17:38.44koupsaahihihi first bug with meego and banshee. import a avi file and stop the import. meego doesn4t like
17:39.32koupsaais most a banshee bug than meego
17:40.19CosmoHillwhen using dd, why is the bytesize different for linux and mac os?
17:40.30koupsaanice panel device
17:41.25DawnFosterCosmoHill: not sure. I know the bytesize is OK for Linux
17:41.37DawnFosterI suspect that it isn't right for Mac, but let me confirm
17:41.39CosmoHillI'm mac os using the bitsize for linux
17:41.49DawnFosterdid it work for you?
17:41.50CosmoHillI can tell you shortly
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17:41.56DawnFostercool, thanks
17:42.12koupsaawebcam is ok
17:46.03koupsaaflash version LNX 10,0,45,2
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17:52.11happyblobhas anyone installed it using the EXT3 filesystem? I cant seem to get past installation- hangs on installing bootloader. Will have a look/put it on bugzilla just wanted to see if anyone else has tried this and got past it
17:52.19happyblob(tried twice now by the way)
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17:53.14CosmoHillahhh why is it beeping at me
17:54.20CosmoHillDawnFoster: it's sorta booted
17:54.24CosmoHillbut it;s stopped
17:54.48DawnFosterhmm, "sorta booted" isn't good
17:55.07*** join/#meego kunguz (~Kaan@
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17:55.26kunguzHas anyone tried using meego with Sony vaio netbook?
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17:55.59happyblobcosmohill... sorta booted?
17:56.07*** join/#meego Moku (
17:57.51CosmoHillI'[m gonna try again with a bs of 1024
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17:58.11CosmoHilli think the init has loaded okay
17:58.16CosmoHillbut it can't mount the image
17:58.18DawnFosterCosmoHill, thanks I appreciate the help testing the instructions!
17:58.29CosmoHillI'm just happy to contribute :D
17:59.42DawnFosterI know everyone is excited about the release, but just a quick reminder that the TSG meeting is in one hour:
17:59.50CosmoHilloh a side note, not even Philips know that they make laptops
18:00.14slaineDawnFoster: I might not be online for the begining, I'll try and make it
18:00.34slaineI'd like to know how to submit my Broadcom driver rpm to meego1.0
18:02.28CosmoHillI did moblin as 1024 and that worked
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18:04.47DawnFosterslaine: that's a good question for the mailing list. Not sure how we're handling those.
18:05.09DawnFosterbut arjan and others should have more details.
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18:06.10Stskeepsi'm personally happy to see a sane 'contributor agreement' as on the TSG agenda today. that gives me a good vibe this is getting done the right way.
18:07.01DawnFosterStskeeps: we thought that if we copied the Linux kernel model, it would work for most people :)
18:07.25Stskeepsalso less bureaucracy, less barrier to entry, etc
18:07.48*** join/#meego X-Fade (
18:08.09slaineDawnFoster: cheers, fired off an email there
18:08.40CosmoHillhas turned on the news and it's not good
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18:11.30Stskeepsslaine: the broadcom drivers are redistributable or?
18:12.53DawnFosterslaine: if you don't get a good response on that question ping me again in a couple of days.
18:13.21happyblobmy installation is getting stuck using ext2 as well, same place- 'installing bootloader'.. i'm out for dinner so will sort out my own install later but MeeGo people might want to test it out, see if just my image is dodgy or the installer isn't quite right (i imagine a fair few people will try ext2/ext3 soon anyway since btrfs is experimental and apparently you cant put a bootloader on it)
18:13.43*** part/#meego trem (~trem@
18:13.55smurfy-philis it possible to recreate with the image-creator all meego packages with own compiler options?
18:14.16Stskeepssmurfy-phil: image creator takes already built binary packages
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18:14.39timeless_mbphey DawnFoster?
18:14.44timeless_mbp> NOTE: No TSG meeting this week. The next TSG meeting will be on Wednesday, 26 May 2010.
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18:14.48timeless_mbpsomeone should fix that :)
18:14.55smurfy-philstskeeps: hm ok is there a "build" script to create an image from stratch?
18:14.56DawnFosterYou can edit the wiki ;)
18:15.00DawnFosterI'll fix it
18:15.01Stskeepssmurfy-phil: no, that's called OBS
18:15.01timeless_mbpnot easily
18:15.07timeless_mbpthe "log in" link takes me to the wrong page...
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18:16.36DawnFostertimeless_mbp: OK, i updated it
18:16.47DawnFosterdon't use the log in link at the top
18:16.54DawnFosteryou have to click log out
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18:17.05w00t_times like these I remember why I love SSO
18:17.20Stskeepsbetter than no sso
18:17.24DawnFosterand then the log in again link in the text further down the page
18:17.25CosmoHillit would be nice if the search worked on both too
18:17.36DawnFosteryeah, we're still ironing out the bugs in SSO / search
18:18.02timeless_mbpDawnFoster: i hit a merge conflict trying to fix it
18:18.07timeless_mbpso thanks for conflicting :)
18:18.09CosmoHilldamn dd takes it's time :(
18:18.36DawnFosteryeah, with the lower bs it takes forever!
18:18.39petterihello. If I install meego 1.0 on my laptap, will it be possible to upgrade to next version when it comes and does it include application manager, like for example debian/ubuntu
18:18.53DawnFosterthat's why I'm hoping the higher bs works, but not sure it does
18:19.02DawnFosterbased on your earlier test
18:19.13CosmoHilli should have wrapped it in time()
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18:20.15petteriah, ok. it includes updates, will the whole meego upgrade it self to next release, when it is time?
18:20.58*** part/#meego happyblob (
18:21.04CosmoHillnoms his dinner
18:21.43slaineStskeeps: I believe so
18:21.48slaineDawnFoster: thanks
18:21.56slaineHeading home now
18:22.07slaineIf I get on, I'll be 30 mins into it I'd imagine
18:22.19slaineHappy MeeGo day, laters
18:23.31*** join/#meego Moku (
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18:24.20CosmoHillDawnFoster: 25 mins to copy that at 1024bs :o
18:24.38Stskeepsjust use bs=1M, always worked for me :P
18:24.47DawnFosterstskeeps - on mac?
18:24.49CosmoHillssh you
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18:24.57Stskeepswell, no, not on mac
18:25.03DawnFosterwe know the higher bs works on Linux
18:25.21DawnFosterwe're validating the mac instructions :)
18:25.52CosmoHillthe issue is the same
18:25.54DawnFostermac instructions have a lower bs and we're figuring out if that's a bug in the directions or there for a reason
18:25.54naknomikDawnFoster: I never used bs= on Linux, and had no problems
18:26.04CosmoHillthe laptop i'm running it on doesn't like it
18:26.36DawnFosteragain, we're validating the mac instructions, we know it works fine on linux with high bs
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18:33.03CosmoHillDawnFoster: i think it's just my laptop doesn't want to run meego
18:33.18DawnFosterah, well thanks for giving it a try
18:34.51CosmoHillI have command line login :)
18:34.51*** join/#meego mvk (
18:36.33DawnFostercosmoHill: what more could you possibly want :)
18:36.50CosmoHillI added a 3 to the end of the boot options
18:37.20CosmoHilland now it's gone nuts
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18:37.38*** join/#meego Andy80 (~andy80@Maemo/community/contributor/Andy80)
18:38.04Andy80hi all
18:38.36CosmoHillI might give it a go in vmware go at some point
18:38.47Andy80I'm testing MeeGo 1.0 on my netbook (just the live for the moment) and I cannot find the way to change my keyboard layout.... I cannot find it in settings. How do I change the layout to Italian?
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18:53.43lbtDawnFoster: what's the rationale that the sign-off process is OK for the TSG (submitted 3pm on the day of the meeting) but the policy process I submitted (a week in advance) isn't?
18:54.07DawnFosterlbt: the tsg picks the agenda items based on priority
18:54.19lbtright.. good to know
18:54.21DawnFosterwith the release out, we needed to finalize contribution policy
18:54.30DawnFosterand the doc licensing
18:54.37CosmoHillI didn't just see the time and remember the meeting >.>
18:55.13DawnFosterReminder: TSG Meeting in 5 minutes in #meego-meeting
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18:58.56CosmoHillDawnFoster: lol
18:59.11thiago_homeCosmoHill: send biscuits to me please
18:59.11Stskeepsthis would serve rather nicely as a tea and cookies room under meetings..
18:59.30CosmoHillat least I'm usefull for something
18:59.34CosmoHillDawnFoster: intel
18:59.38CosmoHillthiago: nokia
18:59.48CosmoHillCosmoHill: tea and biscuits
19:00.22w00t_Stskeeps: WHAT ABOUT THE DONUTS
19:00.32thiago_homew00t_: only the first Friday of the month
19:00.38CosmoHillthey give you sticky fingers
19:00.46thiago_homeyes, we get donuts every first Friday of the month
19:00.49CosmoHilland you can't use a keyboard with sticky fingers
19:00.59w00t_thiago_home: that's awesome!
19:01.03w00t_though like, very fattening
19:01.14Stskeepsbetter than very skinny qt coders
19:01.15thiago_homeand free icecream throughout Summer
19:01.22thiago_homethough the freezer was empty today
19:01.25w00t_oh good god
19:02.16CosmoHilljust checking, before you say meeting starts
19:02.23CosmoHillnon of my stupid things get logs?
19:02.35thiago_homenitpicks that the "MeeGo Computers" name isn't official yet
19:02.37Stskeepsall of your stupid things are getting logged
19:02.39thiago_homeonly after July 1st
19:02.40Stskeepsdon't worry
19:03.13CosmoHilli mean I don't want the start of the meeting being on record as me offering biscuits
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19:03.34Stskeepsanything before #startmeeting doesn't go in the official minutes
19:03.43CosmoHilleven if it is a nice geustor :)
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19:04.30Stskeepsfor those just joining to meeting, is log from start of meeting
19:05.06thiago_homeDawnFoster: please get ibrahim to introduce himself
19:06.09DawnFosterthiago_home - will do
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19:11.06Andy80anyone knows how to switch to ITALIAN keyboard once MeeGo live is running?
19:12.04odin_yay I make it to a live TSG meeting !
19:12.37StskeepsDawnFoster: #agree would be a good thing to use :)
19:12.48Stskeepsso it;s in minutes
19:12.53DawnFosterI will use that once I confirm that they agree?
19:13.35*** join/#meego pinchartl (
19:14.01CosmoHillif you're here for the meeting it's in #meego-meeting now
19:14.09odin_what is the agenda input mechanism again ?
19:14.17lbt  sorry for wanting clarification
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19:15.08pinchartlCosmoHill: I'm not, but it could be interesting. is everyone free to join ?
19:15.36CosmoHillbut don't ask questions unless you're sure about them
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19:15.45Stskeepsfor those just joining to meeting, is log from start of meeting
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19:18.16lbtis there any mention of what licenses are allowed? "in the file"
19:18.25lbtany OSI approved?
19:18.37thiago_homewell, if you're contributing to an existing file, it has a license
19:18.38Stskeepswell, i guess it would depend on where it's contributed to?
19:18.51thiago_homeif you're contributing new files, common sense would dictate that it's the license that the project uses
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19:19.21lbtGPL2? GPL3?
19:19.22odin_talking about documentation or anything ?
19:19.31Stskeepsno, any contribution to meego
19:19.31thiago_homelbt: depends on the file you're contributing to
19:19.47DawnFosterwe're talking about the contribution agreement
19:19.48CosmoHilli think source code is BSD
19:19.48Stskeepsit's instead of a real contributor agreement you need to fax over, or copyright assignment, etc
19:19.53CosmoHilldocumentation is CC
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19:19.58DawnFosterthe licensing is a different topic
19:20.00Stskeepsand frankly, a good idea
19:20.02odin_there must be a minimum legal requirement for any contribution
19:20.28odin_as in, it needs to be owned by someone, that person/entity then needs to grant at least a minimum set of rights over the use of it
19:20.31thiago_homewhenever you contribute a copyrightable patch, you must give a license to your copyrighted work
19:20.33lbtI guess I was thinking of new files or packages
19:20.41thiago_homeif you don't, no one can use your work
19:20.45Stskeepslbt: there's a policy somewhere on i think
19:20.52Stskeepsor guideline
19:21.01odin_the exact license is not important so long as is grants at least the minimum legal rights necessary to be an allowed contribution
19:21.05lbt*nod* but this is patch-level so not so relevant
19:21.15DawnFosterthe terms of service has the licensing policy
19:21.23Stskeepsi think it's basically a way to trace back who screwed up :)
19:21.27thiago_homewell, it is, since the full project is an aggregation of patches :-)
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19:22.09Stskeepsslaine: is log from start of meeting
19:22.17pinchartltechnical question, if the patch needs to include an SoB line, that means some formatting rules will need to be decided upon, such as starting the patch with a commit message. is there a documentation about that somewhere ?
19:22.18thiago_homemakes a note to get the license text pre-approved by Nokia Legal
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19:22.27odin_well no, there is stuff that is not on MeeGo site which is a necessary part in order to make MeeGo work on a specific hardware platform
19:22.31slaineStskeeps: perfect, thanks
19:23.01lbtpinchartl: Packaging guidelines area would be sane - given the OBS/patch usage
19:24.17lbtlcuk: discuss that in here?
19:24.55slainelbt, Do all package contributions have to come via an OBS account ?
19:24.56lbtit's an audit trail - if we used git we'd have cryptographic confidence
19:25.03lbtslaine: no
19:26.00pinchartlshouldn't patches be sent inline instead of as attachments ? otherwise the patch and comment/SoB line will probably be split at some point, opening the door to human errors during commit
19:26.03lcukif im submitting potential patches
19:26.08lcukthey arent signed off by anyone?
19:26.18lcukits to my email address
19:26.20thiago_homepinchartl: doesn't matter, as long as there aren't any spurious line-breaks
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19:26.27thiago_homegit send-email doesn't insert line-breaks
19:26.33lbtyes lcuk
19:26.39thiago_homebut if you paste a patch into your MUA, it may do that. In that case, attaching is better.
19:27.13pinchartlthiago_home: what I mean is that, if I send an e-mail with my SoB line inline, and a raw patch as an attachment, the two might be split, making handling of the patch more difficult
19:27.13lcukso it shouldnt be explicit on every email sent
19:27.17Stskeepseither way
19:27.20lcukor i'd add it to my sig
19:27.22Stskeepsit all ends up in a mailing list archive
19:27.27pinchartlthiago_home: signed off by
19:27.28thiago_homeStatement of Business?
19:27.32StskeepsSigned-off-by: means you agree
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19:27.44thiago_homethen rediff the patch with your SoB inside
19:28.10pinchartllcuk: the SoB line shouldn't be added to the signature, as signatures are often stripped (for instance when you forward or answer an e-mail)
19:28.47pinchartlso the SoB line should be inside the patch itself (before the diff, if sent as an attachment), or in the e-mail body before the inline patch
19:28.54Stskeepslcuk: no, just Signed-off-by:
19:28.55pinchartlgit-send-email will do the later
19:29.10pinchartlthe former would be for manual submissions using attached patches
19:30.33lcukStskeeps, signed off by whom?
19:30.53lbtthat page isn't a process - it's a bit of boilerplate
19:31.02Stskeepslbt: well, linux kernel works that way :P
19:31.17lbtno, it doesn't
19:31.29lbtread the page
19:31.38Stskeepsgo look for 'The Linux Kernel Certificate of Origin'
19:31.40w00t_that page is really _really_ underdocumented
19:31.41lbtit doesn't mention sending email or what text to use
19:31.43w00t_that's not a proposal
19:31.44pinchartllbt: this is what a "signed" patch would look like if sent inline:
19:32.02lbtpinchartl: and you knew that from reading that page?
19:32.27pinchartllbt: no. I'm a long time kernel developer so I'm familiar with the process
19:32.32Stskeepsadmittedly, it needs more info
19:32.39lbtpinchartl: I hang around there too ;)
19:32.52Stskeepsbut the important part is what is meant
19:32.53lbtI have no problem with a "Signed off" process... but the page doesn't explain it...
19:32.56w00t_Stskeeps: that's just it
19:33.00w00t_it doesn't *say* what is meant
19:33.34Stskeepslbt: think it's worth a thread and fixing it at next TSG meeting i guess
19:33.45pinchartla "patch submission howto" page is probably needed
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19:36.44Stskeepsit says "This proposal is about using the signed-off-by language and process used by the Linux kernel to be able to give us a clear chain of trust for every patch received. "
19:36.48Stskeepsgo for reference on how it's done
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19:37.33lcukhow do you add signed off by into git?
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19:37.48Stskeepscommitt messages
19:37.53pinchartllcuk: git commit -s
19:38.04pinchartlor just write your SoB line manually when committing
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19:38.07pinchartlbut -s is easier
19:38.11lcukpinchartl, sure - my commit will be dictated already by my signature
19:38.21lcukits going to duplicate info?
19:38.26lcukand muddy up commit logs/ commited "blah -- signed off by"
19:39.18CosmoHillI really need to pay attrention to the meeting
19:39.19pinchartlyes, the info will be duplicated
19:39.50lcukpinchartl, and in the mailing list, my email will be signed off by myself
19:39.56DawnFosterkeep in mind that the kernel has used this process successfully for years. Many contributors are familiar with it
19:39.59pinchartllcuk: a patch could have several SoB lines if more than one developer contribute to it. git doesn't allow multiple authors
19:40.20pinchartllcuk: on the mailing list your e-mail might include a signature, but that won't be part of the patch
19:40.22*** part/#meego naknomik (~amitb@
19:40.23StskeepsDawnFoster: i think it's just about that the description of process isn't linked or described within it.. the process itself is fine
19:40.27lcukbut the sob lines are lost as soon as its committed to git
19:40.39pinchartllcuk: no, the SoB lines are part of the git commit message
19:41.28lbtDawnFoster: read lcuk's messages here... poor chap is confused even after being helped by pinchartl and Stskeeps ... QED
19:41.49Stskeepshe is bacon deprived
19:42.10lcuksighs and looks wistfully at bacon
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19:42.18slainehmmm, bacon
19:42.25lbtnotes that when he submitted a proposal it had a process:
19:42.33slaineis nom'ing chicken casserole at the moment
19:42.37lcukpinchartl, it makes sense when discussed as multi party sob lines
19:43.10Stskeepsis reading 'the art of community' and is happy to put words on experiences
19:43.10lcukindividually however it doesnt - i can see the point
19:43.33pinchartllcuk: as SoB lines aren't automatically added, they're a way to say "I've read the contribution policy and I agree with it"
19:44.09lcuksure i know the need, its like the terms and conditions on signup for the site itself
19:44.22slaineSo tempted to say, Not until you say "Ta daaaaa"
19:44.28slainebites lip
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19:45.34slainedamn, I nearly choked on my dinner there
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19:45.39DawnFosterslaine: and you think we aren't paying attention ;)
19:45.51slaineBIG thumbs up for that
19:46.08slaineexcuse me while I cough up some rice
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19:50.48thiago_homeupgrades to PR1.2
19:51.16tekojothiago_home: wrong channel, here you upgrade to 1.0
19:51.34pinchartltekojo: when there will be a feature-complete meego release for the N900 I will :-)
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19:52.01thiago_homebtw, is the ARMv7 build done with hardfp?
19:52.03leinirtekojo: Bah, thiago_home lives in the future ;)
19:52.12leinirHe's already way into 2011 ;)
19:52.17Tm_Tleinir: explains many things
19:52.22tekojoleinir: I've only seen him in the past
19:52.51thiago_homewas discussing Harmattan++ today
19:53.05pinchartlthiago_home: Harmattan++ ? what's that ?
19:53.11lbtit's building...
19:54.25thiago_homewell, MeeGo
19:54.25thiago_homewhatever Nokia is going to use on its devices after Harmattan
19:54.25pinchartlok :-)
19:54.25odin_there is no "MeeGo community OBS" ?
19:54.25lbtwas I too subtle tekojo?
19:54.25lbtodin_: oh yes there is...
19:54.38tekojolbt: you didn't use all caps, nice touch .)
19:54.40lbtwe're *so* close...
19:54.57X-Fadelbt ;)
19:54.59odin_was expecting a URL to appear just ^^^^ there
19:55.01tekojolbt: waiting on hardware still...
19:55.06slaineHave I missed something, Imad mentioned that the drivers where discussed on the list
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19:55.15Stskeepsslaine: maybe in the past?
19:55.18slaineit must have been an internal list
19:55.30slainethe only mentions I can see are when I announced updates
19:55.31mlpugare there any flashing instructions for that n900 image
19:55.36tekojoslaine: in moblin times?
19:55.42slaineeven then
19:55.49lcukslaine in AoB ask which list perhaps?
19:55.56mlpugdo I just bunzip2 that raw.bz2 image and then use normal n900 flasher=
19:56.13slaineperhaps, don't want to harrasing or belaboring the point though
19:56.16lcukbecause if its been discussed to death already it would help us to know where and what conclusions
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19:56.44odin_so the current OBS that is in use will stay being Nokia's own private OBS ?  and a new set of hardware and online system will become community OBS ?  so who in here are community OBS team then ?
19:57.42tekojoodin_: interested? hands are needed as soon as there is hardware :)
19:58.11X-Fadeodin_: It is just a test setup now on hardware we had available for
19:58.19X-FadeBut this will be exported to the new hardware.
19:58.24tekojoodin_: lbt and X-Fade have been testing things, and me and mikeshaver from Intel have been watching
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19:59.02X-FadeBasically it is a test case now, but it is starting to look good.
19:59.54lbtOK ... so we get weekly snapshots?
20:00.18X-Fadelbt: Let's work towards that for now.
20:00.18odin_you only get stuff out, if its been committed
20:00.18Andy80there is a bug with skype video calls between N900 and OSX computers and I WON'T submit any bug report
20:00.22lbtX-Fade: it's enough
20:00.36odin_the question is, with the "grand unveil strategy" you don't get the commits until last minute :(
20:00.37Andy80let's see if "someone" learn to pre-release testing images
20:00.41X-Fadelbt: We don't have the power to rebuild on each commit anyway :)
20:00.57Andy80instead of delaying a PR 1.2 because it must be stable
20:01.09Stskeepsnot a lot of #info today, but a lot of good logs
20:01.12lbtno, but a lot of this is principle
20:01.30lbtand sadly it feels a little like pulling teeth
20:01.31X-FadeI agree with lbt. The intent needs to be expressed.
20:01.41X-FadeAnd worked towards.
20:01.46thiago_homeAndy80: the problem is that a PR must be certified
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20:02.08lbtwell X-Fade, tekojo it's been a while since our last meeting...
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20:02.23lbtshould we announce another at some point?
20:02.24TSCHAKeeei'm noticing a lot of repeating things
20:02.26TSCHAKeeeover and over again
20:02.30tekojoyes, mrshaver was pushing me on that too :)
20:02.49TSCHAKeeeas if by some form of hard headed rote memorization that things will soak through to the subconscious
20:02.53tekojolbt: sure, I'll promise to remember tomorrow morning
20:02.54odin_will the build platform have the ability to build native for ARM (not qemu!)
20:02.59X-FadeCan we push that to next week though? :)
20:03.06X-FadeKinda busy atm..
20:03.07Andy80thiago_home: I (and lot of other people) could have submited this bug 1-2 months ago
20:03.15lbtX-Fade: yes, wanted to plan in advance
20:03.18thiago_homeAndy80: indeed you could
20:03.26X-Fadelbt: Ok, just checking.
20:03.30thiago_homeAndy80: but the question is whether Nokia could have given you the image back then.
20:03.32tekojoX-Fade: yes, this week is a bit short
20:03.42X-FadeShort and eventful.
20:03.54thiago_homeAndy80: that is, however, something we discussed today.
20:04.01Andy80thiago_home: it's simply absrd that one of the main feature contains a bug simply reproducible like: 1) connect 2) let skype to go online 3) choose a skype contact 4) video call 5) ooops! it doesn't work!
20:04.08thiago_homewe put it as an action point to find out if we can give pre-release images to developers.
20:04.09X-FadeLong days, not a lot of sleep.
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20:04.48thiago_homeAndy80: right. Like the Qt 4.7 beta1 release, where the QtDeclarative module was missing on Mac.
20:04.54thiago_homedude, oversights happen.
20:05.07lcukthiago_home, and not the leaky over the wall type.  something devs can sign up for above board types
20:05.23lcuk(thinking about the leaked pr1.2RC as example of wrong way)
20:05.34thiago_homeno, not leaked
20:05.43thiago_homeaccess properly given
20:05.53Andy80thiago_home: well... better not to talk about the Qt mess even this time... they removed QtMobility O_o
20:06.23thiago_homehowever, the problem is liability. If the new image has a bug in the network stack and causes your phone bill to quadruple, who are you going to blame?
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20:06.38lcukyou, personally
20:06.51thiago_homeanswer: the guy staring back at you when you look in the mirror.
20:07.12lcuktechnically since theres submissions and -testing queues and integration queues for all sorts of things
20:07.12tekojoAndy80: where did Qt Mobility get removed?
20:07.27thiago_homeQt Mobility was never part of the PR, so it couldn't be removed.
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20:07.32thiago_homeit's still in extras-devel
20:07.41lcukthiago_home, the fallback should be onto the devs giving GOOD patches along with testers ENSURING the patches apply cleanly
20:07.42X-Fadethiago_home: nope.
20:07.48X-Fadethiago_home: It is nokia-apps now.
20:07.52lcukand followed by the integration testing also doing a thorough job
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20:07.58lcukall down the line
20:08.00Andy80tekojo: read the thread "Qt SDK beta, N900 PR1.2 and qt-mobility-examples" in
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20:08.12lcukso by the time a weekly rolls up its releasable with fairly high confidence
20:08.18thiago_homeX-Fade: really?
20:08.32andrewfblackOk Atom processors are x86 right so why wont meego run fine on any x86 processor?
20:08.32X-Fadethiago_home: Yes.
20:08.40thiago_homepoints out that Qt SDK is not the Nokia Qt SDK
20:08.45Andy80tekojo: from repository I suppose
20:08.47thiago_homeQt SDK is for desktop development
20:08.52Andy80but I'll check on mine
20:08.57tekojoAndy80: but the libs are in nokia-apps, available on all devices
20:09.15thiago_homeandrewfblack: because even though all Atom processors are x86, not all x86 processors are Atom
20:09.37thiago_homeandrewfblack: some of the optimisations and archtecture tunings enabled to squeeze the most out of the processor will cause SIGILL on older processors.
20:09.38X-Fade for instance.
20:09.55slaineandrewfblack, 'cause it's compiled to do floating point math on the ssse3 registeres
20:09.56lcuklbt, in your notes about weeklies can there be some emphasis on step by step QA to try and ensure whats integrated is confirmed to fit and hence surprises will be limited
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20:10.12Stskeepsandrewfblack: it's comparable to ARMv4 vs ARMv7
20:10.17lcukthiago_home, all cpus are atoms, even you are made of atoms :P
20:10.18Andy80tekojo: you're right, just checked (and I've extras-testing and extras-devel disabled at the moment)... so what do the ppl write on ml :\ ???
20:10.33thiago_homelcuk: damn, I thought no one would catch that loophole :-)
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20:10.40lcukStskeeps, apart from the fact a lot of original x86 chips are faster than atoms
20:10.41tekojoAndy80: no idea, too late for me to check, I need sleep soon
20:10.43lbtlcuk: mmm that's part of the "work in the open"
20:10.59andrewfblackShould have gotten a eeepc 1000h instead of my 1000hd when I got it but I wanted the bigger hard drive
20:11.03lcuksure lbt, but emphasis where required and repeating it counts
20:11.21lcukits a mantra that all members would have to do
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20:11.36lcukand the better the patches and followup the better everything will be
20:11.52lbtI think that I'd feel odd saying that... it's part of the maintainers roles and I have no issue with them
20:11.54lcukand less heartattacky bosses will get about releasing proper dailies :D
20:11.57andyrossandrewfblack: The more political end of the answer is that Intel wants to ship MeeGo on a particular set of device, and the configuration (CFLAGS, mostly) was tuned to produce the best code on those devices specifically.  There's no reason in principle you couldn't build MeeGo for whatever architecture you want (the N900 certainly isn't an Atom!)
20:12.03lbtnot being able to *see* that...
20:12.09lbtis a problem
20:12.23lbtso Imad saying we could have weekly releases...
20:12.47andrewfblackhmm this does give me an excuss to buy a new netbook
20:13.06lbtalthough I'm tempted to submit a topic to Dawn right now for 2 weeks time saying "Where are the Weekly releases" :D
20:13.12w00t_lbt: and the thing is, it'll probably turn out to be accurate
20:13.40lbtyeah... but I probably already have a name for being cynical and irritating ;)
20:13.51lbtlike all good consciences...
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20:23.59Claydoes anyone have md5 hashes of the two release files?
20:25.14*** join/#meego DawnFoster (~DawnFoste@nat/intel/x-oeitfoynhlfvtarg)
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20:30.51prjktdtntis anyone else having repeated issues downloading the netbook image?
20:30.55*** join/#meego srag (~sragavan@
20:30.57*** topic/#meego by ChanServ -> MeeGo - | This channel is logged, see them at | - add yourself | MeeGo 1.0 Release | The Next TSG meeting is 9 June 19:00 UTC in #meego-meeting.
20:31.25prjktdtntI have tried to download it from both Firefox and Chrome only to have it die off between 60 and 150mb without being able to resume
20:32.11*** join/#meego Shinato (
20:32.12Stskeepstry the one without chrome?
20:32.23Stskeepsie, the non-eula image
20:33.08prjktdtntnot yet, I really wanted the one with chrome instead of chromium
20:33.21*** join/#meego mairas (
20:34.07prjktdtnti'll try it though, i'm sure I can figure out how to install chrome after the fact
20:37.19prjktdtntany reason why the chrome version is having such a tough time making a complete download?
20:38.08arjanprjktdtnt: yay for commercial download services
20:38.39prjktdtntarjan, ahh i see
20:39.04prjktdtntso far the chromium edition is chugging along nicely
20:39.24prjktdtntnow to start trying to figure out how to swap chromium for chrome
20:39.41*** join/#meego nielsvg (~5ee026a3@gateway/web/freenode/x-rsetpokpoudjgcch)
20:40.04nielsvgi've got a problem
20:40.44nielsvgeverytime i want to download meego for netbook the update failes after 60 or 100mb, is this normal or is it too busy on the server?
20:41.10*** join/#meego glinpus (~nunya@
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20:42.13arjannielsvg: try the mirror at
20:43.40nielsvgwhere can i use this link? i'm just using firefox and DAP
20:46.19nielsvgthx arjan
20:46.24nielsvgi'm downloading nox
20:48.18jedixanyone here use mic to create images for arm?
20:48.21*** join/#meego pinheiro (
20:48.33jedixI'm creating an image and the %pre/%posts fail a lot
20:48.42nielsvgdoes it work on a hp mini 2130?
20:49.16jedixI have no idea
20:49.20jedixI would assume it would
20:49.25jedixwait, are you talking to me?
20:49.37nielsvgto everyone, thx jedix
20:49.51nielsvgi'm loving the whole community thing of meego and maemo :)
20:50.25prjktdtntnielsvg, don't feel bad I've been having the same problem, luckily with the chromium version of the image it auto-resumes when it craps out
20:51.03nielsvgnow with dap and with the help of arjan it works and i'm on 32%
20:51.36arjanwe have other mirrors too
20:51.44arjanso not everyone use all this one at the same time ;-)
20:51.51prjktdtntusing wget myself, has had to resume at 37 and 63%
20:51.58nielsvgah its good to know
20:52.12nielsvgmine didnt stop yey
20:53.03prjktdtnti wish mine would quit stopping and just go straight to the end
20:53.15CosmoHilllcuk: did I tell you my result?
20:53.27nielsvghehe i also hated it with the normal download procedure
20:53.28*** join/#meego utzl (
20:53.32prjktdtntif only google would allow the EULA at runtime instead of download X(
20:54.06nielsvgyeah but what are we gonna do about it but just accepting it
20:54.31prjktdtntwith the chromium version it doesnt matter
20:54.55nielsvgand the version i'm downloading is with chrome in i guess?
20:55.13lcukCosmoHill, you are human?
20:55.17prjktdtntif you didn't click the *i agree* and then download you've got the chromium version
20:55.26lcukor did you fail the turing test again?
20:55.37prjktdtntnot a huge difference but there's a few differences
20:55.37nielsvgi choose the link arjan send
20:55.38CosmoHilli am human, a good one afterall
20:55.56nielsvgthis is another link with not much users so it works then the normal meego site
20:55.58prjktdtntnielsvg, yup, chromium, still works all the same i guess
20:56.11CosmoHilllcuk: I got 68% in my assignment
20:56.26*** join/#meego W_I (
20:56.52lcuk:D cool beans, whats that in relation to others?
20:57.02CosmoHill2nd best score so far
20:57.10elgonzoDoes anyone now, if meego runs on WXGA (1366x768) Displays?
20:57.13CosmoHillby 22% O.o
20:57.35lcuk(i once had an exam where my teacher said if i didnt get over 85% i would be introuble - i got 94% but still didnt get in trouble cos it was amongst top in class
20:58.09*** join/#meego tackat (~trahn@
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20:59.52prjktdtntnielsvg, 97%
21:00.21prjktdtntguess i better find that spare thumbdrive now
21:00.33nielsvgallready got it
21:01.23*** join/#meego techsoldaten (
21:02.28prjktdtntwriting to the jumpdrive now, then gonna fire up the netbook and see what she does :)
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21:06.46elgonzoAnyone knows, if meego runs on WXGA (1366x768) Displays?
21:07.46mrshaverPlease report any issues with downloading the Chrome image in this channel
21:11.49jedixanyone use mic-image-creator?
21:12.00jedixI'm trying to create an arm image but rpm %post/%pre scriptlets are failing
21:12.39th0br0did ew release 1.0?
21:12.55jedixI don't know
21:12.59th0br0oh i missed the meeting :((
21:13.08jedixis there a newwer one in build?
21:13.52jedixI'm trying use the one in
21:14.53*** join/#meego arjan (~arjan@nat/intel/x-flumszxgjyiljobv)
21:15.37*** join/#meego CosmoHill (
21:16.21CosmoHillI got 87.6% in two cisco exams
21:17.24*** join/#meego Moku (
21:19.18th0br0congratulations :)
21:19.22*** join/#meego niels_ (~5ee026a3@gateway/web/freenode/x-ksutnttogodhusdx)
21:19.30niels_problem! help!
21:19.54niels_i can get in the bootmenu but whatever i choose i get the error no support for your cpu vendor
21:19.55th0br0no problem! help!
21:20.02th0br0what cpu do you hav
21:20.21niels_i dont know
21:20.27niels_ive got a hp mini 2130
21:20.27arjanwhat kind of machine is it?
21:20.51CosmoHillthey were the most stupid exams
21:21.01CosmoHill"this is a laptop" "well done, 5 points"
21:21.08arjanwonder if this is the 2130 mini with the via chip
21:21.20niels_where can i check this?
21:21.27th0br0it's got an atom i think
21:21.29techsoldatenmrshaver, downloads are going to be spotty for the next 2 minutes
21:21.38th0br0uh wait
21:21.47niels_thx for the help allready
21:22.56*** join/#meego syncopated (
21:23.05th0br0no i think the 2130 might have that via c7 chip
21:23.12syncopatedis the download working ?
21:23.22niels_how can i check it which chip i have?
21:23.39th0br0niels_: yep, the 2133 got the via c7... seems like you're sol
21:23.50*** join/#meego Terje_ (~Terje@
21:24.05niels_so no meego for me
21:24.19*** join/#meego Terje_ (~Terje@
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21:24.52niels_no meego for me?
21:25.17th0br0if you got the hp mini 2133, not that i know of.
21:25.28jedixis the 2133 not x86?
21:25.42niels_ok so i'm screwed because i have a 2133
21:26.08jedixit's a via c7-m?
21:26.12th0br0seems so
21:26.33jedixthat's x86
21:26.38jedixwhat image did you try?
21:27.04lcuknits x86, but not intel only x86
21:27.08*** join/#meego Terje_ (~Terje@
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21:27.30jedixso what's the image require that it doesn't have?
21:27.49jedixoh, yeah.. that'd do it.
21:27.55lcuk+- however many S's as required
21:27.55jedixno meego for you
21:28.17jedixother distros would work
21:28.18niels_searching for a 2140 ;)
21:28.24odin_but there are i386 repos, and they dont have SSE3
21:28.37lbthey mrshaver o/
21:28.41jedixthey shouldn't
21:28.42jedixbut there's no image
21:28.54jedixerr they should
21:29.53arjanodin_: i386 repos? what does i386 mean?
21:30.22*** join/#meego daithib (
21:30.32mrshaverlbt: yes
21:30.33odin_well I presume it means no CPUID instruction (therefore no SSE) but you do get MMU and FPU :)
21:30.34arjanx86 is a wide range of capabilities
21:30.37arjansometimes including ssse3
21:30.40jedixintel 386, the most basic x86 instruction set that linux works on
21:30.54*** join/#meego Kaskuka (
21:31.02arjanjedix: nobody ships for that since even glibc does not support that anymore
21:31.09lbtmrshaver: tero agreed we need to have another pow-wow to make sure we're ready when the OBS hw arrives
21:31.32jedixah well, I have another issue.
21:31.44th0br0lbt: sounds nice :) looking forward to hearing about its arrival
21:31.50lbtniels and I have setup a OBS now.... it does both fremantle and meego
21:31.57jedixthe mic-image-creator is crapping out making arm images due to %pre/%post scriplets failing
21:31.58lbtth0br0: mmm me too
21:32.36lbtth0br0: we need to make sure it's secured correctly and then we can open up the http ports and give out some beta accounts
21:32.37mrshaverlbt: yes, agreed
21:32.49th0br0it'll still be 2 weeks at least i guess :)
21:32.49mrshaverjust trying to get through this release first!
21:32.51lbtthe pr 1.2 has delayed the guys
21:32.56lbtmrshaver: *nod*
21:33.12lbtthen maybe we can get some meego eyes on what we've done?
21:33.51pupnik_and maybe a community-fixed sdl
21:36.11*** join/#meego srag (~sragavan@
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21:38.54elgonzoAnyone knows, if meego support WXGA Displays (1366x768)?
21:40.01odin_what do you mean ?  do you mean will you get a picture ?  or do you mean, will you have a fantastic user experience ?
21:41.04elgonzoi mean, if the resolution will be native
21:41.38*** part/#meego pkt (~pradeeptk@
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21:44.56*** join/#meego RussB (~62ea306b@gateway/web/freenode/x-bacnioiekwyhpjrw)
21:45.25RussBHey! There's something going on on the meego server:
21:45.40RussBThat points to which is redirecting to
21:46.29RussBAnd the regular download page only points to chromium.
21:46.39RussBIs it a DNS mistake, or a hijacking or what's going on?
21:47.00prjktdtntanyone know if there's a way to download the b43 drivers and compile them for meego
21:47.19pupnik_grr b43
21:48.28DawnFosterwe're looking into it now
21:49.04summelRussB: i was asking that myself :D
21:49.07*** join/#meego Billynkid (
21:49.13prjktdtntok so b43 is currently not yet working then?
21:53.19DawnFosterThe download with the Chromium image should be fine.
21:53.20*** join/#meego _CitizenKane_ (
21:55.18summelyes it is
21:55.23summelit just finished for me :)
21:55.34summelwhats the difference anyways?
21:55.44summelwhat does chrome has what chromium is missing?
21:56.13techsoldatenhey guys
21:56.42techsoldatenanyone looking to download the meego chromium distro can get it here:
21:57.08techsoldatenerani, the chrome distro ;)
21:57.12summelthe chromium download works ... only the chrome download soesnt
21:57.15prjktdtnt*sigh* all that trouble to download and can't really play with it, no b43 and not sure how to get a copy of it
21:57.28techsoldatensummel, try getting it from
21:57.38techsoldatenthis should work, could use a guniea pig
21:57.44summelbut whats the difference anyways?
21:57.51techsoldatenthe load balancer went down
21:57.54syncopatedchrome download works
21:57.57techsoldatenlooks like that;s all it was
21:58.05summelyes download works from there :)
21:58.22summelbut i'd still like to know what the difference bitween chrome and chromium is
21:58.58RussBsummel - Chromium is the code name for the Chrome browser for Linux and Mac.
21:59.10summelbut there is a chrome for linux & mac os
21:59.16DawnFosterhere's the difference:
21:59.18techsoldatenwe are just waiting for dns to propigate to use the new load balancer
21:59.37RussBOh, woops. I was wrong.
21:59.38techsoldatenI know whose fault this is, and would be happy to go deal with him if that makes anyone feel better
21:59.53DawnFosteroops, wait that's the OS faq
22:00.14summelDawnFoster: thats for chrome os and chromium os not chrome and chromium
22:00.58*** join/#meego Nushio (~Johnny@fedora/Nushio)
22:01.19RussBAh, ha!
22:01.20RussB"The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS, the open-source projects behind the Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS"
22:01.47RussBThey're saving "Chrome" as their TMed browser name.
22:01.53RussBChromium is the project name.
22:01.55summeli know that chromium is open source but that is not the only difference is it?
22:02.01DawnFosterMore here:
22:02.37techsoldatensolarion, spyware
22:02.42techsoldatensolarion, spyware
22:02.49DawnFosterthis is a better answer:
22:02.51summelok so if i want auto update for meego i want to use the chrome image? :O
22:03.08Nushioi can't seem to download meego, is not responding
22:03.22slaineupdated my blog with broadcom instructions for meego 1.0
22:03.31DawnFosterslaine, great thanks
22:03.40DawnFosterNushio: we're working on it now
22:03.55NushioDawnFoster: alright :)
22:04.04DawnFosterYou can still download it from here:
22:04.07Nushiocan this be installed on a 1gb usb stick to try it out? or do i have to burn a cd?
22:04.19DawnFosteryou can use a USB stick
22:04.30RussBIs someone going to update the website?
22:04.37RussBThe download links are all fscked.
22:04.37DawnFosterThat's what we use to test it & you can boot from the USB stick
22:04.53DawnFosterRussB: yes, we know. We're working on fixing it now
22:04.58*** join/#meego Goodjee (~4db08b98@gateway/web/freenode/x-nrnqqyqixvhmcuqj)
22:05.00RussBOk, thanks. :-)
22:05.13*** join/#meego koupsaa (~koupsaa@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
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22:05.39Goodjeewhats wrong with downloadserver2?
22:05.59NushioGoodjee: i dunno, but i'm guessing it got hammered
22:06.05Nushiofrom too many trying to download at once?
22:06.07DawnFosterdefective load balancer
22:06.11DawnFosterI think
22:06.22DawnFosterThey are working right now to fix it
22:06.40Goodjeei don't think that thera are soo many guys wanting to download meego
22:07.07summeluhm << this is reeaaally sloooow
22:07.08Goodjeeand its down for hours
22:07.15*** join/#meego Billynkid (~Billynkid@
22:07.18summel68.3 kB/s
22:07.20pinchartlwhat's the status of meego for the N900 ?
22:07.23DawnFosterGoodjee: actually, the servers have been hammered all day.
22:07.30summelpinchartl: no GUI but it works
22:08.02pinchartlsummel: does "it works" mean I can just get a serial console ? :-)
22:08.03Goodjeei got a download startet about 6hours ago, bot after 80mbs it got canceled
22:08.18summelpinchartl: i gues... thats what it was like with 0.1 :)
22:08.25Nushiolink to a torrent would be welcome :P
22:08.35summel:( is there a better dowmload server for the chrome-version?
22:09.24DawnFosterI'd recommend downloading the chromium version now & upgrading to Chrome later
22:09.36summelhow would i do that?
22:09.40pinchartlis chrome the official meego browser ?
22:10.53DawnFostersummel: download the chromium version here:
22:11.03summeli already have the chromium version :D
22:11.12*** join/#meego javispedro (~javier@Maemo/community/council/javispedro)
22:11.26DawnFosteryou should just be able to get chrome from google and install it?
22:11.34summelthat easy? :O
22:11.43DawnFostertheoretically :)
22:12.01*** join/#meego dani_l (~dani@kde/developer/laidig)
22:12.17summelbut is meego better then moblin was? :o
22:12.25Nushiomeego == moblin 2.2
22:12.27Nushiothat never was
22:12.29summeloh and does the isntaller work now?
22:12.38summelyes, but is it better?
22:12.40Nushio(someone slap me if i'm wrong)
22:12.40Jartzain theory, awk and sed are the only applications you'll ever need :)
22:12.56prjktdtntlove the meego interface, wish i could find the driver and firmware to compile against meego's kernel to run my b43 but can't even seem to find a source copy of it
22:12.58summeland screen and ssh
22:13.11Nushioprjktdtnt: it doesn't support broadcom?
22:13.16Nushiocancels the download
22:13.26summel:o buy atheros already
22:13.26Nushioi seem to be hating dell more and more every day
22:13.43NushioSummel: stuck with this broadcom until i sell my laptop, which i just got ~5 months ago
22:13.54summelreplace the wifi card :)
22:14.17Goodjeeor buy a stick
22:14.17summeli have an atheros mini pci express wifi card left
22:14.29*** join/#meego andrei1089 (~andrei108@
22:14.33Nushiohmmm, i hadn't considered replacing the wifi card...
22:14.40prjktdtntnushio: sadly not, the wired seems to have the right module but my mini 9 has the b43 card in it and no modules are compiled into the release
22:15.02summeli replaced my atheros card with an atheros card that also works with mac os :)
22:15.08Nushioprjktdtnt: yeah, a friend has a dell mini 9 and couldn't get it to work on fedora's moblin spin
22:15.14Nushioat least, not without rpmfusion + kmod-wl
22:15.22*** part/#meego elgonzo (
22:15.46prjktdtntNushio i can get it to work fine with jolicloud and hexxeh images
22:15.47Goodjeewhich social networks are supported at the moment?
22:16.15Goodjeemoblin only supported twitter which kinda sucked
22:16.44prjktdtntthought about trying it on my inspiron 1420 since i'm pretty sure they have drivers for this wireless card at least to play around a bit
22:17.00*** join/#meego Wunschkind (
22:17.06NushioGoodjee: 2.1 supports, twitter, myspace, digg
22:17.11Nushionot sure about meego thoug
22:17.17*** join/#meego andrei1089 (~andrei108@
22:17.20Goodjeelastfm is nice
22:17.20summeli want digg jabber and
22:17.27summeland sip
22:17.30Nushioi want facebook
22:17.35summeland google for email calendaer and contacts
22:17.39prjktdtntagrees with nushio
22:17.40WunschkindHey, is there any torrent for meego (I guess that would be legal!?)? The web dl is really slow for me...
22:17.47Nushioevery malicious site on earth seems to have access to my facebook data
22:17.49Nushiowhy can't my os? :P
22:17.54Goodjeewhy not facebook? i thought it was that popular
22:18.02summeli dont like facebook
22:18.13DawnFosterkeep in mind that this is a base reference build.
22:18.14NushioSummel: me neither, but my friends seem to, so I joined :-/
22:18.21Goodjeejust configure it right
22:18.21slainenight folks
22:18.35DawnFostercompanies will take it, add a bunch of cool stuff and then ship it
22:18.39summelso only 6 hours uuntil the download is finished -_-
22:18.50summelDawnFoster: and that sucks :(
22:18.55DawnFosterit's a linux distro, so you should be able to add apps
22:19.09summel"oh look what my meego can do!" "oh... i wish my meego could do that ;_;"
22:19.17DawnFosterour image is big enough already without including everything :)
22:19.28summelno you probably cant because its closed source and drm'ed
22:19.36*** join/#meego Vladimiroff (~netcutter@
22:19.38TSCHAKeeenice to see the trolls are in top form.
22:19.55DawnFostersummel: install whatever you want on it. You have the freedom :)
22:19.56NushioSummel: what's closed sourced and drm'd?
22:20.00*** join/#meego seiflotfy (
22:20.08summelNushio: nothing atm but i guess some stuff will be -_-
22:20.11Nushio(besides an ubuntu release, oh snap!)
22:20.34Goodjeechrome is closed source
22:20.38summeli know
22:20.45summelbut only parts of it
22:20.45TSCHAKeeeshakes head.. this is where the idiotic FUD comes from.
22:20.51VladimiroffI'm just going in, so sorry if this questions has been already asked but.... does now in MeeGo 1.0 the desktop envroitment is Qt-based? Because all apps are still the gnome(gtk+) apps...
22:21.11summelVladimiroff: thats what i always hated on maemo and moblin :D
22:21.21NushioGoodjee: i bet you say that android is closed source too?
22:21.21summel"oh look we have qt4 now! but we dont use it..." ---
22:21.31summelNushio: in parts it is
22:21.35summelmore then maemo
22:21.35*** join/#meego Deiz (~swh@unaffiliated/deiz)
22:21.38Nushiothe gapps are closed sourced
22:21.40TSCHAKeeeexcuse me, why would it matter what toolkit is being used?
22:21.44Vladimiroffsummel: yeah! thats why I'm disappointed...
22:21.53Nushioand some specific drivers are closed too (sadly)
22:21.57TSCHAKeeeare you a developer?
22:21.58Nushiobut the operative system isnt'
22:21.58summelTSCHAKeee: because we are qt fanboys :PO
22:22.06pinchartlNushio: isn't the proprietary VM closed source (and undocumented) too ?
22:22.08Vladimiroffis there full Qt-zation planned or they just gave us the qt libs so we could port our qt apps for it?
22:22.09TSCHAKeeesummel, are you a developer?
22:22.17summelim trying to be :D
22:22.27Vladimiroffand still...does the DE is still that Clutter thing...written with gtk+?
22:22.29Nushiopinchartl: dalvik? i guess you're right, i forgot about that /insignificant/ part
22:22.29summelVladimiroff: thats how it is on maemo atm :(
22:22.36TSCHAKeeeVladimiroff, what's wrong with Clutter?
22:22.45TSCHAKeeeVladimiroff, it's a very capable canvas toolkit.
22:22.52VladimiroffTSCHAKeee: nothing. I've just expected Qt-based envroitment
22:22.55summelclutter is not qt...t hats what wrong with it :PÜ
22:22.58TSCHAKeeerolls eyes
22:23.15VladimiroffTSCHAKeee: can't say it better than summel :D
22:23.25*** join/#meego koupsaa (~koupsaa@2a01:e35:1386:4120:222:43ff:fe32:b871)
22:23.40summeloh now my download finished time is gone up to 8 hours \o/
22:23.46Vladimirofflike design, effects etc...I like it. but I was expecting Qt at all.
22:23.50*** join/#meego edisson (
22:23.52VladimiroffDoes such a thing planned at all?
22:24.04TSCHAKeeeVladimiroff, too early to say.
22:24.10TSCHAKeeethings are just getting started
22:24.14summeli thought it would be all qt from the beginning :(
22:24.33pinchartlsummel: the Qt code base will probably grow over time
22:24.35TSCHAKeeesummel, wow, you must think that the dev team are a bunch of superhuman people?
22:24.37Wunschkindsummel: That's why I was asking for a torrent. :S
22:24.44pinchartla full Qt environment would have taken a long time to devel
22:24.53pinchartlis there a KDE version for meego ? :-)
22:24.53TSCHAKeeesummel, i mean, considering the project was only ANNOUNCED in February?!
22:24.56summelTSCHAKeee: no, i think most developers need tpo be shot :P
22:25.12summelTSCHAKeee: moblin is older then fevruary
22:25.21zaheermhas someone got an md5sum of the meego 1.0 chromium download?
22:25.25summeland meego is nearly completely moblin as far as i can tell from the screenshots
22:25.27TSCHAKeeesummel, now, you're just talking to piss people off.
22:25.41TSCHAKeeeputs the idiots on ignore.
22:25.45zaheermsummel, the netbook ux is of course
22:26.20VladimiroffI think we gone too far in GTK+ vs. Qt thing...
22:26.23Vladimiroffrolls eyes...
22:27.30NushioVladimiroff: i agree, java swing ftw!
22:28.00Goodjeehe's an expert :D
22:28.15summel10 hours now :)
22:28.25pinchartlVladimiroff: GTK+ vs. Qt is for a big part a matter of personal preferences. I don't expect developers with 10 years of GTK+ experience to switch to Qt all of a sudden, and I don't expect the opposite either
22:28.27NushioSummel: i'll be done in 18 minutes :P
22:28.36summelNushio: with the chrome image?
22:28.42pinchartland I'm actually quite happy there's competition in the GUI toolkits space
22:28.51NushioSummel: chromium, i've always hated chrome :P
22:28.55Vladimiroffpinchartl: me too. But that was the thing that Nokia and Intel were saying
22:28.59summeli already have the chromium image
22:29.10summelVladimiroff: exactly
22:29.19pinchartlVladimiroff: as I've said, I expect the Qt codebase in meego to grow slowly over time
22:29.27summelalso why did nokia buy trolltech when they are not using qt? :(
22:29.30pinchartlVladimiroff: especially for the handheld UI
22:29.34Vladimiroffwe are going to Qt. It is awesome, and it's way better than gtk+. now we are presenting you our great OS with Qt included, know...gtk+ is not bad, too...we prefer to use it...
22:29.53pinchartlmeego is a joint project
22:29.56pinchartlmaemo + moblin
22:30.08pinchartlmaemo has its roots in the handheld markets
22:30.15pinchartland moblin in the netbook markets
22:30.18summeland im sorry but imho the one moblin release there was sucked :P it was nice but it sucked...
22:30.21pinchartlmaemo6 will be using Qt
22:30.23summelkinda hard to explain
22:30.25pinchartland moblin used GTK+
22:30.29summelmaemo 6 = meego
22:30.39pinchartlso meego uses both toolkits
22:30.40Vladimiroffpinchartl: maemo6 will be MeeGo :)
22:30.43Nushiomoblin 2.2 == meego
22:30.51summelmaemo already uses gtk and qt
22:30.56pinchartldepending on which markets it will be used for
22:30.57Vladimiroffpinchartl: no. meego uses only GTK+ and just has qt included, but still unused
22:31.04pinchartlVladimiroff: maemo6 will be harmattan
22:31.15summeland harmattan will be meego
22:31.22Nushiohow's "maemo" pronounced? (/me not a native english speaker)
22:31.32TSCHAKlooks at the sheer amount of "talking out one's ass" contained in the last 30 or so lines... wow.
22:31.45Vladimiroffpinchartl: at the last Nokia conferention out here they said, that next maemo release will be Meego ;)
22:32.24Vladimiroffhowever...I'm disappointed, crying out alone in the rain and please for full Qt-ized DE for netbooks... someone call Chuck Norris, please :D
22:32.33summelTSCHAKeee: i thought you torned on your ignore switch? oO
22:32.42summelVladimiroff: ++
22:32.43TSCHAKnot on this box
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22:34.26pinchart1sorry about that
22:35.28*** join/#meego maelcum (
22:37.09Andy80anyone knows how to change the keyboard layout in MeeGo 1.0 without changing all the system language?
22:37.24summelloadkeys de
22:37.29summelfor german keyboard
22:37.51Andy80ehm.... not difficoult, ok... but... no way to do this in Settings?
22:37.52Goodjeedas ist einfach :D
22:37.59summelGoodjee: ja ^^
22:38.17summelAndy80: hmm i dont know i left my netbook at home and had no chance to try meego yet :/
22:38.44Goodjeein moblin there was an option, if i remember it correctly
22:38.51Andy80summel: note, I didn't install it yet, I ran it from the live SD... does it change in any way once installed?
22:39.08VladimiroffAndy80: nope, I think. I've searched for the damn layout for more than half hour....
22:39.15summeli dont think it will cachange ^^
22:39.24Andy80oh :\
22:39.28Vladimiroffthere are just basic keyboards settings from the GNOME(damn it) settings app
22:39.42DawnFosterIt would be great if you could file it as a bug
22:39.55Vladimiroffgood night. I'm going to search for Chuck Norris to fix this mess
22:40.04DawnFosterthere should be a way to set the keyboard without changing the language
22:40.04maelcumdoes anybody have a working download link or a torrent for the 1.0 netbook images?
22:40.08Andy80DawnFoster: I'll do it, I wanted to be sure it was a bug before submitting it
22:40.22DawnFosterIf no one can find it, I'd call that a bug :)
22:40.41Goodjeebetter call it missing feature :D
22:40.43Andy80I'd like to keep the language in english, because if for example I get an error, you wouldn't be happy to see the error message in Italian language :)
22:40.48DawnFosterI suspect it isn't there, but if it is, it's buried so deep no one can find it is down...
22:40.51Nushiodoes meego still launch one "zone"/workspace per app?
22:41.00Nushioor can it finally display more than one application per window?
22:41.01DawnFosteryes, we are having issues with the downloads
22:41.14Goodjeeu r not the first :D
22:41.15DawnFosterI can tell you that several people are working hard to get it back up
22:41.34Robot101DawnFoster: there's a mirror on
22:41.55Robot101(fixed now, was 403ing)
22:42.01Robot101DawnFoster: can we get it linked off the website or something?
22:42.14Andy80and... another question before submitting the bug (maybe another missing feature?) in Ubuntu it's pretty easy to setup a mobile connection with my N900: I just plug the USB cable, select "Pc Suite" on my phone and the connection wizard appears. I couldn't find any similar way in MeeGo. How can I do it?
22:42.15summelRobot101: but also only chromium images :/
22:42.20*** join/#meego sirPengi (
22:42.25Goodjeebut only chromium
22:42.38Robot101summel: yeah, we can't redistribute the chrome images, magic google pixie dust etc :/
22:42.45DawnFosterandy80: I'm not sure about that one - anyone from Nokia here to answer it?
22:42.56summelmy chrome download is now a t 15 hours ;_;
22:43.09maelcumRobot101: nice, that one seems to work.
22:43.10Goodjeerobot101 what about torrents, impossible 2?
22:43.16Robot101I use chromium on my desktop though, is it really that different?
22:43.18Andy80DawnFoster: I don't think it's a N900 problem.... I think it's missing the support for mobile connections :\
22:43.33Robot101Goodjee: our ISP gave us a challenge to cause them to notice
22:43.40DawnFosterright, but I'm thinking maybe someone from Nokia has tried this?
22:43.41Robot101lets prove him wrong ... :P
22:43.46*** join/#meego prjktdtnt (
22:44.14summelRobot101: i dont know if theres adifference in meego but on the desktop there is
22:44.20prjktdtntso got it running on my inspiron 1420, seems like all devices are working actually
22:44.25Andy80DawnFoster: I think they're all on vacation after the PR 1.2 release :D
22:44.39summelso i guess the chrome version on meego also can display h.264 or whatever and the chromium version cant?
22:45.14Robot101summel: you can probably add chrome onto a chromium image later somehow, no?
22:45.25summeli only use bluetooth to connect my pc over the n900 with the web :o
22:45.37summelRobot101: i'm not sure but i will try later
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22:45.44Andy80summel: I don't have BT on my EeePC 1005PE
22:45.49summelah i see
22:46.02summeli could try later but as i already said i dont have my netbook with me atm
22:46.13Andy80summel: and USB cable is pretty fine for me, because I can recharge my phone a bit while using it :)
22:46.32*** join/#meego SeH_ (
22:46.35Andy80summel: which netbook do you have?
22:46.45summelbluetooth AND 3G is quite power consuming :D
22:46.47summelsamsung nc10
22:46.48*** part/#meego Nushio (~Johnny@fedora/Nushio)
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22:47.00summelbutit has been ouit of use since i got my mbp :D
22:47.07*** join/#meego Billynkid (~Billynkid@
22:47.23summel16 hours now ;_;
22:47.50Andy80what is mbp?
22:47.52Goodjeewaiting for downloads if fun ;-)
22:48.06summelmacbook pro
22:48.19summelGoodjee: not that long... i have 10Gb/s ;_;
22:48.19Goodjeewhich screensize?
22:48.25Andy80oh... now that I remember... there are also some bugs related to Fn keys :\ I should submit them too
22:48.28summel10" or 10.1"
22:48.35summelor do you mean the mbp? :D
22:48.51summelkinda... i'm at the university :D
22:49.00summelthe mbp has 15"
22:49.01Goodjeethought so
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22:49.38Goodjeewell, you'll never be able to use them :D
22:49.50summelnot from amazon appareantly xD
22:50.24mrshaverWe are still working out issues with our infrastructure for the MeeGo image with the Chrome browser
22:51.01Robot101mrshaver: can collabora mirror the chrome images too somehow?
22:51.23summelno thats a license issue
22:51.29summeli guess
22:51.32mrshaverRobot101: sorry, but the download has to pass through the EULA
22:52.00mrshaverthat is causing the issue partially
22:52.04Robot101mrshaver: right, but could we host the eula too? I mean, just tell us what we need to put on our servers and we can sort it
22:52.14Andy80I donwloaded the Chromium version :P
22:52.23Andy80I can always install Chrome later
22:52.30Goodjeeu r so cool
22:52.43Robot101mrshaver: alternatively, publishing some clear instructions on how to add chrome later and putting the chromium image first might help?
22:53.09summeli guess i will download the chrome image tomorrow
22:53.36mrshaverRobot101: thanks, good idea and I'll let you know
22:53.50Robot101mrshaver: sure, let us know if we can help at all
22:53.55*** join/#meego andrei1089 (~andrei108@
22:54.30Goodjeehow can a small script like accept eula cause such huge trouble?
22:56.11summeli guess you  dont get the same download link everone else gets when you accept the eula
22:56.34summelso the script would then at least have to create a link to the real file for every user who accepts the eula
22:58.17Goodjeea very basic solution would be redirecting everyone trying to access the file via .htaccess to an eulaacceptance page and everyone pushing the button to file.img?eulaaccepted=1
22:58.42summelmaybe i dont know if that is enough :)
22:58.54*** join/#meego Kaskuka (
22:58.58Goodjeeprobaply it could be improved :D
22:59.10summeli dont know how the law is in the us on these things but i guess it is pretty stupid :P
23:00.32*** part/#meego Wunschkind (
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23:01.31RussBAnyone get MeeGo running under VirtualBox? I can't seem to get the .img to boot...
23:01.56RussB(I mounted it as a floppy)
23:02.14*** join/#meego TenPhil (
23:02.15koupsaano mp3
23:03.09TenPhilHey, does anyone have an idea of getting meego to work in VirtualBox?
23:04.07Goodjeebut the eulathing could be done using modrewrite
23:05.26RussBI was just asking that TenPhil...
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23:05.39RussBI mounted the .img as a Floppy, but it's not happy.
23:06.07RussBI wonder if converting the .img into an .iso would be better?
23:06.10summelmount it as cdrom
23:06.30RussBOh, I didn't know that was possible.
23:06.45Goodjeei'm having an oral exam tomorrow, so i'll better go to bed. maybe the download works tomorrow.
23:08.21summelnite + good luck ^^
23:08.44TenPhilbtw, the mount as cdrom does not work either.
23:08.56summelwhat error do you get?
23:09.12TenPhilyou get to install + the setup dialog, after that it stops. black screen
23:09.30summelis it the latest vmware version?
23:09.32RussBmount -t iso9660 -o loop /home/russell/Downloads/meego-netbook-chromium-ia32-1.0-20100524.1.img /media/meego/
23:09.42RussBDoes that look right? (I'm on Ubuntu)
23:09.42summelor are you still using sun vmware? ;:D
23:10.01summelyou dont have to mount the image  on ubuntu mount it in the vm
23:10.12summelconfigure your vm and add the .img as the cdrom drive
23:10.26RussBAhhhh.. :-)
23:10.31RussBLet me try that.
23:10.43*** join/#meego arjan (~arjan@nat/intel/x-dnxeshzkbqtmubob)
23:11.12glinpusfwiw,  I understand meego, like moblin will be less than usable in a vm
23:11.24summeli guess so ^^
23:11.41glinpusI did a lot of work with moblin in vm's, but you can't use the gui
23:12.00Andy80DawnFoster, summel : I've got an idea... since I've only tried the "live" image I didn't see any "login" window... maybe during thr login you can change keyboard and language just like in GDM?
23:12.13summelthere is no login window afaik
23:12.18Andy80what O_o ?
23:12.19summelwhich sucks, yes :D
23:12.46summelbut hey meego will have facebook support probably, so thats nothing to worry about ;)
23:12.47RussBHey, I got it to give me the boot screen. But then it doesn't actually run.
23:12.50Andy80ok... no way for me to ise that than :\
23:13.03summelRussB: error message?
23:13.36DawnFosterarjan: It is possible to change to an italian keyboard while leaving the language as english?
23:13.46Andy80summel: belive me.... the MeeGo UI is really impressive... but all those missing are not helping me to switch from ubuntu-nbr to meego :\
23:13.57summelDawnFoster: it should work with "loadkeys it"
23:14.04RussBNothing happens when I choose "Boot MeeGo" - it just stalls.
23:14.14summelAndy80: i dont find it impressive :( too many features are missing imho
23:14.22summelor at least were missing in moblin
23:14.49Andy80summel: I mean... there are many things that I like... for example the auto-hiding top panel, the UI effects, the home layout ecc....
23:15.02summelyes i feel the same way
23:15.12summelit has a great potential it just doesnt feel right
23:15.41RussBThis kernel requires the following features...
23:15.52summelenable pae then :)
23:15.55summelalso in the vm settings
23:16.30RussBYou're thinking, "Wasn't I going to bed?" aren't you?
23:16.51summelno :P
23:16.59summelim still watching heroes :)
23:17.28Andy80summel: what is the place where MeeGo features are discussed? I mean.... how could I ask, for example, to include a login prompt or a keyboard layout settings ecc... ?
23:17.42summelprobably write a bugreport?
23:18.25summeli mean it is a bug if somebody else can just use your pc and access all your files without having anything to prevent that?
23:18.28DawnFosteryou can start the discussions in the meego-dev mailing list for anything big that requires some discussion
23:18.34Andy80yes... I can but.... how happen that someone wake up a morning and says: oh, let's remove the login feature!
23:18.36DawnFosteror to check and make sure that it is a bug
23:18.43summeli dont know :D
23:18.51DawnFosterfor obvious bugs, just file them in bugzilla
23:18.51summelbut moblin also had no login screen
23:19.12summeli dont know if i can even change the username?
23:21.30RussBHmm... same result as TenPhil. It's booting, but doesn't get far before the screen turns black and stays that way.
23:22.34koupsaanice gadget at toolbars
23:24.14TenPhildang, going to bed now. will be back tomorrow, hopefully with some positive results. Will be posted to forums, making a request post now.
23:25.07RussBAhh, wait -the install is working.
23:25.19RussBThe live boot doesn't work, but I can go through the install wizard.
23:25.28koupsaafirst auto submit bug report :)
23:25.33TenPhilyes, that should work, but the live boot does not
23:26.04TenPhilbut you won't get past the setupscreen on the first startup
23:27.15koupsaahow to make/write gadget ?
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23:32.04TenPhilcould it be down to lack of support for btrfs in VB?
23:32.22summelno the filesystem does not matter
23:32.35glinpuspretty sure it's the heavy use of gl
23:32.43summelmaybe you are on an amd cpu? or your virtualbox is too old?
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23:33.21TenPhilon intel 86_64 and VB 3.1.6
23:33.37summelhmmm dunno about 64bit...
23:33.43summelmaybe that could be the problem?
23:33.56DeizDuplicated the issue on AMD x86-64, VB 3.2.0
23:34.26TenPhilok, anyone who can test it in a 32bit?
23:34.26summelDeiz: amd should never work afaik because meego is intel only (and in this case atom only)
23:34.39summelim on amd 64bit :/
23:35.53TenPhilRussB: what system are you on?
23:35.55RussBOkay, it installed... and then won't boot. :-)
23:36.00RussBUbuntu 10.4
23:36.12TenPhilprocessor and vb version?
23:36.13RussBUsing Sun's VirtualBox
23:36.28summelsun = there is a newer version
23:36.28TenPhilyou running 64/32?
23:37.01summelnewest version is from oracle :D
23:37.08RussBrather 3.0.12 r54 etct. etc.
23:37.35RussBAhhh... Do I have to give them my first unborn child? Pay tech support for every MIPS about 1,000,000 ?
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23:37.57RussBOracle == Evil.
23:38.34RussBDownloading now...
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23:38.46summelwell they own sun now :/
23:39.10TenPhilRussB: is your system 32 or 64bit? trying to see if there are any problems with 64vs32bit systems.
23:39.34RussBOh, sorry - it's 32 bit. Dual Core Sony lappy.
23:39.58summelhmmm sttrange
23:40.42DeizMeant Intel. Need more coffee.
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23:41.34DeizGoing to give the CD a try on a 32-bit system
23:42.39TenPhilproblem posted on meego forum.
23:43.53Votanis there a . kernel available ? I built an X-M G2 into my netbook and want to make use of trim to keep the wear-level down ?.
23:48.34Votan.34 kernel I mean
23:49.14*** join/#meego markc (
23:49.16RussBShe's booting... (I think, I see wallpaper)
23:49.22TenPhilnot enought info?
23:49.28TenPhilyes that you should.
23:49.56TenPhilhave you gotten past the choice of keyboard and UTC?
23:49.57markcdumb question, how do I manually start/stop network connections from a shell?
23:50.30markcI've never used a rpm based system before
23:50.50RussBYep, there now. Black screen...
23:50.56markcand I've spent at least an hour rtfg
23:50.57hcarregasame problem in virtualbox macpro
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23:51.19hcarregacant boot
23:51.23hcarregacant install
23:51.35RussBTenPhil Looks like it's hosed.
23:52.11RussBOk, gotta run to pick up my kid. Thanks for the help all!
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23:53.14markcanyone with a clue how to start/stop network connections from a shell in rpm/redhat/meego systems?
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23:54.53markclike, the equiv of "ifup wlan0" or "/etc/init.d/network start" on a debian system?
23:54.54glinpuswell, ifup works on plenty of systems
23:55.13glinpusas well as the init method
23:55.35glinpushaven't booted meego yet though, moblin used conman
23:56.20DawnFostermeego uses connman, too
23:57.38markcwhat might be the typical init method... example?
23:58.01TenPhilg'night all. back tm.
23:58.04markcah, connman, with 2 nn's... I was searching for conman at one point
23:58.19glinpusmy bad, misspelled
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23:58.52markcoh ... still, what is the typcial way to start/stop services on meego?
23:59.28*** join/#meego X-Fade (

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