IRC log for #maemo on 20200502

00:07.39*** join/#maemo tm (~sinnlos@unaffiliated/tm)
00:13.39*** join/#maemo MeganWillia (a37d72de@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
01:17.43*** join/#maemo xray256 (
01:22.40*** join/#maemo luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
03:22.01*** join/#maemo CindyMello (3a08d053@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:08.02*** join/#maemo tm (~sinnlos@unaffiliated/tm)
04:11.19*** join/#maemo DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
07:07.26*** join/#maemo LauRoman (
07:17.53brolin_empeyI want to upgrade the version of PDFCreator from around a decade ago on a Windows XP computer that cannot be upgraded to a newer version of Windows to the newest version of PDFCreator for Windows XP, which is apparently 2.5.0 from early 2017 but I cannot find an official/non-dodgy source for the installer/setup program for this version.  Does anyone know of an official/non-dodgy source for PDFCreator version 2.5.0?  Apparently I found at least one source but
07:20.16brolin_empeyIf you are curious, this Windows XP computer controls the surface-mount electronic device pick & place machine of my company, which is why it is stuck with Windows XP.
07:27.07*** join/#maemo AnnaNystrom (23bde947@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:30.07*** join/#maemo infobot (
08:30.07*** topic/#maemo is Welcome to #maemo | "firmware" see ~lf (or ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher) sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet
08:30.08*** mode/#maemo [+v infobot] by ChanServ
08:45.18*** join/#maemo Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
09:31.35*** join/#maemo strohalm (~smoofi@
09:31.36*** join/#maemo strohalm (~smoofi@unaffiliated/strohi)
09:32.09*** join/#maemo Natch (
10:07.54*** join/#maemo Kabouik (
10:37.29*** join/#maemo mickname (~mickname@2001:708:30:1300:202:c9ff:fe9f:c5f0)
11:21.31*** join/#maemo mickname (~mickname@2001:708:30:1300:202:c9ff:fe9f:c5f0)
11:49.32*** join/#maemo valeriusN (
11:51.36*** join/#maemo thuttu77 (
11:51.53*** join/#maemo jabis (
12:31.21*** join/#maemo Kabouik- (
13:29.26*** join/#maemo Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
13:47.57*** join/#maemo strohalm (~smoofi@
13:47.57*** join/#maemo strohalm (~smoofi@unaffiliated/strohi)
15:09.44*** join/#maemo infobot (
15:09.44*** topic/#maemo is Welcome to #maemo | "firmware" see ~lf (or ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher) sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet
15:09.45*** mode/#maemo [+v infobot] by ChanServ
15:16.00*** join/#maemo mickname (~mickname@2001:708:30:1300:202:c9ff:fe9f:c5f0)
15:44.02*** join/#maemo xmn (
15:44.32*** part/#maemo xmn (
16:35.43*** join/#maemo LauRoman (
17:09.15*** join/#maemo luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
17:45.05*** join/#maemo luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
18:11.29*** join/#maemo nwolf900 (~user@
18:41.39*** join/#maemo akossh (~akossh@unaffiliated/akossh)
18:41.46*** join/#maemo LauRoman|Alt (
19:40.49*** join/#maemo florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
20:16.49*** join/#maemo JessiStein (71c21528@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
20:46.10*** join/#maemo Gizmokid2005 (
21:27.19*** join/#maemo povbot_ (
21:36.39*** join/#maemo xmn_ (
21:37.02*** part/#maemo xmn_ (
21:37.10*** join/#maemo xmn_ (
21:37.13*** part/#maemo xmn_ (
21:39.21*** join/#maemo xmn (
21:57.03*** part/#maemo xmn (
23:17.31*** join/#maemo pagurus (

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.