IRC log for #maemo on 20190902

04:47.16*** join/#maemo infobot (
04:47.16*** topic/#maemo is Welcome to #maemo | "firmware" see ~lf (or ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher) sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet
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05:27.54*** join/#maemo spiiroin (~spiiroin@
06:29.09*** join/#maemo florian (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
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08:57.27*** join/#maemo Halftux (~halftux@
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09:35.20Halftuxmost maemo qt application are fixed to tls1.0 this was a security thing to prevent using ssl3.0 the latest qt version in cssu devel is from jonwil and it supports higher openssl and redirection fix and due to security reasons it disables tslv1.0 so you need to use in your qt code something like anyprotocol or secureprotocols
09:36.24Halftuxqt cssu15 source code is in the tls12 branch on github
09:37.02Halftux... as far as I know
09:38.57Halftuxfahrplan (cssu) and gpxsee (from openrepos) are using the latest openssl and qt version and they are working
09:44.33*** join/#maemo eMHa (~mh@
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11:24.51*** join/#maemo jskarvad (~jskarvad@redhat/jskarvad)
11:26.58sixwheeledbeastSo all the stuff in extras would need recompiling I imagine then
11:33.52*** join/#maemo ollieparanoid[m] (ollieparan@gateway/shell/
11:38.16Halftuxyes all stuff which using qt-network module with ssl connections and have qssl definition set to tlsv1 needs code changes and recompilation. I don't know if application which have already anyprotocol for example needs a recompilation against newer qt-network.
11:39.53freemangordonI guess this should be handled from the qt (i.e defaulting to tlsv11 or mapping unsupported version to supported)
11:40.10freemangordona requirement to recompile all of the repo does not make sense
11:43.00sixwheeledbeastI would agree, a lib update that breaks say 90% of apps is an issue.
11:43.25Halftuxyes if qt would handle it this would be nice and the right way and I think it should be possible
11:45.11freemangordonI don;t see why it should not be possible
11:45.44Halftuxin this case I guess jonwil cared only about fahrplan that he could connect to a server which needs this sni patch and tlsv12
11:46.13sixwheeledbeastit is cssu-devel after all
12:07.16*** join/#maemo jskarvad (~jskarvad@redhat/jskarvad)
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13:56.31DocScrutinizer05wow, hi xes, freemangordon! :-)
13:59.16DocScrutinizer05Halftux: Fahrplan is working? It's broken for me, so I need an update?
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14:39.04*** join/#maemo Wizzup (
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14:56.02HalftuxDocScrutinizer05: which version from which repository are you running?
14:58.26*** join/#maemo Vajb (
15:00.16Halftuxso when you are on extras-testing I recommend to install the version from extras-devel there I made a fix for the DB parsing in the case when a flap arrow on the html page is not open it will open the arrow and parses the page again
15:01.26Halftuxand about the gps thing there is a button in the upper menu to enable gps
15:09.26Halftuxatm I am not sure if DB parsing from fahrplan uses ssl but if you still face some problems tell me your openssl version, qt-network version and an example search which is not working
15:14.40DocScrutinizer05app simply freezes on selecting destination or origin location, doesn't enable/use GPS either it seems
15:15.18DocScrutinizer05I guess I patched that version myself a long time ago, so no idea which version I actually run
15:17.19Halftuxhmm never faced a freeze with fahrplan and I am using the version from extras-devel
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15:18.44Halftuxabout gps I cant tell because gps hardware is broken on my daily N900 I will check on another one
15:22.36sicelogps hardware broken? meaning modem broken or you mean something else?
15:22.43DocScrutinizer05not exactly freeze but stall
15:23.06DocScrutinizer05no reply to a HTTP request I guess
15:23.52Halftuxmaybe the server was down when you tried?
15:25.00*** join/#maemo Oksana_ (
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15:26.19Halftuxmaybe the gps antenna I don't know but modem has also contact problems so I will never get a fixed gps signal but the sat symbol is blinking
15:29.00Halftuxand I have already two N900 with none working gps and lost sim card connection after none gently handling or after high temperature change
15:31.42bencohsome people decided to cut the (hardware) trace to gps antenna
15:31.48bencohit might be one of those devices
15:33.39Halftuxafter purchasing it was working, problems occured after long time of usage
15:45.41*** join/#maemo Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:04.30*** join/#maemo nslu2-log (~nslu2-log@
17:05.36*** join/#maemo Halftux (
17:07.38freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: hi!
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21:10.12*** join/#maemo florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
22:12.15xesDocScrutinizer05: :) hi Doc!
22:19.42DocScrutinizer05undeletable emails
22:21.02DocScrutinizer05and of course this breaks archiving all emails in bulk as well
22:22.54DocScrutinizer05so I can't archive emails to nuke the complete app and dirs and rogue emails, and I can't delete emails to enable archiving
22:29.51*** join/#maemo Kilroo (~Kilroo@
23:12.42*** join/#maemo DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
23:41.06*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@

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