IRC log for #maemo on 20171024

01:05.24*** join/#maemo dafox (~dafox@2a02:a448:c25a:1:7061:3b2a:37df:ded3)
01:31.04*** part/#maemo stryngs (~stryngs@unaffiliated/stryngs)
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01:50.45*** join/#maemo erstazi (~erstazi@unaffiliated/erstazi)
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04:10.21CatButts[00:28] <Maxdamantus> CatButts: I imagine you would just use a debian root for such things.
04:10.30CatButtslike SSH-ing into a device
04:10.48CatButtssadly, I am windows user all around :P
04:23.43CatButtsoh goody, apparently there is Qt Creator for Maemo
04:24.10CatButtsnow I can create bloated fartapps on the go!
04:31.11KotCzarnyor just learn python/pygtk/pyqt and stop whining
04:31.38CatButtsrolls over KotCzarny on his cat butt
04:31.57KotCzarny/me moves higher and away from disturbances
04:32.16CatButtsfarts under KotCzarny's location
04:32.33KotCzarny/me farts back stronger
04:33.08CatButtsyou're already high up, fumes will rise
04:33.30KotCzarnymine just take over whole space
04:34.00CatButts"you think that's air you're breathing now?"
04:34.29KotCzarnyyou know that after cooling heavier gases drop down?
04:41.27*** join/#maemo Sveta (~svetlana@2001:bc8:4400:2700::2e65)
04:42.25CatButtsI want C
04:42.32CatButtsand I want it right meow
04:42.42KotCzarnythen use gcc, what problem is that?
04:43.43CatButtsthat's the compiler bit solved
04:44.07CatButtsmeow I need an IDE to spoil me
04:44.15CatButtswhat's a makefile?
04:46.24DocScrutinizer05stop that!
04:50.25CatButtsstop what
04:53.11Maxdamantus17:10:30 < CatButts> like SSH-ing into a device
04:53.48MaxdamantusNo, just put a normal debian armel root somewhere on your system and chroot into it for things you can't do on maemo itself.
04:55.49MaxdamantusEventually people should just be running a normal system like debian/devuan/arch instead of the custom "maemo" one that everyone is currently using.
04:56.54MaxdamantusWhen that happens, you wouldn't bother asking if something works on maemo, just as you wouldn't ask if something works on i5-4570 using integrated graphics.
04:57.44Maxdamantusunless it's something that actually involves special hardware support.
04:57.51Maxdamantuswhich an IDE shouldn't.
04:59.26DocScrutinizer05that fart talk
04:59.28CatButtsso I'd have Maemo as main and some debian as backup
04:59.39CatButtspurrhaps I will
05:16.07*** join/#maemo xes_ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
05:21.58MaxdamantusLoads, but it has the WM hinting issue, so can't type:
05:28.26*** join/#maemo freemangordon (~ivo@
06:30.00*** join/#maemo florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
06:30.26bencohMaxdamantus: hmm how comes a qt app has wm_hints issues?
06:42.08*** join/#maemo spiiroin (~spiiroin@2001:998:2a:dead:8193:486a:855f:eab3)
06:43.55Maxdamantusbencoh: dunno. Is the `InputHint` or whatever it is set by all Qt applications? (not just ones compiled for Maemo)
06:45.33bencohgood question
06:46.25MaxdamantusIt's apparently not set on Chromium on my main system (compiled through nix).
06:46.46Maxdamantuswonders if he has any Qt programs installed still.
06:46.47Maxdamantushates Qt.
06:47.08KotCzarnyldd /usr/bin*|grep -i qt ?
06:48.51MaxdamantusMk, loading bitcoin-qt
06:49.40MaxdamantusSo I guess that one has it.
06:51.01MaxdamantusHm. Apparently qtcreator on the device has it too.
06:51.50CatButtsI guess I will have to learn to use makefiles, huh
06:52.07KotCzarnyor just write a script
06:52.27Maxdamantusor use an alternative window manager.
06:52.39Maxdamantusor fix hildon-desktop
06:52.54Maxdamantuslooks into using dwm.
06:53.04KotCzarnyfluxbox ftw
06:54.39*** join/#maemo jonwil (
06:56.48*** join/#maemo trumee (
07:02.51DocScrutinizer05(([2017-10-21 Sat 12:00:42] <sicelo> someone's having a problem flashing N900 - did you solve this?
07:09.58DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote re above topic about developing: generally not supposed to be done on device, it's slow like hell and pretty inconvenient, mostly due to lack of RAM and partially due to lack of CPU power and IO bandwidth. Use scratchbox or madde instead
07:10.32infoboti heard madde is‎
07:10.36infobotrumour has it, scratchbox is a cross-compiling system that uses binfmt_misc, rpc calls, and an nfs mount to make a cross-build appear to be 100% native, and is found at, hosted by maemo now. Also at
07:21.33DocScrutinizer05((generally not supposed)) also because of limited size available in rootfs
07:22.02DocScrutinizer05none of the generic install procedures for any tools or libs will work natively on maemo
07:22.07DocScrutinizer05on device
07:23.10DocScrutinizer05you need a chroot or optify till you're blue in the face
07:23.15infobotoptification is a inventive duct tape workaround to reclaim space in fs root, done due to the fact the systeminit *and* partitioning is FUBAR,,_Deploying_and_Distributing/Installing_under_opt_and_MyDocs, or ""OMG - I wish they looked into FHS and moved /usr to eMMC"", bullet1,2 and fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE16 dot3"
07:23.38Maxdamantusor just put everything on a partition on eMMC.
07:23.52Maxdamantusdid that.
07:24.20KotCzarnyor just pay someone to do the dirty work
07:24.24Maxdamantusis building/testing dwm on device atm
07:24.44brolin_empeyKotCzarny: Off-topic time for me?
07:24.44DocScrutinizer05note that MyDocs is FAT and thus not exactly ideal for anything development related, since you don't have proper file owner and permissions, nor symlinks
07:25.02KotCzarnybrolin_empey: if it's about thinkpads, h3droid or oscp, sure
07:25.58brolin_empeyKotCzarny: No but I noticed that DuckDuckGo serves a paid advertisement for a penis enlargement product in results of a query for “paul atreides”. 0_o
07:26.33KotCzarnyhappens, but remember ads are often profiled to search terms
07:27.09KotCzarnynot only current one, but previous
07:28.12MaxdamantusIs that the guy in Dune?
07:28.33brolin_empeyKotCzarny: Do you get this advertisement in the results of the same query?
07:28.43KotCzarnystarts humming ~~behind blue eyes~~
07:29.02KotCzarnybrolin_empey: i'm sticking to google
07:29.07KotCzarnyfor better or worse
07:29.35Maxdamantusdoesn't seem to see any ads, though he isn't familiar with DuckDuckGo.
07:29.45Maxdamantusnotices it's fucking around with webfonts.
07:30.51brolin_empeyApparently “bite” means “dick” or “cock” in the French language.
07:32.07brolin_empey is apparently a real business, not a domain hack.
07:34.41MaxdamantusMm, dwm seems easy enough to modify.
07:34.42brolin_empeyDocScrutinizer05: Relevance of Nokia N900 in 2017? ;-)
07:34.59DocScrutinizer05no, of this topic in #maemo
07:35.10MaxdamantusChanged it so it uses `ctrl-backspace` to trigger waiting for the command key, instead of using a modifier.
07:35.35DocScrutinizer05your comment sounds rather rude
07:35.50MaxdamantusThough need to get Xorg to not still send the input to the last-focused window at the same time.
07:36.14DocScrutinizer05like "who gives a shit about maemo and if or if not I'm abusing the #maemo cjhannel"
07:36.35bencohMaxdamantus: dwm is highly hackable and meant to be configured that way
07:36.58bencohand someone even started developing some kind of tablet UI based on it
07:39.54*** join/#maemo florian_kc (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
07:43.10brolin_empeyDocScrutinizer05: I guess I should privately message KotCzarny instead of beginning off-topic discussions in this channel.  Honestly, though, as we have already discussed multiple times over the years, I stopped using Maemo in 2014 because my user experience was too bad, especially in Canada.  I suspect that part of the reason why Nokia never released the N900 in Canada is because the cellular data connectivity of the N900 in Canada is very slow.
07:43.35KotCzarnybrolin_empey: do you own allwinner h3 based board?
07:43.39*** join/#maemo geaaru (
07:45.02DocScrutinizer05fails to see the relevance of >>as we have already discussed multiple times over the years, I stopped using Maemo in 2014<< in this context either
07:45.47brolin_empeyKotCzarny: Not that I know of but I am guessing from the context that h3droid is some form of the Android OS for the allwinner h3-based board?
07:46.20KotCzarnyif you like playing with arm, buy one (they are cheap, starting from under 10usd)
07:46.35KotCzarnypreferably get one with 16gb emmc though
07:46.42KotCzarnyoranges are the best hw wise
07:47.08KotCzarnythat way you could even help with porting maemo to devuan
07:48.53brolin_empeyDocScrutinizer05: Seriously, if your Maemo 5 user experience is the same as mine, I do not know how you can be satisfied with your Maemo 5 user experience.
07:49.29DocScrutinizer05I'm not interested in discussing this question
07:50.22DocScrutinizer05particularly not when it feels like a sidetrack to excuse off-topic discussion
07:50.44KotCzarnyit could even be used as a sb box (4x1.2ghz > 1x0.5ghz)
07:50.53brolin_empeyDocScrutinizer05: OK.
07:51.26KotCzarnyso 8 times faster n900 packages compilation! ;)
07:52.03*** join/#maemo freemangordon_ (~ivo@
07:52.04DocScrutinizer05not if the bottlenack is elsewhere
07:53.05*** join/#maemo xorly (
07:56.40KotCzarnya bit offtopic, but heck if it's not a legendary:
07:57.28DocScrutinizer05could you please comment about what *are* the URLs you paste?
07:57.45KotCzarnyi've added 'offtopic', so you can skip it most likely
07:58.00DocScrutinizer05you're aware users are strongly encouraged to NOT click and URL bait you throw at them?
07:59.20brolin_empeyDocScrutinizer05 prefers URN bait over URL bait. ;-)
08:00.40DocScrutinizer05folks, honored veteran users approached me about poor S/N ratio in this channel. So I gonna do sth about it
08:02.20DocScrutinizer05I'm generally not averse to a good percentage of social chatter, but it needs to be within a few formal limits. "farts" and "penis_enlargement" are clearly not within those, neither is URL spamming
08:06.36siceloDocScrutinizer05: i dont know if that flasher problem was solved. i was asking on behalf of someone else on facebook who subsequentky went MIA. i would still be interested to know what could cause that
08:07.32DocScrutinizer05poor USB cable, wrong USB port, USB hub
08:08.14DocScrutinizer05and issues on PC, like modules not blacklisted
08:09.04siceloits XP
08:09.46DocScrutinizer05sorry, can't really comment on windows, no first hand experience. Maybe PC_suite installed and interfering?
08:10.08DocScrutinizer05or whatever else app that messes with USB... no idea
08:10.38DocScrutinizer05there's prolly a zillion of apps / tools in windows that could cause trouble like this
08:11.17*** join/#maemo phlixi (
08:11.41DocScrutinizer05sicelo: did you manage to contact Ryan Abel?
08:13.16DocScrutinizer05aka generalantilles aka maemo GC
08:14.09DocScrutinizer05(ex) freenode staff approached me about the chanop situation
08:14.39DocScrutinizer05so I guess it's about time to solve this issue
08:18.35sicelowe discussed it and juice was going to handle that. he's on of the secondary group contacts too. will follow-up this evening during meeting
08:19.28DocScrutinizer05fine :-D  Maybe it helps that warfare and me are in Maemo e.V. board and Maemo e.V. holds maemo assets
08:20.50DocScrutinizer05actually you *could* even delegate to maemo e.V., but I'd personally prefer council manages this with freenode directly
08:21.08siceloMaxdamantus: why you don't like Qt
08:21.11MaxdamantusHacky, but seems like a decent starting point:
08:21.12DocScrutinizer05it looks strange when maemo e.V. asks for GC for themselves
08:22.09DocScrutinizer05though technically/legally maemo e.V. would be the entity to do it
08:22.33Maxdamantussicelo: well, I told nix to build a simple Qt program a few hours ago (mkvtoolnix-gui), and it's still compiling the dependencies.
08:24.03siceloso you prefer gtk?
08:25.12MaxdamantusWell, I'm pretty sure you don't need to spend hours compiling Gtk-specific libraries before you can use Gtk, so yes.
08:25.45bencohwell, as a matter of fact ... you do
08:25.57bencohlooks like you kinda forgot about it ;)
08:26.08bencoh(either that or you never tried building gtk from scratch)
08:26.20sicelocool. people tend to prefer Qt for being more compatible with Windows, etc.
08:26.32sixwheeledbeastcross platform
08:26.34MaxdamantusPretty sure I've compiled it from scratch before, pretty sure it doesn't take hours.
08:26.41freemangordon_yes, it takes
08:27.04freemangordon_compiling gtk takes about the same time as compiling qt
08:27.09siceloDocScrutinizer05: is warfare very active on IRC?
08:27.36DocScrutinizer05but he's our master admin on all maemo infra
08:27.47siceloceene: i'm looking at the UI for palm on yt
08:27.57DocScrutinizer05IOW the keeper of *all* keys
08:28.25DocScrutinizer05he took over that role from me
08:29.41DocScrutinizer05you'll notice he's chan-owner/founder of all channels that we have complete control over
08:29.55ceenesicelo: what do you think of it?
08:30.03ceenePIM applications were easier to use back then
08:30.14ceeneall information about a contact is visible at a glance
08:31.18*** join/#maemo jskarvad (jskarvad@nat/redhat/x-wzxuxfjjnuyesabd)
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08:31.23DocScrutinizer05while GeneralAntilles is not even in ACL of this channel
08:32.13DocScrutinizer05so GC role needs to get delegated or transfered from GeneralAntilles to somebody more present
08:32.48siceloyes. agreed
08:33.17DocScrutinizer05ideally a member of maemo e.V. since that ... just feels natural
08:34.06DocScrutinizer05at least as long as those members actually are active on IRC
08:34.42DocScrutinizer05and understand the requirements involved with GC role
08:35.04KotCzarnynope. criterium should be 'available, reachable and responsive'
08:35.11ceenesicelo: there's a palmos emulator or something like that for n900
08:35.25DocScrutinizer05luckily there are one or two that qualify for all those criteria ;-)
08:37.20DocScrutinizer05the supposed procedure is: council asks Ryan abel (recent GC) to contact freenode to transfer GC role to maemo e.V. aka warfare + me
08:38.00*** join/#maemo freemangordon_ (~ivo@
08:38.16DocScrutinizer05if that doesn't pan out, probably freenode will insist in maemo e.V contacting them directly since maemo e.V. is owner of the maemo name asset
08:38.34DocScrutinizer05so council needs to delegate that jib to maemo e.V then
08:39.25DocScrutinizer05if juiceme also is primary GC (or secondary with full permissions) then he can also do all that's needed
08:39.36DocScrutinizer05no need for Ryan then
08:46.09DocScrutinizer05anyway our channel ACL is 7.5 years old, and the only one who instantly can do anything about it (x-fade) is MIA since 2 years and rejected to do anything since 5 years
08:46.42DocScrutinizer05this neeeds to get fixed
08:47.53DocScrutinizer05even freenode staff emeritus starts wondering what's up
08:48.34*** join/#maemo M4rtinK (
08:59.39*** join/#maemo freemangordon_ (~ivo@
09:02.57MaxdamantusHah. Closing the widget windows alters the actual saved state of the desktop layout?
09:03.25MaxdamantusReplaced hildon-desktop with dwm and closed all the widget windows .. now after rebooting, the widgets are gone.
09:31.24*** join/#maemo xorly (
09:38.54CatButtsanyone here have experience running GarnetVM on the N900, regarding stability and performance with heavier apps, like say, Bhajis Loops?
09:39.20CatButtsI remember trying StyleTap on a Symbian s60v5 phone
09:39.38CatButtsnot a very pretty sight
09:44.46CatButtsand I suppose programming a Maemo application is like programming for linux, but with outdated tools and dependencies
09:49.41*** join/#maemo N-Mi (
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09:50.53KotCzarnyCatButts: yes, but you also have to hildonize your apps and optify your packages
09:51.56CatButtsand by hildonize, you mean using specific APIs?
09:52.08CatButtssay if I want to go the SDL1 route
09:53.29KotCzarnywhile stock linux apps should compile and run, there might be display/usability gotchas you would have to look for
09:55.05*** join/#maemo florian_kc (~florian_k@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
10:00.21*** join/#maemo Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
10:21.37*** join/#maemo xy2_ (~xy2_@
10:51.36CatButts33USD for an N900 with scratchy screen
10:52.39*** join/#maemo xy2_ (~xy2_@
10:53.44buZzCatButts: nice
10:53.48buZzCatButts: you buying or selling? :D
10:53.56buZzaw :P
10:54.01CatButtsfound local
10:54.05CatButtsstill wary
10:54.22buZzi find them for ~50 euros with near mint conditions all the time :)
10:54.32buZzppl just go 'meh , not android' and sell it cheap :P
10:55.02CatButtsI think he sells same phone for 17USD without the battery
10:55.40WizzupbuZz: how many do you have :p
10:55.49CatButtsthat's kinda silly
10:55.53buZz3 now :) but one had a cocacola bath :(
10:56.17KotCzarnymmm bubbles
10:56.47WizzupbuZz: nurdxperiments? ;)
10:57.09buZzno, can exploded in my backpack
10:57.25Wizzupnever drink (coke) and walk
10:58.02CatButtsdid you sit on pack?
10:58.23buZzno, the can was just in the bottom after a while with a lot of tech on top of it
10:58.39CatButtsclose enough
10:58.57buZzi need some isopropyl so i can at least refurb the screen
10:59.22CatButtsoh, so scratchy screen can be mended
10:59.30CatButtsit's plastic, right?
11:00.14buZzthe -screen- is probably not scratchy
11:00.20buZzthe touchlayer in front might be
11:01.04CatButtsI'd assume a touchlayer is put behind something
11:01.13buZzin front
11:01.31buZzi think they coated it with something touch-ish
11:01.35buZzbut its in front
11:12.07*** join/#maemo xy2_ (~xy2_@
11:13.25sunshaviCatButts: Almost six months ago. I was developing an app for palm. I did not have problems with it. Probably I am going to retake it in 4 or six months. I have not had any issues with the GarnetVM. 2 Years ago I was still using an n800. And GarnetVM worked well there also. Even the POSE have been ported lo android. I have tryied it a table also. My app worked nice on all these devices
11:16.48*** join/#maemo spiiroin (
11:21.51CatButtshow's the PalmAPI?
11:22.17CatButts this looks kinda cozy
11:23.32CatButts#palm channel is dead, lol
11:23.46CatButtseven #symbian has more life
11:24.49sunshaviright. But You could create the palm channell again.
11:25.26sunshavii have done a couple of apps recently. One that display dynamic ui. I am also porting the same app for n900 but no time right now
11:25.50sunshaviAnd the second app is a network connection that sync a products database to the palm device
11:28.52CatButtsI am interested in music and drawing tools
11:29.01CatButtswhat's your area, sunshavi
11:30.01CatButtswanted to get a Palm TX, but found the N900 cheaper
11:31.26sunshavii do it cos. I was a palm developer in the year 2k.
11:31.43sunshavii develop an accounting system on C
11:32.12CatButtsI am more of a DIY hobyist
11:32.15sunshavibut one of my customers want to sale from a mobile device
11:33.31sunshavithere is a drawing app on n900
11:33.58sunshaviI do not remember the name right now.
11:34.22sunshavinice drawing app I can say. Very similar to one that was present on palm
11:36.44CatButtsah, one more thing
11:36.56CatButtsI've had a Nintendo DS before
11:37.17CatButtsthe resistive screen does actually register pressure
11:37.34CatButtshow are things on the n900 side?
11:38.09sunshaviafter palm I moved here. never went on the symbian side (but the microkernel OS seems interesting)
11:38.25CatButtsdid stay a while on Symbian
11:38.30sunshavin900 is very nice for my use case
11:38.48sunshaviI have seen the n8 very nice device more powerful than n900
11:38.58sunshavitaking about hw
11:39.17KotCzarnyisnt it an n9 clone?
11:39.24sunshavibut what n900 gives me no android device could give me
11:39.25*** join/#maemo xy2_ (~xy2_@
11:39.33CatButtson Symbian they have C++
11:39.41sunshaviKotCzarny: not the os
11:39.43CatButtssome twisted variant of it
11:39.46KotCzarnyyeah, but hw is
11:39.56sunshaviKotCzarny: right
11:40.24sunshaviyes. I personally do not like C++ but I could do it if needed
11:40.40CatButtsme neither :p
11:41.26CatButtshow would you describe working with Palm API?
11:41.32CatButtsI know that is C
11:41.46sunshaviIt is very nice.
11:42.12sunshaviYou would need a couple of old dated pdf
11:42.23sunshaviYou would need the palm sdk
11:42.27CatButtsI hoarded some PDFs
11:42.29sunshaviYou would need prctools
11:42.39sunshaviyou would need pose
11:42.57CatButtsI don't think POSE does Palm 5
11:43.16sunshavino. pose emulates any device from palm III on
11:43.29sunshaviwhy would You need palm 5
11:43.48CatButtspalm 5 has sound APIs, right?
11:44.07CatButtsand the more beefy ARM CPU
11:44.14*** join/#maemo err0r3o3 (
11:44.19sunshaviI am not very sure about it
11:44.28CatButtsoh, there's this for the masochistic
11:44.28sunshaviyes the cpu right
11:44.46sunshavilol. I have tried it on n900 once
11:45.01sunshavibut time is precious
11:45.43DocScrutinizer05the "touch layer" is the digitizer, which consists of two plastic sheets with transparent electrically conducting resistive coating facing towards each other, and a drop of oil as separator in between
11:46.09CatButtsah, so if that get's pierced, good bye
11:46.19sunshavii never tried the arm development on palm. Even I still have a device for it the tapwave Zodiac
11:46.41CatButtswell, I've ported C to ActionScript 3 by hand
11:46.51CatButtstook me 6 months on first try
11:46.51DocScrutinizer05also highly discouraged to touch that thing with any solvents
11:47.02CatButtsso I more than qualify for time and masochism :P
11:47.18sunshavinever heard of actionScript
11:47.19CatButts*time available
11:47.19DocScrutinizer05though isoprop might work. i'd not dare testing it
11:47.32sunshaviI am going to check online
11:47.48CatButtssunshavi, Macromedia/Adobe Flash
11:48.07CatButtsit's OOP
11:48.41sunshaviright. You could do also OOP on C there is a book about it
11:48.56sunshaviI tried to do it. On my daily work
11:49.53CatButtson the flip side, you can write procedurally in AS3 if you use classes as structs:P
11:50.28DocScrutinizer05CatButts: ((if that get's pierced, good bye)) that's why I said "looks like leaked and bubbles" regarding that 17 bucks device
11:51.11CatButtsI called him and it's two devices
11:51.26DocScrutinizer05and I checked, didn't find any hint it's a screen protector that has the bubbles
11:51.52sunshaviCatButts: I need to go now. Let me know If You need more info. As I have told You this year I have been developing Palm . And I pretend going on with it in a 4 or six months period of time
11:52.17CatButtsI'll keep in touch
11:52.23DocScrutinizer05you usually can spot screen protectors from their cutouts arounf camera/ALS/proxy and earpiece aperture
11:52.24CatButtsrolls on his cat butt
11:53.22CatButts this is the one I'm going for
11:53.25CatButtslooks saner
11:54.15DocScrutinizer05I'm worried about lower right corner of screen
11:54.31DocScrutinizer05actually whole right corner... but wait
11:55.40DocScrutinizer05this actually *might* be a screen protector, with a huge piece of rubbush under itright above U|I
11:56.14DocScrutinizer05or that's a scratch/leak
11:57.34DocScrutinizer05if I could zoom in to that picture...
11:57.53DocScrutinizer05impossible to tell
12:00.32DocScrutinizer05anyway the whole screen looks like: bubbles, a scratch, and leaked silicon oil (the matte stains)
12:03.14DocScrutinizer05might be a matter of just cleaning it, or even artifacts in the photo. No idea
12:04.25DocScrutinizer05if the latter then seller didn't care much to make the device look good. If the former then they picked the photo that shows least of it
12:06.47DocScrutinizer05I never had any severe scars in any of my N900 screens. But I heard of people who carried their N900 in trouser pocket together with nails and a garden rake, and the screen didn't really like that treatment
12:07.34DocScrutinizer05also sharing pocket with keys is a poor idea
12:08.32DocScrutinizer05no surprising find once you start to think about it, which is sth users sometimes just don't do
12:11.00DocScrutinizer05wondering what been there first, careless users or gorilla glass screens, I'd bet on the former
12:11.37KotCzarnystupidity predates all tech
12:11.47DocScrutinizer05hehe, to the point
12:14.58DocScrutinizer05can't stop imafining a guy with a fur coat hitting own head with a wooden club
12:16.07DocScrutinizer05probably been needed to get the idea ro hit others likewise
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13:12.36pkill9does anyone know how to make this?
13:25.52bencohwait, where does that come from?
13:26.26bencohpkill9: I'd say dpkg-buildpackage, as usual
13:26.29bencoh(in scratchbox)
13:26.56bencohor just ./ and ./configure && make
13:27.00pkill9cool thanks
13:27.11pkill9this is for archlinux arm not debian
13:27.12bencohit all depends on your env and target actually
13:27.21pkill9i'm running archlinux arm on the n900
13:27.35Wizzupthen don't use scratchbox
13:42.49jonwilpkill9: Do you have the right PowerVR blobs that go with xf86-video-fbdev-sgx?
13:44.00pkill9are blobs aprt of the kernel?
13:44.08jonwilno, the blobs are in userspace
13:44.16jonwiland no I dont know where you get them from
13:45.07pkill9i'm using this guide
13:45.36jonwilLooks like the ti-omap3-sgx-bin package has the blobs you need
13:45.37pkill9i'm fairly new to compiling and stuff so i'm kinda doing it by trial and error lol, but i've used linux for a while and can work my way around stuff
13:46.19pkill9so what's the userspace blob? is it closed source stuff necessary to work with proprietary hardware?
13:46.52pkill9here is that package
13:47.15jonwilIts the same thing as the graphics drivers on a desktop PC basically
13:47.43jonwilSame purpose anyway
13:50.31pkill9i thought maybe i could try it without the blob and maybe it would just mean not being able to use 3D accelaration for now
13:50.47pkill9then try it with the blob if X doesn't start
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13:54.40bencohpkill9: good luck with building the ti-omap3-sgx-bin package you just linked
13:54.47bencohit refers to
13:54.51pkill9ha yeah
13:55.20bencohpkill9: you can retrieve maemo sgx binaries from maemo/nokia mirrors
13:57.25pkill9hmm i may not need it afterall, i used this repo to compile the kernel
13:57.32pkill9and it mentions fbdev and stuff
13:57.41pkill9actually idk
13:57.50pkill9are kernel modules userspace or kernelspace?
13:58.21pkill9cos the systemd service in that sgx package just seems to modprobe the driver
13:59.28pkill9well i'll make the xorg driver and see if it works
13:59.33pkill9but i'm recharging my phone atm
14:01.40pkill9sorry my attention is all over the place, gonna go have lunch
14:13.21bencohpkill9: I dunno if this repo includes sgx patches
14:14.47bencohyou need an (opensource, never merged - distributed as patches) kernel driver, the xorg fbdev-sgx driver, egl blobs, and the closed pvr2d bridge blobs
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14:44.09pkill9oh ok bencoh, i guess it's gonna be a mission :D
14:50.54bencohpkill9: maemo worked with kernel built from this repo at some point afaiu, so it might work, assuming you extracted the blobs from a maemo system
14:51.01bencohit shouldn't be that difficult
14:51.08bencohand their are only 2/3 packages to include
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16:11.43pkill9hmm, i get an error from, and configure, complaining of 'syntax error near unexpected token 'RANDR,', and the line is 'XORG_DRIVER_CHECK_EXT(RANDR, randrproto)'
16:26.18pkill9hmm found this, this probably explains why (need xorg-server-devel package)
16:37.16bencohpkill9: do you build on-device or in a cross env?
16:37.41pkill9on device, but i would much prefer to use a cross env :p
16:38.15pkill9compiling at downloading ate half my battery after i recharged it lol
16:39.30pkill9bencoh: is there a decent guide to compiling for ARM on x86_64?
16:39.47pkill9I'm somewhat new to compiling
16:40.11pkill9though I compiled the kernel for the N900 on this PC
16:40.27pkill9but I barely knew what was happening :P
16:41.08bencoha decent guide, dunno
16:41.22bencohbut the keyword is crosscomiling
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16:59.02DocScrutinizer05sgx driver blobs:
17:01.49pkill9cool thanks :)
17:04.31freemangordonpkill9: I don;t think those are compatible with the kernel on Pali's tree
17:04.45freemangordonyou really should use the blobs comming with the device
17:05.27pkill9how would i get them from the device to my archlinux arm installation?
17:05.45freemangordoncopy them?
17:05.56DocScrutinizer05also useful:
17:06.11pkill9where would i copy them from?
17:06.19freemangordonall the *pvr* and *gl* nad *GL* and *IMG* from /usr/lib
17:06.24freemangordonand symlinks as well
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17:07.00freemangordonok, boot maemo and check which packages contain *sgx* or *img* in the package name
17:07.09freemangordon"dpkg -l | grep sgx"
17:07.16freemangordon"dpkg -l | grep img|
17:07.27freemangordon"dpkg -l | grep img"
17:07.42freemangordonthen check the content of those packages with dpkg -L
17:07.55freemangordonand you'll know the files. nore or less
17:08.10freemangordonpkill9: is your arch armel or armhf?
17:10.03pkill9uname -a says armv7l so i assume armel
17:10.24pkill9(run in maemo)
17:10.51freemangordonI meant archlinux arch
17:15.14pkill9armv7l on archlinux
17:18.55freemangordonok, might work then
17:26.45freemangordonpkill9: you may need to replace one of the blobs
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17:36.21pkill9ooo you uploaded that a couple days ago?
17:38.01pkill9i'm setting up a guide to installing archlinux arm, one that's hopefully more complete than the random posts on the maemo forum
17:38.42pkill9currently it's just notes for myself, but i'll change it into a guide in the future
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