IRC log for #maemo on 20170424

00:00.40*** join/#maemo atk (~Arch-TK@ircpuzzles/staff/Arch-TK)
00:04.22*** join/#maemo LouisA (
00:19.22*** join/#maemo infobot (
00:19.22*** topic/#maemo is Welcome to #maemo | N9/harmattan related questions please in #harmattan ! | "firmware" see ~lf ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet
02:15.31*** join/#maemo mavhc (
03:14.14*** join/#maemo vahe (~vahe@
03:22.29*** join/#maemo Natch (
03:45.55*** join/#maemo pagurus` (
04:30.32*** join/#maemo DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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05:09.06*** join/#maemo jon_y (~enforcer@2001:e68:4075:98b3:f64d:30ff:fe63:5a5a)
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09:33.53*** join/#maemo xorly (~xorly@
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11:34.51*** join/#maemo Amaranth_A (~stempit@
11:43.04*** join/#maemo xorly (~xorly@
12:04.00*** join/#maemo crazyguy` (~user@2a02:a450:2b18:1:3f:f84f:2eb2:1e05)
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14:07.57*** join/#maemo Sigyn (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn)
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15:12.18*** join/#maemo vahe (~vahe@
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15:42.02*** join/#maemo Pali_ (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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16:58.07sicelomerlin1991: ping
16:58.57siceloi'd like to request to be added as maintainer for irssi. i guess no need to remove the others, if it's possible to make me co-maintainer
17:45.04Vajbis this the smell of new irssi version coming up?
17:52.04siceloi've just build 0.8.21 on my pc. unfortunately any 1.x needs higher glib than we have on maemo. i'm sure someone more knowledgeable could backport some of those new things, but i'm not such person
17:53.25siceloand, i've suddenly noticed that it might be difficult (if possible) to get a perl-enabled irssi to compile in the autobuilder, although i can build just fine on my pc. that would explain why it was originally left out.
17:54.06KotCzarnywelcome to the dependency mess, take your flail and go have fun
17:54.13siceloif this is indeed the case, maybe i could upload 0.8.21 to autobuilder, then upload perl-enabled irssi to the non-free section as a binary :-/
17:55.09KotCzarnynon-free you say? ;)
17:56.28sicelohaha. of course the full source would be in the non-perl-enabled one :)
17:57.18KotCzarnybut who might know what lurks in those binaries, who, whoo
17:58.14sicelothe thing is, to build irssi with perl, in SB you need two things: (1) export SBOX_REDIRECT_IGNORE=/usr/bin/perl, (2) export PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH
17:58.32siceloif there's a way to do similar in autobuilder, then we're sorted
17:58.38KotCzarnyyou might write your own makefile, or do some tricks
18:01.37sicelowhen i get to knowing htat :)
18:01.59siceloin the meantime, i'll do the way i suggested above
18:03.13*** join/#maemo xes__ (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
18:04.40siceloKotCzarny: i've distributed irssi binary for two years now ;)
18:25.32*** join/#maemo florian (
19:39.00*** join/#maemo N-Mi__ (
20:11.11*** join/#maemo luke-jr (~luke-jr@unaffiliated/luke-jr)
20:28.04Vajbsicelo: cool. Will try it out tomorrow. Do i need to backup my settings or it doesn't overwrite them?
20:29.19siceloit didn't overwrite mine. won't hurt to backup just in case, and report problems of course, if any
20:29.30*** join/#maemo LouisA (
21:35.34*** join/#maemo remarc (~MG@
21:53.06*** join/#maemo CatButts (~c@
21:53.10CatButtshai guise
21:54.05CatButtsit's 2017 and I happened upon a Symbian s60v5 phone
21:54.14CatButtsthe Nokia N97 mini
21:54.37CatButtsI can't say I am very eager about this platform
21:55.27CatButtsso, anything exciting to do with this platform and/or phone
22:11.56CatButtseh, I might forgive it
23:39.48*** join/#maemo jrayhawk (~jrayhawk@unaffiliated/jrayhawk)
23:56.35*** join/#maemo jrayhawk (~jrayhawk@unaffiliated/jrayhawk)

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