IRC log for #maemo on 20160825

00:13.29*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
01:02.57*** join/#maemo eMHa__ (
02:19.51*** join/#maemo Maxdamantus (~Maxdamant@unaffiliated/maxdamantus)
02:35.10*** join/#maemo Vajb (
02:36.20*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
02:59.20*** join/#maemo stryngs (~stryngs@unaffiliated/stryngs)
03:00.57*** join/#maemo lxp1 (~lxp@unaffiliated/lxp)
03:42.17*** join/#maemo Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
04:01.40*** join/#maemo DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:42.12*** join/#maemo pagurus` (
04:52.10*** join/#maemo recharged (
06:44.32*** join/#maemo ecloud (quassel@nat/qt/x-dpskqyuhxpmtwing)
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06:55.05*** join/#maemo geaaru (
07:04.29*** join/#maemo fishbulb (~fishbulb@unaffiliated/fishbulb)
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07:42.15*** join/#maemo ashley (
07:42.15*** join/#maemo ashley (~ashley@MediaWiki/Jack-Phoenix)
08:30.20*** join/#maemo clopez (~tau@
08:49.13*** join/#maemo radekp (~radek@
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10:17.06*** join/#maemo arcean (~arcean@
10:46.46*** join/#maemo fishbulb (~fishbulb@unaffiliated/fishbulb)
10:55.01*** join/#maemo recharged (
11:01.36*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
12:20.55*** join/#maemo Gadgetoid (
12:21.54*** join/#maemo recharged (
12:25.03*** join/#maemo cyphase (~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase)
12:26.30*** join/#maemo Tenhi (
12:35.52*** join/#maemo Milhouse (~Milhouse@kodi/staff/milhouse)
12:40.43*** join/#maemo andril (
13:34.38*** join/#maemo mp107 (~mp107@
13:35.14*** join/#maemo Venemo (~venemo@fedora/Venemo)
13:58.02*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
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15:14.28*** join/#maemo heroux_ (sandroco@gateway/shell/insomnia247/x-xriyroheyybpwmtf)
15:20.09*** join/#maemo ginggs (
15:51.36*** join/#maemo krnlyng (
16:07.17*** join/#maemo Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
16:21.09*** join/#maemo cure` (
16:23.22*** join/#maemo florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
16:58.59*** join/#maemo Venemo_ (~venemo@fedora/Venemo)
17:16.14*** join/#maemo florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
17:55.14*** join/#maemo Vajb (
17:59.02*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
18:02.18*** join/#maemo recharged (
18:04.14*** join/#maemo LauRoman (
18:19.48*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
18:54.06*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
19:31.45buZzDocScrutinizer05: did you get it working?
19:33.14DocScrutinizer05the multibit? yes
19:33.37buZzand the miner?
19:33.50DocScrutinizer05as in [2016-08-24 Wed 20:26:39] <DocScrutinizer05> buZz: thanks, payment arrived in Multibit wallet
19:34.10DocScrutinizer05no, I gave up on that one
19:34.27buZzoh ok
19:34.32DocScrutinizer05I got way more important stuff to accomplish
19:34.44buZzthe easier miners just have a raspi/beaglebone inside that takes care of everything
19:35.48DocScrutinizer05and kerio made it sufficiently clear that touching BTC means hours and hours of dealing with boring irrelevant annoyances
19:36.15buZzno clue, i like it :P
19:36.30buZzone mans annoyance is another mans bread, i guess ;)
19:37.04DocScrutinizer05I couldn't use BTC anyway, I'd need to convert them to fiat money, and that's obviously a PITA
19:37.12*** join/#maemo eMHa__ (
19:37.43buZzi guess
19:38.38DocScrutinizer05and everybody unanimously agreed that bitmining is waste of energy
19:39.02buZzfor sure, that device you were using was ;)
19:39.18buZzany miner over ~6 months old is practically outdated
19:39.25buZzi told you this earlier didnt i?
19:39.40buZzunless you pay very little for power etc,etc
19:40.21DocScrutinizer05so I wasted a 25% aka 2.50 bucks per dongle on customs and taxes, and I got another 40 nice paperweights
19:41.20DocScrutinizer05maybe one day I flash them to make a funny highly sophisticated lightshow with their RGB LEDs
19:41.55DocScrutinizer05or you could reprogram them as john the ripper coprocessors ;-P
19:42.09buZzasics cant be programmed ;)
19:42.17DocScrutinizer05dang, right
19:42.29DocScrutinizer05A3323? whatever
19:42.32keriowhat do they even do
19:42.35keriocompute bcrypt?
19:42.44buZzsha256 + chacha + sha256
19:43.08kerioyou could checksum the shit out of your data
19:43.17buZzover some array of inputs, one of the inputs is incremented , until a fitting hash is found
19:43.35keriono i meant the specific hardware DocScrutinizer05 has
19:43.44buZzfitting for the difficulty of the network , meaning a certain number of leading 0's at the beginning
19:43.48buZzkerio: yes, me too
19:43.59buZzi'm telling you what mining is doing ;)
19:44.00kerioye i know how bitcoin works
19:44.32kerioi wanted to know if the thingies doc has were *that* specific or not
19:44.33buZzk k
19:44.40buZzyeah its a avalon asic
19:45.31kerioDocScrutinizer05: rip
19:53.07*** join/#maemo Tenhi_ (
20:18.23*** join/#maemo andril (
20:32.06*** join/#maemo Venusaur (~wdwrwf@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez)
21:17.25*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
21:17.56*** join/#maemo Venusaur (~wdwrwf@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez)
22:11.24*** join/#maemo fishbulb (~fishbulb@unaffiliated/fishbulb)

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