IRC log for #maemo on 20160512

00:33.29sunshaviKotCzarny: r u there?
00:34.40*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
01:12.39*** join/#maemo eMHa__ (
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01:58.04*** join/#maemo Humpelstilzchen (
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03:46.37*** join/#maemo Linkandzelda (~Linkandze@unaffiliated/linkandzelda)
04:00.02*** join/#maemo DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
04:02.16KotCzarnysunshavi: hmm?
04:36.44*** join/#maemo recharged (
04:44.46*** join/#maemo JRHaigh (
04:59.09*** join/#maemo at1as (
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05:41.49sunshaviKotCzarny hey
05:42.07sunshaviI have a question about the boards
05:56.26*** join/#maemo arcean (~arcean@
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06:39.54*** join/#maemo Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
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07:00.38*** join/#maemo parazyd (~parazyd@unaffiliated/parazyd)
07:01.03KotCzarnysunshavi: for one they are based on rockchip
07:01.10KotCzarnywhich is faster than allwinner
07:01.56KotCzarnysecond, probably developed outside of china
07:02.39KotCzarnyas for opi board, go for opi+2e
07:02.49*** join/#maemo FIQ (~FIQ@prgmr/customer/fiq)
07:03.21*** join/#maemo parazyd (~parazyd@unaffiliated/parazyd)
07:03.37KotCzarny(you might probably want to grab some set with power brick etc)
07:04.19KotCzarnyfor example this one:
07:05.00*** join/#maemo parazyd (~parazyd@unaffiliated/parazyd)
07:08.10*** join/#maemo geaaru (
07:14.01*** join/#maemo recharged (
07:28.33*** join/#maemo Milhouse (~Milhouse@kodi/staff/milhouse)
07:35.31*** join/#maemo futpib (~futpib@
07:36.48*** join/#maemo florian (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
08:16.19*** join/#maemo bredebid (
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08:44.54*** join/#maemo jskarvad (jskarvad@redhat/jskarvad)
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09:03.22*** join/#maemo N-Mi (~nicolas@calvix/staff/N-Mi)
09:23.36*** join/#maemo xorly (~xorly@
10:43.24ceenei'm stuck again with this yappari thing
10:43.40KotCzarnyand i've ordered opi+2e, hooraah!
10:43.51ceenethere's some underlying issue related to session management that affects both receiving and sending messages
10:44.03ceenethe messages i was able to send were via a strange bypass
10:44.20ceenebut the real issue is there still
10:44.42ceenei'm playing at work with this thing
10:46.18ceenei can't get its ethernet to work :(
10:47.28KotCzarny:) 2gb, 4x1.3ghz (h3), 3+1usb, av jack, hdmi, gigabit eth, wifi, 16gb emmc, euler connector, mic, ir
10:47.44KotCzarnyprice? 35usd + ~4usd shipping
10:47.58ceenebut it's all done! my arty is funnier because i have to implement all those hardware devices in programmable logic, if i want them
10:48.09Vajbnot bad. Now add phone functionality to it
10:48.26KotCzarnywell, there are usb gsm sticks
10:48.40KotCzarnybut i plan it to use as a desktop pc replacement (firefox etc)
10:49.01Vajb+ make it easy to carry and pleasant for eye :p
10:49.28KotCzarnybare board ftw!
10:50.05Vajb"this my new super cool naked cellphone"
12:40.45KotCzarny'and this is my battery. *points at heavy backpack*'
12:45.46kerioKotCzarny: bsd support?
12:45.49kerioalso is the usb 3.0
12:46.48KotCzarnynope, but the ports are routed directly to chip (ie. not sharing bandwidth)
12:47.07KotCzarnyas for bsd support, does bsd support allwinner h3 soc?
12:47.49kerioThe current target platforms are Allwinner A1x/A20 (sunxi), Freescale i.MX6 (imx) and TI OMAP3/4 (am335x/beagle/panda).
12:48.39KotCzarnythen no
12:49.04KotCzarnyunless you plan to run in some linux vm
12:50.31kerioi really need to replace my sheevaplug with something
12:52.53KotCzarnyclearfod ?
12:53.02KotCzarnyits pretty decent board
12:53.16KotCzarnymarvell based tho
12:54.30kerio6 ethernet tho
12:55.20*** join/#maemo useretail (useretail_@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-knhynqkzonowxovz)
12:55.27KotCzarnyand bunch of sata ports with real throughput
12:55.58keriowhat about braswell instead
12:57.05KotCzarnydont know, i have high hopes for that opi+2e
12:57.08kerio coming soon ;-;
12:57.29KotCzarnyand intel have said it leaves embedded market, havent it?
12:58.05bencohnot exactly
12:58.06*** join/#maemo freemangordon (~ivo@
12:58.41bencohthey closed their "digital home" unit (settopboxes)
12:59.27KotCzarnyim talking about this one
13:01.06kerioor i could go balls deep with a skylake-based mini pc
13:07.06bencohwell they did announce they'd kill 12k jobs
13:07.10bencohso ....
13:09.25*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
13:35.17ceenei hate this shit
13:35.32*** join/#maemo xray256 (~xray256@
13:35.45*** join/#maemo xorly (~xorly@
14:02.10*** join/#maemo yo (~tu@
14:03.29*** join/#maemo geaaru (
14:18.11KotCzarnysunshavi: have you seen my reply?
14:26.04*** join/#maemo AndrewX192 (~andrew@unaffiliated/andrewx192)
14:37.00sunshavino, i am going to check the log
14:38.54sunshaviok. I have saw it. Nice. also rockchip is 28 nm
14:39.20KotCzarnyalso always check vendor/software support
14:39.34KotCzarnybecause even best cpu is useless without software
14:39.51sunshaviyeah, but unix comes to the rescue :)
14:40.13KotCzarnynot always
14:40.13sunshaviAnd You have probed unix runs there
14:40.56sunshavimmm. All those boards say they support Android and Linux
14:41.11sunshaviKotCzarny: fireprime even supports android 5.1
14:41.21KotCzarnyyou want either full drivers or mainline drivers
14:41.37KotCzarnyunless you are happy with unknown quality droid
14:42.13sunshaviKotCzarny: what is "unknown quality droid"?
14:42.33KotCzarnythat it might be full of bugs
14:42.53sunshavithen i should wait for u board to arrive :p
14:43.42sunshavifireprime has source code available for android 5.1 and linus version of unix
14:44.28KotCzarnydoes it have active user base too?
14:45.13sunshaviit seems so. Mailing list. support email
14:46.41sunshaviKotCzarny: i am gmt -0500. What about You?
14:47.17KotCzarnycest (+2)
14:47.36KotCzarnyi mean gmt+2
14:47.48sunshaviok. That's the reason our schedule in not the same
14:48.22sunshavii undrertood. do not worry
14:48.59sunshaviwhat is ur ETA for ur new board?
14:49.08KotCzarnypaid for it today
14:49.17KotCzarnyusual delivery from china is 7-15 days
14:49.28KotCzarnyif there are customs problems another few days
14:52.20*** part/#maemo L29Ah (
14:53.23sunshaviok, to here is almost a month too
14:53.55KotCzarnyif you are in usa you might contact loverpi shop
14:56.03sunshavino. South America
15:00.18sunshaviKotCzarny: h3 is 28 nm too. What makes rockchip better than allwinner?
15:00.35KotCzarnyis it?
15:14.17*** join/#maemo Pali (~pali@Maemo/community/contributor/Pali)
15:22.30Siceloceene: what's up?
15:23.25Siceloah, i've read backscroll now
15:23.44ceeneSicelo: i hate everyone :D
15:23.48ceenewell, mostly whatsapp engineers
15:23.56ceeneand all the whatsapp users too
15:24.12ceenemy time would be better spent making yappari use telegram
15:24.13Sicelothinks ceene will have no gf soon, lol
15:24.19ceenei don't hate here
15:24.21ceeneshe's cool
15:24.32Sicelodoesn't use whatsapp? :p
15:24.37ceeneinfobot: you should learn how to replace on lines previous to the last
15:24.42ceeneyep, but we work together
15:24.54ceeneso if i want to talk to her i just change office and go talk to her
15:25.08Sicelooh, wow!
15:26.23ceeneshe's the pcb maker for our radars
15:26.28ceenewell, designer
15:26.34KotCzarnyis she real?
15:26.39ceenedo you want one?
15:26.41ceeneshe has a sister
15:26.44ceenebut is a doctor
15:27.30ceeneif neo900 wants to contract us both, we're willing to think about it
15:27.37ceenewe're quite tired of radars and our boss
15:28.21ceenewe're the perfect team
15:33.40ceenetwo of her boards
15:33.46ceene1.0 and 2.0
15:34.21ceenein 2.0 the first beer is empty because we've already drank it
15:34.46ceenethey don't let us introduce beers in our circuits anymore :(
15:46.55*** join/#maemo andril (
15:50.05*** join/#maemo krnlyng (
15:57.19DocScrutinizer05ceene: we could use a good layouter
15:59.36DocScrutinizer05according to the icons I guess the board revisions are b1 and b01
16:00.16*** join/#maemo sunshavi (~user@
16:00.19DocScrutinizer05ooh, you already explained that
16:00.43DocScrutinizer05I don't mind beers in Neo900 :-)
16:01.16DocScrutinizer05how about 8-layer?
16:01.20*** join/#maemo flo_lap (~fuchs@Maemo/community/contributor/florian)
16:01.26DocScrutinizer05in-pad vias, BGA?
16:02.20DocScrutinizer05I suck as layouter, so I'd love to outsource this
16:03.03*** join/#maemo shamus (
16:03.56DocScrutinizer05needs an alternative to mouse, wrist hurts
16:04.09DocScrutinizer05eyetracking maybe?
16:04.52DocScrutinizer05ceene: anyway I can't hire anybody, only contract
16:05.35DocScrutinizer05query me
16:07.41DocScrutinizer05OHNOES! down?
16:07.50DocScrutinizer05hmm, only slow
16:08.46DocScrutinizer05or is that just my DSL?
16:13.15*** join/#maemo L29Ah (
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16:37.14*** join/#maemo RedW (
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17:08.29*** join/#maemo xes (~xes@unaffiliated/xes)
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17:45.32*** join/#maemo Venusaur (~wdwrwf@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez)
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19:22.48ceeneDocScrutinizer05: ahycka uses altium
19:23.27ceeneher first bga design will be this term, with an artix7, and after that a kintex7
19:23.37ceenemaybe a zynq someday too
19:23.48ceenethat'll be 12 layers possibly
19:25.34ceeneshe's routed a couple 8GHz designs too
19:27.11*** join/#maemo ahycka (
19:27.24ceenethere she is
19:28.29ahyckaHi :)
19:31.57DocScrutinizer05altium is fine, just we don't have it
19:32.28DocScrutinizer05I'm absolutely sure altium can import eagle schematics, but could it export layouts to eagle format?
19:34.20DocScrutinizer05(eagle layout aka .brd format isn't that bad nowadays. Plaintext XML)
19:37.43*** join/#maemo at1as (
19:39.16DocScrutinizer05ahycka: ^^^
19:40.29DocScrutinizer05if we can't have .brd files for eagle, we need to ponder if it nevertheless can get done
19:42.48*** join/#maemo ArGGu^^ (~ArGGu^^@
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19:54.58*** part/#maemo L29Ah (
19:58.23ceenealtium can read eagle fies, wirte not so much
19:58.49ceeneohp yes it can
19:58.51ceene.brd files
19:59.05ceeneSDRC-IDF Brd Files (*.brd)
19:59.20ahyckaDocScrutinizer05 i can try export a project from altium to eagle and see what happend then when i'll open in eagle and viceversa
20:00.17ahyckaand, anyway, i dont mind learn eagle
20:13.33*** join/#maemo vakkov (
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20:47.11DocScrutinizer51ahycka: sounds good
20:48.42DocScrutinizer51I'd also not mind learning/using altium. If only it wasn't the need to buy it first, and the problem to share the files to community then
20:49.24DocScrutinizer51the eagle router is rather crappy
20:51.44ceeneis there a repo with neo900 schematics/pcb?
20:58.02DocScrutinizer51hmmm, see what's in - I dunno if I published the project files of recent design, prolly not since there are actually vampires out there :)
21:00.12DocScrutinizer51wait till I'm back home, I send you the most recent proj files
21:03.47ceenei see some pdf files, but i think there aren't source files there
21:04.12ceenewe want to test at least and see how import/export works from altium/eagle
21:06.49DocScrutinizer51ceene: understood, just wait another 30 min
21:07.34ceenethere's no hurry, we won't be able to try it until tomorrow at work
21:08.01ahyckaand it's 11pm here xD
21:08.08ahyckaalmost sleep time
21:10.10*** join/#maemo LauRoman (
21:31.01ceenesleep time is it!
22:10.45*** join/#maemo louisdk (
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22:53.20sunshaviHi guys, the search input text on works for You guys?
22:54.18DocScrutinizer05didn't last time I tried
22:54.44DocScrutinizer05~seen mgedmin
22:54.49infobotmgedmin <~mg@Maemo/community/contributor/mgedmin> was last seen on IRC in channel #harmattan, 849d 9h 59m 5s ago, saying: 'if you rephrase the question as "what does it mean when the irc client on my n9 says 'channel mode is ...'", it suddenly becomes on-topic ;)'.
22:55.16DocScrutinizer05however he's online
22:55.30DocScrutinizer05nfc clue in which channel
22:55.37DocScrutinizer05I'll query him
22:59.59sunshavithanks DocScrutinizer05
23:00.34DocScrutinizer05alas has no search
23:01.08*** join/#maemo trumee (
23:01.21DocScrutinizer05meh, google search
23:01.38sunshaviI am planning on compiling openssl 0.9.8n 4 os2008. and I think I read somebody was trying to update openssl on n900 based on the versions on Red Hat version XXX
23:01.54sunshavi~seen DocScrutinizer05
23:01.55infobotdocscrutinizer05 is currently on #n9 (19h 1m 53s) #openmoko (19h 1m 53s) #neo900 (19h 1m 53s) #maemo-ssu (19h 1m 53s) #devuan (19h 1m 53s) #maemo (19h 1m 53s) #qi-hardware (19h 1m 53s) #harmattan (19h 1m 53s) #infobot (19h 1m 53s) #openmoko-cdevel (19h 1m 53s). Has said a total of 84 messages. Is idling for 34s, last said: 'meh, google search'.
23:02.52infobotyes master, I'll STFU
23:02.57sunshavinice command. Any cheat sheet about the infobot?
23:03.17infobottalk dirty to me! Preferably, do so after you have typed "/query infobot" which should open a new window/tab/whatever with most irc clients. You can talk to me all you like and don't annoy other people with endless queries. Be aware that the stuff you write is logged, so don't get too 1337 :)
23:05.24sunshavinice. thanks
23:05.40DocScrutinizer05most useful:
23:05.48DocScrutinizer05~listkeys #maemo
23:06.00infobotit has been said that 720p is
23:06.33infobotwell, mhd is [Modified Hildon Desktop] included and improved in ~CSSU, also see ~matan, or DO NOT INSTALL MHD when you have CSSU!! the CSSU version is more recent!
23:07.01sunshaviCould I search for "openssl" or "red hat"?
23:07.12DocScrutinizer05~listvalues redhat
23:07.45DocScrutinizer05supports regex as well
23:08.25DocScrutinizer05~listvalues redhat.*ssl
23:08.30*** join/#maemo hellekin (hellekin@gateway/shell/gnu/x-iyfdneeprfxjjphm)
23:08.31DocScrutinizer05~listvalues redhat*ssl
23:08.42DocScrutinizer05~listvalues ssl*redhat
23:08.48DocScrutinizer05~listvalues ssl.*redhat
23:08.50sunshavi~listvalues ssl
23:09.23DocScrutinizer05~listvalues " ssl "
23:09.23sunshaviok, be right back on a few mins.
23:10.01infobotUniversal SSL tunnel. URL:
23:10.27DocScrutinizer05~listvalues " ssl .*URL"
23:10.33DocScrutinizer05~listvalues " ssl *URL"
23:10.54DocScrutinizer05~listvalues " ssl *URL*mike"
23:20.58DocScrutinizer05apropos, WTF a URL is this?!
23:21.33*** join/#maemo Oksana (~chatzilla@Maemo/community/ex-council/Wikiwide)
23:25.11DocScrutinizer05>>Unknown Host<< thought as much
23:25.27DocScrutinizer05~factinfo stunnel
23:25.27infobotstunnel -- it has been requested 3 times, last by DocScrutinizer05, 15m 26s ago.
23:25.40DocScrutinizer05err yes?
23:25.53DocScrutinizer05~forget stuannel
23:25.53infobotDocScrutinizer05: i didn't have anything called 'stuannel' to forget
23:26.00DocScrutinizer05~forget stunnel
23:26.01infobotDocScrutinizer05: i forgot stunnel
23:26.48DocScrutinizer05must have been a factoid from 1999
23:28.54DocScrutinizer05~factinfo safegossip
23:28.54infobotsafegossip -- it has been requested 2 times, last by pcj at Fri Nov 21 10:46:58 2008.
23:29.22DocScrutinizer05~factinfo joerg
23:29.22infobotjoerg -- created by jOERG <> at Thu Oct 23 12:00:02 2008 (2758 days); last modified at Fri Oct  3 21:44:08 2014 by DocScrutinizer05!~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg; it has been requested 79 times, last by DocScrutinizer05, 3d 37m 26s ago; it has been locked by jOERG.
23:29.59DocScrutinizer05~factinfo jonama
23:29.59infobotjonama -- it has been requested 2 times, last by pcj at Fri Nov 21 10:46:58 2008.
23:30.20DocScrutinizer05really now?
23:30.31DocScrutinizer05~factinfo itiss
23:30.31infobotthere's no such factoid as itiss, DocScrutinizer05
23:30.35DocScrutinizer05~factinfo itissl
23:30.35infobotitissl -- it has been requested 2 times, last by pcj at Fri Nov 21 10:46:58 2008.
23:31.22DocScrutinizer05~factinfo apache-ssl-jserv
23:31.22infobotDocScrutinizer05: no extra info on apache-ssl-jserv
23:31.56DocScrutinizer05~factinfo slush
23:31.56infobotslush -- it has been requested 2 times, last by pcj at Fri Nov 21 10:46:58 2008.
23:32.32DocScrutinizer05~factinfo raven ssl module
23:32.32infobotraven ssl module -- it has been requested 2 times, last by pcj at Fri Nov 21 10:46:58 2008.
23:34.02DocScrutinizer05(kbd defect)
23:36.41*** join/#maemo shamus (
23:42.00sunshaviok. thanks

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.