IRC log for #maemo on 20140823

00:16.25*** join/#maemo DocScrutinizer05 (~saturn@openmoko/engineers/joerg)
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11:18.08*** topic/#maemo is Welcome to #maemo | N9/harmattan related questions please in #harmattan ! | "firmware" see ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet
11:18.08*** mode/#maemo [+v infobot] by ChanServ
11:18.14DocScrutinizer05Sicelo: (batt) original BL-5J from genuine Nokia store are like 40EUR iirc
11:18.27infobotmethinks tabletsdev is , (all defunct, thanks Nokia) or the nice site, or
11:20.19Sicelothanks for response about battery. tbh, i thought 25EUR was too much. a vodafone (vodacom here) charges that for an original
11:20.52SiceloEUR28 actually
11:22.13DocScrutinizer05yeah, it _is_ too much. I think you can get them *original* for some 12EUR
11:22.45DocScrutinizer05not from Nokia stores though
11:23.02Siceloi see
11:23.53DocScrutinizer05I tend to buy used one from 2nd hand cellphone stores, which sell them for like 5 bucks and usually those are not worn down much
11:24.20Sicelo:) ok.. that's actually an idea. never considered that before
11:24.24DocScrutinizer05also you can make a deal to test the batt and give back for a better one when too worn
11:24.55DocScrutinizer05the advantage of buying at next corner's store instead of the friggin internet
11:25.33Sicelodo you have an idea about my SB question?
11:26.16Siceloit's actually a shame that i've had SB for at least 5 months now, but not been able to build any package on it yet
11:27.45Sicelo8 months to be exact
11:29.17*** join/#maemo Sicelo900 (~user@unaffiliated/sicelo)
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11:45.45*** join/#maemo Sicelo900 (
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12:11.33DocScrutinizer05I think the normal xephyr emu runs on x86 binaries on PC, that's correct. This is why everything is built for armel and x86 in parallel
12:11.54*** join/#maemo RiD (
12:13.03DocScrutinizer05also the x86 binaries are a great basis for REing closed maemo stuff, since the arm binaries are much harder to disassemble/decompile and understand what been the source that created this machine code
12:14.28kerio*since we don't have a cracked version of hex-rays for ARM but only x86
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12:41.27useretailkerio: in fact there is new leak of IDA 6.5 Pro with Hex-Rays ARM plugin
12:41.48useretailgoogle it
12:42.34useretaili saw a thread on exetools forum
12:42.55*** join/#maemo mkaindl (
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12:49.26Sicelo900thanks for info.
12:49.43Palianybody to RE usb statusbar plugin (which is used for switching between PC suite and Mass storage mode)?
12:50.22Palithat plugin has bug that sometimes does not hide menu item when wall charger is disconnected/connected to fast and it show message about pc suite..
12:51.36Paliand there is another library to RE: rtcom jabber plugin library which show UI for configuring jabber accounts
12:51.58Palithat library does not support setting jabber resource name & priority
12:52.47Palipriority can be set via mc-tool (in xterm), but when you click save in that jabber plugin dialog, it delete all additional settings set by mc-tool
12:52.57Paliso remove also custom jabber resource priority
12:53.49povbot04Bug 2141: Allow setting priority in Jabber/GTalk
12:54.20Paliand info about that bug in UI which delete custom settings:
12:54.22povbot04Bug 2141: Allow setting priority in Jabber/GTalk
12:54.49Pali"Will Thompson: Note that due to an implementation detail of the account UI, if you subsequently edit the account in the UI, the priority setting will be lost."
12:55.54PaliIf someboy RE that UI, I will take some time to implement missing jabber options in that UI + fixing that problem for deleting custom properties...
12:56.30Palikerio, freemangordon, merlin1991, DocScrutinizer05: ^^^
12:57.04*** join/#maemo SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
12:59.29Paliresponsible binaries: /usr/lib/libaccounts-plugins/ and /usr/lib/libaccounts-plugins/
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13:00.32Paliand we have also i386 versions:
13:02.01Palimaybe jonwil could look at it
13:03.07DocScrutinizer05Pali: I think the bug regarding USB requester starts already in kernel
13:03.56PaliDocScrutinizer05: no idea, but when I look into sysfs entries and into ke-recv it will tell me correct info
13:04.05Palinot what that usb hildon plugin show
13:04.09DocScrutinizer05sometimes the function detecting charger sees the VBUS voltage but the D+- short isn't detected yet, so it detects a fastcharger as USB PC host
13:04.26Paliso I think that plugin doing something wrong
13:04.29DocScrutinizer05it's a race condition
13:04.52Paliyes, some race condition...
13:05.51Palihm.. where is jonwil? is still around?
13:05.54Pali~seen jonwil
13:05.58infobotjonwil <> was last seen on IRC in channel #openmoko-cdevel, 11d 23h 7m 9s ago, saying: 'the closest thing to free software are the "free" versions of IDA (which are just old ancient versions they are giving away)'.
13:10.57DocScrutinizer05Pali: and actually, nice to see you around! Hi and welcome!
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23:10.05drathirthere is any possibility to auto enable sshd at startup, and change default kernel at boot?
23:11.42*** join/#maemo SAiF (~SAiF@
23:11.47drathirok sshd sloved delete ssh switcher helpe...
23:12.45drathirnow only kernel auto mark default change left...
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